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The kinetics of proline accumulation in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgie) leaf segments showed a lag phase of ca 3 h when the increase was induced by abscisic acid (ABA), but not when the accumulation of the imino acid was promoted by isobutyric acid (IBA). Cycloheximide (CHI) supplied together with ABA, either from the beginning of the treatment or some time before the end of the lag phase, completely abolished ABA-induced proline accumulation, whereas no block was observed when the inhibitor was supplied after the lag phase. Cordycepin (COR) exibited a similar effect. The IBA-induced increase in proline was not influenced by CHI for at least 5 h.
When segments were pretreated with ABA for a period longer than the lag phase in the absence of salts in the external medium, there was no significant increase in proline. If KCI was added to the incubation medium after such a pretreatment, however, proline increased even after removal of the hormone from the external medium. This increase in proline occurred without any lag phase, and was only partially inbibited by CHI and rapidly and totally blocked by fusicoccin (FC). These results suggest that some protein, characterized by a fast turnover and possibly conferring the sensitivity to KCI, is synthesized during the early hours (lag phase) of the ABA treatment.
The synthesis of this protein(s) does not seem to be involved in the increase in proline induced by IBA and is thus a peculiar aspect of that mediated by ABA.  相似文献   

Abstract. When isobutyric acid (IBA) or abscisic acid (ABA) are supplied to leaf sections a similar rapid and marked decrease in the intracellular pH is observed. This acidification is accompanied by an increase in proline level which is about the same for both 3 mol m−3 IBA and 1 mol m−3 ABA treatments.
Fusicoccin (FC), known to act at the proton pump level, almost completely suppresses the ABA-induced acidification of the cell sap, whereas it only partially counteracts the acidifying effect of IBA, in particular during short periods of treatment. This effect of FC is paralleled by a similar inhibition of the induced proline accumulation: in fact, FC completely suppresses the ABA-induced increase in proline during short treatment periods, whereas it is only effective in inhibiting the IBA-induced proline accumulation after long treatment periods.
These data seem to suggest that the ABA- and IBA-induced changes in proline level might be mediated by changes in the intracellular pH.  相似文献   

Light enhanced the abscisic acid‐induced accumulation of proline in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgie) and wheat ( Triticum durum L. cv. Valnova). In wheat ABA is ineffective in the dark. In both barley and wheat, the accumulation of proline in the light showed the same characteristics as those of the process that occurs in barley in the dark, namely a synergistic interaction between the hormone and K(Na)Cl, an enhancing effect of Cl anion in excess over K+ cation in the incubation medium, and an inhibiting effect of D ‐mannose and monensine. In wheat, furthermore, light is needed during treatment with ABA if proline is to accumulate. Light was effective in both wheat and barley during the second or accumulation phase of the hormonal process, whereas the events occurring in the first (or lag) phase did not require light. The results suggest that in wheat light induces a putative factor(s) involved in the proline accumulation pathway that is lost in the dark, whereas in barley it is present in the dark.  相似文献   

The contents of polyamines and quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC), substances involved in several kinds of stress phenomena, were tested in abscisk acid (ABA)-treated barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgie) accumulating pro-line. The characteristic parameters of the accumulation of proline induced by ABA [i.e. kinetics of accumulation, synergistic interaction hormone-K(Na)Cl, enhancing effect of Cl-, inhibiting effect of tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), D-mannose and glucosamine] were tacking as far as polyamine and QAC content was concerned. Moreover: i) ABA slightly decreased the level of spermine and spermidine, slightly increased that of putrescine but did not influence the level of QAC; ii) the content of polyamines was reduced by KCl; iii) treatment with sorbitol increased the level of polyamines and prevented proline accumulation induced by ABA. These results indicate that there is no relationship between ABA-induced proline accumulation, polyamine level and QAC level; furthermore, accumulation of proline by ABA treatment is possible without increasing the levels of polyamines and QAC.  相似文献   

