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A well-preserved biota of Lower Cambrian cavity-dwelling organisms is recorded within fissures in Neoproterozoic andesites in Ossa-Morena (southern Spain). The cavities are unique among described Lower Cambrian coelobiontic communities due to the igneous character of the host rock. Coelobiontic habitat was episodically enlarged by synsedimentary tectonic fracturing reflecting polyphase infill of recurrent facies. The pioneer coelobiontic biota was diverse, and consisted of encrusting stromatolites and thromboids (dominated by Epiphyton and Renalcis), attached to walls and ceilings of the cavities, associated with archaeocyaths. Sponge spicules and chancelloriid sclerites occur as dense clusters indicating in situ growth, death and decay of spiculate sponges and coeloscleritophorans. Other organisms, such as echinoderms, trilobites and brachiopods, are also found within the cavities as reworked skeletons, indicating that they were washed in from the overlying, open seafloor. The main feature of the coelobiontic biota is the dominance of a sessile, chemosynthetic and filter-feeding epibenthos, composed of microbial communities, archaeocyaths, spiculate sponges (demosponges and rarer hexactinellides) and coeloscleritophorans.  相似文献   

Carsten Helm  Immo Schülke 《Facies》2006,52(3):441-467
Small reefal bioconstructions that developed in lagoonal settings are widespread in a few horizons of the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) succession of the Korallenoolith Formation, exposed southwest of Hannover, Northwest Germany. Especially the florigemma-Bank Member, “sandwiched” between oolite shoal deposits, exposes a high variety of build-ups, ranging from coral thrombolite patch reefs, to biostromes and to coral meadows. The reefs show a distribution with gradual facies variations along an outcrop belt that extends about 30 km from the Wesergebirge in the NW to the Osterwald Mts in the SE.The patch reefs from the Deister Mts locality at the “Speckhals” are developed as coral-chaetetid-solenoporid-microbialite reefs and represent a reef type that was hitherto unknown so far north of its Tethyan counterparts. They are mainly built up by coral thickets that are preserved in situ up to 1.5 m in height and a few metres in diameter. They contain up to 20 coral species of different morphotypes but are chiefly composed of phaceloid Stylosmilia corallina and Goniocora socialis subordinately. The tightly branched Stylosmilia colonies are stabilized by their anastomosing growth. The coral branches are coated with microbial crusts and micro-encrusters reinforcing the coral framework. Encrusters and other biota within the thicket show a typical community replacement sequence: Lithocodium aggregatum, Koskinobullina socialis and Iberopora bodeuri are pioneer organisms, whereas the occurrence of non-rigid sponges represents the terminal growth stage. The latter are preserved in situ and seem to be characteristic so far poorly known constituents of the Late Jurassic cryptobiont reef dweller community. The distance and overall arrangement of branches seems to be the crucial factor for the manifestation of a (cryptic) habitat promoting such community replacement sequences. Widely spaced branches often lack any encrusting and/or other reef dwelling organisms, whereas tightly branched corals, as is St. corallina, stimulate such biota. Hence, such reefs are well suited for research on coelobites and community sequences of encrusting and cavity dwelling organisms.  相似文献   

埃迪卡拉纪-寒武纪转换时期动物的起源、演化和"寒武纪大爆发"一直是国际古生物学界研究的热点问题,其中寒武纪早期小壳化石群与埃迪卡拉纪化石群和寒武纪早期澄江化石库之间的内在关系是古生物学界研究的难题,其主要原因是寒武纪早期与小壳化石群伴生的宏体动、植物化石的缺乏。发现于峡东地区的寒武纪早期岩家河生物群填补了这一缺失环节,该生物群包含宏体动物、宏观藻类、小壳化石、球形化石(可能的胚胎化石)、微古植物和蓝菌类等化石,部分宏体化石显示了从埃迪卡拉纪向寒武纪过渡色彩。化石保存方式有碳质膜、黄铁矿化、磷酸盐化、硅化。因此对岩家河生物群生物多样性和埋藏学进行综合研究,将可提供纽芬兰世(梅树村期)碳酸盐台地—碳酸盐台地内部的局部凹陷盆地相的一个较完整的生物景观图,对探索"寒武纪大爆发主幕"前夕生物的辐射、演化模式及保存机制具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

