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Heiko Kroth Annalisa Ansaloni Yvan Varisco Asad Jan Nampally Sreenivasachary Nasrollah Rezaei-Ghaleh Valérie Giriens Sophie Lohmann María Pilar López-Deber Oskar Adolfsson Maria Pihlgren Paolo Paganetti Wolfgang Froestl Luitgard Nagel-Steger Dieter Willbold Thomas Schrader Markus Zweckstetter Andrea Pfeifer Hilal A. Lashuel Andreas Muhs 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2012,287(41):34786-34800
Increasing evidence implicates Aβ peptides self-assembly and fibril formation as crucial events in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. Thus, inhibiting Aβ aggregation, among others, has emerged as a potential therapeutic intervention for this disorder. Herein, we employed 3-aminopyrazole as a key fragment in our design of non-dye compounds capable of interacting with Aβ42 via a donor-acceptor-donor hydrogen bond pattern complementary to that of the β-sheet conformation of Aβ42. The initial design of the compounds was based on connecting two 3-aminopyrazole moieties via a linker to identify suitable scaffold molecules. Additional aryl substitutions on the two 3-aminopyrazole moieties were also explored to enhance π-π stacking/hydrophobic interactions with amino acids of Aβ42. The efficacy of these compounds on inhibiting Aβ fibril formation and toxicity in vitro was assessed using a combination of biophysical techniques and viability assays. Using structure activity relationship data from the in vitro assays, we identified compounds capable of preventing pathological self-assembly of Aβ42 leading to decreased cell toxicity. 相似文献
Babette Aicher Markus M. Lerch Thomas Müller James Schilling Axel Ullrich 《The Journal of cell biology》1997,138(3):681-696
Most receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) display a high degree of homology with cell adhesion molecules in their extracellular domains. We studied the functional significance of processing for the receptor-like PTPases LAR and PTPσ. PTPσ biosynthesis and intracellular processing resembled that of the related PTPase LAR and was expressed on the cell surface as a two-subunit complex. Both LAR and PTPσ underwent further proteolytical processing upon treatment of cells with either calcium ionophore A23187 or phorbol ester TPA. Induction of LAR processing by TPA in 293 cells did require overexpression of PKCα. Induced proteolysis resulted in shedding of the extracellular domains of both PTPases. This was in agreement with the identification of a specific PTPσ cleavage site between amino acids Pro821 and Ile822. Confocal microscopy studies identified adherens junctions and desmosomes as the preferential subcellular localization for both PTPases matching that of plakoglobin. Consistent with this observation, we found direct association of plakoglobin and β-catenin with the intracellular domain of LAR in vitro. Taken together, these data suggested an involvement of LAR and PTPσ in the regulation of cell contacts in concert with cell adhesion molecules of the cadherin/catenin family. After processing and shedding of the extracellular domain, the catalytically active intracellular portions of both PTPases were internalized and redistributed away from the sites of cell–cell contact, suggesting a mechanism that regulates the activity and target specificity of these PTPases. Calcium withdrawal, which led to cell contact disruption, also resulted in internalization but was not associated with prior proteolytic cleavage and shedding of the extracellular domain. We conclude that the subcellular localization of LAR and PTPσ is regulated by at least two independent mechanisms, one of which requires the presence of their extracellular domains and one of which involves the presence of intact cell–cell contacts. A key element in the regulation of cell–cell and cell– matrix contacts is the tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins that are localized in focal adhesions and at intercellular junctions (for reviews see Kemler, 1993; Clark and Brugge, 1995). While much is known about the protein tyrosine kinases involved in the phosphorylation of cell adhesion components, very little information exists about the identity of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases),1 which are responsible for the dephosphorylation and thereby regulation of these structural complexes. Probable candidates are those receptor-like PTPases that contain cell adhesion molecule-like extracellular domains and could therefore regulate their intrinsic phosphatase activity in response to cell contact. Recent reports suggest