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All eukaryotic cells must segregate their chromosomes equally between two daughter cells at each division. This process needs to be robust, as errors in the form of loss or gain of genetic material have catastrophic effects on viability. Chromosomes are captured, aligned, and segregated to daughter cells via interaction with spindle microtubules mediated by the kinetochore. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae one microtubule attaches to each kinetochore, requiring extreme processivity from this single connection. The yeast Dam1 complex, an essential component of the outer kinetochore, forms rings around microtubules and in vitro recapitulates much of the functionality of a kinetochore-microtubule attachment. To understand the mechanism of the Dam1 complex at the kinetochore, we must know how it binds to microtubules, how it assembles into rings, and how assembly is regulated. We used electron microscopy to map several subunits within the structure of the Dam1 complex and identify the organization of Dam1 complexes within the ring. Of importance, new data strongly support a more passive role for the microtubule in Dam1 ring formation. Integrating this information with previously published data, we generated a structural model for the Dam1 complex assembly that advances our understanding of its function and will direct future experiments.  相似文献   

The Dam1 complex is an important part of the yeast kinetochore. It mediates attachment of the chromosome to the mitotic spindle and is involved in chromatid separation initiated at anaphase. It is comprised of 10 individual subunits and has been observed to oligomerize in various ways as it interacts with microtubules, including forming a ring. This work explores the biochemical and biophysical properties of Dad1, one of the Dam1 complex subunits from the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Unlike its Saccharomyces cerevisiae counterpart, C. albicans Dad1 can be expressed as a soluble protein in Escherichia coli. Analysis of this protein’s hydrodynamic properties, thermostability and primary sequence have been conducted. As a result, we conclude that isolated Dad1 is an intrinsically disordered protein.  相似文献   

To examine the dependence of poleward force at a kinetochore on the number of kinetochore microtubules (kMTs), we altered the normal balance in the number of microtubules at opposing homologous kinetochores in meiosis I grasshopper spermatocytes at metaphase with a focused laser microbeam. Observations were made with light and electron microscopy. Irradiations that partially damaged one homologous kinetochore caused the bivalent chromosome to shift to a new equilibrium position closer to the pole to which the unirradiated kinetochore was tethered; the greater the dose of irradiation, the farther the chromosome moved. The number of kMTs on the irradiated kinetochore decreased with severity of irradiation, while the number of kMTs on the unirradiated kinetochore remained constant and independent of chromosome-to-pole distance. Assuming a balance of forces on the chromosome at congression equilibrium, our results demonstrate that the net poleward force on a chromosome depends on the number of kMTs and the distance from the pole. In contrast, the velocity of chromosome movement showed little dependence on the number of kMTs. Possible mechanisms which explain the relationship between the poleward force at a kinetochore, the number of kinetochore microtubules, and the lengths of the kinetochore fibers at congression equilibrium include a "traction fiber model" in which poleward force producers are distributed along the length of the kinetochore fibers, or a "kinetochore motor-polar ejection model" in which force producers located at or near the kinetochore pull the chromosomes poleward along the kMTs and against an ejection force that is produced by the polar microtubule array and increases in strength toward the pole.  相似文献   

By use of dark-field light microscopy, secretory granules isolated from the anglerfish endocrine pancreas were observed to attach to and release from microtubules assembled in vitro from brain homogenates. Secretory granules only bound to microtubules assembled in the presence of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) and not to microtubules assembled from purified tubulin. The addition of a MAP fraction to purified tubulin restored secretory granule binding. The secretory granules were released from MAP-containing microtubules by the addition of Mg-ATP but not by other nucleotides. The number of secretory granules bound to MAP-containing microtubules was increased in the presence of cyclic AMP. In addition to the associations of secretory granules with microtubules, MAP-containing microtubules also associated with each other. These laterally associated microtubules were dispersed by the addition of Mg-ATP. Electron micrographs confirmed that the associations between MAP-containing microtubules and secretory granules as well as the associations of microtubules with one another were mediated by the high molecular weight MAPs known to project from the surface of in-vitro-assembled microtubules.  相似文献   

Chromosomes have to establish the proper attachment to the spindle before segregation-a process that requires Ipl1p Aurora kinase. Recent work has identified Dam1p, a member of the DASH complex, as the key Ipl1p substrate responsible for kinetochore/microtubule interaction.  相似文献   

