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The similarity in the skeleton model of the brachiolar food-gathering system of Blastozoa and the arm system of Crinozoa, including the apical growth with enantomorphous displacement of skeletal ele-ments, is explained by the primary organizing role of the radial ambulacral canals, which have the same branching model for ambulacral tentacles. The difference in the positions of brachioles and arms relative to the theca (exothecal and endothecal) is associated with the formation of the primary ambulacral tentacles directly on the body surface of the majority of Blastozoa, particularly, the closed vestibular cavity of crinoids. The supporting skeleton of brachioles arose as a branch of the plates covering the floor of the ambulacrum, if they were present, or formed similarly as a new formation outside the theca. The supporting skeleton of arms, brachials, developed as a result of the serial growth of plates positioned radially at the boundary of the aboral skeleton and tegmen formed due to the appearance of the vestibulum. The hypothesis of the inductive role of hydrocoel and its radial ambulacral appendages, which organize the arrangement of skeletal elements in the morphogenesis of echinoderms, enables the refinement of the principle of skeleton division into the axial and extraxial parts. The axial skeleton has a developmental model formed under the control of the radial ambu-lacral canals. Remaining skeleton is extraxial, subdivided into the symmetrized part arranged under direct or indirect organizing effect of the hydrocoel and unregulated, nonsymmetrized part, which is not connected initially with the influence of the hydrocoel.  相似文献   

Coelomogenesis in the isocrinid sea lily, Metacrinus rotundus, is described through the swimming larval stages. After the late gastrula stage, the archenteron separates from the ectoderm to form an archenteral sac, which develops into a dumbbell shape consisting of anterior and posterior lobes, and a middle part connecting both lobes. The anterior and posterior lobes, and the middle part, become separated into an axo-hydrocoel, the left and right somatocoels and an enteric sac, respectively. The hydrocoel forms from the left lower edge of the axo-hydrocoel and becomes separated from the axocoel by the late dipleurula stage, when chambered organs and coelom X bud off from the anterior tip of the right and left somatocoels, respectively. Coelom X does not occur in comatulid crinoids (feather stars), and its fate is unclear. The pore canal extends from the axocoel. The hydrocoel differentiates into a crescent shape at the overtime semidoliolaria stage, a few days after the semidoliolaria becomes competent to settle. Coelomogenesis in M. rotundus is much simpler than in the comatulids and probably represents the ancestral mode of the crinoids. As each portion of the dumbbell sac differentiates almost in situ into each coelom, presumptive fates in the sac are easily followed in M. rotundus.  相似文献   

More than one hundred centrodorsals of the comatulid crinoid Glenotremites paradoxus have been found in Turonian deposits (Upper Cretaceous) in the Miechów-Wolbrom area (southern Poland). This is the first dense occurrence of the genus Glenotremites in the Upper Cretaceous of Poland. Furthermore, so many individuals of this species in one level (the so-called Conulus Bed) forming a crinoid Konzentrat-Lagerstätte are very surprising because only disarticulated remains (cirrals and brachials) are encountered in the older (Cenomanian and earliest Turonian) and younger (late Turonian) deposits. The Glenotremites individuals are accompanied by isocrinids, which prove that stalked forms remained in shallow-water settings for some time after the initiation of the Mesozoic marine revolution.  相似文献   

Four myzostomidan species were collected during a survey of echinoderms made on the Great Reef of Toliara, southwest Madagascar. The four species were associated with comatulid crinoids. Notopharyngoides aruensis infested the anterior part of the digestive lumen of Stephanometra indica. Comanthussp. aff.wahlbergiiwere infested by three myzostomidan species, two of them are new to science. Myzostoma polycyclus and Myzostoma pseudocuniculus n. sp. lived at the surface of crinoids. Myzostoma toliarense n. sp. live in soft cysts induced on crinoid arms. Cysts are always located close to the ambulacral grooves. They are each infested by one myzostomid.  相似文献   

