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西双版纳地处热带北缘,气候上具有过渡性质,加之地形复杂,植物种类繁多,在这样一个特定的地区进行植物引种驯化工作,除了可以从当地丰富的野生植物资源中不断发掘新的有用植物种类、就地进行野生与家化对比试验外,还可以为广泛引种热带及亚热带经济植物起到一个地理位置上的过渡桥梁作用。  相似文献   

肖云学  刘光裕 《广西植物》2021,41(5):843-852
龙脑香科植物广泛分布于热带亚洲,被认为是亚洲热带雨林的标志性物种.中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园从建园开始就注重龙脑香科植物的研究、收集与保护,并建立了龙脑香科植物专类园.经过几十年收集,现已成为我国龙脑香科植物重要的保育基地.该文结合历年的引种保育、物候及生长量观测等资料,系统整理了版纳植物园在龙脑香科植物引种保育和研...  相似文献   

西双版纳热带植物园引种植物物候特征比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
迁地保护是生物多样性保护的重要手段之一, 前期的植物引种研究可为迁地保护提供必要的理论支持。通过对西双版纳热带植物园内不同来源的引种植物和本地植物的4个物候期(萌叶期、落叶期、开花期和果熟期)分布格局及其气候影响因子进行对比, 阐明引种植物对环境的适应性和对策。结果表明, 引种植物比本地植物萌叶生长盛期更长, 但对低温和干旱更加敏感的引种植物, 在旱季其落叶比例明显高于本地植物, 而3、4月由于气温的回升, 使引种植物和本地植物在雨季之前就进入了萌叶盛期。而在繁殖物候方面, 由于受气候因子影响较小, 引种植物和本地植物的开花期和果熟期格局季节性表现都不明显, 且规律性不强。总体上, 各来源地的引种植物能根据环境的改变形成相应的生长与繁殖适应对策, 可较好地适应西双版纳的环境。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带植物园引种植物物候特征比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迁地保护是生物多样性保护的重要手段之一,前期的植物引种研究呵为迁地保护提供必要的理论支持。通过对西双版纳热带植物园内不同来源的引种植物和本地植物的4个物候期(萌叶期、落叶期、开花期和果熟期)分布格局及其气候影响因子进行对比,阐明引种植物对环境的适应性和对策。结果表明,引种植物比本地植物萌叶生长盛期更长,但对低温和干旱更加敏感的引种植物,在旱季其落叶比例明显高于本地植物,而3、4月由于气温的回升,使引种植物和本地植物在雨季之前就进入了萌叶盛期。而在繁殖物候方面,由于受气候因子影响较小,引种植物和本地植物的开花期和果熟期格局季节性表现都不明显。且规律性不强。总体上,各来源地的引种植物能根据环境的改变形成相应的生长与繁殖适应对策,可较好地适应西双版纳的环境。  相似文献   

植物引种驯化研究概述   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
植物引种驯化是植物学的一个分支学科,该学科与植物的迁地保护和当地的经济建设紧密相关,属于应用基础研究的范畴。但有关理论和方法的研究至今仍显得比较零碎,不够系统,判断植物引种驯化成功的标准尚不够明确。本文就植物引种驯化的概念和意义、主要理论和方法、影响其成败的因子、途径和程序、判断植物引种驯化成功的标准等进行了综述和探讨,并提出了植物引种驯化的展望。  相似文献   

回顾了陕西植物引种驯化的成就、经验,特别是对区域性的引进种类、成功事例进行了较详尽的叙述,并在此基础上讨论了引种驯化的理论、方法与技术措施、路线,展望了陕西植物引种驯化的趋向,提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

西双版纳龙脑香林只有与热带亚洲的龙脑香林完全一致的植物科的组成,绝大多数的属也与后者共有,特别是在乔木层的区系组成和数量特征上,二者很类似,表明西双版纳龙脑香林在植物区系性质上归属于热带亚洲龙脑香林,但为后者的一种北缘类型。与中国热带边缘地区的其它一些森林类型相比,西双版纳龙脑香林亦具有与它们基本一致的科的组成,但无论按在群落中的种数,按占科的世界区系百分比,还是按重要值指数,西双版纳龙脑香林中热带科均占有显著地位,并且包含有较高比例的热带亚洲分布属和种,故可认为它是中国热带北缘地区的森林类型中热带性强,在区系组成上接近热带亚洲龙脑香林而作为后者的一个部分的森林类型。  相似文献   

引种驯化是增加植物资源的一种传统育种方法。本文从浙江省农业科学院亚热带作物研究所引种驯化研究发展回顾入手,剖析了温州植物引种结果,以方法的改进反映浙江现代引种驯化学术水平的进步,最后讨论了植物引种驯化研究的若干问题。  相似文献   

正这个暑假,我参加了由思问网、北京四中、中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园联合举办的云南西双版纳科考行。在全球同纬度上唯一有热带雨林分布的地方,从小生长在北方的我在西双版纳见识了太多从未见过的奇特生物现象。但同时,我在西双版纳看到的一些现象也引发了我的思考,给我带来了一些出乎意料的收获。在植物园内,见到了热带雨林的各种植物,真是大开眼界:神秘果能够改变人的味觉,  相似文献   

转动地球仪,一只报晓的雄鸡昂首挺立在亚洲的东方,这就是我们伟大的祖国。在这富饶美丽的国土上,从秀丽的桂林山水到令人神往的西双版纳的原始森林,它们都是怎么形成的?由昂首夭外的珠穆朗玛峰到万顷波涛的东海之滨,它们都是亘古不变的吗?这一切又是谁的惫志在安排?  相似文献   

