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Park E  Suh H  Kim C  Park S  Dorsett D  Yim J 《IUBMB life》2007,59(12):781-790
A P element enhancer trap screen was conducted to identify genes involved in dorsal-ventral boundary formation in Drosophila. The son of Notch (son) gene was identified by the son(2205) enhancer trap insertion, which is a partial loss-of-function mutation. Based on son(2205) mutant phenotypes and genetic interactions with Notch and wingless mutations, we conclude that son participates in wing development, and functions in the Notch signaling pathway at the dorsal-ventral boundary in the wing. Notch signaling pathway components activate son enhancer trap expression in wing cells. son enhancer trap expression is regulated positively by wingless, and negatively by cut in boundary cells. Ectopic Son protein induces wingless and cut expression in wing discs. We hypothesize that there is positive feedback regulation of son by wingless, and negative regulation by cut at the dorsal-ventral boundary during wing development.  相似文献   

González A  Chaouiya C  Thieffry D 《Genetics》2006,174(3):1625-1634
The larval development of the Drosophila melanogaster wings is organized by the protein Wingless, which is secreted by cells adjacent to the dorsal-ventral (DV) boundary. Two signaling processes acting between the second and early third instars and between the mid- and late third instar control the expression of Wingless in these boundary cells. Here, we integrate both signaling processes into a logical multivalued model encompassing four cells, i.e., a boundary and a flanking cell at each side of the boundary. Computer simulations of this model enable a qualitative reproduction of the main wild-type and mutant phenotypes described in the experimental literature. During the first signaling process, Notch becomes activated by the first signaling process in an Apterous-dependent manner. In silico perturbation experiments show that this early activation of Notch is unstable in the absence of Apterous. However, during the second signaling process, the Notch pattern becomes consolidated, and thus independent of Apterous, through activation of the paracrine positive feedback circuit of Wingless. Consequently, we propose that appropriate delays for Apterous inactivation and Wingless induction by Notch are crucial to maintain the wild-type expression at the dorsal-ventral boundary. Finally, another mutant simulation shows that cut expression might be shifted to late larval stages because of a potential interference with the early signaling process.  相似文献   

This paper presents GINsim, a Java software suite devoted to the qualitative modelling, analysis and simulation of genetic regulatory networks. Formally, our approach leans on discrete mathematical and graph-theoretical concepts. GINsim encompasses an intuitive graph editor, enabling the definition and the parameterisation of a regulatory graph, as well as a simulation engine to compute the corresponding qualitative dynamical behaviour. Our computational approach is illustrated by a preliminary model analysis of the inter-cellular regulatory network activating Notch at the dorsal-ventral boundary in the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila. We focus on the cross-regulations between five genes (within and between two cells), which implements the dorsal-ventral border in the developing imaginal disc. Our simulations qualitatively reproduce the wild-type developmental pathway, as well as the outcome of various types of experimental perturbations, such as loss-of-function mutations or ectopically induced gene expression.  相似文献   

Subdivision of proliferating tissues into adjacent compartments that do not mix plays a key role in animal development. The Actin cytoskeleton has recently been shown to mediate cell sorting at compartment boundaries, and reduced cell proliferation in boundary cells has been proposed as a way of stabilizing compartment boundaries. Cell interactions mediated by the receptor Notch have been implicated in the specification of compartment boundaries in vertebrates and in Drosophila, but the molecular effectors remain largely unidentified. Here, we present evidence that Notch mediates boundary formation in the Drosophila wing in part through repression of bantam miRNA. bantam induces cell proliferation and we have identified the Actin regulator Enabled as a new target of bantam. Increased levels of Enabled and reduced proliferation rates contribute to the maintenance of the dorsal-ventral affinity boundary. The activity of Notch also defines, through the homeobox-containing gene cut, a distinct population of boundary cells at the dorsal-ventral (DV) interface that helps to segregate boundary from non-boundary cells and contributes to the maintenance of the DV affinity boundary.  相似文献   

