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Analysis of videotaped feeding sequences provides novel documentation of suction feeding in captive juvenile long-finned pilot whales ( Globicephala melas ). Swimming and stationary whales were videotaped while feeding at the surface, mid-water, and bottom. The ingestion sequence includes a preparatory phase with partial gape followed by jaw opening and rapid hyoid depression to suck in prey at a mean distance of 14 cm (duration 90 msec), although prey were taken from much greater distances. Depression and retraction of the large, piston-like tongue generate negative intraoral pressures for prey capture and ingestion. Food was normally ingested without grasping by teeth yet was manipulated with lingual, hyoid, and mandibular movement for realignment; suction was then used to transport prey into the oropharynx. Whales frequently rolled or inverted before taking prey, presumably to avoid grasping and repositioning. Prey were sucked off the bottom or sides of the pool without direct contact; lateral suction was used to ingest items from the sides of the mouth.  相似文献   

Synopsis Ontogenetic increases in mouth size and changes in dentition of percoid fishes may affect the size and species of prey selected, thus influencing the fundamental trophic niche. To examine the influence of oral anatomy on prey selectivity by pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides, and snook, Centropomus undecimalis, two co-occurring percoid fishes with contrasting mouth morphologies, the mouth size, dentition, stomach contents, and available prey during ontogeny were quantified. Based on the presence of prey fragments in stomach contents and direct behavioral observation, prey were categorized by the feeding mode used during capture (suction/ramfeeding or biting). Centropomus has a larger size-specific gape than Lagodon during all ontogenetic stages. Although both feeding modes were used by Lagodon during ontogeny, the amount of prey captured using suction/ram-feeding declined and the amount of prey captured by biting increased with standard length. This change in feeding mode was associated with a change in incisor shape and width: Lagodon < 39 mm SL possessed narrow, pointed incisors and strongly selected amphipods, which are captured using suction/ram-feeding; Lagodon> 40 mm SL possessed wide, flat-topped incisors and significantly increased their selectivity for polychaetes, which are captured by biting. Centropomus used ram-feeding to capture prey at all ontogenetic stages. Size-selective feeding by Centropomus was apparent but could not be due to gape-limitation alone, because average prey body depth was only 45% of gape and was not proportional to absolute mouth size increase during ontogeny. Dietary diversity was greatest during the transition from suction/ram-feeding to biting in Lagodon. Lagodon had a higher dietary diversity at all ontogenetic stages than Centropomus, due in part to Lagodon's use of multiple feeding modes.  相似文献   

Josef Wanzenböck 《Oecologia》1995,104(3):372-378
The interrelationship of fish size, prey size and handling time within a 15-min feeding period was studied in three size groups of 0 + roach, Rutilus rutilus, and bleak, Alburnus alburnus. Four size classes of cladoceran prey were used to measure changes in feeding rate and handling time from initial rapid feeding to sustained feeding. Observed differences in increase of handling time between prey size classes led to a change in the prey profitability ranking of those size classes within the first 2 min of the experiments. A 1-min feeding period is interpreted as reflecting an intermediate motivational status between extreme hunger and satiation. The use of average handling times for this period revealed a substantial change in prey profitability estimates compared to previous studies which used handling times based on short-term (a few seconds up to 1 min) feeding. It is not the largest prey items a fish can handle and swallow that are most profitable, but prey of intermediate size. By this approach a closer fit between expectations derived from optimal foraging theory and empirical data on prey size selection of 0 + zooplanktivorous fish is qualitatively achieved. Optimal prey size was found to be close the mouth gape width in small fish of 15 mm standard length, decreasing to 50% of mouth gape width in fish of 40 mm standard length.  相似文献   