Pruss, S.B., Clemente, H. & Laflamme, M. 2012: Early (Series 2) Cambrian archaeocyathan reefs of southern Labrador as a locus for skeletal carbonate production. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 401–410. Archaeocyathan reefs, the first reefs produced by animals, are prominent, global features of early Cambrian successions. However, microbialites – the dominant reef components of the Proterozoic – were still abundant in most archaeocyathan reefs. Although such reefs were a locus for carbonate production, it is unclear how much carbonate was produced skeletally. This analysis of well‐known early Cambrian archaeocyathan patch reefs of the Forteau Formation, southern Labrador, demonstrates that skeletal carbonate was abundantly produced in these archaeocyathan reefs, although only about half was produced by archaeocyathans. Trilobites, echinoderms and brachiopods contributed substantially to the total carbonate budget, particularly in grainstone facies flanking the reefs. Through point count analysis of samples collected from the reef core and flanking grainstones, it can be demonstrated that skeletal material was most abundant in grainstone facies, where animals such as trilobites and echinoderms contributed significantly to carbonate production. In contrast, microbial fabrics were more abundant than skeletal fabrics in the reef core, although archaeocyathan material was more abundant than other skeletal debris. Similar to modern reefs, these reefs created a variety of habitats that allowed for the proliferation of skeletal organisms living on and around the reef, thereby promoting skeletal carbonate production through ecosystem engineering. □Archaeocyatha, bioherms, carbonates, calcification, point count analysis  相似文献   

刺细胞动物是一类具有刺细胞的水生无脊椎动物,分布在世界各地的海洋和淡水中.作为后生动物最早分化出的一支,刺细胞动物对研究后生动物的起源和早期演化具有极其重要的意义,也为研究后生动物系统发育、地层对比和古地理恢复等方面提供了重要的科研线索.本文简要介绍了刺细胞动物早期(埃迪卡拉纪至寒武纪苗岭世)的化石记录和研究现状,将刺...  相似文献   

At Wattendorf in the northern Franconian Alb, southern Germany, centimetre- to decimetre-thick packages of finely laminated limestones (plattenkalk) occur intercalated between well bedded graded grainstones and rudstones that blanket a relief produced by now dolomitized microbialite-sponge reefs. These beds reach their greatest thickness in depressions between topographic highs and thin towards, and finally disappear on, the crests. The early Late Kimmeridgian graded packstone–bindstone alternations represent the earliest plattenkalk occurrence in southern Germany. The undisturbed lamination of the sediment strongly points to oxygen-free conditions on the seafloor and within the sediment, inimical to higher forms of life. The plattenkalk contains a diverse biota of benthic and nektonic organisms. Excavation of a 13 cm thick plattenkalk unit across an area of 80 m2 produced 3500 fossils, which, with the exception of the bivalve Aulacomyella, exhibit a random stratigraphic distribution. Two-thirds of the individuals had a benthic mode of life attached to hard substrate. This seems to contradict the evidence of oxygen-free conditions on the sea floor, such as undisturbed lamination, presence of articulated skeletons, and preservation of soft parts. However, palaeoecological and taphonomic analyses indicate that the benthic faunal elements are allochthonous having settled out of suspension and thus must have been derived from hard substrate areas of neighbouring topographic highs. Solely the bivalve Aulacomyella, which occurs concentrated on a single bedding plane, may have colonised the plattenkalk depression during brief periods of oxygenation. Alternatively, a pseudoplanktonic mode of life, attached to floating sea weed, is envisaged for the bivalve. The formation of the plattenkalk is related to local and global factors: a drop in relative sea level caused the death of the microbialite-sponge reefs. Restricted circulation in depressions between the crests of the former reefs led to anoxic conditions and the formation of finely laminated sediments stabilised by microbial mats. The small depressions received sediment and skeletal elements of benthic organisms that were swept off neighbouring topographic highs by storms and that entered the depressions partly as turbidity currents, partly as suspension clouds. A rise in the relative sea level finally terminated the restricted circulation in the depressions and closed the taphonomic window that led to the preservation of the plattenkalk biota.  相似文献   