Some factors that may be concerned in determining final grain weight in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. var. distichum ) have been investigated. Variation in endosperm fresh and dry weight, volume and starch content have been recorded at different stages of grain development between anthesis and harvest-ripeness for two barleys, cvs Kym and Golden Promise, differing in final grain weight. Results were recorded under both field and glasshouse conditions. The results suggest that the higher final dry weight of Kym, in comparison with Golden Promise, is a function of both rate and duration of grain filling. Only at later stages of endosperm development did the differences in volume become significant and the Kym endosperms continued to increased rapidly in volume for two to three days after endosperm volume had reached a maximum in Golden Promise. The rates of starch accumulation in both cultivars were very similar but starch deposition continued in Kym endosperms for four to five days after deposition in Golden Promise endosperms had slowed down.  相似文献   

Cereal plants become more resistant to freezing when first exposed to a period of cold-acclimation. Many physiological and molecular changes have been shown to occur at low temperatures, but the role and the contribution of each to frost resistance is still poorly understood. Two cultivars of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.), the winter barley Onice and the spring barley Gitane, were acclimated under controlled conditions under an 8-h photoperiod at 4°C (light) and 2°C (dark) for 21 days. Changes in free proline, ABA, water-soluble carbohydrates and free fatty acids were measured to assess their involvement in cold-acclimation and to explain the different frost-resistant capacities of the two cultivars. Exposure of barley plants to low temperature resulted in an equal increase in proline in both cultivars. During the first days of cold acclimation, ABA levels showed a peak in the frost-resistant cultivar, lasting about 24 h, followed by a decrease. The water soluble carbohydrates reached their highest content after 3 days of hardening, although after 14 to 21 days of acclimation the carbohydrate content was similar to that of unhardened plants. The frost-resistant Onice had a much higher free fatty acid content than the frost-sensitive Gitane. Furthermore in Onice 86% of free farty acids was represented by unsaturated molecular species. Inolenic acid alone being 71%. In contrast, in the frost-sensitive cultivar only 31% of free fatty acids was unsaturated and a large amount of 9-oxo-nonanoic acid, a product present in the linolenic acid cascade, was also detected.
The ABA content after 2 days of hardening and the free fatty acid composition were clearly different between the two cultivars and may explain, at least in part, the different frost-resistant capacities of Onice and Gitane.  相似文献   

The gradients in photosynthetic and carbohydrate metabolism which persist within the fully expanded second leaf of barley ( Hordeum vulgare ) were examined. Although all regions of the leaf blade were green and photosynthetically active, the basal 5 cm, representing approximately 20% of the leaf area, retained some characteristics of sink tissue. The leaf blade distal from the leaf sheath exhibited characteristics typical of source tissue; the activities of sucrolytic enzymes (invertase and sucrose synthase) were relatively low, whilst that of sucrose phosphate synthase was high. These regions of the leaf accumulated sucrose throughout the photoperiod and starch only in the second half of the photoperiod whilst hexose sugars remained low. By contrast the leaf blade proximal to the leaf sheath retained relatively high activities of sucrolytic enzymes (especially soluble, acid invertase) whilst sucrose phosphate synthase activity was low. Glucose, as well as sucrose, accumulated throughout the photoperiod. Although starch accumulated in the second half of the photoperiod, a basal level of starch was present throughout the photoperiod, by contrast with the rest of the leaf. The 14CO2 feeding experiments indicated that a constant amount of photosynthate was partitioned towards starch in this region of the leaf irrespective of irradiance. These findings are interpreted as the base of the leaf blade acting as a localized sink for carbohydrate as a result of sucrose hydrolysis by acid invertase.  相似文献   