Hiran M. Dutta 《Zoomorphology》1987,106(6):369-381
Summary Astronotus ocellatus captures its prey by creating a negative pressure in the buccal cavity which is caused by its quick expansion. Once the prey has been accommodated, the buccal cavity undergoes a compression which may propel the prey towards the pharyngeal jaws for mastication. The motion picture recordings indicate retracted premaxillae at the beginning of food intake followed by a maximum attainment of mouth gape and then mastication. During the maximum opening of the mouth the premaxillae are protruded and dentaries are at maximum depression. These events are followed by activities such as buccopharyngeal cavity expansion, bulging on the ventral surface of the head, and prominent curvature on the ventral surface anterior to the urohyal, caused by the upward movement of the glossohyal. Based on the cinematographic results, it may be inferred that the maximum mouth gape is caused by the sternohyoid-hyoid-interopercular-mandible coupling, and not by the opercular apparatus-mandible coupling, as the latter acts after the full descent of the lower jaw. Impression of the expanded buccopharyngeal cavity has been made by a paraffin mold technique, which confirms the displacement of the buccopharyngeal elements during expansion of the cavity.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the masticatory apparatus, and particularly of the mandibular joints, has led to the view that mandibular movement in the Rodentia is predominantly propalinal, or forwards and backwards in direction. As part of an investigation into the mechanism of function of the mandibular joints in these animals, the feeding behaviour of "August" strain and "Wistar" rats was examined by cinephotography and cinefluorography. The rats were trained to feed on barium sulphate impregnated biscuit and animal cake and to drink radio-opaque liquids. Cinefluorographic recordings of ingestion, mastication, deglutition and of drinking were taken in both the lateral and dorso-ventral projections.
Analysis of the recordings has shown a fundamental separation of ingestive and masticatory activity in the rat, which can be attributed to the morphology of the jaws and particularly to the disparity in the lengths of the mandibular and maxillary diastemas. To bring the incisor teeth into occlusion for ingestion, the mandible is brought forward through the rest position and the condyle into articulation with the anterior part of the fossa. In mastication the condyle is moved backwards to bring the molar teeth into occlusion and the condyle into articulation with the posterior articular facet on the fossa. Once the mandible has been moved into the appropriate position for either ingestion or mastication and deglutition, the movements involved in the separation or chewing of the food are cyclical with combined horizontal and transverse movements as well as the fundamental vertical movement acting to open and close the mouth. The basic movement of ingestion carries the mandibular incisors upwards and forwards across the lingual surfaces of the maxillary incisors, so separating the bite. The grinding stroke of mastication is a horizontal movement carrying the mandibular molars anteriorly across the maxillary.  相似文献   

Tetraodontiform fishes are characterized by jaws specialized for powerful biting and a diet dominated by hard-shelled prey. Strong biting by the oral jaws is an unusual feature among teleosts. We present a functional morphological analysis of the feeding mechanism of a representative tetraodontiform, Balistes vetula. As is typical for the order, long, sharp, strong teeth are mounted on the short, robust jaw bones of B. vetula. The neurocranium and suspensorium are enlarged and strengthened to serve as sites of attachment for the greatly hypertrophied adductor mandibulae muscles. Electromyographic recordings made from 11 cranial muscles during feeding revealed four distinct behaviors in the feeding repertoire of B. vetula. Suction is used effectively to capture soft prey and is associated with a motor pattern similar to that reported for many other teleosts. However, when feeding on hard prey, B. vetula directly bit the prey, exhibiting a motor pattern very different from that of suction feeding. During buccal manipulation, repeated cycles of jaw opening and closing (biting) were coupled with rapid movement of the prey in and out of the mouth. Muscle activity during buccal manipulation was similar to that seen during bite-captures. A blowing behavior was periodically employed during prey handling, as prey were forcefully “spit out” from the mouth, either to reposition them or to separate unwanted material from flesh. The motor pattern used during blowing was distinct from similar behaviors described for other fishes, indicating that this behaviors may be unique to tetraodontiforms. Thus B. vetula combines primitive behaviors and motor patterns (suction feeding and buccal manipulation) with specialized morphology (strong teeth, robust jaws, and hypertrophied adductor muscles) and a novel behavior (blowing) to exploit armored prey such as sea urchins molluscs, and crabs. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pinnipeds generally target relatively small prey that can be swallowed whole, yet often include larger prey in their diet. To eat large prey, they must first process it into pieces small enough to swallow. In this study we explored the range of prey‐processing behaviors used by Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) when presented with large prey during captive feeding trials. The most common methods were chewing using the teeth, shaking prey at the surface, and tearing prey held between the teeth and forelimbs. Although pinnipeds do not masticate their food, we found that sea lions used chewing to create weak points in large prey to aid further processing and to prepare secured pieces of prey for swallowing. Shake feeding matches the processing behaviors observed in fur seals, but use of forelimbs for “hold and tear” feeding has not been previously reported for other otariids. When performing this processing method, prey was torn by being stretched between the teeth and forelimbs, where it was secured by being squeezed between the palms of their flippers. These results show that Australian sea lions use a broad repertoire of behaviors for prey processing, which matches the wide range of prey species in their diet.  相似文献   

