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The extent and causes of pup mortality in the Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella , were investigated at sites of high and low density at South Georgia. Mortality was greater at the high density site, (17—31% of annual pup production) than at the low density site (36%). The main causes of death, starvation and skull injury, occur more frequently at the high density site. Most starvation was caused by failure of the mother-pup bond to form, often caused by disturbance induced by the activities of breeding bulls. In some seasons starvation of older pups may be influenced by reduced food availability but this was usually of minor importance. Injury to the skull resulted from bites inflicted by females either accidently during birth or when pups tried to suck from females other than their mother. Trampling of young pups by bulls was probably responsible for the appreciable incidence of ruptured livers. Infectious disease and drowning played minor roles in pup mortality. Pups born late in the season suffered disproportionately greater mortality which may relate to female age and condition. Food availability (both during and prior to the breeding season) and weather are likely to account for year to year variation in pup mortality rates but the basic rate is primarily determined by breeding density. Further population increase and colonization of new beaches is expected until food resources during the summer, or more probably the winter, become limiting.  相似文献   

Summary Relationships between size, body condition, age and feeding-attendance patterns during pup rearing of female Antacrtic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella and their effects on the timing of birth and weaning, pup weight, growth and condition were studied at South Georgia in 1981–1982. Twenty-seven (6 male, 21 female) mother-pup pairs were followed from birth to weaning. The analysis of maternal effects was limited to female pups because of the small sample size of male weaners. High weaning weight was associated with those female pups whose mothers spent more time ashore attending their offspring. Weaning weight showed no relationship with perinatal duration, number of feeding trips to sea, days at sea or date of weaning. A further 63 mother-pup pairs were analysed for the effects of maternal body condition (weight/length), age and timing of birth on offspring body weight and condition. Pup weight and condition were weakly correlated with maternal age in female pups. Male pups born earlier in the season were heavier and in better condition. Maternal and offspring body weight and condition were unrelated. For the Antarctic fur seal population at South Georgia where the food supply was apparently not limiting in summer, maternal condition and foraging time were subordinate to maternal care on land (as expressed by attendance duration) in determining offspring weight at weaning.  相似文献   

Large numbers of pups of the Antarctic fur seal were weighed at regular intervals through their rearing period in six seasons between 1972 and 1981 at South Georgia. Growth rates and birth and weaning weights were estimated from linear regressions of mean weight on mean age. Female pups had significantly lower growth rates and weaning weights than males, but higher variances for all growth parameters. This may reflect the importance to males of polygynous species of attaining high body weight. Except for an inverse relation between growth rate and birth weight there were no systematic relationships between growth parameters. Seasonal differences in growth rates were substantial and there was no indication that the continuing rapid population increase was affecting pup growth rates. The use of these data in detecting seasonal variations in local food availability is discussed. Preliminary estimates of the energy costs of pup rearing indicate that pup existence metabolism consumes c. 80% and mass gain to weaning only c. 15% of the energy provided by the female.  相似文献   

Vagrant southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) are occasionally sighted along the coast of South Africa and are known to feed primarily on fish and squid. Phocid seals are not known to predate on mammals making the events described here exceptional. This note describes the successful and failed attempts of a vagrant male southern elephant seal (M. leonina) to consume Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) pups in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa. Observations were made by crew and passengers aboard a commercial whale-watching vessel during November 2012. This is the first account of elephant seals eating anything other than fish, squid and penguins and suggests considerable plasticity in prey choice dictated by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Pup Shoving by Adult Naked Mole-Rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult naked mole‐rats (Heterocephalus glaber) characteristically perform an unusual behavior toward young: they shove small pups frequently and vigorously around the nest. We studied 15 litters in five captive colonies to quantify which adults shove pups, changes in shoving frequencies as pups develop, how external disturbances affect pup‐shoving frequencies, and behavior of juveniles that were not shoved as pups. In all litters and colonies the breeding female shoved pups significantly more often than any other individual. Breeding females also shoved adult colony mates, but at far lower rates than they shoved pups. Breeding males shoved pups about half as often as did breeding females. Together, the parents shoved pups ten times more often than did nonbreeders. Frequencies of pup shoving peaked when pups were 3–4 wk old, roughly coincident with weaning. When colonies were disturbed experimentally, frequencies of pup shoving increased dramatically, whereas rates at which nonbreeding adults were shoved decreased sharply. We separated four newly‐weaned litters and raised half the pups apart from their colony. When these litters were reunited 4–9 wk later, the unshoved (experimental) pups were the same size as the frequently shoved (control) pups, but the unshoved pups were significantly less likely to flee from a disturbance. Shoving of small pups encourages them to flee from danger, and also may enforce weaning.  相似文献   

