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Keloid disease (KD) is an abnormal cutaneous fibroproliferative disorder of unknown aetiopathogenesis. Keloid fibroblasts (KF) are implicated as mediators of elevated extracellular matrix deposition. Aberrant secretory behaviour by KF relative to normal skin fibroblasts (NF) may influence the disease state. To date, no previous reports exist on the ability of site-specific KF to induce fibrotic-like phenotypic changes in NF or normal scar fibroblasts (NS) by paracrine mechanisms. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of conditioned media from site-specific KF on the cellular and molecular behaviour of both NF and NS enabled by paracrine mechanisms. Conditioned media was collected from cultured primary fibroblasts during a proliferative log phase of growth including: NF, NS, peri-lesional keloid fibroblasts (PKF) and intra-lesional keloid fibroblasts (IKF). Conditioned media was used to grow NF, NS, PKF and IKF cells over 240 hrs. Cellular behavior was monitored through real time cell analysis (RTCA), proliferation rates and migration in a scratch wound assay. Fibrosis-associated marker expression was determined at both protein and gene level. PKF conditioned media treatment of both NF and NS elicited enhanced cell proliferation, spreading and viability as measured in real time over 240 hrs versus control conditioned media. Following PKF and IKF media treatments up to 240 hrs, both NF and NS showed significantly elevated proliferation rates (p<0.03) and migration in a scratch wound assay (p<0.04). Concomitant up-regulation of collagen I, fibronectin, α-SMA, PAI-1, TGF-β and CTGF (p<0.03) protein expression were also observed. Corresponding qRT-PCR analysis supported these findings (P<0.03). In all cases, conditioned media from growing marginal PKF elicited the strongest effects. In conclusion, primary NF and NS cells treated with PKF or IKF conditioned media exhibit enhanced expression of fibrosis-associated molecular markers and increased cellular activity as a result of keloid fibroblast-derived paracrine factors.  相似文献   



The extensional signals in cross-talk between stromal cells and tumor cells generated from extracellular matrix molecules, soluble factor, and cell-cell adhesion complexes cooperate at the extra- and intracellular level in the tumor microenvironment. CAFs are the primary type of stromal cells in the tumor microenvironment and play a pivotal role in tumorigenesis and development. Hitherto, there is hardly any systematic analysis of the intrinsic relationship between CAFs function and its abnormal signaling pathway. The extreme complexity of CAFs’ features and their role in tumor development are needed to be further investigated.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We primary cultured CAFs and NFs from early stages of breast cancer tissue and identified them using their biomarker by immunohistochemistry for Fibronectin, α-SMA and FAP. Microarray was applied to analyze gene expression profiles of human breast CAFs and the paired NFs. The Up-regulated genes classified by Gene Ontology, signal pathways enriched by DAVID pathway analysis. Abnormal signaling pathways in breast cancer CAFs are involved in cell cycle, cell adhesion, signal transduction and protein transport being reported in CAFs derived from other tumors. Significantly, the altered ATM signaling pathway, a set of cell cycle regulated signaling, and immune associated signaling are identified to be changed in CAFs.


CAFs have the vigorous ability of proliferation and potential of invasion and migration comparing with NFs. CAFs could promote breast cancer cell invasion under co-culture conditions through up-regulated CCL18 and CXCL12. Consistently with its biologic behavior, the gene expression profiling analyzed by microarray shows that some of key signaling pathways, such as cell cycle, cell adhesion, and secreting factors play an important role in CAFs. The altered ATM signaling pathway is abnormally active in the early stage of breast cancer. The set of immune associated signaling may be involved in tumor cell immune evasion.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are polypeptide mitogens for a wide variety of cell types and are involved in other processes such as angiogenesis and cell differentiation. FGFs mediate their biological responses by activating high-affinity tyrosine kinase receptors. Currently, there are four human fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) genes. To investigate the mechanisms by which αFGF and βFGF may mediate mitogenic signal transduction in human skin-derived fibroblasts, we analyzed these cells for the presence of high-affinity FGFRs. We show that normal human dermal fibroblasts express a single high-affinity FGFR gene, FGFR-1. Cloning and sequencing of two distinct FGFR-1 cDNAs suggested that normal human dermal fibroblasts express a membrane-bound and a putatively secreted form of FGFR-1. We show that normal human dermal fibroblasts produce two FGFR-1 proteins, one of which exists in conditioned media. The mRNA for the putatively secreted form of FGFR-1 appears to be down-regulated by serum treatment of the cells.  相似文献   