吴迪  刘煜  赵婷  陈红  侯先光 《古生物学报》2017,56(4):504-515
关山生物群是继澄江生物群之后云南寒武纪早期地层中发现的又一个特异埋藏的化石宝库。现已报道10多个门类的化石动物,对研究寒武纪生命大爆发、后生动物起源及演化、寒武纪早期生态系统的复原等重大学术问题具有特殊的意义。始海百合属于棘皮动物门海蕾亚门,于寒武纪早期出现,志留纪灭绝。笔者将荧光显微镜等先进成像方式与传统的研究手段相结合,对新采集到的关山生物群始海百合化石标本进行深入细致的系统古生物学研究,对其精细形态学构造和生活习性获得更深入的了解。这对于认识寒武纪早期的生物多样性和棘皮动物的演化都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Early Ordovician (early Floian) reefs of South China include lithistid sponge–Calathium reefs with a three‐dimensional skeletal framework. These structures are among the first post‐Cambrian skeletal‐dominated reef structures and provides an opportunity to test how the novel metazoan builders changed the environments and increased topographic complexity within benthic communities. We document the oldest labechiid stromatoporoid (Cystostroma) in a lithistid sponge–Calathium reef of the Hunghuayuan Formation in southeastern Guizhou, South China. These earliest stromatoporoids may have originated in reefs, and we argue that the complex topography created by the hypercalcified sponge Calathium facilitated the emergence of stromatoporoids. Beyond Cystostroma, keratose sponges, Pulchrilamina (hypercalcified sponge) and bryozoans have also inhabited in the micro‐habitats (cavities and hard substrates) provided by Calathium. These findings suggest that ecosystem engineering by Calathium played an important role in the further diversification of reefs during the Ordovician.  相似文献   

This work presents a paleoecological approach to study benthic communities preserved in Cambrian strata exposed at the Sahuaral locality in central Sonora, northwestern Mexico. Based on species richness and abundance, this work analyzed 627 individuals corresponding to 33 species from five distinctive Cambrian formations: the lowermost Proveedora Formation characterized by bioturbation horizons that record the occurrence of a benthic-infaunal biota from coastal shallow seas, followed by the Buelna Formation which contains reef deposits dominated by autotrophic epibenthic communities. The Cerro Prieto Formation was deposited in a high-energy shallow marine environment, dominated by primary consumers-epifaunal and suspensions feeders. The uppermost unit, the El Gavilán Formation, is an intercalation of shale and fossiliferous limestone characterized by the fossil remains of suspension feeders, detritus feeders and nektobenthic organisms of low energy deep water environments. The paleobiota consist of ichnofossils, microbial oncolites, chancellorids, brachiopods, hyolithids, and trilobites in a sequence of increasing diversity and complexity. Paleoecological indices (Simpson Dominance, Shannon-Weaver Index, Evenness Index, and Total Richness) were determined and compared in the study area. In addition, the effective number of species and the true diversities were obtained, which are similar between each station distributed in each formation. However, it is possible that the high degree of dominance is a factor to indicate an inequality between the true diversity and the species richness identified. These results provide new analytical and paleoecological criteria for better understanding depositional environments and fossil associations where the spatial distribution of benthic organisms, richness and abundance provide a valued window to Cambrian biotas. The structure of the marine community of the El Sahuaral area has a great affinity with other Cambrian communities, such as those from the Stephen Formation (Burgess Shale, British Columbia) and the Chengjiang biota of the Yangtze Shelf deposits in South China.  相似文献   

