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The effects of tree species, shoot age, and sex of larvae on food consumption and utilization were investigated in a factorial experiment. Diets prepared from lyophilized and powdered current-year shoots, from two age classes (sample dates) of Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, Picea rubra, Sarg., and Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P., were evaluated for eight performance criteria. All factors had significant effects on all criteria except for tree species on assimilation efficiency, shoot age on development time, and sex on net growth efficiency. Eight of the possible 24 two-factor interactions and one of the possible eight three-factor interactions were significant. Food utilization efficiencies and relative growth rate were in the low and moderate characterization limits for immature arthropods; relative consumption rates were high. The higher performance values on Picea glauca were related to this species greater vulnerability to spruce budworm. Performance criteria of similar larvae on an artificial diet were compared with those on the foliage-diets.
Résumé L'auteur a déterminé la quantité d'aliments utilisées, à 22±0,5 °C, par des larves de Tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette parvenues à leur sixième stade de développement qui s'étaient nourries d'un régime artificiel et d'aiguilles de l'année en cours lyophilisées et réduites en poudre, prélevées à deux dates différentes, à 10 jours d'intervalle, et provenant d'épinettes blanchés (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss), d'épinettes rouges (Picea rubra Sarg.) et d'épinettes noires (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.). Les femelles ont invariablement ingéré une quantité significativement plus importante de tous les régimes que les mâles, consommant 24% de plus d'aiguilles d'épinette noire et 73% de plus d'aiguilles d'épinette blanche.Les femelles prenaient en général plus de temps pour parvenir au stade de chrysalide et avaient un taux d'utilisation des aliments significativement plus élevé. L'efficacité nette de la croissance chez les deux sexes ne présentait toutefois aucune différence significative. La performance des larves ayant ingéré des aiguilles provenant de deux classes d'âge différait de façon significative mais non pas uniforme d'un régime à l'autre: les aiguilles d'épinette blanche plus récentes donnaient une performance généralement plus élevée contrairement aux aiguilles plus jeunes d'épinette rouge et d'épinette noire. Les larves ingéraient une quantité significativement plus élevée, avaient un taux de consommation et de croissance supérieur et augmentaient davantage leur biomasse avec des aiguilles d'épinette blanche. L'efficacité d'utilisation des aliments et le taux de croissance relatif étaient de faibles à modérément faibles pour un lépidoptère arboricole phyllophage; la vitesse d'ingestion relative était élevée. La qualité des aiguilles des trois essences d'épinettes était faible. Les aiguilles d'épinette blanche permettaient aux larves d'avoir une performance significativement plus élevée, performance mesurée à partir de plusieurs critères, alors que les aiguilles d'épinette rouge et d'épinette noire donnaient une performance égale. La supériorité des performances obtenues avec l'épinette blanche explique la plus grande vulnérabilité de cette essence à la Tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette.

The western predatory mite, Galendromus occidentalis (Nesbitt) (Acari: Phytoseiidae), is a predator of Pacific spider mite, Tetranychus pacificus McGregor (Acari: Tetranychidae), in California vineyards. We evaluated the effects of six pesticides on biological control of T. pacificus on grape plant microcosms in a two-way design: presence and absence of G. occidentalis crossed with presence and absence of pesticide. The insecticide imidacloprid did not affect T. pacificus population growth rate, but it led G. occidentalis populations close to extinction. As a result, T. pacificus populations grew significantly higher in microcosms with release of G. occidentalis and treated with imidacloprid than with G. occidentalis alone. The fungicide wettable sulfur significantly decreased T. pacificus population growth rate but it did not affect G. occidentalis. Consequently, T. pacificus populations were significantly lower in microcosms with release of G. occidentalis and treated with wettable sulfur than with G. occidentalis alone. The insecticide buprofezin had no effect on T. pacificus population growth rate. Although buprofezin did not impact the ability of G. occidentalis to suppress T. pacificus, it negatively affected G. occidentalis population growth rate. The fungicides trifloxystrobin and tebuconazole and the insecticide methoxyfenozide had no influence on T. pacificus or G. occidentalis population growth rates. Furthermore, none of the pesticides affected the sex ratio of G. occidentalis, but buprofezin, methoxyfenozide and trifloxystrobin affected its stage structure. Our study demonstrates that simultaneous testing of the demographic effects of pesticides on pests and natural enemies is essential for a full assessment of pesticide impacts on biological control.  相似文献   

