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Recent changes in global climate have been linked with changes in animal body size. While declines in body size are commonly explained as an adaptive thermoregulatory response to climate warming, many species do not decline in size, and alternative explanations for size change exist. One possibility is that temporal changes in animal body size are driven by changes in environmental productivity and food availability. This hypothesis is difficult to test due to the lack of suitable estimates that go back in time. Here, we use an alternative, indirect, approach and assess whether continent‐wide changes over the previous 100 years in body size in 15 species of Australian birds are associated with changes in their yellow carotenoid‐based plumage coloration. This type of coloration is strongly affected by food availability because birds cannot synthesize carotenoids and need to ingest them, and because color expression depends on general body condition. We found significant continent‐wide intraspecific temporal changes in body size (wing length) and yellow carotenoid‐based color (plumage reflectance) for half the species. Direction and magnitude of changes were highly variable among species. Meta‐analysis indicated that neither body size nor yellow plumage color showed a consistent temporal trend and that changes in color were not correlated with changes in size over the past 100 years. We conclude that our data provide no evidence that broad‐scale variation in food availability is a general explanation for continent‐wide changes in body size in this group of species. The interspecific variability in temporal changes in size as well as color suggests that it might be unlikely that a single factor drives these changes, and more detailed studies of museum specimens and long‐term field studies are required to disentangle the processes involved.  相似文献   

We estimate the body sizes of direct ancestors of extant carnivores, and examine selected aspects of life history as a function not only of species' current size, but also of recent changes in size. Carnivore species that have undergone marked recent evolutionary size change show life history characteristics typically associated with species closer to the ancestral body size. Thus, phyletic giants tend to mature earlier and have larger litters of smaller offspring at shorter intervals than do species of the same body size that are not phyletic giants. Phyletic dwarfs, by contrast, have slower life histories than nondwarf species of the same body size. We discuss two possible mechanisms for the legacy of recent size change: lag (in which life history variables cannot evolve as quickly as body size, leading to species having the 'wrong' life history for their body size) and body size optimization (in which life history and hence body size evolve in response to changes in energy availability); at present, we cannot distinguish between these alternatives. Our finding that recent body size changes help explain residual variation around life history allometries shows that a more dynamic view of character change enables comparative studies to make more precise predictions about species traits in the context of their evolutionary background.  相似文献   

Hydration status of humans was assessed by means of bioimpedancemetry on board the space station or under the conditions of antiorthostatic hypokinesia (AOSH). Water compartments of the body were decreased in a cosmonaut at the seventh day of a ten-day-long flight to the same degree as in a group of six testers by the seventh day of AOSH (?8°): the amount of total body fluids and intracellular and extracellular volumes were decreased by 5.6–6.5% as compared to the baseline level. The changes in body composition of a cosmonaut during flight were similar to the changes observed in testers during AOSH: lean body weight, which was determined by bioimpedancemetry, was insignificantly decreased, whereas the adipose component of body weight was, on the contrary, increased. It was concluded that the hydration level of the human body was decreased and the amount of body fat was increased during a short-term space flight. It was also shown that the hydration status and composition of the human body were changed in a similar way under the conditions of both AOSH and space flight, which indicates that this ground-based model is adequate for simulation of hydration changes caused by microgravity.  相似文献   

The measurement of short-term changes in maternal body composition during the post-partum period under field conditions poses many problems: (1) body composition techniques depend on the constancy of the proportions of components or their physical properties and are less suitable for measuring changes; (2) many of the techniques require expensive, technically sophisticated apparatus that is inappropriate to field conditions in many countries; (3) changes in body composition affect some areas of the body more than others so regional as well as whole body approaches are required. The measurements of body weight, triceps and subscapular skinfold thicknesses and upper arm circumference are essential measurements. These can be supplemented with further skinfold thicknesses and circumferences, and possibly body density and body water measurements. There is little to be gained by transforming anthropometric variables into whole body composition indices in these circumstances.  相似文献   