Recent debates over the evolutionary relationships of early echinoderms have relied heavily on morphological evidence from the feeding ambulacral system. Eumorphocystis, a Late Ordovician diploporitan, has been a focus in these debates because it bears ambulacral features that show strong morphological similarity to early crinoid arms. Undescribed and well‐preserved specimens of Eumorphocystis from the Bromide Formation (Oklahoma, USA) provide new data illustrating that composite arms supported by a radial plate that bear a triserial arrangement of axial and extraxial components encasing a coelomic extension can also be found in blastozoans. Previous reports have considered these arm structures to be restricted to crinoids; these combined features have not been previously observed in blastozoan echinoderms. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that Eumorphocystis and crinoids are sister taxa and that shared derived features of these taxa are homologous. The evidence from the arms of Eumorphocystis suggests that crinoid arms were derived from a specialized blastozoan ambulacral system that lost feeding brachioles and strongly suggests that crinoids are nested within blastozoans.  相似文献   

Randel, N. and Bick, A. 2011. Development, morphology and ultrastructure of the branchial crown of Fabricia stellaris (Müller, 1774) (Polychaeta: Sabellida: Fabriciinae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 409–421. Sabellidae and Serpulidae are well‐known tube‐building polychaetes with a distinctive and often spectacularly colourful branchial crown. Morphological investigations suggest that these taxa form the monophyletic clade Sabellida, with the adelphotaxa Sabellidae and Serpulidae, but the relationship between these taxa remains ambiguous. Molecular investigations have indicated that the Fabriciinae, major taxon of Sabellidae, belongs to Serpulidae, thereby making Sabellidae paraphyletic; however, morphological characters are absent to support this result. We investigate the development, anatomy and ultrastructure of the branchial crown of Fabricia stellaris (Müller, 1774), describing morphological characteristics useful not only for constructing morphological phylogenies but also for understanding the evolution of the branchial crown. The morphology of the radioles and pinnules does not differ from each other. The supporting tissue of the branchial crown consists of myoepithelial cells and a solid extracellular matrix (ECM). Both ciliated and non‐ciliated cells form the epidermal layer; ciliated cells shape the food groove. Most important is the result that radioles and pinnules within Sabellida may not be homologous, because the morphology and the branching of radioles and pinnules are completely different between Sabellinae, Fabriciinae and Serpulidae. The terms ‘primary branch’ for radioles and ‘secondary branch’ for pinnules are proposed for Fabriciinae. The phylogeny of the Sabellida is discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous gross morphological attributes are shared among unrelated free‐living bryozoans revealing convergent evolution associated with functional demands of living on soft sediments. Here, we show that the reproductive structures across free‐living groups evolved convergently. The most prominent convergent traits are the collective reduction of external brood chambers (ovicells) and the acquisition of internal brooding. Anatomical studies of four species from the cheilostome genera Cupuladria and Discoporella (Cupuladriidae) show that these species incubate their embryos in internal brooding sacs located in the coelom of the maternal nonpolymorphic autozooids. This sac consists of a main chamber and a narrow neck communicating to the vestibulum. The distal wall of the vestibulum possesses a cuticular thickening, which may further isolate the brood cavity. The presence of this character in all four species strongly supports grouping Cupuladria and Discoporella in one taxon. Further evidence suggests that the Cupuladriidae may be nested within the Calloporidae. Based on the structure of brooding organs, two scenarios are proposed to explain the evolution of the internal brooding in cupuladriids. The evolution of brood chambers and their origin in other free‐living cheilostomes is discussed. Unlike the vast majority of Neocheilostomina, almost all free‐living cheilostomes possess nonprominent chambers for embryonic incubation, either endozooidal and immersed ovicells or internal brooding sacs, supporting the idea that internal embryonic incubation is derived. We speculate that prominent skeletal brood chambers are disadvantageous to a free‐living mode of life that demands easy movement through sediment in instable sea‐floor settings. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

