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In this paper we present a mixed finite element method for modeling the passive properties of the myocardium. The passive properties are described by a non-linear, transversely isotropic, hyperelastic material model, and the myocardium is assumed to be almost incompressible. Single-field, pure displacement-based formulations are known to cause numerical difficulties when applied to incompressible or slightly compressible material cases. This paper presents an alternative approach in the form of a mixed formulation, where a separately interpolated pressure field is introduced as a primary unknown in addition to the displacement field. Moreover, a constraint term is included in the formulation to enforce (almost) incompressibility. Numerical results presented in the paper demonstrate the difficulties related to employing a pure displacement-based method, applying a set of physically relevant material parameter values for the cardiac tissue. The same problems are not experienced for the proposed mixed method. We show that the mixed formulation provides reasonable numerical results for compressible as well as nearly incompressible cases, also in situations of large fiber stretches. There is good agreement between the numerical results and the underlying analytical models.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage is a multi-phasic, composite, fibre-reinforced material. Therefore, its mechanical properties are determined by the tissue microstructure. The presence of cells (chondrocytes) and collagen fibres within the proteoglycan matrix influences, at a local and a global level, the material symmetries. The volumetric concentration and shape of chondrocytes, and the volumetric concentration and spatial arrangement of collagen fibres have been observed to change as a function of depth in articular cartilage. In particular, collagen fibres are perpendicular to the bone-cartilage interface in the deep zone, their orientation is almost random in the middle zone, and they are parallel to the surface in the superficial zone. The aim of this work is to develop a model of elastic properties of articular cartilage based on its microstructure. In previous work, we addressed this problem based on Piola's notation for fourth-order tensors. Here, mathematical tools initially developed for transversely isotropic composite materials comprised of a statistical orientation of spheroidal inclusions are extended to articular cartilage, while taking into account the dependence of the elastic properties on cartilage depth. The resulting model is transversely isotropic and transversely homogeneous (TITH), the transverse plane being parallel to the bone-cartilage interface and the articular surface. Our results demonstrate that the axial elastic modulus decreases from the deep zone to the articular surface, a result that is in good agreement with experimental findings. Finite element simulations were carried out, in order to explore the TITH model's behaviour in articular cartilage compression tests. The force response, fluid flow and displacement fields obtained with the TITH model were compared with the classical linear elastic, isotropic, homogeneous (IH) model, showing that the IH model is unable to predict the non-uniform behaviour of the tissue. Based on considerations that the mechanical stability of the tissue depends on its topological and microstructural properties, our long-term goal is to clearly understand the stability conditions in topological terms, and the relationship with the growth and remodelling mechanisms in the healthy and diseased tissue.  相似文献   

Modelling transversely isotropic materials in finite strain problems is a complex task in biomechanics, and is usually addressed by using finite element (FE) simulations. The standard method developed to account for the quasi-incompressible nature of soft tissues is to decompose the strain energy function (SEF) into volumetric and deviatoric parts. However, this decomposition is only valid for fully incompressible materials, and its use for slightly compressible materials yields an unphysical response during the simulation of hydrostatic tension/compression of a transversely isotropic material. This paper presents the FE implementation as subroutines of a new volumetric model solving this deficiency in two FE codes: Abaqus and FEBio. This model also has the specificity of restoring the compatibility with small strain theory. The stress and elasticity tensors are first derived for a general SEF. This is followed by a successful convergence check using a particular SEF and a suite of single-element tests showing that this new model does not only correct the hydrostatic deficiency but may also affect stresses during shear tests (Poynting effect) and lateral stretches during uniaxial tests (Poisson's effect). These FE subroutines have numerous applications including the modelling of tendons, ligaments, heart tissue, etc. The biomechanics community should be aware of specificities of the standard model, and the new model should be used when accurate FE results are desired in the case of compressible materials.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to define the constitutive response of brainstem undergoing finite shear deformation. Brainstem was characterized as a transversely isotropic viscoelastic material and the material model was formulated for numerical implementation. Model parameters were fit to shear data obtained in porcine brainstem specimens undergoing finite shear deformation in three directions: parallel, perpendicular, and cross sectional to axonal fiber orientation and determined using a combined approach of finite element analysis (FEA) and a genetic algorithm (GA) optimizing method. The average initial shear modulus of brainstem matrix of 4-week old pigs was 12.7 Pa, and therefore the brainstem offers little resistance to large shear deformations in the parallel or perpendicular directions, due to the dominant contribution of the matrix in these directions. The fiber reinforcement stiffness was 121.2 Pa, indicating that brainstem is anisotropic and that axonal fibers have an important role in the cross-sectional direction. The first two leading relative shear relaxation moduli were 0.8973 and 0.0741, respectively, with corresponding characteristic times of 0.0047 and 1.4538 s, respectively, implying rapid relaxation of shear stresses. The developed material model and parameter estimation technique are likely to find broad applications in neural and orthopaedic tissues.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) contact finite element formulation has been developed for biological soft tissue-to-tissue contact analysis. The linear biphasic theory of Mow, Holmes, and Lai (1984, J. Biomech., 17(5), pp. 377-394) based on continuum mixture theory, is adopted to describe the hydrated soft tissue as a continuum of solid and fluid phases. Four contact continuity conditions derived for biphasic mixtures by Hou et al. (1989, ASME J. Biomech. Eng., 111(1), pp. 78-87) are introduced on the assumed contact surface, and a weighted residual method has been used to derive a mixed velocity-pressure finite element contact formulation. The Lagrange multiplier method is used to enforce two of the four contact continuity conditions, while the other two conditions are introduced directly into the weighted residual statement. Alternate formulations are possible, which differ in the choice of continuity conditions that are enforced with Lagrange multipliers. Primary attention is focused on a formulation that enforces the normal solid traction and relative fluid flow continuity conditions on the contact surface using Lagrange multipliers. An alternate approach, in which the multipliers enforce normal solid traction and pressure continuity conditions, is also discussed. The contact nonlinearity is treated with an iterative algorithm, where the assumed area is either extended or reduced based on the validity of the solution relative to contact conditions. The resulting first-order system of equations is solved in time using the generalized finite difference scheme. The formulation is validated by a series of increasingly complex canonical problems, including the confined and unconfined compression, the Hertz contact problem, and two biphasic indentation tests. As a clinical demonstration of the capability of the contact analysis, the gleno-humeral joint contact of human shoulders is analyzed using an idealized 3D geometry. In the joint, both glenoid and humeral head cartilage experience maximum tensile and compressive stresses are at the cartilage-bone interface, away from the center of the contact area.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mixed model of inheritance with a finite number of polygenic loci. This model leads to a likelihood that can be calculated using efficient algorithms developed for oligogenic models. For comparison, likelihood profiles were obtained for the finite polygenic mixed model, the usual mixed model, with exact and approximate calculations, and for a class D regressive model. The profiles for the finite polygenic mixed model were closest to the profiles for the usual mixed model with exact calculations.  相似文献   