Adult body mass and changes in mass during an individual's life are important indicators of general health and reproductive fitness. Therefore, characterization of the factors that influence normal variation in body mass has important implications for colony management and husbandry. The main objective of this study was to quantify the genetic contribution to adult body mass and its maintenance in baboons. Intra-individual mean and variance in body mass were calculated from multiple weight measures available for each of 1,614 animals at least 10 years of age. Heritabilities were estimated using maximum likelihood methods. Mean adult body mass had a significant heritability (50%) as did variance in adult body mass (12%). The sexes differed in several respects: on average females were smaller than males and had greater variability in adult body mass; mean and variance in body mass increased with age in females only; and number of offspring showed a significant positive relationship with body mass in females only. There were significant differences between subspecies in body mass as well as ability to maintain body mass. These results indicate that there is a significant genetic influence on body mass and its maintenance, and suggest that different factors influence changes in body mass with age as well as body mass maintenance in male and female baboons. Am. J. Primatol. 42:281–288, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The metabolic rate of harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus), harbor (Phoca vitulina), and ringed seals (Pusa hispida) was measured at various temperatures in air and water to estimate basal metabolic rates (BMRs) in these species. The basal rate and body composition of three harp seals were also measured throughout the year to examine the extent to which they vary seasonally. Marine mammalian carnivores generally have BMRs that are over three times the rates expected from body mass in mammals generally, both as a response to a cold-water distribution and to carnivorous food habits with the basal rates of terrestrial carnivores averaging about 1.8 times the mean of mammals. Phocid seals, however, have basal rates of metabolism that are 30% lower than other marine carnivores. Captive seals undergo profound changes in body mass and food consumption throughout the year, and after accounting for changes in body mass, the lowest rate of food intake occurs in summer. Contrary to earlier observations, harp seals also have lower basal rates during summer than during winter, but the variation in BMR, relative to mass expectations, was not associated with changes in the size of fat deposits. The summer reduction in energy expenditure and food consumption correlated with a reduction in BMR. That is, changes in BMR account for a significant portion of the seasonal variation in energy expenditure in the harp seal. Changes in body mass of harp seals throughout the year were due not only to changes in the size of body fat deposits, but also to changes in lean body mass. These results suggest that bioenergetics models used to predict prey consumption by seals should include time-variant energy requirements.  相似文献   

Geographical and temporal variations in body size are common phenomena among organisms and may evolve within a few years. We argue that body size acts much like a barometer, fluctuating in parallel with changes in the relevant key predictor(s), and that geographical and temporal changes in body size are actually manifestations of the same drivers. Frequently, the principal predictors of body size are food availability during the period of growth and ambient temperature, which often affects food availability. Food availability depends on net primary productivity that, in turn, is determined by climate and weather (mainly temperature and precipitation), and these depend mainly on solar radiation and other solar activities. When the above predictors are related to latitude the changes have often been interpreted as conforming to Bergmann's rule, but in many cases such interpretations should be viewed with caution due to the interrelationships among various environmental predictors. Recent temporal changes in body size have often been related to global warming. However, in many cases the above key predictors are not related to either latitude and/or year, and it is the task of the researcher to determine which particular environmental predictor is the one that determines food availability and, in turn, body size. The chance of discerning a significant change in body size depends to a large extent on sample size (specimens/year). The most recent changes in body size are probably phenotypic, but there are some cases in which they are partly genetic.  相似文献   

This study investigates changes in the distribution of body mass for adult Australians between 1995 and 2017/18. Using three nationally representative health surveys, we first apply the parametric generalised entropy (GE) class of inequality indices to measure the level of disparity in the body mass distribution. Results from the GE measure reveal that, while growth of body mass inequality is a population-wide experience, demographic and socio-economic factors explain only a modest portion of total inequality. We then apply the relative distributions (RD) method to garner richer insights on changes to the body mass distribution. The non-parametric RD method reveals growth in the proportion of adult Australians falling into the upper deciles of the body mass distribution since 1995. Then, hypothetically keeping the shape of the distribution unchanged, we discern that body mass increases across all deciles of the distribution (location effect) is an important contributor to the observed distributional change. After removing the location effect, however, we find a non-trivial role for distributional shape changes (growth of the proportion of adults at the upper and lower parts of the distribution as the proportion in the middle diminish). While our findings support current policy directions that target the population as a whole, factors driving shape changes to the body mass distribution also need consideration when designing anti-obesity campaigns, especially when aimed at women.  相似文献   

