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Allee effects on population growth are quite common in nature, usually studied through deterministic models with a specific growth rate function.In order to seek the qualitative behaviour of populations induced by such effects, one should avoid model-specific behaviours. So, we use as a basis a general deterministic model, i.e. a model with a general growth rate function, to which we add the effect on the growth rate of the random fluctuations in environmental conditions. The resulting model is the general stochastic differential equation (SDE) model that we propose here.We consider two possible cases, weak Allee effects and strong Allee effects, which lead to different qualitative behaviours of the model.We will study the model properties for both cases in terms of existence and uniqueness of the solution, extinction and stationary behaviour of the population. The two cases will be compared with each other and with the general density-dependent SDE model without Allee effects.We then consider as an example the particular case of the classic logistic model and an Allee effect version of it.  相似文献   

Raberto M  Rapallo F  Scalas E 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23370
In this paper, we outline a model of graph (or network) dynamics based on two ingredients. The first ingredient is a Markov chain on the space of possible graphs. The second ingredient is a semi-Markov counting process of renewal type. The model consists in subordinating the Markov chain to the semi-Markov counting process. In simple words, this means that the chain transitions occur at random time instants called epochs. The model is quite rich and its possible connections with algebraic geometry are briefly discussed. Moreover, for the sake of simplicity, we focus on the space of undirected graphs with a fixed number of nodes. However, in an example, we present an interbank market model where it is meaningful to use directed graphs or even weighted graphs.  相似文献   

Three models of age-structured populations with demographically heterogeneous subpopulations are analyzed. In the first model, each subpopulation has its own age-specific vital rates which are fixed in time. In the second model, the vital rates of each subpopulation are uniformly inhibited by increasing total numbers of individuals. In the third, the vital rates of groups of subpopulations are inhibited by the total numbers of individuals in other groups of subpopulations with an intensity that depends on the interacting pair of groups. Three functions are defined to measure disequilibrium in the subpopulation frequencies, subpopulation age structures, and total population size. For the first model, we show that disequilibrium will shift the trajectory of the total numbers of individuals forward or backward in time by an asymptotic constant that is proportional to the sum of the disequilibrium measures. For the second model, we establish sufficient conditions for the existence of a globally stable equilibrium and we show that disequilibrium will result in a finite loss or gain in life which is proportional to the sum of the disequilibrium measures. For the last model, we show that the loss or gain in life for each group of subpopulations is a linear combination over all groups of the sums of the three disequilibrium measures. We illustrate these results with numerical examples and give possible biological interpretations of the models. We relate these new results to previous work on the cost of natural selection and measures of demographic disequilibrium.  相似文献   

In this paper, we construct a novel nonlocal transport model that describes the evolution of microtubules (MTs) as they interact with stationary distributions of motor proteins. An advection term accounts for directed MT transport (sliding due to motor protein action), and an integral term accounts for reorientation of MTs due to their interactions with cross-linking motor proteins. Simulations of our model show how MT patterns depend on boundary constraints, as well as model parameters that represent motor speed, cross-linking capability (motor activity), and directionality. In large domains, and using motor parameter values consistent with experimentally-derived values, we find that patterns such as asters, vortices, and bundles are able to persist. In vivo, MTs take on aster patterns during interphase and they form bundles in neurons and polarized epithelial cells. Vortex patterns have not been observed in vivo, however, are found in in vitro experiments. In constrained domains, we find that similar patterns form (asters, bundles, and vortices). However, we also find that when two opposing motors are present, anti-parallel bundles are able to form, resembling the mitotic spindle during cell division. This model demonstrates how MT sliding and MT reorientation are sufficient to produce experimentally observed patterns.  相似文献   

