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Oxygen Diffusion Pathways and Nitrogen Fixation in Legume Root Nodules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The theoretical analysis presented in this paper suggests thatthe nature of the diffusion pathway from the surface of a noduleto the infected zone depends on the morphology of the nodule;in particular the cross-sectional area of the intercellularspaces in the inner cortex. If the diffusion barrier containscontinuous pathways there will be no pressure difference betweenthe atmosphere and the infected zone. The conditions under whichthe intercellular spaces of the inner cortex could be air-filled,water-filled, or a combination of both are explored. An experimentto resolve this issue is suggested. Information obtained usingcryo-scanning electron microscopy and oxygen electrode datahave been used to illustrate various points. Expressions arederived for the diffusion resistance of the nodule and its componentparts. To provoke further discussion a simple mechanism forthe control of diffusion is described in general terms. Oxygen, diffusion resistance, nodule, nitrogen fixation, soybean, Glycine max. (L.) Merr. cv. Fiskeby V, Trifolium repens L. cv. Blanca, lucerne, Medicago saliva L. cv. Europe  相似文献   

A simulation model incorporating structural, biochemical andphysiological features of root nodules of soyabean is described.The simulation is used to examine the effects of varying thelocation and kinetics of leghaemoglobin within infected cells.A striking feature is the capacity of the simulated nodule tomaintain its activity in the face of these changes, in spiteof relatively large changes in concentrations of free O2, andleghaemoglobin oxygenation with the cells. These propertiesarise from the diffusion resistance and intracellular demandfor O2, due to the respiratory activities of the bacteroids. Nitrogen fixation, diffusion, oxygen, model  相似文献   

共生根瘤的固氮效率受外界氮素的严格调控。除固氮酶活性外,豆血红蛋白(Lb)浓度亦是反应固氮能力的重要指标。为明确氮水平对生物固氮作用的影响,以大豆(Glycine max)为材料,在低氮(0.53 mmol·L–1)条件下接种根瘤菌,30天后再进行高氮(5.3、10、20、30和40 mmol·L–1)处理7天,分析L...  相似文献   

Soybean (Gtycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Fiskeby V), white clover(Trifolium repens L. cv Blanca) and lucerne (Medicago sativaL.cv. Europe) nodules grown in fluid culture of Perlite wereexamined by cryo-scanning electron microscopy. The surfacesof all three species consisted of loosely packed cortical cells,collapsed areas covering intact cells and in soybean, troughswhich lacked the layers of loosely packed cells and were coveredby an amorphous matrix. The superficial cortical cells werehydrophobic and their surfaces were covered by a solvent-extractablestippling. This stippling was absent from the surfaces of underlyingcells. Air-filled intercellular spaces in fractured noduleswere seen throughout the cross-section. Nitrogen fixation, intercellular pathways, hydrophobicity, oxygen diffusion, cryo-SEM, soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Fiskeby V, clover, Trifolium repens L. cv. Blanca, lucerne, Medicago saliva L. cv. Europe.  相似文献   

The effects of a North Carolina population of Meloidogyne incognita on N₂ fixation on root-knot-susceptible ''Lee 68'' and moderately resistant ''Forrest'' soybean were evaluated 50, 75, I00, and 135 days after inoculation with nematodes. Nematodes stimulated N₂ fixation in Lee 68 by 50 days and in Forrest by 75 days. At all other intervals, N₂ fixation was either depressed or unaffected by nematodes. Additional observations indicate that the susceptibility of Lee 68 is associated with greater rates of penetration by larvae and more favorable responses of host tissues to nematodes than occur in Forrest. With time, however, the histological reactions of both hosts became less favorable for nematode development. Resistant or hypersensitive responses became common in Forrest by 75 days but not in Lee 68 until 90 days after inoculation. This population of M. incognita may stimulate N₂ fixation at a specific time interval and depress it at others; therefore, disease of susceptible soybeans caused by this nematode is probably not primarily due to a net loss of fixed nitrogen but to pathogenicity similar to that which occurs on nonlegume hosts.  相似文献   

