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The retinoblastoma protein (pRb105) is a true tumor suppressor as deregulation of the Rb pathway by either mutation of pRb105 itself or other proteins in the pathway, such as p16INK4a, occur in most cancers. This prototypical family member, along with the related p107 and p130, are involved in the control of cell cycle regulation, but pRb105 has also been shown to be involved in tissue development and differentiation. This prospective will discuss the increasing evidence for a role of pRb105 in cellular differentiation and the fact that various cancers, which contain mutant pRb105, or mutations in proteins in the pRb105 pathway, are perhaps a result of deregulation of differentiation.  相似文献   

Molecular genetics of sulfate assimilation in plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sulfate assimilation pathway is the primary route by which higher plants obtain the sulfur necessary for growth. Sulfur is involved in a myriad of processes of central importance in metabolism. In the past few years much has been learned about this pathway and its regulation through analysis'of the genes encoding the enzymes and proteins that make up the sulfate assimilation pathway. The recent molecular genetic analysis builds on the biochemical and physiological groundwork of past studies. Further, gene analysis has provided the opportunity to compare directly the evolution of sulfate assimilation in plants and other organisms.,  相似文献   

Molecular genetics of bipolar disorder   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bipolar disorder (BPD) is an often devastating illness characterized by extreme mood dysregulation. Although family, twin and adoption studies consistently indicate a strong genetic component, specific genes that contribute to the illness remain unclear. This study gives an overview of linkage studies of BPD, concluding that the regions with the best evidence for linkage include areas on chromosomes 2p, 4p, 4q, 6q, 8q, 11p, 12q, 13q, 16p, 16q, 18p, 18q, 21q, 22q and Xq. Association studies are summarized, which support a possible role for numerous candidate genes in BPD including COMT, DAT, HTR4, DRD4, DRD2, HTR2A, 5-HTT, the G72/G30 complex, DISC1, P2RX7, MAOA and BDNF. Animal models related to bipolar illness are also reviewed, with special attention paid to those with clear genetic implications. We conclude with suggestions for strategies that may help clarify the genetic bases of this complex illness.  相似文献   

Sweijd  N. A.  Bowie  R. C. K.  Evans  B. S.  Lopata  A. L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,420(1):153-164
Biochemical and molecular species identification techniques have a broad range of applications in the management and conservation of marine organisms. While species boundaries are not always clearly defined, phylogeneticists utilise autapomorphic characters to distinguish phylogenetic species. Genetic markers discriminate between marine taxa when traditional morphological distinctions are unclear. The applications of these techniques can be divided into four general categories. Firstly, compliance enforcement, which often depends on genetic identification techniques to enable officials to identify the species to which regulations pertain. Secondly, quality control applications, to allow for the testing of marine products to guard against fraudulent substitution with less valuable species, which is particularly pertinent since processing often obliterates identifiable features. Thirdly, a variety of applications to ecological and life-history studies and conservation management are reported. Here, the genetic identification techniques of species from cryptic life-cycle stages or of morphologically indistinct species are an indispensable tool for marine scientists, conservators and managers. Lastly, the application of genetic techniques for sourcing population origin is briefly discussed. The biochemical and molecular techniques applied to species identification all exploit phenotypic or genotypic polymorphisms that are sampled using either tertiary level protein based methods or primary level DNA based methods. In this review, examples of the applications along with the total protein, allozyme, serological, PCR and other DNA based methodologies are briefly described and some generalities with regard to their use are presented.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent research has provided significant advances in the identification of gene products which influence leaf form. In this review, a summary of this progress is made and an outline sketched of the future directions and challenges facing workers in this area. An overall view is taken in which the present characterisation of the molecular architects of leaf morphogenesis is envisaged to link up eventually with the final downstream elements of differential tissue growth which, integrated over developmental time, lead to the range of leaf forms observed in nature.  相似文献   

王一铮  张敏  侯连生 《生命科学》2006,18(5):457-461
本文综述了盘基网柄菌(Dictyosteliumdiscoideum)发育过程中调控细胞分化及细胞比例的一些信号分子,包括分化诱导因子(DIF-1、SDF-2)、糖原合成酶激酶(GSK-3)、环状亮氨酸拉链蛋白(rZIP)等,介绍了这些信号分子的功能及其作用机制。  相似文献   

Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a life-threatening cardiac rhythm disorder characterized by persistent STsegment elevation in leads V1–V3 and right bundle branch block on electrocardiograms (ECG), and by syncope and sudden death from ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF). BrS is responsible for nearly 4% of sudden cardiac deaths and considered to be the most common cause of natural death in males younger than 50 years in some Asian countries. Since the first diseasecausing gene for BrS (the cardiac sodium channel gene SCN5A) was identified in 1998, extensive investigations on both clinical and basic aspects of BrS have occurred rapidly. SCN5A mutations remain the most common cause of BrS; nearly 300 SCN5A mutations have been identified and are responsible for 20%–30% of BrS cases. Commercial genetic testing is available for SCN5A. Recently, seven other disease-causing genes for BrS have been identified and include GPD1L (BrS2), CACNA1C (Cav1.2, BrS3), CACNB2 (Cavβ2, BrS4), SCN1B (Navβ1, BrS5), KCNE3 (MiRP2, BrS6), SCN3B (Navβ3, BrS7), and HCN4 (BrS8). This article will briefly review the progress made over the past decade in our understanding of the clinical, genetic and molecular aspects of BrS.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) hydrolysis the triglyceride core of circulating chylomicrons and very-low-density lipoprotein, and modulates the levels and lipid composition of low and high density lipoproteins. Worldwide, more than 20 mutations in the LPL gene have been identified in patients with familial LPL deficiency. Most of these mutations are clustered in the region encoded by exons 4, 5 and 6 which forms the proposed catalytic domain of LPL. In French Canadians who have the highest reported frequency for LPL deficiency, three common mutations in the LPL gene have been identified which account for approximately 97% of mutant genes in this group. Simple DNA-based tests for the detection of all these mutations have been developed for the screening for carriers of LPL deficiency. This will facilitate further studies of phenotypic expression in heterozygous carriers and assessment of the risk of atherosclerosis in these individuals.  相似文献   

Coccidioides immitis causes coccidioidomycosis, a fungal disease of both immunocompromised and otherwise healthy people; it is capable of causing large epidemics and the disease is often refractory to chemotherapy. To quantify the magnitude of population differentiation and estimate levels of gene flow in C. immitis , multilocus genotypes were scored for 20–25 clinical isolates from each of Bakersfield (California), Tucson (Arizona), and San Antonio (Texas). The molecular markers used were PCR products with polymorphic restriction endonuclease sites, found and characterized in a previous study of the Tucson population. The data show very highly significant differences in allele frequencies between all three populations, and suggest very low levels of migration between populations. One isolate in the San Antonio sample was an outlier, showing the California-specific allele at all four of the loci distinguishing the two populations, and subsequent inquiries indicated that the infection had indeed been acquired in California. Thus, genetic information can be used to infer the geographical origin of a fungal infection.  相似文献   

 Applying current data on cell differentia- tion and meiosis control to the early sporangial development in angiosperms, a strict relationship between cell lineage and its differentiation fate is rejected. An evaluation of cytological features indicative of a meiotic (sporogenous) fate discards the sterilization phenomenon and introduces the premeiotic cellular differentiation (PCD) concept. The early sporangial development comprises 5 basic steps and 4 cellular stages, where PCD and meiosis extension and gradient are related to mechanisms of spore mother cell selection. Concepts here discussed explain the exceptions to the normal early sporangial development and allow a precise definition of archesporium and archespore. PCD and meiotic extension and gradient recover more information of the early sporangial development, distinguishing different developmental patterns leading to the same final result and retaining slight developmental differences. However, there are no early developmental characteristics distinctive of andro- or gynosporangia. Therefore, the heterosporic condition is not related to early developmental changes. Received January 5, 2001 Accepted August 29, 2001  相似文献   

测定了蜂猴属线粒体DNA中的D-loop控制区部分序列和细胞色素b基因全序列(1140 bp),对其变异情况进行了分析,并采用Mega 4.0软件中构建了分子系统树。无论是基于D-loop控制区部分序列构建的系统树,还是基于细胞色素b基因序列构建的分子系统树的拓扑结构图,都清晰地表明蜂猴属由两个分支组成,分支置信度较高,一支由N.pygmaeus聚成,另一支由N.coucang聚成,即支持蜂猴属由N.coucang和N.pygmaeus两物种组成。  相似文献   

