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It is broadly accepted that long-term memory (LTM) is formed sequentially after learning and short-term memory (STM) formation, but the nature of the relationship between early and late memory traces remains heavily debated [1-5]. To shed light on this issue, we used an olfactory appetitive conditioning in Drosophila, wherein starved flies learned to associate an odor with the presence of sugar [6]. We took advantage of the fact that both STM and LTM are generated after a unique conditioning cycle [7, 8] to demonstrate that appetitive LTM is able to form independently of STM. More specifically, we show that (1) STM retrieval involves output from γ neurons of the mushroom body (MB), i.e., the olfactory memory center [9, 10], whereas LTM retrieval involves output from αβ MB neurons; (2) STM information is not transferred from γ neurons to αβ neurons for LTM formation; and (3) the adenylyl cyclase RUT, which is thought to operate as a coincidence detector between the olfactory stimulus and the sugar stimulus [11-14], is required independently in γ neurons to form appetitive STM and in αβ neurons to form LTM. Taken together, these results demonstrate that appetitive short- and long-term memories are formed and processed in parallel.  相似文献   

Food reward in the absence of taste receptor signaling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Food palatability and hedonic value play central roles in nutrient intake. However, postingestive effects can influence food preferences independently of palatability, although the neurobiological bases of such mechanisms remain poorly understood. Of central interest is whether the same brain reward circuitry that is responsive to palatable rewards also encodes metabolic value independently of taste signaling. Here we show that trpm5-/- mice, which lack the cellular machinery required for sweet taste transduction, can develop a robust preference for sucrose solutions based solely on caloric content. Sucrose intake induced dopamine release in the ventral striatum of these sweet-blind mice, a pattern usually associated with receipt of palatable rewards. Furthermore, single neurons in this same ventral striatal region showed increased sensitivity to caloric intake even in the absence of gustatory inputs. Our findings suggest that calorie-rich nutrients can directly influence brain reward circuits that control food intake independently of palatability or functional taste transduction.  相似文献   

In a 14-day experiment, adult rats weighting 250-260 g were given ad libitum diets with a constant protein content [casein - 10 %] and a mounting fat content [margarine - 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 % - added at the expense of carbohydrates]. The growth parameters of protein biological value - PER and NPR - were determined and together with weight increments in correlation to protein an fat intake [a linear correlation] they were used on the basis of their regression equations to calculate the reciprocal relationships of fat and protein intake [for equality y]. By substituting the optimum protein intake [43.3 g/14 days - according to NPU], the optimum fat intake for adult rats was found to correspond to dietary fat concentrations of 9.72 % [y = weight increments], 12,82 % [y = PER] and 11.83 % [y = NPR]. These results wee verified in a biological experiment in which adult animals, for 14 days, were given a limited amount [31 g/animal per day] of diets containing 10 % protein [casein] an d9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 % fat [margarine - at the expense of carbohydrates] with the aim of studying the effect of a mounting fat intake on optimum protein intake [43.4 g/14 days]. The correctness of the mathematical method for determining the optimum fat intake was verified by a biological method [the optimum net protein utilization , NPU, which is highest in diets containing 11 % fats, i.e. 22.5 % of the total energy value of the diet]. It was also found that this method, both along and in conjunction with other methods [especially the one using the NPR parameter], was suitable for the determination of optimum nutrient values.  相似文献   

During classical conditioning, a positive or negative value is assigned to a previously neutral stimulus, thereby changing its significance for behavior. If an odor is associated with a negative stimulus, it can become repulsive. Conversely, an odor associated with a reward can become attractive. By using Drosophila larvae as a model system with minimal brain complexity, we address the question of which neurons attribute these values to odor stimuli. In insects, dopaminergic neurons are required for aversive learning, whereas octopaminergic neurons are necessary and sufficient for appetitive learning. However, it remains unclear whether two independent neuronal populations are sufficient to mediate such antagonistic values. We report the use of transgenically expressed channelrhodopsin-2, a light-activated cation channel, as a tool for optophysiological stimulation of genetically defined neuronal populations in Drosophila larvae. We demonstrate that distinct neuronal populations can be activated simply by illuminating the animals with blue light. Light-induced activation of dopaminergic neurons paired with an odor stimulus induces aversive memory formation, whereas activation of octopaminergic/tyraminergic neurons induces appetitive memory formation. These findings demonstrate that antagonistic modulatory subsystems are sufficient to substitute for aversive and appetitive reinforcement during classical conditioning.  相似文献   

