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Ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) copy number variation modulates heterochromatin formation and influences the expression of a large fraction of the Drosophila ge-nome. This discovery, along with the link between rDNA, aging, and disease, high-lights the importance of understanding how natural rDNA copy number variation arises. Pursuing the relationship between rDNA expression and stability, we have discovered that increased dietary yeast concentration, emulating periods of dietary excess during life, results in somatic rDNA instability and copy number reduction. Modulation of Insulin/TOR signaling produces similar results, indicating a role for known nutrient sensing signaling pathways in this process. Furthermore, adults fed elevated dietary yeast concentrations produce offspring with fewer rDNA copies demonstrating that these effects also occur in the germline, and are transgenera-tionally heritable. This finding explains one source of natural rDNA copy number variation revealing a clear long-term consequence of diet.  相似文献   

Environmental compounds including fungicides, plastics, pesticides, dioxin and hydrocarbons can promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult-onset disease in future generation progeny following ancestral exposure during the critical period of fetal gonadal sex determination. This study examined the actions of the pesticide methoxychlor to promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult-onset disease and associated differential DNA methylation regions (i.e. epimutations) in sperm. Gestating F0 generation female rats were transiently exposed to methoxychlor during fetal gonadal development (gestation days 8 to 14) and then adult-onset disease was evaluated in adult F1 and F3 (great-grand offspring) generation progeny for control (vehicle exposed) and methoxychlor lineage offspring. There were increases in the incidence of kidney disease, ovary disease, and obesity in the methoxychlor lineage animals. In females and males the incidence of disease increased in both the F1 and the F3 generations and the incidence of multiple disease increased in the F3 generation. There was increased disease incidence in F4 generation reverse outcross (female) offspring indicating disease transmission was primarily transmitted through the female germline. Analysis of the F3 generation sperm epigenome of the methoxychlor lineage males identified differentially DNA methylated regions (DMR) termed epimutations in a genome-wide gene promoters analysis. These epimutations were found to be methoxychlor exposure specific in comparison with other exposure specific sperm epimutation signatures. Observations indicate that the pesticide methoxychlor has the potential to promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease and the sperm epimutations appear to provide exposure specific epigenetic biomarkers for transgenerational disease and ancestral environmental exposures.  相似文献   

Discussion on the role of DEHP in the critical period of gonadal development in pregnant rats (F0), studied the evolution of F1-F4 generation of inter-generational inheritance of cryptorchidism and the alteration of DNA methylation levels in testis. Pregnant SD rats were randomly divided into two groups: normal control group and DEHP experimental group. From pregnancy 7d to 19d, experimental group was sustained to gavage DEHP 750mg/kg bw/day, observed the incidence of cryptorchidism in offspring and examined the pregnancy rate of female rats through mating experiments. Continuous recording the rat’s weight and AGD value, after maturation (PND80) recording testis and epididymis’ size and weight, detected the sperm number and quality. Subsequently, we examined the evolution morphological changes of testicular tissue for 4 generation rats by HE staining and Western Blot. Completed the MeDIP-sequencing analysis of 6 samples (F1 generation, F4 generation and Control). DEHP successfully induced cryptorchidism occurrence in offspring during pregnancy. The incidence of cryptorchidism in F1 was 30%, in F2 was 12.5%, and there was no cryptorchidism coming up in F3 and F4. Mating experiment shows conception rate 50% in F1, F2 generation was 75%, the F3 and F4 generation were 100%. HE staining showed that the seminiferous epithelium of F1 generation was atrophy and with a few spermatogenic cell, F2 generation had improved, F3 and F4 generation were tend to be normal. The DNA methyltransferase expression was up-regulated with the increase of generations by Real Time-PCR, immunohistochemistry and Western Blot. MeDIP-seq Data Analysis Results show many differentially methylated DNA sequences between F1 and F4. DEHP damage male reproductive function in rats, affect expression of DNA methyltransferase enzyme, which in turn leads to genomic imprinting methylation pattern changes and passed on to the next generation, so that the offspring of male reproductive system critical role in the development of imprinted genes imbalances, and eventually lead to producing offspring cryptorchidism. This may be an important mechanism of reproductive system damage.  相似文献   

