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Adeno-associated virus 4 (AAV4) is one of the most divergent serotypes among known AAV isolates. Mucins or O-linked sialoglycans have been identified as the primary attachment receptors for AAV4 in vitro. However, little is known about the role(s) played by sialic acid interactions in determining AAV4 tissue tropism in vivo. In the current study, we first characterized two loss-of-function mutants obtained by screening a randomly mutated AAV4 capsid library. Both mutants harbored several amino acid residue changes localized to the 3-fold icosahedral symmetry axes on the AAV4 capsid and displayed low transduction efficiency in vitro. This defect was attributed to decreased cell surface binding as well as uptake of mutant virions. These results were further corroborated by low transgene expression and recovery of mutant viral genomes in cardiac and lung tissue following intravenous administration in mice. Pharmacokinetic analysis revealed rapid clearance of AAV4 mutants from the blood circulation in conjunction with low hemagglutination potential ex vivo. These results were recapitulated with mice pretreated intravenously with sialidase, directly confirming the role of sialic acids in determining AAV4 tissue tropism. Taken together, our results support the notion that blood-borne AAV4 particles interact sequentially with O-linked sialoglycans expressed abundantly on erythrocytes followed by cardiopulmonary tissues and subsequently for viral cell entry.  相似文献   

Viral attachment to target cells is the first step in infection and also serves as a determinant of tropism. Like many viruses, mammalian reoviruses bind with low affinity to cell-surface carbohydrate receptors to initiate the infectious process. Reoviruses disseminate with serotype-specific tropism in the host, which may be explained by differential glycan utilization. Although α2,3-linked sialylated oligosaccharides serve as carbohydrate receptors for type 3 reoviruses, neither a specific glycan bound by any reovirus serotype nor the function of glycan binding in type 1 reovirus infection was known. We have identified the oligosaccharide portion of ganglioside GM2 (the GM2 glycan) as a receptor for the attachment protein σ1 of reovirus strain type 1 Lang (T1L) using glycan array screening. The interaction of T1L σ1 with GM2 in solution was confirmed using NMR spectroscopy. We established that GM2 glycan engagement is required for optimal infection of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) by T1L. Preincubation with GM2 specifically inhibited type 1 but not type 3 reovirus infection of MEFs. To provide a structural basis for these observations, we defined the mode of receptor recognition by determining the crystal structure of T1L σ1 in complex with the GM2 glycan. GM2 binds in a shallow groove in the globular head domain of T1L σ1. Both terminal sugar moieties of the GM2 glycan, N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-acetylgalactosamine, form contacts with the protein, providing an explanation for the observed specificity for GM2. Viruses with mutations in the glycan-binding domain display diminished hemagglutination capacity, a property dependent on glycan binding, and reduced capacity to infect MEFs. Our results define a novel mode of virus-glycan engagement and provide a mechanistic explanation for the serotype-dependent differences in glycan utilization by reovirus.  相似文献   



Bladder cancer is a significant health problem in rural areas of Africa and the Middle East where Schistosoma haematobium is prevalent, supporting an association between malignant transformation and infection by this blood fluke. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms linking these events are poorly understood. Bladder cancers in infected populations are generally diagnosed at a late stage since there is a lack of non-invasive diagnostic tools, hence enforcing the need for early carcinogenesis markers.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Forty-three formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded bladder biopsies of S. haematobium-infected patients, consisting of bladder tumours, tumour adjacent mucosa and pre-malignant/malignant urothelial lesions, were screened for bladder cancer biomarkers. These included the oncoprotein p53, the tumour proliferation rate (Ki-67>17%), cell-surface cancer-associated glycan sialyl-Tn (sTn) and sialyl-Lewisa/x (sLea/sLex), involved in immune escape and metastasis. Bladder tumours of non-S. haematobium etiology and normal urothelium were used as controls. S. haematobium-associated benign/pre-malignant lesions present alterations in p53 and sLex that were also found in bladder tumors. Similar results were observed in non-S. haematobium associated tumours, irrespectively of their histological nature, denoting some common molecular pathways. In addition, most benign/pre-malignant lesions also expressed sLea. However, proliferative phenotypes were more prevalent in lesions adjacent to bladder tumors while sLea was characteristic of sole benign/pre-malignant lesions, suggesting it may be a biomarker of early carcionogenesis associated with the parasite. A correlation was observed between the frequency of the biomarkers in the tumor and adjacent mucosa, with the exception of Ki-67. Most S. haematobium eggs embedded in the urothelium were also positive for sLea and sLex. Reinforcing the pathologic nature of the studied biomarkers, none was observed in the healthy urothelium.