Gape morphology has been linked to feeding and breeding ecology in raptors, according to the ingestion rate hypothesis. Mammal feeding raptors have larger gapes, allowing them to ingest prey more rapidly than bird feeders, which have evolved smaller average body sizes and gapes to capture more agile prey. One highly derived raptor, however, the Bat Hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus), specializes on colonial bats and swiftlets concentrated daily in a limited temporal window by capturing and swallowing them whole in flight. We hypothesized that the gape of the Bat Hawk evolved to feed rapidly on agile vertebrates limited temporally. We predicted that the gape of the Bat Hawk would be significantly larger than the gape of other raptors, more closely resembling the gapes of swifts (Apodidae), swallows (Hirundinidae), and goatsuckers (Caprimulgiformes). We measured gape area of the lower mandible in museum specimens representing 138 bird species in six orders. We also compared gape area by prey type in over 100 raptor species in three orders. We predicted that insectivorous raptors would exhibit gapes similar to mammal feeders but would differ from bird feeders because insects are not agile prey. The Bat Hawk had the largest gape of any raptor and more closely resembled the gape of insectivorous birds, which also swallow prey whole in flight. The evolution of an enlarged gape may have permitted the Bat Hawk to exploit a previously unrealized ecological niche. Gapes of bird feeding raptors were smaller than in mammal and insect feeders, supporting the ingestion rate hypothesis.  相似文献   

Tree shrews have relatively primitive tribosphenic molars that are apparently similar to those of basal eutherians; thus, these animals have been used as a model to describe mastication in early mammals. In this study the gross morphology of the bony skull, joints, dentition, and muscles of mastication are related to potential jaw movements and cuspal relationships. Potential for complex mandibular movements is indicated by a mobile mandibular symphysis, shallow mandibular fossa that is large compared to its resident condyle, and relatively loose temporomandibular joint ligaments. Abrasive tooth wear is noticeable, and is most marked at the first molars and buccal aspects of the upper cheek teeth distal to P2. Muscle morphology is basically similar to that previously described for Tupaia minor and Ptilocercus lowii. However, in T. glis, an intraorbital part of deep temporalis has the potential for inducing lingual translation of its dentary, and the large medial pterygoid has extended its origin anteriorly to the floor of the orbit, which would enhance protrusion. The importance of the tongue and hyoid muscles during mastication is suggested by broadly expanded anterior bellies of digastrics, which may assist mylohyoids in tensing the floor of the mouth during forceful tongue actions, and by preliminary electromyography, which suggests that masticatory muscles alone cannot fully account for jaw movements in this species.  相似文献   


Behavioral foraging differences are known to aid in food resource partitioning in pinniped communities, but it is not known whether skull biomechanical efficiency also contributes to dietary niche partitioning. We tested this hypothesis in a community of four sympatric species of pinnipeds that co-occur along the coast of Baja California: California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris), harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), and Guadalupe fur seal (Arctocephalus townsendi). We tested whether their preferred prey items differed in resistivity to puncture and whether those differences were linked to the mass of the muscles of mastication and the biomechanical efficiency with which they can puncture prey items. For each prey species, we measure resistivity to puncture using texture profile analysis. We found that M. angustirostris consumes the most resistant prey and that A. townsendi consumes the least resistant. We estimated physiological cross-sectional area of the muscles of mastication for each pinniped and found that the same pair of species respectively has the largest and smallest theoretical value of muscular force. Finally, we estimated the bite force that each pinniped species requires to puncture its prey by solving Euler-Lagrange equations based on biomechanical lever model parameters measured from 3D digital models of the skulls. We also found differences in efficiency between the species. These data allowed us to classify the three ecomorphological types. Type 1 features a hydrodynamic skull with relatively low mandibular forces, characteristic of pelagic carnivore feeders such as A. townsendi. Type 2, represented by Z. californianus and M. angustirostris (both opportunistic feeders), is characterized by broad insertion areas for the mandibular muscles and strong teeth, permitting these predators to vary the prey target species as a function of prey availability. Type 3 features a less robust skull and a lower muscle efficiency, characteristic of benthic feeders such as P. vitulina. This evidence indicates that biomechanical differences between the species contribute to dietary niche construction.


