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Experiments were carried out to test the effects of liming and nutrient additions on plant growth and soil processes such as C and N mineralisation in three contrasting forest types in central Amazonia: the stunted facies of heath forest (SHF), the tall facies of heath forest (THF) and the surrounding lowland evergreen rain forest (LERF). Calcium-carbonate additions increased soil respiration in the field plots in the SHF; in laboratory incubations, soil respiration was higher in the SHF when soils were fertilised with N, and in THF and LERF after S additions. The addition of N alone or in different combinations generally induced a net immobilisation of soil N. Net nitrification increased during the incubation in SHF and THF soils fertilised with N+P, and in LERF soils fertilised with either N, or P, or CaCO3. In a field experiment using ingrowth bags, a higher fine root production was observed in all forest types when bags were fertilised with CaCl2 or CaCO3, suggesting that Ca may be a limiting nutrient in these soils. Calcium-carbonate addition in a glasshouse bioassay experiment with rice showed an overall positive effect on the survival and growth of the seedlings. In other treatments where soil pH was not raised, the rice showed acute toxicity symptoms, poor root and shoot growth and high mortality. Similar results were yielded in a field experiment, using naturally established seedlings in the field plots in SHF, THF and LERF. It is concluded that the acute H+ ion toxicity is a major growth-limiting factor for non-adapted plants in heath forest soils in central Amazonia.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence suggests that heat-shock proteins (HSPs) play a vital role in enhancing survival at high temperature. There is, however, considerable variation in patterns of HSP production among species, and even among and within individuals of a species. It is not known why this variation exists and to what extent variation in HSPs among organisms might be related to differences in thermotolerance. One possibility is that production of HSPs confers costs and natural selection has worked towards optimizing the cost-to-benefits of HSP synthesis and accumulation. However, the costs of this production have not been determined. If HSP production confers significant nitrogen (N) costs, then we reasoned that plants grown under low-N conditions might accumulate less HSP than high-N plants. Furthermore, if HSPs are related to thermotolerance, then variation in HSPs induced by N (or other factors) might correlate with variation in thermotolerance, here measured as short-term effects of heat stress on net CO2 assimilation and photosystem II (PSII) function. To test these predictions, we grew individuals of a single variety of corn (Zea mays L.) under different N levels and then exposed the plants to acute heat stress. We found that: (1) high-N plants produced greater amounts of mitochondrial Hsp60 and chloroplastic Hsp24 per unit protein than their low-N counterparts; and (2) patterns of HSP production were related to PSII efficiency, as measured by F v/F m. Thus, our results indicate that N availability influences HSP production in higher plants suggesting that HSP production might be resource-limited, and that among other benefits, chloroplast HSPs (e.g., Hsp24) may in some way limit damage to PSII function during heat stress.  相似文献   

Nitrogen uptake and turnover in riparian woody vegetation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chambers C  Marshall JD  Danehy RJ 《Oecologia》2004,140(1):125-134
The nutrient balance of streams and adjacent riparian ecosystems may be modified by the elimination of anadromous fish runs and perhaps by forest fertilization. To better understand nitrogen (N) dynamics within stream and riparian ecosystems we fertilized two streams and their adjacent riparian corridors in central Idaho. On each stream two nitrogen doses were applied to a swathe approximately 35 m wide centered on the stream. The fertilizer N was enriched in 15N to 18. This enrichment is light relative to many previous labeling studies, yet sufficient to yield a traceable signal in riparian and stream biota. This paper reports pre-treatment differences in 15N and the first-year N response to fertilizer within the riparian woody plant community. Future papers will describe the transfer of allochthonous litter N to the stream and its subsequent processing by stream biota. Pre-treatment 15N differed between the two creeks (P=0.0002), possibly due to residual salmon nitrogen in one of the creeks. Pre-treatment 15N of current-year needles was enriched compared to leaf litter, which was in turn enriched compared to needles aged 4 years and older. We conclude that fractionation due to retranslocation occurs in at least two phases. The first phase, which optimizes allocation of N in younger needle age classes, is distinctly different from the second, which conserves N prior to abscission. The 15N difference between creeks was eliminated by the fertilization (P=0.42). In the two dominant conifer species, Abies lasiocarpa and Picea engelmannii, most fertilizer N was found in the current-year foliage; little was found in older needles and none was detected in litter (P=0.53). The only N-fixing shrub species, Alnus incana, took up only a small amount of fertilizer N [mean percent N derived from fertilizer (%Ndff) 5.0±1.6% (SE)]. Far more fertilizer N was taken up by other deciduous shrubs (mean %Ndff=33.9±4.5%). Fertilizer N made up 25% (±4.2%) of the N in deciduous shrub litter. These results demonstrate the feasibility of light labeling with 15N and the potential influence of riparian plant species composition on stream nutrient dynamics via allochthonous leaf litter inputs.  相似文献   