Summary After the end-Permian crisis and a global ‘reef gap’ in the early Triassic, reefs appeared again during the early Middle Triassic. Records of Anisian reefs are rare in the Tethys as well as in non-Tethyan regions. Most Anisian reefs are known from the western part of the Tethys but there are only very few studies focused on biota, facies types and the paleogeographical situation of these reefs. From the eastern part of the Tethys, Anisian reefs, reefal buildups or potential reef-building organisms have been reported from different regions of southern China. Most of the Anisian reefs known from western and central Europe as well as from southern China seem to be of middle and late Pelsonian age. The study area is situated in the northern Dolomites (South Tyrol, Italy) southeast of Bruneck (Brunico). It comprises the area between Olang (Valdaora) and Prags (Braies). The study is based on detailed investigations of the regional geology, stratigraphy and lithofacies (R. Zühlke, T. Bechst?dt) as well as on a comprehensive inventory of Anisian reef organisms (B. Senowbari-Daryan, E. Flügel). These data are used in the discussion of the controls on the recovery of reefs during the early Middle Triassic. Most late Anisian reef carbonates studied are represented by allochthonous talus reef blocks of cubicmeter size. Small biostromal autochthonous mounds are extremely rare (Piz da Peres). The reef mounds as well as most of the reef blocks occur within the middle to late Pelsonian Recoaro Formation. They were formed on the middle reaches of carbonate ramps in subtidal depths, slightly above the storm wave base with only moderate water energy. Most lithotypes observed in the reef blocks correspond to sponge and/or algal bafflestones. Low-growing sessile organisms (Olangocoelia (sponge, alga?), sphinctozoan sponges, bryozoans, soleno-poracean algae, corals) and encrusting epibionts (sponges, porostromate algae, cyanophycean crusts, foraminifera, worms, microproblematica) created low cm-sized biogenic structures (bioconstructions) which baffled and bound sediment. Organic framework was only of minor importance; it is restricted to theOlangocoelia lithotype. Framework porosity was small in these reef mounds. Submarine carbonate cements, therefore, are only of minor importance s compared with Permian or Ladinian reefs. The relatively high number of lithotypes encountered in the reef blocks indicates a high biofacies diversity. Regarding the relative frequency, the diverse biota consist in descending order ofOlangocoelia, sponges (sphinctozoans, inozoans, siliceous sponges), bryozoans, porostromate algae and worm tubes. The sphinctozoans are characterized by small, mostly incrusting forms. The numerical diversity (species richness) is low compared with late Permian or Ladinian and late Triassic sphinctozoan faunas occurring within reefs. Following the sponges, monospecific bryozoans (Reptonoditrypa cautica Sch?fer & Fois) are the most common organisms in the reef limestones. Porostromate algae were restricted to areas within the bioconstructions not inhabited by sponges. The low-diverse corals had no importance in the construction of an organic framework. Surprisingly, microbial crusts are rare or even lacking in the investigated Anisian bioconstructions. This is in contrast to late Permian and Ladinian as well as Carnian reefs which are characterized by the abundance of specific organic crusts. The same comes true for‘Tubiphytes’ which is a common constituent in Permian, Ladinian and Carnian reef carbonates but is very rare in the Anisian of the Olang Dolomites. Instead of‘Tubiphytes’ different kinds of worm tubes (spirorbid tubes, Mg-calcitic tubes and agglutinated tubes) were of importance as epifaunal elements. Macrobial encrustations consisting of characteristic successions of sponges, bryozoans, algae, worm tubes and microproblematica seem to be of greater quantitative importance than in Ladinian reefs. Destruction of organic skeletons (predominantly of bryozoans) by macroborers (cirripedia?) is a common feature. The Anisian reef organisms are distinctly different from late Permian and from most Ladinian reef-builders. No Permian Lazarus taxa have been found. New taxa: Sphinctozoan sponges—Celyphia? minima n.sp.,Thaumastocoelia dolomitica n. sp.,Deningeria tenuireticulata n. sp.,Deningeria crassireticulata n. sp.,Anisothalamia minima n.g. n.sp., Inozoan sponges-Meandrostia triassica n.sp. Microproblematica-Anisocellula fecunda n.g. n.sp., Porostromate alga-Brandneria dolomitica n.g. n.sp. Most of our data are in agreement with the model described byFois & Gaetani (1984) for the recovery of reef-building communities during the Ansian but the biotic diversity seems to be considerably higher than previously assumed. Anisian deposition and the formation of the reef mounds within the Pelsonian Recoaro Formation of the Dolomites were controlled by the combined effects of synsedimentary tectonics and eustatic changes in sea-level. During several time intervals, especially the early Anisian (northern and western Dolomites: tectonic uplift), the early Pelsonian (eastern Dolomites: drowning) and the late Illyrian (wide parts of the Dolomites: uplift and drowning), the sedimentation was predominantly controlled by regionally different tectonic subsidence rates. The amount of terrigenous clastic input associated with synsedimentary tectonics (tectonic uplift of hinterlands) had a major influence on carbonate deposition and reef development. The re-appearance of reef environments in the Olang Dolomites was controlled by a combination of regional and global factors (paleogeographic situation: development of carbonate ramps; decreasing subsidence of horst blocks; reduced terrigenous input; moderate rise in sea-level).  相似文献   

