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Sirtuins (type III histone deacetylases) are an important member of a group of enzymes that modify chromatin conformation. We investigated the role of sirtuin inhibitor, GPI 19015, in double strand break (DSB) repair in CHO-K1 wt and xrs-6 mutant cells. The latter is defective in DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK)-mediated non-homologous end-joining (D-NHEJ). DSB were estimated by the neutral comet assay and histone gammaH2AX foci formation. We observed a weaker effect of GPI 19015 treatment on the repair kinetics in CHO wt cells than in xrs6. In the latter cells the increase in DNA repair rate was most pronounced in G1 phase and practically absent in S and G2 cell cycle phases. The decrease in the number of histone gammaH2AX foci was faster in xrs6 than in CHO-K1 cells. The altered repair rate did not affect survival of X-irradiated cells. Since in G1 xrs6 cells DNA-PK-dependent non-homologous end-joining, D-NHEJ, does not operate, these results indicate that inhibition of sirtuins modulates DNA-PK-independent (backup) non-homologous end-joining, B-NHEJ, to a greater extent than the other DSB repair system, D-NHEJ.  相似文献   

DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are usually repaired through either non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination (HR). While HR is basically error-free repair, NHEJ is a mutagenic pathway that leads to deletion. NHEJ must be precisely regulated to maintain genomic integrity. To clarify the role of NHEJ, we investigated the genetic consequences of NHEJ repair of DSBs in human cells. Human lymphoblastoid cell lines TSCE5 and TSCE105 have, respectively, single and double I-SceI endonuclease sites in the endogenous thymidine kinase gene (TK) located on chromosome 17q. I-SceI expression generated DSBs at the TK gene. We used the novel transfection system (Amaxa Nucleofector) to introduce an I-SceI expression vector into the cells and randomly isolated clones. We found mutations involved in the DSBs in the TK gene in 3% of TSCE5 cells and 30% of TSCE105 cell clones. Most of the mutations in TSCE5 were small (1-30bp) deletions with a 0-4bp microhomology at the junction. The others consisted of large (>60) bp deletions, an insertion, and a rearrangement. Mutants resulting from interallelic HR also occurred, but infrequently. Most of the mutations in TSCE105, on the other hand, were deletions that encompassed the two I-SceI sites generated by NHEJ at DSBs. The sequence joint was similar to that found in TSCE5 mutants. Interestingly, some mutants formed a new I-SceI site by perfectly joining the two original I-SceI sites without deletion of the broken-ends. These results support the idea that NHEJ for repairing I-SceI-induced DSBs mainly results in small or no deletions. Thus, NHEJ must help maintain genomic integrity in mammalian cells by repairing DSBs as well as by preventing many deleterious alterations.  相似文献   

Topoisomerases class II (topoII) cleave and re-ligate the DNA double helix to allow the passage of an intact DNA strand through it. Chemotherapeutic drugs such as etoposide target topoII, interfere with the normal enzymatic cleavage/re-ligation reaction and create a DNA double-strand break (DSB) with the enzyme covalently bound to the 5'-end of the DNA. Such DSBs are repaired by one of the two major DSB repair pathways, non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination. However, prior to repair, the covalently bound topoII needs to be removed from the DNA end, a process requiring the MRX complex and ctp1 in fission yeast. CtIP, the mammalian ortholog of ctp1, is known to promote homologous recombination by resecting DSB ends. Here, we show that human cells arrested in G0/G1 repair etoposide-induced DSBs by NHEJ and, surprisingly, require the MRN complex (the ortholog of MRX) and CtIP. CtIP's function for repairing etoposide-induced DSBs by NHEJ in G0/G1 requires the Thr-847 but not the Ser-327 phosphorylation site, both of which are needed for resection during HR. This finding establishes that CtIP promotes NHEJ of etoposide-induced DSBs during G0/G1 phase with an end-processing function that is distinct to its resection function.  相似文献   