The sense of taste allows animals to distinguish nutritious and toxic substances and elicits food acceptance or avoidance behaviors. In Drosophila, taste cells that contain the Gr5a receptor are necessary for acceptance behavior, and cells with the Gr66a receptor are necessary for avoidance. To determine the cellular substrates of taste behaviors, we monitored taste cell activity in vivo with the genetically encoded calcium indicator G-CaMP. These studies reveal that Gr5a cells selectively respond to sugars and Gr66a cells to bitter compounds. Flies are attracted to sugars and avoid bitter substances, suggesting that Gr5a cell activity is sufficient to mediate acceptance behavior and that Gr66a cell activation mediates avoidance. As a direct test of this hypothesis, we inducibly activated different taste neurons by expression of an exogenous ligand-gated ion channel and found that cellular activity is sufficient to drive taste behaviors. These studies demonstrate that taste cells are tuned by taste category and are hardwired to taste behaviors.  相似文献   

In various environments where primates are presently observed, as well as in forests and savannas which have been inhabited by australopithecines and early hominids, there are (or there have been presumably) categories of substances eliciting taste signals associated with stereotyped responses. Such is the case for various soluble sugars of fruits and nectars, attracting consumers, and for several plant compounds in which bitter or strongly astringent properties have a repulsive effect. The occurrence of such classes of tasty substances among natural products appears to be related to the evolutionary trends that shaped primate sensory perception (for detecting either beneficent or potentially noxious substances) in the context of a long history of coevolution between animals and plants. Here, we present original psychophysical data on humans (412 individuals aged 17-59 years) as an analogy with which to test recent evidence from electrophysiology in nonhuman primates (Hellekant et al. [1997] J. Neurophysiol. 77:978-993; Danilova et al. [1998] Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 855:160-164) that taste fibers can be grouped into clusters of "best-responding fibers" with two more specific clusters, one for sugars and one for quinine and tannins. The collinearity found between human taste responses (recognition thresholds) for fructose and sucrose, as well as for quinine and tannins, is presented and discussed as another evidence of the two-direction evolutionary trend determining taste sensitivity. Salt perception appears to be totally independent of these trends. Accordingly, the appreciation of a salty taste seems to be a recent culturally learned response, and not a primary taste perception. The very existence of primary tastes is discussed in the context of evolutionary trends, past and present.  相似文献   

Taste is the primary sensory system for detecting food quality and palatability. Drosophila detects five distinct taste modalities that include sweet, bitter, salt, water, and the taste of carbonation. Of these, sweet-sensing neurons appear to have utility for the detection of nutritionally rich food while bitter-sensing neurons signal toxicity and confer repulsion. Growing evidence in mammals suggests that taste for fatty acids (FAs) signals the presence of dietary lipids and promotes feeding. While flies appear to be attracted to fatty acids, the neural basis for fatty acid detection and attraction are unclear. Here, we demonstrate that a range of FAs are detected by the fly gustatory system and elicit a robust feeding response. Flies lacking olfactory organs respond robustly to FAs, confirming that FA attraction is mediated through the gustatory system. Furthermore, flies detect FAs independent of pH, suggesting the molecular basis for FA taste is not due to acidity. We show that low and medium concentrations of FAs serve as an appetitive signal and they are detected exclusively through the same subset of neurons that sense appetitive sweet substances, including most sugars. In mammals, taste perception of sweet and bitter substances is dependent on phospholipase C (PLC) signaling in specialized taste buds. We find that flies mutant for norpA, a Drosophila ortholog of PLC, fail to respond to FAs. Intriguingly, norpA mutants respond normally to other tastants, including sucrose and yeast. The defect of norpA mutants can be rescued by selectively restoring norpA expression in sweet-sensing neurons, corroborating that FAs signal through sweet-sensing neurons, and suggesting PLC signaling in the gustatory system is specifically involved in FA taste. Taken together, these findings reveal that PLC function in Drosophila sweet-sensing neurons is a conserved molecular signaling pathway that confers attraction to fatty acids.  相似文献   

Taste receptorshave recently been reported in Drosophila [1] and [2], but little is known of the relation between receptor and response. Morphological studies of the distribution of chemosensory sensilla indicate that the fruit fly has two major sites of gustation: the proboscis and the legs [3]. The taste sensilla on both these sites are similar in structure and each sensillum generally houses four gustatory neurons [4]. Early anatomical observations have demonstrated a sexual dimorphism in the number of tarsal sensilla [5] and in their central projections [6]. We measured the electrophysiological responses of the prothoracic taste sensilla to non-pheromonal substances—salts, sugars and water—and found a clear sexual dimorphism. From the response profile of individual sensilla, we were able to distinguish three types of tarsal sensilla in females as against only two types in males. The female-specific type, which responded specifically to sugar, was absent in males except when male gustatory neurons were genetically feminised. The fact that tarsal gustatory hairs exhibit a sexual dimorphism that affects the perception of non-pheromonal compounds suggests that sexual identity is more complex than has previously been thought [7] and [8].  相似文献   