Sessile invertebrate coelobite communities attached to the walls and roof of cavities in coralgal reefs on the annular rim of the Bermuda platform near North Rock (4 sites) and in the algal cup reef tract on the south shore (3 sites) have been studied by belt photo-transects and direct sampling. Irradiance measurements reveal a light gradient which appears to exert a strong influence on the composition, relative coverage and zonation of the attached biotic communities. Two main communities are recognised from cluster analysis and relative areal coverage data. Near the cavity entrances is a community dominated by crustose coralline algae, with subsidiary ascidians, demosponges, bryozoans and Foraminifera. Species richness is high and there is total biotic coverage of walls and roof. This community grades laterally into an exclusively animal community characterised by encrusting sponges and Foraminifera, with subsidiary bryozoans and unidentified branching organisms. Coverage varies from 100% to 30%, the substrate often exhibiting high micro-relief from the branching growth forms of the Foraminifera. Species richness is high at North Rock sites, less so on the south shore. The distribution of coelobite species is compared with that described from previous studies in Bermuda, Grand Cayman and Madagascar.  相似文献   

Accurate information on the anatomy and ecology of worms from the Cambrian Lagerstätten of SW China is sparse. The present study of two priapulid worms Anningvermis n. gen. and Corynetis Luo & Hu, 1999 from the Lower Cambrian Maotianshan Shale biota brings new information concerning the anatomical complexity, functional morphology and lifestyles of the Early Cambrian priapulids. Comparisons are made with Recent priapulids from Sweden (live observations, SEM). The cuspidate pharyngeal teeth of Anningvermis (circumoral pentagons) and the most peculiar radiating oral crown of Corynetis added to the very elongate pharynx of these two forms are interpreted as two different types of grasping apparatus possibly involved in the capture of small prey. Corynetis and Anningvermis are two representative examples of the Early Cambrian endobenthic communities largely dominated by priapulid worms (more than ten species in the Maotianshan Shale biota) and to a much lesser extent by brachiopods. Corynetis and Anningvermis were probably active mud-burrowers and predators of small meiobenthic animals. Likewise predator priapulid worms exploited the interface layer between the seawater and bottom sediment, where meiobenthic organisms were abundant and functioned as prey. This implies that complex prey-predator relationship between communities already existed in the Early Cambrian. This study also shows that the circumoral pentagonal teeth and caudal appendage were present in the early stages of the evolutionary history of the group and were important features of the priapulid body plan already in the Early Cambrian. Two new families, one new genus and new species are introduced and described in the appendix.  相似文献   