虢毅  梁卉  邓昊 《遗传》2012,34(12):1522-1528
短指/趾(Brachydactyly, BD)是指(趾)骨和/或掌(跖)骨短小、缺失或融合导致的手/足先天畸形, 是一组以骨发育障碍为特征的肢体畸形疾病。BD可单独出现, 也可作为综合征的一种体征, 还可伴随其他的手/足畸形如并指/趾、多指/趾、短缺畸形和指/趾骨关节融合出现。绝大多数单纯型BD呈常染色体显性遗传, 存在表现度不同和外显不全。大多数单纯型BD和一些综合征型BD的致病基因缺陷已经被鉴定。BMP (Bone morphogenetic protein)通路参与正常指/趾发育, 且已知的BD致病基因直接或间接参与该通路。文章综述了BD分子遗传学研究方面的新进展, 将有助于BD致病机制的研究和基因诊疗的开展。  相似文献   

植物分子群体遗传学研究动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王云生  黄宏文  王瑛 《遗传》2007,29(10):1191-1191―1198
分子群体遗传学是当代进化生物学研究的支柱学科, 也是遗传育种和关于遗传关联作图和连锁分析的基础理论学科。分子群体遗传学是在经典群体遗传的基础上发展起来的, 它利用大分子主要是DNA序列的变异式样来研究群体的遗传结构及引起群体遗传变化的因素与群体遗传结构的关系, 从而使得遗传学家能够从数量上精确地推知群体的进化演变, 不仅克服了经典的群体遗传学通常只能研究群体遗传结构短期变化的局限性, 而且可检验以往关于长期进化或遗传系统稳定性推论的可靠程度。同时, 对群体中分子序列变异式样的研究也使人们开始重新审视达尔文的以“自然选择”为核心的进化学说。到目前为止, 分子群体遗传学已经取得长足的发展, 阐明了许多重要的科学问题, 如一些重要农作物的DNA多态性式样、连锁不平衡水平及其影响因素、种群的变迁历史、基因进化的遗传学动力等, 更为重要的是, 在分子群体遗传学基础上建立起来的新兴的学科如分子系统地理学等也得到了迅速的发展。文中综述了植物分子群体遗传研究的内容及最新成果。  相似文献   

GSK-3, Dd-STATa, PKA, rZIP and Ras all play important roles in cell type determination of Dictyostelium discoideum. The fact that homologs of these proteins also function in metazoan development emphasizes the importance of Dictyostelium as a model microbial organism for studying the molecular mechanisms that regulate development. The recent elaboration of the central role for GSK-3 in cell type determination has been of particular importance. The stimulatory effect of extracellular cAMP on GSK-3 activity has been shown to act through the cell surface receptor cAR3 and a tyrosine protein kinase ZAK1, which directly activates and phosphorylates GSK-3. Several proteins, including Dd-STATa, have been identified as substrates for GSK-3, and are therefore potential transducers of the signals involved in cell type determination.  相似文献   

Clinical molecular genetics has recently become recognized as a diagnostic discipline. This article covers the evolution, structure, and possible forward development of clinical molecular genetics. Topics covered include general test categories, introducing new tests, laboratory facilities, staffing and training, and overview of quality issues.  相似文献   

Noninvasive genetic approaches continue to improve studies in molecular ecology, conservation genetics and related disciplines such as forensics and epidemiology. Noninvasive sampling allows genetic studies without disturbing or even seeing the target individuals. Although noninvasive genetic sampling has been used for wildlife studies since the 1990s, technological advances continue to make noninvasive approaches among the most used and rapidly advancing areas in genetics. Here, we review recent advances in noninvasive genetics and how they allow us to address important research and management questions thanks to improved techniques for DNA extraction, preservation, amplification and data analysis. We show that many advances come from the fields of forensics, human health and domestic animal health science, and suggest that molecular ecologists explore literature from these fields. Finally, we discuss how the combination of advances in each step of a noninvasive genetics study, along with fruitful areas for future research, will continually increase the power and role of noninvasive genetics in molecular ecology and conservation genetics.  相似文献   

The study of population genetics of invasive species offers opportunities to investigate rapid evolutionary processes at work, and while the ecology of biological invasions has enjoyed extensive attention in the past, the recentness of molecular techniques makes their application in invasion ecology a fairly new approach. Despite this, molecular biology has already proved powerful in inferring aspects not only relevant to the evolutionary biologist but also to those concerned with invasive species management. Here, we review the different molecular markers routinely used in such studies and their application(s) in addressing different questions in invasion ecology. We then review the current literature on molecular genetic studies aimed at improving management and the understanding of invasive species by resolving of taxonomic issues, elucidating geographical sources of invaders, detecting hybridisation and introgression, tracking dispersal and spread and assessing the importance of genetic diversity in invasion success. Finally, we make some suggestions for future research efforts in molecular ecology of biological invasions.  相似文献   

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