Despite lacking jaws and substantial rigid support for feeding muscles, hagfishes can forcefully grasp and ingest chunks of flesh from their prey. When feeding, bilaterally folding dental plates protrude from the mouth, then forcefully retract. This cyclic protraction and retraction occurs in the anterior region of the hagfish feeding apparatus (HFA) and involves both a cartilaginous skeleton and a complex array of muscles that act as a hydrostat. We recorded motor patterns from the largest muscles in the HFA in six specimens of Myxine glutinosa: the deep protractor muscle (DPM), clavatus muscle (CM), perpendicularis muscle (PM), and tubulatus muscle (TM). Individuals normally used four gape cycles to ingest food and four gape cycles to intraorally transport food. We measured burst duration from each muscle and the onsets of kinematic events and the onsets of CM, PM, and TM bursts relative to the onset of the DPM. The DPM fired during protraction, while the CM, PM and TM fired during retraction. Our study corroborates our anatomical predictions about DPM and CM function. Activation of the circumferentially and vertically oriented fibers of the TM and PM stiffens the origin of the CM, allowing it to forcefully retract the dental plates. The progressive decrease in retractor muscle activity during gape cycles following ingestion suggests a reliance on passive properties of the musculoskeletal system for retraction.  相似文献   

Mandibular kinematic and standardized surface electromyography (sEMG) characteristics of masticatory muscles of subjects with short lasting TMD of mild-moderate severity were examined.Volunteers were submitted to clinical examination and questionnaire of severity. Ten subjects with TMD (age 27.3 years, SD 7.8) and 10 control subjects without TMD, matched by age, were selected.Mandibular movements were recorded during free maximum mouth opening and closing (O–C) and unilateral, left and right, gum chewing. sEMG of the masseter and temporal muscles was performed during maximum teeth clenching either on cotton rolls or in intercuspal position, and during gum chewing. sEMG indices were obtained. Subjects with TMD, relative to control subjects, had lower relative mandibular rotation at the end of mouth opening, larger mean number of intersection between interincisal O–C paths during mastication and smaller asymmetry between working and balancing side, with participation beyond the expected of the contralateral muscles (P < 0.05, t-test). Overall, TMD subjects showed similarities with the control subjects in several kinematic parameters and the EMG indices of the static test, although some changes in the mastication were observed.  相似文献   

The projectile tongue of caudate amphibians has been studied from many perspectives, yet a quantitative kinetic model of tongue function has not yet been presented for generalized (nonplethodontid) terrestrial salamanders. The purposes of this paper are to describe quantitatively the kinnematics of the feeding mechanism and to present a kinetic model for the function of the tongue in the ambystomatid salamander Ambystoma tigrinum. Six kinematic variables were quantified from high-speed films of adult A. tigrinum feeding on land and in the water. Tongue protrusion reaches its maximum during peak gape, while peak tongue height is reached earlier, 15 ms after the mouth starts to open. Tongue kinematics change considerably during feeding in the water, and the tongue is not protruded past the plane of the gape. Electrical stimulation of the major tongue muscles showed that tongue projection in A. tigrinum is the combined result of activity in four muscles: the geniohyoideus, Subarcualis rectus 1, intermandibularis posterior, and interhyoideus. Stimulation of the Subarcualis rectus 1 alone does not cause tongue projection. The kinetic model produced from the kinematic and stimulation data involves both a dorsal vector (the resultant of the Subarcualis rectus 1, intermandibularis posterior, and interhyoideus) and a ventral vector (the geniohyoideus muscle), which sum to produce a resultant anterior vector that directs tongue motion out of the mouth and toward the prey. This model generates numerous testable predictions about tongue function and provides a mechanistic basis for the hypothesis that tongue projection in salamanders evolved from primitive intraoral manipulative action of the hyobranchial apparatus.  相似文献   