Tropical ecosystems are under increasing pressure from land‐use change and deforestation. Changes in tropical forest cover are expected to affect carbon and water cycling with important implications for climatic stability at global scales. A major roadblock for predicting how tropical deforestation affects climate is the lack of baseline conditions (i.e., prior to human disturbance) of forest–savanna dynamics. To address this limitation, we developed a long‐term analysis of forest and savanna distribution across the Amazon–Cerrado transition of central Brazil. We used soil organic carbon isotope ratios as a proxy for changes in woody vegetation cover over time in response to fluctuations in precipitation inferred from speleothem oxygen and strontium stable isotope records. Based on stable isotope signatures and radiocarbon activity of organic matter in soil profiles, we quantified the magnitude and direction of changes in forest and savanna ecosystem cover. Using changes in tree cover measured in 83 different locations for forests and savannas, we developed interpolation maps to assess the coherence of regional changes in vegetation. Our analysis reveals a broad pattern of woody vegetation expansion into savannas and densification within forests and savannas for at least the past ~1,600 years. The rates of vegetation change varied significantly among sampling locations possibly due to variation in local environmental factors that constrain primary productivity. The few instances in which tree cover declined (7.7% of all sampled profiles) were associated with savannas under dry conditions. Our results suggest a regional increase in moisture and expansion of woody vegetation prior to modern deforestation, which could help inform conservation and management efforts for climate change mitigation. We discuss the possible mechanisms driving forest expansion and densification of savannas directly (i.e., increasing precipitation) and indirectly (e.g., decreasing disturbance) and suggest future research directions that have the potential to improve climate and ecosystem models.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the growth of fine roots upward into the leaf litter, forming a ‘surface root mat’, found widely in Amazonian forests, is of adaptive value for plants of poor soils because it makes possible more rapid uptake of limiting nutrients. We assessed the effect of invasion by fine roots on the rates of loss of dry mass and nutrient content of leaf litter over 1 year in three plots in each of three contrasting forest types in central Amazonia: the stunted facies of heath forest known as campina (SHF), the taller facies of heath forest known as campinarana (THF), both on spodosols, and the surrounding lowland evergreen rain forest (LERF) on ultisol. Pairs of bags filled with freshly fallen leaves from the trees of Clitoria fairchildiana (Fabaceae) were placed on the litter layer; in order to prevent roots entering the control bag in each pair that bag was lifted from the forest floor and turned over each week, while the treatment bag was left undisturbed. From each plot, four pairs of litter bags were retrieved after 30, 60, 120, 180, 270 and 360 d, and all roots that had grown into the litterbags were carefully removed. The leaves and roots from each bag were oven-dried for nutrient analysis. In no forest type was there a significant difference in the rate of loss of dry matter from the litter between the bags with and without roots. The amounts of roots invading the litter bags increased significantly in the sequence SHF < THF < LERF. In no forest did the presence of roots have a significant effect on the rate of disappearance of N or P from the leaf material, or on the rate of accumulation of Fe and Al. In the SHF there was no significant effect of invasion by roots on the rates of disappearance of Ca, Mg, Mn or Zn, but in the THF, the rates of disappearance of these four elements between 270 and 360 d were significantly greater in the presence of roots. In the LERF the results were similar, but the effects of roots started earlier—the rates of disappearance of Ca and Mg were significantly enhanced between 120 and 360 d. The results from the SHF may be interpreted to suggest that the growth of fine roots (and their fungal associates) upward into leaf litter is unlikely to be explained wholly by their role in the efficient recovery of mineral nutrients.  相似文献   

