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Phytopharmaceuticals, phytomedicines and botanical dietary supplements are products of wide interest considering the increase of their use. The development of fast and effective analytical methods able to give a fingerprinting of the product, on the basis of the plant extracts declared to be contained in it, is surely of high interest. In a previous investigation electrospray mass spectrometry was proved to be effective for the characterization of plant extracts. The direct infusion of the samples and the analyses in both positive and negative ion mode lead to a clear differentiation of the different samples. To verify if the same approach can be effective also for mixtures of plant extracts, five different commercial dietary supplements [Sedivitax gocce (1), Finocarbo Plus opercoli (2), Sollievo Bio tavolette (3), MiniMas opercoli (4) and Ruscoven gocce (5), all products from Aboca S.p.A., Sansepolcro, Italy] were analyzed by ESI. In order to evaluate possible changes in the metabolic profile with respect to different years of production, ten different batches of the commercial dietary supplements were considered. The mass spectral data were evaluated by multivariate analysis and the obtained results suggest that the method allows a satisfactory and rapid characterization of complex mixtures of commercial dietary supplements.  相似文献   

Effects of dietary copper on human autonomic cardiovascular function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heart rate and blood pressure responses during supine rest, orthostasis, and sustained handgrip exercise at 30% maximal voluntary contraction were determined in eight healthy women aged 18-36 years who consumed diets varying in copper and ascorbic acid content. Copper retention and plasma copper concentration were not affected by diet. Enzymatic, but not immunoreactive, ceruloplasmin was lower (p less than 0.05) after the low copper and high ascorbic acid diet periods. Diet had no effect on resting supine heart rates, orthostatic responses in heart rate and blood pressure, or standing resting blood pressure. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were increased significantly (p less than 0.05) during the handgrip test at the end of the low copper and ascorbic acid supplementation periods. Also, the ratio of enzymatic to immunoreactive ceruloplasmin decreased significantly during these dietary treatments. The mean arterial blood pressure at the end of the handgrip test was negatively (p less than 0.0004) correlated with the ceruloplasmin ratios. These findings indicate a functional alteration in human blood pressure regulation during mild copper depletion.  相似文献   

Liver glycogen levels were decreased about 61% in both males and females after chronic ethanol ingestion. In contrast, blood glucose concentration was decreased only in males. In an attempt to explain these data, six enzymes involved with the metabolism of glucose and glycogen were measured. Sex differences were found in the effects of ethanol on the activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, UDPG- pyrophosphorylase and phosphoglucomutase. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and UDPG-pyrophosphorylase were decreased by ethanol in males 42 and 62%, respectively. Females were not changed. Phosphoglucomutase was decreased 29% in females, and males were not changed. Glucose-6-phosphatase was increased and hexokinase and phosphorylase a were decreased about the same extent in both sexes by ethanol. The data suggest that both sexes have been altered in such a manner as to keep liver glucose in the unphosphorylated form and thus readily available to other tissues; however, the mechanism appears to be different between the sexes. The decrease in liver glycogen may be explained by an increased utilization of glucose by peripherial tissues; however, the lack of change in blood glucose in females argues against this.  相似文献   

The level of dietary energy intake influences metabolism, reproductive function, the development of age-related diseases, and even cognitive behavior. Because males and females typically play different roles in the acquisition and allocation of energy resources, we reasoned that dietary energy intake might differentially affect the brains of males and females at the molecular level. To test this hypothesis, we performed a gene array analysis of the hippocampus in male and female rats that had been maintained for 6 months on either ad libitum (control), 20% caloric restriction (CR), 40% CR, intermittent fasting (IF) or high fat/high glucose (HFG) diets. These diets resulted in expected changes in body weight, and circulating levels of glucose, insulin and leptin. However, the CR diets significantly increased the size of the hippocampus of females, but not males. Multiple genes were regulated coherently in response to energy restriction diets in females, but not in males. Functional physiological pathway analyses showed that the 20% CR diet down-regulated genes involved in glycolysis and mitochondrial ATP production in males, whereas these metabolic pathways were up-regulated in females. The 40% CR diet up-regulated genes involved in glycolysis, protein deacetylation, PGC-1alpha and mTor pathways in both sexes. IF down-regulated many genes in males including those involved in protein degradation and apoptosis, but up-regulated many genes in females including those involved in cellular energy metabolism, cell cycle regulation and protein deacetylation. Genes involved in energy metabolism, oxidative stress responses and cell death were affected by the HFG diet in both males and females. The gender-specific molecular genetic responses of hippocampal cells to variations in dietary energy intake identified in this study may mediate differential behavioral responses of males and females to differences in energy availability.  相似文献   

