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A majority of human therapeutic antibody candidates show pharmacokinetic properties suitable for clinical use, but an unexpectedly fast antibody clearance is sometimes observed that may limit the clinical utility. Pharmacokinetic data in cynomolgus monkeys collected for a panel of 52 antibodies showed broad distribution of target-independent clearance values (2.4–61.3 mL/day/kg), with 15 (29%) having clearance > 10 mL/day/kg. Alteration in the interaction with the recycling FcRn receptor did not account for the faster than expected clearance observed for the antibodies; off-target binding was presumed to account for the fast clearance. We developed an assay based on ELISA detection of non-specific binding to baculovirus particles that can identify antibodies having increased risk for fast clearance. This assay can be used during lead generation or optimization to identify antibodies with increased risk of having fast clearance in both humans and cynomolgus monkeys, and thus increase the likelihood of obtaining a suitable drug candidate.  相似文献   

The application of protein engineering technologies toward successfully improving antibody pharmacokinetics has been challenging due to the multiplicity of biochemical factors that influence monoclonal antibody (mAb) disposition in vivo. Physiological factors including interactions with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) and specific antigen binding properties of mAbs, along with biophysical properties of the mAbs themselves play a critical role. It has become evident that applying an integrated approach to understand the relative contribution of these factors is critical to rationally guide and apply engineering strategies to optimize mAb pharmacokinetics. The study presented here evaluated the influence of unintended non-specific interactions on the disposition of mAbs whose clearance rates are governed predominantly by either non-specific (FcRn) or target-mediated processes. The pharmacokinetics of 8 mAbs representing a diverse range of these properties was evaluated in cynomolgus monkeys. Results revealed complementarity-determining region (CDR) charge patch engineering to decrease charge-related non-specific binding can have a significant impact on improving the clearance. In contrast, the influence of enhanced in vitro FcRn binding was mixed, and related to both the strength of charge interaction and the general mechanism predominant in governing the clearance of the particular mAb. Overall, improved pharmacokinetics through enhanced FcRn interactions were apparent for a CDR charge-patch normalized mAb which was affected by non-specific clearance. The findings in this report are an important demonstration that mAb pharmacokinetics requires optimization on a case-by-case basis to improve the design of molecules with increased therapeutic application.  相似文献   

The application of protein engineering technologies toward successfully improving antibody pharmacokinetics has been challenging due to the multiplicity of biochemical factors that influence monoclonal antibody (mAb) disposition in vivo. Physiological factors including interactions with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) and specific antigen binding properties of mAbs, along with biophysical properties of the mAbs themselves play a critical role. It has become evident that applying an integrated approach to understand the relative contribution of these factors is critical to rationally guide and apply engineering strategies to optimize mAb pharmacokinetics. The study presented here evaluated the influence of unintended non-specific interactions on the disposition of mAbs whose clearance rates are governed predominantly by either non-specific (FcRn) or target-mediated processes. The pharmacokinetics of 8 mAbs representing a diverse range of these properties was evaluated in cynomolgus monkeys. Results revealed complementarity-determining region (CDR) charge patch engineering to decrease charge-related non-specific binding can have a significant impact on improving the clearance. In contrast, the influence of enhanced in vitro FcRn binding was mixed, and related to both the strength of charge interaction and the general mechanism predominant in governing the clearance of the particular mAb. Overall, improved pharmacokinetics through enhanced FcRn interactions were apparent for a CDR charge-patch normalized mAb which was affected by non-specific clearance. The findings in this report are an important demonstration that mAb pharmacokinetics requires optimization on a case-by-case basis to improve the design of molecules with increased therapeutic application.  相似文献   

Engineering monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with improved binding to the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) is a strategy that can extend their in vivo half-life and slow their systemic clearance. Published reports have predominantly characterized the pharmacokinetics of mAbs after intravenous administration. Recently, studies in mice suggest FcRn may also play a role in affecting the subcutaneous bioavailability of mAbs. Herein, we examined whether five mAbs engineered with the T250Q/M428L Fc mutations that improved their FcRn interactions, and subsequently their in vivo pharmacokinetics after intravenous administration, had improved subcutaneous bioavailability compared with their wild-type counterparts in cynomolgus monkeys. Similar to the intravenous administration findings, the pharmacokinetic profiles of our variant mAbs after subcutaneous injection showed improved half-life or clearance. In contrast, a clear effect was not observed on the subcutaneous bioavailability. We expect that while FcRn may play a role in determining mAb subcutaneous bioavailability, multiple biopharmaceutical and physiological factors are likely to influence the success of engineering strategies aimed at targeting this pathway for improving bioavailability.  相似文献   


