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Abstract Microsatellites are powerful molecular markers, used commonly to estimate intraspecific genetic distances. With the exception of band sharing similarity index, available distance measures were developed specifically for diploid organisms and are unsuited for comparisons of polyploids. Here, we present a simple method for calculation of microsatellite genotype distances, which takes into account mutation processes and permits comparison of individuals with different ploidy levels. This method should provide a valuable tool for intraspecific analyses of polyploid organisms, which are widespread among plants and some animal taxa. An illustration is given using data from the planarian flatworm Schmidtea polychroa (Platyhelminthes).  相似文献   

The genus Prosopis contains 44 species of trees and shrubs, the majority of which originate in the Americas. Most species are reported to be diploid, with a somatic chromosome number of 2 n  = 28. There are rare reports of polyploidy, although it is thought that these may represent polysomaty in root tissues. However, flow cytometry has recently indicated that P. juliflora is entirely tetraploid with a somatic chromosome number of 2 n  = 56. In order to clarify the situation, an extensive review of ploidy in Prosopis was undertaken, the first of its kind. The ploidy levels of 124 samples of Prosopis from 21 countries, including both the natural and introduced ranges, were analysed using flow cytometry. In addition, a comprehensive literature review was carried out, examining 305 published ploidy values and covering 32 of the 44 species of Prosopis . Flow cytometry analysis suggests that P. juliflora is the only tetraploid species, with a somatic chromosome number of 2 n  = 4 x  = 56, whilst the remainder of the species analysed are diploid with 2 n  = 2 x  = 28, including the first report for P. articulata (2 n  = 28). A critical review of published ploidy values shows that all species of Prosopis are reported to be entirely diploid, except P. glandulosa , P. juliflora , and P. koelziana , for which both diploid and tetraploid values have been recorded. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 425–438.  相似文献   

Ploidy of watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. and Nakai shoots and plantlets was estimated by painting the lower epidermis of intact in vitro-derived leaves with fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and observing fluorescence of guard cell chloroplasts with a microscope and UV light. Leaves from in vitro shoot-tip cultures of known diploid cultivars and tetraploid breeding lines were used to establish the mean number of chloroplasts per guard cell pair. Leaves from diploid and tetraploid shoot cultures had 9.7 and 17.8 chloroplasts per guard cell pair, respectively. This method then was used to estimate the ploidy of shoots regenerated from cotyledon explants of the diploid cultivar Minilee. Approximately 11% of the 188 regenerated shoots were classified as tetraploid during in vitro culture. Putative tetraploids were transplanted to the field and self-pollinated. About 45% of tetraploids identified in vitro produced fruit and viable seed. Chloroplast counts of R1 progeny were used to confirm their ploidy. All of the putative diploids were confirmed diploid and all putative tetraploids proved to be non-chimeric true breeding tetraploids. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The western Palaearctic water frogs in the genus Pelophylax comprise several distinct species and three hybridogenetic hybrid forms. In this study, we focus on the Pelophylax esculentus complex, which consists of two sexual species, Pelophylax ridibundus and Pelophylax lessonae, and their hybridogenetic hybrid, Pelophylax esculentus. Specifically, we investigated taxonomic composition and ploidy level of water frogs sampled in three different types of wetland habitats in the Hortobágy National Park (HNP), eastern Hungary. Using variation in serum albumin intron 1 (SAI‐1) and 15 microsatellite loci, we detected the presence of all members of the P. esculentus complex in the studied localities. In one locality, all three taxa occurred syntopically, while in others water frog populations consisted of P. ridibundus and P. esculentus exclusively. The genomic composition of the 63 examined hybrid specimens analysed with microsatellites showed the occurrence of diploid genotypes only. We used a population genetic approach (allelic richness, gene diversity, multilocus genotypes and multilocus disequilibrium) to infer the breeding system of water frogs at HNP. Our data indicate that at least in two populations, hybrids form gametes with clonally transmitted P. ridibundus genome and produce a new hybrid generation by mating with P. lessonae.  相似文献   