The mutillid wasp Dasymutilla occidentalis possesses several adaptations and exhibits a number of responses wich appear to be of defensive value: a long mobile sting with powerful venom; a strong, rounded and slippery cuticle; an ability to run very rapidly and evasively; an aposematic warning coloration pattern; and the ability to respond to an attack by making stridulatory sounds and by releasing a chemical secretion or both. The effectiveness of these defenses is supported by tests utilizing various vertebrate and arthropod predators. The raison d'être of the multiple lines of defense possessed by D. occidentalis and the relative value of each line of defense are discussed. It is postulated that aposematic coloration, audible stridulation, and a volatile defensive exudate all function primarily as part of an early warning system enabling a predator to recognize this wasp-with its very algogenic venom-as unpalatable and potentially dangerous.
Zusammenfassung Die Mutillide Wespe Dasymutilla occidentalis besitzt verschiedene Anpassungen und zeigt eine Anzahl von Reaktionen, die für die Verteidigung von Wert sind: ein langer, beweglicher Stachel mit starkem Gift, eine starke, runde und glatte Kutikula, die Möglichkeit, sehr schnell und ausweichend zu laufen sowie ein aposematisches Warn-Farben-Muster. Desweiteren ist sie fähig, einem Angriff mit einem knisternden Ton entgegenzutreten sowie ein chemisches Sekret abzugeben oder auch beides. Im Labor durchgeführte Zusammenstöße zwischen vertebraten und invertebraten Räubern und D. occidentalis beweisen klar den Wert der ganzen Anzahl von Verteidigungsmechanismen für die Wespe.Diese Zusammenstöße liefern auch einen Einblick in die raison d'être der vielseitigen Verteidigung. die stärkere Kutikula und ihre Glätte, Haupteigenschaften zum überleben gegen Räuber, funktionieren gleichzeitig mit dem Stich zum Schutz gegen Vertebraten und mit schneller Fluchtmöglichkeit zum Schutz gegen die meisten Invertebraten. Das akustische Geräusch scheint eine Hilfsverteidigung zu sein wenigstens gegen einige Spinnen und vermutlich auch gegen einige Vertebraten. Die chemische Sekretion, die hauptsächlich aus 4-methyl-3-heptanon besteht, scheint möglicherweise direkten Verteidigungswert gegen einige Eidechsen zu haben und funktioniert höchstwahrscheinlich hauptsächlich im Zusammenhang mit der roten und schwarzen aposematischen Färbung und dem knisternden Ton als vielseitiges Warnsystem, das fähig ist, durch Signalisieren allen potentiellen vertebraten Räubern mitzuteilen, daß dieses Insekt ungenießbar ist.