A cell-based assay employing Madin–Darby canine kidney cells stably expressing human neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) heavy chain and β2-microglobulin genes was developed to measure transcytosis of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) under conditions relevant to the FcRn-mediated immunoglobulin G (IgG) salvage pathway. The FcRn-dependent transcytosis assay is modeled to reflect combined effects of nonspecific interactions between mAbs and cells, cellular uptake via pinocytosis, pH-dependent interactions with FcRn, and dynamics of intracellular trafficking and sorting mechanisms. Evaluation of 53 mAbs, including 30 marketed mAb drugs, revealed a notable correlation between the transcytosis readouts and clearance in humans. FcRn was required to promote efficient transcytosis of mAbs and contributed directly to the observed correlation. Furthermore, the transcytosis assay correctly predicted rank order of clearance of glycosylation and Fv charge variants of Fc-containing proteins. These results strongly support the utility of this assay as a cost-effective and animal-sparing screening tool for evaluation of mAb-based drug candidates during lead selection, optimization, and process development for desired pharmacokinetic properties.  相似文献   

Lowering the isoelectric point (pI) through engineering the variable region or framework of an IgG can improve its exposure and half-life via a reduction in clearance mediated through non-specific interactions. As such, net charge is a potentially important property to consider in developing therapeutic IgG molecules having favorable pharmaceutical characteristics. Frequently, it may not be possible to shift the pI of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) dramatically without the introduction of other liabilities such as increased off-target interactions or reduced on-target binding properties. In this report, we explored the influence of more subtle modifications of molecular charge on the in vivo properties of an IgG1 and IgG4 monoclonal antibody. Molecular surface modeling was used to direct residue substitutions in the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) to disrupt positive charge patch regions, resulting in a reduction in net positive charge without affecting the overall pI of the mAbs. The effect of balancing the net positive charge on non-specific binding was more significant for the IgG4 versus the IgG1 molecule that we examined. This differential effect was connected to the degree of influence on cellular degradation in vitro and in vivo clearance, distribution and metabolism in mice. In the more extreme case of the IgG4, balancing the charge yielded an ~7-fold improvement in peripheral exposure, as well as significantly reduced tissue catabolism and subsequent excretion of proteolyzed products in urine. Balancing charge on the IgG1 molecule had a more subtle influence on non-specific binding and yielded only a modest alteration in clearance, distribution and elimination. These results suggest that balancing CDR charge without affecting the pI can lead to improved mAb pharmacokinetics, the magnitude of which is likely dependent on the relative influence of charge imbalance and other factors affecting the molecule's disposition.  相似文献   

Lowering the isoelectric point (pI) through engineering the variable region or framework of an IgG can improve its exposure and half-life via a reduction in clearance mediated through non-specific interactions. As such, net charge is a potentially important property to consider in developing therapeutic IgG molecules having favorable pharmaceutical characteristics. Frequently, it may not be possible to shift the pI of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) dramatically without the introduction of other liabilities such as increased off-target interactions or reduced on-target binding properties. In this report, we explored the influence of more subtle modifications of molecular charge on the in vivo properties of an IgG1 and IgG4 monoclonal antibody. Molecular surface modeling was used to direct residue substitutions in the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) to disrupt positive charge patch regions, resulting in a reduction in net positive charge without affecting the overall pI of the mAbs. The effect of balancing the net positive charge on non-specific binding was more significant for the IgG4 versus the IgG1 molecule that we examined. This differential effect was connected to the degree of influence on cellular degradation in vitro and in vivo clearance, distribution and metabolism in mice. In the more extreme case of the IgG4, balancing the charge yielded an ∼7-fold improvement in peripheral exposure, as well as significantly reduced tissue catabolism and subsequent excretion of proteolyzed products in urine. Balancing charge on the IgG1 molecule had a more subtle influence on non-specific binding and yielded only a modest alteration in clearance, distribution and elimination. These results suggest that balancing CDR charge without affecting the pI can lead to improved mAb pharmacokinetics, the magnitude of which is likely dependent on the relative influence of charge imbalance and other factors affecting the molecule''s disposition.  相似文献   