Polyploidy in combination with parthenogenesis offers advantages for plasticity and the evolution of a broad ecological tolerance of species. Therefore, a positive correlation between the level of ploidy and increasing latitude as a surrogate for environmental harshness has been suggested. Such a positive correlation is well documented for plants, but examples for animals are still rare. Species of flatworms (Platyhelminthes) are widely distributed, show a remarkably wide range of chromosome numbers, and offer therefore good model systems to study the geographical distribution of chromosome numbers. We analyzed published data on counts of chromosome numbers and geographical information of three flatworm “species” (Phagocata vitta, Polycelis felina and Crenobia alpina) sampled across Europe (220 populations). We used the mean chromosome number across individuals of a population as a proxy for the level of ploidy within populations, and we tested for relationships of this variable with latitude, mode of reproduction (sexual, asexual or both) and environmental variables (annual mean temperature, mean diurnal temperature range, mean precipitation and net primary production). The mean chromosome numbers of all three species increased with latitude and decreased with mean annual temperature. For two species, chromosome number also decreased with mean precipitation and net primary production. Furthermore, high chromosome numbers within species were accompanied with a loss of sexual reproduction. The variation of chromosome numbers within individuals of two of the three species increased with latitude. Our results support the hypothesis that polyploid lineages are able to cope with harsh climatic conditions at high latitudes. Furthermore, we propose that asexual reproduction in populations with high levels of polyploidization stabilizes hybridization events. Chromosomal irregularities within individuals tend to become more frequent at the extreme environments of high latitudes, presumably because of mitotic errors and downsizing of the genome.  相似文献   

Characterization of microsatellites in the parthenogenetic polyploid snail Melanoides tuberculata revealed an unusual high density of dinucleotide repeats. Multiple banding patterns were obtained at these loci, and interpreted as a consequence of polyploidy. Microsatellite variability was low within, but high between, shell morphotypes. Genotypes were wholly transmitted from mothers to offspring. These results suggest that reproduction is strictly apomictic, and that shell morphotypes are genetic clones.  相似文献   

Effect of triploid fitness on the coexistence of diploids and tetraploids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The conditions for the coexistence of diploids, triploids and tetraploids in a single population were investigated with a deterministic model under the assumptions that diploids might produce 2 n gametes, and that triploids had a lower fitness than other cytotypes and generated equal proportions of haploid and diploid gametes. When diploids produced only haploid gametes, the dynamics of the cytotypes were similar to that of heterozygote disadvantage with two alleles at a single locus, with triploids being equivalent to the heterozygotes. Production of 2 n gametes by diploids increased the pool of diploid gametes and created a stable equilibrium involving a majority of diploids and a minority of polyploids. When the fitness of tetraploids was equal to or higher than that of diploids, increased triploid fitness decreased the threshold of 2 n gametes necessary to deterministically fix tetraploids in the population. Conversely, when tetraploids were less fit than diploids, the rate of 2 n gamete production leading to the exclusion of diploids first decreases and then increased with increasing triploid fitness. Triploids are repeatedly found in diploid-tetraploid hybridizations and are rarely totally sterile. They might play a determinant role in the future of multiple cytotype populations. The effect of triploids depends on the relative fitness of diploids and tetraploids and is also a function of their fitness.  相似文献   

Natural animal populations are rarely screened for ploidy-level variation at a scale that allows detection of potentially important aberrations of common ploidy patterns. This type of screening can be especially important for the many mixed sexual/asexual systems in which sexuals are presumed to be dioecious diploids and asexuals are assumed to be triploid and all-female. For example, elevation of ploidy level above triploidy can be a source of genetic variation and raises the possibility of gene flow among ploidy levels and to asexual lineages. We used flow cytometry and mtDNA sequencing to characterize ploidy level and genome size in Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a New Zealand freshwater snail where obligate sexual (presumed diploid and dioecious) and obligate apomictic asexual (presumed triploid and nearly all female) individuals frequently coexist. We documented the widespread occurrence and multiple origins of polyploid males and individuals with >3× ploidy, and find that both are likely to be descended from asexual females. Our survey also suggested the existence of extensive variation in genome size. The discovery of widespread variation in ploidy level and genome size in such a well-studied system highlights the importance of broad, extensive, and ecologically representative sampling in uncovering ploidy level and genome-size variation in natural populations.  相似文献   

