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The availability of genome-wide RNAi libraries has enabled researchers to rapidly assess the functions of thousands of genes; however the fact that these screens are run in living biological systems add complications above and beyond that normally seen in high-throughput screening (HTS). Specifically, error due to variance in both measurement and biology are large in such screens, leading to the conclusion that the majority of "hits" are expected to be false positives. Here, we outline basic guidelines for screen development that will help the researcher to control these forms of variance. By running a large number of positive and negative control genes, error of measurement can be accurately estimated and false negatives reduced. Likewise, by using a complex readout for the screen which is not easily mimicked by other biological pathways and phenomena, false positives can be minimized. By controlling variance in these ways, the researcher can maximize the utility of genome-wide RNAi screening.  相似文献   

Tn-seq is a high throughput technique for analysis of transposon mutant libraries. Tn-seq Explorer was developed as a convenient and easy-to-use package of tools for exploration of the Tn-seq data. In a typical application, the user will have obtained a collection of sequence reads adjacent to transposon insertions in a reference genome. The reads are first aligned to the reference genome using one of the tools available for this task. Tn-seq Explorer reads the alignment and the gene annotation, and provides the user with a set of tools to investigate the data and identify possibly essential or advantageous genes as those that contain significantly low counts of transposon insertions. Emphasis is placed on providing flexibility in selecting parameters and methodology most appropriate for each particular dataset. Tn-seq Explorer is written in Java as a menu-driven, stand-alone application. It was tested on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux operating systems. The source code is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License. The program and the source code are available for download at http://www.cmbl.uga.edu/downloads/programs/Tn_seq_Explorer/ and https://github.com/sina-cb/Tn-seqExplorer.  相似文献   

Image-based screening typically produces quantitative measurements of cell appearance. Large-scale screens involving tens of thousands of images, each containing hundreds of cells described by hundreds of measurements, result in overwhelming amounts of data. Reducing per-cell measurements to the averages across the image(s) for each treatment leads to loss of potentially valuable information on population variability. We present PopulationProfiler—a new software tool that reduces per-cell measurements to population statistics. The software imports measurements from a simple text file, visualizes population distributions in a compact and comprehensive way, and can create gates for subpopulation classes based on control samples. We validate the tool by showing how PopulationProfiler can be used to analyze the effect of drugs that disturb the cell cycle, and compare the results to those obtained with flow cytometry.  相似文献   

High-throughput screening (HTS) has historically been used by the pharmaceutical industry to rapidly test hundreds of thousands of compounds to identify potential drug candidates. More recently, academic groups have used HTS to identify new chemical probes or small interfering RNA (siRNA) that can serve as experimental tools to examine the biology or physiology of novel proteins, processes, or interactions. HTS presents a significant challenge with the vast and complex nature of data generated. This report describes MScreen, a Web-based, open-source cheminformatics application for chemical library and siRNA plate management, primary HTS and dose-response data handling, structure search, and administrative functions. Each project in MScreen can be secured with passwords or shared in an open-information environment that enables collaborators to easily compare data from many screens, providing a useful means to identify compounds with desired selectivity. Unique features include compound, substance, mixture, and siRNA plate creation and formatting; automated dose-response fitting and quality control (QC); and user, target, and assay method administration. MScreen provides an effective means to facilitate HTS information handling and analysis in the academic setting so that users can efficiently view their screening data and evaluate results for follow-up.  相似文献   

The HTSstation analysis portal is a suite of simple web forms coupled to modular analysis pipelines for various applications of High-Throughput Sequencing including ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, 4C-seq and re-sequencing. HTSstation offers biologists the possibility to rapidly investigate their HTS data using an intuitive web application with heuristically pre-defined parameters. A number of open-source software components have been implemented and can be used to build, configure and run HTS analysis pipelines reactively. Besides, our programming framework empowers developers with the possibility to design their own workflows and integrate additional third-party software. The HTSstation web application is accessible at http://htsstation.epfl.ch.  相似文献   

