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Down-regulation of macrophage lysozyme by lipopolysaccharide and interferon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment of resident mouse peritoneal macrophages (M phi) was found to suppress intracellular as well as secreted lysozyme (LZM). Interferon (IFN) had a similar effect. LZM was identified by the capacity of cell lysates or medium to lyse Micrococcus lysodeikticus, and by the presence of a 14.5 Kd protein band which co-migrated with human LZM in SDS-PAGE and which reacted positively in Western blots with antiserum to human LZM. The size of the 14.5 Kd band decreased sequentially with increasing concentrations of LPS to which the cells were exposed. Although the LPS influence on LZM levels was dose-dependent, the intracellular LZM pool responded more readily than secreted LZM. Maximal intracellular LZM suppression of 80% was obtained with 10 micrograms LPS, whereas secreted LZM was reduced by only 66%. An IFN concentration of 100 U reduced secreted LZM by 24%, whereas 10,000 U of IFN decreased the amount of LZM secreted by 71%. Thioglycolate-elicited M phi had 75% less intracellular LZM than untreated resident M phi. Moreover, thioglycolate-elicited M phi were hyporesponsive to the suppressive effects of LPS added in vitro. Because both LPS and IFN have been shown to stimulate numerous M phi functions, the data are of interest because they support the concept, based on other studies, that agents which are capable of enhancing some M phi activities may concomitantly down-regulate other functions.  相似文献   

In previous studies, the induction of Ia antigens on murine peritoneal exudate macrophages by recombinant IFN-gamma (rIFN-gamma) and the antagonism of rIFN-gamma-induced Ia expression by the inhibitors IFN-alpha/beta and glucocorticoids have been examined. In this report, these findings have been extended to an analysis of total or cytoplasmic mRNA from macrophage cultures treated with rIFN-gamma in the absence or presence of these two inhibitors. Recombinant IFN-gamma induced a 5.7- to 6.5-fold increase in steady-state levels of Ia (A alpha-specific) mRNA. Coordinate increases in steady-state mRNA for A beta, and E alpha were observed in response to rIFN-gamma. Maximum induction occurred 24 hr post-treatment and required the continued presence of rIFN-gamma. Induction of A alpha-specific mRNA was sensitive to the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Simultaneous treatment of macrophage cultures with rIFN-gamma and IFN-alpha/beta or the glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) resulted in a significant decrease in steady-state, A alpha-specific mRNA levels compared with treatment with rIFN-gamma alone. This analysis suggests that both the induction of Ia expression by rIFN-gamma, and the antagonism of rIFN-gamma-induced Ia gene expression by IFN-alpha/beta and DEX, are regulated by cognate changes in Ia mRNA.  相似文献   

This study describes the role of the interferon (IFN) consensus sequence-binding protein (ICSBP or IRF-8) in iNOS gene expression by murine macrophages. An ICSBP binding site in the iNOS promoter region (-923 to -913) was identified using an electrophoretic mobility shift assay and chromatin co-immunoprecipitation. Overexpression of ICSBP greatly enhanced IFN-gamma-induced iNOS promoter activation in RAW264.7 cells, and IFN-gamma-induced iNOS promoter activation was abolished in ICSBP-/- macrophages. Furthermore, transduction of retrovirus-ICSBP in ICSBP-/- macrophages rescued IFN-gamma-induced iNOS gene expression. However, transduction of retrovirus-ICSBP in the absence of IFN-gamma activation did not induce iNOS expression in either RAW264.7 cells or ICSBP-/- macrophages. Interestingly, ICSBP alone transduced into ICSBP-/- macrophages did not bind to IFN-stimulated response element site (-923 to -913) of the iNOS promoter region, although following activation with IFN-gamma, a DNA.protein complex was formed that contains ICSBP and IRF-1. Co-transduction of ICSBP with IRF-1 clearly induces nitric oxide production. In addition, interleukin-4 inhibits IFN-gamma-induced iNOS gene expression by attenuating the physical interaction of ICSBP with IRF-1. Complex formation of ICSBP with IRF-1 is essential for iNOS expression, and interleukin-4 attenuates the physical interaction of ICSBP with IRF-1 resulting in the inhibition of INOS gene expression.  相似文献   