Long-distance colonization and rapid range expansion associated with biological invasion may have major evolutionary consequences via both stochastic processes and selection. Using large-scale population genetic surveys, we demonstrate a major shift in the relative frequency of sexually fertile diploid versus sexually sterile triploid populations associated with the invasion of North America by a clonal aquatic plant, Butomus umbellatus. Most populations across the native European range were triploid (84% of 108), whereas most introduced populations were diploid (71% of 136). We evaluated the roles of stochastic processes versus natural selection in causing this shift by surveying predominantly neutral genetic variation at 28 RAPD loci. In Europe (EU) we detected 47 distinct genotypes among 142 plants sampled from 71 populations, whereas in North America (NA) we detected only six genotypes among 138 plants from 69 populations. Of the six NA genotypes, a set of four closely related genotypes were found only in triploid populations and a pair of closely related genotypes were found only in diploid populations, and these were genetically divergent from the triploid genotypes. This result is consistent with severe founder effect. Because sex creates genotypic variation and produces offspring with greater dispersal potential than those produced clonally, we tested the hypothesis that sexual reproduction characteristic of diploids has given them a colonization advantage that accounts for their high frequency in NA. However, we found little or no evidence of sexual recruitment in introduced diploids. One very widespread heterozygous genotype occurred in 95% of 38 introduced diploid populations (i.e., 72 of 76 plants surveyed) suggesting predominant clonal reproduction. Moreover genotypic diversity was not higher within or among diploid than triploid populations in either the native or introduced range. Low genetic diversity in diploid populations was also supported by a comparison of within-population quantitative variation for plant size under a common greenhouse environment. Thus, diploids have not been favored during colonization owing to their sexual fertility. However, concurrent studies have shown that NA diploids exhibit a much higher capacity for clonal reproduction, via small vegetative bulbils, than NA triploids, which almost never produce bulbils. The same difference in clonal capacity is not a consistent feature of the native EU populations. Taken together, these results suggest that strong founder effect has set the stage for a major increase in diploid frequency due to the particular, and possibly idiosyncratic, features of the diploid and triploid lineages introduced to North America.  相似文献   

Demographic theory and data have emphasized that nonheritable variation in individual frailty enables selection within cohorts, affecting the dynamics of a population while being invisible to its evolution. Here, we include the component of individual variation in longevity or viability which is nonheritable in simple bacterial growth models and explore its ecological and evolutionary impacts. First, we find that this variation produces consistent trends in longevity differences between bacterial genotypes when measured across stress gradients. Given that direct measurements of longevity are inevitably biased due to the presence of this variation and ongoing selection, we propose the use of the trend itself for obtaining more exact inferences of genotypic fitness. Second, we show how species or strain coexistence can be enabled by nonheritable variation in longevity or viability. These general conclusions are likely to extend beyond bacterial systems.  相似文献   

1. Occasional sex in organisms that otherwise propagate clonally combines the advantages of both reproductive modes. Although theory predicts that this is a winning combination, evidence for its long‐term importance in natural populations is scarce. 2. We studied the sperm‐dependent parthenogenetic form of the freshwater planarian Schmidtea (formerly Dugesia) polychroa in which occasional sex is known to occur. By comparing subpopulations within the same lake, we showed that occasional sex does indeed leave telltale signatures in the population genetic structure of this species. 3. Using microsatellites, we found differences in genotypic diversity and evenness between six local subpopulations. Moreover, some locations showed temporal fluctuations in genotype and/or allele frequencies, while stability was observed in others. The results indicate that although some subpopulations show all the traits of clonal reproduction, others clearly have characteristics typical of sexual recombination, including the particular subpopulation for which we previously demonstrated the occurrence of occasional sex. 4. We show that within the same metapopulation, neighbouring localities can differ in the degree of occasional sex, as demonstrated by genetic signatures of clonality versus (occasional) genetic recombination. This makes S. polychroa particularly suitable to test the role of occasional sex to explain the persistence of parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