Environmental compounds can promote epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult-onset disease in subsequent generations following ancestral exposure during fetal gonadal sex determination. The current study examined the ability of dioxin (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo[p]dioxin, TCDD) to promote epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease and DNA methylation epimutations in sperm. Gestating F0 generation females were exposed to dioxin during fetal day 8 to 14 and adult-onset disease was evaluated in F1 and F3 generation rats. The incidences of total disease and multiple disease increased in F1 and F3 generations. Prostate disease, ovarian primordial follicle loss and polycystic ovary disease were increased in F1 generation dioxin lineage. Kidney disease in males, pubertal abnormalities in females, ovarian primordial follicle loss and polycystic ovary disease were increased in F3 generation dioxin lineage animals. Analysis of the F3 generation sperm epigenome identified 50 differentially DNA methylated regions (DMR) in gene promoters. These DMR provide potential epigenetic biomarkers for transgenerational disease and ancestral environmental exposures. Observations demonstrate dioxin exposure of a gestating female promotes epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult onset disease and sperm epimutations.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone protein Hsp90 has been widely discussed as a candidate gene for developmental buffering. We used the methods of geometric morphometrics to analyze its effects on the variation among individuals and fluctuating asymmetry of wing shape in Drosophila melanogaster. Three different experimental approaches were used to reduce Hsp90 activity. In the first experiment, developing larvae were reared in food containing a specific inhibitor of Hsp90, geldanamycin, but neither individual variation nor fluctuating asymmetry was altered. Two further experiments generated lines of genetically identical flies carrying mutations of Hsp83, the gene encoding the Hsp90 protein, in heterozygous condition in nine different genetic backgrounds. The first of these, introducing entire chromosomes carrying either of two Hsp83 mutations, did not increase shape variation or asymmetry over a wild-type control in any of the nine genetic backgrounds. In contrast, the third experiment, in which one of these Hsp83 alleles was introgressed into the wild-type background that served as the control, induced an increase in both individual variation and fluctuating asymmetry within each of the nine genetic backgrounds. No effect of Hsp90 on the difference among lines was detected, pro,iding no evidence for cryptic genetic variation of wing shape. Overall, these results suggest that Hsp90 contributes to, but is not controlling, the buffering of phenotypic variation in wing shape.  相似文献   

染色质重塑与肌肉分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在真核生物中,基因组DNA是以染色质的状态存在和发挥作用的。目前的研究已经鉴定了多种可以调节染色质结构和功能的蛋白质和酶复合物,包括不依赖ATP的染色质修饰酶、依赖于ATP的染色质重塑复合物,以及募集DNA甲基化/去甲基化装置的核小体相关蛋白质复合物等。在骨骼肌分化过程中,MyoD家族和MEF2家族的转录因子起着重要作用。染色质修饰酶通过MyoD和MEF2介导的染色质重塑影响肌肉分化。  相似文献   

Children born to older parents tend to have lower intelligence and are at higher risk for disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. Such observations of ageing damage being passed on from parents to offspring are not often considered within the evolutionary theory of ageing. Here, we show the 25% memory impairment in Drosophila melanogaster offspring solely dependent on the age of the parents and also passed on to the F2 generation. Furthermore, this parental age effect was not attributed to a generalized reduction in condition of the offspring but was specific to short‐term memory. We also provide evidence implicating oxidative stress as a causal factor by showing that lines selected for resistance to oxidative stress did not display a memory impairment in offspring of old parents. The identification of the parental age‐related memory impairment in a model system should stimulate integration between mechanistic studies of age‐related mortality risk and functional studies of parental age effects on the fitness of future generations.  相似文献   