The human body literally glimmers. The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes. Ultraweak photon emission is known as the energy released as light through the changes in energy metabolism. We successfully imaged the diurnal change of this ultraweak photon emission with an improved highly sensitive imaging system using cryogenic charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. We found that the human body directly and rhythmically emits light. The diurnal changes in photon emission might be linked to changes in energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Altitudinal localities of the northern India are associated with high seasonal changes. Drosophila melanogaster flies are darker during the winter season as compared to the autumn season. We tested the hypothesis whether there are altitudinal clines for mating related traits. We observed negative cline for mating latency and positive for copulation period along altitude in D. melanogaster. We further tested if seasonally varying body melanisation is correlated with mating propensity in D. melanogaster. Thus, we examined the D. melanogaster flies collected during autumn and winter season for changes in body melanisation and mating-related traits. Flies from the winter season show high melanisation, copulation duration and fecundity/day as compared to the autumn season flies. By contrast mating latency is longer during autumn as compared to winter season. Based on within- and between-population analysis, body melanisation shows positive correlation with copulation duration and fecundity/day, while negative correlation with mating latency. Within-population analyses show no correlation between body size and ovariole number with body melanisation. Thus, our data suggest that seasonal changes in body melanisation are correlated with mating latency, copulation duration and fecundity/day, but no correlation with body size and ovariole numbers. Further, we observed that seasonal changes in these clines, although have some component of plasticity, have strong genetic basis as the seasonal and population differences were maintained for various traits after 8 generations in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in an animal's morphology, physiology, and behavior are considered to be an adaptive strategy for survival and reproductive success. In the present study, we examined body weight and several behavioral, physiological, hormonal, and biochemical markers in seasonally acclimatized Brandt's voles (Microtus brandti) to test our hypothesis that Brandt's voles can decrease energy intake associated with decrease in body weight, body fat content, serum leptin level, and increasing thermogenesis in winter conditions. We found that the body weight of Brandt's voles was lowest in winter (December to February) and highest in spring and early summer (May to June). This seasonal variation in body weight was associated with changes in other markers examined. For example, the winter decrease in body weight was accompanied by increased energy intake and enhanced nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) as well as by decreased body fat mass and reduced levels of circulating leptin. Further, circulating levels of leptin were positively correlated with body weight and body fat mass, and negatively correlated with energy intake and uncoupling protein 1 contents. Together, these data do not support our hypothesis and suggest that leptin may be involved in this process and serve as a starvation signal in Brandt's voles.  相似文献   

The risk of both predation and food level has been shown to affect phenotypic development of organisms. However, these two factors also influence animal behavior that in turn may influence phenotypic development. Hence, it might be difficult to disentangle the behavioral effect from the predator or resource‐level effects. This is because the presence of predators and high resource levels usually results in a lower activity, which in turn affects energy expenditure that is used for development and growth. It is therefore necessary to study how behavior interacts with changes in body shape with regard to resource density and predators. Here, we use the classic predator‐induced morphological defense in fish to study the interaction between predator cues, resource availability, and behavioral activity with the aim to determine their relative contribution to changes in body shape. We show that all three variables, the presence of a predator, food level, and activity, both additively and interactively, affected the body shape of perch. In general, the presence of predators, lower swimming activity, and higher food levels induced a deep body shape, with predation and behavior having similar effect and food treatment the smallest effect. The shape changes seemed to be mediated by changes in growth rate as body condition showed a similar effect as shape with regard to food‐level and predator treatments. Our results suggests that shape changes in animals to one environmental factor, for example, predation risk, can be context dependent, and depend on food levels or behavioral responses. Theoretical and empirical studies should further explore how this context dependence affects fitness components such as resource gain and mortality and their implications for population dynamics.  相似文献   

