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Sequence analogs of human telomeric DNA such as d[AGGG(TTAGGG)3] (Tel22) fold into monomeric quadruplex structures in the presence of a suitable cation. To investigate the pathway for unimolecular quadruplex formation, we monitored the kinetics of K+-induced folding of Tel22 by circular dichroism (CD), intrinsic 2-aminopurine fluorescence, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). The results are consistent with a four-step pathway U ↔ I1 ↔ I2 ↔ I3 ↔ F where U and F represent unfolded and folded conformational ensembles and I1, I2, and I3 are intermediates. Previous kinetic studies have shown that I1 is formed in a rapid pre-equilibrium and may consist of an ensemble of “prefolded” hairpin structures brought about by cation-induced electrostatic collapse of the DNA. The current study shows that I1 converts to I2 with a relaxation time τ1 = 0.1 s at 25 °C in 25 mM KCl. The CD spectrum of I2 is characteristic of an antiparallel quadruplex that could form as a result of intramolecular fold-over of the I1 hairpins. I3 is relatively slowly formed (τ2 ≈ 3700 s) and has CD and FRET properties consistent with those expected of a triplex structure as previously observed in equilibrium melting studies. I3 converts to F with τ3 ≈ 750 s. Identical pathways with different kinetic constants involving a rapidly formed antiparallel intermediate were observed with oligonucleotides forming mixed parallel/antiparallel hybrid-1 and hybrid-2 topologies {e.g. d[TTGGG(TTAGGG)3A] and d[TAGGG(TTAGGG)3TT]}. Aspects of the kinetics of unfolding were also monitored by the spectroscopic methods listed above and by time-resolved fluorescence lifetime measurements using a complementary strand trap assay. These experiments reveal a slow, rate-limiting step along the unfolding pathway.  相似文献   

The telomeric DNA of vertebrates consists of d(TTAGGG)n tandem repeats, which can form quadruplex DNA structures in vitro and likely in vivo. Despite the fact that the G-rich telomeric DNA is susceptible to oxidation, few biochemical studies of base excision repair in telomeric DNA and quadruplex structures have been done. Here, we show that telomeric DNA containing thymine glycol (Tg), 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG), guanidinohydantoin (Gh), or spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) can form quadruplex DNA structures in vitro. We have tested the base excision activities of five mammalian DNA glycosylases (NEIL1, NEIL2, mNeil3, NTH1, and OGG1) on these lesion-containing quadruplex substrates and found that only mNeil3 had excision activity on Tg in quadruplex DNA and that the glycosylase exhibited a strong preference for Tg in the telomeric sequence context. Although Sp and Gh in quadruplex DNA were good substrates for mNeil3 and NEIL1, none of the glycosylases had activity on quadruplex DNA containing 8-oxoG. In addition, NEIL1 but not mNeil3 showed enhanced glycosylase activity on Gh in the telomeric sequence context. These data suggest that one role for Neil3 and NEIL1 is to repair DNA base damages in telomeres in vivo and that Neil3 and Neil1 may function in quadruplex-mediated cellular events, such as gene regulation via removal of damaged bases from quadruplex DNA.  相似文献   

In this work we studied the folding process of the hybrid-1 type human telomeric DNA G-quadruplex with solvent and ions explicitly modeled. Enabled by the powerful bias-exchange metadynamics and large-scale conventional molecular dynamic simulations, the free energy landscape of this G-DNA was obtained for the first time and four folding intermediates were identified, including a triplex and a basically formed quadruplex. The simulations also provided atomistic pictures for the structures and cation binding patterns of the intermediates. The results showed that the structure formation and cation binding are cooperative and mutually supporting each other. The syn/anti reorientation dynamics of the intermediates was also investigated. It was found that the nucleotides usually take correct syn/anti configurations when they form native and stable hydrogen bonds with the others, while fluctuating between two configurations when they do not. Misfolded intermediates with wrong syn/anti configurations were observed in the early intermediates but not in the later ones. Based on the simulations, we also discussed the roles of the non-native interactions. Besides, the formation process of the parallel conformation in the first two G-repeats and the associated reversal loop were studied. Based on the above results, we proposed a folding pathway for the hybrid-1 type G-quadruplex with atomistic details, which is new and more complete compared with previous ones. The knowledge gained for this type of G-DNA may provide a general insight for the folding of the other G-quadruplexes.  相似文献   

