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The development of reproducible procedures for the synthesis and organization of nanostructured metal oxides is important in order to exploit the unique properties of these materials for practical applications. The present work describes the transformation of Zn(NH3)4]2+ into hollow structured ZnO materials through solvothermal decomposition. An increase in ammonia concentration in the reaction medium, significantly changes the morphology of ZnO from spheres made of nanoparticles (20-30 nm) to hollow spheres composed of nanorods (200-350 nm) or to free microrods as evidenced from scanning and transmission electron micrographs (SEM/TEM). The powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of ZnO confirms formation of the wurtzite structure. Raman and Energy-dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) studies indicate the presence of oxygen deficiency in ZnO. The investigation on the catalytic behavior of ZnO in the synthesis of (4-methoxyphenyl)(phenyl) methanone (MPPM) by Friedel-Crafts acylation of anisole with benzoyl chloride has also been carried out. The results reveal that the prepared ZnO could produce ∼98% of yield compared to 41% produced by commercial ZnO.  相似文献   

A number of monomers for the standard phosphoamidite oligodeoxynucleotide synthesis that carry reactive methoxyoxalamide groups attached to the thymidine, 2-deoxycytidine, and 2-deoxyadenosine heterocyclic bases were prepared.  相似文献   

The glycosylation of 3,5-O-di-tert-butylsilylene-protected d-thioarabinofuranosides with a range of glycosyl acceptors using NIS/AgOTf as promoters proceeded in a stereoselective manner to give the corresponding β-d-arabinofuranosides in high yields.  相似文献   

Fully protected pA2′p5′A2′p5′A trimers 1a and 1b have been prepared as prodrug candidates for a short 2′‐5′ oligoadenylate, 2‐5A, and its 3′‐O‐Me analog, respectively. The kinetics of hog liver carboxyesterase (HLE)‐triggered deprotection in HEPES buffer (pH 7.5) at 37° has been studied. The deprotection of 1a turned out to be very slow, and 2‐5A never appeared in a fully deprotected form. By contrast, a considerable proportion of 1b was converted to the desired 2‐5A trimer, although partial removal of the 3′‐O‐[(acetyloxy)methyl] group prior to exposure of the adjacent phosphodiester linkage resulted in 2′,5′→3′,5′ phosphate migration and release of adenosine as side reactions.  相似文献   


The efficient synthesis of oligonucleotides containing 2′-O-β-D-ribofuranosyl (and β-D-ribopyranosyl)nucleosides, 2′-O-α-D-arabinofuranosyl (and α-L-arabinofuranosyl)nucleosides, 2′-O-β-D-erythrofuranosylnucleosides, and 2′-O-(5′-amino-5-deoxy-β-D-ribofuranosyl)nucleosides have been developed.  相似文献   

Novel C-6 substituted pyrimidine derivatives are good substrates of herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (HSV1-TK). Enzyme kinetic experiments showed that our lead compound, N-methyl DHBT (N-methyl-6-(1,3-dihydroxyisobutyl) thymine; N-Me DHBT), is phosphorylated at a similar rate compared to “gold standard” 9-[4-fluoro-3-(hydroxymethyl)butyl]guanine, FHBG, (K m = 10 ± 0.3 μM; k cat = 0.036 ± 0.015 sec?1). Additionally, it does not show cytotoxic properties on B16F1 cells up to a concentration of 10 mM. The x-ray analysis of the crystal structures of HSV1-TK with N-Me DHBT and of HSV1-TK with the fluorinated derivative N-Me FHBT confirmed the binding mode predicted by docking studies and their substrate characteristics. Moreover, the crystal structure of HSV1-TK with N-Me DHBT revealed an additional water-mediated H-bond interesting for the design of further analogues.  相似文献   

New peptides-9-aminoacridine conjugates with an ethylene diamine linker-have been synthesized (both solution and solid phase methods were used) and their interactions with DNA have been studied. The affinity of H-Phe-Gln-Gly-Ile(2)-NHCH(2)CH(2)NH-Acr conjugate and of its extended analogue containing 6-aminohexanoic acid to DNA were lower than that of a standard H-Gly-NHCH(2)CH(2)NH-Acr conjugate. The results fit well into our concept of peptide conjugates with lowered binding activity to DNA, which could be capable of unlimited extravascular distribution. Moreover, new structures could be potentially useful as the mild tuners of DNA interaction with strong bis-acridine binders.  相似文献   

The development of new linkers (handles) for solid-phase synthesis provides new chemical opportunities for peptide synthesis. To understand the chemical properties of a recently developed backbone amide linker from a structural perspective, the crystal structure of S-((5-formyl-3,4-ethylenedioxy)thiophene-2-yl)-3-thiopropionic acid (T-BAL2) was studied. Specifically, we wished to address whether this highly substituted thiophene retained planarity in the aromatic ring as well as between the aromatic ring and the aldehyde carbonyl. Furthermore, we sought an explanation for the relatively low reactivity in reductive aminations of the thienylaldehyde with amines in solution and on solid phase. Based on the crystal structure of T-BAL2, the thienyl-C (aldehyde) and C–O (aldehyde) bond lengths were applied as measures for the electron-deficiency (electrophilicity) of the aldehyde and compared to similar bond lengths found in previously reported formylated homo- and hetero-aromatic systems, which show significantly higher reactivity towards imine formation. The bond lengths found in the present structure are in accordance with normal C–C single bond and C–O double bond lengths. The high similarity in aldehyde bond lengths in the present system and in the reported systems indicates similar electron distribution in these systems. The lower reactivity of the present system may therefore not be attributed to electronic factors.  相似文献   