Targeted insertion of large pieces of DNA is an important goal of genetic engineering. However, this goal has been elusive since classical methods for homology-directed repair are inefficient and often not feasible in many systems. Recent advances are described here that enable site-specific genomic insertion of relatively large DNA with much improved efficiency. Using the preferred repair pathway in the cell of nonhomologous end-joining, DNA of up to several kb could be introduced with remarkably good precision by the methods of HITI and ObLiGaRe with an efficiency up to 30–40%. Recent advances utilizing homology-directed repair (methods of PITCh; short homology arms including ssODN; 2H2OP) have significantly increased the efficiency for DNA insertion, often to 40–50% or even more depending on the method and length of DNA. The remaining challenges of integration precision and off-target site insertions are summarized. Overall, current advances provide major steps forward for site-specific insertion of large DNA into genomes from a broad range of cells and organisms.  相似文献   

Double strand breaks (DSB) are severe DNA lesions, and if not properly repaired, may lead to cell death or cancer. While there is considerable data on the repair of simple DSB (sDSB) by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), little is known about the repair of complex DSBs (cDSB), namely breaks with a nearby modification, which precludes ligation without prior processing. To study the mechanism of cDSB repair we developed a plasmid-based shuttle assay for the repair of a defined site-specific cDSB in cultured mammalian cells. Using this assay we found that repair efficiency and accuracy of a cDSB with an abasic site in a 5′ overhang was reduced compared with a sDSB. Translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) across the abasic site located at the break prevented loss of DNA sequences, but was highly mutagenic also at the template base next to the abasic site. Similar to sDSB repair, cDSB repair was totally dependent on XrccIV, and altered in the absence of Ku80. In contrast, Artemis appears to be specifically involved in cDSB repair. These results may indicate that mammalian cells have a damage control strategy, whereby severe deletions are prevented at the expense of the less deleterious point mutations during NHEJ.  相似文献   

Genotoxic agents from endogenous and exogenous sources cause double-strand breaks (DSBs) in chromosomal DNA. Given the threat these lesions pose to viability, it is not surprising that multiple, conserved mechanisms exist for their detection, processing and repair. Previous studies have established both functional non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR) systems in mycobacteria. However, relative pathway utilization in these organisms, which include the major human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, remains unclear. In this issue, Glickman and colleagues describe an elegant assay to distinguish DSB repair outcomes through simple phenotypic screening. By applying their novel reporter system to a panel of repair pathway mutants, they identify an unexpected role for single-strand annealing (SSA) in the related non-pathogen, Mycobacterium smegmatis. As such, these results expand the mycobacterial DSB repair pathway complement to three mechanisms that are distinguishable by their differential requirements for the DSB-resecting, helicase-nuclease machines, AdnAB and RecBCD. Notably, in an unexpected departure from classical models, they establish that mycobacterial RecBCD is a dedicated SSA nuclease, while AdnAB is required for RecA-dependent HR. Here, we consider the implications of their observations, which include the asymmetric cross-regulation of pathway function, for the role of DSB repair in mycobacterial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

We use single-molecule techniques to characterize the dynamics of prokaryotic DNA repair by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), a system comprised only of the dimeric Ku and Ligase D (LigD). The Ku homodimer alone forms a ∼2 s synapsis between blunt DNA ends that is increased to ∼18 s upon addition of LigD, in a manner dependent on the C-terminal arms of Ku. The synapsis lifetime increases drastically for 4 nt complementary DNA overhangs, independently of the C-terminal arms of Ku. These observations are in contrast to human Ku, which is unable to bridge either of the two DNA substrates. We also demonstrate that bacterial Ku binds the DNA ends in a cooperative manner for synapsis initiation and remains stably bound at DNA junctions for several hours after ligation is completed, indicating that a system for removal of the proteins is active in vivo. Together these experiments shed light on the dynamics of bacterial NHEJ in DNA end recognition and processing. We speculate on the evolutionary similarities between bacterial and eukaryotic NHEJ and discuss how an increased understanding of bacterial NHEJ can open the door for future antibiotic therapies targeting this mechanism.  相似文献   