不同杀虫剂对西花蓟马的室内毒力及田间药效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【目的】西花蓟马是一种世界性的危险性入侵害虫,筛选防治西花蓟马的有效药剂可为生产中科学用药提供依据。【方法】通过室内毒力测定和田间药效试验,测定了2种化学药剂和8种生物药剂对西花蓟马成虫的致死中浓度(LC_(50))和药后不同时期的防治效果。【结果】室内毒力测定依据LC_(50)值将各药剂对西花蓟马的敏感性由高到低依次排序为乙基多杀菌素(0.1958 mg·L~(-1))、印楝素(0.9399 mg·L~(-1))、苦参碱(1.2483 mg·L~(-1))、阿维菌素(1.8096 mg·L~(-1))、高效氯氰菊酯(4.4458 mg·L~(-1))、藜芦碱(10.7628 mg·L~(-1))、鱼藤酮(18.1898 mg·L~(-1))、吡虫啉(46.3964 mg·L~(-1))、松脂酸钠(131.5214 mg·L~(-1))、苏云金杆菌(446.2318 mg·L~(-1));田间药效试验发现,乙基多杀菌素和吡虫啉防治西花蓟马均表现出较强的速效性和持效性,药后1~14 d的防效分别可达84%和73%以上;其次是藜芦碱,药后1~14 d的防效可达48.15%~61.37%;高效氯氰菊酯的防效较低,药后14 d的防效为46.22%;生物药剂阿维菌素、苏云金杆菌、苦参碱、印楝素的速效性均较低,但防效随施药后时间的延长而逐渐上升;鱼藤酮持效性最低。【结论】乙基多杀菌素和吡虫啉可推荐为生产中防治西花蓟马的首选药剂,植物源药剂藜芦碱和生物药剂阿维菌素可作为交替使用药剂。  相似文献   

西花蓟马是一种外来入侵的世界性害虫,对农林业危害巨大。查阅国内外相关文献,综述了当前防治西花蓟马的虫生真菌的种类、高毒力菌株的筛选及防治现状。现已知西花蓟马的寄生病原真菌有5种,包括蜡蚧轮枝菌(半知菌:丝孢目)、球孢白僵菌(半知菌:丝孢目)、金龟子绿僵菌(半知菌:丝孢目)、玫烟色棒束孢(半知菌:束梗孢目)和小孢新接霉。其中,球孢白僵菌、金龟子绿僵菌在西花蓟马的生物防治中应用最广,具有良好的开发应用潜力,部分防效好的虫生真菌已申请专利及实现工厂化生产。  相似文献   

Artificial defoliation has been used commonly to simulate defoliation by insect herbivores in experiments, in spite of the fact that obvious differences exist between clipping foliage and natural defoliation due to insect feeding. We used a greenhouse experiment to compare the effects of artificial and western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman) defoliation on the growth and biomass allocation of 3-yr old half-sib seedlings from mature Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco variety glauca] trees that showed phenotypic resistance versus susceptibility to budworm defoliation in the forest. Artificial clipping of buds mimicked the effects of budworm feeding on total seedling biomass when 50% of the terminal buds were damaged. However, artificial defoliation decreased seedling height, relative growth rate of height, and shoot: root ratio more than budworm defoliation, whereas budworm defoliation decreased stem diameter relative growth rate more than artificial defoliation. Half-sib seedling progeny from resistant maternal tree phenotypes had greater height, diameter, biomass, and shoot: root ratio than seedlings from susceptible phenotypes. We concluded that careful artificial defoliation could generally simulate effects of budworm defoliation on total biomass of Douglas-fir seedlings, but that the two defoliation types did not have equal effects on biomass allocation between shoot and root. Further, an inherently higher growth rate and a greater allocation of biomass to shoot versus root are associated with resistance of Douglas-fir trees to western spruce budworm defoliation.  相似文献   