In the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens), a polygynous species with a high degree of sexual dimorphism, pups form groups during maternal foraging trips. The aim of this study was to investigate the existence of sexual differences in aggregation behavior and association patterns in O. flavescens pups at Isla de Lobos, Uruguay, during the first 2 mo of life. Scan samplings of marked pups were conducted every hour from 0700 to 1800 to register behavior. Association patterns were analyzed in SOCPROG (using the Half-Weight Index of Association). We did not find significant sex differences in any variable (time spent in groups, average group size, time interacting with other pups, and time in groups at sea). Each pup showed preference for at least one partner. Associations between individuals of the same and different sex were not significantly different. As expected, during the first month, pups associated more strongly with pups born in the same zone than with those born in a different zone. This research provides new evidence on the development of social behavior in otariids and serves as a basis for future studies focusing on sexual differences in pup behavior and association patterns among individuals (e.g., related with kinship).  相似文献   

Potentially some of the biggest gaps in our knowledge about the ecology of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) relate to juvenile animals. We investigated the at-sea distribution of five male and five female fur seal pups post-weaning. The study was carried out at Bird Island, South Georgia during two successive winters using satellite-linked platform transmitter terminals (PTTs). Our results are analysed in relation to pup sex and the physical environment and productivity of those 2 years, as well as in the context of our present knowledge of where post-breeding females and males forage. The available physical and biological data during both of the winters of this study suggest that both years were not unusual. We report marked differences between the sexes with male pups foraging significantly further away from land and their birth site than do females. The pups foraged in areas to the East of Bird Island seldom reported as foraging areas for the adult population. Also as winter progressed they showed a more oceanic distribution leaving the continental shelf, possibly to exploit a different prey source that was more readily available in the upper water column.  相似文献   

Lactating Long-Evans rats (Rattus norvegicus) were presented with three-day-old male and female pups that were either untreated, coated with collodion in the anogenital region or on the neck, or perfumed; or with female pups odorized with either male or female pup urine. As measured by related t-tests of maternal anogenital licking, male and female pups were discriminated in the untreated condition, but not when masking stimuli were present. Female pups treated with male urine elicited more licking than female pups treated with female urine. Overall, maternal licking was decreased by olfactory masking agents and increased by pup urine. It was concluded that olfactory stimuli from pups both stimulate maternal licking and serve as a basis for discriminating male and female offspring.  相似文献   

We investigated the variation of Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) pup growth rates in response to sex, breeding season and duration of both maternal foraging trip and attendance bouts. Data were collected during five consecutive rearing seasons at Cape Shirreff, the most important breeding colony in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Our results showed significant interannual and sexual variations in pup growth rates. Male pups grew significantly faster than female pups during 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004 seasons, whilst during 2003 no difference was found. The interannual variation in pup growth rates was correlated with the interannual fluctuation in maternal foraging trip and attendance bouts. There was a significant effect of pup sex and maternal foraging trip duration on pup growth rates, which varied between years having foraging trip duration a major effect during 2003, when females spent more time at sea and interestingly on that year there were no sexual differences in pup growth rates. The effect of attendance bout on pup growth rates was not significant. Diet analysis showed that Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) was the most frequent prey item during the study period. Analysis of krill size distribution showed a significant difference in krill length, during 2003, when A. gazella preyed upon the smallest sizes of krill. In this study, sex was the most important factor on pup growth rates, but when prey availability seemed more limited, there are longer foraging trips and shorter attendance bouts the sex factor became less significant.  相似文献   

