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The protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease. The chronic stage of infection is characterized by a production of neutralizing antibodies in the vertebrate host. A polyclonal antibody, anti-egressin, has been found to inhibit egress of parasites from the host cell late in the intracellular cycle, after the parasites have transformed from the replicative amastigote into the trypomastigote. It has also been found that BALB/c mouse fibroblasts in the late stages of parasite infection become permeable to molecules as large as antibodies, leading to the possibility that anti-egressin affects the intracellular parasites. This project addresses the fate of the intracellular trypomastigotes that have been inhibited from egressing the host cell. Extended cultures of infected fibroblasts treated with chronic mouse serum reduced parasite egress at all time points measured. Parasites released from infected fibroblasts treated with chronic serum had a reduced ability to infect fibroblasts in culture, yet did not lose infectivity entirely. Absorption of chronic serum with living trypomastigotes removed the anti-egressin effect. The possibility that the target of anti-egressin is a parasite surface component is further indicated by the agglutination of extracellular trypomastigotes by chronic serum. The possibility that cross-linking by antibody occurs intracellularly, thus inhibiting egress, was reinforced by cleaving purified IgG into Fab fragments, which did not inhibit egress when added to infected cultures. From this work, it is proposed that the current, best explanation of the mechanism of egress inhibition by anti-egressin is intracellular agglutination, preventing normal parasite-driven egress.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory documented the presence of a suppressor substance in the serum of mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Currently, however, we have been unable to demonstrate the presence of this suppressor factor, although infected mice were still profoundly suppressed in their ability to respond to SRBC, and suppressor cells were present in the spleens of these animals. Strains of T. cruzi other than the one presently in use in our laboratory gave similar results. Several possible explanations for our inability to demonstrate the presence of the suppressor factor in sera are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydro-insoluble protein components of splenocyte supernatants (HPSS) from C3H/He and C57BL/6 mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi were isolated after diffusion against water and centrifugation. It is strongly suggested that the major component in the precipitate from infected splenocyte cultures, showing a relative mol. wt of 14,000–15,000 and a pI ≌ 6.6 is responsible for the immunosuppressive effect of the blastogenic response to mitogens shown in vitro. It showed its effect across the haplotype barrier (H-2k↔H-2b). Its activity is dose-dependent and its production is related to the period of infection, being 17 days post-infection the date of maximum production by infected splenocytes. Its origin is so far uncertain but seems to be a host product and is probably acting through interaction with normal macrophages, rendering them immunosuppressive. An immunosuppressive protein with similar pI, absent in normal serum, was detected in infected sera.  相似文献   

We have generated proteoliposomes carrying proteins of Trypanosoma cruzi for use as immunogens in BALB/c mice. T. cruzi trypomastigote and amastigote forms were sonicated and mixed with SDS, with 94% recovery of soluble proteins. To prepare proteoliposomes, we have used a protocol in which dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylserine and cholesterol were incubated with the parasite proteins. BALB/c mice immunized with 20microg were able to generate antibodies which, in Western blotting, reacted with the proteins of T. cruzi. We further investigated the ability of peritoneal cells from immunized mice to arrest the intracellular replication of trypomastigotes, in vitro. After 72h of culture, the number of intracellular parasites in immunized macrophages decreased significantly, as compared to controls. Despite the fact that exposure of mice to T. cruzi proteins incorporated into proteoliposomes generate antibodies and activate macrophages, the immunized mice were not protected against T. cruzi intraperitoneal challenge.  相似文献   

Chagas disease, caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is a major public health problem in most of Latin America. A key priority is the development of new treatments, due to the poor efficacy of current ones. We report here the comparative evaluation of therapeutic DNA vaccines encoding various T. cruzi antigens. ICR mice infected with 500 parasites intraperitoneally were treated at 5 and 12 days postinfection with 20 microg of plasmid DNA encoding T. cruzi antigens TSA-1, TS, ASP-2-like, Tc52 or Tc24. Treatment with plasmid encoding TS and/or ASP-2-like antigens had no significant effect on parasitemia or survival. Treatment with Tc52 DNA significantly reduced parasitemia, as well as cardiac parasite burden, and improved survival, although myocarditis was not significantly affected. Finally, treatment with plasmids encoding Tc24 and TSA-1 induced the most complete control of disease as evidenced by significant reductions in parasitemia, mortality, myocarditis and heart parasite burden. These data demonstrate that therapeutic vaccine efficacy is dependent on the antigen and suggest that DNA vaccines encoding Tc24, TSA-1, and Tc52 represent the best candidates for further studies of a therapeutic vaccine against Chagas disease.  相似文献   