Down-regulation of Ia expression on macrophages by sea star factor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sea star factor (SSF), a protein of 39,000 Da isolated from the coelomocytes of Asterias forbesi, was found to inhibit the induction of Ia expression on murine macrophages by concanavalin A supernatants. Addition of SSF to cultured macrophages at the same time as the lymphokine preparation significantly reduced the percentage Ia+ cells after 5 days culture, compared to cultures given lymphokine only. Intraperitoneal injection of SSF also reduced the percentage Ia+ peritoneal exudate macrophages by three-fourths in Listeria-infected mice. Addition of the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin, to macrophage cultures reversed this Ia-suppressive effect of SSF. Since macrophages from endotoxin-unresponsive and endotoxin-responsive mice were both sensitive to the Ia-inhibitory effect of SSF, the induction of arachidonic acid metabolism and the inhibition of Ia appear to be independent of the action of endotoxin. The SSF-induced down regulation of Ia expression may be a major factor in the suppression of primary immune responses to T-dependent antigens previously noted in studies with SSF.  相似文献   

The precise mechanisms by which the activation of interferon (IFN) receptors (IFNRs) ultimately controls mRNA translation of specific target genes to induce IFN-dependent biological responses remain ill defined. We provide evidence that IFN-α induces phosphorylation of programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) protein on Ser67. This IFN-α-dependent phosphorylation is mediated by either the p70 S6 kinase (S6K) or the p90 ribosomal protein S6K (RSK) in a cell-type-specific manner. IFN-dependent phosphorylation of PDCD4 results in downregulation of PDCD4 protein levels as the phosphorylated form of PDCD4 interacts with the ubiquitin ligase β-TRCP (β-transducin repeat-containing protein) and undergoes degradation. This process facilitates IFN-induced eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) activity and binding to translation initiation factor eIF4G to promote mRNA translation. Our data establish that PDCD4 degradation ultimately facilitates expression of several ISG protein products that play important roles in the generation of IFN responses, including IFN-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15), p21(WAF1/CIP1), and Schlafen 5 (SLFN5). Moreover, engagement of the RSK/PDCD4 pathway by the type I IFNR is required for the suppressive effects of IFN-α on normal CD34(+) hematopoietic precursors and for antileukemic effects in vitro. Altogether, these findings provide evidence for a unique function of PDCD4 in the type I IFN system and indicate a key regulatory role for this protein in mRNA translation of ISGs and control of IFN responses.  相似文献   

Cell lines derived from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive and EBV-negative Burkitt lymphoma (BL) have a low or defective expression of polymorphic HLA class I determinants compared to EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) of normal B cell origin and are resistant to lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for the corresponding determinants (M. G. Masucci, S. Torsteinsdottir, J. Colombani, C. Brautbar, E. Klein, and G. Klein, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 4567, 1987; S. Torsteinsdottir, C. Brautbar, E. Klein, G. Klein, and M. G. Masucci, Int. J. Cancer, 41, 913, 1988). In order to investigate whether this phenotypic trait of the tumor cells can be modulated by agents known to enhance HLA class I antigen expression, pairs of LCL and BL lines were cultured in the presence of recombinant human interferon (IFN)-gamma and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha. Three low HLA A11 expressor EBV-negative BL lines, DG 75, BL 28, and BL 41, reacted significantly stronger with the anti-HLA A11 monoclonal antibody (Mab) AUF 5.13 after combined treatment with 500 U/ml IFN-gamma and 500 U/ml TNF-alpha. Reactivity with the AUF 5.13 and with other anti-polymorphic class I Mab's was up-regulated also in in vitro EBV-converted sublines of BL 28 and BL 41. The increment of antigen expression depended on the baseline expression in untreated cells. It was largest for the low expressor lines and decreased proportionally to the level of up-regulation induced by EBV conversion. Up-regulation of HLA A11 was accompanied by induction of sensitivity to HLA A11-specific CTLs in BL 28 and its converted subline E95A BL28 while BL 41 and E95A BL 41 remained resistant. The treatment did not affect significantly HLA A11 expression of two EBV-carrying, low HLA A11 expressor BL lines, WW-1-BL and WW-2-BL, and of the EBV-carrying BL 72 line that had a high spontaneous expression. The results suggest that the down-regulation of class I antigen expression is reversible in some but not all BL lines.  相似文献   