The role of ABA in freezing tolerance and cold acclimation in barley   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The role of ABA in freezing resistance in nonacclimated and cold‐acclimated barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) was studied. Eleven nonacclimated cultivars differed in their LT50, ranging from −10.8 to −4.8°C. Sugars, free proline, soluble proteins and ABA were analyzed in nonacclimated cultivars and during cold acclimation of one cultivar. There was an inverse correlation between LT50 and both ABA and sucrose contents. Exogenous ABA caused a decrease in the freezing point of leaf tissue in the cultivar with the lowest level of endogenous ABA, but not in the cultivar with the highest level, suggesting that ABA in the latter may be near the optimum endogenous level to induce freezing tolerance. Plants of cv. Aramir treated with ABA or allowed to acclimate to cold temperature increased their soluble sugar content to a similar level. The LT50 of leaves of cold‐acclimated cv. Aramir decreased from −5.8 to −11.4°C, with biphasic kinetics, accumulating proline and soluble sugars with similar kinetics. The biphasic profile observed during cold acclimation could be a direct consequence of cryoprotectant accumulation kinetics. ABA and soluble protein accumulation showed a single step profile, associated mainly with the second phase of the LT50 decrease. Thus, a significant increase in endogenous ABA is part of the response of barley to low temperature and may be required as a signal for the second phase of cold acclimation. Endogenous ABA contents in the nonacclimated state may determine constitutive freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC; EC and its antizyme (Az), a protein non-competitive inhibitor of ODC, form a complex in germinated barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgia) seeds. The ODC-Az complex is very stable, but dissociates by treatment with 10% ammonium sulfate. ODC-Az complex is present in the cytosol, and it can also be extracted from germinated barley seed chromatin with 2 M NaCl.  相似文献   

The pattern and sequence of cellular degradation during the course of leaf senescence remains obscure and the nature of the trigger that induces cell senescence is unknown. In order to probe the pre-mortem phase of senescence temporal changes in cell ultrastucture were studied in aging leaves of light-grown achlorophyllous Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Dyan mutant seedlings. Electron microscope examination of the ultrastructure of mesophyll cell plastids revealed the absence of ribosomes and a highly disorganized prolamellar body. Both the number and size of plastoglobuli increased with aging and this change coincided with depletion of starch grains and dilation of lamellar membranes. Aging of mesophyll cells occurred coincident with a decline in ribosome content of the cytoplasm and loss of matrix granularity. Loss of ribosomes associated with the outer nuclear envelope membrane and a reduction in chromatin were also apparent. Only after 10 days was there evidence of loss of internal membrane integrity and swelling of mitochondrial cristae. Compartmentation was thus maintained during the aging process with membrane dissolution occurring late in senescence. These results suggest that an inability to produce chlorophyll and carotenoids and form thylakoid stacks due to the absence of plastid ribosomes, contributes to the rapid onset of senescence in light-grown achlorophyllous seedlings. Furthermore, disruption of chloroplast ribosome synthesis/assembly may constitute part of the plastid signal involved in triggering cell senescence.  相似文献   

Synthesis of chlorophyll was initiated in 5- to 6-day-old dark-grown barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Clipper)seedlings by exposing them to light in the presence of 1-14 C glutamic acid supplied via the roots.The plants were then returned to darkness. At the end of light treatment (T) and after 7 or 18 h dark treatment chlorophylls a and b were extracted, quantified (μgleaf1). purified by HPLC to their magnesium-free derivatives (pheophytin a and b) and their molar radioactivities determined. After 2 h exposure to light followed by 6 h illumination in the presence of 1-14 C glutamic acid, seedlings had accumulated 4-7 nmol chlorophyll leaf1 and had incorporated between 900-1 350 Bq (g fresh weight)1 of radioactive label into the chlorophyll pool. When seedlings were transferred to darkness, label continued to be incorporated and after 18 h the radioactivity of the chlorophyll pool had increased by 300-700 Bq (g fresh weight)1. Net chlorophyll content, however, remained constant during dark treatment. The increase in radioactivity of the chlorophyll pool in darkness represented the difference between a net increase of label incorporated into chlorophyll a and a small loss of label from chlorophyll b. The absence of measurable radioactivity in the phytol moiety of labelled chlorophyll a, extracted at the endof dark treatment, demonstrated thatincorporation of label was into the tetrapyrrole moiely of chlorophyll and not into the phytol chain. Light-independent incorporation of 1-14 C glutamic acid into chlorophyll of greening barley seedlings transferred to darkness indicates that chlorophyll synthesis continues when light is withheld. We interpret the net gain in radioactivity of chlorophyll in darkness, in the absence of a net gain in chlorophyll content, to chlorophyll turnover i.e. to simultaneous synthesis and breakdown of chlorophyll when etiolated greening barley seedlings are transferred to darkness.  相似文献   