Cell-Based Assays for High-Throughput Screening   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell-based assays represent approximately half of all high-throughput screens currently performed. Here, we review in brief the history and status of high-throughput screening (HTS), and summarize some of the challenges and benefits associated with the use of cell-based assays in HTS. Approaches for successful experimental design and execution of cell-based screens are introduced, including strategies for assay development, implementation of primary and secondary screens, and target identification. In doing so, we hope to provide a comprehensive review of the cell-based HTS process and an introduction to the methodologies and techniques used.  相似文献   

High-throughput (HTP) screening of biomass or biomass-degrading enzymes, regardless of the desired outcome, is fraught with obstacles and challenges not typically faced in more traditional biotechnology. The enzyme systems are complex and synergistic and the substrate is highly heterogeneous, insoluble, and difficult to dispense. Digestions are often carried out for days at temperatures of 50°C or higher, leading to significant challenges regarding evaporation control in small well volumes. Furthermore, it is often desirable to condition or “pretreat” the biomass at extreme temperatures and/or pH to enhance enzyme digestibility. Once the substrate has been saccharified, evaluation of the extent and efficiency of conversion is made more difficult by time-consuming and tedious techniques used to measure the sugar products. Over the past decade or so, biomass researchers have creatively addressed these challenges by developing techniques to reduce biomass heterogeneity, uniformly distribute biomass samples at the small scale, pretreat the biomass at the small scale, quantitatively load these samples with enzymes, control evaporation of small reaction volumes for multiday incubations, and rapidly quantify the products. Other aspects of these measurements remain problematic and are being addressed. This review will address some of these challenges in detail, but more importantly, we will endeavor to educate the reader about the trials, tribulations, and pitfalls of carrying out HTP screening in biomass conversion research.  相似文献   

High-performance next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are advancing genomics and molecular biological research. However, the immense amount of sequence data requires computational skills and suitable hardware resources that are a challenge to molecular biologists. The DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) of the National Institute of Genetics (NIG) has initiated a cloud computing-based analytical pipeline, the DDBJ Read Annotation Pipeline (DDBJ Pipeline), for a high-throughput annotation of NGS reads. The DDBJ Pipeline offers a user-friendly graphical web interface and processes massive NGS datasets using decentralized processing by NIG supercomputers currently free of charge. The proposed pipeline consists of two analysis components: basic analysis for reference genome mapping and de novo assembly and subsequent high-level analysis of structural and functional annotations. Users may smoothly switch between the two components in the pipeline, facilitating web-based operations on a supercomputer for high-throughput data analysis. Moreover, public NGS reads of the DDBJ Sequence Read Archive located on the same supercomputer can be imported into the pipeline through the input of only an accession number. This proposed pipeline will facilitate research by utilizing unified analytical workflows applied to the NGS data. The DDBJ Pipeline is accessible at http://p.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(7):2321-2331.e6
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The increasing number of people suffering from metabolic syndrome and obesity is becoming a serious problem not only in developed countries, but also in developing countries. However, there are few agents currently approved for the treatment of obesity. Those that are available are mainly appetite suppressants and gastrointestinal fat blockers. We have developed a simple and rapid method for the measurement of the feeding volume of Danio rerio (zebrafish). This assay can be used to screen appetite suppressants and enhancers. In this study, zebrafish were fed viable paramecia that were fluorescently-labeled, and feeding volume was measured using a 96-well microplate reader. Gene expression analysis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (bdnf), knockdown of appetite-regulating genes (neuropeptide Y, preproinsulin, melanocortin 4 receptor, agouti related protein, and cannabinoid receptor 1), and the administration of clinical appetite suppressants (fluoxetine, sibutramine, mazindol, phentermine, and rimonabant) revealed the similarity among mechanisms regulating appetite in zebrafish and mammals. In combination with behavioral analysis, we were able to evaluate adverse effects on locomotor activities from gene knockdown and chemical treatments. In conclusion, we have developed an assay that uses zebrafish, which can be applied to high-throughput screening and target gene discovery for appetite suppressants and enhancers.  相似文献   

