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Summary The choroid plexus from the lateral ventricles of 18-day chick embryos was cultivated as an organ in medium 199 until the degeneration of the stroma. Selected plexuses forming an empty epithelial sac were then incubated with enzyme-treated human immunoglobulin (5S-antibody) and with native human immunoglobulin (7S-antibody). Uptake of the 7S-antibody was observed after 30 min, whereas the 5S-antibody was taken up by the choroid plexus within 1 min, as demonstrated by means of the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) technique (Sternberger 1974). The antibodies were located in conspicuous, large vacuoles of the choroid epithelium. Further experiments were performed using only 5S-antibody. In addition to the demonstration of the protein structure of this immunoglobulin, it was also shown that its binding capacity for tetanus toxoid as an antigen remains intact in the intracellular location. It was not possible to observe lysosomal degradation. Moreover, 5S-antibody was detectable in cultures first incubated with 5S-antibody for 30 min and subsequently in antibody-free medium for a further period of 7 to 11 days.The biological significance of the uptake of material from the cerebrospinal fluid and the possibility of the existence of a receptor for 5S-antibody are discussed.  相似文献   

The vascularization of the telencephalic choroid plexus of the sterlet Acipenser ruthenus, a ganoid fish, was examined by vascular corrosion casting and by light and transmission electron microscopy. The arterial supply is from the dorsal mesencephalic artery via: 1) the ventral choroidal arteries (left and right); 2) the dorsal choroidal arteries (left and right); 3) the caudal choroidal arteries (left and right); 4) the ventral arteries of the dorsal sac; and, from the olfactory arteries, via 5) the rostral choroidal arteries. The venous drainage is mainly through a single main choroidal vein that can take various courses either directly to the anterior cardinal vein or via the middle cerebral vein to the anterior cardinal vein. To a lesser extent, the plexus is drained via the lateral telencephalic veins and the ventral vein of the dorsal sac to the middle cerebral vein. By angioarchitecture and form, the plexus can be subdivided into five distinct parts: the surface network, the median folds, the large lateral folds, the small lateral folds, and the area common to the bottom of the dorsal sac and the telencephalic plexus. Diameters of terminal vessels as measured from vascular corrosion casts and from paraplast, semithin, and ultrathin sections were never less than 10 micron. It is suggested that the different areas in one plexus may have different functions with respect to secretion and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

After separation of whole proteins of chick neural retina by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), a number of glycoproteins can be detected by staining the gels with 125I-labeled wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and other lectins. The glycoprotein patterns show both quantitative and qualitative changes between days 7 and 13 of development. Some of these glycoproteins can be separated by chromatography on columns of insolubilized lectins. These observations suggest that purification of some of these glycoproteins identified by staining with radioactive lectins would yield retinal antigens which may be specific for developmental stage and cell type.  相似文献   

Transport mechanisms in the choroid plexus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary The localization of sodium ion in the cat choroid plexus was studied by use of potassium pyroantimonate. The precipitates formed by the potassium pyroantimonate occur mostly on the plasma membrane in the epithelial cell and occasionally in the perivascular space. The precipitates in the epithelial cell are most numerous at the apical surface, particularly on the microvilli, and least in number at the basal and lateral surfaces. In the endothelial cell, the dense precipitates are situated on the plasma membrane as well as on the limiting membrane of the pinocytotic vesicle. Although the dense precipitates are sometimes situated on the external surface of the plasma membrane of the epithelial cell, most of them are localized on the internal surface of the plasma membrane. A similar localization of the precipitates is to be seen on the plasma membrane of the erythrocyte. When the cerebrospinal fluid/plasma ion ratio and potential gradients across the choroid plexus are considered, the precipitates on the plasma membrane would suggest a localization of sodium needed for the activation of ATPase.
Zusammenfassung Die Lokalisation des Natriumions im Plexus chorioideus der Katze wurde mit Hilfe von Kaliumpyroantimonat untersucht. Die durch Kaliumpyroantimonat gebildeten Niederschläge treten meistens an der Plasmamembran in den Epithelzellen und gelegentlich im perivaskulären Raum auf. In den Epithelzellen kommen die Niederschläge am zahlreichsten an der apikalen Oberfläche vor, besonders an den Mikrovilli, am geringsten an den basalen und lateralen Oberflächen. In der Endothelzelle liegen die dichten Niederschläge an der Plasmamembran und an der Grenzmembran der Pinozytosebläschen. Einige der dichten Niederschläge befinden sich an der äußeren Oberfläche der Plasmamembran der Epithelzellen, die meisten aber an der inneren Oberfläche der Plasmamembran. Eine ähnliche Lokalisation der Niedersschläge wurde an der Plasmamembran des Erythrozyten festgestellt. Wenn man das Liquor Plasma-Ionenverhältnis und die Potentialgradienten am Plexus chorioideus in Betracht zieht, liegt es nahe, die nachgewiesene Lokalisation des Natriums auf eine Aktivierung von ATPase zu beziehen.