Non-homologous DNA end-joining (NHEJ)--the main pathway for repairing double-stranded DNA breaks--functions throughout the cell cycle to repair such lesions. Defects in NHEJ result in marked sensitivity to ionizing radiation and ablation of lymphocytes, which rely on NHEJ to complete the rearrangement of antigen-receptor genes. NHEJ is typically imprecise, a characteristic that is useful for immune diversification in lymphocytes, but which might also contribute to some of the genetic changes that underlie cancer and ageing.  相似文献   

DNA non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) is the major DNA double strand break (DSB) repair pathway in mammalian cells. Defects in NHEJ proteins confer marked radiosensitivity in cell lines and mice models, since radiation potently induces DSBs. The process of V(D)J recombination functions during the development of the immune response, and involves the introduction and rejoining of programmed DSBs to generate an array of diverse T and B cells. NHEJ rejoins these programmed DSBs. Consequently, NHEJ deficiency confers (severe) combined immunodeficiency – (S)CID – due to a failure to carry out V(D)J recombination efficiently. NHEJ also functions in class switch recombination, another step enhancing T and B cell diversity. Prompted by these findings, a search for radiosensitivity amongst (S)CID patients revealed a radiosensitive sub-class, defined as RS-SCID. Mutations in NHEJ genes, defining human syndromes deficient in DNA ligase IV (LIG4 Syndrome), XLF-Cernunnos, Artemis or DNA-PKcs, have been identified in such patients. Mutations in XRCC4 or Ku70,80 in patients have not been identified. RS-SCID patients frequently display additional characteristics including microcephaly, dysmorphic facial features and growth delay. Here, we overview the clinical spectrum of RS-SCID patients and discuss our current understanding of the underlying biology.  相似文献   



Efficient and correct repair of DNA damage, especially DNA double-strand breaks, is critical for cellular survival. Defects in the DNA repair may lead to cell death or genomic instability and development of cancer. Non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) is the major repair pathway for DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian cells. The ability of other repair pathways, such as homologous recombination, to compensate for loss of NHEJ and the ways in which contributions of different pathways are regulated are far from fully understood.  相似文献   

Non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is mediated by two protein complexes comprising Ku80/Ku70/DNA-PKcs/Artemis and XRCC4/LigaseIV/XLF. Loss of Ku or XRCC4/LigaseIV function compromises the rejoining of radiation-induced DSBs and leads to defective V(D)J recombination. In this study, we sought to define how XRCC4 and Ku80 affect NHEJ of site-directed chromosomal DSBs in murine fibroblasts. We employed a recently developed reporter system based on the rejoining of I-SceI endonuclease-induced DSBs. We found that the frequency of NHEJ was reduced by more than 20-fold in XRCC4−/− compared to XRCC4+/+ cells, while a Ku80 knock-out reduced the rejoining efficiency by only 1.4-fold. In contrast, lack of either XRCC4 or Ku80 increased end degradation and shifted repair towards a mode that used longer terminal microhomologies for rejoining. However, both proteins proved to be essential for the repair of radiation-induced DSBs. The remarkably different phenotype of XRCC4- and Ku80-deficient cells with regard to the repair of enzyme-induced DSBs mirrors the embryonic lethality of XRCC4 knock-out mice as opposed to the viability of the Ku80 knock-out. Thus, I-SceI-induced breaks may resemble DSBs arising during normal DNA metabolism and mouse development. The removal of these breaks likely has different genetic requirements than the repair of radiation-induced DSBs.  相似文献   