To date, voxel-based finite element models have not been feasible for contact problems, owing to the inherent stair-step boundary discontinuities. New preprocessing techniques are reported herein to mesh these boundaries smoothly, for purposes of contact stress analysis. Further, new techniques are reported to concentrate the mesh resolution automatically near the articular surface, thus reducing the problem size to levels compatible with executing nonlinear problems on contemporary engineering workstations. Close approximations to Hertzian analytical solutions were obtained for spherical and cylindrical geometries meshed in this manner, and an illustrative anatomical contact problem of the human hip joint is presented.  相似文献   

Simplified material models are commonly used in computational simulation of biological soft tissue as an approximation of the complicated material response and to minimize computational resources. However, the simulation of complex loadings, such as long-duration tissue swelling, necessitates complex models that are not easy to formulate. This paper strives to offer the updated Lagrangian formulation comprehensive procedure of various non-linear material models for the application of finite element analysis of biological soft tissues including a definition of the Cauchy stress and the spatial tangential stiffness. The relationships between water content, osmotic pressure, ionic concentration and the pore pressure stress of the tissue are discussed with the merits of these models and their applications.  相似文献   

Computational models are effective tools to study cardiac mechanics under normal and pathological conditions. They can be used to gain insight into the physiology of the heart under these conditions while they are adaptable to computer assisted patient-specific clinical diagnosis and therapeutic procedures. Realistic cardiac mechanics models incorporate tissue active/passive response in conjunction with hyperelasticity and anisotropy. Conventional formulation of such models leads to mathematically-complex problems usually solved by custom-developed non-linear finite element (FE) codes. With a few exceptions, such codes are not available to the research community. This article describes a computational cardiac mechanics model developed such that it can be implemented using off-the-shelf FE solvers while tissue pathologies can be introduced in the model in a straight-forward manner. The model takes into account myocardial hyperelasticity, anisotropy, and active contraction forces. It follows a composite tissue modeling approach where the cardiac tissue is decomposed into two major parts: background and myofibers. The latter is modelled as rebars under initial stresses mimicking the contraction forces. The model was applied in silico to study the mechanics of infarcted left ventricle (LV) of a canine. End-systolic strain components, ejection fraction, and stress distribution attained using this LV model were compared quantitatively and qualitatively to corresponding data obtained from measurements as well as to other corresponding LV mechanics models. This comparison showed very good agreement.  相似文献   

This study addresses the issue of modelling material heterogeneity of incompressible bodies. It is seen that when using a mixed (displacement–pressure) finite element formulation, the basis functions used for pressure field may not be able to capture the nonlinearity of material parameters, resulting in pseudo-residual stresses. This problem can be resolved by modifying the constitutive relation using Flory's decomposition of the deformation gradient. A two-parameter Mooney–Rivlin constitutive relation is used to demonstrate the methodology. It is shown that for incompressible materials, the modification does not alter the mechanical behaviour described by the original constitutive model. In fact, the modified constitutive equation shows a better predictability when compared against analytical solutions. Two strategies of describing the material variation (i.e. linear and step change) are explained, and their solutions are evaluated for an ideal two-material interfacing problem. When compared with the standard tied coupling approach, the step change method exhibited a much better agreement because of its ability to capture abrupt changes of the material properties. The modified equation in conjunction with integration point-based material heterogeneity is then used to simulate the deformations of heterogeneous biological structures to illustrate its applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a finite element formulation suitable for large-strain modeling of biological tissues and uses this formulation to implement an accurate finite element model for mitral valve leaflet tissue. First, an experimentally derived strain energy function is obtained from literature. This function is implemented in finite elements using the mixed pressure-displacement formulation. A modification is made to aid in maintaining positive definiteness of the stiffness matrix at low strains. The numerical implementation is shown to be accurate in representing the analytical model of material behavior. The mixed formulation is useful for modeling of soft biological tissues in general, and the model presented here is applicable to finite element simulation of mitral valve mechanics.  相似文献   