McKinney, M. L. & Sumrall, C. D. 2010: Ambulacral growth allometry in edrioasteroids: functional surface‐volume change in ontogeny and phylogeny. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 102–108. Most organisms do not maintain geometric similarity as they grow, in large part because of surface‐volume interactions. Because respiratory and food‐acquiring organs are dependent on surface area, which increases more slowly than volume, organisms have evolved many strategies to increase the efficiency of, and/or the functional surface areas of these organs. Here, we report some preliminary results comparing area of the feeding apparatus (ambulacra) versus the volume of the theca for a suite of isorophid edrioasteroid species at various ontogenetic sizes. Regression of log (ambulacral area) on log (thecal volume) indicates a strongly constrained allometric pattern whereby the ontogenies of all measured species fall on or near the same line (r2 = 0.962, n = 55), with a slope (k) = 0.654 (± 0.018). This slope and associated 0.05 standard error (0.618–0.690) is within the bounds of that expected from increasing surface area to keep pace with the metabolic demands of increasing thecal size. This allometric value is also comparable to the size scaling of metabolism and respiratory and feeding surfaces in many living and a few fossil invertebrates (k ~ 0.5–0.9). The edrioasteroid species analysed show a very wide variety of changes in ambulacral length, width and sinuosity, documenting many different patterns for achieving the same goal of increasing surface area to keep pace with volume increase. There is no evidence of increasing feeding efficiency. □Edrioasteroid, allometry, ambulacrum, surface‐volume, echinoderm.  相似文献   

Myzostoma cirriferum feeds by diverting food particles carried by the ambulacral grooves of its comatulid host Antedon bifida. When searching for food, the myzostome uses its protrusible introvert to fulfil two major functions: sensory perception and the capture of food particles. The digestive system is composed of four parts, viz. a pharynx, that is contained within the introvert, a stomach, a series of paired caeca and an intestine that lie in the myzostome's trunk. The pharynx is supplied with a thick muscle which, thanks to peristaltic movements, carries food particles from the mouth to the stomach. Both stomach and caecal cells are able to absorb dissolved nutriments and to store lipids, whereas intestinal cells are only capable of absorption. Due to the beating of their cilia, stomach cells also carry food particles into the caecal lumen, where they are subjected to endocytosis and intracellular digestion by caecal cells. Undigested food fragments eventually gather in a very large, apical vacuole, and the cell apices containing vacuoles are eliminated into the caecal lumen by an apocrinal process. Detached cell apices reach the stomach, where they are embedded in a matrix, together forming a spindle-shaped faecal mass that is expelled through the postero-ventral anus. The observed digestive process—entailing the regular elimination of the apical part of the caecal digestive cells—appears to be unique among the Spiralia.  相似文献   

Giant bear-dogs of the genera Amphicyon and Ischyrocyon (Carnivora, Amphicyonidae, Amphicyoninae) were the largest carnivorans in North America during middle and late Miocene (17.5–8.8 Mya) with a dental and skeletal morphology that combined features found in living Ursidae, Canidae, and Felidae. This study tests previously proposed models of diet and hunting behaviour of these extinct carnivorans. Relative grinding area (RGA) of lower molars and wear pattern on upper molars suggest that bear-dogs were carnivorous. Amphicyon and Ischyrocyon possessed skeletal features of both ambush (short distal limb segments) and pursuit (caudally bent olecranon process of ulna) living predators. Therefore, bear-dogs probably pursued their prey (mediportal ungulates) for a longer distance but at a slower speed than do living ambush predators. Upon catching up to its prey a bear-dog probably seized it with powerfully muscled forelimbs and killed it by tearing into its ribcage or neck with canines set in a narrow rostrum.  相似文献   

Three new species and two new genera of Typhloplanoida from the Western Indian Ocean are described. Feanora brevicirrus gen. et.sp. n. is a member of the Trigonostomidae von Graff, 1905 sensu Den Hartog, 1964. It has a cirrus, paired ovovitellaria and an undifferentiated afferent duct. An excentric bursa opens in the fecundatorium and a large ovoid vesicle enters the afferent duct in its distal part. Gaziella pileola gen. et sp. n. and G. lacertosa sp.n. are two new members of the Promesostomidae Den Hartog, 1964. They have a long cirrus, ovovitellaria and a long muscular female duct with two excentrically placed sperm-receiving vesicles. Their most striking feature is the proboscis-like structure. Feanora and Gaziella are provisionally considered as genera incertae sedis within the resp. families.  相似文献   