Summary Two patch reefs which predominately consist of the oysterNanogyra nana (Sowerby 1822) are exposed in Lower Kimmeridigian strata of the Langenberg hillrange, central Germany. Left oyster valves making up the frame-work of the reefs formed small abundant cavities that were inhabited by a unique sponge community. The excellent preservation of non-rigid sponges was related to early organomineralization within the decaying sponge tissue. As a process of sponge taphonomy, different types of microbially induced carbonates precipitated preserving spicule aggregates. Organomineralization within sponge soft tissues is especially favored with the Langenberg patch reefs due to the closed or semi-closed system conditions with the cavities. The δ13C values ofin situ formed microbialities reveal that carbonate precipitation was in equilibrium with Jurassic seawater. The carbon of the microbialites does not derive from the bacterial remineralization of organic matter, but is of a marine source. Likewise, organomineralization is probably related to bacterial EPS or decaying sponge tissues providing an organic matrix for initial carbonate precipitation. Biomarker analyses revealed, that the patch reef microbialites contain terminally branched fatty acids (iso-andanteiso-pentadecanoic acid) in significant concentrations. These fatty acids, like hopanoid hydrocarbons, are most likely of a bacterial source. This is in agreement with sulfate-reducing bacteria remineralizing the decaying sponges as further indicated by the occurrence of framboidal pyrite in sponge microbialites.  相似文献   

The early Cambrian Sirius Passet fauna of northernmost Greenland (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3) contains exceptionally preserved soft tissues that provide an important window to early animal evolution, while the surrounding sediment holds critical data on the palaeodepositional water‐column chemistry. The present study combines palaeontological data with a multiproxy geochemical approach based on samples collected in situ at high stratigraphic resolution from Sirius Passet. After careful consideration of chemical alterations during burial, our results demonstrate that fossil preservation and biodiversity show significant correlation with iron enrichments (FeHR/FeT), trace metal behaviour (V/Al), and changes in nitrogen cycling (δ15N). These data, together with Mo/Al and the preservation of organic carbon (TOC), are consistent with a water column that was transiently low in oxygen concentration, or even intermittently anoxic. When compared with the biogeochemical characteristics of modern oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), geochemical and palaeontological data collectively suggest that oxygen concentrations as low as 0.2–0.4 ml/L restricted bioturbation but not the development of a largely nektobenthic community of predators and scavengers. We envisage for the Sirius Passet biota a depositional setting where anoxic water column conditions developed and passed over the depositional site, possibly in association with sea‐level change, and where this early Cambrian biota was established in conditions with very low oxygen.  相似文献   

The Cambrian Series 3 Zhangxia Formation in Shandong Province, North China, includes small‐scale lithistid sponge–microbial reefs. The lithistid sponges grew on oolitic and bioclastic sediments, which were stabilized by microbial activities. The relative abundances of microbial components (e.g. calcimicrobe Epiphyton and stromatolites) vary among the reefs. However, the microbial components commonly encrusted or bound the lithistid sponges, formed remarkable encrustations on the surfaces of the sponges. Epiphyton especially grew upward and downward. The lithistid sponges thus provided substrates for the attachment and development of microbes, and the microbes played essential roles as consolidators, by encrusting reef‐building sponges. Additionally, the lithistid sponges were prone to degradation via microbial activities and diagenetic processes, and were thus preserved as micritic bodies, showing faint spicular networks or abundant spicules. Such low preservation potential within the reef environment obscured the presence of the sponges and their widespread contribution as reef‐building organisms during the Cambrian. During the prolonged interval after the demise of archaeocyaths, purely microbial reefs, such as stromatolites and thrombolites have been considered to be the principal reef builders, in association with rare lithistid sponge–microbial associations. However, recent findings, including those from Shandong Province and Korea, suggest that the lithistid sponge‐bearing reefs were more extensive during the Epoch 3 to the Furongian than previously thought. These lithistid sponge–microbial reefs were precursors of the sponge–microbial reefs that dominated worldwide in the Early Ordovician.  相似文献   

Summary Pack ice surrounding Antarctica supports rich and varied populations of microbial organisms. As part of the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Research in the Ice Edge Zone (AMERIEZ) studies, we have examined this community during the late spring, autumn, and winter. Although organisms are found throughout the ice, the richest concentrations often occur in the surface layer. The ice flora consists of diatoms and flagellates. Chrysophyte cysts (archaeomonads) of unknown affinity and dinoflagellate cysts are abundant and may serve as overwintering stages in ice. The ice fauna includes a variety of heterotrophic flagellates, ciliates, and micrometazoa. The abundance of heterotrophs indicates an active food web within the ice community. Ice may serve as a temporary habitat or refuge for many of the microbial forms and some of these appear to provide an inoculum for planktonic populations when ice melts. Larger consumers, such as copepods and the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba are often found on the underside of ice floes and within weathered floes. The importance of the ice biota as a food resource for these pelagic consumers is unknown.  相似文献   