that some PTPases do, in fact, possess properties that resemble those of classical cell adhesion molecules (for review see Brady-Kalnay and Tonks, 1995). A direct involvement in cell–cell contact has so far been demonstrated for PTPμ (Brady-Kalnay et al., 1993; Gebbink et al., 1993) and PTPκ (Sap et al., 1994), for which a homophilic interaction between their extracellular domains was found. The localization of PTPμ (Brady-Kalnay et al., 1995; Gebbink et al., 1995), PTPκ (Fuchs et al., 1996), and PCP-2 (Wang et al., 1996) was restricted to sites of cell–cell contact and surface expression of PTPμ (Gebbink et al., 1995), and PTPκ (Fuchs et al., 1996) was increased in a cell density-dependent manner. Moreover, a direct association of PTPκ (Fuchs et al., 1996) and PTPμ (Brady-Kalnay et al., 1995) with members of the cadherin/catenin family suggests that proteins of the cell adhesion complex represent physiological substrates for these PTPases. A possible regulatory function in cell–matrix adhesion has been proposed for LAR, another receptor-like PTPase, which associated with focal cell–substratum adhesions via the newly identified LAR interacting protein 1, LIP-1 (Serra-Pages et al., 1995).PTPμ (Gebbink et al., 1991), PTPκ (Jiang et al., 1993; Fuchs et al., 1996), PTPδ (Krueger et al., 1990; Mizuno et al., 1993, Pulido et al., 1995a), PCP-2 (Wang et al., 1996), and LAR (Streuli et al., 1988, Pot et al., 1991) are members of the so-called type II receptor-like PTPases. The extracellular domains of these PTPases contain a variable number of Ig-like and fibronectin type III-like (FNIII) domains (for review see Charbonneau and Tonks, 1992). With the exception of PCP-2 (Wang et al., 1996), these PTPases also share characteristics in their biosynthesis. They all underwent proteolytic processing by a furin-like endoprotease and were expressed at the cell surface in two subunits which were not covalently linked (Streuli et al., 1992; Yu et al., 1992; Jiang et al., 1993; Brady-Kalnay and Tonks, 1994; Gebbink et al., 1995; Pulido et al., 1995a; Fuchs et al., 1996). It was shown for LAR that the E subunit, which contains the cell adhesion molecule-like extracellular domain, was shed from the cell surface when cells were grown to a high density (Streuli et al., 1992). This shedding of the E subunit of LAR was the result of an additional proteolytic processing step that could also be induced by treatment of the cells with the phorbol ester TPA (Serra-Pages et al., 1995). An accumulation of E subunits in the supernatant of cells was also observed for PTPμ (Gebbink et al., 1995) and PTPδ (Pulido et al., 1995a), and this suggests a common mechanism in the regulation of type II PTPases. However, the effect of proteolytic processing on either the catalytic activity, the substrate specificity, or the cellular localization of these PTPases has not yet been determined. We report here that PTPσ, a recently identified new member of the family of receptor-like type II PTPases (Pan et al., 1993; Walton et al., 1993; Yan et al., 1993; Ogata et al., 1994; Zhang et al., 1994), underwent biosynthesis and proteolytic processing in a manner that resembled that of the most closely related PTPase LAR. Moreover, further proteolytic processing of PTPσ as well as of LAR could be induced by treatment of the cells with TPA or the calcium ionophore A23187. Transient expression studies indicated that TPA-induced processing of LAR, but not PTPσ, was dependent on the coexpression of PKCα. Inducible processing of both PTPases took place in the extracellular segment of the P subunit in a juxtamembrane position and led to the shedding of the E subunit. Both LAR and PTPσ were predominantly localized in regions of cell–cell contact and accumulated in dot-like structures that could be identified as adherens junctions and desmosomes by colocalization with plakoglobin (Cowin et al., 1986). Moreover, plakoglobin and β-catenin, another component of E-cadherin–containing cell adhesion complexes in adherens junctions, associated directly with the intracellular domain of LAR in vitro. The inducible shedding of the E subunit of LAR and PTPσ was followed by a redistribution of the PTPases within the cell membrane and by an internalization of the cleaved P subunits. It therefore represents a mechanism through which the phosphatase activity of these PTPases could be regulated in response to cell–cell contact. The cell adhesion molecule-like character of LAR and PTPσ was further supported by the fact that the internalization of LAR and PTPσ occurred independently of the proteolytic processing if cells were grown in calcium-depleted growth medium. The analogies in specific localization as well as internalization behavior of PTPσ and LAR, with molecules of the cadherin/catenin family, strongly suggest a direct involvement of PTPσ and LAR in the formation or maintenance of intercellular contacts. 相似文献
