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The membrane potential in highly coupled potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) mitochondria, as measured by changes in safranine absorbance, was significantly increased by addition of bovine serum albumin. Purification of potato mitochondria on Percoll, in removing 50% of free unsaturated fatty acids, decreased the BSA-de-pendent membrane potential. The effect of added linoleic acid and of the natural accumulation of fatty acids during aging was studied. The response of membrane potential to addition of bovine serum albumin appeared to be directly correlated to the amount of free unsaturated fatty acids. Aging in vitro, in releasing free fatty acids, decreased respiratory control and ADP:O ratios and collapsed the membrane potential. During 2–3 h of incubation, addition of BSA completely restored membrane potential and oxidative phosphorylation.
It is concluded that both in fresh and in aged potato mitochondria the effect of bovine serum albumin on oxidative phosphorylation can be ascribed to an effect on membrane permeability to ions. BSA, in binding free unsaturated fatty acids, restored maximal membrane potential. The bovine serum albumin-dependent membrane potential appears to be a sensitive criterion of the functional integrity of the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Calcium uptake and membrane potential in mitochondria   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
H Rottenberg  A Scarpa 《Biochemistry》1974,13(23):4811-4817

Salicylate-collapsed membrane potential in pea stem mitochondria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Salicylate, acetylsalicylate, benzoate and 3,5-diiodosalicylate were examined for their effects on pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) stem mitochondria and on a tonoplast-enriched fraction. Salicylate collapsed the transmembrane electrochemical potential of mitochondria and the ATP-dependent proton gradient of the tonoplast-enriched vesicle preparation. Benzoate and acetylsalicylate did not show any effect, while 3,5-diiodosalicylate inhibited both basal O2 consumption and ATPase activity of pea mitochondria. Salicylate seems to act as a protonophore. However, its effect is evident only at concentrations higher than those required by classical protonophores and, in addition, can be abolished after removing salicylate from the incubation medium. The activity of salicylate appears linked to the presence of the free phenolic hydroxyl on the benzene ring.  相似文献   

The object of this work was to test the suggestion that the equilibrium poise between cytochromea and cytochromec in mitochondria might be influenced by the membrane potential.
  1. The midpoint potentials of cytochromes (c+c 1) and cytochromea (CO present) were found to be 250 mV and 245 mV, respectively, by equilibrating rat liver mitochondria with mixtures of ferrocyanide and ferricyanide anaerobically in presence of antimycin A and measuring the redox state of the cytochromes spectrophotometrically. In absence of CO, cytochrome oxidase gave an anomalous redox titration curve with a “midpoint” at about 275 mV.
  2. When the mitochondria were equilibrated with ferricyanide/ferrocyanide, the redox poise of cytochromea (CO present) and of cytochromes (a+a 3) but not of cytochromes (c+c 1) was dependent on the sign and magnitude of the membrane potential developed by treating the mitochondria as follows: by adding ATP, by chaging the composition of the suspension medium so as to vary the Donnan or Nernst potential, by adding valinomycin in a medium of low K+ ion content, or by adding a pulse of acid or alkali when the membrane was made permeable to protons with FCCP.
  3. The findings agree with the suggestion that the respiratory chain is arranged across the cristae membrane with cytochromesc 1 andc in contact with the outer phase and cytochromesa anda 3 plugged through, so that the equilibrium distribution of electrons between thec anda cytochromes is influenced by the electric field across the membrane.

Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs) are the porins in the outer mitochondrial membrane allowing metabolite flux between mitochondria and the cytoplasm. The permeabilities of the VDACs to ATP(-4), ADP(3-), creatine phosphate2-, Pi2-, Pi-, and other charged metabolites depend on the membrane potential. But neither the existence of the electrical potential across the outer membrane of mitochondria, nor its generation mechanisms have been experimentally shown. In this work, the concept of metabolically-derived potential that could be generated on the outer membrane was developed further. The computational study of the quantitative models shows that a steady-state membrane potential above 40 mV may be generated across a membrane with VDACs, if the VDACs are considered to be non-permeable to K+ and Cl-. Free permeability of VDACs to these inorganic ions, mimicking VDACs biological behavior, decreases the potential to nearly 12 mV. This decrease does not result from the electrical shortening of the potential by K+ and Cl- fluxes, but is caused by the electrodynamic compartmentation of the charged metabolites influencing the Goldman fluxes and the enzyme activity determining the fluxes. The interaction of two cyclic steady-state fluxes of charged metabolites due to the synergetic superposition of the potentials generated by each of these fluxes was obtained, and the effect of amplification of one flux by the other was theoretically demonstrated. These calculations based on VDACs' known permeability-voltage characteristics indicate that there is a certain possibility that the cell energy metabolism is regulated on the outer membrane of mitochondria by the electrical potential generated by various metabolically-dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent anion channels in the outer mitochondrial membrane are strongly regulated by electrical potential. In this work, one of the possible mechanisms of the outer membrane potential generation is proposed. We suggest that the inner membrane potential may be divided on two resistances in series, the resistance of the contact sites between the inner and outer membranes and the resistance of the voltage-dependent anion channels localized beyond the contacts in the outer membrane. The main principle of the proposed mechanism is illustrated by simplified electric and kinetic models. Computational behavior of the kinetic model shows a restriction of the steady-state metabolite flux through the mitochondrial membranes at relatively high concentration of the external ADP. The flux restriction was caused by a decrease of the voltage across the contact sites and by an increase in the outer membrane potential (up to +60 mV) leading to the closure of the voltage-dependent anion channels localized beyond the contact sites. This mechanism suggests that the outer membrane potential may arrest ATP release through the outer membrane beyond the contact sites, thus tightly coordinating mitochondrial metabolism and aerobic glycolysis in tumor and normal proliferating cells.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites tumour cells were treated with digitonin so that they became permeable for low-molecular-weight compounds but, at certain concentrations of digitonin, retained most of their cytoplasmic proteins. Respiration of mitochondria with exogenous substrates and their membrane potential could thus be measured in situ by means of oxygen electrode and tetraphenylphosphonium-sensitive electrode, respectively. The results were compared with data from similar measurements on mitochondria isolated from such digitonin-permeabilized cells. Isolated mitochondria and mitochondria in situ oxidized succinate at similar rates and developed membrane potential of comparable magnitude. Both preparations also exhibited an identical nonlinear relationship between resting state respiration (titrated with a respiratory inhibitor) and the membrane potential. In the cells permeabilized with low concentrations of digitonin (i.e., retaining most of cytoplasmic proteins) and suspended in medium containing NaCl and other major anions and cations at concentrations close to those in mammalian plasma, anaerobiosis did not produce a decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential, which was collapsed only after a subsequent addition of oligomycin. In this medium, glucose had little effect on either respiration or the membrane potential.  相似文献   

The outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) is permeable to various small substances because of the presence of a voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC). The voltage dependence of VDAC's permeability is puzzling, because the existence of membrane potential on the OMM has never been shown. We propose that steady-state metabolically derived potential (MDP) may be generated on the OMM as the result of the difference in its permeability restriction for various charged metabolites. To demonstrate the possibility of MDP generation, two models were considered: a liposomal model and a simplified cell model with a creatine kinase energy channeling system. Quantitative computational analysis of the simplified cell model shows that a MDP of up to -5 mV, in addition to the Donnan potential, may be generated at high workloads, even if the OMM is highly permeable to small inorganic ions, including potassium. Calculations show that MDP and DeltapH, generated on the OMM, depend on the cytoplasmic pH and energy demand rate. Computational modeling suggests that MDP may be important for cell energy metabolism regulation in multiple ways, including VDAC's permeability modulation and the effect of electrodynamic compartmentation. The osmotic pressure difference between the mitochondrial intermembrane space and the cytoplasm, as related to the electrodynamic compartmentation effects, might explain the morphological changes in mitochondria under intense workloads.  相似文献   

X-irradiation with a dose of 8 Gy leads to a sharp decrease in membrane potential of cultured Chinese hamster cells followed by restoration thereof. Changes in the membrane potential are accompanied by a monotonous increase of mean values of input cell resistance. It is assumed that radiation elicits a decrease in the resistance of a plasma membrane and a concurrent increase in the resistance of intercellular gap contacts which lead to impairment of cell interaction.  相似文献   

The mycotoxin citrinin, depressed the phosphorylation efficiency of liver mitochondria as deduced from a decrease of respiratory coefficient and of the ADP/O ratio. Citrinin (1.0 mM) inhibited some enzymes linked to the respiratory chain, namely NADH oxidase and NADH cytochrome c reductase involved with complex I. The activities of enzymes related with other enzymatic complexes of the respiratory chain were either unaffected or enhanced. ATPase activity was inhibited by the mycotoxin. Malate, glutamate, and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenases were also inhibited. The transmembrane potential (delta psi), developed by energized mitochondria and depolarization on the addition of ADP, was decreased. The results suggest that citrinin promotes a partial dissipation of the transmembrane potential, different from that resulting from a classical uncoupler such as 2,4-dinitrophenol.  相似文献   

The effect of nicotine on the mouse liver mitochondria was studied by fluorescent flow cytometry. Mice consumed nicotine during 65 days; alternatively, nicotine was added to isolated mitochondria. Mitochondria of nicotine-treated mice had significantly lower basic levels of membrane potential and granularity as compared to those of the control group. Pre-incubation of the isolated mitochondria with nicotine prevented from dissipation of their membrane potential stimulated with 0.8 microM CaCl2 depending on the dose, and this effect was strengthened by the antagonist of alpha7 nicotinic receptors (alpha7 nAChR) methyllicaconitine. Mitochondria of mice intravenously injected with the antibodies against alpha7 nAChR demonstrated lower levels of membrane potential. Introduction of nicotine, choline, acetylcholine or synthetic alpha7 nAChR agonist PNU 282987 into the incubation medium inhibited Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria, although the doses of agonists were too low to activate the alpha7 nAChR ion channel. It is concluded that nicotine consumption worsens the functional state of mitochondria by affecting their membrane potential and granularity, and this effect, at least in part, is mediated by alpha7 nAChR desensitization.  相似文献   