Clustered lesions are defined as two lesions within 20 bps and are generated in DNA by ionizing radiation. In vitro studies and work in bacteria have shown that attempted repair of two closely opposed lesions can result in the formation of double strand breaks (DSBs). Since mammalian cells can repair DSBs by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), we hypothesized that NHEJ would repair DSBs formed during the removal of clustered tetrahydrofurans (furans). However, two opposing furans situated 2, 5 or 12 bps apart in a firefly luciferase reporter plasmid caused a decrease in luciferase activity in wild-type, Ku80 or DNA-PKcs-deficient cells, indicating the generation of DSBs. Loss of luciferase activity was maximal at 5 bps apart and studies using siRNA implicate the major AP endonuclease in the initial cleavage. Since NHEJ-deficient cells had equivalent luciferase activity to their isogenic wild-type cells, NHEJ was not involved in accurate repair of clustered lesions. However, quantitation and examination of re-isolated DNA showed that damage-containing plasmids were inaccurately repaired by Ku80-dependent, as well as Ku80-independent mechanisms. This work indicates that not even NHEJ can completely prevent the conversion of clustered lesions to potentially lethal DSBs, so demonstrating the biological relevance of ionizing radiation-induced clustered damage.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double strand breaks by non-homologous end joining   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Lees-Miller SP  Meek K 《Biochimie》2003,85(11):1161-1173
DNA double strand breaks (DSB) are the most serious form of DNA damage. If not repaired they can lead to cell death. If misrepaired DSBs contribute to chromosomal aberrations and genomic instability. Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) is one of two major pathways for the repair of DSBs in human cells. Proteins known to be required for NHEJ include the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), XRCC4, DNA ligase IV, and Artemis. This review discusses how these and other accessory proteins may function in the repair of DSBs produced by ionizing radiation (IR) and by V(D)J recombination.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa DNA ligase D (PaeLigD) exemplifies a family of bacterial DNA end-joining proteins that consist of a ligase domain fused to a polymerase domain and a putative nuclease module. The LigD polymerase preferentially adds single ribonucleotides at blunt DNA ends and, as we show here, is also capable of adding up to 4 ribonucleotides to a DNA primer-template. We report that PaeLigD has an intrinsic ability to resect the short tract of 3'-ribonucleotides of a primer-template substrate to the point at which the primer strand has a single 3'-ribonucleotide remaining. The failure to digest beyond this point reflects a requirement for a 2'-OH group on the penultimate nucleoside of the primer strand. Replacing the 2'-OH by a 2'-F, 2'-NH2, 2'-OCH3, or 2'-H abolishes the resection reaction. The ribonucleotide resection activity resides within a 187-amino acid N-terminal nuclease domain and is the result of at least two component steps: (i) the 3'-terminal nucleoside is first removed to yield a primer strand with a ribonucleoside 3'-PO4 terminus, and (ii) the 3'-PO4 is hydrolyzed to a 3'-OH. The 3'-ribonuclease and 3'-phosphatase activities are both dependent on a divalent cation, specifically manganese. PaeLigD preferentially remodels the 3'-ends of a duplex primer-template substrate rather than a single strand of identical composition, and it prefers DNA primer strands containing a short 3'-ribonucleotide tract to an all-RNA primer. The nuclease domain of PaeLigD and its bacterial homologs has no apparent structural or mechanistic similarity to previously characterized nucleases. Thus, we surmise that it exemplifies a novel phosphoesterase family, defined in part by conserved residues Asp-50, Arg-52, and His-84, which are essential for the 3'-ribonuclease and 3'-phosphatase reactions.  相似文献   