Spatial variations in nitrogen availability were studied in a desert community codominated byLarrea tridentata (DC.) Cov. andProsopis glandulosa Torr. Measurements of natural 15N values in tissues suggested thatProsopis obtains approximately half of its nitrogen through direct symbiotic fixation. Soils were collected under 1)Prosopis shrubs, 2)Larrea shrubs 2 m fromProsopis (LP), and 3)Larrea 2 m from otherLarrea but> 5 m from the nearestProsopis (LL).Prosopis soils showed significantly higher rates of nitrogen mineralization than LL soils in both A and B horizons. Rates of mineralization in LP soils were significantly higher than rates in LL soils only in the B horizon and were not significantly different from rates inProsopis soils. Leaf nitrogen concentrations were significantly higher in LP shrubs (2.06%) than in LL shrubs (1.78%), although 15N values did not differ between the two shrub types. Nitrogen concentrations inPerezia nana Gray, a perennial herb, were greater in plants underProsopis shrubs (2.09%) than under LP shrubs (1.93%) or LL shrubs (1.67%). Despite apparent differences in nitrogen availability, biomass ofLarrea and density ofPerezia did not differ significantly among these sites.  相似文献   

The natural abundance of 15N was examined in soil profiles from forests and pastures of the Brazilian Amazon Basin to compare tropical forests on a variety of soil types and to investigate changes in the sources of nitrogen to soils following deforestation for cattle ranching. Six sites in the state of Rondônia, two sites in Pará and one in Amazonas were studied. All sites except one were chronosequences and contained native forest and one or more pastures ranging from 2 to 27 years old. Forest soil 15N values to a depth of 1 m ranged from 8 to 23 and were higher than values typically found in temperate forests. A general pattern of increasing 15N values with depth near the soil surface was broadly similar to patterns in other forests but a decrease in 15N values in many forest profiles between 20 and 40 cm suggests that illuviation of 15N-depleted nitrate may influence total soil 15N values in deeper soil where total N concentrations are low. In four chronosequences in Rondônia, the 15N values of surface soil from pastures were lower than in the original forest and 15N values were increasingly depleted in older pastures. Inputs of atmospheric N by dinitrogen fixation could be an important N source in these pastures. Other pastures in Amazonas and Pará and Rondônia showed no consistent change from forest values. The extent of fractionation that leads to 15N enrichment in soils was broadly similar over a wide range of soil textures and indicated that similar processes control N fractionation and loss under tropical forest over a broad geographic region. Forest 15N profiles were consistent with conceptual models that explain enrichment of soil 15N values by selective loss of 14N during nitrification and denitrification.  相似文献   

Differences in 15N among ten white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] families were examined in hydroponic experiments testing (1) three N sources [100 M N as (i) NH4+, (ii) NO3 or (iii) NH4NO3] and (2) two supply regimes [200 M NH4+ (i) maintained steadily or (ii) recurrently drawn-down]. In the N-source experiment, the NH4+ treatment resulted in superior growth and lower C/N ratios. Whole plant 15N was higher on NH4+ and NH4NO3, reflecting higher NH4+ removal rates from the media. Families expressed differences in biomass, C/N, 15N and 13C. Family 15N and 13C were positively correlated in the NH4NO3 treatment and the steady-state regime. Supply regime did not affect total biomass, but higher root/shoot ratios implied N was more limiting under the draw-down regime. Family rank changed with supply regime, but not with N source. Analysis of media isotope enrichment during substrate depletion revealed relationships between net discrimination and external N concentration. Discrimination against 15NH4+ was about twice that of 15NO3. A simple model relating isotope discrimination to relative rates of ion efflux and influx predicted efflux/influx ratios consistent with published values for white spruce. We propose that genetic differences in discrimination are caused by different demands on assimilation and in uptake capacity which interact, influencing the balance between N influx and efflux.  相似文献   