本文报道了一块来自云南省昆明市附近寒武纪第二世第四期关山生物群具咬痕的双瓣壳节肢动物吐卓虫 (Tuzoia)化石, 系吐卓虫咬痕化石在全球范围的首次发现。该发现证实作为主动捕食者的吐卓虫很可能被大型捕食者(如奇虾类或莱德利基虫类三叶虫等)捕食, 说明寒武纪早期的海洋生物群落已经具有高度复杂化的食物链, 为进一步了解吐卓虫的生态位及深入探讨寒武纪大爆发时期海洋生态系统食物网结构提供了新的信息。  相似文献   

The rapid origination and diversification of major animal body plans during the early Cambrian coincide with the rise of Earth's first animal-built framework reefs. Given the importance of scleractinian coral reefs as ecological facilitators in modern oceans, we investigate the impact of archaeocyathan (Class Archaeocyatha) reefs as engineered ecosystems during the Cambrian radiation. In this study, we present the first high-resolution, three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of branching archaeocyathide (Order Archaeocyathida) individuals from three localities on the Laurentian paleocontinent. Because branched forms in sponges and corals display phenotypic plasticity that preserve the characteristics of the surrounding growth environment, we compare morphological measurements from our fossil specimens to those of modern corals to infer the surface conditions of Earth's first reefs. These data demonstrate that archaeocyaths could withstand and influence the flow of water, accommodate photosymbionts, and build topographically complex and stable structures much like corals today. We also recognize a stepwise increase in the roughness of reef environments in the lower Cambrian, which would have laid a foundation for more abundant and diverse coevolving fauna.  相似文献   

Community structure and assembly are determined in part by environmental heterogeneity. While reef-building corals respond negatively to warming (i.e. bleaching events) and ocean acidification (OA), the extent of present-day natural variability in pH on shallow reefs and ecological consequences for benthic assemblages is unknown. We documented high resolution temporal patterns in temperature and pH from three reefs in the central Pacific and examined how these data relate to community development and net accretion rates of early successional benthic organisms. These reefs experienced substantial diel fluctuations in temperature (0.78°C) and pH (>0.2) similar to the magnitude of 'warming' and 'acidification' expected over the next century. Where daily pH within the benthic boundary layer failed to exceed pelagic climatological seasonal lows, net accretion was slower and fleshy, non-calcifying benthic organisms dominated space. Thus, key aspects of coral reef ecosystem structure and function are presently related to natural diurnal variability in pH.  相似文献   

Mesophotic coral-reef ecosystems (MCEs), which comprise the light-dependent communities of corals and other organisms found at depths between 30 and ~ 150 m, have received very little study to date. However, current technological advances, such as remotely operated vehicles and closed-circuit rebreather diving, now enable their thorough investigation. Following the reef-building stony corals, octocorals are the second most common benthic component on many shallow reefs and a major component on deep reefs, the Red Sea included. This study is the first to examine octocoral community features on upper MCEs based on species-level identification and to compare them with the shallower reef zones. The study was carried out at Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea), comparing octocoral communities at two mesophotic reefs (30–45 m) and two shallow reef zones (reef flat and upper fore-reef) by belt transects. A total of 30 octocoral species were identified, with higher species richness on the upper MCEs compared to the shallower reefs. Although the MCEs were found to host a higher number of species than the shallower reefs, both featured a similar diversity. Each reef zone revealed a unique octocoral species composition and distinct community structure, with only 16% of the species shared by both the MCEs and the shallower reefs. This study has revealed an almost exclusive dominance of zooxanthellate species at the studied upper MCE reefs, thus indicating an adequate light regime for photosynthesis there. The findings should encourage similar studies on other reefs, aimed at understanding the spatiotemporal features and ecological role of octocorals in reef ecosystems down to the deepest limit of the MCEs.  相似文献   

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