Porcine zygotes flushed from oviducts 48,52,56,60, or 64 hr after hCG were incubated 30 min in 3H-thymidine, transferred to nonradioactive medium for 2 hr, and incubated for 30 min with 14C-thymidine. After this procedure, ova were prepared (i.e., at 51,55,59,63, or 67 hr after hCG) for autoradiography and ultrastructural observations, respectively. The first autoradiographic labelling, i.e., DNA synthesis, was observed at 56–56.5 hr after hCG, while the latest labelling was seen at 60–60.5 hr. At 51 hr after hCG, formation of the pronuclear envelope was observed, while no nucieolus precursor bodies or prestages to these structures were found. At 55 hr a few clusters of small electron-dense granules were observed, together with condensed chromatin in the pronuclei. At 59 hr the apposed regions of both pronuclei contained nucleolus precursor bodies and condensed chromatin, in close contact with both clusters of small granules and clusters of an additional category of large granules and the nuclear envelope. Additionally, large accumulations of the small granules were found in the vicinity of similarly sized accumulations of the large granules without chromatin association. At 63 hr the spherical accumulations large granules on some occasions presented a central vacuole, and condensed chromatin and clusters of small granules were attached to its periphery. Within the vacuole, electrondense material was found. It is concluded that (1) the S-phase in porcine zygotes is initiated around 56 hr post-hCG injection and is of a duration of 4.5–7.5 hr and (2) the progress of the S-phase is paralleled by the appearance of and complex interaction between different granules in the nucleoplasm. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It is established that short inverted repeats trigger base substitution mutagenesis in human cells. However, how the replication machinery deals with structured DNA is unknown. It has been previously reported that in human cell‐free extracts, DNA primer extension using a structured single‐stranded template is transiently blocked at DNA hairpins. Here, the proteomic analysis of proteins bound to the DNA template is reported and evidence that the DNA‐PK complex (DNA‐PKcs and the Ku heterodimer) recognizes, and is activated by, structured single‐stranded DNA is provided. Hijacking the DNA‐PK complex by double‐stranded oligonucleotides results in a large removal of the pausing sites and an elevated DNA extension efficiency. Conversely, DNA‐PKcs inhibition results in its stabilization on the template, along with other proteins acting downstream in the Non‐Homologous End‐Joining (NHEJ) pathway, especially the XRCC4‐DNA ligase 4 complex and the cofactor PAXX. Retention of NHEJ factors to the DNA in the absence of DNA‐PKcs activity correlates with additional halts of primer extension, suggesting that these proteins hinder the progression of the DNA synthesis at these sites. Overall these results raise the possibility that, upon binding to hairpins formed onto ssDNA during fork progression, the DNA‐PK complex interferes with replication fork dynamics in vivo.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance (MDR) is an obstacle in cancer treatment. An understanding of how tumoral cells react to oxidants can help us elucidate the cellular mechanism involved in resistance. Microcystins are cyanobacteria hepatotoxins known to generate oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to compare the sensitivity to microcystins of human tumoral cell lines with (Lucena) and without (K562) MDR phenotype. Endpoints analyzed were effective microcystins concentration to 50% of exposed cells (EC50), antioxidant enzyme activity, lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration, and tubulin content. Lucena were more resistant and showed lower DNA damage than K562 cells (P<0.05). Although microcystins did not alter catalase activity, a higher mean value was observed in Lucena than in K562 cells. Lucena cells also showed lower ROS concentration and higher tubulin content. The higher metabolism associated with the MDR phenotype should increase ROS concentration and make for an improved antioxidant defense against the toxic effects of microcystins.  相似文献   