This preliminary study suggests that p53 and sialylated glycans are surrogate biomarkers of bladder cancerization associated with S. haematobium, highlighting a missing link between infection and cancer development. Eggs of S. haematobium express sLea and sLex antigens in mimicry of human leukocytes glycosylation, which may play a role in the colonization and disease dissemination. These observations may help the early identification of infected patients at a higher risk of developing bladder cancer and guide the future development of non-invasive diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

Mammalian reovirus is a benign virus that possesses the natural ability to preferentially infect and kill cancer cells (reovirus oncolysis). Reovirus exploits aberrant Ras signalling in many human cancers to promote its own replication and spread. In vitro and in vivo studies using reovirus either singly or in combination with anti-cancer drugs have shown very encouraging results. Presently, a number of reovirus combination therapies are undergoing clinical trials for a variety of cancers. Previously we showed that accumulation of the tumor suppressor protein p53 by Nutlin-3a (a specific p53 stabilizer) enhanced reovirus-induced apoptosis, and resulted in significantly higher levels of reovirus dissemination. In this study, we examined the role of p53 in combination therapies involving reovirus and chemotherapeutic drugs. We showed that sub-lethal concentrations of traditional chemotherapy drugs actinomycin D or etoposide, but not doxorubicin, enhanced reovirus-induced apoptosis in a p53-dependent manner. Furthermore, NF-κB activation and expression of p53-target genes (p21 and bax) were important for the p53-dependent enhancement of cell death. Our results show that p53 status affects the efficacy of combination therapy involving reovirus. Choosing the right combination partner for reovirus and a low dosage of the drug may help to both enhance reovirus-induced cancer elimination and reduce drug toxicity.  相似文献   

Recently, we showed the unexpectedly high abundance of N-linked glycans on the Fab-domain of Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibodies (ACPA). As N-linked glycans can mediate a variety of biological functions, we now aimed at investigating the structural composition of the Fab-glycans of ACPA-IgG to better understand their mediated biological effects. ACPA-IgG and noncitrulline specific (control) IgG from plasma and/or synovial fluid of nine ACPA positive rheumatoid arthritis patients were affinity purified. The N-linked glycosylation of total, Fc and F(ab′)2 fragments, as well as heavy and light chains of ACPA-IgG and control IgG were analyzed by UHPLC and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The Fc-glycosylation of ACPA-IgG and IgG was analyzed at the glycopeptide level using LC-MS. The structural analyses revealed that ACPA-IgG molecules contain highly sialylated glycans in their Fab-domain. Importantly, Fab-glycans were estimated to be present on over 90% of ACPA-IgG, which is five times higher than in control IgG isolated from the same patients. This feature was more prominent on ACPA isolated from synovial fluid compared with peripheral blood. These observations provide the first evidence pointing to the ability of ACPA-IgG to mediate novel immunological activities, for example through binding specific lectins via hyper-sialylated Fab-glycans.  相似文献   

Poly(A) binding protein 1 (PABP1) plays a central role in mRNA translation and stability and is a target by many viruses in diverse manners. We report a novel viral translational control strategy involving the recruitment of PABP1 to the 5'' leader internal ribosome entry site (5L IRES) of an immediate-early (IE) bicistronic mRNA that encodes the neurovirulence protein (pp14) from the avian herpesvirus Marek’s disease virus serotype 1 (MDV1). We provide evidence for the interaction between an internal poly(A) sequence within the 5L IRES and PABP1 which may occur concomitantly with the recruitment of PABP1 to the poly(A) tail. RNA interference and reverse genetic mutagenesis results show that a subset of virally encoded-microRNAs (miRNAs) targets the inhibitor of PABP1, known as paip2, and therefore plays an indirect role in PABP1 recruitment strategy by increasing the available pool of active PABP1. We propose a model that may offer a mechanistic explanation for the cap-independent enhancement of the activity of the 5L IRES by recruitment of a bona fide initiation protein to the 5'' end of the message and that is, from the affinity binding data, still compatible with the formation of ‘closed loop’ structure of mRNA.  相似文献   

Uterine fluid contains a mixture of glycoprotein components the quantity and composition of which vary during the menstrual cycle. Their analysis may give clues to the involvement of maternally derived components in modulating the state of the peri-implantation blastocyst and aid in assessing the differentiation of the endometrium in preparation for implantation. Endometrial epithelium also exhibits an apical glycocalyx, the composition of which varies with the state of tissue differentiation. Evidence from animal systems suggests that glycans may be involved in molecular recognition between the embryo and maternal surface at implantation. Lectins and monoclonal antibodies to glycan epitopes have been used as sensitive and specific probes to examine the carbohydrates associated with endometrial epithelium as a function of the ovarian cycle. Numerous glycan structures are detected specifically in epithelial cells. Hitherto unsuspected biosynthetic heterogeneity is present in the glands. A secretory sialokeratan sulphate epitope is described, the occurrence of which coincides with the implantation phase of the cycle.  相似文献   

Fructose utilization by wine yeasts is critically important for the maintenance of a high fermentation rate at the end of alcoholic fermentation. A Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine yeast able to ferment grape must sugars to dryness was found to have a high fructose utilization capacity. We investigated the molecular basis of this enhanced fructose utilization capacity by studying the properties of several hexose transporter (HXT) genes. We found that this wine yeast harbored a mutated HXT3 allele. A functional analysis of this mutated allele was performed by examining expression in an hxt1-7Δ strain. Expression of the mutated allele alone was found to be sufficient for producing an increase in fructose utilization during fermentation similar to that observed in the commercial wine yeast. This work provides the first demonstration that the pattern of fructose utilization during wine fermentation can be altered by expression of a mutated hexose transporter in a wine yeast. We also found that the glycolytic flux could be increased by overexpression of the mutant transporter gene, with no effect on fructose utilization. Our data demonstrate that the Hxt3 hexose transporter plays a key role in determining the glucose/fructose utilization ratio during fermentation.  相似文献   