Mary E. Irwin Laura D. Nelson Janice M. Santiago-O’Farrill Phillip D. Knouse Claudia P. Miller Shana L. Palla Doris R. Siwak Gordon B. Mills Zeev Estrov Shulin Li Steven M. Kornblau Dennis P. Hughes Joya Chandra 《PloS one》2013,8(8)
The presence of the Philadelphia chromosome in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ALL) is a negative prognostic indicator. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) that target BCR/ABL, such as imatinib, have improved treatment of Ph+ALL and are generally incorporated into induction regimens. This approach has improved clinical responses, but molecular remissions are seen in less than 50% of patients leaving few treatment options in the event of relapse. Thus, identification of additional targets for therapeutic intervention has potential to improve outcomes for Ph+ALL. The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (ErbB2) is expressed in ∼30% of B-ALLs, and numerous small molecule inhibitors are available to prevent its activation. We analyzed a cohort of 129 ALL patient samples using reverse phase protein array (RPPA) with ErbB2 and phospho-ErbB2 antibodies and found that activity of ErbB2 was elevated in 56% of Ph+ALL as compared to just 4.8% of Ph−ALL. In two human Ph+ALL cell lines, inhibition of ErbB kinase activity with canertinib resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in the phosphorylation of an ErbB kinase signaling target p70S6-kinase T389 (by 60% in Z119 and 39% in Z181 cells at 3 µM). Downstream, phosphorylation of S6-kinase was also diminished in both cell lines in a dose-dependent manner (by 91% in both cell lines at 3 µM). Canertinib treatment increased expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Bim by as much as 144% in Z119 cells and 49% in Z181 cells, and further produced caspase-3 activation and consequent apoptotic cell death. Both canertinib and the FDA-approved ErbB1/2-directed TKI lapatinib abrogated proliferation and increased sensitivity to BCR/ABL-directed TKIs at clinically relevant doses. Our results suggest that ErbB signaling is an additional molecular target in Ph+ALL and encourage the development of clinical strategies combining ErbB and BCR/ABL kinase inhibitors for this subset of ALL patients. 相似文献
He-Hsuan Hsiao Erik Meulmeester Benedikt T. C. Frank Frauke Melchior Henning Urlaub 《Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP》2009,8(12):2664-2675
Conjugation of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) to substrates is involved in a large number of cellular processes. Typically, SUMO is conjugated to lysine residues within a SUMO consensus site; however, an increasing number of proteins are sumoylated on non-consensus sites. To appreciate the functional consequences of sumoylation, the identification of SUMO attachment sites is of critical importance. Discovery of SUMO acceptor sites is usually performed by a laborious mutagenesis approach or using MS. In MS, identification of SUMO acceptor sites in higher eukaryotes is hampered by the large tryptic fragments of SUMO1 and SUMO2/3. MS search engines in combination with known databases lack the possibility to search MSMS spectra for larger modifications, such as sumoylation. Therefore, we developed a simple and straightforward database search tool (“ChopNSpice”) that successfully allows identification of SUMO acceptor sites from proteins sumoylated in vivo and in vitro. By applying this approach we identified SUMO acceptor sites in, among others, endogenous SUMO1, SUMO2, RanBP2, and Ubc9.Post-translational modification with ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifiers (Ubls)1 such as SUMO plays an important role in most, if not all, cellular processes (1–6). Conjugation of Ubls to their targets involves an isopeptide bond between the carboxyl group of the modifier and the ε-amino group of a lysine residue within the targets. Attachment of Ubls to specific targets involves an enzymatic cascade. First the Ubls are processed to expose their C-terminal diglycine motif. The mature Ubl is then transferred to its target via a cascade of E1 (activating), E2 (conjugating), and E3 (ligase) enzymes. The conjugation system for SUMO consists of a heterodimeric activating enzyme, Aos1/Uba2; a conjugating enzyme, Ubc9; and E3 ligases, such as RanBP2 