Synopsis The mechanisms of food procurement in the surgeonfishesCtenochaetus striatus andAcanthurus nigrofuscus from the Great Barrier Reef were determined by functional analyses of the jaws and associated structural elements (based on myological and osteological examinations and X-ray photographs) and by video analyses of actions of the mouth and body during feeding.Acanthurus nigrofuscus has relatively robust jaw bones. The movement of the elements during mouth opening is limited with a mean maximum gape angle of 112.8°. Each bite is relatively fast and is characterized by a quick nip at algal filaments, usually followed by a sidewads flick of the head. The jaws bear several broad multidenticulate teeth. It appears that these teeth engage turf algal strands which are either sheared during mouth closure or torn off as the head flicks sideways. InC. striatus, the jaw bones are considerably lighter than those ofA. nigrofuscus. There is much greater movement of the elements during mouth opening, resulting in a mean maximum gape angle of 177.6°. Each bite is slower than inA. nigrofuscus and is characterized by a wide gape as the mouth is applied to the substratum followed by a quick, upward flick of the lower jaw, with no sideways flick of the head. The jaws bear numerous elongate flexible teeth, with expanded incurved denticulate tips; those on the dentary often possessing a pointed blade-like process. It appears that these teeth brush particulate and epiphytic material from the surface of the turf algal strands and other substrata. These observations demonstrate howA. nigrofuscus andC. striatus are able to remove microalgae and detritus, respectively, from the same substratum. The results also demonstrate how relatively small differences in morphology can have a profound influence on the feeding abilities and trophic ecology of fishes.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the feeding apparatus of the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, was investigated by gross dissection and computer axial tomography. The labial cartilages, jaws, jaw suspension, muscles, and ligaments of the head are described. Palatoquadrate cartilages articulate with the chondrocranium caudally by short, laterally projecting hyomandibulae and rostrally by ethmoorbital articulations. Short orbital processes of the palatoquadrates are joined to the ethmoid region of the chondrocranium by short, thin ethmopalatine ligaments. In addition, various ligaments, muscles, and the integument contribute to the suspension of the jaws. When the mouth is closed and the palatoquadrate retracted, the palatine process of the palatoquadrate is braced against the ventral surface of the nasal capsule and the ascending process of the palatoquadrate is in contact with the rostrodorsal end of the suborbital shelf. When the mandible is depressed and the palatoquadrate protrudes slightly rostroventrally, the palatoquadrate moves away from the chondrocranium. A dual articulation of the quadratomandibular joint restricts lateral movement between the mandible and the palatoquadrate. The vertically oriented preorbitalis muscle spans the gape and is hypothesized to contribute to the generation of powerful crushing forces for its hard prey. The attachment of the preorbitalis to the prominent labial cartilages is also hypothesized to assist in the retraction of the labial cartilages during jaw closure. Separate levator palatoquadrati and spiracularis muscles, which are longitudinally oriented and attach the chondrocranium to the palatoquadrate, are hypothesized to assist in the retraction of the palatoquadrate during the recovery phase of feeding kinematics. Morphological specializations for suction feeding that contribute to large subambient suction pressures include hypertrophied coracohyoideus and coracobranchiales muscles to depress the hyoid and branchial arches, a small oral aperture with well‐developed labial cartilages that occlude the gape laterally, and small teeth. J. Morphol. 241:33–60, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The feeding mechanism of the South American lungfish, Lepidosiren paradoxa retains many primitive teleostome characteristics. In particular, the process of initial prey capture shares four salient functional features with other primitive vertebrates: 1) prey capture by suction feeding, 2) cranial elevation at the cranio-vertebral joint during the mouth opening phase of the strike, 3) the hyoid apparatus plays a major role in mediating expansion of the oral cavity and is one biomechanical pathway involved in depressing the mandible, and 4) peak hyoid excursion occurs after maximum gape is achieved. Lepidosiren also possesses four key morphological and functional specializations of the feeding mechanism: 1) tooth plates, 2) an enlarged cranial rib serving as a site for the origin of muscles depressing the hyoid apparatus, 3) a depressor mandibulae muscle, apparently not homologous to that of amphibians, and 4) a complex sequence of manipulation and chewing of prey in the oral cavity prior to swallowing. The depressor mandibulae is always active during mouth opening, in contrast to some previous suggestions. Chewing cycles include alternating adduction and transport phases. Between each adduction, food may be transported in or out of the buccal cavity to position it between the tooth plates. The depressor mandibulae muscle is active in a double-burst pattern during chewing, with the larger second burst serving to open the mouth during prey transport. Swallowing is characterized by prolonged activity in the hyoid constrictor musculature and the geniothoracicus. Lepidosiren uses hydraulic transport achieved by movements of the hyoid apparatus to position prey within the oral cavity. This function is analogous to that of the tongue in many tetrapods.  相似文献   