Skin complications were recently reported after carbon-ion (C-ion) radiation therapy. Oxidative stress is considered an important pathway in the appearance of late skin reactions. We evaluated oxidative stress in normal human skin fibroblasts after carbon-ion vs. X-ray irradiation. Survival curves and radiobiological parameters were calculated. DNA damage was quantified, as were lipid peroxidation (LPO), protein carbonylation and antioxidant enzyme activities. Reduced and oxidized glutathione ratios (GSH/GSSG) were determined. Proinflammatory cytokine secretion in culture supernatants was evaluated. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of C-ions vs. X-rays was 4.8 at D0 (irradiation dose corresponding to a surviving fraction of 37%). Surviving fraction at 2 Gy (SF2) was 71.8% and 7.6% for X-rays and C-ions, respectively. Compared with X-rays, immediate DNA damage was increased less after C-ions, but a late increase was observed at D10% (irradiation dose corresponding to a surviving fraction of 10%). LPO products and protein carbonyls were only increased 24 hours after C-ions. After X-rays, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was strongly increased immediately and on day 14 at D0% (irradiation dose corresponding to a surviving fraction of around 0%), catalase activity was unchanged and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity was increased only on day 14. These activities were decreased after C-ions compared with X-rays. GSH/GSSG was unchanged after X-rays but was decreased immediately after C-ion irradiation before an increase from day 7. Secretion of IL-6 was increased at late times after X-ray irradiation. After C-ion irradiation, IL-6 concentration was increased on day 7 but was lower compared with X-rays at later times. C-ion effects on normal human skin fibroblasts seemed to be harmful in comparison with X-rays as they produce late DNA damage, LPO products and protein carbonyls, and as they decrease antioxidant defences. Mechanisms leading to this discrepancy between the two types of radiation should be investigated.  相似文献   



A tumor is considered a heterogeneous complex in a three-dimensional environment that is flush with pathophysiological and biomechanical signals. Cell-stroma interactions guide the development and generation of tumors. Here, we evaluate the contributions of normal fibroblasts to gastric cancer.

Methodology/Principal Findings

By coculturing normal fibroblasts in monolayers of BGC-823 gastric cancer cells, tumor cells sporadically developed short, spindle-like morphological characteristics and demonstrated enhanced proliferation and invasive potential. Furthermore, the transformed tumor cells demonstrated decreased tumor formation and increased lymphomatic and intestinal metastatic potential. Non-transformed BGC-823 cells, in contrast, demonstrated primary tumor formation and delayed intestinal and lymph node invasion. We also observed E-cadherin loss and the upregulation of vimentin expression in the transformed tumor cells, which suggested that the increase in metastasis was induced by epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.


Collectively, our data indicated that normal fibroblasts sufficiently induce epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in cancer cells, thereby leading to metastasis.  相似文献   

Human cyclin D1 forms complexes with several Cdks, with proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and with a recently discovered 21-kDa inhibitor of Cdk activity. Substrates for cyclin D1/Cdks have not been identified in vivo, but it has been proposed that the D class of cyclins might play a role in regulating the activity of the retinoblastoma gene product p105Rb, Here we report that normal human diploid fibroblasts that endogenously or ectopically express high levels of cyclin D1 are unable to enter S phase in response to normally mitogenic stimuli. Fibroblasts that have reached the end of their in vitro life span (senescent cells) express five-fold higher levels of cyclin D1 protein than low-passage cells and individual cells in mass culture that fail to initiate DNA synthesis in response to serum addition have severalfold higher levels of this cyclin than proliferation-competent cells. These observations provide evidence that cyclin D1 is involved with the regulation of cell proliferation by more than one mechanism.  相似文献   