The development and patterning of the wing in Drosophila relies on a sequence of cell interactions molecularly driven by a number of ligands and receptors. Genetic analysis indicates that a receptor encoded by the Notch gene and a signal encoded by the wingless gene play a number of interdependent roles in this process and display very strong functional interactions. At certain times and places, during wing development, the expression of wingless requires Notch activity and that of its ligands Delta and Serrate. This has led to the proposal that all the interactions between Notch and wingless can be understood in terms of this regulatory relationship. Here we have tested this proposal by analysing interactions between Delta- and Serrate-activated Notch signalling and Wingless signalling during wing development and patterning. We find that the cell death caused by expressing dominant negative Notch molecules during wing development cannot be rescued by coexpressing Nintra. This suggests that the dominant negative Notch molecules cannot only disrupt Delta and Serrate signalling but can also disrupt signalling through another pathway. One possibility is the Wingless signalling pathway as the cell death caused by expressing dominant negative Notch molecules can be rescued by activating Wingless signalling. Furthermore, we observe that the outcome of the interactions between Notch and Wingless signalling differs when we activate Wingless signalling by expressing either Wingless itself or an activated form of the Armadillo. For example, the effect of expressing the activated form of Armadillo with a dominant negative Notch on the patterning of sense organ precursors in the wing resembles the effects of expressing Wingless alone. This result suggests that signalling activated by Wingless leads to two effects, a reduction of Notch signalling and an activation of Armadillo.  相似文献   

The Notch pathway regulates the differentiation of many cell types throughout development of higher metazoa. Different cellular responses are elicited through specific activation of distinct Notch target genes. In the Drosophila wing, for example, the cut gene is activated by Notch signaling along the dorso-ventral boundary but, as we show here, not in other cell types. We identify additional regulatory components, scalloped and strawberry notch, that are targets of the Notch pathway specifically within the wing anlagen. As suggested by physical interactions, these proteins could be co-factors of the cut trans-regulator Vestigial. Additional regulatory input comes from the Wingless pathway. Our data support a model, whereby context specific involvement of distinct co-regulators modulates Notch target gene activation.  相似文献   

Pattern formation during animal development is often induced by extracellular signaling molecules, known as morphogens, which are secreted from localized sources. During wing development in Drosophila, Wingless (Wg) is activated by Notch signaling along the dorsal-ventral boundary of the wing imaginal disc and acts as a morphogen to organize gene expression and cell growth. Expression of wg is restricted to a narrow stripe by Wg itself, repressing its own expression in adjacent cells. This refinement of wg expression is essential for specification of the wing margin. Here, we show that a homeodomain protein, Defective proventriculus (Dve), mediates the refinement of wg expression in both the wing disc and embryonic proventriculus, where dve expression requires Wg signaling. Our results provide evidence for a feedback mechanism that establishes the wg-expressing domain through the action of a Wg-induced gene product.  相似文献   

Multiple mechanisms are involved in positioning and restricting specialized dorsal-ventral border cells in the Drosophila wing, including modulation of Notch signaling by Fringe, autonomous inhibition by Notch ligands, and inhibition of Notch target genes by Nubbin. Recent studies have revealed that Fringe also modulates a Notch-mediated signaling process between dorsal and ventral cells in the Drosophila eye, establishing an organizer of eye growth and patterning along the dorsal-ventral midline. Fringe-dependent modulation of Notch signaling also plays a key role in Drosophila leg segmentation and growth. Lunatic Fringe has been shown to be required for vertebrate somitogenesis, where it appears to act as a crucial link between a molecular clock and the regulation of Notch signaling.  相似文献   

The endocytic pathway and formation of the Wingless morphogen gradient   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Controlling the spread of morphogens is crucial for pattern formation during development. In the Drosophila wing disc, Wingless secreted at the dorsal-ventral compartment boundary forms a concentration gradient in receiving tissue, where it activates short- and long-range target genes. The glypican Dally-like promotes Wingless spreading by unknown mechanisms, while Dynamin-dependent endocytosis is thought to restrict Wingless spread. We have utilized short-term expression of dominant negative Rab proteins to examine the polarity of endocytic trafficking of Wingless and its receptors and to determine the relative contributions of endocytosis, degradation and recycling to the establishment of the Wingless gradient. Our results show that Wingless is internalized via two spatially distinct routes: one on the apical, and one on the basal, side of the disc. Both restrict the spread of Wingless, with little contribution from subsequent degradation or recycling. As previously shown for Frizzled receptors, depleting Arrow does not prevent Wingless from entering endosomes. We find that both Frizzled and Arrow are internalized mainly from the apical membrane. Thus, the basal Wingless internalization route must be independent of these proteins. We find that Dally-like is not required for Wingless spread when endocytosis is blocked, and propose that Dally-like promotes the spread of Wingless by directing it to lateral membranes, where its endocytosis is less efficient. Thus, subcellular localization of Wingless along the apical-basal axis of receiving cells may be instrumental in shaping the Wingless gradient.  相似文献   