In survival studies with families or geographical units it may be of interest testing whether such groups are homogeneous for given explanatory variables. In this paper we consider score type tests for group homogeneity based on a mixing model in which the group effect is modelled as a random variable. As opposed to hazard-based frailty models, this model presents survival times that conditioned on the random effect, has an accelerated failure time representation. The test statistics requires only estimation of the conventional regression model without the random effect and does not require specifying the distribution of the random effect. The tests are derived for a Weibull regression model and in the uncensored situation, a closed form is obtained for the test statistic. A simulation study is used for comparing the power of the tests. The proposed tests are applied to real data sets with censored data.  相似文献   

We have analyzed various types of complex calcium oscillations. The oscillations are explained with a model based on calcium-induced calcium release (CICR). In addition to the endoplasmic reticulum as the main intracellular Ca2+ store, mitochondrial and cytosolic Ca2+ binding proteins are also taken into account. This model was previously proposed for the study of the physiological role of mitochondria and the cytosolic proteins in gene rating complex Ca2+ oscillations [1]. Here, we investigated the occurrence of different types of Ca2+ oscillations obtained by the model, i.e. simple oscillations, bursting, and chaos. In a bifurcation diagram, we have shown that all these various modes of oscillatory behavior are obtained by a change of only one model parameter, which corresponds to the physiological variability of an agonist. Bursting oscillations were studied in more detail because they express birhythmicity, trirhythmicity and chaotic behavior. Two different routes to chaos are observed in the model: in addition to the usual period doubling cascade, we also show intermittency. For the characterization of the chaotic behavior, we made use of return maps and Lyapunov exponents. The potential biological role of chaos in intracellular signaling is discussed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of simple discrete-time epidemic models without disease-induced mortality are typically characterized by global transcritical bifurcation. We prove that in corresponding models with disease-induced mortality a tiny number of infectious individuals can drive an otherwise persistent population to extinction. Our model with disease-induced mortality supports multiple attractors. In addition, we use a Ricker recruitment function in an SIS model and obtained a three component discrete Hopf (Neimark-Sacker) cycle attractor coexisting with a fixed point attractor. The basin boundaries of the coexisting attractors are fractal in nature, and the example exhibits sensitive dependence of the long-term disease dynamics on initial conditions. Furthermore, we show that in contrast to corresponding models without disease-induced mortality, the disease-free state dynamics do not drive the disease dynamics.  相似文献   