CD9, a member of the tetraspanin family is a cell surface marker expressed on myeloid and nonmyeloid as well as on neoplastic cells. The present study has focused on the role of inflammation and macrophage activation in the regulation of CD9 expression. We report that the expression of CD9 on primary cultures of murine peritoneal macrophages was down regulated by Interferon-gamma, IFN-gamma. This down regulation was concentration-dependent and maximal by 48 h. The changes in surface expression were consistent with similar reductions in CD9 protein and message levels by Western and Northern blot analyses. The mechanism by which IFN-gamma decreases CD9 expression appears to be through the Stat1 signaling pathway as Stat1 knockout mice did not demonstrate any reduction in CD9 expression by IFN-gamma treatment. These results represent the first evidence for the down regulation of CD9 expression with macrophage activation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) is a cytokine with pleiotropic effects which, via different pathways, influences the secretion of certain cytokines and hormones. Growth hormone (GH) secreted from the pituitary has physiological effects on various target tissues. The question is how IFN-alpha administered in various types of disease influences GH secretion. This study investigated the acute effect of IFN-alpha on GH mRNA expression in the rat anterior pituitary. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to measure the cellular expression of GH mRNA by in situ hybridisation in the anterior pituitary after a single administration of IFN-alpha. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Rats were administered an intraperitoneal injection of IFN-alpha or saline. The rat pituitaries were taken 2 and 4 hours after IFN/saline administration and kept frozen until in situ hybridisation histochemistry. A 31-base(35)S-labelled oligonucleotide probe complementary to part of the exonic mRNA sequence coding for GH mRNA was used. All control and experimental sections were hybridised in the same hybridisation reaction. RESULTS: Acute administration of interferon alpha increased GH mRNA expression in the anterior pituitary in the 4-hour group in comparison with the control group, and there was no difference between the control group and the 2-hour rats. CONCLUSION: A single IFN-alpha administration was found to exert an influence on anterior pituitary GH mRNA expression. These observations may pave the way for presenting a possible new action of IFN-alpha.  相似文献   

Although the advent of large-scale genomic sequencing has greatly simplified the task of determining the primary structures of peptides and proteins, the genomic sequences of many organisms are still unknown. Even for those that are known, modifications such as post-translational events may prevent the identification of all or part of the protein sequence. Thus, complete characterization of the protein primary structure often requires determination of the protein sequence by mass spectrometry with minimal assistance from genomic data - de novo protein sequencing. This task has been facilitated by technical developments during the past few years: 'soft' ionization techniques, new forms of chemical modification (derivatization), new types of mass spectrometer and improved software.  相似文献   

Yuan W  Krug RM 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(3):362-371
Of the several hundred proteins induced by interferon (IFN) alpha/beta, the ubiquitin-like ISG15 protein is one of the most predominant. We demonstrate the novel way in which the function of the ISG15 protein is inhibited by influenza B virus, which strongly induces the ISG15 protein: a specific region of the influenza B virus NS1 protein, which includes part of its effector domain, blocks the covalent linkage of ISG15 to its target proteins both in vitro and in infected cells. We identify UBE1L as the E1 enzyme that catalyzes the first activation step in the conjugation of ISG15, and show that the NS1B protein inhibits this activation step in vitro. Influenza A virus employs a different strategy: its NS1 protein does not bind the ISG15 protein, but little or no ISG15 protein is produced during infection. We discuss the likely basis for these different strategies.  相似文献   

