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Ecological studies on Indonesian lakes. The montane lakes of Bali   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J. Green    Sarah A.  Corbet  E. Watts    Oey Biauw  Lan 《Journal of Zoology》1978,186(1):15-38
Of the two Balinese lakes revisited in 1974, 45 years after an earlier survey, the unproductive Danau Bratan, with a very low conductivity, showed changes in water chemistry and plankton composition that may reflect slight cultural eutrophication. Danau Batur, a larger lake with a very high conductivity, showed little change since 1929.
Danau Bratan is also compared with the two previously uninvestigated lakes that lie in the same caldera: Danau Buyan and Danau Tamblingan. Differences between the three lakes in this series in the stability of stratification, the composition of the plankton, the vegetation, the marginal fauna, the diets of guppies and the fisheries are discussed in relation to differences in exposure to wind and in the effects of human settlement on the shores.  相似文献   

Ecological studies on crater lakes in West Cameroon. Debundsha Lake   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cape Debundsha receives 10 m (400 inches) of rain per year, and the water of the small crater lake on the cape has one of the lowest conductivities in Africa (11–13 µmho/cm/20 C). The lake has a maximum depth of 13·5 m. At the time of our visit in April 1972 the lake was stratified with a depletion of oxygen in the hypolimnion. The phytoplankton was dominated by Botryococcus , and the zooplankton was dominated by the ostracod Oncocypris debundshae. Both these organisms are closely associated with the surface film. Other zooplankters included Thermocyclops hyalitws , and in deeper water during the daytime the larvae of Chaoborus ceratopogones.
The fauna of the lake includes 12 species of testacean rhizopods, six species of rotifers, two oligochaetes, one snail, seven crustaceans, 15 insects and three acarines. Of the last group two species were new to science and one had been found only once previously. The ectoproct polyzoan, Lophopodella carteri , is recorded for the first time from West Africa, and the second time from Africa. The general impression of the fauna is one of sparseness, with an unusually high proportion of larval Odonata.  相似文献   

Sarah A.  Corbet  J. Green    J. Griffith    Elaine  Betney 《Journal of Zoology》1973,170(3):309-324
Lake Kotto is a shallow crater lake, sometimes weakly stratified, and with a dense phytoplankton dominated by blue-green algae. The ecology of Lake Kotto and the similar, smaller lake Mboandong is described in relation to the feeding biology of their fishes. Of the five species of cichlids in Lake Kotto only one is endemic. Two are phytoplankton-feeders, one takes invertebrates as well as phytoplankton, one feeds mainly on chironomid larvae, and one preys on vertebrates as well as on invertebrates. The three phytoplanktivores are the main species eaten by man. One species of Clarias and one of Barbus also occur in Lake Kotto; and in the associated streams are four species of cyprinodont fishes. The fish fauna of Mboandong consists of three species of cichlids and two cyprinodonts, all known from the Kotto system. We contrast Lake Kotto with the oligotrophic lake Barombi Mbo, and conclude that Lake Kotto would probably be less sensitive to human interference than would Barombi Mbo.  相似文献   

Ecological studies on crater lakes in West Cameroon Fishes of Barombi Mbo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the West Cameroonian crater lake, Barombi Mbo, and its inflowing stream there are 17 species of fishes, of which 12, including the 11 cichlids, appear to be endemic. We give a systematic account of the endemics, including four new species and two new genera, Konia and Myaka. The ecology of the lake is described in relation to the feeding biology of the fishes, studied by underwater observation in the lake and the examination of stomach contents. The cichlids in Barombi Mbo probably evolved there from two or three ancestral populations and now show clear ecological separation in their feeding and breeding. The problem of speciation within the lake is of particular interest because of the apparent absence of physical barriers to account for the genetic isolation of incipient species.  相似文献   