It has been widely reported that the in vivo administration of glucagon to rats results in the stimulation of calcium influx in subsequently isolated liver mitochondria. The mechanism of this effect is investigated through simultaneous measurements of calcium uptake rate and mitochondrial membrane potential. This allows the measurement of the calcium uniporter conductance independent of hormonal effects on electron transport or respiration. Two experimental approaches are used. The first involves measuring the uptake of 40-50 nmol of Ca2+/mg of mitochondrial protein with the calcium dye antipyrylazo III; the second uses 45Ca2+ to follow uptake in the presence of 0.5 to 1.5 microM free calcium, buffered with HEDTA. In both cases a tetraphenyl phosphonium electrode is used to follow membrane potential, and membrane potential is varied using either malonate or butylmalonate in the presence of rotenone. The relative merits of these two approaches are discussed. The conductance of the calcium uniporter is found not to be stimulated by glucagon pretreatment. Also, the relative glucagon stimulation of both calcium influx and membrane potential is found to increase with increasing malonate concentration. These results imply that there is no direct stimulation of calcium uptake into liver mitochondria following glucagon treatment. The results are consistent with a glucagon stimulation of substrate transport, substrate oxidation, or a stimulation of electron transport resulting in an increased membrane potential and secondary stimulation of calcium uptake.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channel (mitoKATP) is a main factor of regulation of K+ exchange in mitochondria. Using photon correlation spectroscopy we have shown diazoxide-induced increase of hydrodynamic diameter of mitochondrial particles from the rat myometrium. Selective channel blocker glybenclamide partially eliminates this effect. By means of Rhodamine-123 fluorescence it was shown that activation of ATP-sensitive K(+)-channel in mitochondria caused partial depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane. This effect was absolutely blocked by glybenclamide. In the presence of valinomycine and diazoxide together, depolarization also was detected, but in this case glybenclamide failed to restore mitochondrial potential. Thus, activation of mitoKATP from the rat myometrium causes the increase of the hydrodynamic diameter of organelles and partial depolarization of the inner membrane.  相似文献   

The oxidation of NADH or succinate by Jerusalem-artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) mitochondria in the presence of chlortetracycline induced an increase in chlortetracycline fluorescence. Any treatment that prevented the formation of a transmembrane potential (as monitored by changes in safranine absorbance, A511-A533), e.g. uncoupling with carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone, inhibition of dehydrogenase activity or electron transport, anaerobiosis or depletion of substrate, prevented the increase in chlortetracycline fluorescence or caused it to disappear. Changes in chlortetracycline fluorescence were always slower than changes in the safranine absorbance. The increase in chlortetracycline fluorescence caused by succinate oxidation had an excitation maximum at 393 nm, indicating that a Ca2+-chlortetracycline complex was involved. The increase in fluorescence was observed even in the presence of EDTA, which removes all external bivalent cations, indicating that internal Ca2+ is mobilized. Although NADH and succinate oxidations gave the same membrane potential and qualitatively had the same effect on chlortetracycline fluorescence, NADH oxidation caused a much larger (over 3-fold) increase in chlortetracycline fluorescence than did succinate oxidation. It is possible that this is connected with the Ca2+-dependence of NADH oxidation. In the presence of 2 mM external Ca2+, chlortetracycline collapsed the transmembrane potential and uncoupled succinate and duroquinone oxidation.  相似文献   

目的肝刺激因子(hepatic stimulator substance,HSS)可以保护肝细胞免受各种毒素的影响,但机制尚未清楚,研究探讨肝刺激因子保护肝细胞的可能机制。方法利用稳定转染FLAG-pcDNA3.0/hHss的肝癌细胞BEL-7402为模型,使用Alexa Flour 488、Hoechst 33342、MitoTracker 580分别将HSS、细胞核以及线粒体染色,观察HSS在细胞中的定位情况。当野生型7402细胞、转染空载体FLAG-pcDNA3.0的7402细胞以及转染FLAppcDNA3.0/hHSS的7402细胞受到线粒体膜孔道开放剂羰基氰化间氯苯腙(carbonyl cyanide m—chlorophenylhydrazone,CCCP)的损伤后,用电镜观察线粒体形态、荧光素酶检测ATP、流式细胞仪测定线粒体膜电位(mitoehondrial membrane potential,MMP)等,综合观察过表达HSS的肝细胞的抗损伤能力。结果在稳定转染hHSS基因的7402细胞中,大部分HSS与线粒体共定位;在CCCP作用下,对照组野生型7402细胞以及转染空载体的7402细胞MMP下降明显,线粒体肿胀,嵴断裂、消失,ATP下降显著;实验组稳定转染hHSS基因的7402细胞MMP下降幅度较小,线粒体肿胀与嵴形态的改变明显减轻,ATP的含量较对照组高。结论肝刺激因子HSS在细胞中主要定位于线粒体,可以稳定MMP,维持线粒体形态及细胞内ATP的水平,从而增强肝细胞抗损伤的能力。  相似文献   

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