Changes in body weight and composition are the result of complex interactions among metabolic fluxes contributing to macronutrient balances. To better understand these interactions, a mathematical model was constructed that used the measured dietary macronutrient intake during semistarvation and refeeding as model inputs and computed whole body energy expenditure, de novo lipogenesis, and gluconeogenesis as well as turnover and oxidation of carbohydrate, fat, and protein. Published in vivo human data provided the basis for the model components that were integrated by fitting a few unknown parameters to the classic Minnesota human starvation experiment. The model simulated the measured body weight and fat mass changes during semistarvation and refeeding and predicted the unmeasured metabolic fluxes underlying the body composition changes. The resting metabolic rate matched the experimental measurements and required a model of adaptive thermogenesis. Refeeding caused an elevation of de novo lipogenesis that, along with increased fat intake, resulted in a rapid repletion and overshoot of body fat. By continuing the computer simulation with the prestarvation diet and physical activity, the original body weight and composition were eventually restored, but body fat mass was predicted to take more than one additional year to return to within 5% of its original value. The model was validated by simulating a recently published short-term caloric restriction experiment without changing the model parameters. The predicted changes in body weight, fat mass, resting metabolic rate, and nitrogen balance matched the experimental measurements, thereby providing support for the validity of the model.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in body condition and immunological variables of animals that harbor parasites may explain patterns of variation in infestation, as well as parasite impact on the host. We emulated such variability in Sundevall's jirds by manipulating food availability and flea infestation in juveniles and adults and examining how these changes affect survival of fleas on their hosts. Body condition of food-restricted jirds deteriorated, but there was no change in their immunological variables. Adult jirds were in better body condition and had higher immunocompetence than juveniles, however there were no significant effects of flea infestation on any of the variables examined. The main effects of flea infestation were a decrease in the response to phytohaemagglutinin injection, and an increase in the negative effects of food restriction on body mass. Flea survival was higher on juveniles, but fleas did not respond to temporal variability in body condition and immunocompetence of the jirds. We concluded that changes in body condition and immune responses due to growth or variability in food abundance are more important than changes caused by the fleas themselves. Flea infestation is more detrimental to jirds when they are not able to compensate for mass loss through increased food consumption.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic approach was used to test three hypotheses regarding the evolution of diversity in the echolocation frequencies used by horseshoe bats (family Rhinolophidae, genus Rhinolophus): 1) Allotonic Frequency Hypothesis (high frequency echolocation in the Rhinolophidae resulted from coevolution with moth hearing); 2) Allometry Hypothesis (echolocation frequency is negatively scaled with body size and evolutionary changes in echolocation frequencies are correlated with changes in body size in the Rhinolophidae); and 3) Foraging Habitat Hypothesis (evolution of echolocation frequency is associated with changes in habitat type). Both discrete and continuous character sets were used for ancestral state reconstructions and for investigating patterns of evolution between frequency and body size, and frequency and habitat type. Contrary to the prediction of the Allotonic Frequency Hypothesis, echolocation frequency in the Rhinolophidae did not increase over time, which would be expected if moth hearing and bat echolocation frequency coevolved. The number of extant species that exhibit calls within moth hearing ranges was not significantly different from the number of species that echolocate outside of moth hearing range. There was also no correlation between changes in frequency and changes in habitat type as predicted by the Foraging Habitat Hypothesis. Instead, the evolution of echolocation frequency within the Rhinolophidae was correlated with changes in body size as predicted by the Allometry Hypothesis.  相似文献   

Secular changes in the body dimensions of newborns from three different geographical localities are compared. Anthropometrical data of infants born in 1987 and in 2002 as a result of singleton full-term non-pathological postpartum were collected from medical records of children's out-patient clinics in three geographical localities: two big cities-Moscow and Saratov-and the town of Khvalynsk (Saratov region). The total number of newborns used in the analysis was 1,174. Body length and weight at birth from 1987 to 2002 increased in Moscow and Saratov, while in Khvalynsk there was a significant decrease of body length for boys. There is also a trend towards decrease of body weight in Khvalynsk boys and girls. It may be assumed that the changes in body sizes of newborns may be connected with socio-economic changes.  相似文献   