During Drosophila wing development, Hedgehog (Hh) signalling is required to pattern the imaginal disc epithelium along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis. The Notch (N) and Wingless (Wg) signalling pathways organise the dorsal-ventral (DV) axis, including patterning along the presumptive wing margin. Here, we describe a functional hierarchy of these signalling pathways that highlights the importance of competing influences of Hh, N, and Wg in establishing gene expression domains. Investigation of the modulation of Hh target gene expression along the DV axis of the wing disc revealed that collier/knot (col/kn), patched (ptc), and decapentaplegic (dpp) are repressed at the DV boundary by N signalling. Attenuation of Hh signalling activity caused by loss of fused function results in a striking down-regulation of col, ptc, and engrailed (en) symmetrically about the DV boundary. We show that this down-regulation depends on activity of the canonical Wg signalling pathway. We propose that modulation of the response of cells to Hh along the future proximodistal (PD) axis is necessary for generation of the correctly patterned three-dimensional adult wing. Our findings suggest a paradigm of repression of the Hh response by N and/or Wnt signalling that may be applicable to signal integration in vertebrate appendages.  相似文献   

Drosophila limbs develop from imaginal discs that are subdivided into compartments. Dorsal-ventral subdivision of the wing imaginal disc depends on apterous activity in dorsal cells. Apterous protein is expressed in dorsal cells and is responsible for (1) induction of a signaling center along the dorsal-ventral compartment boundary (2) establishment of a lineage restriction boundary between compartments and (3) specification of dorsal cell fate. Here, we report that the homeobox gene msh (muscle segment homeobox) acts downstream of apterous to confer dorsal identity in wing development.  相似文献   

The formation of localised signalling centres is essential for patterning of a number of tissues during development. Previous work has revealed that a distinct population of boundary cells forms at the interface of segments in the vertebrate hindbrain, but the role of these cells is not known. We have investigated the function of the Wnt1 signalling molecule that is expressed by boundary and roof plate cells in the zebrafish hindbrain. Knockdown of wnt1 or of tcf3b, a mediator of Wnt signalling, leads to ectopic expression of boundary cell markers, rfng and foxb1.2, in non-boundary regions of the hindbrain. Ectopic boundary marker expression also occurs following knockdown of rfng, a modulator of Notch signalling required for wnt1 expression at hindbrain boundaries. We show that the boundary and roof plate expression of wnt1 each contribute to upregulation of proneural and delta gene expression and neurogenesis in non-boundary regions, which in turn blocks ectopic boundary marker expression. Boundary cells therefore play a key role in the regulation of cell differentiation in the zebrafish hindbrain. The network of genes underlying the regulation of neurogenesis and lateral inhibition of boundary cell formation by Wnt1 has a striking similarity to mechanisms at the dorsoventral boundary in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc.  相似文献   

During the development of a given organ, tissue growth and fate specification are simultaneously controlled by the activity of a discrete number of signalling molecules. Here, we report that these two processes are extraordinarily coordinated in the Drosophila wing primordium, which extensively proliferates during larval development to give rise to the dorsal thoracic body wall and the adult wing. The developmental decision between wing and body wall is defined by the opposing activities of two secreted signalling molecules, Wingless and the EGF receptor ligand Vein. Notch signalling is involved in the determination of a variety of cell fates, including growth and cell survival. We present evidence that growth of the wing primordium mediated by the activity of Notch is required for wing fate specification. Our data indicate that tissue size modulates the activity range of the signalling molecules Wingless and Vein. These results highlight a crucial role of Notch in linking proliferation and fate specification in the developing wing primordium.  相似文献   

Casso DJ  Biehs B  Kornberg TB 《Genetics》2011,187(2):485-499
Notch has multiple roles in the development of the Drosophila melanogaster wing imaginal disc. It helps specify the dorsal-ventral compartment border, and it is needed for the wing margin, veins, and sensory organs. Here we present evidence for a new role: stimulating growth in response to Hedgehog. We show that Notch signaling is activated in the cells of the anterior-posterior organizer that produce the region between wing veins 3 and 4, and we describe strong genetic interactions between the gene that encodes the Hedgehog pathway activator Smoothened and the Notch pathway genes Notch, presenilin, and Suppressor of Hairless and the Enhancer of split complex. This work thus reveals a novel collaboration by the Hedgehog and Notch pathways that regulates proliferation in the 3-4 intervein region independently of Decapentaplegic.  相似文献   