Pre- and early post-weaning pup mortality of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) at Marion Island from 1990 through 1999 ranged from 1.6% to 7.3% and averaged 3.8%. Mortality of pups after weaning before their first trip to sea accounted for only 12% of the total mortality. We found no relationship between population size and percentage pup mortality, indicating that pup survival is independent of seal density, at least at the densities of breeding seals that prevailed. Indeed, pup mortality was greatest in the smallest harems, apparently owing to a greater number of younger, less experienced mothers. Small harems were generally also found on less suitable beaches than larger harems and this could have contributed to pup injury as a cause of pup mortality on these beaches. Mother-pup separation and injury caused by beachmasters is likely to be responsible for pup mortality in the larger harems. The low rates of pup mortality observed in this study obviate it being a major population regulating agent at Marion Island.  相似文献   

Subantarctic fur seal Arctocephalus tropicalis and Antarctic fur seal A. gazella pups at Marion Island were weighed frequently until weaning, which occurs earlier in A. gazella (112 days) than in A. tropicalis (± 300 days). The mean birth weight of both species was the same (4·2 kg) and males grew faster than females. Arctocephalus gazella growth was linear to weaning and faster than A. tropicalis growth, which was linear to 120 days of age, slowing until 203 days of age, and thereafter losing weight but recovering perceptibly prior to weaning. Tagging had no apparent effect on pup growth. Faster growth in males than in females is part of the differential growth patterns which lead to adult sexual dimorphism. Arctocephalus gazella pup growth at Marion Island is faster than at South Georgia, indicating that conditions at this, their most northerly breeding locality, are not limiting for pup growth. The decrease in A. tropicalis pup body weight in July/August may result from either a scarcity of food in winter or weaning having been initiated. The two groups (polar and non-polar) of fur seals exhibit two strategies, which include differences in pup growth and suckling period; the polar species have a short suckling period and rapid pup growth and are predominantly pelagic over winter, while the more temperate species have a longer suckling period and slower pup growth and are less pelagic over winter.  相似文献   

Paternal care during early development influences pup survivorship in the monogamous and biparental California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. Moreover, paternal pup retrievals impact development of adult offspring aggression and the neuropeptide vasopressin, yet little is known about the underlying mechanisms of these developmental changes. Because testosterone can increase arginine vasopressin and aggression, we hypothesized that paternal pup retrievals increase testosterone levels in prepubertal male P. californicus pups. Male pups were assigned to one of three groups: hormonal baseline, nonretrieval control, or retrieval. On postnatal days 18-21, all pups and the mother were removed from the cage, and the focal male pup was placed either outside of the nest to elicit paternal retrievals (retrieval group) or in the nest to discourage paternal retrievals (nonretrieval group). Testosterone was elevated at 45-min, but not 90-min, post-manipulation in retrieved compared to nonretrieved pups. Moreover, there was a significant positive correlation between pup retrievals and testosterone in the 45-min group. This rapid testosterone rise in response to paternal retrievals may facilitate an increase in aggression and vasopressin in adult offspring. Therefore, this period of development previously viewed as hormonally quiescent may be more active in response to paternal behavior than previously thought.  相似文献   

Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) are apex predators of marine Antarctic food webs, and variations in their populations have been linked to environmental changes. Consequently, measuring and reporting the status of elephant seal populations provide insights into the environmental status of Antarctica. Here, we present new information on the size of the elephant seal subpopulation on Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, maritime Antarctica). Based on a total count of 1,510 pups, we estimated a total subpopulation size of 5,530 individuals by using a conversion factor of 3.5. This represents an increase of 150 % since the subpopulation was first counted 30 years ago. Based on this finding, we hypothesize that the overall South Georgia stock, to which the subpopulation we estimated on Byers Peninsula belongs, could be increasing instead of remaining stable as previously thought.  相似文献   