Three new complexes, [Mn(OBt)2(H2O)4]·3H2O (1) (OBt = 1-hydroxybenzotriazole ion), [Zn2(OBt)2(BDC)(H2O)·H2O]n (2) (H2BDC = 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid), and [Cu3(OBt)2(BDC)(μ3-OH)2(H2O)2·2H2O]n (3) were synthesized by hydrothermal method and were characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, TGA, XRPD, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The results from single-crystal X-ray diffraction indicate that 1, 2 and 3 are zero-dimensional (0D), two-dimensional (2D) and two-dimensional (2D) frameworks, respectively. In particular, there are all two crystallographically unique metal ions in the structures of complexes 2 and 3. Complex 2 possesses two helical chains in its structure. In the structure of 3, the chains that are built from tri-copper clusters and μ3-O atoms are connected with BDC2− to construct 2D grid structure. The luminescence properties of the three complexes were investigated.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS DNA synthesis of intracellular Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes, following the infection of bovine embryo skeletal muscle (BESM) cells, was studied by autoradiography. After penetration, there was a prereplicative lag period (∼12 h) followed by a synchronous round of DNA synthesis which was found to be independent of parasite number/BESM cell and the host cell DNA synthesis cycle. Parasite reproduction occurred, for the first time, at ∼ 21 h postinfection. It was concluded that T. cruzi trypomastigotes are in the G1/G, phase of their cell division cycle and that after penetration parasite reproduction occurs independent of events controlling host cell DNA synthesis and growth. The early synchronous growth of intracellular amastigotes should facilitate further studies on the biochemical events controlling trypomastigote-to-amastigote transformation and amastigote reproduction. A further application is envisaged for studies on the mode of action of drugs with trypanocidal activity.  相似文献   

We have extended our work on structure/activity relationship studies of the neuropeptiden proctolin (H-Arg-Tyr-Leu-Pro-Thr-OH) by evaluating the effects of the following proctolin analogues: H-X1-Tyr-Leu-Pro-Thr-OH, where X1 = D-Arg (I), N-Me-Arg (II), Can (III), Orn(di-Me) (IV), Orn(iPr) (V), Lys(N, N-di-Me) (VI), Lys(iPr) (VII), Lys(Nic) (VIII) and D-Lys(Nic) (IX). In analogues I–IX, the N-terminal Arg residue was replaced by basic amino acid derivatives with peptides containing amino acid residues with an isosteric system on the back side chain relative to Arg (compounds III, V and VI) or homo-Arg (compound VII). Analogues I–IX were evaluated for myotropic activity on the in vitro heart preparation of Tenebrio molitor, whereas peptides II, V, and VII–IX were tested for contractile activity on the isolated foregut of locust Schistocerca gregaria. Peptide II and III showed full cardiotropic activity in T. molitor while peptides V and VII showed 40% and 15%, respectively, locust-gut contracting activity of proctolin.  相似文献   

Summary We have extended our work on structure/activity relationship studies of the neuropeptiden proctolin (H-Arg-Tyr-Leu-Pro-Thr-OH) by evaluating the effects of the following proctolin analogues: H-X1-Tyr-Leu-Pro-Thr-OH, where X1=d-Arg(I),N-Me-Arg (II), Can (III), Orn(di-Me) (IV), Orn (iPr) (V), Lys(N, N-di-Me) (VI), Lys(iPr) (VII), Lys(Nic) (VIII) andd-Lys(Nic) (IX). In analogues I–IX, the N-terminal Arg residue was replaced by basic amino acid derivatives with peptides containing amino acid residues with an isosteric system on the back side chain relative to Arg (compounds III, V and VI) orhomo-Arg (compound VII). Analogues I–IX were evaluated for myotropic activity on thein vitro heart preparation ofTenebrio molitor, whereas peptides II, V, and VII–IX were tested for contractile activity on the isolated foregut of locustSchistocerca gregaria. Peptide II and III showed full cardiotropic activity inT. molitor while peptides V and VII showed 40% and 15%, respectively, locust-gut contracting activity of proctolin.  相似文献   

To better clarify the relationship between physical activity and oxidative stress, we determined the effects of a maximal test in 18 young subjects with different training levels (six professional Athletes and 12 non-agonists (NA)). Redox homeostasis (total antioxidant activity (TAS), vitamin C and glutathione (GSH)), oxidative damage (diene conjugation and hemolysis), lymphocyte cell death and repair systems (apoptosis, micronuclei and Hsp70 expression) were evaluated. We found that agonistic training led to a chronic oxidative insult (high baseline values of oxidized glutathione (GSSG), micronuclei and hemolysis). On the contrary, NA with the lowest level of training frequency showed a well balanced profile at rest, but they were more susceptible to exercise-induced variations (GSSG/GSH and diene increased values), respect to the NA with an higher level of training. As almost all the parameters employed in this study showed inter-individual variations, the GSSG/GSH ratio remains the most sensitive and reliable marker of oxidative stress, accordingly with other data just reported in the literature.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed for the rapid determination of D-cysteine contents in synthetic peptides. It is based on the reduction of cystine residues, when present, with tris- alkylphosphines, selective derivatization of the cysteine residues with 4-vinylpyridine, followed by acid hydrolysis of the (4-pyridylethyl)cysteine –peptides. Baseline enantiomeric resolution of theD ,L -S-β-(4-pyridylethyl)cysteine, and thus quantification ofD - enantiomer contents at levels ≤1%, is easily achieved by capillary zone electrophoresis exploiting the host–guest complexation principle with crown ethers or by gas chromatography on chiral glass capillary columns upon conventional derivatization of the hydrolysate. The acid-stability of the (4-pyridylethyl)cysteine derivative prevents racemization via thiazoline intermediates and allows for standardization of the acid hydrolysis-dependent racemization.  相似文献   

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