Summary The odor and taste processing systems of the terrestrial mollusc Limax maximus have been shown capable of a number of complex computations. Most of the complex higher-order features of Limax learning have been demonstrated using differential aversive conditioning. The present experiments probe the appetitive learning ability of Limax. In the first experiment a differential appetitive classical conditioning procedure was used. An aversive CS+ odor was paired with an attractive taste while a CS odor was explicitly unpaired with the attractive taste. This appetitive conditioning procedure dramatically increased the preference for the CS+ odor. Further experiments determined the time course of acquisition, the effect of an extinction procedure and long-term retention of the appetitive conditioning. Now that Limax has been shown capable of appetitive conditioning, the neural network simulation of Limax learning, called LIMAX, can be examined for its ability to display appetitive conditioning.Abbreviations AA amyl acetate - CS conditioned stimulus - ISI interstimulus interval - ITI intertrial interval - MCH methylcyclohexanol - US unconditioned stimulus  相似文献   

The global logic used by the brain for differentially encoding positive and negative experiences remains unknown along with how such experiences are represented by collections of memory traces at the cellular level. Here we contrast the cellular memory traces that form in the dorsal paired medial (DPM) neurons of Drosophila after conditioning flies with odors associated with aversive or appetitive unconditioned stimuli (US). Our results show that the appetitive DPM neuron trace is distinguished from the aversive in three fundamental ways: (1) The DPM neurons do not respond to an appetitive US of sucrose by itself, in contrast to their robust response to an aversive US. (2) The appetitive trace persists for twice as long as the aversive trace. (3) The appetitive trace is expressed in both neurite branches of the neuron, rather than being confined to a single branch like the aversive trace. In addition, we demonstrate that training flies with nonnutritive sugars that elicit a behavioral memory that decays within 24 hr generates, like aversive conditioning, a short-lived and branch-restricted memory trace. These results indicate that the persistence and breadth of the DPM neuron memory trace influences the duration of behavioral memory.  相似文献   

Taste quality and palatability are two of the most important properties measured in the evaluation of taste stimuli. Human panels can report both aspects, but are of limited experimental flexibility and throughput capacity. Relatively efficient animal models for taste evaluation have been developed, but each of them is designed to measure either taste quality or palatability as independent experimental endpoints. We present here a new apparatus and method for high throughput quantification of both taste quality and palatability using rats in an operant taste discrimination paradigm. Cohorts of four rats were trained in a modified operant chamber to sample taste stimuli by licking solutions from a 96-well plate that moved in a randomized pattern beneath the chamber floor. As a rat’s tongue entered the well it disrupted a laser beam projecting across the top of the 96-well plate, consequently producing two retractable levers that operated a pellet dispenser. The taste of sucrose was associated with food reinforcement by presses on a sucrose-designated lever, whereas the taste of water and other basic tastes were associated with the alternative lever. Each disruption of the laser was counted as a lick. Using this procedure, rats were trained to discriminate 100 mM sucrose from water, quinine, citric acid, and NaCl with 90-100% accuracy. Palatability was determined by the number of licks per trial and, due to intermediate rates of licking for water, was quantifiable along the entire spectrum of appetitiveness to aversiveness. All 96 samples were evaluated within 90 minute test sessions with no evidence of desensitization or fatigue. The technology is capable of generating multiple concentration–response functions within a single session, is suitable for in vivo primary screening of tastant libraries, and potentially can be used to evaluate stimuli for any taste system.  相似文献   

Taste receptors have recently been reported in Drosophila [1,2], but little is known of the relation between receptor and response. Morphological studies of the distribution of chemosensory sensilla indicate that the fruit fly has two major sites of gustation: the proboscis and the legs [3]. The taste sensilla on both these sites are similar in structure and each sensillum generally houses four gustatory neurons [4]. Early anatomical observations have demonstrated a sexual dimorphism in the number of tarsal sensilla [5] and in their central projections [6]. We measured the electrophysiological responses of the prothoracic taste sensilla to non-pheromonal substances--salts, sugars and water--and found a clear sexual dimorphism. From the response profile of individual sensilla, we were able to distinguish three types of tarsal sensilla in females as against only two types in males. The female-specific type, which responded specifically to sugar, was absent in males except when male gustatory neurons were genetically feminised. The fact that tarsal gustatory hairs exhibit a sexual dimorphism that affects the perception of non-pheromonal compounds suggests that sexual identity is more complex than has previously been thought [7,8].  相似文献   