Every year, 2 million women reach menopause in the United States, and they may spend 40% or more of their life in a postmenopausal state. In the years immediately preceding menopause—known as the menopause transition (or perimenopause)—changes in hormones and body composition increase a woman’s overall cardiometabolic risk. In this narrative review, we summarize the changes in weight, body composition, and body fat distribution, as well as the changes in energy intake, energy expenditure, and other cardiometabolic risk factors (lipid profile, glucose metabolism, sleep health, and vascular function), that occur during the menopause transition. We also discuss the benefits of lifestyle interventions in women in the earlier stages of menopause before these detrimental changes occur. Finally, we discuss how to include perimenopausal women in research studies so that women across the life-span are adequately represented.  相似文献   

It was recently shown that short-term changes in the whole body mass and associated changes in the vertical position of the center of mass (COM) modify anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) [Li X, Aruin AS. The effect of short-term changes in the body mass on anticipatory postural adjustments. Exp Brain Res 2007;181:333–46]. In this study, we investigated whether changes in the body mass distribution and related changes in the anterior–posterior COM position affect APA generation. Fourteen subjects were instructed to catch a 2.2 kg load with their arms extended while standing with no additional weight or while carrying a 9.08 kg weight. Adding weight to a backpack, front pack or belly pocket was associated with an increase of the whole body mass, but it also involved changes in the anterior–posterior (A/P) and vertical positions of the COM. Electromyographic activity of leg and trunk muscles, body kinematics, and ground reaction forces were recorded and quantified within the typical time intervals of APAs. APAs were modified in conditions with changed body mass distribution: increased magnitude of anticipatory EMG activity in leg and trunk muscles, as well as co-activation of leg muscles and decreased anticipatory displacement of the COM in the vertical direction, were seen in conditions with increased body mass. Changes in the COM position induced in both A/P and vertical directions were associated with increased anticipatory EMG activity. In addition, they were linked to a co-activation of muscles at the ankle joints and significant changes in the center of pressure (COP) position. Modifications of the COM position induced in the A/P direction were related to increased anticipatory EMG activity in the leg and trunk muscles. At the same time, no significant differences in anticipatory EMG activity or displacement of COP were observed when changes of COM position were induced in the vertical direction. The study outcome suggests that the CNS uses different strategies while generating APAs in conditions with changes in the COM position induced in the anterior–posterior and vertical directions.  相似文献   

Balance changes during pregnancy likely occur because of mass gains and mass distribution changes. However, to date there is no way of tracking balance through center of mass motion because no method is available to identify of the body center of mass throughout pregnancy. We compared methods for determining segment masses and torso center of mass location. The availability of a method for tracking these changes during pregnancy will make determining balance changes through center of mass motion an option for future pregnancy balance research. Thirty pregnant women from eight weeks gestation until birth were recruited for monthly anthropometric measurements, motion capture analysis of body segment locations, and force plate analysis of center of pressure during quiet standing and supine laying. From these measurements, we were able to compare regression, volume measurement, and weighted sum methods to calculate body center of mass throughout pregnancy. We found that mass changes around the trunk were most prevalent as expected, but mass changes throughout the body (especially the thighs) were also seen. Our findings also suggest that a series of anthropometric measurements first suggested by Pavol et al. (2002), in combination with quiet standing on a force plate, can be used to identify the needed components (segment masses and torso center of mass location in three dimensions) to calculate body center of mass changes during pregnancy. The results of this study will make tracking of center of mass motion a possibility for future pregnancy balance research.  相似文献   

Our natural body odor goes through several stages of age-dependent changes in chemical composition as we grow older. Similar changes have been reported for several animal species and are thought to facilitate age discrimination of an individual based on body odors, alone. We sought to determine whether humans are able to discriminate between body odor of humans of different ages. Body odors were sampled from three distinct age groups: Young (20-30 years old), Middle-age (45-55), and Old-age (75-95) individuals. Perceptual ratings and age discrimination performance were assessed in 41 young participants. There were significant differences in ratings of both intensity and pleasantness, where body odors from the Old-age group were rated as less intense and less unpleasant than body odors originating from Young and Middle-age donors. Participants were able to discriminate between age categories, with body odor from Old-age donors mediating the effect also after removing variance explained by intensity differences. Similarly, participants were able to correctly assign age labels to body odors originating from Old-age donors but not to body odors originating from other age groups. This experiment suggests that, akin to other animals, humans are able to discriminate age based on body odor alone and that this effect is mediated mainly by body odors emitted by individuals of old age.  相似文献   

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