Reovirus type 3 interfered with the binding of beta-adrenergic antagonist ligands to receptors on Y1 adrenal, C6 glioma, and mouse L cells. This inhibition of beta-adrenergic binding was dose related. Reovirus did not interfere with dopaminergic binding or isoproterenol-induced activation of adenylate cyclase. In addition, reovirus infected Y1 cells, which bind beta-adrenergic antagonist ligands but lack agonist-induced activity. These results suggest that reovirus infection is initiated by binding to antagonist (nonfunctional) domains of the adrenergic receptor complex.  相似文献   

Hooper LV  Gordon JI 《Glycobiology》2001,11(2):1R-10R
The number of microbes associated with our gut likely exceeds our total number of somatic and germ cells. Despite their numbers, almost nothing is known about the molecular mechanisms that determine whether the interaction between a microbial species and its host will be beneficial. Recent results obtained from in vivo models have revealed critical roles for glycoconjugates in helping define the outcome of two such host-microbial relationships. In one case, attachment of Helicobacter pylori to fucosylated or sialylated glycans produced by various gastric epithelial lineages and their progenitors skews the destiny of colonization toward pathogenicity. In the second case, a molecular dissection of how Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, a normal inhabitant of the distal small intestine, is able to communicate with intestinal epithelial cells has revealed a novel role for host fucosylated glycans in forging a mutually beneficial relationship. These observations lend support to the hypothesis that the capacity to synthesize diverse carbohydrate structures may have arisen in part from our need to both evade pathogenic relationships and to coevolve symbiotic relationships with our nonpathogenic resident microbes.  相似文献   

The basic properties of released and cell-associated reovirus are the same. Both contained as their total nucleic acid complement only double-stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) with an adenine content of 28%. Preparations of purified cell-associated virus, but not released virus, contained adenine-rich RNA which could be separated from the virus with little or no loss of infectivity. These adenine-rich ribonucleic acids were present in the virus preparations either as free RNA or associated with some structures of molecular weight less than 25 x 10(6) daltons. In contrast to our previous report, double-stranded reovirus RNA possessed little or no template activity for the Escherichia coli deoxyribonucleic acid and RNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Glycans of the early human yolk sac   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The pattern of glycan distribution in the early human yolk sac has been investigated using a panel of lectins. Two 6-week and one 8-week human yolk sacs, and one 8-week fetal liver from live, ectopic pregnancies were fixed and embedded in epoxy resin. Lectin histochemistry was carried out on sections of these tissues using 23 biotinylated lectins and an avidin-biotin peroxidase revealing system. Mesothelial surfaces expressed most subsets of N-glycans (other than high mannose types),N-acetyl-lactosamine, sialic acid, andα1,6-N-acetylgalactosamine. Endodermal surface and lateral membranes resembled those of mesothelium, but showed a preponderance ofα2,6-sialyl residues. Most intracellular granules contained N-glycan. There was a marked heterogeneity of granules in the endodermal cells, with different subsets varying in both staining and positional characteristics. The mesenchymal matrix bound most of the lectins used in the study, and expressed fucosyl residues which were also detected in the endothelium. Fetal liver parenchyma showed very similar staining patterns to those seen in the endoderm except for the distribution ofN-acetylglucosamine, which was sparse. Despite some common features, each germ cell layer had a distinct ‘glycotype’, with some saccharides showing extreme topographical restriction.  相似文献   

Animal cells internalize specific extracellular macromolecules (ligands) by using specialized cell surface receptors that operate through a complex and highly regulated process known as receptor-mediated endocytosis, which involves the binding, internalization, and transfer of ligands through a series of distinct intracellular compartments. For the uptake of a variety of carbohydrate-containing macromolecules, such as glycoproteins, animal cells use specialized membrane-bound lectins as endocytic receptors that recognize different sugar residues or carbohydrate structures present on various ligands. The hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor, which recognizes glycoconjugates containing terminal galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine residues, was the first membrane lectin discovered and has been a classical system for studying receptor-mediated endocytosis. Studies of how the asialoglycoprotein receptor functions have led to the discovery of two functionally distinct, parallel pathways of clathrin-mediated endocytosis (called the State 1 and State 2 pathways), which may also be utilized by all the other endocytic recycling receptor systems. Another endocytic membrane lectin, the hyaluronan/chondroitin sulfate receptor, which has recently been purified and cloned, is responsible for the turnover in mammals of these glycosaminoglycans, which are important components of extracellular matrices. We discuss the characteristics and physiological importance of these two proteins as examples of how lectins can function as endocytic receptors.  相似文献   

Regulation of transcription of the Reovirus genome   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  

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