or members of the PIAS family. The conjugation status undergoes perpetual change and is governed by a small family of SUMO proteases that hydrolyze the isopeptide bond between SUMO and its target (7, 8). Although in lower eukaryotes only one SUMO is present, vertebrates express at least three different SUMO paralogs: SUMO1, SUMO2, and SUMO3. Mature SUMO2 and SUMO3 (referred to as SUMO2/3) are 97% identical but differ substantially from SUMO1 (∼50% identity).Although the list of known SUMO substrates is growing rapidly, our understanding of the functional consequences for many of these targets is lagging behind. At a molecular level, the functional consequences of SUMO conjugation can be explained by a gain or loss of interaction with other macromolecules (3, 4). SUMO-dependent intramolecular conformational changes have also been described (9, 10). Thus, to appreciate the role that SUMO plays in the regulation of specific substrates, identification of the acceptor site(s) for SUMO conjugation is of key importance.So far, identification of SUMO acceptor sites has relied largely on mutation of the SUMO consensus site, which consists of a short motif with the sequence ψKXE (ψ represents a bulky hydrophobic residue, and X represents any amino acid). This motif is recognized by Ubc9 if presented in an extended conformation (11–13). However, an increasing number of proteins, such as PCNA, E2-25K, Daxx, and USP25, turned out to be sumoylated on lysine residues that do not conform to the SUMO consensus site (14–17). For this category of proteins, as well as for proteins that contain a large number of SUMO consensus sites, the identification of acceptor lysines is a burdensome task that often involves mutagenesis of each lysine residue within the substrate in turn.MS is currently one of the state-of-the-art technologies to identify protein factors and their post-translational modifications in an unbiased and sensitive manner. Several groups have shown that, using overexpressed tagged SUMO, MS can be efficiently exploited to identify endogenous substrates for SUMO conjugation (18–20). However, the identification of SUMO acceptor lysines using MS has remained a more challenging task (18, 21, 23, 24). So far, using tagged SUMO, unbiased identification of acceptor lysines for endogenous substrates has only been observed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (18). The identification of substrates in higher eukaryotes has been hampered by the large conjugated SUMO peptide that arises upon tryptic digestion (>2154 Da with human SUMO1 and >3568 Da with human SUMO2/3 compared with 484 Da for Smt3 in S. cerevisiae). Such large fragments, in addition to the mass of the conjugated peptide, can impede their in-gel digestion, extraction, detection, and sequencing in MS. To overcome some of these limitations, several different strategies have been developed: 1) mutation of the tryptic fragment of SUMO, yielding a smaller tryptic fragment (23), 2) development of an automated recognition pattern tool (SUMmOn) (24), and 3) identification of targets using an in vitro to in vivo approach (21). Although these approaches have been applied successfully for the identification of SUMO conjugates in vitro and in vivo, unbiased identification of SUMO conjugates in vivo has not been achieved in higher eukaryotes. Another hurdle to such identification of SUMO conjugates is the variety of masses that can theoretically arise for just one SUMO-conjugated lysine in a given protein because of tryptic miscleavages. Thus, the unambiguous identification of SUMO acceptor sites requires the mass of the modified peptide carrying the conjugated SUMO (fragment) to be measured with high accuracy, and most importantly, it requires sequence analysis of the modified peptides. Because available proteomics search engines lack the possibility to search MSMS spectra for larger modifications, e.g. those that occur upon sumoylation, we developed a novel, simple, and straightforward database search tool (“ChopNSpice”) that, in combination with current proteomics search engines (such as MASCOT (25) or SEQUEST (26)), allows one to identify SUMO1 and SUMO2/3 acceptor sites unambiguously. We confirmed this strategy in vitro on various substrates and demonstrate the power of this technique by the identification of acceptor lysines within several endogenous targets from HeLa cells. 相似文献
Thuc-Huy Duong Huy Troung Nguyen Chuong Hoang Nguyen Nguyen-Minh-An Tran Ade Danova Thi-Minh-Dinh Tran Kim Long Vu-Huynh Vassana Musa Rumpa Jutakanoke Ngoc-Hong Nguyen Jirapast Sichaem 《化学与生物多样性》2021,18(12):e2100499