A cathepsin D-like aspartic proteinase (EC 3.4.23) is abundant in ungerminated barley ( Hordeum vulgare ) seed while a 30 kDa cysteine endoproteinase (EC 3.4.22) is one of the proteinases synthesized de novo in the germinating seed. In this work, the localization of these two acid proteinases was studied at both the tissue and subcellular levels by immunomicroscopy. The results confirm that they have completely different functions. The aspartic proteinase was present in the ungerminated seed and, during germination, it appeared in all the living tissues of the grain, including the shoot and root. Contrary to previous suggestions, it was not observed in the starchy endosperm. By immunoblotting, the high molecular mass form of the enzyme (32 + 16 kDa) was found in all the living tissues, whereas the low molecular mass form (29 + 11 kDa) was not present in the shoot or root, indicating that the two enzyme forms have different physiological roles. The aspartic proteinase was localized first in the scutellar protein bodies of germinating seed, and later in the vacuoles which are formed by fusion of the protein bodies. In contrast to the aspartic proteinase, the expression of the 30 kDa cysteine proteinase began during the first germination day, and it was secreted into the starchy endosperm; first from the scutellum and later from the aleurone layer. It was not found in either shoots or roots. The 30 kDa cysteine proteinase was detected in the Golgi apparatus and in the putative secretory vesicles of the scutellar epithelium. These results suggest that the aspartic proteinase functions only in the living tissues of the grain, as opposed to the 30 kDa cysteine proteinase which is apparently one of the proteases initiating the hydrolysis of storage proteins in the starchy endosperm.  相似文献   

大麦籽粒及花药愈伤组织的游离氨基酸含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对同一基因型大麦花药愈伤组织与籽粒中的游离氨基酸含量尤其是赖氨酸含量之间的关系进行分析,结果表明,对同一基因型而言,愈伤组织及籽粒中的同一氨基酸含量高低具有相同趋势。同时着重分析了愈伤组织中游离脯氨酸的含量与绿苗分化的关系,结果表明游离脯氨酸含量高的愈伤组织,其绿苗分化率较高,说明脯氨酸对绿苗分化具有重要作用。966259的花药愈伤组织及籽粒中的游离氨基酸总含量及游离赖氨酸含量均最高。  相似文献   

Mapping physiological traits in barley   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  