Mirzaie M  Sadeghi M 《Proteins》2012,80(3):683-690
We have recently introduced a novel model for discriminating the correctly folded proteins from well-designed decoy structures using mechanical interatomic forces. In the model, we considered a protein as a collection of springs and the force imposed to each atom was calculated by using the relation between the potential energy and the force. A mean force potential function is obtained from statistical contact preferences within the known protein structures. In this article, the interatomic forces are calculated by numerical derivation of the potential function. For assessing the knowledge-based force function we consider an optimal structure and define a score function on the 3D structure of a protein. We compare the force imposed to each atom of a protein with the corresponding atom in the optimum structure. Afterwards we assign larger scores to those atoms with the lower forces. The total score is the sum of partial scores of atoms. The optimal structure is assumed to be the one with the highest score in the dataset. Finally, several decoy sets are applied in order to evaluate the performance of our model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyzed a mathematical model of algal-grazer dynamics, including the effect of colony formation, which is an example of phenotypic plasticity. The model consists of three variables, which correspond to the biomasses of unicellular algae, colonial algae, and herbivorous zooplankton. Among these organisms, colonial algae are the main components of algal blooms. This aquatic system has two stable attractors, which can be identified as a zooplankton-dominated (ZD) state and an algal-dominated (AD) state, respectively. Assuming that the handling time of zooplankton on colonial algae increases with the colonial algae biomass, we discovered that bistability can occur within the model system. The applicability of alternative stable states in algae-grazer dynamics as a framework for explaining the algal blooms in real lake ecosystems, thus, seems to depend on whether the assumption mentioned above is met in natural circumstances.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate a hybrid model based on the Discrete Gradient method and an evolutionary strategy for determining the weights in a feed forward artificial neural network. Also we discuss different variants for hybrid models using the Discrete Gradient method and an evolutionary strategy for determining the weights in a feed forward artificial neural network. The Discrete Gradient method has the advantage of being able to jump over many local minima and find very deep local minima. However, earlier research has shown that a good starting point for the discrete gradient method can improve the quality of the solution point. Evolutionary algorithms are best suited for global optimisation problems. Nevertheless they are cursed with longer training times and often unsuitable for real world application. For optimisation problems such as weight optimisation for ANNs in real world applications the dimensions are large and time complexity is critical. Hence the idea of a hybrid model can be a suitable option. In this paper we propose different fusion strategies for hybrid models combining the evolutionary strategy with the discrete gradient method to obtain an optimal solution much quicker. Three different fusion strategies are discussed: a linear hybrid model, an iterative hybrid model and a restricted local search hybrid model. Comparative results on a range of standard datasets are provided for different fusion hybrid models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a mathematical model of blood circulation in the liver lobule. We aim to find the pressure and flux distributions within a liver lobule. We also investigate the effects of changes in pressure that occur following a resection of part of the liver, which often leads to high pressure in the portal vein. The liver can be divided into functional units called lobules. Each lobule has a hexagonal cross-section, and we assume that its longitudinal extent is large compared with its width. We consider an infinite lattice of identical lobules and study the two-dimensional flow in the hexagonal cross-sections. We model the sinusoidal space as a porous medium, with blood entering from the portal tracts (located at each of the vertices of the cross-section of the lobule) and exiting via the centrilobular vein (located in the center of the cross-section). We first develop and solve an idealized mathematical model, treating the porous medium as rigid and isotropic and blood as a Newtonian fluid. The pressure drop across the lobule and the flux of blood through the lobule are proportional to one another. In spite of its simplicity, the model gives insight into the real pressure and velocity distribution in the lobule. We then consider three modifications of the model that are designed to make it more realistic. In the first modification, we account for the fact that the sinusoids tend to be preferentially aligned in the direction of the centrilobular vein by considering an anisotropic porous medium. In the second, we account more accurately for the true behavior of the blood by using a shear-thinning model. We show that both these modifications have a small quantitative effect on the behavior but no qualitative effect. The motivation for the final modification is to understand what happens either after a partial resection of the liver or after an implantation of a liver of small size. In these cases, the pressure is observed to rise significantly, which could cause deformation of the tissue. We show that including the effects of tissue compliance in the model means that the total blood flow increases more than linearly as the pressure rises.  相似文献   

The MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) is an ongoing study of the prevalence, risk factors, and progression of subclinical cardiovascular disease in a multi-ethnic cohort. It provides a valuable opportunity to examine the development and progression of CAC (coronary artery calcium), which is an important risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease. In MESA, about half of the CAC scores are zero and the rest are continuously distributed. Such data has been referred to as “zero-inflated data” and may be described using two-part models. Existing two-part model studies have limitations in that they usually consider parametric models only, make the assumption of known forms of the covariate effects, and focus only on the estimation property of the models. In this article, we investigate statistical modeling of CAC in MESA. Building on existing studies, we focus on two-part models. We investigate both parametric and semiparametric, and both proportional and nonproportional models. For various models, we study their estimation as well as prediction properties. We show that, to fully describe the relationship between covariates and CAC development, the semiparametric model with nonproportional covariate effects is needed. In contrast, for the purpose of prediction, the parametric model with proportional covariate effects is sufficient. This study provides a statistical basis for describing the behaviors of CAC and insights into its biological mechanisms.  相似文献   

In avian brood parasitism, egg phenotype plays a key role for both host and parasite reproduction. Several parrotbill species of the genus Paradoxornis are parasitized by the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus, and clear polymorphism in egg phenotype is observed. In this article, we develop a population genetics model in order to identify the key parameters that control the maintenance of egg polymorphism. The model analyses show that egg polymorphism can be maintained either statically as an equilibrium or dynamically with frequency oscillations depending on the sensitivity of the host against unlike eggs and how the parasite targets host nests with specific egg phenotypes. On the basis of the model, we discuss egg polymorphism observed in parrotbills and other host species parasitized by the cuckoo. We suggest the possibility that frequencies of egg phenotypes oscillate and we appeal for monitoring of cuckoo-host interactions over a large spatiotemporal scale.  相似文献   