In Chagas disease serious cardiac dysfunction can appear. We specifically studied the cardiac function by evaluating: ventricle contractile force and norepinephrine response, affinity and density of beta-adrenergic receptors, dynamic properties of myocardial membranes, and electrocardiography. Albino swiss mice (n = 250) were infected with 55 trypomastigotes, Tulahuen strain and studied at 35, 75, and 180 days post-infection, that correspond to the acute, indeterminate, and chronic phase respectively. Cardiac beta-adrenergic receptors' affinity, myocardial contractility, and norepinephrine response progressively decreased from the acute to the chronic phase of the disease (p < 0.01). The density (expressed as fmol/mg.prot) of the receptors was similar to non-infected mice (71.96 +/- 0.36) in both the acute (78.24 +/- 1.67) and indeterminate phases (77.28 +/- 0.91), but lower in the chronic disease (53.32 +/- 0.71). Electrocardiographic abnormalities began in the acute phase and were found in 65% of the infected-mice during the indeterminate and chronic phases. Membrane contents of triglycerides, cholesterol, and anisotropy were similar in all groups. A quadratic correlation between the affinity to beta-adrenergic receptors and cardiac contractile force was obtained. In conclusion the changes in cardiac beta-adrenergic receptors suggests a correlation between the modified beta-adrenergic receptors affinity and the cardiac contractile force.  相似文献   

We examined the possible role of altered humoral immunity in Chagas' disease by analyzing the effect of sera on the binding of radioligand to beta-adrenoceptors during the course of human Trypanosoma cruzi infection. We described two circulating IgG which bind with myocardial beta 1- and spleen cell beta 2-adrenoceptor. Both chagasic IgG against beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptors increased intracellular levels of cAMP, which could be blocked by specific beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptor antagonists. The IgG against the beta 1-adrenoceptor inhibited the action of norepinephrine on the contractility of atria. We also found differences in the distribution of beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptor antibodies in the course of infection. The anti-beta 2-adrenoceptor IgG appears during the acute stage, peaks on the group with less than 10 years of infection, and then decreases. The prevalence of anti-beta 1-adrenergic antibody is low in the acute stage, but it increases over time since infection, being higher in the group with more than 15 years of infection. The probable pathogenic role of both beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic chagasic antibodies is discussed.  相似文献   

Three inbred strains of mice (BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ and NZB/BInJ) were infected with trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi. Sera were taken at different times after infection and radioimmunoprecipitation assays were used to detect antibodies against individual T. cruzi epimastigote and trypomastigote antigens. The mouse strains differed in regard to the spectrum of antibodies and the time after infection when the various epimastigote specific antibody species appeared. NZB mice had antibodies against at least 25 polypeptides ranging in molecular weight from 20,000 to 90,000 D at 3 wk after infection, and these persisted until at least 10 wk post-infection. C3H and BALB/c had antibodies against fewer than 5 antigens at 3 wk after infection; whereas by week 10, antibodies against at least 25 polypeptides were detected. C3H mice that were most susceptible to infection (but not NZB or BALB/c mice) had antibodies against a 25,000 D molecular weight epimastigote antigen. The antibody response against trypomastigote polypeptides was more uniform. Sera from all mouse strains at 3 wk after infection precipitated the same polypeptides and the radioimmunoprecipitation patterns did not change as a function of time after infection.  相似文献   

In our laboratory, we have developed a model of vaccination in mice with Trypanosoma rangeli, a non-pathogenic parasite that shares many antigens with Trypanosoma cruzi. The vaccinated mice were protected against infection with virulent T. cruzi. The goal of the present work was to study the protective activity of strains of T. rangeli of different origin, with the aim of analysing whether this protective capacity is a common feature of T. rangeli. BALB/c mice were vaccinated with live or fixed epimastigotes of two T. rangeli strains, Choachi and SC-58. Vaccinated (VM) and control mice (CM) were infected with virulent T. cruzi, Tulahuen strain. The results showed that the levels of parasitemia of VM, vaccinated with the two strains of T. rangeli were significantly lower than those developed in CM. The survival rate of VM was higher than that CM. Histological studies revealed many amastigote nests and severe inflammatory infiltrates in the heart and skeletal muscles of CM, whereas in the VM only moderate lymphomonocytic infiltrates were detected. Altogether, the results of the present work as well as previous studies show that the antigens involved in the protection induced by T. rangeli are expressed in different strains of this parasite. These findings could prove useful in vaccine preparation.  相似文献   

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