A new natural Diels-Alder adduct ( 3 ) was isolated from the leaves and stem bark of Artocarpus integer, along with seventeen known compounds ( 1 , 2 , and 4 – 18 ). Structural elucidation was conducted using NMR and HR-ESI-MS data, and comparisons were made with previous studies. Deoxyartonin I ( 3 ) exhibited the most potent α-glucosidase inhibition (IC50 7.80±0.1 μM), outperforming the acarbose positive control. This was mixed-mode inhibition, as indicated by the intersect in the second quadrant of each respective plot. An in silico molecular docking model and the pharmacokinetic features of 3 suggest that it is a potential inhibitor of enzyme α-glucosidase, and is therefore a lead candidate as a drug against diabetes mellitus. 相似文献
Growing evidence has demonstrated a neuroprotective role of autophagy in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Thus, autophagy has been regarded as a potential therapeutic target, attracting increasing interest in pharmaceutical autophagy modulation by small molecules. We designed a two-cycle screening strategy on the basis of imaging high-throughout screening (HTS) and cellular toxicity assay, and have identified a novel autophagy inducer known as GTM-1. We further showed that GTM-1 exhibits dual activities, such as autophagy induction and antagonism against Aβ-oligomer toxicity. GTM-1 modulates autophagy in an Akt-independent and mTOR-independent manner. In addition, we demonstrated that GTM-1 enhances autophagy clearance and reverses the downregulation of autophagy flux by thapsigargin and asparagine. Furthermore, administration of GTM-1 attenuated Aβ pathology and ameliorated cognitive deficits in AD mice. 相似文献
Hironobu Iinuma Meiki Matsuzaki Toshiharu Nagatsu Tomio Takeuchi Hamao Umezawa 《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》2013,77(11):2107-2111
Dopastin produced by a pseudomonas is a potent inhibitor of dopamine β-hydroxylase. Kinetic studies with the purified enzyme indicated that inhibition by dopastin was of the uncompetitive type to the substrate and of the competitive to the cofactor, ascorbic acid. The nitrosohydroxylamino group of dopastin was found to be essential in inhibition of dopamine β-hydroxylase. Both racemic and natural dopastins showed the same activity. Dopastin showed significant hypotensive effect to spontaneously hypertensive rats and phytotoxicity to barley germination. 相似文献
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors currently form an important basis for developing novel drugs for diabetes treatment. In our preliminary tests, the ethyl acetate fraction of Phlomis tuberosa extracts showed significant α-glucosidase inhibitory activity (IC₅₀ = 100 μg/mL). In the present study, a combined method using Sepbox chromatography and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) bioautography was developed to probe α-glucosidase inhibitors further. The ethyl acetate fraction of P. tuberosa extracts was separated into 150 individual subfractions within 20 h using Sepbox chromatography. Then, under the guidance of TLC bioautography, 20 compounds were successfully isolated from these fractions, including four new diterpenoids [14-hydroxyabieta-8,11,13-triene-11-carbaldehyde-18-oic-12-carboxy-13-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-lactone (1), 14-hydroxyabieta-8,11,13-triene-17-oic-12-carboxy-13-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-lactone (2), 14,16-dihydroxyabieta-8,11,13-triene-15,17-dioic acid (3), and phlomisol (15,16-eposy-8,13(16),14-labdatrien-19-ol) (4)], and 16 known compounds. Activity estimation indicated that 15 compounds showed more potent α-glucosidase inhibitory effects (with IC50 values in the range 0.067–1.203 mM) than the positive control, acarbose (IC50 = 3.72 ± 0.113 mM). This is the first report of separation of α-glucosidase inhibitors from P. tuberosa. 相似文献
《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》2013,77(7):1527-1534
Four marine yeasts isolated from the Pacific Ocean off Japan (Siki No. 4, Siki No. 15, Hach No. 6, and Inub No. 11), which showed high γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) producing abilities, were identified and classified by physiological and biochemical characteristics and gene sequence analyses. Analysis of biochemical data suggested that while Siki No. 15 was identical to Candida, the remaining three isolates belonged to the genus Pichia. However, these data were insufficient to resolve their identity at the species level. Subsequently, analysis of the 5.8S rRNA genes and the two internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS) sequences revealed that Siki No. 15 belongs to Pichia guilliermondii, while the remaining three isolates corresponded to Pichia anomala. Since Siki No. 4 showed slightly different biochemical properties than the other two isolates, which were otherwise identical, we sought to investigate the sequences of the intergenic spacer region 1 (IGS1). We observed few nucleotide changes, suggesting that the Hach No. 6 and Inub No. 11 isolates belong to different but new strains for which we propose the names P. anomola MR-1 and MR-2 respectively. 相似文献