The TRF2-Rap1 complex suppresses non-homologous end joining and interacts with DNAPK-C to prevent end joining. We previously demonstrated that hTRF2 is a double strand telomere binding protein that forms t-loops in vitro and recognizes three- and four-way junctions independent of DNA sequence. How the DNA binding characteristics of hTRF2 to DNA is altered in the presence of hRap1 however is not known. Here we utilized EM and quantitative gel retardation to characterize the DNA binding properties of hRap1 and the TRF2-Rap1 complex. Both gel filtration chromatography and mass analysis from two-dimensional projections showed that the TRF2-Rap1 complex exists in solution and binds to DNA as a complex consisting of four monomers each of hRap1 and hTRF2. EM revealed for the first time that hRap1 binds to DNA templates in the absence of hTRF2 with a preference for double strand-single strand junctions in a sequence independent manner. When hTRF2 and hRap1 are in a complex, its affinity for ds telomeric sequences is 2-fold higher than TRF2 alone and more than 10-fold higher for telomeric 3′ ends. This suggests that as hTRF2 recruits hRap1 to telomeric sequences, hRap1 alters the affinity of hTRF2 and its binding preference on telomeric DNA. Moreover, the TRF2-Rap1 complex has higher ability to re-model telomeric DNA than either component alone. This finding underlies the importance of complex formation between hRap1 and hTRF2 for telomere function and end protection.  相似文献   


The interaction of monomeric and dimeric quinacridines with quadruplex DNA has been investigated using a variety of biophysical methods. Both series of compounds were shown to exhibit a high affinity for the G4 conformation with two equivalent binding sites. As shown from the SPR and dialysis experiments the macrocyclic dimer appears more selective than its monomeric counterpart.  相似文献   

Human telomere contains guanine-rich (G-rich) tandem repeats of single-stranded DNA sequences at its 3′ tail. The G-rich sequences can be folded into various secondary structures, termed G-quadruplexes (G4s), by Hoogsteen basepairing in the presence of monovalent cations (such as Na+ and K+). We developed a single-molecule tethered particle motion (TPM) method to investigate the unfolding process of G4s in the human telomeric sequence AGGG(TTAGGG)3 in real time. The TPM method monitors the DNA tether length change caused by formation of the G4, thus allowing the unfolding process and structural conversion to be monitored at the single-molecule level. In the presence of its antisense sequence, the folded G4 structure can be disrupted and converted to the unfolded conformation, with apparent unfolding time constants of 82 s and 3152 s. We also observed that the stability of the G4 is greatly affected by different monovalent cations. The folding equilibrium constant of G4 is strongly dependent on the salt concentration, ranging from 1.75 at 5 mM Na+ to 3.40 at 15 mM Na+. Earlier spectral studies of Na+- and K+-folded states suggested that the spectral conversion between these two different folded structures may go through a structurally unfolded intermediate state. However, our single-molecule TPM experiments did not detect any totally unfolded intermediate within our experimental resolution when sodium-folded G4 DNA molecules were titrated with high-concentration, excess potassium ions. This observation suggests that a totally unfolding pathway is likely not the major pathway for spectral conversion on the timescale of minutes, and that interconversion among folded states can be achieved by the loop rearrangement. This study also demonstrates that TPM experiments can be used to study conformational changes in single-stranded DNA molecules.  相似文献   

DNA damage repair within telomeres are suppressed to maintain the integrity of linear chromosomes, but the accidental activation of repairs can lead to genome instability. This review develops the concept that mechanisms to repair DNA damage in telomeres contribute to genetic variability and karyotype evolution, rather than catastrophe. Spontaneous breaks in telomeres can be repaired by telomerase, but in some cases DNA repair pathways are activated, and can cause chromosomal rearrangements or fusions. The resultant changes can also affect subtelomeric regions that are adjacent to telomeres. Subtelomeres are actively involved in such chromosomal changes, and are therefore the most variable regions in the genome. The case of Caenorhabditis elegans in the context of changes of subtelomeric structures revealed by long-read sequencing is also discussed. Theoretical and methodological issues covered in this review will help to explore the mechanism of chromosome evolution by reconstruction of chromosomal ends in nature.  相似文献   