Implementation of in vitro assays that correlate with in vivo human pharmacokinetics (PK) would provide desirable preclinical tools for the early selection of therapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb) candidates with minimal non-target-related PK risk. Use of these tools minimizes the likelihood that mAbs with unfavorable PK would be advanced into costly preclinical and clinical development. In total, 42 mAbs varying in isotype and soluble versus membrane targets were tested in in vitro and in vivo studies. MAb physicochemical properties were assessed by measuring non-specific interactions (DNA- and insulin-binding ELISA), self-association (affinity-capture self-interaction nanoparticle spectroscopy) and binding to matrix-immobilized human FcRn (surface plasmon resonance and column chromatography). The range of scores obtained from each in vitro assay trended well with in vivo clearance (CL) using both human FcRn transgenic (Tg32) mouse allometrically projected human CL and observed human CL, where mAbs with high in vitro scores resulted in rapid CL in vivo. Establishing a threshold value for mAb CL in human of 0.32 mL/hr/kg enabled refinement of thresholds for each in vitro assay parameter, and using a combinatorial triage approach enabled the successful differentiation of mAbs at high risk for rapid CL (unfavorable PK) from those with low risk (favorable PK), which allowed mAbs requiring further characterization to be identified. Correlating in vitro parameters with in vivo human CL resulted in a set of in vitro tools for use in early testing that would enable selection of mAbs with the greatest likelihood of success in the clinic, allowing costly late-stage failures related to an inadequate exposure profile, toxicity or lack of efficacy to be avoided.  相似文献   

The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) is important for the metabolic fate of IgG antibodies in vivo. Analysis of the interaction between FcRn and IgG in vitro might provide insight into the structural and functional integrity of therapeutic IgG that may affect pharmacokinetics (PK) in vivo. We developed a standardized pH gradient FcRn affinity liquid chromatography method with conditions closely resembling the physiological mechanism of interaction between IgG and FcRn. This method allows the separation of molecular IgG isoforms, degradation products and engineered molecules based on their affinity to FcRn. Human FcRn was immobilized on the column and a linear pH gradient from pH 5.5 to 8.8 was applied. FcRn chromatography was used in comparison to surface plasmon resonance to characterize different monoclonal IgG preparations, e.g., oxidized or aggregated species. Wild-type and engineered IgGs were compared in vitro by FcRn chromatography and in vivo by PK studies in huFcRn transgenic mice. Analytical FcRn chromatography allows differentiation of IgG samples and variants by peak pattern and retention time profile. The method can distinguish: 1) IgGs with different Fabs, 2) oxidized from native IgG, 3) aggregates from monomer and 4) antibodies with mutations in the Fc part from wild-type IgGs. Changes in the FcRn chromatographic behavior of mutant IgGs relative to the wild-type IgG correlate to changes in the PK profile in the FcRn transgenic mice. These results demonstrate that FcRn affinity chromatography is a useful new method for the assessment of IgG integrity.  相似文献   

The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) plays an important and well-known role in antibody recycling in endothelial and hematopoietic cells and thus it influences the systemic pharmacokinetics (PK) of immunoglobulin G (IgG). However, considerably less is known about FcRn’s role in the metabolism of IgG within individual tissues after intravenous administration. To elucidate the organ distribution and gain insight into the metabolism of humanized IgG1 antibodies with different binding affinities FcRn, comparative biodistribution studies in normal CD-1 mice were conducted. Here, we generated variants of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D-specific antibody (humanized anti-gD) with increased and decreased FcRn binding affinity by genetic engineering without affecting antigen specificity. These antibodies were expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cell lines, purified and paired radiolabeled with iodine-125 and indium-111. Equal amounts of I-125-labeled and In-111-labeled antibodies were mixed and intravenously administered into mice at 5 mg/kg. This approach allowed us to measure both the real-time IgG uptake (I-125) and cumulative uptake of IgG and catabolites (In-111) in individual tissues up to 1 week post-injection. The PK and distribution of the wild-type IgG and the variant with enhanced binding for FcRn were largely similar to each other, but vastly different for the rapidly cleared low-FcRn-binding variant. Uptake in individual tissues varied across time, FcRn binding affinity, and radiolabeling method. The liver and spleen emerged as the most concentrated sites of IgG catabolism in the absence of FcRn protection. These data provide an increased understanding of FcRn’s role in antibody PK and catabolism at the tissue level.  相似文献   

Bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) can affect multiple disease pathways, thus these types of constructs potentially provide promising approaches to improve efficacy in complex disease indications. The specific and non-specific clearance mechanisms/biology that affect monoclonal antibody (mAb) pharmacokinetics are likely involved in the disposition of BsAbs. Despite these similarities, there are a paucity of studies on the in vivo biology that influences the biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of BsAbs. The present case study evaluated the in vivo disposition of 2 IgG-fusion BsAb formats deemed IgG-ECD (extracellular domain) and IgG-scFv (single-chain Fv) in cynomolgus monkeys. These BsAb molecules displayed inferior in vivo pharmacokinetic properties, including a rapid clearance (> 0.5 mL/hr/kg) and short half-life relative to their mAb counterparts. The current work evaluated factors in vivo that result in the aberrant clearance of these BsAb constructs. Results showed the rapid clearance of the BsAbs that was not attributable to target binding, reduced neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) interactions or poor molecular/biochemical properties. Evaluation of the cellular distribution of the constructs suggested that the major clearance mechanism was linked to binding/association with liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) versus liver macrophages. The role of LSECs in facilitating the clearance of the IgG-ECD and IgG-scFv BsAb constructs described in these studies was consistent with the minimal influence of clodronate-mediated macrophage depletion on the pharmacokinetics of the constructs in cynomolgus monkeys The findings in this report are an important demonstration that the elucidation of clearance mechanisms for some IgG-ECD and IgG-scFv BsAb molecules can be unique and complicated, and may require increased attention due to the proliferation of these more complex mAb-like structures.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic (PK) testing of a humanized (κI, VH3 framework) and affinity matured anti-hepatitis C virus E2-glycoprotein (HCV-E2) antibody (hu5B3.κ1VH3.v3) in rats revealed unexpected fast clearance (34.9 mL/day/kg). This antibody binds to the rat recycling receptor FcRn as expected for a human IgG1 antibody and does not display non-specific binding to baculovirus particles in an assay that is correlated with fast clearance in cynomolgus monkey. The antigen is not expressed in rat so target-dependent clearance does not contribute to PK. Removal of the affinity maturation changes (hu5B3.κ1VH3.v1) did not restore normal clearance. The antibody was re-humanized on a κ4, VH1 framework and the non-affinity matured version (hu5B3.κ4VH1.v1) was shown to have normal clearance (8.5 mL/day/kg). Since the change in framework results in a lower pI, primarily due to more negative charge on the κ4 template, the effect of additional charge variation on antibody PK was tested by incorporating substitutions obtained through phage display affinity maturation of hu5B3.κ1VH3.v1. A variant having a pI of 8.61 gave very fast clearance (140 mL/day/kg) whereas a molecule with pI of 6.10 gave slow clearance (5.8 mL/kg/day). Both antibodies exhibited comparable binding to rat FcRn, but biodistribution experiments showed that the high pI variant was catabolized in liver and spleen. These results suggest antibody charge can have an effect on PK through alterations in antibody catabolism independent of FcRn-mediated recycling. Furthermore, introduction of affinity maturation changes into the lower pI framework yielded a candidate with PK and virus neutralization properties suitable for clinical development.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic (PK) testing of a humanized (κI, VH3 framework) and affinity matured anti-hepatitis C virus E2-glycoprotein (HCV-E2) antibody (hu5B3.κ1VH3.v3) in rats revealed unexpected fast clearance (34.9 mL/day/kg). This antibody binds to the rat recycling receptor FcRn as expected for a human IgG1 antibody and does not display non-specific binding to baculovirus particles in an assay that is correlated with fast clearance in cynomolgus monkey. The antigen is not expressed in rat so target-dependent clearance does not contribute to PK. Removal of the affinity maturation changes (hu5B3.κ1VH3.v1) did not restore normal clearance. The antibody was re-humanized on a κ4, VH1 framework and the non-affinity matured version (hu5B3.κ4VH1.v1) was shown to have normal clearance (8.5 mL/day/kg). Since the change in framework results in a lower pI, primarily due to more negative charge on the κ4 template, the effect of additional charge variation on antibody PK was tested by incorporating substitutions obtained through phage display affinity maturation of hu5B3.κ1VH3.v1. A variant having a pI of 8.61 gave very fast clearance (140 mL/day/kg) whereas a molecule with pI of 6.10 gave slow clearance (5.8 mL/kg/day). Both antibodies exhibited comparable binding to rat FcRn, but biodistribution experiments showed that the high pI variant was catabolized in liver and spleen. These results suggest antibody charge can have an effect on PK through alterations in antibody catabolism independent of FcRn-mediated recycling. Furthermore, introduction of affinity maturation changes into the lower pI framework yielded a candidate with PK and virus neutralization properties suitable for clinical development.  相似文献   