Normal human fibroblasts (NHF1) were released from confluence arrest (G0) and replated in medium containing bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and aphidicolin. Despite severe reduction in the rate of DNA synthesis by aphidicolin, cells reentering the cell cycle incorporated BrdU at regions of the human genome that replicated very early in S phase. After removal of aphidicolin and BrdU from the tissue culture medium, cells were collected in mitosis. Q-banding with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole/actinomycin D was used to identify metaphase chromosomes. A monoclonal anti-BrdU antibody and a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated goat anti-mouse antibody were used to identify the BrdU-labeled sites. The criterion for scoring DNA replication sites was the detection of FITC fluorescence at homologous regions of both sister chromatids. Early replicating regions mapped within R-bands, but not all R-bands incorporated BrdU. Chromosomal bands 1p36.1, 8q24.1, 12q13, 15q15, 15q22, and 22q13 were labeled in 53% or more of the copies of these chromosomes in the data set, suggesting that these sites replicated very early in S phase. Chromosomal band 15q22 was the most frequently labeled site (64%), which indicates that it contains some of the earliest replicating sequences in normal human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Actin-based structures play fundamental roles in cellular functions. However it remains controversial how cells cope with the absence of F-actin structures. This report focuses on short- and long-term effects of cytochalasin B (CB) on actin-complexes in fibroblasts and myoblasts. Thirty min of CB treatment dispersed subplasma actin cortices, lamellipodia, ruffled membranes, stress fibers and adhesion plaques into actin patches in fibroblasts and muscle cells. In contrast, 72 hrs CB treatment showed distinct morphological effects. Fibroblasts became giant multinucleated-finger shaped with 5 to 10 protrusions, 3–8 μm in width, and >200 μm in length. They lacked cortical actin, stress fibers, adhesion plaques and ruffled membranes but contained immense lamelliopodia with abnormal adhesion plaque protein complexes. Muscle cells transformed into multinucleated globular-shaped but contained normal I-Z-I and A-bands, indicating that CB did not interfere with the assembly of myofibrils. Within 30 min after CB removal, finger-shaped fibroblasts returned to their original shape and actin-containing structures rapidly reappeared, whereas muscle cells respond slowly to form elongated myotubes following CB washout. The capacity to grow, complete several nuclear cycles, assemble intermediate filaments and microtubules without a morphologically recognizable actin cytoskeleton raises interesting issues related to the role of the actin compartments in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Excess thymidine induced premature senescence in normal human fibroblasts (TIG-7), with induction of typical senescence markers. Nuclear swelling, as well as cell swelling, was clearly observed in these senescent cells. Simultaneous addition of MAP kinase inhibitors, U0126, SB203580, and SP60025, effectively suppressed induction of premature senescence and senescence markers.  相似文献   

(R)-Roscovitine (CYC202) is often referred to as a "selective inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases." Besides its use as a biological tool in cell cycle, neuronal functions, and apoptosis studies, it is currently evaluated as a potential drug to treat cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, viral infections, and glomerulonephritis. We have investigated the selectivity of (R)-roscovitine using three different methods: 1) testing on a wide panel of purified kinases that, along with previously published data, now reaches 151 kinases; 2) identifying roscovitine-binding proteins from various tissue and cell types following their affinity chromatography purification on immobilized roscovitine; 3) investigating the effects of roscovitine on cells deprived of one of its targets, CDK2. Altogether, the results show that (R)-roscovitine is rather selective for CDKs, in fact most kinases are not affected. However, it binds an unexpected, non-protein kinase target, pyridoxal kinase, the enzyme responsible for phosphorylation and activation of vitamin B6. These results could help in interpreting the cellular actions of (R)-roscovitine but also in guiding the synthesis of more selective roscovitine analogs.  相似文献   



Tumor-stroma reaction is associated with activation of fibroblasts. Nemosis is a novel type of fibroblast activation. It leads to an increased production of growth factors and proinflammatory and proteolytic proteins, while at the same time cytoskeletal proteins are degraded. Here we used paired normal skin fibroblasts and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) and primary and recurrent oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells to study the nemosis response.