Microorganisms associated with the predatory mite Metaseiulus (=Typhlodromus or Galendromus) occidentalis (Nesbitt) and its prey, the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Koch), were assessed using a high-fidelity polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol and primers designed to identify Eubacteria, Archaeabacteria, iridoviruses, Helicosporidia, Cytophaga-like microorganisms, Wolbachia and its bacteriophage WO, fungi and yeast-like organisms. Sequences from four bacterial species related to Wolbachia (α-Proteobacteria), Cardinium, Bacteroidetes, and Enterobacter (γ-Proteobacteria) were obtained from M. occidentalis, and three sequences related to Wolbachia, Rickettsia, and Caulobacter (α-Proteobacteria) were obtained from T. urticae. No nucleotide differences were detected between the 16S rRNA, wspA or wspB Wolbachia sequences obtained from M. occidentalis and T. urticae, which suggest that horizontal transfer of Wolbachia could have occurred. Southern blot analyses of genomic DNA from both M. occidentalis and T. urticae using wspA probes were negative, indicating that this Wolbachia sequence is not integrated into the nuclear genome of either species. Two of the T. urticae colonies tested contained the WO bacteriophage, but none of the six M. occidentalis populations were infected. New M. occidentalis-specific forward and reverse 16S rRNA primers based on the Wolbachia, Cardinium, Bacteroidetes, and Enterobacter sequences obtained were designed and used to amplify PCR products from each of two laboratory and four field-collected samples of M. occidentalis females and eggs, indicating that these infections are widespread. Likewise, species-specific primers for T. urticae were designed for the Wolbachia, Rickettsia, and Caulobacter sequences obtained and used to evaluate T. urticae from strawberries, wine grapes, hops, almonds, and cherries from California, Washington, and Florida; all were positive for Wolbachia and Caulobacter but two of the six were negative for Rickettsia. None of the M. occidentalis colonies tested were positive for the microsporidium Oligosporidium occidentalis, which previously had been associated with a pathogenic condition in some of our laboratory colonies. The Gainesville colonies of M. occidentalis and T. urticae were negative for iridovirus, Archaeabacteria, fungi, Helicosporidia, and yeast-like organisms. So far, Wolbachia is the only symbiont that is shared by this predator and its prey.  相似文献   

Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis, is an invasive worldwide pest that causes great economic loss. Temperature plays an important role in shaping insect distributions. In this study, we report the survival rates of 3-day-old WFT exposed to rapid changes in extreme high and low temperatures. Temperature, exposure time, and gender all significantly affected the survival of adult WFT, with the lowest survival associated with more extreme temperatures and/or longer exposures. The temperature required to kill 50% of exposed WFT individuals (LT50) decreased with extended exposure time, but females were more tolerant to extreme temperature than males. Investigation of rapid cold or heat hardening suggested that a short prior exposure to a sub-lethal low or high temperature increased WFT survival during a subsequent exposure to a lethal temperature. Tolerance of extreme temperatures and an ability to undergo rapid hardening are of great ecological relevance in determining the geographic distribution of WFT, allowing it to survive better in temporary bouts of extreme temperature stress. Our findings provide useful information on the environmental limits on the distribution of WFT, which have implications for control of this pest.  相似文献   

【目的】西花蓟马是世界性害虫,利用西花蓟马对寄主植物嗜食性的差异,通过驱避作用防控西花蓟马,能够为绿色治理提供依据。【方法】在西花蓟马嗜食的甘蓝和非嗜食的大蒜上互喷汁液,采用黄瓜+甘蓝、黄瓜+大蒜2种相间种植方式,研究它们对西花蓟马寄主选择性的影响。【结果】在甘蓝上喷洒大蒜汁液后,甘蓝叶片上西花蓟马的虫量和产卵量均明显减少。大蒜汁液浓度越高,减少得越多;在大蒜上喷洒甘蓝汁液后,大蒜植株上西花蓟马的虫量和产卵量明显增加,且增加程度与甘蓝汁液的浓度呈正相关。黄瓜和甘蓝相间排列时,西花蓟马在黄瓜叶片上的数量与单作黄瓜叶片上无明显差异;但黄瓜和大蒜相间排列时,西花蓟马在黄瓜上的数量明显高于单作黄瓜上的虫数,多52.4%。【结论】在嗜食寄主植物上喷洒非嗜食植物汁液或间作非嗜食的寄主可以明显减少西花蓟马的选择性。研究结果为利用非嗜食植物挥发物防控西花蓟马提供了理论依据和新的方法。  相似文献   