Polarisation sensitivity (PS) - the ability to detect the orientation of polarised light - occurs in a wide variety of invertebrates [1] [2] and vertebrates [3] [4] [5], many of which are marine species [1]. Of these, the crustacea are particularly well documented in terms of their structural [6] and neural [7] [8] adaptations for PS. The few behavioural studies conducted on crustaceans demonstrate orientation to, or local navigation with, polarised sky patterns [9]. Aside from this, the function of PS in crustaceans, and indeed in most animals, remains obscure. Where PS can be shown to allow perception of polarised light as a 'special sensory quality' [1], separate from intensity or colour, it has been termed polarisation vision (PV). Here, within the remarkable visual system of the stomatopod crustaceans (mantis shrimps) [10], we provide the first demonstration of PV in the crustacea and the first convincing evidence for learning the orientation of polarised light in any animal. Using new polarimetric [11] and photographic methods to examine stomatopods, we found striking patterns of polarisation on their antennae and telson, suggesting that one function of PV in stomatopods may be communication [12]. PV may also be used for tasks such as navigation [5] [9] [13], location of reflective water surfaces [14] and contrast enhancement [1] [15] [16] [17] [18]. It is possible that the stomatopod PV system also contributes to some of these functions.  相似文献   

Chemosensory information is crucial for most insects to feed and reproduce. Olfactory signals are mainly used at a distance, whereas gustatory stimuli play an important role when insects directly contact chemical substrates. In noctuid moths, although the antennae are the main olfactory organ, they also bear taste sensilla. These taste sensilla detect sugars and hence are involved in appetitive learning but could also play an important role in food evaluation by detecting salts and bitter substances. To investigate this, we measured the responses of individual taste sensilla on the antennae of Spodoptera littoralis to sugars and salts using tip recordings. We also traced the projections of their neuronal axons into the brain. In each sensillum, we found one or two neurons responding to sugars: one NaCl-responsive and one water-sensitive neuron. Responses of these neurons were dose-dependent and similar across different locations on the antenna. Responses were dependent on the sex for sucrose and on both sex and location for glucose and fructose. We did not observe a spatial map for the projections from specific regions of the antennae to the deutocerebrum or the tritocerebrum/suboesophageal ganglion complex. In accordance with physiological recordings, back-fills from individual sensilla revealed up to four axons, in most cases targeting different projection zones.  相似文献   

It will be apparent from this review that dietary fat can exert both specific and non-specific effects on carcinogenesis, at least in experimental animals. The non-specific effects appear to be related primarily to effects of dietary fat on energy balance. Although a positive energy balance can be achieved on a high-carbohydrate low-fat diet, it is much more likely to occur on a high-fat diet because of the high energy density of fat [101] and the fact that dietary fat is less capable of imparting a sense of satiety [102]. A continuing state of positive energy balance leads to obesity which has been associated with increased risk of cancer at a number of sites, including endometrium [103-106], postmenopausal breast cancer [107-113], renal cancer [114,115] and possibly cancers of the colorectum [116-122], pancreas [103,123] and prostate [124]. Whereas the non-specific effects of dietary fat appear to be deleterious for cancer, the specific effects in some cases can be beneficial. Examples are long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. CLA and tocotrienols. It is still too early to predict whether these may be of value in the prevention and/or treatment of human cancer but they seem worthy of further investigation. Knowledge of their mechanism of action may suggest novel approaches to the cancer problem and, as in the case of vitamins A and D, it may be possible to find analogues with more potent anti-cancer activity.  相似文献   

Cohen MX 《Current biology : CB》2011,21(22):1900-1905
The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex interact to support working memory (WM) and long-term memory [1-3]. Neurophysiologically, WM is thought to be subserved by reverberatory activity of distributed networks within the prefrontal cortex (PFC) [2, 4-8], which become synchronized with reverberatory activity in the hippocampus [1, 4]. This electrophysiological synchronization is difficult to study in humans because noninvasive electroencephalography (EEG) cannot measure hippocampus activity. Here, using a novel integration of EEG and diffusion-weighted imaging, it is shown that individuals with relatively stronger anatomical connectivity linking the hippocampus to the right ventrolateral PFC (ventral Brodmann area 46) exhibited slower frequency neuronal oscillations during a WM task. Furthermore, subjects with stronger hippocampus-PFC connectivity were better able to encode the complex pictures used in the WM task into long-term memory. These findings are consistent with models suggesting that electrophysiological oscillations provide a mechanism of long-range interactions [9] and link hippocampus-PFC structural connectivity to PFC rhythmic electrical dynamics and memory performance. More generally, these results highlight the importance of incorporating individual differences when linking structure and function to cognition.  相似文献   