Kidneys of normal female and male Wistar-Kyoto rats were studied by standard morphological techniques and morphometry in order to evaluate possible differences in the overall kidney morphology between both sexes. Furthermore, we investigated the role of testosterone (DHT) on kidney morphology by treating females with daily DHT injections. Kidney weight and volume in relation to body weight were not significantly different between males and females and were not affected by DHT. Differences were found in the volume distribution among the kidney zones. The cortex was larger in males than in females, whereas the medulla was conspicuously larger in females than in males. The greater volume of the cortex in males was mainly due to a more extensive development of proximal tubules. DHT treatment in females increased the volume of their proximal tubules. Glomerular volume was similar among the three groups. Within the medulla, the difference was most prominent in the inner stripe (14.9% of the total kidney volume in females vs. 8.9% in males) and was also important in the inner medulla (7.0 vs. 4.8%). The absolute epithelial volume of thick ascending limbs in this zone was larger in females than in males. This difference was more pronounced in short loops (approximately 20%) than in long loops (approximately 10%). The values of the DHT-treated females ranged in between. In spite of the greater development of medulla and thick ascending limbs in females, urine concentration was higher in males than in females and maximum urinary concentrating ability after 48 h dehydration was not different between both sexes.  相似文献   


Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for the vast majority of diabetes worldwide is the result of a lowered sensitivity of the insulin receptors, resulting in impaired sugar metabolism is and chronic hyperglycaemia. There is no cure for type 2 diabetes, though some people with pre-diabetes and diabetes manage to reach and hold normal blood sugar levels, thus avoiding most of the complications that come with chronic hyperglycaemia; this is sometimes referred to as ‘reversing diabetes’. A healthy diet, with sufficient amounts of fruits, nuts, and vegetables is positively correlated with maintaining glycaemic control and prevention of diabetes-related complications. Whereas many different dietary phytochemicals have been considered to play a role in the glycaemic control and in prevention of degenerative diseases, there is currently no consensus on a particular mode of action. In this review, a range of pre-clinical studies and intervention studies, including randomised double-blind, placebo controlled clinical studies, are considered that investigate the role of dietary compounds in the prevention of type 2 diabetes-related complications. Three generic mechanisms of action can be discerned: compounds that reduce sugar uptake, compounds that restore insulin function, and compounds that attenuate the effects of oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Particularly the latter has received wide attention in the form of activation of the Nrf2-antioxidant response element signalling pathway by various polyphenolic or triterpenoid compounds. Although individual reports may present models with clear looking signalling cascades, an overall review shows that many biologically active compounds in the human diet are pan assay interference substances that alter several cell functions simultaneously, which makes them less attractive for drug development.


Many theories have been proposed for interpreting the relative sexual mortalities in natural populations, but the effects of maladaptive genes from migrants on sexual mortality have not been examined. In this study, I systematically explore the properties of migration load in dioecious plants where gender dimorphism is determined by sex chromosomes (the XX-XY or similar system). Two stages of gene flow (pollen and seed) and two stages of selection (gametophyte and sporophyte) are jointly examined in the one- and two-locus cases. The general results show that several factors, including the maladaptive allele frequencies in migrants, migration rate, selection, and linkage disequilibria, can individually or jointly alter the relative sexual mortalities at either the gametophyte or the sporophyte stage, or both. When there are the same values between sexes in the parameters relevant to the migrant gene frequencies and two-stage selection coefficients under the additive viability model (without Y-chromosome and linkage disequilibrium effects), the average mortality is higher in ovules than in pollen since the males do not inherit the maladaptive genes from migrating pollen. The average mortality per individual in the homogametic sex is almost twice as large as that in heterogametic sex at the sporophyte stage. Under the additive viability model, the relative sexual mortalities at the gametophyte stage are negatively related to the relative sexual mortalities at the sporophyte stage.  相似文献   