Exposure of mature, nodulated plants of white clover (Trifoliumrepens) cv. Blanca to 330 mg dm–3 NO3-N for 8 d causednitrogenase activity per plant to decrease by 80%. Total nodulatedroot respiration was not significantly affected but analysisof its components showed an 81% decrease in nitrogenase-linkedrespiration and a 340% increase in growth and maintenance respiration.Carbon costs of nitrogenase activity (mol CO2 respired per molC2H4 produced) increased by 45% over the exposure period. Sucrosecontent of the nodules decreased, but the pattern of decreasedid not correlate with that of nitrogenase activity. The oxygendiffusion resistance of the nodules was increased by a factorof five. Characterization of this resistance increase suggestsan abnormal modification of the diffusion barrier and it isconcluded that alteration in the oxygen supply to the bacteroidsis involved in the effect of nitrate on nitrogenase activity. Key words: Nitrogenase activity, nitrate, oxygen  相似文献   

Both nitrogenase and the NifA gene, which controls the expressionof the nitrogenase enzyme, require microaerobic conditions inthe infected zone of a nodule. Such conditions depend on theability of the respiratory system to consume oxygen at approximatelythe maximum rate at which it can enter that region by diffusion.The balance between consumption and supply governs the minimumsize of a functional nodule. The nature of this balance is exploredin this paper using a model. It shows that it appears physicallyimpossible for legume root nodules, below a certain minimumsize, to fix nitrogen. Furthermore, experimental data are usedto suggest that the alternative oxidase respiratory systemsmay initially provide the large respiratory capacity requiredto create microaerobic conditions, suitable for the NifA geneand nitrogenase. Nitrogen fixation, NifA gene, diffusion resistance, oxygen  相似文献   

In whole filaments of Anabaena cylindrica dark nitrogen-fixingactivity (measured as acetylene reduction) and respiration increasedwith the light intensity of a fixed period of preillumination,saturating at ca. 10,000 lux. With saturating light during preillumination,the amount and duration of dark nitrogen-fixing activity increasedwith length of preillumination, but respiration declined rapidlyin the dark. At dark respiration rates below 250 nmol O2 uptake mg protein–1?h–1(State 1) no significant nitrogen-fixing activity is observed.From 250 to 550 nmol O2 uptake?mg protein–1?h–1(State 2), nitrogen-fixing activity depends on O2 uptake whileabove 550 nmol O2 uptake?mg protein–1?h–1 (State3), nitrogen-fixing activity no longer increases with furtherincrease in O2 uptake rate. (Received June 18, 1983; Accepted November 10, 1983)  相似文献   