This work deals with the development and implementation of a new fatigue model for simulating fatigue effects in skeletal muscles. Basic idea of this modelling strategy is an approach that divides the fibres of a muscle into three groups: fibres in the active state, those that are already fatigued and fibres in the resting state. All fibres are able to switch between the different groups by defining adequate rates. In this way a continuous transfer of fibres between those three states has been described. Rooted on an incompressible, hyperelastic constitutive law with transversely isotropic characteristics the fatigue model has been implemented in the framework of the finite element method. Numerical examples are given in order to illustrate the ability of this model. Further, we validate the model by fatigue experiments of the rat soleus muscle. In doing so, it proves that the model is able to predict physiological observations and mechanical test results.  相似文献   

The focus of many medical applications is to model the impact of several factors on time to an event. A standard approach for such analyses is the Cox proportional hazards model. It assumes that the factors act linearly on the log hazard function (linearity assumption) and that their effects are constant over time (proportional hazards (PH) assumption). Variable selection is often required to specify a more parsimonious model aiming to include only variables with an influence on the outcome. As follow-up increases the effect of a variable often gets weaker, which means that it varies in time. However, spurious time-varying effects may also be introduced by mismodelling other parts of the multivariable model, such as omission of an important covariate or an incorrect functional form of a continuous covariate. These issues interact. To check whether the effect of a variable varies in time several tests for non-PH have been proposed. However, they are not sufficient to derive a model, as appropriate modelling of the shape of time-varying effects is required. In three examples we will compare five recently published strategies to assess whether and how the effects of covariates from a multivariable model vary in time. For practical use we will give some recommendations.  相似文献   

We explore the consequences of modifying the way in which species are defined in an evolutionary food web model. In the original version of the model, the species were defined in terms of a fixed number of features, chosen from a large number of possibilities. These features represented phenotypic and behavioural characteristics of the species. Speciation consisted in occasionally replacing one of the features by another. Here we modify this scheme by firstly allowing for a richer structure and secondly by testing whether we are able to eliminate the need for an explicit choice of features altogether. In the first case we allow for changing the number of features which define a species, as well as their nature, and find that in the resulting webs the higher trophic levels typically contain species with the greatest number of features. In the second case, by a simplification of the mechanisms for inter and intra-species competition, we construct a model without any explicit features and find that we are still able to grow model food webs. We assess the quality of the food webs produced and discuss the consequences of our findings for the future modelling of food webs.  相似文献   

In oncology studies with immunotherapies, populations of “super‐responders” (patients in whom the treatment works particularly well) are often suspected to be related to biomarkers. In this paper, we explore various ways of confirmatory statistical hypothesis testing for joint inference on the subpopulation of putative “super‐responders” and the full study population. A model‐based testing framework is proposed, which allows to define, up‐front, the strength of evidence required from both full and subpopulations in terms of clinical efficacy. This framework is based on a two‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA) model with an interaction in combination with multiple comparison procedures. The ease of implementation of this model‐based approach is emphasized and details are provided for the practitioner who would like to adopt this approach. The discussion is exemplified by a hypothetical trial that uses an immune‐marker in oncology to define the subpopulation and tumor growth as the primary endpoint.  相似文献   

Using traditional spectral analysis and recently developed non-linear methods, we analyze the incidence of six childhood diseases in Copenhagen, Denmark. In three cases, measles, mumps, rubella, the dynamics suggest low dimensional chaos. Outbreaks of chicken pox, on the other hand, conform to an annual cycle with noise superimposed. The remaining diseases, pertussis and scarlet fever, remain problematic. The real epidemics are compared with the output of a Monte Carlo analog of the SEIR model for childhood infections. For measles, mumps, rubella, and chicken pox, we find substantial agreement between the model simulations and the data.  相似文献   

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