Sox3 is expressed in developing gonads and in the brain. Evolutionary evidence suggests that the X-chromosomal Sox3 gene may be the ancestral precursor of Sry, a sex-determining gene, and Sox3 has been proposed to play a role in sex determination. However, patients with mutations in SOX3 exhibit normal gonadal determination but are mentally retarded and have short stature secondary to growth hormone (GH) deficiency. We used Cre-LoxP targeted mutagenesis to delete Sox3 from mice. Null mice of both sexes had no overt behavioral deficits and exhibited normal GH gene expression. Low body weight was observed for some mice; overgrowth and misalignment of the front teeth was observed consistently. Female Sox3 null mice (-/-) developed ovaries but had excess follicular atresia, ovulation of defective oocytes, and severely reduced fertility. Pituitary (luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone) and uterine functions were normal in females. Hemizygous male null mice (-/Y) developed testes but were hypogonadal. Testis weight was reduced by 42%, and there was extensive Sertoli cell vacuolization, loss of germ cells, reduced sperm counts, and disruption of the seminiferous tubules. We conclude that Sox3 is not required for gonadal determination but is important for normal oocyte development and male testis differentiation and gametogenesis.  相似文献   

Female patients with classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD) present with decreased fertility and low childbirth rates, women with a salt-wasting form of 21-OHD being most severely affected. In cases of undersubstitution with glucocorticoids, tonic androgen secretion disturbs ovulation. However, even adequately substituted females may present with apparent infertility. Despite adrenal androgen suppression, adrenal progesterone secretion can prevent thickening of the endometrium in the follicular phase. Furthermore, functional ovarian hyperandrogenism is a common finding even in women with well-controlled classic 21-OHD. Psychosexual factors may also contribute significantly to decreased childbirth rates found in these patients. Genital ambiguity may lead to a disturbed body image and the patients have been found to feel less feminine than healthy control women. The repeated psychological insult caused by frequent genital examinations and operations is also important, though its exact impact has been difficult to determine. Finally, prenatal androgen excess can cause masculinization of the central nervous system leading to boyish behavior in childhood and decreased heterosexual activity in adulthood. Some recent reports show a high rate of infertility also in men with 21-OHD. They are at risk of benign testicular tumors, adrenal rests, which can lead to permanent infertility. Also, raised adrenal androgen production leading to increased estrogen concentrations can suppress gonadotropin secretion and may lead to a hypogonadotropic state.  相似文献   

Of particular concern for the health of astronauts during space travel is radiation from protons and high-mass, high-atomic-number (Z), and high-energy particles (HZE particles). Space radiation is known to induce oxidative stress in astronauts after extended space flight. In the present study, the total antioxidant status was used as a biomarker to evaluate oxidative stress induced by gamma rays, protons and HZE-particle radiation. The results demonstrate that the plasma level of total antioxidants in Sprague-Dawley rats was significantly decreased (P < 0.01) in a dose-dependent manner within 4 h after exposure to gamma rays. Exposure to protons and HZE-particle radiation also significantly decreased the serum or plasma level of total antioxidants in the irradiated animals. Diet supplementation with L-selenomethionine alone or a combination of selected antioxidant agents was shown to partially or completely prevent the decrease in the serum or plasma levels of total antioxidants in animals exposed to gamma rays, protons or HZE particles. These findings suggest that exposure to space radiation may compromise the capacity of the host antioxidant defense and that this adverse biological effect can be prevented at least partially by dietary supplementation with L-selenomethionine and antioxidants.  相似文献   