The effect of maternal age and condition on the date of parturition and the duration of the perinatal period of Antarctic fur seals at Bird Island, South Georgia, were investigated over three consecutive breeding seasons. Females rear young during a four-month lactation period in a highly seasonal but predictable environment. Although females may first pup at three years of age, they did not attain full adult size until six years of age; older females (≥ 6 years) tended to be heavier, longer, and in better condition than younger females (3–5 years). Older females returned to breeding beaches earlier and could occupy the most suitable pupping sites, and gave birth when densities of animals on the beaches were low (i.e. more favourable for pup survival). Females that arrived earlier were able to remain ashore longer with their pups prior to departing on their first foraging trips but this was unrelated to either maternal age or condition. Younger females returned later in the pupping season, possibly as a result of late implantation due to smaller energy reserves than older and larger females. In 1990 all females arrived late, were in poorer condition, gave birth to lighter pups, and had shorter perinatal periods. This suggests that not only was implantation late but that females returned to an area of low food availability prior to parturition.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of time allocation was studied in a field population of black-tailed prairie dogs, Cynomys ludovicianus. Pups first emerged from their natal burrows in late May. All individuals in the population, including all pups, were observed for 12 weeks following this emergence. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of ontogeny revealed considerable age differences. Upon first emergence, pups were extremely wary and spent most of their time vigilant and little time feeding. As pups aged, they increased time spent feeding and decreased time spent vigilant. Male and female pups behaved similarly. Pups differed from adults in their time allocation patterns and these differences changed as pups aged. Pups were initially more vigilant and fed less than adults, but became less vigilant than adults as the summer progressed. Yearlings behaved similarly to adults. Possible intrinsic (e.g., pup age and weight) and extrinsic (e.g., weather conditions, microhabitat location and coterie composition) influences on time allocation by pups were also examined. In general, extrinsic influences appeared to have more impact on pup behavior than intrinsic ones, suggesting that time allocation by pups may be largely context-dependent. Overall, the considerable number of age differences argues for more consideration of ontogeny in models of antipredator behavior.  相似文献   

The northwest Atlantic subspecies of gray seal (Halicheorus grypus grypus) has been increasing for more than a half century and has reestablished breeding colonies in Canadian and US waters. In 2016, visual, oblique, and vertical large-format digital photographic surveys were conducted at all known breeding colonies in the northwest Atlantic. Total pup production in the northwest Atlantic was estimated to be 109,000 (SE = 17,500) pups. At 87,500 (SE = 15,100) pups, Sable Island accounts for 80% of total pup production. Regional differences in pup production trends are evident. Pup production in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and along the eastern shore of Nova Scotia has been relatively stable. Since 2004, the rate of increase in pup production at Sable Island has slowed to about 5%–7% per year, while the newer colonies in southwest Nova Scotia and the northeastern United States are increasing rapidly. In 2016, the Muskeget Island (MA) breeding colony produced 3,900 (SE = 200) pups, making it the third largest breeding colony in the northwest Atlantic. This southward shift in production may reflect climate-mediated changes in population growth as well as reestablishment of colonies throughout the former range associated with increased protection.  相似文献   

Predatory interaction of marine mammals with longline fisheries is observed globally, leading to partial or complete loss of the catch and in some parts of the world to considerable financial loss. Depredation can also create additional unrecorded fishing mortality of a stock and has the potential to introduce bias to stock assessments. Here we aim to characterise depredation in the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery around South Georgia focusing on the spatio-temporal component of these interactions. Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella), sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), and orcas (Orcinus orca) frequently feed on fish hooked on longlines around South Georgia. A third of longlines encounter sperm whales, but loss of catch due to sperm whales is insignificant when compared to that due to orcas, which interact with only 5% of longlines but can take more than half of the catch in some cases. Orca depredation around South Georgia is spatially limited and focused in areas of putative migration routes, and the impact is compounded as a result of the fishery also concentrating in those areas at those times. Understanding the seasonal behaviour of orcas and the spatial and temporal distribution of “depredation hot spots” can reduce marine mammal interactions, will improve assessment and management of the stock and contribute to increased operational efficiency of the fishery. Such information is valuable in the effort to resolve the human-mammal conflict for resources.  相似文献   

