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It has been reported that nontransformed mammalian cells become arrested during G1 in the absence of centrioles (Hinchcliffe, E., F. Miller, M. Cham, A. Khodjakov, and G. Sluder. 2001. Science. 291:1547-1550). Here, we show that removal of resident centrioles (by laser ablation or needle microsurgery) does not impede cell cycle progression in HeLa cells. HeLa cells born without centrosomes, later, assemble a variable number of centrioles de novo. Centriole assembly begins with the formation of small centrin aggregates that appear during the S phase. These, initially amorphous "precentrioles" become morphologically recognizable centrioles before mitosis. De novo-assembled centrioles mature (i.e., gain abilities to organize microtubules and replicate) in the next cell cycle. This maturation is not simply a time-dependent phenomenon, because de novo-formed centrioles do not mature if they are assembled in S phase-arrested cells. By selectively ablating only one centriole at a time, we find that the presence of a single centriole inhibits the assembly of additional centrioles, indicating that centrioles have an activity that suppresses the de novo pathway.  相似文献   

The biological resources of the oceans have been exploited since ancient human history, mainly by catching fish and harvesting algae. Research on natural products with special emphasis on marine animals and also algae during the last decades of the 20th century has revealed the importance of marine organisms as producers of substances useful for the treatment of human diseases. Though a large number of bioactive substances have been identified, some many years ago, only recently the first drugs from the oceans were approved. Quite astonishingly, the immense diversity of microbes in the marine environments and their almost untouched capacity to produce natural products and therefore the importance of microbes for marine biotechnology was realized on a broad basis by the scientific communities only recently. This has strengthened worldwide research activities dealing with the exploration of marine microorganisms for biotechnological applications, which comprise the production of bioactive compounds for pharmaceutical use, as well as the development of other valuable products, such as enzymes, nutraceuticals and cosmetics. While the focus in these fields was mainly on marine bacteria, also marine fungi now receive growing attention. Although culture-dependent studies continue to provide interesting new chemical structures with biological activities at a high rate and represent highly promising approaches for the search of new drugs, exploration and use of genomic and metagenomic resources are considered to further increase this potential. Many efforts are made for the sustainable exploration of marine microbial resources. Large culture collections specifically of marine bacteria and marine fungi are available. Compound libraries of marine natural products, even of highly purified substances, were established. The expectations into the commercial exploitation of marine microbial resources has given rise to numerous institutions worldwide, basic research facilities as well as companies. In Europe, recent activities have initiated a dynamic development in marine biotechnology, though concentrated efforts on marine natural product research are rare. One of these activities is represented by the Kieler Wirkstoff-Zentrum KiWiZ, which was founded in 2005 in Kiel (Germany).  相似文献   

Plk4-induced centriole biogenesis in human cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We show that overexpression of Polo-like kinase 4 (Plk4) in human cells induces centrosome amplification through the simultaneous generation of multiple procentrioles adjoining each parental centriole. This provided an opportunity for dissecting centriole assembly and characterizing assembly intermediates. Critical components were identified and ordered into an assembly pathway through siRNA and localized through immunoelectron microscopy. Plk4, hSas-6, CPAP, Cep135, gamma-tubulin, and CP110 were required at different stages of procentriole formation and in association with different centriolar structures. Remarkably, hSas-6 associated only transiently with nascent procentrioles, whereas Cep135 and CPAP formed a core structure within the proximal lumen of both parental and nascent centrioles. Finally, CP110 was recruited early and then associated with the growing distal tips, indicating that centrioles elongate through insertion of alpha-/beta-tubulin underneath a CP110 cap. Collectively, these data afford a comprehensive view of the assembly pathway underlying centriole biogenesis in human cells.  相似文献   

Ciliated epithelial cells have the unique ability to generate hundreds of centrioles during differentiation. We used centrosomal proteins as molecular markers in cultured mouse tracheal epithelial cells to understand this process. Most centrosomal proteins were up-regulated early in ciliogenesis, initially appearing in cytoplasmic foci and then incorporated into centrioles. Three candidate proteins were further characterized. The centrosomal component SAS-6 localized to basal bodies and the proximal region of the ciliary axoneme, and depletion of SAS-6 prevented centriole assembly. The intraflagellar transport component polaris localized to nascent centrioles before incorporation into cilia, and depletion of polaris blocked axoneme formation. The centriolar satellite component PCM-1 colocalized with centrosomal components in cytoplasmic granules surrounding nascent centrioles. Interfering with PCM-1 reduced the amount of centrosomal proteins at basal bodies but did not prevent centriole assembly. This system will help determine the mechanism of centriole formation in mammalian cells and how the limitation on centriole duplication is overcome in ciliated epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Structural polarity of centriole has been shown by analyzing serial sections of centrioles in the tissue culture cells of mouse, man, pig and Chinese hamster. Its major component is nine microtubule triplets. The inclination of the triplets towards the radius at the proximal end of the centriole is smaller than at the distal one. The internal tubule of the triplet has a smaller diameter than the middle and external ones; The triplets are bound by links of various nature all over their length. In the middle part, in the centriole lumen there is an amorphous hub; in the distal part, a thin fibre that is helically wound. In the proximal part, there are bases along the triplets, and handles stretch from the internal tubules. In the middle and distal parts, there are accumulations of an electron dense substance along the middle tubules. At the distal end, the centriole lumen is filled with an amorphous substance, whereas the proximal end is free from it. From outside, appendages are attached to the triplets at the distal end. The centriole structure is identical in all the cell types studied, except for those of Chinese hamster.  相似文献   