Recent global climate models predict a further significant loss of ozone in the next decades, with up to 50% depletion of the ozone layer over large parts of the Arctic resulting in an increase in ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) (280–315 nm) reaching the surface of the Earth. The percentage of total annual ecosystem N input due to biological nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria might be as high as 80% and the contribution to total annual N uptake by plants up to 20%. A possible reduction of nitrogen fixation raises serious concerns about already nutrient impoverished plant communities. This review shows that nitrogen fixation by moss-associated cyanobacteria in arctic vegetation was dramatically reduced after six years of exposure to enhanced UV-B radiation. In subarctic vegetation, nitrogen fixation activity of moss-associated cyanobacteria was not affected by 6 years of enhanced UV-B radiation. However, a 50% increase of summer precipitation resulted in a 5- to 6-fold increase in activity. Long-term effects of UV-B radiation on nitrogen fixation activity have been examined only in two lichens, giving contrasting results. Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd., having external cephalodia, experienced a significant reduction, whereas Peltigera didactyla (With.) J.R. Laudon, having cyanobacteria in the photobiont layer below the upper cortex, did not experience any changes due to radiation regimes. The difference is probably related to the location of the cyanobacteria. While the Nostoc cells are protected by the fungal, melanized upper cortex in P. didactyla, they are exposed and unprotected in P. aphthosa, and their own synthesis of UV-B absorbing compounds appears to be low. Under certain environmental conditions, an increasing UV-B radiation will dramatically affect nitrogen fixation in arctic tundra vegetation, which in turn may have severe influence on the nitrogen budget in these environments. Further long-term studies are necessary to conclude if these effects are temporal and how concurrent climatic changes will influence the nitrogen balance of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) cv. ‘Woogenellup’ swards were grown at 10, 15, 20 and 25 Cwith a 12 h photoperiod of 500 or 1000 µmol m–2s–1 [low and high photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)].Nitrogen-fixing swards received nutrient solution lacking combinednitrogen while control swards received a complete nutrient solution.Growth was measured by infra-red analysis of carbon dioxideexchange and by accumulation of dry matter. Swards were harvestedat intervals between 95 and 570 g d. wt m–2 for estimationof nitrogenase activity by acetylene reduction and hydrogenevolution assays. Nitrogen fixation was also measured by increasein organic nitrogen. The growth rate was highest at 10 C at low PPFD, and at 10–15C at high PPFD. Nitrogen-fixing swards grew slower than thosereceiving combined nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation measured by increasein organic nitrogen responded similarly to the growth rate,as did acetylene reduction between 10 and 20 C. At 25 C therelationship between acetylene reduction and nitrogen fixationwas distrupted. The difference between the rates of acetylenereduction and hydrogen evolution, theoretically proportionalto nitrogen fixation, was not a reliable indicator of nitrogenfixation because hydrogen uptake developed. Trifolium subterraneum L, subterranean clover, growth, nitrogen fixation, temperature, acetylene reduction  相似文献   

高碱环境和土壤养分的匮乏严重限制了我国热带珊瑚岛土壤环境下植物的生长适应能力,因此,珊瑚砂改良对促进珊瑚岛植被恢复,维持珊瑚岛生态环境可持续健康发展具有重要意义。该研究通过室内土柱模拟试验,对比了同一梯度下4种常用土壤改良材料(蛭石、珍珠岩、生物炭和钙基膨润土)对珊瑚砂理化性质、氮素淋溶以及总氮含量的影响。结果表明,与对照(CK)相比,施用生物炭使珊瑚砂pH显著降低1.4%,钙基膨润土、生物炭和蛭石能够显著提高珊瑚砂的阳离子交换量至CK的24.21、10.43和9.43倍。同时,施用生物炭、钙基膨润土和蛭石并不能降低以硝态氮形式为主的氮素淋失,但是能显著减少其他途径的氮素损失,从而达到促进珊瑚砂氮素固持的效果,3种改良剂施用下的珊瑚砂总氮损失相较于CK分别降低了40.92%、27.32%和25.09%。因此,施用生物炭、钙基膨润土和蛭石均能有效提高珊瑚砂土壤质量,对改良珊瑚砂和热带珊瑚岛植被恢复具有重要意义,其中生物炭的改良效果最为显著,是改良珊瑚砂的理想材料。  相似文献   

Humid tropical forests are often characterized by large nitrogen (N) pools, and are known to have large potential N losses. Although rarely measured, tropical forests likely maintain considerable biological N fixation (BNF) to balance N losses. We estimated inputs of N via BNF by free-living microbes for two tropical forests in Puerto Rico, and assessed the response to increased N availability using an on-going N fertilization experiment. Nitrogenase activity was measured across forest strata, including the soil, forest floor, mosses, canopy epiphylls, and lichens using acetylene (C2H2) reduction assays. BNF varied significantly among ecosystem compartments in both forests. Mosses had the highest rates of nitrogenase activity per gram of sample, with 11 ± 6 nmol C2H2 reduced/g dry weight/h (mean ± SE) in a lower elevation forest, and 6 ± 1 nmol C2H2/g/h in an upper elevation forest. We calculated potential N fluxes via BNF to each forest compartment using surveys of standing stocks. Soils and mosses provided the largest potential inputs of N via BNF to these ecosystems. Summing all components, total background BNF inputs were 120 ± 29 μg N/m2/h in the lower elevation forest, and 95 ± 15 μg N/m2/h in the upper elevation forest, with added N significantly suppressing BNF in soils and forest floor. Moisture content was significantly positively correlated with BNF rates for soils and the forest floor. We conclude that BNF is an active biological process across forest strata for these tropical forests, and is likely to be sensitive to increases in N deposition in tropical regions.  相似文献   