We examined the natural abundance of 15N in soil profiles along two chronosequences in the western Brazilian Amazon Basin state of Rondônia, to investigate possible mechanisms for changes to soil nitrogen sources and transformations that occur as a result of land use. One chronosequence consisted of forest and 3-, 5- and 20-year-old pasture, the other of forest and 8- and 20-year-old pasture. The 15N values of surface soil and soil to 1 m depth in the native forest ranged from 9.8 to 13.6 and were higher than reported for temperate forest soils. Fractionation associated with nitrification and denitrification and selective losses of 15N-depleted nitrate, could potentially result in a strong enrichment of nitrogen in soil organic matter over the time scale of soil development in highly weathered tropical soils. Pasture surface soils were 1–3, depleted in 15N compared with forest soils. Lower 15N values in 20-year-old pastures is consistent with greater cumulative inputs of 15N-depleted atmospheric-derived nitrogen, fixed by free-living bacteria associated with planted pasture grasses in older pastures, or differential plant utilization of soil inorganic N pools with different 15N values. The pattern of 15N values following conversion of forest to agricultural use differs from the pattern in the temperate zone, where pasture or cultivated soils are typically more enriched in 15N than the forest soils from which they were derived.  相似文献   

Rafael MS  Tadei WP  Hunter FF 《Genetica》2004,121(1):89-94
In situ hybridization was used to determine the physical location of the Hsp70 genes in salivary polytene chromosomes of Anopheles darlingi from Manaus and Macapá, Brazil, and to assess the usefulness of the Hsp70 locus as a genetic marker in A. darlingi populations. In both populations, the double markings corresponding to the Hsp70-12A and Hsp70-14A genes were located on the right arm of chromosome 2. The Hsp70 locus was considered to be an excellent marker for studying chromosomal evolution and relationships among A. darlingi populations.  相似文献   

To examine the relative importance of nutrient resorption in increasing the nutrient-use efficiency of Pinus thunbergii Parl., we investigated the nitrogen contents of green and senescent needles of P. thunbergii trees growing at five positions along a slope (LS, lower slope; TR, transitional site; MS, middle slope; US, upper slope; RG, ridge) and found that soil nitrogen availability tended to decrease upslope. Nitrogen concentration in green and senescent needles decreased upslope. Nitrogen resorption efficiencies (percentage change in nitrogen content between green and senescent needles) increased upslope from 43 to 77% with decreasing soil nitrogen availability. Nitrogen resorption efficiency was related to green needle dry mass per unit length, but there was no clear correlation between nitrogen resorption efficiency and nitrogen content in green needles. We concluded that the increase in nitrogen resorption efficiency of P. thunbergii enhanced the nitrogen-use efficiency as a response to the low nitrogen availability.  相似文献   

Grazer control of nutrient availability in the periphyton   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Benthic algal assemblages are regulated by both abiotic (e.g., nutrient) and biotic (e.g., grazing) constraint. The objective of this study was to determine how changes in these two factors affected the structure of an algal assemblage in an ephemeral stream. Coverslips were incubated for 21 days in enclosures containing one of three nutrient environments (ambient, phosphorus-enriched, or phosphorus and nitrogen enriched) and one of four densities of the snail Gonibasis (0, 40, 80, or 120 snails/m2) and examined directly to enumerate the algal assemblage. The effect of grazing on algal biomass was dependent on the nutrient environment. An overstory of diatoms was susceptible to removal by grazing and was not strongly affected by nutrient enrichment. An understory of Stigeoclonium was more resistant to grazing and responded strongly to nutrient enrichment only in the presence of grazers. Snail grazers may mediate nutrient availability to the understory indirectly by removing overlying cells or by direct excretion of nutrients. Multiple interactions occur between benthic herbivores and algae, and, as shown here, some of them are positive and involve modifications of the nutrient environment.  相似文献   