A screening system for directed evolution of DNA polymerases employing a fluorescent Scorpion probe as a reporter has been developed. The screening system has been validated in a directed evolution experiment of a distributive polymerase from the Y-polymerase family (Dpo4 from Sulfolobus solfataricus) which was improved in elongation efficiency of consecutive mismatches. The engineering campaign yielded improved Dpo4 polymerase variants one of which was successfully benchmarked in a sequence saturation mutagenesis experiment especially with regard to the desirable consecutive transversion mutations (>2.5-fold increase in frequency relative to a reference library prepared with Dpo4 WT). The Scorpion probe screening system enables to reengineer polymerases with low processivity and fidelity, and no secondary activities (i.e. exonuclease activity or strand displacement activity) to match demands in diversity generation for directed protein evolution.  相似文献   

The simplicity of the CRISPR/Cas9 system of genome engineering has opened up the possibility of performing genome-wide targeted mutagenesis in cell lines,enabling screening for cellular phenotypes resulting from genetic aberrations.Drosophila cells have proven to be highly effective in identifying genes involved in cellular processes through similar screens using partial knockdown by RNAi.This is in part due to the lower degree of redundancy between genes in this organism,whilst still maintaining highly conserved gene networks and orthologs of many human disease-causing genes.The ability of CRISPR to generate genetic loss of function mutations not only increases the magnitude of any effect over currently employed RNAi techniques,but allows analysis over longer periods of time which can be critical for certain phenotypes.In this study,we have designed and built a genome-wide CRISPR library covering 13,501 genes,among which 8989 genes are targeted by three or more independent single guide RNAs(sg RNAs).Moreover,we describe strategies to monitor the population of guide RNAs by high throughput sequencing(HTS).We hope that this library will provide an invaluable resource for the community to screen loss of function mutations for cellular phenotypes,and as a source of guide RNA designs for future studies.  相似文献   

The development of a viable lignocellulosic ethanol industry requires multiple improvements in the process of converting biomass to ethanol. A key step is the improvement of the plants that are to be used as biomass feedstocks. To facilitate the identification and evaluation of feedstock plants, it would be useful to have a method to screen large numbers of individual plants for enhanced digestibility in response to combinations of specific pretreatments and enzymes. This paper describes a high-throughput digestibility platform (HTDP) for screening collections of germplasm for improved digestibility, which was developed under the auspices of the Department of Energy-Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (DOE-GLBRC). A key component of this platform is a custom-designed workstation that can grind and dispense 1–5 mg quantities of more than 250 different plant tissue samples in 16 h. The other steps in the processing (pretreatment, enzyme digestion, and sugar analysis) have also been largely automated and require 36 h. The process is adaptable to diverse acidic and basic, low-temperature pretreatments. Total throughput of the HTDP is 972 independent biomass samples per week. Validation of the platform was performed on brown midrib mutants of maize, which are known to have enhanced digestibility. Additional validation was performed by screening approximately 1,200 Arabidopsis mutant lines with T-DNA insertions in genes known or suspected to be involved in cell wall biosynthesis. Several lines showed highly significant (p?<?0.01) increases in glucose and xylose release (20–40% above the mean). The platform should be useful for screening populations of plants to identify superior germplasm for lignocellulosic ethanol applications and also for screening populations of mutant model plants to identify specific genes affecting digestibility.  相似文献   