目的:探索目前临床广泛使用的喷射式雾化机对质粒DNA(pDNA)完整性破坏的影响及保护措施。方法:在研究雾化时间对pDNA完整性影响的实验中,加入5ml pDNA(20μg/ml),分别在开始雾化后收集第1min内;第2min内;第3min内;第4min内;第5min内及第10min内雾化器喷口处的雾化液滴;在研究加样量对裸pDNA完整性影响的实验中,分别取2ml、4ml、6ml、8ml,各雾化4min,收集最后一分钟内雾化液滴。在两种高分子聚合物对pDNA保护性研究的实验中,各取4ml未经高分子聚合物修饰的以及经过聚乙烯亚胺(polyethylenimine, PEI)或阳离子脂质体修饰后的pDNA,分别雾化10min,收集最后一分钟内雾化液滴。使用琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析雾化样本质粒完整性。结果:在雾化时间由1min增至10min后完整性部分所占百分比由(83.5±2.2)%降至(37.1±2.8)%;加样量由2ml 增至8ml 后,pDNA完整性部分所占百分比由(32.1±3.5)%增至(93.6±0.6)%;经过PEI或阳离子脂质体修饰后的pDNA在雾化过程中几乎无破坏现象。结论:喷射式雾化机对pDNA的破坏呈剂量、时间依赖性,PEI与阳离子脂质体对pDNA保护效果良好,为喷射式雾化机在基因雾化治疗中的应用打下一定基础。  相似文献   

We describe the NMR structural characterisation of a bimolecular anti-parallel DNA quadruplex d(G3ACGTAGTG3)2 containing an autonomously stable mini-hairpin motif inserted within the diagonal loop. A folding topology is identified that is different from that observed for the analogous d(G3T4G3)2 dimer with the two structures differing in the relative orientation of the diagonal loops. This appears to reflect specific base stacking interactions at the quadruplex-duplex interface that are not present in the structure with the T4-loop sequence. A truncated version of the bimolecular quadruplex d(G2ACGTAGTG2)2, with only two core G-tetrads, is less stable and forms a heterogeneous mixture of three 2-fold symmetric quadruplexes with different loop arrangements. We demonstrate that the nature of the loop sequence, its ability to form autonomously stable structure, the relative stabilities of the hairpin loop and core quadruplex, and the ability to form favourable stacking interactions between these two motifs are important factors in controlling DNA G-quadruplex topology.  相似文献   

DNA damage is emerging as a driver of heart disease, although the cascade of events, its timing, and the cell types involved are yet to be fully clarified. In this context, the implication of cardiomyocytes has been highlighted, while that of vasculature smooth muscle cells has been implicated but not explored exhaustively. In our previous work we characterized a factor called Ft1 in mice and AKTIP in humans whose depletion generates telomere instability and DNA damage. Herein, we explored the effect of the reduction of Ft1 on the heart with the goal of comparatively defining the impact of DNA damage targeted to vasculature smooth muscle cells to that of diffuse damage. Using two newly generated mouse models, Ft1 constitutively knocked out (Ft1ko) mice, and mice in which we targeted the Ft1 depletion to the smooth muscle cells (Ft1sm22ko), it is shown that both genetic models display cardiac defects but with differences. Both Ft1ko and Ft1sm22ko mice display hypertrophy, fibrosis, and functional heart defects. Interestingly, Ft1sm22ko mice have early milder pathological traits that become manifest with age. Significantly, the defects of Ft1ko mice, including the alteration of the left ventricle and functional heart defects, are rescued by depletion of the DNA damage sensor p53. These results point to Ft1 deficiency as a driver of cardiac disease and show that Ft1 deficiency targeted to vasculature smooth muscle cells generates a pre-pathological profile exacerbated by age.  相似文献   

DNA ends pose specific problems in the control of genetic information quality. Ends of broken DNA need to be rejoined to avoid genome rearrangements, whereas natural DNA ends of linear chromosomes, telomeres, need to be stable and hidden from the DNA damage response. Efficient DNA end metabolism, either at induced DNA breaks or telomeres, does not result from the machine-like precision of molecular reactions, but rather from messier, more stochastic processes. The necessary molecular interactions are dynamically unstable, with constructive and destructive processes occurring in competition. In the end, quality control comes from the constant building up and tearing down of inappropriate, but also appropriate reaction steps in combination with factors that only slightly shift the equilibrium to eventually favour appropriate events. Thus, paradoxically, enzymes antagonizing DNA end metabolism help to ensure that genome maintenance becomes a robust process.  相似文献   