Genotypic variation in response of barley to boron deficiency   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Responses of a range of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes to boron (B) deficiency were studied in two experiments carried out in sand culture and in the field at Chiang Mai, Thailand. In experiment 1, two barley genotypes, Stirling (two-row) and BRB 2 (six-row) and one wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotype, SW 41, were evaluated in sand culture with three levels of applied B (0, 0.1 and 1.0 μM B) to the nutrient solution. It was found that B deficiency depressed flag leaf B concentration at booting, grain number and grain yield of all genotypes. In barley Stirling, B deficiency also depressed number of spikes plant-1, spikelets spike-1 and straw yield. However, no significant difference between genotypes in flag leaf B concentration was found under low B treatments. Flag leaf B concentration below 4 mg kg-1 was associated with grain set reduction and could, therefore, be used as a general indicator for B status in barley. In experiment 2, nine barley and two wheat genotypes were evaluated in the field on a low B soil with three levels of B. Boron levels were varied by applying either 2 t of lime ha-1 (BL), no B (B0) or 10 kg Borax ha-1 (B+) to the soil prior to sowing. Genotypes differed in their B response for grain spike-1, grain spikelet-1 and grain set index (GSI). The GSI of the B efficient wheat, Fang 60, exceeded 90% in all B treatments. The B inefficient wheat SW 41 and most of the barley genotypes set grain normally (GSI >80%) only at the B+. In B0 GSI of the barley genotypes ranged from 23% to 84%, and in BL from 19% to 65%. Three of the barley with severely depressed GSI in B0 and BL also had a decreased number of spikelets spike-1. In experiment 3, 21 advanced barley lines from the Barley Thailand Yield Nursery 1997/98 (BTYN 1997/98) were screened for B response in sand culture with no added B. Grain Set Index of the Fang 60 and SW 41 checks were 98 and 65%, respectively, and GSI of barley lines ranged between 5 and 90%. One advanced line was identified as B efficient and two as moderately B efficient. The remaining lines ranked between moderately inefficient to inefficient. These experiments have established that there is a range of responses to B in barley genotypes. This variation in the B response was observed in vegetative as well as reproductive growth. Boron efficiency should be considered in breeding and selection of barley in low B soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to examine the ability of ABA and proline to counteract the deleterious effect of water deficit stress on cell membrane injuries. Six-day-old seedlings of two barley genotypes (cv. Aramir, line R567) were treated with ABA (2·10−4 M) or proline (0.1 M) for 24 h, and then subjected to osmotic stress for 24h, by immersing their roots in polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) solution of osmotic potential of −1.0 MPa and −1.5 MPa or by submerging the leaf pieces in PEG solution of osmotic potential of −1.6 MPa. Pretreatment of plants with ABA and proline caused an increase of free proline level in the leaves. Plants treated with ABA exhibited a lower membrane injury index under water stress conditions than those untreated even when no effect of this hormone on RWC in the leaves of stressed plants was observed. Pretreatment of plants with proline prevented to some extent membrane damage in leaves of the stressed seedlings, but only in the case when stress was imposed to roots. Improvement in water status of leaves was also observed in seedlings pretreatment with proline. The protective effect of both ABA and proline was more pronounced in line R567 that exhibited higher membrane injury under water deficit stress conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in intracellular pH and in H+, K+ and Cl? fluxes were evaluated in different experimental conditions in leaf segments of barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Georgie) incubated in the dark, at pH 5.5, in the presence or absence of abscisic acid (ABA), and a comparison was made between the effects of ABA and those of erythrosin B (EB), a plasmalemma H+-pump inhibitor. In all conditions tested, ABA induced a cell sap acidification, an alkalinization of the external medium, a decrease in K+ intracellular contents, and an increase in the contents of Cl?. The ABA-induced decrease in K+ content was chiefly due to the inhibition of K+ influx. On the contrary, ABA did not influence the uptake of Cl?, but inhibited Cl? efflux, the inhibition satisfactorily accounting for the larger Cl? content observed in the presence of the hormone. The intracellular acidification and the decrease in apparent outward net transport of H+ observed with ABA were seemingly not associated with the activity of the proton pump, the transmembrane electrical potential difference, or K+ transport. On the contrary, a correlation was evident with the changes in Cl? content. These results and, in particular, the similarity between the effects of ABA and those induced by 4,4 -diisothiocyano-2,2-disulfonic acid stilbene (DIDS), a Cl? channel-blocking agent, suggest that the ABA-induced changes in intracellular pH and in H+ transport might depend on the capability of ABA to inhibit Cl? efflux, more than on a primary inhibition of the H+ pump, and propose an important role for ABA in regulating the Cl? channels.  相似文献   

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