Gray R  Regan D 《Current biology : CB》2000,10(10):587-590
Many authors have assumed that motor actions required for collision avoidance and for collision achievement (for example, in driving a car or hitting a ball) are guided by monitoring the time to collision (TTC), and that this is done on the basis of moment-to-moment values of the optical variable tau [1] [2] [3]. This assumption has also motivated the search for single neurons that fire when tau is a certain value [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]. Almost all of the laboratory studies and all the animal experiments were restricted to the case of stationary observer and moving object. On the face of it, this would seem reasonable. Even though humans and other animals routinely perform visually guided actions that require the TTC of an approaching object to be estimated while the observer is moving, tau provides an accurate estimate of TTC regardless of whether the approach is produced by self-motion, object-motion or a combination of both. One might therefore expect that judgements of TTC would be independent of self-motion. We report here, however, that simulated selfmotion using a peripheral flow field substantially altered estimates of TTC for an approaching object, even though the peripheral flow field did not affect the value of tau for the approaching object. This finding points to long range interactions between collision-sensitive visual neurons and neural mechanisms for processing self-motion.  相似文献   

Living organisms need to search for and ingest nutritional chemicals, and gustation plays a major role in detecting and discriminating between chemicals present in the environment. Using Drosophila as a model organism, we asked whether animals have the ability to evaluate the nutritional value of sugars. In flies, chemosensilla on the tarsi and labellum are the gustatory organs used to discriminate between edible and nonedible compounds [1, 2]. We noticed that Drosophila do not assign nutritional values to all sweet chemicals. D-arabinose is sweet to flies, but it provides them with no nutrition. By contrast, the sugar alcohol D-sorbitol is not sensed as sweet, but flies can live on it. We performed behavioral and electrophysiological measurements to confirm these gustatory and feeding responses. We found that Drosophila can learn the nutritional value of nonsweet D-sorbitol when it is associated with an odor cue. The learning process involved the synapsin molecule, suggesting that a neuronal mechanism is involved. We propose that Drosophila uses neural machinery to detect, evaluate, and learn the nutritional value of foods after ingestion.  相似文献   

Multiple site optical recording was used to analyze the neural activity changes caused by conditioned taste aversion (CTA) training in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. In response to electrical stimulation of the median lip nerve, which transmits chemosensory signals of appetitive taste to the central nervous system, we optically detected large numbers of spikes in several parts of the buccal ganglion. The effects of CTA training on the spike responses were examined in two areas of the ganglion where the most active neural responses occurred. In one area (termed Area I) that included the N1 medial (N1M) cells, a class of central pattern generator interneurons involved in feeding behavior, the number of spikes in a period 1500-2000 ms after median lip nerve stimulation was significantly reduced in conditioned animals compared to control animals. In another area (termed Area II) positioned between buccal motoneurons, the B3 and B4CL (cluster) cells, the evoked spike responses were unaffected by CTA training. These results, taken together with our previous results indicating an enhancement of an inhibitory input to the N1M cells during CTA, suggest that an appetitive taste signal transmitted to the N1M cells through the median lip nerves is suppressed during CTA, resulting in a decrease of the feeding response.  相似文献   

We examined the necessity of alpha-gustducin, a G protein alpha-subunit expressed in taste cells, to taste-mediated licking responses of mice to sapid stimuli. To this end, we measured licking responses of alpha-gustducin knock-out (Gus-/-) mice and heterozygotic littermate controls (Gus+/-) to a variety of 'bitter', 'umami', 'sweet', 'salty' and 'sour' taste stimuli. All previous studies of how Gus-/- mice ingest taste stimuli have used long-term (i.e. 48 h) preference tests, which may be confounded by post-ingestive and/or experiential effects of the taste stimuli. We minimized these confounds by using a brief-access taste test, which quantifies immediate lick responses to extremely small volumes of sapid solutions. We found that deleting alpha-gustducin (i) dramatically reduced the aversiveness of a diverse range of 'bitter' taste stimuli; (ii) moderately decreased appetitive licking to low and intermediate concentrations of an 'umami' taste stimulus (monosodium glutamate in the presence of 100 microM amiloride), but virtually eliminated the normal aversion to high concentrations of the same taste stimulus; (iii) slightly decreased appetitive licking to 'sweet' taste stimuli; and (iv) modestly reduced the aversiveness of high, but not low or intermediate, concentrations of NaCl. There was no significant effect of deleting alpha-gustducin on licking responses to NH4Cl or HCl.  相似文献   

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