Principal Findings

Fibroblast nemosis was analyzed by protein and gene expression and the paracrine regulation with colony formation assay. One of the normal fibroblast strains, FB-43, upregulated COX-2 in nemosis, but FB-74 cells did not. In contrast, CAF-74 spheroids expressed COX-2 but CAF-43 cells did not. Alpha-SMA protein was expressed in both CAF strains and in FB-74 cells, but not in FB-43 fibroblasts. Its mRNA levels were downregulated in nemosis, but the CAFs started to regain the expression. FSP1 mRNA was downregulated in normal fibroblasts and CAF-74 cells, but not in CAF-43 fibroblasts. Serine protease FAP was upregulated in all fibroblasts, more so in nemotic CAFs. VEGF, HGF/SF and FGF7 mRNA levels were upregulated to variable degree in nemosis. CAFs increased the colony formation of primary tumor cell lines UT-SCC-43A and UT-SCC-74A, but normal fibroblasts inhibited the anchorage-independent growth of recurrent UT-SCC-43B and UT-SCC-74B cells.


Nemosis response, as observed by COX-2 and growth factor induction, and expression of CAF markers α-SMA, FSP1 and FAP, varies between fibroblast populations. The expression of CAF markers differs between normal fibroblasts and CAFs in nemosis. These results emphasize the heterogeneity of fibroblasts and the evolving tumor-promoting properties of CAFs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to form a scaffold-free coculture spheroid model of colonic adenocarcinoma cells (CACs) and normal colonic fibroblasts (NCFs) and to use the spheroids to investigate the role of NCFs in the tumorigenicity of CACs in nude mice. We analysed three-dimensional (3D) scaffold-free coculture spheroids of CACs and NCFs. CAC Matrigel invasion assays and tumorigenicity assays in nude mice were performed to examine the effect of NCFs on CAC invasive behaviour and tumorigenicity in 3D spheroids. We investigated the expression pattern of fibroblast activation protein-α (FAP-α) by immunohistochemical staining. CAC monocultures did not form densely-packed 3D spheroids, whereas cocultured CACs and NCFs formed 3D spheroids. The 3D coculture spheroids seeded on a Matrigel extracellular matrix showed higher CAC invasiveness compared to CACs alone or CACs and NCFs in suspension. 3D spheroids injected into nude mice generated more and faster-growing tumors compared to CACs alone or mixed suspensions consisting of CACs and NCFs. FAP-α was expressed in NCFs-CACs cocultures and xenograft tumors, whereas monocultures of NCFs or CACs were negative for FAP-α expression. Our findings provide evidence that the interaction between CACs and NCFs is essential for the tumorigenicity of cancer cells as well as for tumor propagation.  相似文献   