追赶和空气曝露时间对瓦氏黄颡鱼耗氧率的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在20℃水温条件下,对不同时间追赶(0、0.5、2.5和5min)和空气曝露(0、2.5、5、10和20min)前和恢复过程中瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobag vachelli)的耗氧率进行了测定。发现经过追赶和空气曝露处理后,瓦氏黄颡鱼耗氧率立即显著上升(P<0.05),然后逐渐恢复到处理前水平。瓦氏黄颡鱼对追赶的反应远大于空气曝露。仅仅0.5min的追赶就能够诱导出瓦氏黄颡鱼的最大耗氧率(146.66mgO2/h),2.5min追赶能诱导最大过量耗氧(39.01mgO2);5min空气曝露处理能诱导最大耗氧率(113.52mgO2/h),10min处理能诱导最大过量耗氧(23.01mgO2)。  相似文献   

Effects of SO2 on Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Spikelets of Themeda triandra are dormant when mature and require an after-ripening period in dry storage of approximately 12 months before full germination potential is realized. Successful germination of spikelets entails the splitting of the tough upper glumes by radicles. Dormany appears to result from a combination of embryo dormancy and mechanically resistant glumes. Glume removal from dormant spikelets increases germination while glume removal plus gibberellic acid increases germination even more. During the after-ripening period, the growth potential of spikelets and caryopses increases as measured by their ability to germinate in the presence of the osmoticum polyethylene glycol 6000. The inhibition of germination by decreasing osmotic potential of the germination medium significantly interacts with the promotion caused by gibberellic acid indicating that both factors affect germination by altering the growth potential of the embryos. The increase in growth potential during after-ripening is probably related to the synthesis of gibberellin-like substances. It is hypothesized that dormancy breaking during after-ripening occurs because the growth potential of embryos increases and this consequently increases the ability of radicles to split the upper glumes during germination.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning is based on isolation of a DNA sequence of interest to obtain multiple copies of it in vitro. Application of this technique has become an increasingly important tool in clinical microbiology due to its simplicity, cost effectiveness, rapidity, and reliability. This review entails the recent advances in molecular cloning and its application in the clinical microbiology in the context of polymicrobial infections, recombinant antigens, recombinant vaccines, diagnostic probes, antimicrobial peptides, and recombinant cytokines. Culture-based methods in polymicrobial infection have many limitation, which has been overcome by cloning techniques and provide gold standard technique. Recombinant antigens produced by cloning technique are now being used for screening of HIV, HCV, HBV, CMV, Treponema pallidum, and other clinical infectious agents. Recombinant vaccines for hepatitis B, cholera, influenza A, and other diseases also use recombinant antigens which have replaced the use of live vaccines and thus reduce the risk for adverse effects. Gene probes developed by gene cloning have many applications including in early diagnosis of hereditary diseases, forensic investigations, and routine diagnosis. Industrial application of this technology produces new antibiotics in the form of antimicrobial peptides and recombinant cytokines that can be used as therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Zheng  Mianhai  Zhang  Wei  Luo  Yiqi  Wan  Shiqiang  Fu  Shenglei  Wang  Senhao  Liu  Nan  Ye  Qing  Yan  Junhua  Zou  Bi  Fang  Chengliang  Ju  Yuxi  Ha  Denglong  Zhu  Liwei  Mo  Jiangming 《Ecosystems》2019,22(5):955-967
Ecosystems - Asymbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation (ANF) is an important source of N in pristine forests and is predicted to decrease with N deposition. Previous studies revealing N fixation in response...  相似文献   

生物固氮作用机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李佳格  徐继 《植物学报》1997,14(3):1-13

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