There are many factors that can influence the pharmacokinetics (PK) of a mAb or Fc-fusion molecule with the primary determinant being FcRn-mediated recycling. Through Fab or Fc engineering, IgG-FcRn interaction can be used to generate a variety of therapeutic antibodies with significantly enhanced half-life or ability to remove unwanted antigen from circulation. Glycosylation of a mAb or Fc-fusion protein can have a significant impact on the PK of these molecules. mAb charge can be important and variants with pI values of 1–2 unit difference are likely to impact PK with lower pI values being favorable for a longer half-life. Most mAbs display target mediated drug disposition (TMDD), which can have significant consequences on the study designs of preclinical and clinical studies. The PK of mAb can also be influenced by anti-drug antibody (ADA) response and off-target binding, which require careful consideration during the discovery stage. mAbs are primarily absorbed through the lymphatics via convection and can be conveniently administered by the subcutaneous (sc) route in large doses/volumes with co-formulation of hyaluronidase. The human PK of a mAb can be reasonably estimated using cynomolgus monkey data and allometric scaling methods.  相似文献   

Demonstration of viral clearance is a critical step in assuring the safety of biotechnology products. We generated a viral clearance database that contains product information, unit operation process parameters, and viral clearance data from monoclonal antibody and antibody‐related regulatory submissions to FDA. Here we present a broad overview of the database and resulting analyses. We report that the diversity of model viruses tested expands as products transition to late‐phase. We also present averages and ranges of viral clearance results by Protein A and ion exchange chromatography steps, low pH chemical inactivation, and virus filtration, focusing on retro‐ and parvoviruses. For most unit operations, an average log reduction value (LRV, a measure of clearance power) for retrovirus of >4 log10 were measured. Cases where clearance data fell outside of the anticipated range (i.e., outliers) were rationally explained. Lastly, a historical analysis did not find evidence of any improvement trend in viral clearance over time. The data collectively suggest that many unit operations in general can reliably clear viruses. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 238–246. Published 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of methionine residues to oxidation is a significant issue of protein therapeutics. Methionine oxidation may limit the product's clinical efficacy or stability. We have studied kinetics of methionine oxidation in the Fc portion of the human IgG2 and its impact on the interaction with FcRn and Protein A. Our results confirm previously published observations for IgG1 that two analogous solvent‐exposed methionine residues in IgG2, Met 252 and Met 428, oxidize more readily than the other methionine residue, Met 358, which is buried inside the Fc. Met 397, which is not present in IgG1 but in IgG2, oxidizes at similar rate as Met 358. Oxidation of two labile methionines, Met 252 and Met 428, weakens the binding of the intact antibody with Protein A and FcRn, two natural protein binding partners. Both of these binding partners share the same binding site on the Fc. Additionally, our results shows that Protein A may serve as a convenient and inexpensive surrogate for FcRn binding measurements.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are a rapidly growing drug class for which great efforts have been made to optimize certain molecular features to achieve the desired pharmacokinetic (PK) properties. One approach is to engineer the interactions of the mAb with the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) by introducing specific amino acid sequence mutations, and to assess their effect on the PK profile with in vivo studies. Indeed, FcRn protects mAbs from intracellular degradation, thereby prolongs antibody circulation time in plasma and modulates its systemic clearance. To allow more efficient and focused mAb optimization, in vitro input that helps to identify and quantitatively predict the contribution of different processes driving non-target mediated mAb clearance in vivo and supporting translational PK modeling activities is essential. With this aim, we evaluated the applicability and in vivo-relevance of an in vitro cellular FcRn-mediated transcytosis assay to explain the PK behavior of 25 mAbs in rat or monkey. The assay was able to capture species-specific differences in IgG-FcRn interactions and overall correctly ranked Fc mutants according to their in vivo clearance. However, it could not explain the PK behavior of all tested IgGs, indicating that mAb disposition in vivo is a complex interplay of additional processes besides the FcRn interaction. Overall, the transcytosis assay was considered suitable to rank mAb candidates for their FcRn-mediated clearance component before extensive in vivo testing, and represents a first step toward a multi-factorial in vivo clearance prediction approach based on in vitro data.  相似文献   