The Dam1 kinetochore complex is essential for chromosome segregation in budding yeast. This ten-protein complex self-assembles around microtubules, forming ring-like structures that move with depolymerizing microtubule ends, a mechanism with implications for cellular function. Here we used EM-based single-particle and helical analyses to define the architecture of the Dam1 complex at 30-A resolution and the self-assembly mechanism. Ring oligomerization seems to be facilitated by a conformational change upon binding to microtubules, suggesting that the Dam1 ring is not preformed, but self-assembles around kinetochore microtubules. The C terminus of the Dam1p protein, where most of the Aurora kinase Ipl1 phosphorylation sites reside, is in a strategic location to affect oligomerization and interactions with the microtubule. One of Ipl1's roles might be to fine-tune the coupling of the microtubule interaction with the conformational change required for oligomerization, with phosphorylation resulting in ring breakdown.  相似文献   

Kinetochores must remain associated with microtubule ends, as they undergo rapid transitions between growth and shrinkage. The molecular basis for this essential activity that ensures correct chromosome segregation is unclear. In this study, we have used reconstitution of dynamic microtubules and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to define the functional relationship between two important budding yeast kinetochore complexes. We find that the Dam1 complex is an autonomous plus end–tracking complex. The Ndc80 complex, despite being structurally related to the general tip tracker EB1, fails to recognize growing ends efficiently. Dam1 oligomers are necessary and sufficient to recruit Ndc80 to dynamic microtubule ends, where both complexes remain continuously associated. The interaction occurs specifically in the presence of microtubules and is subject to regulation by Ipl1 phosphorylation. These findings can explain how the force harvested by Dam1 is transmitted to the rest of the kinetochore via the Ndc80 complex.  相似文献   

Spindle assembly is essential for the equal distribution of genetic material to the daughter cells during mitosis. The process of spindle assembly is complicated and involves multiple levels of molecular regulation. It is generally accepted that mitotic spindles are emanated from the centrosomes and are assembled in the vicinity of chromosomes. However, the molecular mechanism involved in the spindle assembly during mitosis remains unclear. In this study, we have provided several lines of evidence to show that Drosophila Mars is required for the assembly and stabilization of kinetochore microtubules. In an immunocytochemical study, we show that Mars is mainly localized on the kinetochore microtubules during mitosis. Using RNA interference to deplete the Mars expression in Drosophila S2 cells resulted in the malformation of mitotic spindle that mainly lacked the kinetochore microtubules. The spindle defect resulted in mitotic delays by increasing the percentage of uncongressed chromosomes both in vitro and in vivo. In summary, this study has extended our previous study of Mars in cell cycle regulation and provided further evidence showing that Mars is required for the assembly of kinetochore microtubules.  相似文献   

Accuracy of chromosome segregation relies on the ill-understood ability of mitotic kinetochores to biorient, whereupon each sister kinetochore forms microtubule (MT) attachments to only one spindle pole. Because initial MT attachments result from chance encounters with the kinetochores, biorientation must rely on specific mechanisms to avoid and resolve improper attachments. Here we use mathematical modeling to critically analyze the error-correction potential of a simplified biorientation mechanism, which involves the back-to-back arrangement of sister kinetochores and the marked instability of kinetochore–MT attachments. We show that a typical mammalian kinetochore operates in a near-optimal regime, in which the back-to-back kinetochore geometry and the indiscriminate kinetochore–MT turnover provide strong error-correction activity. In human cells, this mechanism alone can potentially enable normal segregation of 45 out of 46 chromosomes during one mitotic division, corresponding to a mis-segregation rate in the range of 10−1–10−2 per chromosome. This theoretical upper limit for chromosome segregation accuracy predicted with the basic mechanism is close to the mis-segregation rate in some cancer cells; however, it cannot explain the relatively low chromosome loss in diploid human cells, consistent with their reliance on additional mechanisms.  相似文献   

The kinetochore forms a dynamic interface with microtubules from the mitotic spindle. Live-cell light microscopy-based observations on the dynamic structural changes within the kinetochore suggest that molecular rearrangements within the kinetochore occur upon microtubule interaction. However, the source of these rearrangements is still unclear. In this paper, we analyze vertebrate kinetochore ultrastructure by immunoelectron microscopy (EM) in the presence or absence of tension from spindle microtubules. We found that the inner kinetochore region defined by CENP-A, CENP-C, CENP-R, and the C-terminal domain of CENP-T is deformed in the presence of tension, whereas the outer kinetochore region defined by Ndc80, Mis12, and CENP-E is not stretched even under tension. Importantly, based on EM, fluorescence microscopy, and in vitro analyses, we demonstrated that the N and C termini of CENP-T undergo a tension-dependent separation, suggesting that CENP-T elongation is at least partly responsible for changes in the shape of the inner kinetochore.  相似文献   