染色质作为真核细胞遗传信息,体内外各种因素的作用致使不断的产生损伤,但是细胞仍能保持正常的生长、分裂和繁殖,这与基因组稳定性和完整性保持,并且通过自身的损伤修复有着密切的联系。ATP依赖的染色质重塑是染色质重塑的最重要的方式之一,主要是利用ATP水解释放的能量,将凝聚的异染色质打开,协调损伤修复蛋白与DNA损伤位点的作用,通过对组蛋白的共价键修饰或ATP依赖的染色质重塑复合物开启了DNA的损伤修复的大门。CHD4/Mi-2β的类SWI2/SNF2 ATP酶/解螺旋酶域结构域保守性最强,这一结构域存在与多种依赖于ATP的核小体重构复合物。Mi-2蛋白复合物称为核小体重塑及去乙酰化酶NuRd(nucleoside remodeling and deacetylase,NuRD),是个多亚基蛋白复合物,Mi2β/CHD4是该复合物的核心成员。近来的研究发现,CHD4具有染色质重塑功能,并且参与DNA损伤修复的调控。CHD4羧基端的PHD通过乙酰化或甲基化识别组蛋白H3氨基端Lys9(H3K9ac和H3K9me),并且通过Lys4甲基化(H3K4me)或Ala1乙酰化(H3A Lac)抑制与H3、H4的结合,为染色质重塑提供了保障。Mi-2β/CHD4参与DNA损伤反应,定位于DNA损伤γ-H2AX的foci。沉默Mi-2β/CHD4基因,细胞自发性DNA损伤增多和辐射敏感性增强。表明CHD4在染色质重塑中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

The composition of the intestinal microbiota of Drosophila has been studied in some detail in recent years. Environmental, developmental and host-specific genetic factors influence microbiome composition in the fly. Our previous work has indicated that intestinal bacterial load can be affected by chromatin-targeted regulatory mechanisms. Here we studied a potential role of the conserved chromatin assembly and remodeling factor CHD1 in the shaping of the gut microbiome in Drosophila melanogaster. Using high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons, we found that Chd1 deletion mutant flies exhibit significantly reduced microbial diversity compared to rescued control strains. Specifically, although Acetobacteraceae dominated the microbiota of both Chd1 wild-type and mutant guts, Chd1 mutants were virtually monoassociated with this bacterial family, whereas in control flies other bacterial taxa constituted ~20% of the microbiome. We further show age-linked differences in microbial load and microbiota composition between Chd1 mutant and control flies. Finally, diet supplementation experiments with Lactobacillus plantarum revealed that, in contrast to wild-type flies, Chd1 mutant flies were unable to maintain higher L. plantarum titres over time. Collectively, these data provide evidence that loss of the chromatin remodeler CHD1 has a major impact on the gut microbiome of Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Song Y  Fee L  Lee TH  Wharton RP 《Genetics》2007,176(4):2213-2222
Localization of maternal nanos mRNA to the posterior pole is essential for development of both the abdominal segments and primordial germ cells in the Drosophila embryo. Unlike maternal mRNAs such as bicoid and oskar that are localized by directed transport along microtubules, nanos is thought to be trapped as it swirls past the posterior pole during cytoplasmic streaming. Anchoring of nanos depends on integrity of the actin cytoskeleton and the pole plasm; other factors involved specifically in its localization have not been described to date. Here we use genetic approaches to show that the Hsp90 chaperone (encoded by Hsp83 in Drosophila) is a localization factor for two mRNAs, nanos and pgc. Other components of the pole plasm are localized normally when Hsp90 function is partially compromised, suggesting a specific role for the chaperone in localization of nanos and pgc mRNAs. Although the mechanism by which Hsp90 acts is unclear, we find that levels of the LKB1 kinase are reduced in Hsp83 mutant egg chambers and that localization of pgc (but not nos) is rescued upon overexpression of LKB1 in such mutants. These observations suggest that LKB1 is a primary Hsp90 target for pgc localization and that other Hsp90 partners mediate localization of nos.  相似文献   