Comparative development of the narrow pinnules of rheophyticOsmunda lancea and of the broad pinnules of a related dryland species,O. japonica, was examined and the origin of rheophytic stenophylly was discussed. The mature leaves and their various parts ofO. lancea are smaller and narrower than those ofO. japonica. The young pinnules ofO. lancea at the initiation of cell expansion are smaller than those ofO. japonica. The growth pattern of the pinnules is fundamentally the same in the two species, but pinnule growth period is shorter inO. lancea than inO. japonica. While the largest growth rate in pinnule length is quite similar, inO. lancea the pinnules are less elongated and much less broadened during ontogeny. Cell expansion in the mesophyll and epidermis proceeds acropetally and toward the margin along the axes of costules and veins. Although the numbers of mesophyll and epidermal cells between two adjacent veinlets are almost the same inO. lancea andO. japonica, during the subsequent growth period inO. lancea, the cells expand to a smaller extent and the veinlets become more narrowly oblique to the costule. This oblique distortion of laminar segments framed by veins causes stenophylly, an allometric modification. The stenophylly ofO. lancea is believed to have arisen by heterochronic evolution, in particular, progenesis.  相似文献   

Hyun Joo  Jerry Tsai 《Proteins》2014,82(9):2128-2140
To understand the relationship between protein sequence and structure, this work extends the knob‐socket model in an investigation of β‐sheet packing. Over a comprehensive set of β‐sheet folds, the contacts between residues were used to identify packing cliques: sets of residues that all contact each other. These packing cliques were then classified based on size and contact order. From this analysis, the two types of four‐residue packing cliques necessary to describe β‐sheet packing were characterized. Both occur between two adjacent hydrogen bonded β‐strands. First, defining the secondary structure packing within β‐sheets, the combined socket or XY:HG pocket consists of four residues i, i+2 on one strand and j, j+2 on the other. Second, characterizing the tertiary packing between β‐sheets, the knob‐socket XY:H+B consists of a three‐residue XY:H socket (i, i+2 on one strand and j on the other) packed against a knob B residue (residue k distant in sequence). Depending on the packing depth of the knob B residue, two types of knob‐sockets are found: side‐chain and main‐chain sockets. The amino acid composition of the pockets and knob‐sockets reveal the sequence specificity of β‐sheet packing. For β‐sheet formation, the XY:HG pocket clearly shows sequence specificity of amino acids. For tertiary packing, the XY:H+B side‐chain and main‐chain sockets exhibit distinct amino acid preferences at each position. These relationships define an amino acid code for β‐sheet structure and provide an intuitive topological mapping of β‐sheet packing. Proteins 2014; 82:2128–2140. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The discovery of pedunculate specimens of pollen organ Dolerotheca in close association with Myeloxylon-type pinnae and Alethopteris-type pinnules provides evidence for the reconstruction of a petrified medullosan frond and the attachment of the microsporangiate fructification. Specimens of Dolerotheca villosa and D. formosa from Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian age strata of North America are borne on slender peduncles with anatomical features and vascularization identical to those of some level in a Myeloxylon-Alethopteris-type frond. Reconstruction of the frond reveals a large, repeatedly dichotomising organ that bears penultimate pinnae and ultimate pinnules in a pinnate arrangement. Examination of pinnules on the surface of coal ball material indicates that they conform to the compression genus Alethopteris. Identical numbers and arrangement of vascular bundles together with identical anatomical features and multicellular hairs indicate that the Dolerotheca campanulum is borne in the position of a penultimate pinna. A reconstruction of the frond with a proposed polled organ attachment is included.  相似文献   