Our previous morphological studies illustrated the association of sterols with Plasmodium infecting hepatocytes. Because malaria parasites cannot synthesize sterols, they must scavenge these lipids from the host. In this paper, we have examined the source/s of sterols for intrahepatic Plasmodium and evaluated the importance of sterols for liver stage development. We show that Plasmodium continuously diverts cholesterol from hepatocytes until release of merozoites. Removal of plasma lipoproteins from the medium results in a 70% reduction of cholesterol content in hepatic merozoites but these parasites remain infectious in animals. Plasmodium salvages cholesterol that has been internalized by low-density lipoprotein but reduced expression of host low-density lipoprotein receptors by 70% does not influence liver stage burden. Plasmodium is also able to intercept cholesterol synthesized by hepatocytes. Pharmacological blockade of host squalene synthase or downregulation of the expression of this enzyme by 80% decreases by twofold the cholesterol content of merozoites without further impacting parasite development. These data enlighten that, on one hand, malaria parasites have moderate need of sterols for optimal development in hepatocytes and, on the other hand, they can adapt to survive in cholesterol-restrictive conditions by exploitation of accessible sterols derived from alternative sources in hepatocytes to maintain proper infectivity.  相似文献   

We have studied the expression of Ia molecules by macrophages from mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (CB-17 scid) that lack demonstrable T cell and B cell functions. CB-17 scid mice had approximately normal numbers of Ia-bearing macrophages in the peritoneal cavity, spleen, and liver. Peritoneal macrophages responded in culture to T cell-derived lymphokines with enhanced expression of Ia molecules. However, unlike immunocompetent controls, SCID mice could not enhance Ia expression in an antigen-specific T cell-dependent manner after secondary challenge in vivo with a conventional protein antigen such as hemocyanin. Further demonstration of their T cell deficiency was the failure of CB-17 scid spleen cells to proliferate and produce IL 2 in response to the T cell mitogen, concanavalin A. Upon infection with Listeria monocytogenes, CB-17 scid mice developed chronically high loads of bacteria, whereas CB-17 control mice eliminated all viable bacteria and became resistant to secondary infection. However, Listeria-infected CB-17 scid mice did show, in parallel with the CB-17 controls, an unexpected and striking increase of Ia-positive macrophages. These data indicate that induction of Ia expression in macrophages can occur via a mechanism that is independent of mature T cells.  相似文献   

We mapped and cloned SKI7, a gene that negatively controls the copy number of L-A and M double-stranded RNA viruses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that it encodes a nonessential 747-residue protein with similarities to two translation factors, Hbs1p and EF1-alpha. The ski7 mutant was hypersensitive to hygromycin B, a result also suggesting a role in translation. The SKI7 product repressed the expression of nonpolyadenylated [non-poly(A)] mRNAs, whether capped or uncapped, thus explaining why Ski7p inhibits the propagation of the yeast viruses, whose mRNAs lack poly(A). The dependence of the Ski7p effect on 3' RNA structures motivated a study of the expression of capped non-poly(A) luciferase mRNAs containing 3' untranslated regions (3'UTRs) differing in length. In a wild-type strain, increasing the length of the 3'UTR increased luciferase expression due to both increased rates and duration of translation. Overexpression of Ski7p efficiently cured the satellite virus M2 due to a twofold-increased repression of non-poly(A) mRNA expression. Our experiments showed that Ski7p is part of the Ski2p-Ski3p-Ski8p antiviral system because a single ski7 mutation derepresses the expression of non-poly(A) mRNA as much as a quadruple ski2 ski3 ski7 ski8 mutation, and the effect of the overexpression of Ski7p is not obtained unless other SKI genes are functional. ski1/xrn1Delta ski2Delta and ski1/xrn1Delta ski7Delta mutants were viable but temperature sensitive for growth.  相似文献   

A Lyt-2+ lymphocyte is responsible for immune interferon (IFN gamma) production in mitogen-stimulated mouse spleen cell cultures. A Lyt-1+ helper cell is required for the induction of IFN gamma. Interleukin 2 (IL 2) can specifically replace the Lyt 1 cell requirement. IL 2 will also abrogate suppressor cell inhibition of IFN gamma production. IFN gamma production appears to be regulated by a dynamic interaction between helper cells (source of IL 2), suppressor cells (absorption of IL 2?) and IFN gammna-producer cells.  相似文献   

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