As part of population dynamics studies of the South American fur seal (Arctophoca australis gracilis) rookery at Punta Weather in Guafo Island (43°36'S, 74°43’W), the causes and extent of pup mortality were monitored. During four breeding seasons, daily counts of live and dead pups were carried out to determine pup production and pup mortality. Dead pups were retrieved from the rookery to perform necropsies. The mean pup production was 1,735.5 ± 336 pups and the mean pup mortality up to 12 wk old was 6.0%± 2.6%. The major causes of death were enteritis with microscopic lesions of bacteremia (28.4%), starvation (23.5%), drowning (21%), trauma (19.8%), and stillbirths (2.5%). Enteritis with microscopic lesions of bacteremia, and starvation had higher incidence during January (beginning and middle of the breeding season) while most trauma and drowning occurred during February (end of the breeding season). In the 2006–2007 breeding season there was an increase in mortality due to starvation and trauma. Most pup deaths at Guafo Island are generated by extrinsic factors; therefore, additional studies that assess the impact of environmental changes and fishing activities, are needed in order to determine the exact causes of the decline of this species along Chilean coasts.  相似文献   

Females in numerous rodent species engage in communal nesting and breeding, in which they share one or more nests to rear their young. A potential cost of communal nesting and breeding is that mothers divert resources to unrelated offspring. One way mothers could avoid this cost is to recognize and favour their own young over unrelated offspring when allocating maternal effort. We assessed whether female degus (Octodon degus), a communally nesting and breeding caviomorph rodent, discriminate between their own and unrelated offspring during lactation. Female degus previously have been shown to distinguish between their own and unrelated pups when exposed to odours from both. We measured pup discrimination based on differences in the retrieval behaviour of females that were in early or intermediate lactation directed towards their own and unrelated offspring; offspring presented were of similar or different age. Before any event of pup retrieval, lactating females spent similar amounts of time and interacted to a similar extent with their own and unrelated pups. During pup retrieval, all lactating females transported both pups to the nest. Neither relatedness to pups, nor pup‐age differences, influenced the order in which pups were retrieved to the nest. Dams waited similar amounts of time before retrieving the first pup when the first transported young was their own or unrelated. Likewise, females waited similar amounts of time before retrieving the second pup when the pup transported first was their own or unrelated. The time between first and second pup transport events was longer when dams were in early when compared with intermediate lactation, but only when pups were of similar age. All experimental subjects nursed unrelated pups after they were retrieved. Collectively, our results do not support the hypothesis that communally breeding female degus use their recognition ability to discriminate against unrelated offspring in favour of their own young.  相似文献   

Further studies on the immunization of dogs against E. granulosus indicated that certain dogs have a natural resistance, which is not mediated by specific antibodies or sensitized lymphocytes to tapeworm secretory antigens. In a pilot experiment with two pups, E. granulosus recovered from an immunized pup were arrested in their development and exhibited 100% inhibition of egg production compared to 100% egg production in mature worms recovered from a control pup. When the experiment was repeated with 10 pups, three of five control pups given Freud's adjuvant and Bordetella pertussis carried E. granulosus which were arrested in their development and showed 100% inhibition of egg production. Two of five immunized pups also exhibited signs of resistance. Arrested worms recovered 40 days after infection appeared to be at a stage equivalent to about 18 days of optimal development. Although immunized pups exhibiting resistance showed strong positive in vitro and in vivo immune responses, all control pups gave negative reactions to tapeworm secretory antigens.  相似文献   

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