The cellular response to ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in native chromatin requires a tight coordination between the activities of DNA repair machineries and factors that modulate chromatin structure. SMARCA5 is an ATPase of the SNF2 family of chromatin remodeling factors that has recently been implicated in the DSB response. It forms distinct chromatin remodeling complexes with several non-canonical subunits, including the remodeling and spacing factor 1 (RSF1) protein. Despite the fact that RSF1 is often overexpressed in tumors and linked to tumorigenesis and genome instability, its role in the DSB response remains largely unclear. Here we show that RSF1 accumulates at DSB sites and protects human cells against IR-induced DSBs by promoting repair of these lesions through homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). Although SMARCA5 regulates the RNF168-dependent ubiquitin response that targets BRCA1 to DSBs, we found RSF1 to be dispensable for this process. Conversely, we found that RSF1 facilitates the assembly of centromere proteins CENP-S and CENP-X at sites of DNA damage, while SMARCA5 was not required for these events. Mechanistically, we uncovered that CENP-S and CENP-X, upon their incorporation by RSF1, promote assembly of the NHEJ factor XRCC4 at damaged chromatin. In contrast, CENP-S and CENP-X were dispensable for HR, suggesting that RSF1 regulates HR independently of these centromere proteins. Our findings reveal distinct functions of RSF1 in the 2 major pathways of DSB repair and explain how RSF1, through the loading of centromere proteins and XRCC4 at DSBs, promotes repair by non-homologous end-joining.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells repair of radiation-induced DNA damage appears to be also controlled by the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) with a special impact on DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair. Aim of this study was to demonstrate this interaction between EGFR signalling and DNA DSB repair and to identify the underlying downstream pathways. We especially wanted to know in how far non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) as the most important DSB repair pathway is involved in this interaction. Overall DSB repair was determined by counting γH2AX foci remaining 24 after irradiation, while NHEJ activity was monitored by using a specially designed repair construct stably integrated into the genome. The overall DSB repair capacity was clearly enhanced when EGFR was activated by its natural ligand EGF and, vice versa, was reduced when EGFR was blocked either by the specific antibody Cetuximab or the tyrosine kinase inhibitor erlotinib, whereby reduction was clearly stronger for erlotinib. There was also a difference in the pathways affected. While erlotinib lead to a block of both, MAPK as well as AKT signalling, Cetuximab only affected MAPK. As demonstrated by specific inhibitors (PD98059, AKTIII) EGFR interacts with DSB repair mostly via MAPK pathway. Also for NHEJ activity, there was a substantial increase, when EGFR was activated by EGF as determined for two different reporter cell lines (A549.EJ and H1299.EJ) and, vice versa, a reduction was seen when EGFR signalling was blocked by Cetuximab or erlotinib. There was, however, no difference for the two inhibitors used. This regulation of NHEJ by EGFR was only blocked when ERK was affected by siRNA but not when AKT was knocked down. These data indicate that EGFR modulates DSB repair by regulating NHEJ via MAPK signalling.  相似文献   

SUMOylation is critical for numerous cellular signalling pathways, including the maintenance of genome integrity via the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). If misrepaired, DSBs can lead to cancer, neurodegeneration, immunodeficiency and premature ageing. Using systematic human proteome microarray screening combined with widely applicable carbene footprinting, genetic code expansion and high-resolution structural profiling, we define two non-conventional and topology-selective SUMO2-binding regions on XRCC4, a DNA repair protein important for DSB repair by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). Mechanistically, the interaction of SUMO2 and XRCC4 is incompatible with XRCC4 binding to three other proteins important for NHEJ-mediated DSB repair. These findings are consistent with SUMO2 forming a redundant NHEJ layer with the potential to regulate different NHEJ complexes at distinct levels including, but not limited to, XRCC4 interactions with XLF, LIG4 and IFFO1. Regulation of NHEJ is not only relevant for carcinogenesis, but also for the design of precision anti-cancer medicines and the optimisation of CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing. In addition to providing molecular insights into NHEJ, this work uncovers a conserved SUMO-binding module and provides a rich resource on direct SUMO binders exploitable towards uncovering SUMOylation pathways in a wide array of cellular processes.  相似文献   

To cope with DNA double strand break (DSB) genotoxicity, cells have evolved two main repair pathways: homologous recombination which uses homologous DNA sequences as repair templates, and non-homologous Ku-dependent end-joining involving direct sealing of DSB ends by DNA ligase IV (Lig4). During the last two decades a third player most commonly named alternative end-joining (A-EJ) has emerged, which is defined as any Ku- or Lig4-independent end-joining process. A-EJ increasingly appears as a highly error-prone bricolage on DSBs and despite expanding exploration, it still escapes full characterization. In the present review, we discuss the mechanism and regulation of A-EJ as well as its biological relevance under physiological and pathological situations, with a particular emphasis on chromosomal instability and cancer. Whether or not it is a genuine DSB repair pathway, A-EJ is emerging as an important cellular process and understanding A-EJ will certainly be a major challenge for the coming years.  相似文献   

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