As the most abundant structural mammalian protein, collagen has been implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases such as osteogenesis imperfecta, and cancer. In the case of cornea, abnormal cornea development can lead to conditions such as agenesis, megalocornea, microcornea, and cornea plana. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of collagen assembly during development may contribute to the prevention or treatment of corneal diseases. In this study, we applied fast Fourier transform second harmonic generation microscopy to quantify parameters of corneal structures during chick development. Our results show that both the rotational pitch and overall rotational angle of corneal stroma modulate between E9 and E19. In addition, we found that corneal structures between left and right corneas are highly correlated during development.   相似文献   

Thyroxine transport in choroid plexus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The role of the choroid plexus in thyroid hormone transport between body and brain, suggested by strong synthesis and secretion of transthyretin in this tissue, was investigated in in vitro and in vivo systems. Rat choroid plexus pieces incubated in vitro were found to accumulate thyroid hormones from surrounding medium in a non-saturable process. At equilibrium, the ratio of thyroid hormone concentration in choroid plexus pieces to that in medium decreased upon increasing the concentration of transthyretin in the medium. Fluorescence quenching of fluorophores located at different depths in liposome membranes showed maximal hormone accumulation in the middle of the phospholipid bilayer. Partition coefficients of thyroxine and triiodothyronine between lipid and aqueous phase were about 20,000. After intravenous injection of 125I-labeled thyroid hormones, choroid plexus and parts of the brain steadily accumulated 125I-thyroxine, but not [125I]triiodothyronine, for many hours. The accumulation of 125I-thyroxine in choroid plexus preceded that in brain. The amount of 125I-thyroxine in non-brain tissues and the [125I]triiodothyronine content of all tissues decreased steadily beginning immediately after injection. A model is proposed for thyroxine transport from the bloodstream into cerebrospinal fluid based on partitioning of thyroxine between choroid plexus and surrounding fluids and binding of thyroxine to transthyretin newly synthesized and secreted by choroid plexus.  相似文献   

Both adult liver and choroid plexus express the organic aniontransport protein (oatp1) and transport[35S]bromosulfophthalein(BSP). Studies of the developing rat liver reveal that oatp1 mRNA andprotein do not begin to be expressed until 15 days postnatal and are atadult levels by 30 days. Uptake of[35S]BSP follows thesame time course. In contrast, neonatal rat choroid plexus expressesoatp1 mRNA and protein. When quantified on a weight basis, the uptakeof [35S]BSP in choroidplexus is lower in the adult than at earlier stages of development.Although fluorescence confocal microscopy of adult rat choroid plexusshows that oatp is localized to the apical surface, facing thecerebrospinal fluid, this method reveals an intracellular localizationof oatp1 in the neonate. Approximately 12 wk are required for theappearance of the adult pattern of distribution. Changes in thelocalization and activity of oatp1 during development could play animportant role in the pathobiology of maturation of the liver and thecentral nervous system.


Microcolonies of hemopoietic cells have occasionally been found in the choroidal stroma of the rat myelencephalic choroid plexus during neonatal life. These hemopoietic foci are mixed colonies mainly composed of erythroblasts and maturing megakaryocytes; granulocyte precursors were not identified. The morphological data indicate that both erythro- and magakaryopoiesis occur in these microcolonies. With respect to their origin, we suggest that circulating pluripotential stem cells may colonize the choroidal stroma and produce erythro- and megakaryocyte cell lines.  相似文献   

Cell surface changes during preimplantation development in the mouse   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Scanning electron microscopy reveals microvilli on all preimplantation stages, indicates that their number and length may be dependent on embryo size, and provides examples of regional alterations in their number. Cellular adherence, as evidence by interactions of microvilli, migration of cellular processes, and junctional complexes, increases during development and is accompanied by changes in the shapes of cells and embryos. Cell surfaces bordering the blastocoel differ markedly from the outer cell surfaces of the embryo.  相似文献   

Notch family molecules are transmembrane receptors that play various roles in contact-dependent cell–cell interactions in a wide range of organs. In the brain, Notch2, but not the other members of Notch, is expressed in the choroid plexus at an exceptionally high level. We immunohistochemically examined the cellular and subcellular localization of Notch2 protein in the choroid plexus using confocal and electron microscopy. Unexpectedly, Notch2 was asymmetrically localized on the microvillous surface of epithelial cells in the choroid plexus of both postnatal and adult rats. This localization pattern of Notch2 suggests its novel and unknown role independent of contact with adjacent cells in the choroid plexus. In organotypic cultures of the choroid plexus, the addition of anti-Notch2 antibody resulted in deformation of microvilli in epithelial cells, which suggests a role of Notch2 in the maintenance of the microvillous structure in choroid plexus epithelial cells.  相似文献   

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