Summary Lactate removal and glycogen replenishment were studied in the lizardSceloporus occidentalis following exhaustion at 35°C. Whole body lactate concentrations and oxygen consumption were measured inSceloporus at rest, after 2 min vigorous exercise and at intervals during a 150 min recovery period. Lactate concentrations peaked at 2.2 mg/g (24 mM) after exercise and returned to resting levels after 90 min. Oxygen consumption returned to resting rates after 66 min. In a second set of experiments, glycogen and lactate concentrations of liver, hindlimb and trunk musculature were measured over the same time periods of exercise and recovery. The decrease in muscle glycogen following exercise was identical (mg/g) to the increase in muscle lactate, and the stoichiometric and temporal relationships between lactate removal and glycogen replenishment during the recovery period were also similar. Glycogen replenishment was rapid (within 150 min) and complete in fastedSceloporus. Dietary supplement of carbohydrate during 48 h of recovery led to supercompensation of glycogen stores in the muscle (+66%) and liver (+800%). The changes were similar to the seasonal differences measured inSceloporus from the field.  相似文献   

【目的】蛋白样品的制备是获得良好双向凝胶电泳(2-DE)图谱的前提,建立合理的西花蓟马蛋白的双向电泳体系,获得分辨率较高、重复性较好的图谱,能够为后续的研究提供有力支撑。【方法】实验以西花蓟马成虫为实验材料,对比了饱和酚法、TCA/丙酮法和直接裂解法3种蛋白提取方法,从中选出最适宜双向电泳分析的一种蛋白提取方法。【结果】3种方法蛋白提取率差异显著,直接裂解法蛋白提取率最高,饱和酚法的蛋白提取率最低;3种方法的SDS-PAGE条带数差异不明显;TCA/丙酮法的双向凝胶图谱效果最好,蛋白点最多。【结论】TCA/丙酮法能够有效去除西花蓟马蛋白中的干扰物质,是最适合西花蓟马双向凝胶电泳的蛋白提取方法,为后续西花蓟马在蛋白组学方面的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

【目的】探究不同杀虫剂对重要入侵害虫西花蓟马及其本地近缘种花蓟马的毒力及对保护酶和解毒酶活性的影响,为进一步研究2种害虫的抗性管理提供依据。【方法】采用浸渍法测定5种田间常用杀虫剂对西花蓟马和花蓟马的毒力,并测定杀虫剂亚致死浓度(LC25)下2种蓟马体内保护酶和解毒酶活性的差异。【结果】不同杀虫剂对2种蓟马的毒力依次为:乙基多杀菌素甲维盐阿维菌素吡虫啉噻虫嗪,乙基多杀菌素对西花蓟马和花蓟马的LC_(50)分别为0.28和0.03 mg·L~(-1)。不同药剂的亚致死剂量(LC_(25))对西花蓟马和花蓟马体内保护酶和解毒酶活性普遍具有诱导作用。其中,阿维菌素对西花蓟马超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性诱导作用最强,为326.40 U·mg~(-1),是对照的9.37倍,而乙基多杀菌素对花蓟马SOD活性诱导作用最强,为245.35 U·mg~(-1),是对照的9.32倍;吡虫啉对西花蓟马和花蓟马过氧化物酶(POD)诱导作用最强,分别为298.67和246.79 U·mg~(-1),是对照的37.10和20.57倍;阿维菌素对西花蓟马和花蓟马过氧化氢酶(CAT)和羧酸酯酶(CarE)诱导作用最强,分别为298.67、246.79 U·mg~(-1)(CAT活性)和12.53、11.99 U·mg~(-1)(CarE活性);乙基多杀菌素对西花蓟马和花蓟马谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST)和乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)诱导作用最强,分别为77527.59、66927.39 U·mg~(-1)(GST活性)和2.34、2.22 U·mg~(-1)(AChE活性)。【结论】5种杀虫剂中,乙基多杀菌素对2种蓟马的毒力最强;西花蓟马对杀虫剂的解毒代谢能力强于花蓟马。  相似文献   