The outcome of sibling competition for food is often determined by variation in body size within the brood and involves trade‐offs; traits that enhance competitive ability within the nest may be developed at the expense of traits that enable effective flight at fledging, or vice versa. We quantified growth of skeletal, body mass and feather traits in male and female Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus nestlings. Males were significantly heavier, had longer tarsi and tended to have greater head–bill lengths than females, whereas females were similar to males in wing flight feather growth. These differences in growth may result from sexual differences in selection of the traits. Females are likely to prioritize feather growth to facilitate synchronized fledging with the rest of the brood, and to enhance escape from predators. We suggest that males are heavier and develop longer tarsi because body size is an important determinant of male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Aims:  To isolate novel nonpathogenic fungus that completely degrades native chicken feather and characterize its keratinases. Methods and Results:  Feather‐degrading fungi were isolated from decaying feathers using a novel method based on simulating decaying process in the environment. The isolate F6 with high keratinolytic activity was identified as Trichoderma atroviride based on morphological traits and ITS1‐5·8S‐ITS2 sequence analysis. The purified dominant component of keratinase had a molecular mass of 21 kDa. The purified keratinase belonged to serine protease. Its isoelectric point, molecular weight, optimum pH, optimum temperature, and substrate specificity are different from those of other serine proteases of Trichoderma species. The optimum pH and temperature values of purified keratinase were consistent with those of crude keratinase. However, the differences between crude and purified enzymes such as thermostability, resistance to Ba2+, Mn2+, Hg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, 1,10‐phenanthroline, 2,2′‐bipyridyl, and PMSF (phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride) were observed. Conclusions:  The results suggested the purified keratinase is predominantly extracellular proteins when strain F6 was grown on keratinous substrates. The protease, in combination with other components, is effective in feather degradation. The strain F6 is more suitable for feather degradation than its purified keratinase. Significance and Impact of the Study:  The novel nonpathogenic T. atroviride F6 with high feather‐degrading activity showed potentials in biotechnological process of converting feathers into economically useful feather meal.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Plumage bacteria may play an important role in shaping the life histories of birds. However, to design suitable experiments to examine causal relationships between plumage bacteria and the fitness of host birds, natural variation in plumage bacterial communities needs to be better understood. We examined within‐individual consistency of plumage bacterial contamination in Great Tits (Parus major), comparing different body regions (ventral vs. dorsal) and comparing contamination between years. Numbers of free‐living and attached bacteria and the species richness of feather‐degrading bacterial assemblages were studied using flow cytometry and ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA). Numbers of both types of bacteria were higher on dorsal than on ventral feathers. Numbers of free‐living, but not attached, bacteria on the two body regions were highly positively correlated. There was also a strong within‐individual correlation between numbers of attached bacteria during the same breeding stages in different years. These results suggest that, despite variation in absolute levels of feather bacterial loads between years and different body regions, sampling individual birds can provide reliable estimates of relative levels of bacterial contamination, as long as sampling time and body region are carefully standardized.  相似文献   

The impact of feather‐degrading bacilli on feathers depends on the presence or absence of melanin. In vitro studies have demonstrated that unmelanized (white) feathers are more degradable by bacteria than melanized (dark) ones. However, no previous study has looked at the possible effect of feather‐degrading bacilli on the occurrence of patterns of unmelanized patches on otherwise melanized feathers. The pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas, 1764 is a sexually dimorphic passerine with white wing bands consisting of unmelanized patches on dark flight feathers. These patches are considered to be a sexually selected trait in Ficedula flycatchers, especially in males, where the patches are more conspicuous (larger and possibly whiter) than in females. Using in vitro tests of feather bacterial degradation, we compared the degradability of unmelanized and melanized areas of the same feather for 127 primaries collected from the same number of individuals in a population breeding in central Spain (58 males and 69 females). In addition, we also looked for sex differences in feather degradability. Based on honest signalling theory and on the fact that there is stronger sexual selection for males to signal feather quality than in females, we predicted that unmelanized areas should be more degradable by bacteria than melanized ones within the same feather, and that these unmelanized areas should also be more degradable in males than in females. We confirmed both predictions. Microstructural differences between cross‐section dimensions of unmelanized and melanized barbs, but not differences in the density of barbs within unmelanized and melanized areas of feathers in males and females, could partly explain differences in degradability. This is the first study to show differences in bacterial degradability among markings on the same feather and among unmelanized feather patches between males and females as predicted by sexual selection theory. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 409–419.  相似文献   

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