Centrin-2 is required for centriole duplication in mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Centrosomes are the favored microtubule-organizing framework of eukaryotic cells. Centrosomes contain a pair of centrioles that normally duplicate once during the cell cycle to give rise to two mitotic spindle poles, each containing one old and one new centriole. However, aside from their role as an anchor point for pericentriolar material and as basal bodies of flagella and cilia, the functional attributes of centrioles remain enigmatic. RESULTS: Here, using RNA interference, we demonstrate that "knockdown" of centrin-2, a protein of centrioles, results in failure of centriole duplication during the cell cycle in HeLa cells. Following inhibition of centrin-2 synthesis, the preexisting pair of centrioles separate, and functional bipolar spindles form with only one centriole at each spindle pole. Centriole dilution results from the ensuing cell division, and daughter cells are "born" with only a single centriole. Remarkably, these unicentriolar daughter cells may complete a second and even third bipolar mitosis in which spindle microtubules converge onto unusually broad spindle poles and in which cell division results in daughter cells containing either one or no centrioles at all. Cells thus denuded of the mature or both centrioles fail to undergo cytokinesis in subsequent cell cycles, give rise to multinucleate products, and finally die. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate a requirement for centrin in centriole duplication and demonstrate that centrioles play a role in organizing spindle pole morphology and in the completion of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Agility to schedule and execute cell culture manufacturing campaigns quickly in a multi‐product facility will play a key role in meeting the growing demand for therapeutic proteins. In an effort to shorten campaign timelines, maximize plant flexibility and resource utilization, we investigated the initiation of cell culture manufacturing campaigns using CHO cells cryopreserved in large volume bags in place of the seed train process flows that are conventionally used in cell culture manufacturing. This approach, termed FASTEC (Frozen Accelerated Seed Train for Execution of a Campaign), involves cultivating cells to high density in a perfusion bioreactor, and cryopreserving cells in multiple disposable bags. Each run for a manufacturing campaign would then come from a thaw of one or more of these cryopreserved bags. This article reviews the development and optimization of individual steps of the FASTEC bioprocess scheme: scaling up cells to greater than 70 × 106 cells/mL and freezing in bags with an optimized controlled rate freezing protocol and using a customized rack configuration. Flow cytometry analysis was also employed to understand the recovery of CHO cells following cryopreservation. Extensive development data were gathered to ensure that the quantity and quality of the drug manufactured using the FASTEC bioprocess scheme was acceptable compared to the conventional seed train process flow. The result of offering comparable manufacturing options offers flexibility to the cell culture manufacturing network. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1376–1385. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Centriole duplication initiates at the G1-to-S transition in mammalian cells and is completed during the S and G2 phases. The localization of a number of protein kinases to the centrosome has revealed the importance of protein phosphorylation in controlling the centriole duplication cycle. Here we show that the human Polo-like kinase 2 (Plk2) is activated near the G1-to-S transition of the cell cycle. Endogenous and overexpressed HA-Plk2 localize with centrosomes, and this interaction is independent of Plk2 kinase activity. In contrast, the kinase activity of Plk2 is required for centriole duplication. Overexpression of a kinase-deficient mutant under S-phase arrest blocks centriole duplication. Downregulation of endogenous Plk2 with small hairpin RNAs interferes with the ability to reduplicate centrioles. Furthermore, centrioles failed to duplicate during the cell cycle of human fibroblasts and U2OS cells after overexpression of a Plk2 dominant-negative mutant. These results show that Plk2 is a physiological centrosomal protein and that its kinase activity is likely to be required for centriole duplication near the G1-to-S phase transition.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate how our lab begins a HuES human embryonic stem cell line culture from a frozen stock. First, a one to two day old ten cm plate of approximately one (to two) million irradiated mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder cells is rinsed with HuES media to remove residual serum and cell debris, and then HuES media added and left to equilibrate in the cell culture incubator. A frozen vial of cells from long term liquid nitrogen storage or a -80 C freezer is sourced and quickly submerged in a 37 C water bath for quick thawing. Cells in freezing media are then removed from the vial and placed in a large volume of HuES media. The large volume of HuES media facilitates removal of excess serum and DMSO, which can cause HuES human embryonic stem cells to differentiate. Cells are gently spun out of suspension, and then re-suspended in a small volume of fresh HuES media that is then used to seed the MEF plate. It is considered important to seed the MEF plate by gently adding the HuES cells in a drop wise fashion to evenly disperse them throughout the plate. The newly established HuES culture plate is returned to the incubator for 48 hrs before media is replaced, then is fed every 24 hours thereafter.  相似文献   

SAS-6 proteins are thought to impart the ninefold symmetry of centrioles, but the mechanisms by which their assembly occurs within cells remain elusive. In this paper, we provide evidence that the N-terminal, coiled-coil, and C-terminal domains of HsSAS-6 are each required for procentriole formation in human cells. Moreover, the coiled coil is necessary and sufficient to mediate HsSAS-6 centrosomal targeting. High-resolution imaging reveals that GFP-tagged HsSAS-6 variants localize in a torus around the base of the parental centriole before S phase, perhaps indicative of an initial loading platform. Moreover, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis demonstrates that HsSAS-6 is immobilized progressively at centrosomes during cell cycle progression. Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and three-dimensional stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy, we uncover that HsSAS-6 is present in the cytoplasm primarily as a homodimer and that its oligomerization into a ninefold symmetrical ring occurs at centrioles. Together, our findings lead us to propose a mechanism whereby HsSAS-6 homodimers are targeted to centrosomes where the local environment and high concentration of HsSAS-6 promote oligomerization, thus initiating procentriole formation.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of circadian clocks has been unraveled primarily by the use of phenotype-driven (forward) genetic analysis in a number of model systems. We are now in a position to consider what constitutes a clock component, whether we can establish criteria for clock components, and whether we have found most of the primary clock components. This perspective discusses clock genes and how genetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry have been used to find clock genes in the past and how they will be used in the future.  相似文献   

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