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Teleost fish are characterized by exceptionally high levels of brain estrogen biosynthesis when compared to the brains of other vertebrates or to the ovaries of the same fish. Goldfish (Carassius auratus) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) have utility as complementary models for understanding the molecular basis and functional significance of exaggerated neural estrogen biosynthesis. Multiple cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom) cDNAs that derive from separate gene loci (cyp19a and cyp19b) are differentially expressed in brain (P450aromBA) and ovary (P450aromAB) and have a different developmental program (BA) and response to estrogen upregulation (B only). As measured by increased P450aromB mRNA, a functional estrogen response system is first detected 24–48 h post-fertilization (hpf), consistent with the onset of estrogen receptor (ER) expression (α, β, and γ). The 5′-flanking region of the cyp19b gene has a TATA box, two estrogen response elements (EREs), an ERE half-site (ERE1/2), a nerve growth factor inducible-B protein (NGFI-B)/Nur77 responsive element (NBRE) binding site, and a sequence identical to the zebrafish GATA-2 gene neural specific enhancer. The cyp19a promoter region has TATA and CAAT boxes, a steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) binding site, and two aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)/AhR nuclear translocator factor (ARNT) binding motifs. Both genes have multiple potential SRY/SOX binding sites (16 and 8 in cyp19b and cyp19a, respectively). Luciferase reporters have basal promoter activity in GH3 cells, but differences (ab) are opposite to fish pituitary (ba). When microinjected into fertilized zebrafish eggs, a cyp19b promoter-driven green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter (but not cyp19a) is expressed in neurons of 30–48 hpf embryos, most prominently in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their projections to optic tectum. Further studies are required to identify functionally relevant cis-elements and cellular factors, and to determine the regulatory role of estrogen in neurodevelopment.  相似文献   

The cyp19 encodes P450 aromatase, the enzyme catalyzing the conversion of estrogens from androgens. Estrogens affect the dimorphic, anatomical, functional and behavioral aspects of development of both males and females. In zebrafish, two cyp19 genes, cyp19a and cyp19b were found. They are expressed in ovary and brain, respectively. Expression of cyp19b can be detected by 11 days post-fertilization (dpf) by in situ hybridization in the olfactory bulbs, ventral telencephalic region and the hypothalamus of the brain in both male and female, where it is generally known to be affecting the reproductive function and sexual behavior. COS-1 clones permanently expressing the enzymes have been isolated. Both aromatase enzymes encoded by these two genes are functional in COS-1 cells and they can use androstenedione and testosterone equally efficiently. The presence of two functional cyp19 in zebrafish has its evolutionary and physiological importance.  相似文献   

The cyp19 encodes P450 aromatase, the enzyme catalyzing the conversion of estrogens from androgens. Estrogens affect the dimorphic, anatomical, functional and behavioral aspects of development of both males and females. In zebrafish, two cyp19 genes, cyp19a and cyp19b were found. They are expressed in ovary and brain, respectively. Expression of cyp19b can be detected by 11 days post-fertilization (dpf) by in situ hybridization in the olfactory bulbs, ventral telencephalic region and the hypothalamus of the brain in both male and female, where it is generally known to be affecting the reproductive function and sexual behavior. COS-1 clones permanently expressing the enzymes have been isolated. Both aromatase enzymes encoded by these two genes are functional in COS-1 cells and they can use androstenedione and testosterone equally efficiently. The presence of two functional cyp19 in zebrafish has its evolutionary and physiological importance.  相似文献   

CYP2E1 expression was examined within, among, and in F(1) and backcross progeny of strains (P. monacha S68-5; P. viriosa M65-23) of the viviparous fish Poeciliopsis. CYP 2E1 activity varied dramatically in P. monacha, and P. viriosa (3.9+/-0.8 and 9.6+/-1.3 microg/min/mg) as well as the temperature which gave maximal activity (T(0)=25 degrees C and 31 degrees C). F(1) individuals from a crosses between P. monacha and P. viriosa, produced progeny whose CYP2E1 activity segregated into three different groups: (1) phenotypically the same as P. viriosa; (2) intermediate between the two parental strains; and (3) phenotypically the same as P. monacha. When a male P. monacha was crossed with a female P. viriosa 25% of the offspring had an intermediate phenotype and 65% the maternal P. viriosa phenotype. From the same cross, 85% of the females progeny had the maternal phenotype, while 80% of male progeny had the intermediate and paternal phenotype, suggesting an effect of the maternal genome on the F(1) phenotype. Among F(1) fish the T(0) was evenly distributed between parental values. In the backcross of a F(1) female to a male P. viriosa, CZX-6-hydroxylase activity segregated into the same three phenotypes with 60% of the progeny expressing the P. monacha phenotype. From the same cross, 70% of females and 40% of males expressed the P. monacha phenotype. The T(0) in the backcross were evenly distributed between the two parental values and the sex ratio among progeny was different than expected.  相似文献   