The histological and ultra-structure of the pituitary in diploid red crucian carp (Carassius auratus red var.), triploid crucian carp and allotetraploid hybrids within and after the breeding season were comparatively studied. The result showed that there were six endocrine cell types in the pituitary of these three kinds of fishes, and there was an obvious difference in cell size among different ploidy level fishes. As for the same type of pituitary cells, the cell size was increased gradually with the increasing ploidy level. In the breeding season, the allotetraploid hybrids had higher proportion of gonadotropin cells (GTH) than triploids, and the trploids had higher proportion of GTH than diploids. The results were related to the earlier sexual maturity of allotetraploid hybrids and sterility of triploid crucian carp. On the other hand, among the three kinds of fishes, the proportion of somatotropin (STH) cells in triploids crucian carp was the highest, whereas that in allotetraploid hybrids was the lowest. The results might be connected with the faster growth rate of triploids and slower growth rate of allotetraploid hybrids. In addition, in GTH cells of meso-adenohypophysis after the breeding season, there were many endocrine particles in triploids, while those endocrine particles were released from the cells in allotetraploids and diploids. This result showed that the sterility of triploid crucian carp might be related to the hormone which was not released from the GTH cells. In a word, the present study indicated that the differences in the structure of pituitary among different ploidy level fishes contributed to their difference in the growth rate and gonadal development.  相似文献   

The histological and ultra-structure of the pituitary in diploid red crucian carp(Carassius auratus red var.),triploid crucian carp and allotetraploid hybrids within and after the breeding season were comparatively studied.The result showed that there were six endocrine cell types in the pituitary of these three kinds of fishes,and there was an obvious difference in cell size among different ploidy level fishes.As for the same type of pituitary cells,the cell size was increased gradually with the in- creasing ploidy level.In the breeding season,the allotetraploid hybrids had higher proportion of go- nadotropin cells(GTH)than triploids,and the triploids had higher proportion of GTH than diploids.The results were related to the earlier sexual maturity of allotetraploid hybrids and sterility of triploid cru- cian carp.On the other hand,among the three kinds of fishes,the proportion of somatotropin(STH) cells in triploids crucian carp was the highest,whereas that in allotetraploid hybrids was the lowest. The results might be connected with the faster growth rate of triploids and slower growth rate of al- lotetraploid hybrids.In addition,in GTH cells of meso-adenohypophysis after the breeding season, there were many endocrine particles in triploids,while those endocrine particles were released from the cells in allotetraploids and diploids.This result showed that the sterility of triploid crucian carp might be related to the hormone which was not released from the GTH cells.In a word,the present study indicated that the differences in the structure of pituitary among different ploidy level fishes contributed to their difference in the growth rate and gonadal development.  相似文献   

Vertebrates usually reproduce sexually in which males and females contribute their offspring genome and produce genetically diverse offspring. However, some of them are asexual without genetic contribution from males. The nocturnal gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris, is all females and reproduces parthenogenetically. This gecko is known to consist of diploid and triploid clones in the tropical and subtropical regions, which can be identified by their dorsal marking patterns, ploidy, and protein polymorphism. This gecko is also distributed in the southern parts of Japan, and several clones have been reported. In this study, we investigated the origins and genetic diversity of Japanese L. lugubris by clonal discrimination using microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analyses. A total of 748 individuals were collected from 21 islands of five island groups (Ogasawara, Okinawa, Miyako, Yaeyama and Daito Islands) and 17 clones were distinguished genetically. Mitochondrial cyt b sequences of these clones suggested that they were all closely related and differentiated recently. Clonal diversity was much higher (14 clones) in the Daito Islands than in the other island groups in which only one or two clones coexisted. Judging from the dorsal marking patterns and ploidy known so far, six clones were cosmopolitan and may be colonized from the outside of Japan. However, other 11 clones were endemic to the Daito Islands and explained by possible hybridization between the one female diploid clone and one male diploid clone because other 9 clones were triploid and all had the combinations of polymorphic microsatellite alleles of these female and male diploid clones. Although the males have never been recorded in the Daito Islands, males might appear in the past. These findings contribute to understanding of clonal diversity and dynamics of asexually reproducing animals. If diploid parthenogenetic geckos can produce triploid clones by mating with the diploid males, clonal diversity would increase rapidly in a small island, and such newly produced triploid clones would expand widely.  相似文献   