Telemetry System for Assessing Jaw-Muscle Function in Free-ranging Primates   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In vivo laboratory-based studies describing jaw-muscle activity and mandibular bone strain during mastication provide the empirical basis for most evolutionary hypotheses linking primate masticatory apparatus form to diet. However, the laboratory data pose a potential problem for testing predictions of these hypotheses because estimates of masticatory function and performance recorded in the laboratory may lack the appropriate ecological context for understanding adaptation and evolution. For example, in laboratory studies researchers elicit rhythmic chewing using foods that may differ significantly from the diets of wild primates. Because the textural and mechanical properties of foods influence jaw-muscle activity and the resulting strains, chewing behaviors studied in the laboratory may not adequately reflect chewing behaviors of primates feeding in their natural habitats. To circumvent this limitation of laboratory-based studies of primate mastication, we developed a system for recording jaw-muscle electromyograms (EMGs) from free-ranging primates so that researchers can conduct studies of primate jaw-muscle function in vivo in the field. We used the system to record jaw-muscle EMGs from mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) at Hacienda La Pacifica, Costa Rica. These are the first EMGs recorded from a noncaptive primate feeding in its natural habitat. Further refinements of the system will allow long-term EMG data collection so that researchers can correlate jaw-muscle function with food mechanical properties and behavioral observations. In addition to furthering understanding of primate feeding biology, our work will foster improved adaptive hypotheses explaining the evolution of primate jaw form.  相似文献   

Colobines are similar in their exploitation of a high percentage of leaf matter. However, this observation obfuscates interesting differences among genera of Southeast Asian colobines in morphology and behavior that may be reflected in the degree to which they rely on mastication or gut volume and gut retention time when ingesting and digesting leaves. We detail the use of a laboratory-based method to measure the mechanical properties of foods selected and processed by 4 captive species of Southeast Asian Colobinae —Pygathrix nemaeus, Pygathrix cinerea, Trachypithecus delacouri, and Trachypithecus laotum hatinhensis— at the Endangered Primate Rescue Center (EPRC), Vietnam. We also detail a field method that quantifies chewing rates and chewing behavior via a consumer-grade video camera and laptop computer. Observations in the captive setting permit a degree of experimental control that is not possible in the wild, and the location of the EPRC in the primates’ habitat country permitted us to provide leaves that they encounter and eat in the wild. We collected toughness data with a portable tester designed by Lucas et al. The average toughness of selected leaves does not differ among the taxa, nor does the length of time spent chewing foods. However, there are differences in feeding rate, with Trachypithecus spp. chewing foods twice as fast as Pygathrix spp. Our findings suggest that Trachypithecus spp. emphasize comminution of food by mastication, while Pygathrix spp. emphasize the comminution of leaf matter in the stomach. The hypothesis is supported by data on molar size, gut mass, and gut morphology. We provide new insights into dietary variation among primate species and detail methods that are typically conducted only in a laboratory setting. We augment the findings with additional data on activity, feeding rates, and tooth morphology.  相似文献   

The comparative functional anatomy of feeding in Polypterus senegalus, Lepisosteus oculatus, and Amia calva, three primitive actinopterygian fishes, was studied by high-speed cinematography (200 frames per second) synchronized with electromyographic recordings of cranial muscle activity. Several characters of the feeding mechanism have been identified as primitive for actinopterygian fishes: (1) Mandibular depression is mediated by the sternohyoideus muscle via the hyoid apparatus and mandibulohyoid ligament. (2) The obliquus inferioris and sternohyoideus muscles exhibit synchronous activity at the onset of the expansive phase of jaw movement. (3) Activity in the adductor operculi occurs in a double burst pattern—an initial burst at the onset of the expansive phase, followed by a burst after the jaws have closed. (4) A median septum divides the sternohyoideus muscle into right and left halves which are asymmetrically active during chewing and manipulation of prey. (5) Peak hyoid depression occurs only after peak gape has been reached and the hyoid apparatus remains depressed after the jaws have closed. (6) The neurocranium is elevated by the epaxial muscles during the expansive phase. (7) The adductor mandibulae complex is divided into three major sections—an anterior (suborbital) division, a medial division, and a posterolateral division. In Polypterus, the initial strike lasts from 60 to 125 msec, and no temporal overlap in muscle activity occurs between muscles active at the onset of the expansive phase (sternohyoideus, obliquus superioris, epaxial muscles) and the jaw adductors of the compressive phase. In Lepisosteus, the strike is extremely rapid, often occuring in as little as 20 msec. All cranial muscles become active within 10 msec of each other, and there is extensive overlap in muscle activity periods. Two biomechanically independent mechanisms mediate mandibular depression in Amia, and this duality in mouth-opening couplings is a shared feature of the halecostome fishes. Mandibular depression by hyoid retraction, and intermandibular musculature, consisting of an intermandibularis posterior and interhyoideus, are hypothesized to be primitive for the Teleostomi.  相似文献   

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