Myofibroblast differentiation is a key process in the pathogenesis of fibrotic disease. We have shown previously that differentiation of myofibroblasts is regulated by microtubule polymerization state. In this work, we examined the potential antifibrotic effects of the antitussive drug, noscapine, recently found to bind microtubules and affect microtubule dynamics. Noscapine inhibited TGF-β-induced differentiation of cultured human lung fibroblasts (HLFs). Therapeutic noscapine treatment resulted in a significant attenuation of pulmonary fibrosis in the bleomycin model of the disease. Noscapine did not affect gross microtubule content in HLFs, but inhibited TGF-β-induced stress fiber formation and activation of serum response factor without affecting Smad signaling. Furthermore, noscapine stimulated a rapid and profound activation of protein kinase A (PKA), which mediated the antifibrotic effect of noscapine in HLFs, as assessed with the PKA inhibitor, PKI. In contrast, noscapine did not activate PKA in human bronchial or alveolar epithelial cells. Finally, activation of PKA and the antifibrotic effect of noscapine in HLFs were blocked by the EP2 prostaglandin E2 receptor antagonist, PF-04418948, but not by the antagonists of EP4, prostaglandin D2, or prostacyclin receptors. Together, we demonstrate for the first time the antifibrotic effect of noscapine in vitro and in vivo, and we describe a novel mechanism of noscapine action through EP2 prostaglandin E2 receptor-mediated activation of PKA in pulmonary fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Human skin is body’s vital organ constantly exposed to abiotic oxidative stress. This can have deleterious effects on skin such as darkening, skin damage, and aging. Plant-derived products having skin-protective effects are well-known traditionally. Triphala, a formulation of three fruit products, is one of the most important rasayana drugs used in Ayurveda. Several skin care products based on Triphala are available that claim its protective effects on facial skin. However, the skin protective effects of Triphala extract (TE) and its mechanistic action on skin cells have not been elucidated in vitro. Gallic acid, ellagic acid, and chebulinic acid were deduced by LC-MS as the major constituents of TE. The identified key compounds were docked with skin-related proteins to predict their binding affinity. The IC50 values for TE on human dermal fibroblasts (HDF) and human keratinocytes (HaCaT) were 204.90 ± 7.6 and 239.13 ± 4.3 μg/mL respectively. The antioxidant capacity of TE was 481.33 ± 1.5 mM Trolox equivalents in HaCaT cells. Triphala extract inhibited hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced RBC haemolysis (IC50 64.95 μg/mL), nitric oxide production by 48.62 ± 2.2%, and showed high reducing power activity. TE also rescued HDF from H2O2-induced damage; inhibited H2O2 induced cellular senescence and protected HDF from DNA damage. TE increased collagen-I, involucrin and filaggrin synthesis by 70.72 ± 2.3%, 67.61 ± 2.1% and 51.91 ± 3.5% in HDF or HaCaT cells respectively. TE also exhibited anti-tyrosinase and melanin inhibition properties in a dose-dependent manner. TE increased the mRNA expression of collagen-I, elastin, superoxide dismutase (SOD-2), aquaporin-3 (AQP-3), filaggrin, involucrin, transglutaminase in HDF or HaCaT cells, and decreased the mRNA levels of tyrosinase in B16F10 cells. Thus, Triphala exhibits protective benefits on skin cells in vitro and can be used as a potential ingredient in skin care formulations.  相似文献   

应用PCR-SSCP技术并结合Southern印迹杂交从基因水平对正常和 ̄3H-TdR恶性转化小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞NC3H10和TC3H10中neu基因进行研究。Southern印迹杂交结果表明恶性转化的TC3H10细胞neu基因出现重排和扩增,SSCP分析未发现TC3H10细胞neu基因跨膜区突变。上述结果说明TC3H10细胞neu基因结构异常可能在跨膜区外,neu基因异常在 ̄3H-TdR诱导的细胞恶性转化过程中可能有重要的作用,EGF可促进neu基因表达增高,研究发现在EGF持续作用下,NC3H10细胞neu基因甲基化水平无显著变化,说明EGF可能是通过其它途径调控neu基因表达增高的,排除了EGF通过改变neu基因甲基化水平而调控neu基因表达的可能性。  相似文献   

Electron microscope observations of cells from methylcholanthrene induced tumours of the mouse and mouse muscle fibroblasts, grown in vitro , show five main differences in ultrastructure. The surface of the normal fibroblast is smooth when compared with that of the tumour cell; the leading lamella of the normal fibroblast has fewer ruffles (lamellipodia) and fewer cell-substrate plaques than the tumour cell; the tumour cell does not have a layer of cortical filaments like the normal cell but has well marked filamentous tracts in the main body of the cytoplasm and the endoplasmic reticulum of the normal cell is far less abundant and wellorganized than that of the malignant cell. The fact that all these differences are possibly related to the cell surface may be of significance when considering the changes brought about during carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

A selective method was devised for the isolation of "revertants" from polyoma-transformed sublines derived from BHK21/13 Syrian hamster fibroblasts. A hybrid, polyploid subline was obtained by growing together, in mixed culture in the presence of aminopterin, two variant BHK21/13 sublines lacking either inosinic acid pyrophosphorylase or thymidine kinase. Whereas these variant sublines were resistant to 6-thioguanine or to 5-bromodeoxyuridine, the hybrid had regained sensitivity to both analogues. By plating a polyoma-transformed subline derived from this hybrid in the presence of 6-thioguanine, resistant clones were obtained with a frequency of about 10(-4). All of these surviving clones had a reduced chromosome complement and some of them had regained a normal phenotype.  相似文献   

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