Microbiological studies were made of certain Indonesian foodstuffs obtained from Malang, Surakarta, and Djakarta.Saccharomyces cerevisiae andCandida solani were isolated from ragi-roti (a baker's yeast preparation). From ragi-tempe and tempe were isolatedRhizopus oryzae, R. arrhizus, R. oligosporus, R. stolonifer, Mucor Rouxii, M. javanicus andTrichosporon pullulans. The microbiological flora of ragi-tape was found to includeCandida parapsilosis, C. melinii, C. lactosa sp. nov.,Hansenula subpelliculosa, H. anomala, H. malanga sp. nov.,Chlamydomucor oryzae andAspergillus oryzae. From ragi-ketjap, used to prepare soysauce, were isolatedRhizopus oligosporus, R. arrhizus, Aspergillus oryzae, andA. flavus, the latter species probably being an accidental contaminant. Two new species are described:Candida lactosa andHansenula malanga, from ragi-tape from Surakarta and Malang, respectively.From a thesis presented to the Graduate School of Vanderbilt University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree, August, 1969.Financial support of Dakimah Dwidjoseputro by the Ford Foundation is grate-fully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Anchialine lakes are a globally rare and unique ecosystem consisting of saline lakes surrounded by land and isolated from the surrounding marine environment. These lakes host a unique flora and fauna including numerous endemic species. Relatively few studies have, however, studied the prokaryote communities present in these lakes and compared them with the surrounding ‘open water’ marine environment. In the present study, we used a 16S rRNA gene barcoded pyrosequencing approach to examine prokaryote (Bacteria and Archaea) composition in three distinct biotopes (sediment, water and the mussel Brachidontes sp.) inhabiting four habitats, namely, three marine lakes and the surrounding marine environment of Berau, Indonesia. Biotope and habitat proved significant predictors of variation in bacterial and archaeal composition and higher taxon abundance. Most bacterial sequences belonged to OTUs assigned to the Proteobacteria. Compared to sediment and water, mussels had relatively high abundances of the classes Mollicutes and Epsilonproteobacteria. Most archaeal sequences, in turn, belonged to OTUs assigned to the Crenarchaeota with the relative abundance of crenarchaeotes highest in mussel samples. For both Bacteria and Archaea, the main variation in composition was between water samples on the one hand and sediment and mussel samples on the other. Sediment and mussels also shared much more OTUs than either shared with water. Abundant bacterial OTUs in mussels were related to organisms previously obtained from corals, oysters and the deepsea mussel Bathymodiolus manusensis. Abundant archaeal OTUs in mussels, in contrast, were closely related to organisms previously obtained from sediment.  相似文献   

J. Green 《Journal of Zoology》1972,166(3):283-301
The zooplankton of four crater lakes in North-west Cameroon has been studied by means of vertical hauls from the bottom to the surface. Two of the lakes are deep, with sparse phytoplankton, while the other two are shallow with dense blooms of blue-green algae. All the lakes are without planktonic Cladocera. In Lake Kotto, Mboandong and Barombi Mbo the dominant zooplankter is Mesocyclops (Thermocyclops) hyalinus , which is replaced in Lake Soden by Mesocyclops leuckarti. Larvae of Chaoborus are present in all the lakes. In the two deep lakes, Soden and Barombi Mbo, the dominant rotifer is Polyarthra dolichoptera , but in the two shallow lakes, Kotto and Mboandong, three species, Hexarthra mira, Brachionus fakatus and B. caudatus , make up the bulk of the rotifers.
In Barombi Mbo during the daytime most of the zooplankton was in the top 20 m, but most of the Chaoborus larvae were below 20m.
The standing crops of zooplankton in these lakes are low compared with those of lakes in the Kigezi District of Uganda.
The most remarkable feature of the zooplankton in these lakes is the occurrence of dwarfed forms. Both species of cyclopoid copepods and the eight identifiable species of Rotifera are smaller here than in most other localities. Factors which may be associated with this dwarfing are low latitude with constant high temperature, low phytoplankton availability, and the low ratio of drainage area to lake area.  相似文献   