Genitalia are multitasking structures whose development is mediated by numerous regulatory pathways. This multifactorial nature provides an avenue for multiple sources of selection. As a result, genitalia tend to evolve as modular systems comprising semi-independent subsets of structures, yet the processes that give rise to those patterns are still poorly understood. Here, we ask what are the relative roles of development and function in shaping modular patterns of genitalia within populations and across species of stink-bugs. We found that male genitalia are less integrated, more modular, and primarily shaped by functional demands. In contrast, females show higher integration, lower modularity, and a predominant role of developmental processes. Further, interactions among parts of each sex are more determinant to modularity than those between the sexes, and patterns of modularity are equivalent between and within species. Our results strongly indicate that genitalia have been subjected to sex-specific selection, although male and female genitalia are homologous and functionally associated. Moreover, modular patterns are seemingly constant in the evolutionary history of stink-bugs, suggesting a scenario of multivariate stabilizing selection within each sex. Our study demonstrates that interactions among genital parts of the same sex may be more fundamental to genital evolution than previously thought.  相似文献   



Elevated total plasma homocysteine (tHcy) has been associated with cognitive impairment, vascular disease and brain atrophy.


We investigated 150 volunteers to determine if the association between high tHcy and cerebral grey matter volume and cognitive function is independent of cardiovascular disease.


Participants with high tHcy (≥15 µmol/L) showed a widespread relative loss of grey matter compared with people with normal tHcy, although differences between the groups were minimal once the analyses were adjusted for age, gender, diabetes, hypertension, smoking and prevalent cardiovascular disease. Individuals with high tHcy had worse cognitive scores across a range of domains and less total grey matter volume, although these differences were not significant in the adjusted models.


Our results suggest that the association between high tHcy and loss of cerebral grey matter volume and decline in cognitive function is largely explained by increasing age and cardiovascular diseases and indicate that the relationship is not causal.  相似文献   

Recent studies using germ-free, gnotobiotic microbial transplantation/conventionalization or antibiotic treatment in rodent models have highlighted the critical role of intestinal microbes on gut health and metabolic functions of the host. Genetic and environmental factors influence the abundance and type of mutualistic vs. pathogenic bacteria, each of which has preferred substrates for growth and unique products of fermentation. Whereas some fermentation products or metabolites promote gut function and health, others impair gut function, leading to compromised nutrient digestion and barrier function that adversely impact the host. Such products may also influence food intake, energy harvest and expenditure, and insulin action, thereby influencing adiposity and related metabolic outcomes. Diet composition influences gut microbiota and subsequent fermentation products that impact the host, as demonstrated by prebiotic studies using oligosaccharides or other types of indigestible fiber. Recent studies also show that dietary lipids affect specific populations of gut microbes and their metabolic end products. This review will focus on studies examining the influence of dietary fat amount and type on the gut microbiome, intestinal health and positive and negative metabolic consequences. The protective role of omega-3-rich fatty acids on intestinal inflammation will also be examined.  相似文献   

A double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study on the effects of 40~mg/d isoflavone supplements was carried out by 58 climacteric Japanese women. A questionnaire and an interview concerning climacteric symptoms, health status, dietary and exercise habit, and medical history were carried out, and the physical check-up and biochemical tests including sex-hormone analysis were made at baseline and after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment. Urinary isoflavones were separately measured from the frozen samples. Isoflavone treatment did not cause any adverse effects on anthropometric measures or blood chemistry. Urinary deoxypyridinoline, a marker of bone resorption decreased significantly with isoflavone treatment. This tendency was remarkable among equol producers. Plasma osteocalcin and bone mineral density did not change by the four-weeks treatment. As for climacteric symptoms, hot flash decreased significantly. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure of hypertensive participants decreased significantly after isoflavone treatment compared with baseline and the placebo treatment. Isoflavone supplementation offers benefits to reduce effectively on bone resorption enhanced by menopause. The treatment also showed an improvement of climacteric hot flash and hypertension. Equol producers showed better results.  相似文献   

The main purpose of these studies was to determine whether the amounts of tin and aluminum that can enter foods during processing and storage are sufficient to affect the utilization of selenium by human subjects. Two 40-day balance studies were conducted. The eight adult males who participated in the first study lost significantly more selenium in their feces when fed a test diet containing 50 mg tin daily than when fed the control diet containing 0.1 mg tin daily. During the first study subjects tended to excrete less selenium in the urine when fed the test diet rather than the control diet. In the second study, the dietary treatments (5 and 125 mg aluminum daily) had no effect on the excretion and apparent retention of selenium by eight adult males.  相似文献   

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