The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) plays an important and well-known role in antibody recycling in endothelial and hematopoietic cells and thus it influences the systemic pharmacokinetics (PK) of immunoglobulin G (IgG). However, considerably less is known about FcRn’s role in the metabolism of IgG within individual tissues after intravenous administration. To elucidate the organ distribution and gain insight into the metabolism of humanized IgG1 antibodies with different binding affinities FcRn, comparative biodistribution studies in normal CD-1 mice were conducted. Here, we generated variants of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D-specific antibody (humanized anti-gD) with increased and decreased FcRn binding affinity by genetic engineering without affecting antigen specificity. These antibodies were expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cell lines, purified and paired radiolabeled with iodine-125 and indium-111. Equal amounts of I-125-labeled and In-111-labeled antibodies were mixed and intravenously administered into mice at 5 mg/kg. This approach allowed us to measure both the real-time IgG uptake (I-125) and cumulative uptake of IgG and catabolites (In-111) in individual tissues up to 1 week post-injection. The PK and distribution of the wild-type IgG and the variant with enhanced binding for FcRn were largely similar to each other, but vastly different for the rapidly cleared low-FcRn-binding variant. Uptake in individual tissues varied across time, FcRn binding affinity, and radiolabeling method. The liver and spleen emerged as the most concentrated sites of IgG catabolism in the absence of FcRn protection. These data provide an increased understanding of FcRn’s role in antibody PK and catabolism at the tissue level.  相似文献   

The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) plays a pivotal role in IgG homeostasis, i.e., it salvages IgG antibodies from lysosomal degradation following fluid-phase pinocytosis, thus preventing rapid systemic elimination of IgG. Recombinant therapeutic antibodies are typically composed of human or humanized sequences, and their biodistribution, or tissue distribution, is often studied in murine models, although, the effect of FcRn on tissue distribution of human IgG in rodents has not been investigated. In this report, an 125I-labeled human IgG1 antibody was studied in both wild type C57BL/6 (WT) and FcRn knockout (KO) mice. Total radioactivity in both plasma and tissues (0–96hr post-dose) was measured by gamma-counting. Plasma exposure of human IgG1 were significantly lower in FcRn KO mice, which is consistent with the primary function of FcRn. Differences in biodistribution of human IgG to selected tissues were also observed. Among the tissue examined, the fat, skin and muscle showed a decrease in tissue-to-blood (T/B) exposure ratio of human IgG1 in FcRn KO mice comparing to the WT mice, while the liver, spleen, kidney, and lung showed an increase in the T/B exposure ratio in FcRn KO mice. A time-dependent change in the T/B ratios of human IgG1 was also observed for many tissues in FcRn KO mice. These results suggest that, in addition to its role in IgG elimination, FcRn may also play a role in antibody biodistribution.  相似文献   

The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) plays a pivotal role in IgG homeostasis, i.e., it salvages IgG antibodies from lysosomal degradation following fluid-phase pinocytosis, thus preventing rapid systemic elimination of IgG. Recombinant therapeutic antibodies are typically composed of human or humanized sequences, and their biodistribution, or tissue distribution, is often studied in murine models, although, the effect of FcRn on tissue distribution of human IgG in rodents has not been investigated. In this report, an 125I-labeled human IgG1 antibody was studied in both wild type C57BL/6 (WT) and FcRn knockout (KO) mice. Total radioactivity in both plasma and tissues (0–96hr post-dose) was measured by gamma-counting. Plasma exposure of human IgG1 were significantly lower in FcRn KO mice, which is consistent with the primary function of FcRn. Differences in biodistribution of human IgG to selected tissues were also observed. Among the tissue examined, the fat, skin and muscle showed a decrease in tissue-to-blood (T/B) exposure ratio of human IgG1 in FcRn KO mice comparing to the WT mice, while the liver, spleen, kidney, and lung showed an increase in the T/B exposure ratio in FcRn KO mice. A time-dependent change in the T/B ratios of human IgG1 was also observed for many tissues in FcRn KO mice. These results suggest that, in addition to its role in IgG elimination, FcRn may also play a role in antibody biodistribution.  相似文献   

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