Using the biphasic theory for hydrated soft tissues (Mow et al., 1980) and a transversely isotropic elastic model for the solid matrix, an analytical solution is presented for the unconfined compression of cylindrical disks of growth plate tissues compressed between two rigid platens with a frictionless interface. The axisymmetric case where the plane of transverse isotropy is perpendicular to the cylindrical axis is studied, and the stress-relaxation response to imposed step and ramp displacements is solved. This solution is then used to analyze experimental data from unconfined compression stress-relaxation tests performed on specimens from bovine distal ulnar growth plate and chondroepiphysis to determine the biphasic material parameters. The transversely isotropic biphasic model provides an excellent agreement between theory and experimental results, better than was previously achieved with an isotropic model, and can explain the observed experimental behavior in unconfined compression of these tissues.  相似文献   

The aligned axonal fiber bundles in white matter make it suitable to be modeled as a transversely isotropic material. Recent experimental studies have shown that a minimal form, nearly incompressible transversely isotropic (MITI) material model, is capable of describing mechanical anisotropy of white matter. Here, we used a finite element (FE) computational approach to demonstrate the significance of the fifth invariant (I5) when modeling the anisotropic behavior of white matter in the large-strain regime. We first implemented and validated the MITI model in an FE simulation framework for large deformations. Next, we applied the model to a plate-hole structural problem to highlight the significance of the invariant I5 by comparing with the standard fiber reinforcement (SFR) model. We also compared the two models by fitting the experiment data of asymmetric indentation, shear test, and uniaxial stretch of white matter. Our results demonstrated the significance of I5 in describing shear deformation/anisotropy, and illustrated the potential of the MITI model to characterize transversely isotropic white matter tissues in the large-strain regime.  相似文献   

Clamp induced injuries of the arterial wall may determine the outcome of surgical procedures. Thus, it is important to investigate the underlying mechanical effects. We present a three-dimensional finite element model, which allows the study of the mechanical response of an artery-treated as a two-layer tube-during arterial clamping. The important residual stresses, which are associated with the load-free configuration of the artery, are also considered. In particular, the finite element analysis of the deformation process of a clamped artery and the associated stress distribution is presented. Within the clamping area a zone of axial tensile peak-stresses was identified, which (may) cause intimal and medial injury. This is an additional injury mechanism, which clearly differs from the commonly assumed wall damage occurring due to compression between the jaws of the clamp. The proposed numerical model provides essential insights into the mechanics of the clamping procedure and the associated injury mechanisms. It allows detailed parameter studies on a virtual clamped artery, which can not be performed with other methodologies. This approach has the potential to identify the most appropriate clamps for certain types of arteries and to guide optimal clamp design.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of a constitutive law for the modelling of the periodontal ligament (PDL) and its practical implementation into a commercial finite element code. The constitutive equations encompass the essential mechanical features of this biological soft tissue: non-linear behaviour, large deformations, anisotropy, distinct behaviour in tension and compression and the fibrous characteristics. The approach is based on the theory of continuum fibre-reinforced composites at finite strain where a compressible transversely isotropic hyperelastic strain energy function is defined. This strain energy density function is further split into volumetric and deviatoric contributions separating the bulk and shear responses of the material. Explicit expressions of the stress tensors in the material and spatial configurations are first established followed by original expressions of the elasticity tensors in the material and spatial configurations. As a simple application of the constitutive model, two finite element analyses simulating the mechanical behaviour of the PDL are performed. The results highlight the significance of integrating the fibrous architecture of the PDL as this feature is shown to be responsible for the complex strain distribution observed.  相似文献   

Narrowing of the spinal canal generates an amalgamation of stresses within the spinal cord parenchyma. The tissue’s stress state cannot be quantified experimentally; it must be described using computational methods, such as finite element analysis. The objective of this research was to propose a compressible, transversely isotropic constitutive model, an augmentation of the isotropic Mooney–Rivlin hyperelastic strain energy function, to describe the guinea pig spinal cord white matter. Model parameters were derived from a combination of inverse finite element analysis on transverse compression experiments and least squared error analysis applied to quasi-static longitudinal tensile tests. A comparison of the residual errors between the predicted response and the experimental measurements indicated that the transversely isotropic constitutive law that incorporates an offset stretch reduced the error by a factor of four when compared to other commonly used models.  相似文献   

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