To compare the nutrient economy of woody plants at timberline of Mt. Fuji, seasonal changes in nitrogen content in leaves were examined. There was remarkable difference in seasonal changes in leaf nitrogen content betweenAlnus maximowiczii and other deciduous trees at same habitat.A. maximowiczii scarcely withdrew the leaf nitrogen to woody part during the shedding period, while the other species withdrew about half of the leaf nitrogen to woody part.  相似文献   

The distribution of the meadow above the timberline and the structure of the forest at and below the timberline were investigated on the southeast slope of Mt. Fuji. At the same time, soil profiles, water content and nutrients in the soil as related to change in the structure of the plant community were examined to obtain the data regarding soil development with the course of succession. In the course of change in structure of forest, the plant community was classified into three types:Salix/Alnus dwarf forest,Larix forest andAbies/Picea forest. The change in the soil profile, from immature to mature soil, was observed. At the timberline the water content increased rapidly from about 10% of bare land to about 25% of timberline. The nitrogen and carbon contents also increased at timberline as compared with bare land. Relationships between successional stage and soil development were clarified on the area from bare land to climax forest. The present state of the timberline at the investigated area is discussed with reference to the course of change in forest structure and soil development. It was concluded that the timberline of the investigated area is in the process of moving to a higher altitude. This conclusion was reasonable in view of the factor of air temperature.  相似文献   

An ecological study of dry matter production was made in a dwarf forest dominated byAlnus maximowiczii at the timberline of Mt. Fuji. Annual gross production was estimated by two methods, namely the summation method using stem analysis and total photosynthesis calculated from leaf area and photosynthetic rate per leaf area. Seasonal changes in relative light intensity and in leaf area were measured in a quadrat. Photosynthesis and respiration rates of samples were measured in temperature-regulated assimilation chambers. The phytomass was 2,989 g d.w.m?2, and those of stems and branches, leaves, and roots were 1,672 g, 293 g, and 1,024 g respectively. The growing period of this plant was about four months and this plant expanded leaves quickly. The maximum gross photosynthetic rate was 21 mg CO2dm?2 h?1 on September 1. Annual net production estimated by examining the annual rings was 922 g d.w.m?2 year?1 and annual respiration was 735 g. Annual gross production estimated from photosynthetic rates was 1,747 g d.w.m?2 year?1. The sum of annual net production by stem analysis and respiration agree closely with gross production estimated from photosynthetic rate. Gross production of this dwarf forest is comparable to the beech forest of the upper cool temperate zone owing to the high photosynthetic rate ofAlnus maximowiczii.  相似文献   

Limnological studies on some lakes in the Netherlands   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Most Dutch lakes are small and shallow, resulting from peat dredging since the late 18th century. However, deep lakes have appeared recently owing to sand digging. Limnological features of one such lake, Wijde Biik (N. Holland), were studied during 1968–70. The lake with an average depth of 11 4 m (maximum depth 31 m) and area of 2·65 × 106m2 is one of the deepest and biggest in the Loosdrecht-lakes area. The lake is 125 cm below sea level, and underground water-movements play an important part in the lake's hydrology. The lake exhibits thermal stratification on warm and calm days; since the lake surroundings are open and flat, wind and nocturnal cooling destroy such a stratification. There is continuous circulation from autumn through spring. The O2 saturation (%) in the upper water varies from 70 to 120%. Bottom waters were never anaerobic (lowest values 10% O2 saturation). CI? (2·8m-equiv.) and HCO?3 (1·9 m-equiv.) were the dominant anions just as Ca++ (2·77 m-equiv.) and Na+ (2·5 m-equiv.) formed the main cations. Chlorides have increased 2·5-fold in the 40 years as a geochemical consequence of deepening. The surface drainage has minor influence on lake's water chemistry. Part-P (10–140 μg/I) and PO4-P (2–40 μg/1) recorded maximum and minimum respectively, and NO3-N (0·05–1·15 mg/1) its minimum, during Microcystis abundance in August 1968. The SiO2-Si decreased from February 1969 (400 μg/l) to June 1969 as Diatotna elongatum increased. The Si-decrease to <30% of the 1932 values is due to removal of Si-rich clay and silt, due to sand digging. Chlorococcales were the important lake algae. Desmids were poor. Microcystis dominated as a rule from July-September, achieving from 15 to 31 colonies/ml. Poor light transmission rather than nutrients limits plankton growth as also the primary production in the lake. Copepoda were the dominant zooplankton. Bosmina coregoni recorded between 2 and 44 individuaIs/1 in summer 1968 and was the main cladoceran. The average primary production during summers of 1969 and 1970 was 380 and 497 mg C m?2 day?1 respectively. Light limited production below 1 m—1 % light in 1969 and 10% in 1970 penetrated down to 4 m. About 70% of the production took place in the upper 2 m. Calculation of production according to theoretical models under-estimated the observed values by 12% because Z0·5Ik lay much above (0·8–2·8 m) the expected value of 3·5 m. It is suggested that in turbid lakes like Wijde Blik in situ incubations should be done at 0·5 m intervals in the upper 2 or 3 m.  相似文献   