《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):868-881
Although daily rhythms regulate multiple aspects of human physiology, rhythmic control of the metabolome remains poorly understood. The primary objective of this proof-of-concept study was identification of metabolites in human plasma that exhibit significant 24-h variation. This was assessed via an untargeted metabolomic approach using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Eight lean, healthy, and unmedicated men, mean age 53.6 (SD?±?6.0) yrs, maintained a fixed sleep/wake schedule and dietary regime for 1 wk at home prior to an adaptation night and followed by a 25-h experimental session in the laboratory where the light/dark cycle, sleep/wake, posture, and calorific intake were strictly controlled. Plasma samples from each individual at selected time points were prepared using liquid-phase extraction followed by reverse-phase LC coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight MS analysis in positive ionization mode. Time-of-day variation in the metabolites was screened for using orthogonal partial least square discrimination between selected time points of 10:00 vs. 22:00?h, 16:00 vs. 04:00?h, and 07:00 (d 1) vs. 16:00?h, as well as repeated-measures analysis of variance with time as an independent variable. Subsequently, cosinor analysis was performed on all the sampled time points across the 24-h day to assess for significant daily variation. In this study, analytical variability, assessed using known internal standards, was low with coefficients of variation <10%. A total of 1069 metabolite features were detected and 203 (19%) showed significant time-of-day variation. Of these, 34 metabolites were identified using a combination of accurate mass, tandem MS, and online database searches. These metabolites include corticosteroids, bilirubin, amino acids, acylcarnitines, and phospholipids; of note, the magnitude of the 24-h variation of these identified metabolites was large, with the mean ratio of oscillation range over MESOR (24-h time series mean) of 65% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 49–81%). Importantly, several of these human plasma metabolites, including specific acylcarnitines and phospholipids, were hitherto not known to be 24-h variant. These findings represent an important baseline and will be useful in guiding the design and interpretation of future metabolite-based studies. (Author correspondence: Jooern. Ang@icr. ac. uk or Florence. Raynaud@icr. ac. uk) 相似文献
Rekha Sapru Dhar Suphla Bajpai Gupta Parvinder Pal Singh Sumeer Razdan Wajid Waheed Bhat Satiander Rana Surrinder Kumar Lattoo Shabnam Khan 《Journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology.》2012,21(1):77-87
To have better understanding of the processes that occur in Withania somnifera L. Dunal, proteome analyses were initiated on two tissues (seeds & leaves) of this plant. Protein extracts were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) across a broad 3.0?C10.0 immobilized pH gradient (IPG) strip that yielded 434 protein spots. A total of 167 individual spots (82 from seeds and 85 from leaves) were excised from the gel and were characterized by peptide mass fingerprinting. From these analyses, 70 individual proteins from seeds and 74 from leaves were identified by protein sequence database interrogation and were catalogued accordingly to different protein functions. A comparative analysis of the two tissues indicated that some enzymes/proteins involved in housekeeping pathways were common to both, whereas some were exclusively tissue specific with specialized metabolic complement. The knowledge gained by this study towards the tissue specific protein expression in W. somnifera would form the basis for our future endeavor of characterization of proteins to understand the physiology and the associated complex metabolic network during its ontogenetic development. 相似文献
Christiane Kummer Brian G. Petrich David M. Rose Mark H. Ginsberg 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2010,285(13):9462-9469