Sexual selection often leads to evolution of conspicuous signals, raising the chances of attracting not only potential mates, but also predators. In lacertid lizards, ultraviolet (UV)–blue spots on flanks and shoulders represent such a trait. Some level of correlation between male and female ornamentation is also known to exist. Therefore, the phenotype of females may change in the absence of sexual selection. We tested this hypothesis on a complex of parthenogenetic and bisexual lizards of the genus Darevskia. We evaluated area, counts, and chromatic properties (UV opponency, saturation) of UV–blue spots and compared the values between the clones and their bisexual progenitor species. We found a fair heterogeneity between the parthenogenetic species, but no general tendency toward higher crypsis or conspicuousness. Values of the parthenogens were not significantly different from the values of sexual females. A possible explanation is that the changes in selective forces associated with parthenogenetic reproduction are too small to affect the resulting pattern of selective pressures on the studied traits, or that the phenotypes of the parthenogens result from the unique combination of parental genomes and are conserved by clonal reproduction.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is ubiquitous and its consequences are complex and variable. A change of ploidy level generally influences genetic diversity and results in morphological, physiological and ecological differences between cells or organisms with different ploidy levels. To avoid cumbersome experiments and take advantage of the less biased information provided by the vast amounts of genome sequencing data, computational tools for ploidy estimation are urgently needed. Until now, although a few such tools have been developed, many aspects of this estimation, such as the requirement of a reference genome, the lack of informative results and objective inferences, and the influence of false positives from errors and repeats, need further improvement. We have developed ploidyfrost , a de Bruijn graph-based method, to estimate ploidy levels from whole genome sequencing data sets without a reference genome. ploidyfrost provides a visual representation of allele frequency distribution generated using the ggplot2 package as well as quantitative results using the Gaussian mixture model. In addition, it takes advantage of colouring information encoded in coloured de Bruijn graphs to analyse multiple samples simultaneously and to flexibly filter putative false positives. We evaluated the performance of ploidyfrost by analysing highly heterozygous or repetitive samples of Cyclocarya paliurus and a complex allooctoploid sample of Fragaria × ananassa. Moreover, we demonstrated that the accuracy of analysis results can be improved by constraining a threshold such as Cramér's V coefficient on variant features, which may significantly reduce the side effects of sequencing errors and annoying repeats on the graphical structure constructed.  相似文献   

A unisexual species is generally associated with polyploidy, and reproduced by a unisexual reproduction mode, such as gyno- genesis, hybridogenesis or parthenogenesis. Compared with other unisexual and polyploid species, gibel carp (Carassius au- ratus gibelio) has a higher ploidy level of hexaploid. It has undergone several successive rounds of genome polyploidy, and experienced an additional, more recent genome duplication event. More significantly, the dual reproduction modes, including gynogenesis and s...  相似文献   

The length and frequency of stomata on leaf surfaces were examined as rapid techniques for future identification of ploidy level of Acacia mearnsii (de Wild). Diploid (2 n  = 2 x  = 26) and tetraploid (2 n  = 4 x  = 52) plants were germinated from chipped seed at 25°C and grown under nursery conditions. After one month, measurements showed that the mean stomatal length was 27.17 ± 0.474 µm for diploids and 40.24 ± 0.521 µm for tetraploids and these differed significantly from each other ( P  < 0.001). The frequency of stomata per leaf surface was shown to decrease significantly ( P  < 0.001) as the ploidy level increased, with a mean of 22.11 ± 0.495 for diploids and 10.26 ± 0.495 for tetraploids. It was concluded that stomatal length and stomatal frequency are rapid indirect methods to identify ploidy level in black wattle.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 177–181.  相似文献   

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