In adult male primates, estrogens play a role in both gonadotropin feedback and sexual behavior. Inhibition of aromatization in intact male monkeys acutely elevates serum levels of luteinizing hormone, an effect mediated, at least partially, within the brain. High levels of aromatase (CYP19) are present in the monkey brain and regulated by androgens in regions thought to be involved in the central regulation of reproduction. Androgens regulate aromatase pretranslationally and androgen receptor activation is correlated with the induction of aromatase activity. Aromatase and androgen receptor mRNAs display both unique and overlapping distributions within the hypothalamus and limbic system suggesting that androgens and androgen-derived estrogens regulate complimentary and interacting genes within many neural networks. Long-term castrated monkeys, like men, exhibit an estrogen-dependent neural deficit that could be an underlying cause of the insensitivity to testosterone that develops in states of chronic androgen deficiency. Future studies of in situ estrogen formation in brain in the primate model are important for understanding the importance of aromatase not only for reproduction, but also for neural functions such as memory and cognition that appear to be modulated by estrogens.  相似文献   

两种泥鳅芳香化酶基因的克隆与时空表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱼类的性别分化易受发育环境的影响。向性成熟的泥鳅和大鳞副泥鳅个体注射绒毛膜促性腺激素,获得卵子和精子进行人工授精。把胚胎分别置于20℃、25℃和30℃条件下,使其发育。经性腺检查发现随着温度的升高两种泥鳅中雄性个体所占的比例明显升高,获得明显的偏雄比率群体。根据已知细胞色素P450芳香化酶CYP19 b基因序列设计嵌套简并引物用巢式PCR扩增并克隆出了两种泥鳅的CYP19 b的DNA片段。MaCYP19 b片段和Pd-CYP19 b片段分别长1337bp和1473bp。在此基础上用各自的特异引物克隆出两种泥鳅CYP19 b的相应cDNA片段。通过基因组DNA和cDNA序列的比较证明两种泥鳅的CYP19 b基因均包含三个内含子和四个外显子,编码的蛋白质序列长145氨基酸残基。以GAPDH基因为对照,分别对两种泥鳅成体组织和不同发育阶段的胚胎的CYP19 b进行了半定量RT-PCR表达分析,结果表明泥鳅CYP19 b基因只在成体泥鳅卵巢、肾以及原肠胚和神经胚中表达。大鳞副泥鳅CYP19 b基因在成体的脑、卵巢和肾以及神经胚和卵黄吸收期表达。这些结果为揭示细胞色素P450芳香化酶基因与环境性别决定机制的关系奠定了基础。    相似文献   

To study the significance of the increased ratio of the estrogen/androgen concentration for the male reproductive functions, we have generated transgenic mice expressing human P450 aromatase under a promoter providing ubiquitous and permanent transgene expression (AROM+ mice). AROM+ male mice are characterized by elevated serum estradiol and prolactin (Prl) concentrations, combined with markedly reduced testosterone levels. The mice are present with a multitude of structural and functional alterations in the reproductive organs such as cryptorchidism, Leydig cell hyperplasia, disrupted spermatogenesis and infertility. Furthermore, the mice develop infravesical obstruction associated with the rhabdosphincter atrophy and rudimentary accessory sex glands. Interestingly, the mammary gland in AROM+ males undergo a ductal and alveolar development morphologically resembling terminally differentiated female mammary glands, and express several signaling proteins typical for female mammary glands. Some of the abnormalities seen in AROM+ mice are similar to those described in both mice and humans exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero. The importance of the AROM+ model may lie in its predictability, i.e. the model suggests which abnormalities of the human reproductive functions may be associated with the increased ratio of estrogen/androgen concentrations in early life and at adult age as well.  相似文献   