Extracellular antagonists of α4 integrin are an effective therapy for several autoimmune and inflammatory diseases; however, these agents that directly block ligand binding may exhibit mechanism-based toxicities. Inhibition of α4 integrin signaling by mutations of α4 that block paxillin binding inhibits inflammation while limiting mechanism-based toxicities. Here, we test a pharmacological approach by identifying small molecules that inhibit the α4 integrin-paxillin interaction. By screening a large (∼40,000-compound) chemical library, we identified a noncytotoxic inhibitor of this interaction that impaired integrin α4-mediated but not αLβ2-mediated Jurkat T cell migration. The identified compound had no effect on α4-mediated migration in cells bearing the α4(Y991A) mutation that disrupts the α4-paxillin interaction, establishing the specificity of its action. Administration of this compound to mice led to impaired recruitment of mononuclear leukocytes to a site of inflammation in vivo, whereas an isomer that does not inhibit the α4-paxillin interaction had no effect on α4-mediated cell migration, cell spreading, or recruitment of leukocytes to an inflammatory site. Thus, a small molecule inhibitor that interferes with α4 integrin signaling reduces α4-mediated T cell migration in vivo, thus providing proof of principle for inhibition of α4 integrin signaling as a target for the pharmacological reduction of inflammation. 相似文献
Hedwin Kitdorlang Dkhar Anupriya Gopalsamy Saurabh Loharch Amandeep Kaur Isha Bhutani Kanmani Saminathan Ella Bhagyaraj Vemika Chandra Kunchithapadam Swaminathan Pushpa Agrawal Raman Parkesh Pawan Gupta 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2015,290(1):76-89
GlgB (α-1,4-glucan branching enzyme) is the key enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of α-glucan, which plays a significant role in the virulence and pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Because α-glucans are implicated in the survival of both replicating and non-replicating bacteria, there exists an exigent need for the identification and development of novel inhibitors for targeting enzymes, such as GlgB, involved in this pathway. We have used the existing structural information of M. tuberculosis GlgB for high throughput virtual screening and molecular docking. A diverse database of 330,000 molecules was used for identifying novel and efficacious therapeutic agents for targeting GlgB. We also used three-dimensional shape as well as two-dimensional similarity matrix methods to identify diverse molecular scaffolds that inhibit M. tuberculosis GlgB activity. Virtual hits were generated after structure and ligand-based screening followed by filters based on interaction with human GlgB and in silico pharmacokinetic parameters. These hits were experimentally evaluated and resulted in the discovery of a number of structurally diverse chemical scaffolds that target M. tuberculosis GlgB. Although a number of inhibitors demonstrated in vitro enzyme inhibition, two compounds in particular showed excellent inhibition of in vivo M. tuberculosis survival and its ability to get phagocytosed. This work shows that in silico docking and three-dimensional chemical similarity could be an important therapeutic approach for developing inhibitors to specifically target the M. tuberculosis GlgB enzyme. 相似文献
A gene encoding acidic, thermostable and raw starch hydrolysing α-amylase was cloned from an extreme thermophile Geobacillus thermoleovorans and expressed. The ORF of 1650 bp encodes a 515 amino acid protein (Gt-amy) with a signal peptide of 34 amino acids at the N-terminus. Seven conserved sequences of GH-13 family have been found in its sequence. The specific enzyme activity of recombinant Gt-amy is 1723 U mg−1 protein with a molecular mass of 59 kDa. It is optimally active at pH 5.0 and 80 °C with t1/2 values of 283, 184 and 56 min at 70, 80 and 90 °C, respectively. The activation energy required for its temperature deactivation is 84.96 kJ mol−1. Ca2+ strongly inhibits Gt-amy at 10 mM concentration, and inhibition kinetics with Ca2+ reveals that inhibition occurs as a result of binding to a lower affinity secondary Ca2+ binding site in the active centre in a mixed-type inhibition manner. The Km and kcat of the Gt-amy are 0.315 mg mL−1 and 2.62 × 103 s−1, respectively. Gt-amy is Ca2+-independent at the concentration used in industrial starch saccharification, and hydrolyses raw corn and wheat starches efficiently, and thus, is applicable in starch saccharification at the industrial sub-gelatinization temperatures. 相似文献