The DNA nanorobot is a hollow hexagonal nanometric device, designed to open in response to specific stimuli and present cargo sequestered inside. Both stimuli and cargo can be tailored according to specific needs. Here we describe the DNA nanorobot fabrication protocol, with the use of the DNA origami technique. The procedure initiates by mixing short single-strand DNA staples into a stock mixture which is then added to a long, circular, single-strand DNA scaffold in presence of a folding buffer. A standard thermo cycler is programmed to gradually lower the mixing reaction temperature to facilitate the staples-to-scaffold annealing, which is the guiding force behind the folding of the nanorobot. Once the 60 hr folding reaction is complete, excess staples are discarded using a centrifugal filter, followed by visualization via agarose-gel electrophoresis (AGE). Finally, successful fabrication of the nanorobot is verified by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), with the use of uranyl-formate as negative stain.  相似文献   

人体小卫星DNA探针的制备   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
郭光明  蒋左庶 《遗传学报》1990,17(3):226-229
根据人体小卫星DNA核心顺序,化学合成长23碱基寡核苷酸探针,筛选人体基因组文库,旨在获得能用作遗传分析探针的小卫星顺序。结果得到15个含小卫星的阳性重组子。随机取其一(C_(35.9))作探针,试做群体分析。所有个体均可检出多条杂交带。其中某些带具有多态性。在一定检测条件下,检出的DNA图谱在有限的个体内具有个体特异性。结果表明筛选文库得到的小卫星顺序可用于小卫星多态性的检测。其它小卫星探针的筛选和应用性研究正在进行。  相似文献   

以外源红细胞生成素eDNA的表达产物为指标,研究了运载DNA和重组表达质粒的构象对电穿孔转染CHO细胞的效率的影响。结果250μg/ml的运载DNA可使外源基因表达水平提高3倍;线性化质粒DNA比超螺旋DNA更适合于用电穿孔方法获得永久表达。这一结果提示,运载DNA的存在和质粒DNA的线性化对提高电穿孔转染CHO细胞的效率是必需的。  相似文献   

Telomeric repeat-containing RNA, a non-coding RNA molecule, has recently been found in mammalian cells. The detailed structural features and functions of the telomeric RNA at human chromosome ends remain unclear, although this RNA molecule may be a key component of the telomere machinery. In this study, using model human telomeric DNA and RNA sequences, we demonstrated that human telomeric RNA and DNA oligonucleotides form a DNA-RNA G-quadruplex. We next employed chemistry-based oligonucleotide probes to mimic the naturally formed telomeric DNA-RNA G-quadruplexes in living cells, suggesting that the process of DNA-RNA G-quadruplex formation with oligonucleotide models of telomeric DNA and RNA could occur in cells. Furthermore, we investigated the possible roles of this DNA-RNA G-quadruplex. The formation of the DNA-RNA G-quadruplex causes a significant increase in the clonogenic capacity of cells and has an effect on inhibition of cellular senescence. Here, we have used a model system to provide evidence about the formation of G-quadruplex structures involving telomeric DNA and RNA sequences that have the potential to provide a protective capping structure for telomere ends.  相似文献   


Cationic liposomes are non-viral gene transfer vectors for in vitro and in vivo experiments. In the present studies, we investigated whether a disulfide linkage in a cationic lipid was reducible by cell lysate resulting in the release of plasmid DNA and enhanced gene transfection. We also investigated if the differences in transgene production were from differences in total amount of cellular associated plasmid DNA. We systematically compared the gene transfection of disulfide bond containing-cationic lipid, 1', 2'-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3'-succinyl-2-hydroxyethyl disulfide ornithine conjugate (DOGSDSO), its non-disulfide-containing analog, 1', 2'-dioleyl-sn-glycero-3'-succinyl-1, 6-hexanediol ornithine conjugate (DOGSHDO), 1, 2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane (DOTAP). Two transgene reporter systems (i.e., luciferase and green fluorescent protein (GFP)) were used to address transgene transgene expression and transgene efficiency. Experiments with the luciferase expression plasmid resulted in transgene activity up to 11 times greater transgene production for the disulfide containing lipid in at least two different cell lines, COS 1 and CHO cells. When transgene expression was determined by GFP activity, DOGSDSO liposomes were four times greater than the non-disulfide lipid or positive control (DOTAP) liposomes. By quantifying nucleic acid uptake by flow cytometry it was also demonstrated that increase expression was not solely from an increase in cellular plasmid DNA accumulation. These results demonstrate that cationic lipids containing a disulfide linkage are a promising method for gene transfer.  相似文献   

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