Nitrilases have found wide use in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of fine chemicals, and it is important to have a method by which to screen libraries of isolated or engineered nitrilase variants (including bacteria and fungi). The conventional methods, such as high-performance liquid chromatography, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis, or gas chromatography, are tedious and time-consuming. Therefore, a direct and sensitive readout of the nitrilase's activity has to be considered. In this paper, we report a novel time-resolved luminescent probe: o-hydroxybenzonitrile derivatives could be applied to detect the activity of the nitrilases. By the action of nitrilases, o-hydroxybenzonitrile derivatives can be transformed to the corresponding salicylic acid derivatives, which, upon binding Tb3+, serve as a photon antenna and sensitize Tb3+ luminescence. Because of the time-resolved property of the luminescence, the background from the other proteins (especially in the fermentation system) in the assay could be reduced and, therefore, the sensitivity was increased. Moreover, because the detection was performed on a 96- or 384-well plate, the activity of the nitrilases from microorganisms could be determined quickly. Based on this strategy, the best fermentation conditions for nitrilase-producing strains were obtained.  相似文献   

Control of biofilms requires rapid methods to identify compounds effective against them and to isolate resistance-compromised mutants for identifying genes involved in enhanced biofilm resistance. While rapid screening methods for microtiter plate well (“static”) biofilms are available, there are no methods for such screening of continuous flow biofilms (“flow biofilms”). Since the latter biofilms more closely approximate natural biofilms, development of a high-throughput (HTP) method for screening them is desirable. We describe here a new method using a device comprised of microfluidic channels and a distributed pneumatic pump (BioFlux) that provides fluid flow to 96 individual biofilms. This device allows fine control of continuous or intermittent fluid flow over a broad range of flow rates, and the use of a standard well plate format provides compatibility with plate readers. We show that use of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing bacteria, staining with propidium iodide, and measurement of fluorescence with a plate reader permit rapid and accurate determination of biofilm viability. The biofilm viability measured with the plate reader agreed with that determined using plate counts, as well as with the results of fluorescence microscope image analysis. Using BioFlux and the plate reader, we were able to rapidly screen the effects of several antimicrobials on the viability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 flow biofilms.Bacterial biofilms are surface-attached communities that are encased in a polymeric matrix, which exhibit a high degree of resistance to antimicrobial agents and the host immune system (12, 16). This makes them medically important; diseases with a biofilm component are chronic and difficult to eradicate. Examples of such diseases are cystitis (1), endocarditis (31), cystic fibrosis (35), and middle-ear (17) and indwelling medical device-associated (20) infections. Biofilms also play important environmental roles in, for example, wastewater treatment (38), bioremediation (29, 30), biofouling (7), and biocorrosion (2). Better control of biofilms requires elucidation of the molecular basis of their superior resistance (by identifying resistance-compromised mutants) and identification of compounds with antibiofilm activity. While our understanding of these aspects of biofilms has increased (11, 15, 25-27, 36), further work, including development of accurate high-throughput (HTP) methods for screening biofilm viability, is needed.Two major biofilm models are studied in the laboratory, biofilms grown without a continuous flow of fresh medium and biofilms grown with a continuous flow of fresh medium; examples of these two models are microtiter well biofilms and flow cell biofilms, respectively. Methods have been developed for HTP screening of the viability of static biofilms (6, 28, 32, 33), but there are no methods for HTP screening of flow biofilms. The latter biofilms are typically grown in flow cells, which have to be examined individually to determine viability and thus cannot be used for rapid screening. An HTP screening method for flow biofilms is desirable, as these biofilms more closely approximate natural biofilms and can differ from static biofilms evidently due to hydrodynamic influences on cell signaling (22, 34). For example, the ability of rpoS-deficient Escherichia coli (lacking σS) to form flow biofilms is impaired, but its capacity to form biofilms under static conditions is enhanced (18).We describe here a new application of a recently developed device (8-10, 13), the “BioFlux” device consisting of microfluidic channels for biofilm growth. Other microfluidic devices have recently been used for biofilm formation (14, 19, 21, 23), but none of them has been used for HTP screening. The BioFlux device permits rapid measurement of the fluorescence of flow biofilms with a plate reader, which permits initial HTP screening of the viability of such biofilms.  相似文献   

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