Gökçeoğlu  M. 《Oecologia》1988,77(2):242-249
Summary Net nitrogen mineralization of a grassland-, Quercus coccifera shrub- and Pinus brutia forest-site within the Aegean region was investigated continuously through a year by field and standard incubation methods. Seasonal fluctuations resulting from field incubation are marked in grassland and shrub, but less pronounced in the forest. They are mainly associated with the changes in soil moisture being at minimum in the mediterranean summer. The annual yield of N mineralization is high in grassland and shrub (7.5 and 6.6 h·m-1), but low in the forest (2.8 g·m-1), where nitrification is inconspicuous. The reasons for this surprising phenomenon are discussed. N-mineralization is highly elevated in all sites under the favourable conditions of standard incubation (potential mineralization) and the seasonal differences as well as those between the sites are largely diminished.  相似文献   

为了解铁线莲的光合性能和氮素代谢的响应机制,对不同氮素形态配比下1 a生厚叶铁线莲(Clematis crassifolia)与天台铁线莲(C.paten ssp.tientaiensis)的生长、光响应曲线、A-Ci曲线和氮代谢相关酶活性进行了比较.结果表明,氮素形态配比显著影响铁线莲的生物量和叶绿素(Chl)含量,...  相似文献   

Summary We investigated relationships between light availability, diel acid fluctuation, and resource storage in the arborescent cactus Opuntia excelsa growing in western Mexico. We compared canopy and understory individuals from a deciduous forest as well as open-grown plants of the same approximate size as those in the understory. During the wet season light availability and daily fluctuations in titratable acidity (an index of carbon uptake) were lower in the understory than in unshaded habitats. In the dry season all plants had reduced levels of acid fluctuation, with the smallest individuals, regardless of habitat, showing the greatest reduction. These data suggest that light availability in the forest understory constrains carbon assimilation during the wet season, but that a factor associated with plant size, possibly water status, limits carbon gain during the dry season. Plants in all habitats remained physiologically active for at least five months into the dry season. We suggest that this was possible due to the maintenance of constant concentrations of water and nitrogen in the photosynthetically active chlorenchyma. Parenchyma in terminal cladodes showed a different seasonal pattern of resource storage; water content and nitrogen concentration were reduced from the wet to the dry season in the parenchyma. Using the parenchyma to supply photosynthetic tissues during times of reduced resource availability allows O. excelsa to assimilate carbon during times of the year when most other trees in the forest are leafless.  相似文献   

A three year fertilization experiment was conducted in which nitrogen (N series: 20 g N m–2 yr–1), phosphorus (P series: 4 g P m–2 yr–1) and potassium (K series: 20 g K m–2 yr–1) were added to a mixed vegetation of Erica tetralix and Molinia caerulea. At the end of each growing season the percentage cover of each species was determined. At the end of the experiment percentage cover of each species was found to be positively correlated with the harvested biomass. In the unfertilized control series the cover of Erica and Molinia did not change significantly during the experiment. In all fertilized series however, especially in the P series, cover of Erica decreased significantly. The cover of Molinia increased significantly in the P series only.In the fertilized series the biomass of Erica and total biomass per plot did not change significantly compared with the control series. In the P series the biomass of Molinia increased significantly.It is suggested that with increasing phosphorus or nitrogen availability Molinia outcompetes Erica because the former invests more biomass in leaves which in turn permits more carbon to be allocated to the root system, which thereupon leads to a higher nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas globiformis strain 7950 grew with a variety of amino acids, urea, or N2 as sole nitrogen sources. Cultures grown on N2 reduced acetylene to ethylene; this activity was absent from cells grown on nonlimiting NH 4 + . Glutamate dehydrogenase could not be detected in extracts of cells of strain 7950, although low levels of an alanine dehydrogenase were present. Growth ofR. globiformis on NH 4 + was severely inhibited by the glutamate analogue and glutamine synthetase inhibitor, methionine sulfoximine. High levels of glutamine synthetase (as measured in the -glutamyl transferase assay) were observed in cell extracts of strain 7950 regardless of the nitrogen source, although N2 and amino acid grown cells contained somewhat higher glutamine synthetase contents than cells grown on excess NH 4 + . Levels of glutamate synthase inR. globiformis were consistent with that reported from other phototrophic bacteria. Both glutamate synthase and alanine dehydrogenase were linked to NADH as coenzyme. We conclude thatR. globiformis is capable of fixing N2, and assimilates NH 4 + primarily via the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase pathway.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - GOGAT Glutamineoxoglutarate aminotransferase - GDH Glutamate dehydrogenase - ADH Alanine dehydrogenase - MSO Methionine sulfoximine  相似文献   