In the unwounded cornea, tenascin-C localizes to a short stretch of the basement membrane zone at the corneoscleral junction or limbus. To determine whether the function of the limbus is affected by the absence of tenascin-C, mice possessing a deletion of tenascin-C and strain-matched wild-type mice are used in corneal debridement wounding experiments. The expression of integrins (alpha3, alpha9, and beta4) in the tenascin-C knockout corneas is evaluated by producing polyclonal cytoplasmic domain antipeptide sera and performing immunofluorescence microscopy. In addition, we evaluate the localization of several other proteins involved in wound healing, including fibronectin, laminin beta1, nidogen/entactin, and VCAM-1, in both the tenascin knockout and wild-type mice. There are no differences in healing rate, scarring, or neovascularization after corneal debridement wounds. alpha9 integrin is expressed at the limbal border of unwounded tenascin-C knockout animals and is upregulated during migration only after the larger wounds. At 8 weeks after larger wounds, the localization of alpha9 again becomes restricted to the limbal border. Results show that tenascin-C is not required for development or maintenance of the corneal limbus or for normal re-epithelialization of corneal epithelial cells after debridement wounding.  相似文献   

Succession of fish parasite fauna in lakes (with example of Baltic shield) was investigated. At the middle oligotrophic stage, the fauna of parasites and fishes maintain a relative stability for a long period and characterised by maximum species diversity.  相似文献   

J. Green    Sarah A.  Corbet  Elaine  Betney 《Journal of Zoology》1973,170(3):299-308
The West Cameroonian crater lake Barombi Mbo is stratified, with no detectable oxygen below 20 m. Of the endemic cichlid fishes in this lake Konia dikume is exceptional in having a mean haemoglobin concentration of 16.55 g/100 ml, while the other ten endemic cichlids range from 5.55 to 8.70 g/100 ml blood. The erythrocyte count is also higher in K. dikume than in the other species.
The phytoplankton in the lake is most abundant between 10 and 15 m from the surface.
The single species of cyclopoid copepod and the rotifers in the zooplankton remain in the top 20 m throughout the day and night, but the larvae of Chaoborus spend the daytime at depths below 20 m, mostly between 30 and 70 m. At night these larvae ascend into the upper layers, and feed on rotifers.
Konia dikume feeds on the larvae of Chaoborus , and the high concentration of haemoglobin in the blood of this fish, coupled with a large blood volume, appears to be an adaptation for the storage of oxygen. This would enable the fish to dive into the deoxygenated hypolimnion and extend the time available for feeding when the Chuoborus larvae are ascending at dusk and descending at dawn. Konia dikume appears to be a visual feeder, and in the short tropical twilight any extension of the feeding period could be of survival value.  相似文献   

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