The medaka, Oryzias latipes, like other fish, have two distinct aromatase genes, the ovarian (cyp19a1) and brain (cyp19a2) forms. We previously reported that Ad4BP/SF-1, a member of the NR5A subfamily, plays an important role in the regulation of cyp19a1 expression in medaka ovarian follicles during vitellogenesis. In the present study, we investigated whether liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1), another NR5A subfamily member, is involved in the regulation of cyp19a2 expression in the medaka brain. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that LRH-1 was expressed in the hypothalamus, where it colocalized with aromatase (cyp19a2). We then showed by transient transfection assays that LRH-1 was able to increase expression of a cyp19a2 reporter gene in various mammalian cell lines, and that mutation of a putative LRH-1 binding site within the cyp19a2 promoter abolished this effect. Taken together, these findings suggest that LRH-1 plays a role in regulating cyp19a2 expression in the medaka brain. This is the first to demonstrate in vitro the activation of brain aromatase by LRH-1 in the vertebrate brain.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 4F isoforms have been shown to metabolize arachidonic acid to generate 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE), a potent eicosanoid that modulates vascular tone and renal tubular function. 20-HETE production in the kidney is implicated in the development of essential hypertension in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). In this study, we determined CYP4F mRNA localization and distribution in rat liver and kidney by in situ hybridization and real time quantitative PCR. CYP4Fs are regionally distributed in the kidney with CYP4F1, 4F4, and 4F5 being expressed more in the renal cortex than medulla while CYP4F6 shows higher medullary expression. We investigated developmental CYP4F gene expression in three different substrains of SHR. Distinct age-dependent patterns of expression were seen for individual CYP4F isoforms in Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and three SHR substrains (B2, C, and A3). A steady increase in CYP4F1 expression with age was seen in each of the three substrains which correlate well with increased 20-HETE levels and elevated blood pressure seen in these animals. CYP4F4 expression increased significantly at 8 weeks followed by a precipitous fall in WKY and A3 strains at 12 weeks of age. In strains B2 and C, CYP4F4 levels started declining as early as 8 weeks of age. CYP4F5 and 4F6 levels fluctuated with age in a biphasic manner with a different profile for each sub-strain. Based on the expression profile and catalytic activity, CYP4F1 seems to be the most critical 4F isoform involved in the production of 20-HETE in the SHR kidney.  相似文献   

昆虫细胞色素P450基因的多样性、进化及表达调控   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
郭亭亭  姜辉  高希武 《昆虫学报》2009,52(3):301-311
细胞色素P450单加氧酶(cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, P450s)是由多个功能相关的亚铁血红素 硫醇盐蛋白基因组成的一个基因超家族, 在各种内源和外源物质的代谢中起着主要作用。目前GenBank中注册的昆虫P450基因序列已超过1 000个, 其中双翅目占序列总数的74%, 鳞翅目占序列总数的16%。而昆虫P450基因序列已克隆的全长序列中大部分属于CYP4和CYP6家族, 两个家族成员分别占总数的20%和45%。利用GenBank中现已注册的昆虫P450基因的cDNA全长序列进行比对并绘制进化树, 揭示不同种类昆虫P450的亲缘关系。结果显示基于P450基因的昆虫部分目的进化关系与大部分先前依据其他分子数据或形态分类学得到的昆虫系统进化关系基本吻合。现有研究表明, 细胞色素P450基因的表达可能受顺式作用元件(cis-acting element)、反式作用因子(trans-acting factor)或两者共同调控, 调控可能涉及转录增强的转录机制或mRNA稳定性增加的转录后机制。  相似文献   

以赤点石斑鱼 (Epinephelusakaara)脑垂体中提取的RNA为模板 ,根据芳香化酶的保守序列设计引物 ,利用GeneRacerTM 技术 ,克隆出两种芳香化酶即脑芳香化酶 (P4 5 0aromB)和性腺芳香化酶 (P4 5 0aromA)的cDNA ,其全长分别为 190 1bp (编码 5 0 9aa)和 1833bp (编码 5 18aa)。序列分析结果表明 ,赤点石斑鱼两种芳香化酶cDNA序列的同源性为 5 1 6 % ,氨基酸序列之间同源性为 6 2 5 % ,与斜带石斑鱼两种芳香化酶氨基酸同源性分别为 94 7%和 97 9%。对 8个科的 10种鱼进行了分子系统进化树分析 ,结果与根据传统的形态学和生化特征分类进化地位基本一致。以特异性引物扩增雌、雄赤点石斑鱼各种组织 (垂体、嗅球、端脑、下丘脑、中脑、后脑、延脑、心脏、肾脏、肝脏、脾脏、性腺、鳃、胃、肠、皮肤、脂肪、肌肉、头肾、胸腺、鳔 ) ,以β actin作内标比较各组织芳香化酶基因表达量的差异 ,结果表明 ,赤点石斑鱼脑芳香化酶 (P4 5 0aromB)有广泛的组织分布 ,脑和垂体的表达量很高 ,各组织表达量有明显的雌、雄差异 ;而性腺芳香化酶 (P4 5 0aromA)表达主要集中于垂体和性腺 ,且不论雌雄 ,其性腺表达量均高于脑垂体 ,和P4 5 0aromB的表达模式明显不同 ,表现为在脑部 ,P4 5 0aromB表达量高于P4 5 0aromA ,而在性腺 ,  相似文献   