福建泉州市彩叶植物种类及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彩叶植物因其叶色丰富、观赏性高,在园林绿化中占有重要地位。本文对福建泉州市彩叶植物种类及应用现状进行调查研究,并对彩叶植物的引种与应用提出建议。  相似文献   

福建珍稀南药植物资源及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于多年南药植物引种、种植和驯化的实践经验,概述福建35种珍稀南药植物,编录了各植物的药用部位、性味及生境等,并提出南药资源合理开发和持续利用的建议。  相似文献   

活性氧、自由基与植物的衰老   总被引:140,自引:15,他引:140  
介绍近 1 0年来有关活性氧、自由基的产生 ,对植物的伤害及植物对活性氧、自由基清除的研究进展。  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白和植物螯合肽在植物重金属耐性中的作用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
植物螯合肽和金属硫蛋白广泛存在于植物界中,它们对植物耐重金属特别重要,能够与重金属形成复合物,以缓解重金属对植物的危害。本文就这两种金属螯合蛋白的结构、生物合成和基因调控,以及在植物体内缓解重金属毒害的作用方面作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Worldwide, we rely on introduced plants for the essentials of human life; however, intentional plant introductions for commercial benefit have resulted in invaders with negative environmental, economic or social impacts. We argue that plant species of low expected economic value should be less acceptable for introduction than species of high economic value if their other traits are similar; however, key traits such as likelihood of escape and costs of escape are often highly uncertain. Methods do not currently exist which allow decision makers to evaluate costs and benefits of introduction under uncertainty. We developed a cost-benefit analysis for determining plant introduction that incorporates probability of escape, expected economic costs after escape, expected commercial benefits, and the efficiency and cost of containment. We used a model to obtain optimal decisions for the introduction and containment of commercial plants while maximizing net benefit or avoiding losses. We also obtained conditions for robust decisions which take into account severe uncertainty in model parameters using information-gap decision theory. Optimal decisions for introduction and containment of commercial plants depended, not only on the probability of escape and subsequent costs incurred, but also on the anticipated commercial benefit, and the cost and efficiency of containment. When our objective is to maximize net benefit, increasing uncertainty in parameter values increased the likelihood of introduction; in contrast, if our objective is to avoid losses, more uncertainty decreased the likelihood of introduction.  相似文献   

本文回顾近十几年来厦门地区涉台("闽台通道")引进园林植物的概况,调查、总结和评价经"闽台通道"引入厦门地区栽培及应用的77种园林植物,并提出加强涉台园林植物引种工作的若干建议。  相似文献   

报道了河北省种子植物新分布记录———草甸碎米荠(Cardamine pratensis L.)和外来引种半逸生植物———半边莲(Lobelia chinensis Lour.),对它们的识别特征及地理分布做了简要讨论,并根据标本绘制了形态特征图。  相似文献   

Plants Used for Reproductive Health by Nahua Women in Northern Veracruz, Mexico. This paper reports the use of medicinal plants by Nahua women in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. It documents the women’s plant knowledge for reproductive purposes, which includes uses such as conception, pregnancy, birth, contraception, menstruation, post-partum, and general reproductive health. The concept of equilibrium is very important in regaining health among the Nahua; consequently, many of the medicinal plants have this as their primary purpose. The introduction of biomedical clinics and hospitals in the region has had a significant effect on the loss of knowledge about medicinal plants. Additionally, the midwives are not taking any new apprentices and laywomen are not passing on their knowledge to future generations. This generational gap contributes to the loss of knowledge about medicinal plants. This research contributes to the study of indigenous ethnobotany by (a) creating a record of the plant knowledge possessed by indigenous women, (b) giving voice to some of their health concerns, (c) indicating how the introduction of biomedicine has affected their plant use, and (d) providing a framework for understanding how marginal peoples around the world respond to the impact that globalization and change has on their health needs and local ethnobotanical knowledge.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in growth of an invasive tree species   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Invasive plants are often more vigorous in their introduced ranges than in their native ranges. This may reflect an innate superiority of plants from some habitats or an escape from their enemies. Another hypothesis proposes that invasive plants evolve increased competitive ability in their introduced range. We present the results of a 14-year common garden experiment with the Chinese Tallow Tree ( Sapium sebiferum ) from its native range (Asia), place of introduction to North America (Georgia) and areas colonized a century later (Louisiana and Texas). Invasive genotypes, especially those from recently colonized areas, were larger than native genotypes and more likely to produce seeds but had lower quality, poorly defended leaves. Our results demonstrate significant post-invasion genetic differences in an invasive plant species. Post-introduction adaptation by introduced plants may contribute to their invasive success and make it difficult to predict problem species.  相似文献   


Many invasive plants increase aggressiveness after introduction. Since evolutionary forces such as herbivore pressure may change over different time scales, understanding the changes in biotic interactions in invasive plants through time can clarify the mechanism of their evolution in aggressiveness. In this study, we examined the geographic variation in phenotypic traits of Solidago altissima and the abundance of two exotic herbivorous insect species (the aphid, Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum and the lacebug, Corythucha marmorata), which are recently expanding their habitat on S. altissima populations over Japan. The two exotic insects were present at high density on S. altissima throughout their range. No differences in growth traits (plant height and number of leaves) were found among populations, and all plants examined appear to be exclusively hexaploid. Future studies on population genetics and common garden experiments are necessary to evaluate the potential evolutionary dynamics of the S. altissima after introduction.  相似文献   

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