Malaria prevalence has been one of the most dramatic outcomes of the occupation of the Brazilian Amazon as exemplified by Northern Mato Grosso, one of the areas of highest malaria prevalence in the Americas in the early 1990s. This paper associates the dynamicsof high malaria prevalence in Northern Mato Grosso with three land uses—small-scalegold mining (garimpos), agricultural colonization/cattle ranching (rural), and urban activities—and their related population characteristics, which constitute riskprofiles. Furthermore, spatial proximity and population mobility between (a) garimpos and new rural settlements and (b) older rural settlements or urban areas are key factors explaining malaria diffusion throughout the region. The paper identifies and characterizes populations at high malaria risk and the effects of land use types on malaria diffusion, providing policymakers with information for regional and local policies to control malaria and minimize its effects on Amazonian populations.  相似文献   

Nitrogen uptake in relation to water availability in wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nitrogen uptake and distribution in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) are dependent on environmental conditions and in particular on the water regime. Under Mediterranean conditions, where high water stress at the end of the crop cycle is frequent, nitrogen uptake can be reduced, affecting yield and quality of the grain. To disclose these relations a field experiment was carried out in Central Portugal. Wheat was grown on a clay soil (Vertisol) at three water treatments: rainfed (WO), with 80 mm of irrigation (W1) and with 50 mm and 70 mm irrigations (W2). All treatments received 50 kg ha–1 of N prior to sowing and were top-dressed with 140 kg ha–1 of N, splitted in two applications, Kjeldahl N was determined in green leaves (GL), yellow leaves (YL), stems (ST), chaff (CH) and grain (GR). N uptake after anthesis was 40% of the total in W2, but was not noticeable in the other two treatments. N concentrations in the total above-ground plant dry matter, and in both YL and ST were not very different according to treatment, but water availability increased grain-N concentration. It seems, therefore, that grain protein concentration and N uptake can be substantially increased by late irrigations.  相似文献   

One-year old tubers of two hybrid calla lily (calla) cultivars (Zantedeschia ‘Pot of Gold’ and ‘Majestic Red’) were inoculated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF), Glomus intraradices, or not, and grown at three different rates of phosphorus (P) supply to asses the effects of AMF-inoculation on plant development (time of shoot emergence and flowering), flowering (number, length and rate of flowering), and tuber biomass and composition over two growing cycles (2002, 2003). Tubers and flowers of calla responded differently to AMF inoculation. Differences in mycorrhizal responsiveness between cultivars was related to differences in P requirements for flower and tuber production, and the influence of P supply on resource allocation to different reproductive strategies. Inoculation increased shoot production and promoted early flowering, particularly in 2003. Inoculated plants also produced larger tubers than non-inoculated plants, but only increased the number of flowers per plant in 2003. High P supply also increased tuber biomass, but decreased the number of flowers per plant in 2002. Plants grown at a moderate P-rate, produced the most flowers in 2003. For ‘Majestic Red’, benefits from AMF were primarily in terms of tuber yield and composition, and AMF effects on marketable flower production could potentially have negative impact on production strategies for growers. Inoculation of ‘Pot of Gold’ primarily influenced flower production and aspects of tuber quality that caused detectable enhancement of tuber yield and flowering in the second growing cycle following inoculation (2003). The results of this study show that the responses of calla to AMF are partially a function of how nutrient supply alters resource allocation to sexual and vegetative reproduction. Whether AMF-induced changes in resource allocation to flowering and tubers significantly alters commercial productivity and quality of calla depends on the crop production goals (e.g. tubers, cut flowers or potted plants). The U.S. Government’s right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

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