A cyp19a gene that contains nine exons and eight introns was identified from Carassius auratus and was mainly expressed in the ovary. The cyp19a mRNA level after hatching was initially low, but began to increase from 25 days after hatching. A number of cis‐acting elements, such as the oestrogen receptor, steroidogenic factor 1 and SOX‐5 recognition sites, were found in the promoter of the cyp19 gene, which possesses a promoter function confirmed by a recombination green fluorescent protein checking system in vitro.  相似文献   

Sequential hermaphroditism is a common reproductive strategy in many teleosts. Steroid production is known to mediate both the natural and induced sex change, yet beyond this the physiology directing this process has received little attention. Cytochrome P450 aromatase is a key enzyme in the hormonal pathway catalysing the conversion of sex steroids, androgens to oestrogens, and thus is highly relevant to the process of sex change. This study reports the isolation of cDNA sequences for aromatase isoforms CYP19A1 and CYP19A2 from teleost species representing three forms of sexual hermaphroditism: Lates calcarifer (protandry), Cromileptes altivelis (protogyny), and Gobiodon histrio (bi-directional). Deduced amino acid analysis of these isoforms with other reported isoforms from gonochoristic (single sex) teleosts revealed 56–95% identity within the same isoform while only 48–65% identity between isoforms irrespective of species and sexual strategy. Phylogenetic analysis supported this result separating sequences into isoform exclusive clades in spite of species apparent evolutionary distance. Furthermore, this study isolates 5′ flanking regions of all above genes and describes putative cis-acting elements therein. Elements identified include steroidogenic factor 1 binding site (SF-1), oestrogen response element (ERE), progesterone response element (PRE), androgen response element (ARE), glucocorticoid response elements (GRE), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor /retinoid X receptor heterodimer responsive element (PPAR/RXR), nuclear factor kappaβ (NF-kappaβ), SOX 5, SOX 9, and Wilms tumor suppressor (WTI). A hypothetical in vivo model was constructed for both isoforms highlighting potential roles of these putative cis-acting elements with reference to normal function and sexual hermaphroditism.  相似文献   

The plant diastereoisomeric diterpenes ent-pimara-8(14)-15-dien-19-oic acid, obtained from Viguiera arenaria, and isopimara-8(14)-15-dien-18-oic acid, isolated from Cupressus lusitanica, were distinctly functionalized by the enzymes produced in whole cell cultures of the fungus Preussia minima, isolated from surface sterilized stems of C. lusitanica. The ent-pimaradienoic acid was transformed into the known 7β-hydroxy-ent-pimara-8(14)-15-dien-19-oic acid, and into the novel diterpenes 7-oxo-8 β-hydroxy-ent-pimara-8(14)-15-dien-19-oic and 7-oxo-9β-hydroxy-ent-pimara-8(14)-15-dien-19-oic acids. Isopimara-8(14)-15-dien-18-oic acid was converted into novel diterpenes 11α-hydroxyisopimara-8(14)-15-dien-18-oic acid, 7β,11α-dihydroxyisopimara-8(14)-15-dien-18-oic acid, and 1β,11α-dihydroxyisopimara-8(14)-15-dien-18-oic acid, along with the known 7β-hydroxyisopimara-8(14)-15-dien-18-oic acid. All compounds were isolated and fully characterized by 1D and 2D NMR, especially 13C NMR. The diterpene bioproduct 7-oxo-9β-hydroxy-ent-pimara-8(14)-15-dien-19-oic acid is an isomer of sphaeropsidin C, a phytotoxin that affects cypress trees produced by Shaeropsis sapinea, one of the main phytopathogen of Cupressus. The differential metabolism of the diterpene isomers used as substrates for biotransformation was interpreted with the help of computational molecular docking calculations, considering as target enzymes those of cytochrome P450 group.  相似文献   

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