The Rho sub-family of GTPases, comprising Rho, Rac and Cdc42. regulates many biological processes, including morphogenesis, cell polarity, migration, the cell cycle and gene expression. It is important to develop genetic approaches to allow the dissection, in vivo, of the mechanisms of GTPase regulation and signal transmission, and their biological consequences. In this regard, wing development in Drosophila melanogaster is an excellent model system. To investigate the functions of the Drosophila Cdc42 GTPase (Dcdc42), we generated phenotypes during wing development, by expression of the dominant-negative N17 and L89 mutants of Dcdc42. We have identified roles for Dcdc42 in wing growth, and in cell fate choice during the development of the wing veins and the peripheral nervous system. Reduction of Dcdc42 signalling following over-expression of Dcdc42N17 resulted in a broader but more diffuse domain characterised by wing-margin sensory bristles. This was correlated with a broadened stripe of wingless expression along the dorsal-ventral boundary of third-instar wing imaginal discs. Together with genetic interactions with loss- and gain-of-function Notch alleles, these data support a role for wild-type Dcdc42 as a negative regulator of Notch signalling.  相似文献   

The Drosophila wing imaginal disc gives rise to three main regions along the proximodistal axis of the dorsal mesothoracic segment: the notum, proximal wing, and wing blade. Development of the wing blade requires the Notch and wingless signalling pathways to activate vestigial at the dorsoventral boundary. However, in the proximal wing, Wingless activates a different subset of genes, e.g., homothorax. This raises the question of how the downstream response to Wingless signalling differentiates between proximal and distal fate specification. Here, we show that a temporally dynamic response to Wingless signalling sequentially elaborates the proximodistal axis. In the second instar, Wingless activates genes involved in proximal wing development; later in the third instar, Wingless acts to direct the differentiation of the distal wing blade. The expression of a novel marker for proximal wing fate, zfh-2, is initially activated by Wingless throughout the "wing primordium," but later is repressed by the activity of Vestigial and Nubbin, which together define a more distal domain. Thus, activation of a distal developmental program is antagonistic to previously established proximal fate. In addition, Wingless is required early to establish proximal fate, but later when Wingless activates distal differentiation, development of proximal fate becomes independent of Wingless signalling. Since P-element insertions in the zfh-2 gene result in a revertable proximal wing deletion phenotype, it appears that zfh-2 activity is required for correct proximal wing development. Our data are consistent with a model in which Wingless first establishes a proximal appendage fate over notum, then the downstream response changes to direct the differentiation of a more distal fate over proximal. Thus, the proximodistal domains are patterned in sequence and show a distal dominance.  相似文献   

Drosophila wing development is a useful model to study organogenesis, which requires the input of selector genes that specify the identity of various morphogenetic fields (Weatherbee, S. D. and Carroll, S. B. (1999) Cell 97, 283-286) and cell signaling molecules. In order to understand how the integration of multiple signaling pathways and selector proteins can be achieved during wing development, we studied the regulatory network that controls the expression of Serrate (Ser), a ligand for the Notch (N) signaling pathway, which is essential for the development of the Drosophila wing, as well as vertebrate limbs. Here, we show that a 794 bp cis-regulatory element located in the 3' region of the Ser gene can recapitulate the dynamic patterns of endogenous Ser expression during wing development. Using this enhancer element, we demonstrate that Apterous (Ap, a selector protein), and the Notch and Wingless (Wg) signaling pathways, can sequentially control wing development through direct regulation of Ser expression in early, mid and late third instar stages, respectively. In addition, we show that later Ser expression in the presumptive vein cells is controlled by the Egfr pathway. Thus, a cis-regulatory element is sequentially regulated by multiple signaling pathways and a selector protein during Drosophila wing development. Such a mechanism is possibly conserved in the appendage outgrowth of other arthropods and vertebrates.  相似文献   

The cell surface receptor Notch is required during Drosophila embryogenesis for production of epidermal precursor cells. The secreted factor Wingless is required for specifying different types of cells during differentiation of tissues from these epidermal precursor cells. The results reported here show that the full-length Notch and a form of Notch truncated in the amino terminus associate with Wingless in S2 cells and in embryos. In S2 cells, Wingless and the two different forms of Notch regulate expression of Dfrizzled 2, a receptor of Wg; hairy, a negative regulator of achaete expression; shaggy, a negative regulator of engrailed expression; and patched, a negative regulator of wingless expression. Analyses of expression of the same genes in mutant N embryos indicate that the pattern of gene regulations observed in vitro reflects regulations in vivo. These results suggest that the strong genetic interactions observed between Notch and wingless genes during development of Drosophila is at least partly due to regulation of expression of cuticle patterning genes by Wingless and the two forms of Notch.  相似文献   

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