Duo1p and Dam1p were previously identified as spindle proteins in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, analyses of a diverse collection of duo1 and dam1 alleles were used to develop a deeper understanding of the functions and interactions of Duo1p and Dam1p. Based on the similarity of mutant phenotypes, genetic interactions between duo1 and dam1 alleles, interdependent localization to the mitotic spindle, and Duo1p/Dam1p coimmunoprecipitation from yeast protein extracts, these analyses indicated that Duo1p and Dam1p perform a shared function in vivo as components of a protein complex. Duo1p and Dam1p are not required to assemble bipolar spindles, but they are required to maintain metaphase and anaphase spindle integrity. Immunofluorescence and electron microscopy of duo1 and dam1 mutant spindles revealed a diverse variety of spindle defects. Our results also indicate a second, previously unidentified, role for the Duo1p/Dam1p complex. duo1 and dam1 mutants show high rates of chromosome missegregation, premature anaphase events while arrested in metaphase, and genetic interactions with a subset of kinetochore components consistent with a role in kinetochore function. In addition, Duo1p and Dam1p localize to kinetochores in chromosome spreads, suggesting that this complex may serve as a link between the kinetochore and the mitotic spindle.  相似文献   

Dam1p, Duo1p, and Dad1p can associate with each other physically and are required for both spindle integrity and kinetochore function in budding yeast. Here, we present our purification from yeast extracts of an approximately 245 kD complex containing Dam1p, Duo1p, and Dad1p and Spc19p, Spc34p, and the previously uncharacterized proteins Dad2p and Ask1p. This Dam1p complex appears to be regulated through the phosphorylation of multiple subunits with at least one phosphorylation event changing during the cell cycle. We also find that purified Dam1p complex binds directly to microtubules in vitro with an affinity of approximately 0.5 microM. To demonstrate that subunits of the Dam1p complex are functionally important for mitosis in vivo, we localized Spc19-green fluorescent protein (GFP), Spc34-GFP, Dad2-GFP, and Ask1-GFP to the mitotic spindle and to kinetochores and generated temperature-sensitive mutants of DAD2 and ASK1. These and other analyses implicate the four newly identified subunits and the Dam1p complex as a whole in outer kinetochore function where they are well positioned to facilitate the association of chromosomes with spindle microtubules.  相似文献   

The putative nifB promoter region of Herbaspirillum seropedicae contained two sequences homologous to NifA-binding site and a -24/-12 type promoter. A nifB::lacZ fusion was assayed in the backgrounds of both Escherichia coli and H. seropedicae. In E. coli, the expression of nifB::lacZ occurred only in the presence of functional rpoN and Klebsiella pneumoniae nifA genes. In addition, the integration host factor (IHF) stimulated the expression of the nifB::lacZ fusion in this background. In H. seropedicae, nifB expression occurred only in the absence of ammonium and under low levels of oxygen, and it was shown to be strictly dependent on NifA. DNA band shift experiments showed that purified K. pneumoniae RpoN and E. coli IHF proteins were capable of binding to the nifB promoter region, and in vivo dimethylsulfate footprinting showed that NifA binds to both NifA-binding sites. These results strongly suggest that the expression of the nifB promoter of H. seropedicae is dependent on the NifA and RpoN proteins and that the IHF protein stimulates NifA activation of nifB promoter.  相似文献   

Summary InSaprolegnia, kinetochore microtubules persist throughout the mitotic nuclear cycle but, whilst present at leptotene, they disappear coincidently with the formation of synaptonemal complexes at pachytene and reform at metaphase I. In some other fungi chromosomal segregation is random in meiosis and non-random in mitosis. The attachment of chromosomes to persistent kinetochore microtubules in mitosis, but not meiosis, inSaprolegnia provides a plausible explanation for such behaviour. At metaphase I each bivalent is connected to the spindle by 2 laterally paired kinetochore microtubules whereas at metaphase II (as in mitosis) each univalent bears only one kinetochore microtubule, thus showing that all kinetochores are fully active at all stages of meiosis.  相似文献   