Yue L  Karr TL  Nathan DF  Swift H  Srinivasan S  Lindquist S 《Genetics》1999,151(3):1065-1079
The Hsp90 chaperone protein maintains the activities of a remarkable variety of signal transducers, but its most critical functions in the context of the whole organism are unknown. Point mutations of Hsp83 (the Drosophila Hsp90 gene) obtained in two different screens are lethal as homozygotes. We report that eight transheterozygous mutant combinations produce viable adults. All exhibit the same developmental defects: sterile males and sterile or weakly fertile females. We also report that scratch, a previously identified male-sterile mutation, is an allele of Hsp82 with a P-element insertion in the intron that reduces expression. Thus, it is a simple reduction in Hsp90 function, rather than possible altered functions in the point mutants, that leads to male sterility. As shown by light and electron microscopy, all stages of spermatogenesis involving microtubule function are affected, from early mitotic divisions to later stages of sperm maturation, individualization, and motility. Aberrant microtubules are prominent in yeast cells carrying mutations in HSP82 (the yeast Hsp90 gene), confirming that Hsp90 function is connected to microtubule dynamics and that this connection is highly conserved. A small fraction of Hsp90 copurifies with taxol-stabilized microtubule proteins in Drosophila embryo extracts, but Hsp90 does not remain associated with microtubules through repeated temperature-induced assembly and disassembly reactions. If the spermatogenesis phenotypes are due to defects in microtubule dynamics, we suggest these are indirect, reflecting a role for Hsp90 in maintaining critical signal transduction pathways and microtubule effectors, rather than a direct role in the assembly and disassembly of microtubules themselves.  相似文献   

This article discusses the advances made in epigenetic research using the model organism fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. S. pombe has been used for epigenetic research since the discovery of position effect variegation (PEV). This is a phenomenon in which a transgene inserted within heterochromatin is variably expressed, but can be stably inherited in subsequent cell generations. PEV occurs at centromeres, telomeres, ribosomal DNA (rDNA) loci, and mating-type regions of S. pombe chromosomes. Heterochromatin assembly in these regions requires enzymes that modify histones and the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery. One of the key histone-modifying enzymes is the lysine methyltransferase Clr4, which methylates histone H3 on lysine 9 (H3K9), a classic hallmark of heterochromatin. The kinetochore is assembled on specialized chromatin in which histone H3 is replaced by the variant CENP-A. Studies in fission yeast have contributed to our understanding of the establishment and maintenance of CENP-A chromatin and the epigenetic activation and inactivation of centromeres.  相似文献   

Recently a heat shock protein (Hsp90) has been implicated as controlling the expression of cryptic genetic variation through buffering developmental processes. The release of variability in canalized characters following Hsp90 inhibition has been established in model species including Drosophila melanogaster and Arabidopsis thaliana , but has not yet been examined in species with limited distributions. To test if Hsp90 has a role in releasing phenotypic variation in rainforest Drosophila species, developing larvae from a large (> 1000 individuals) outbred population of Drosophila birchii were treated with the Hsp90 inhibitors geldanamycin and radicicol, and morphological traits, desiccation resistance, and life-history traits were measured. The means of all traits were influenced by inhibition. Although only the phenotypic variances of two canalized bristle traits were affected consistently, variability for two of the continuously varying traits (fecundity and development time) were also affected, albeit inconsistently. There was also no effect of Hsp90 inhibition on the developmental stability of the morphological traits as measured by fluctuating asymmetry. Hsp90 inhibition did not increase phenotypic variability in desiccation resistance, a trait previously shown to represent an evolutionary limit in this species. These results question the extent to which Hsp90 buffers variation for both quantitative and discrete traits, and highlight the need for further empirical studies to determine the involvement of Hsp90 in canalization and developmental stability. Nevertheless the results demonstrated increased variability in canalized traits, consistent with observations in model systems. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 457–465.  相似文献   

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