Variation in budburst phenology among individual trees of interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca [Beissn.] Franco) may influence their susceptibility to western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman) defoliation. We tested the hypothesis that phenological asynchrony between Douglas-fir and the western spruce budworm is a mechanism of resistance using clones derived from parent trees that showed resistance versus susceptibility to C. occidentalis defoliation in the field. Susceptible clones had earlier budburst phenology compared with resistant clones when they were grown in a common greenhouse environment, demonstrating a genetic basis for parallel phenological differences exhibited by the parent trees. We tested the importance of phenological asynchrony as a factor influencing fitness of C. occidentalis using two different greenhouse bioassay experiments. One experiment compared western spruce budworm performance on equivalent phenological stages of susceptible and resistant clones by matching larval feeding to the columnar (fourth) bud development stage of each clone. Larvae reared on resistant clones had greater realized fitness (i.e., number of F1 offspring produced) than those reared on susceptible clones when the influence of variation in budburst phenology was minimized. In the other experiment, western spruce budworm larvae were placed on all trees on the same date when approximately 50% of all terminal buds in the population were in the yellow (second) budburst stage. Larvae reared on susceptible clones had greater realized fitness than those reared on resistant clones when the influence of phenological asynchrony was expressed. Our results suggest that resistant phenotypes of Douglas-fir have negative effects on survival and reproduction of C. occidentalis under the natural conditions that insects and trees experience in the field. Genetic variation among trees in budburst phenology has an important influence on interactions between the western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of training and captivity on the running performance and selected metabolic and biochemical variables were investigated in the lizardSceloporus occidentalis (Sauria: Iguanidae) in two studies of 6 and 8 weeks duration. Resting and maximal oxygen consumption, lactate concentration of the blood and whole body, and enzyme activities in skeletal muscle were compared among trained and untrained-captive animals taken recently from the field. No significant changes in these metabolic and biochemical measurements occurred as a result of training or of captivity. Distance run to exhaustion and the running endurance of these animals also failed to change in a way attributable to the experimental treatments. Training and captivity appear incapable of altering the maximal rates or the components of metabolic energy production inS. occidentalis. This inflexibility is in contrast to the adaptability and plastic nature of the metabolic capacities exhibited by captive and domestic mammals subjected to varying amounts of chronic activity.  相似文献   

张安盛  于毅  李丽莉  张思聪 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1903-1909
为探明东亚小花蝽对西花蓟马的控制效能,开展了东亚小花蝽成虫对西花蓟马成虫的捕食功能反应与寻找效应研究。试验结果表明,在供试温度下,其捕食功能反应符合HollingⅡ型方程。在相同温度下,东亚小花蝽成虫的捕食量随着猎物密度的增加而增大,搜寻效应随着猎物密度的增加而降低。在18~26℃,随着温度的升高,东亚小花蝽成虫对西花蓟马成虫的捕食量增加,而在26~34℃则有相反的趋势。在相同猎物密度条件下,随着东亚小花蝽成虫密度的增大,其平均捕食量逐渐减少,捕食作用率E也相应地降低,捕食作用率E与东亚小花蝽成虫密度P的关系为E=0.5224P^-0.7148,分摊竞争强度,与东亚小花蝽成虫密度P的关系为I=0.9689logP+0.0763。  相似文献   

Effects of Collembola (Protaphorura fimata) on the development of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and the reproduction of aphids (Rhopalosiphum padi) were investigated at different soil nutrient concentrations in a laboratory experiment. Fertilization with N and NPK increased biomass and nitrogen content of wheat, aphid reproduction and abundance of Collembola. Presence of Collembola tended to decrease biomass of leaves and ears, and caused a delayed ear production of the plants. Aphid reproduction was significantly reduced in the presence of Collembola (−14%) and most pronounced in fertilizer treatments. We suggest that the reduction of aphid reproduction is caused by Collembola-mediated changes in resource allocation and growth of wheat.  相似文献   

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