We show here that Ask1p, Dad2p, Spc19p and Spc34p are subunits of the budding yeast Duo1p-Dam1p- Dad1p complex, which associate with kinetochores and localize along metaphase and anaphase spindles. Analysis of spc34-3 cells revealed three novel functions of the Duo1-Dam1p-Dad1p subunit Spc34p. First, SPC34 is required to establish biorientation of sister kinetochores. Secondly, SPC34 is essential to maintain biorientation. Thirdly, SPC34 is necessary to maintain an anaphase spindle independently of chromosome segregation. Moreover, we show that in spc34-3 cells, sister centromeres preferentially associate with the pre-existing, old spindle pole body (SPB). A similar preferential attachment of sister centromeres to the old SPB occurs in cells depleted of the cohesin Scc1p, a protein with a known role in facilitating biorientation. Thus, the two SPBs are not equally active in early S phase. We suggest that not only in spc34-3 and Deltascc1 cells but also in wild-type cells, sister centromeres bind after replication preferentially to microtubules organized by the old SPB. Monopolar attached sister centromeres are resolved to bipolar attachment in wild-type cells but persist in spc34-3 cells.  相似文献   

Mitotic PtK1 cells were arrested in mitosis with nocodazole to determine the effect of cytochalasin J (CJ) on kinetochore structure in arrested and nocodazole-released cells. In previous studies it was shown that CJ had a more pronounced effect on alteration of kinetochore structure and spindle microtubule (MT) architecture when applied during prophase or prometaphase. In this study, mitotic cells were treated at preanaphase for 10 min with 1 microg/ml nocodazole, or in 1 microg/ml nocodazole and 10 microg/ml CJ to allow for the advancement of the 'mitotic clock'. Thus it can be determined if either changes in the timing of mitosis, the maturation of the kinetochore, and/or the lack of MT connection to the kinetochore affects the ability of CJ to detach or alter the attachment of chromosomes to the developing spindle. Preanaphase cells treated with 1 microg/ml nocodazole for 10 min and released into 10 microg/ml CJ showed significant changes in MT organization and kinetochore structure. MTs nucleated at the centrosome are fragmented and kinetochore structure was significantly altered showing only two laminae with few MTs inserted into this structure. Preanaphase cells treated with 1 microg/ml nocodazole and 10 microg/ml CJ for 10 min and released into 10 microg/ml CJ showed similar, but more pronounced, effects on kinetochore structure and spindle MT organization. We interpret these results to suggest that CJ treatment has a greater effect on MT attachment and kinetochore structure in nocodazole pre-treated cells, where the kinetochore structure is mature and the mitotic cycle has been advanced.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Chen RH 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(17):1764-1769
The spindle checkpoint delays anaphase onset until all chromosomes have achieved bipolar attachment to the spindle microtubules. Unattached kinetochores activate the spindle checkpoint by recruiting several spindle-checkpoint proteins, including Mps1, Mad1, Mad2, Bub1, Bub3, and BubR1 (Mad3 in yeast). In vertebrate cells, active MAP kinase (MAPK) is also enriched at unattached kinetochores and is required for the spindle checkpoint. It has been shown that the kinase activity of Mps1 is required for the spindle checkpoint and for kinetochore localization of Bub1, Bub3, Mad1, and Mad2 . We herein demonstrate that MAPK phosphorylates Mps1 at S844 in Xenopus egg extracts. Interestingly, changing S844 to unphosphorylatable alanine (S844A) has no effect on the kinase activity of Mps1, although it abolishes the checkpoint function of Mps1. Biochemical and immunofluorescence studies show that S844A mutation perturbs kinetochore localization of Mps1 and other spindle-checkpoint proteins, whereas the phosphorylation-mimicking S844D mutant restores their functions. Our studies suggest that Mps1 phosphorylation by MAPK at S844 might create a phosphoepitope that allows Mps1 to interact with kinetochores. In addition, our results indicate that active Mps1 must localize to kinetochores in order to execute its checkpoint function.  相似文献   

During cell division, kinetochores form the primary chromosomal attachment sites for spindle microtubules. We previously identified a network of 10 interacting kinetochore proteins conserved between Caenorhabditis elegans and humans. In this study, we investigate three proteins in the human network (hDsn1Q9H410, hNnf1PMF1, and hNsl1DC31). Using coexpression in bacteria and fractionation of mitotic extracts, we demonstrate that these proteins form a stable complex with the conserved kinetochore component hMis12. Human or chicken cells depleted of Mis12 complex subunits are delayed in mitosis with misaligned chromosomes and defects in chromosome biorientation. Aligned chromosomes exhibited reduced centromere stretch and diminished kinetochore microtubule bundles. Consistent with this, localization of the outer plate constituent Ndc80HEC1 was severely reduced. The checkpoint protein BubR1, the fibrous corona component centromere protein (CENP) E, and the inner kinetochore proteins CENP-A and CENP-H also failed to accumulate to wild-type levels in depleted cells. These results indicate that a four-subunit Mis12 complex plays an essential role in chromosome segregation in vertebrates and contributes to mitotic kinetochore assembly.  相似文献   

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