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Amsacrine-4-carboxamide-oligonucleotide conjugates were synthesized and studied for their capacity to form DNA triple helices and to alter human topoisomerase II binding and cleavage properties. The intercalating agent was attached to the 3'- or the 5'-end of a 24 nt triple helix-forming oligonucleotide via linkers of different lengths. The stability of these DNA triple helices was investigated by gel retardation and melting temperature studies using a synthetic 70 bp DNA duplex target. The effect of the conjugates on DNA cleavage by topoisomerase II was evaluated using the 70 bp duplex and a 311 bp restriction fragment containing the same triple helix site. The conjugate with the amsacrine derivative linked to the 3' end of the TFO via a hexaethylene glycol linker modulates the extent of DNA cleavage by topoisomerase II at specific sites.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II (Top2) is a nuclear enzyme involved in several metabolic processes of DNA. Chemotherapy agents that poison Top2 are known to induce persistent protein-mediated DNA double strand breaks (DSB). In this report, by using knock down experiments, we demonstrated that Top2α was largely responsible for the induction of γH2AX and cytotoxicity by the Top2 poisons idarubicin and etoposide in normal human cells. As DSB resulting from Top2 poisons-mediated damage may be repaired by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination (HR), we aimed to analyze both DNA repair pathways. We found that DNA-PKcs was rapidly activated in human cells, as evidenced by autophosphorylation at serine 2056, following Top2-mediated DNA damage. The chemical inhibition of DNA-PKcs by wortmannin and vanillin resulted in an increased accumulation of DNA DSB, as evaluated by the comet assay. This was supported by a hypersensitive phenotype to Top2 poisons of Ku80- and DNA-PKcs- defective Chinese hamster cell lines. We also showed that Rad51 protein levels, Rad51 foci formation and sister chromatid exchanges were increased in human cells following Top2-mediated DNA damage. In support, BRCA2- and Rad51C- defective Chinese hamster cells displayed hypersensitivity to Top2 poisons. The analysis by immunofluorescence of the DNA DSB repair response in synchronized human cell cultures revealed activation of DNA-PKcs throughout the cell cycle and Rad51 foci formation in S and late S/G2 cells. Additionally, we found an increase of DNA-PKcs-mediated residual repair events, but not Rad51 residual foci, into micronucleated and apoptotic cells. Therefore, we conclude that in human cells both NHEJ and HR are required, with cell cycle stage specificity, for the repair of Top2-mediated reversible DNA damage. Moreover, NHEJ-mediated residual repair events are more frequently associated to irreversibly damaged cells.  相似文献   

Tn5 transposase (Tnp) overproduction is lethal to Escherichia coli. The overproduction causes cell filamentation and abnormal chromosome segregation. Here we present three lines of evidence strongly suggesting that Tnp overproduction killing is due to titration of topoisomerase I. First, a suppressor mutation of transposase overproduction killing, stkD10, is localized in topA (the gene for topoisomerase I). The stkD10 mutant has the following characteristics: first, it has an increased abundance of topoisomerase I protein, the topoisomerase I is defective for the DNA relaxation activity, and DNA gyrase activity is reduced; second, the suppressor phenotype of a second mutation localized in rpoH, stkA14 (H. Yigit and W. S. Reznikoff, J. Bacteriol. 179:1704–1713, 1997), can be explained by an increase in topA expression; and third, overexpression of wild-type topA partially suppresses the killing. Finally, topoisomerase I was found to enhance Tn5 transposition up to 30-fold in vivo.  相似文献   

The short oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) probes are suitable for good discrimination of point mutations. However, the probes suffer from low melting temperatures. In this work, the strategy of using acridine-4-carboxamide intercalators to improve thermal stabilisation is investigated. The study of large series of acridines revealed that optimal stabilisation is achieved upon decoration of acridine by secondary carboxamide carrying sterically not demanding basic function bound through a two-carbon linker. Two highly active intercalators were attached to short probes (13 or 18 bases; designed as a part of HFE gene) by click chemistry into positions 7 and/or 13 and proved to increase the melting temperate (Tm) of the duplex by almost 8°C for the best combination. The acridines interact with both single- and double-stranded DNAs with substantially preferred interaction for the latter. The study of interaction suggested higher affinity of the acridines toward the GC- than AT-rich sequences. Good discrimination of two point mutations was shown in practical application with HFE gene (wild type, H63D C > G and S65C A > C mutations). Acridine itself can also serve as a fluorophore and also allows discrimination of the fully matched sequences from those with point mutations in probes labelled only with acridine.  相似文献   

K X Chen  N Gresh  B Pullman 《FEBS letters》1987,224(2):361-364
Theoretical quantitative evaluation of the intercalative binding to DNA of the new antitumor drug 9-aminoacridine-4-carboxamide indicates that, in contradiction with a recently proposed model, the compound should show specificity for interaction with the major (and not minor) groove of GC sequences.  相似文献   

The maintenance of DNA methylation in nascent DNA is a critical event for numerous biological processes. Following DNA replication, DNMT1 is the key enzyme that strictly copies the methylation pattern from the parental strand to the nascent DNA. However, the mechanism underlying this highly specific event is not thoroughly understood. In this study, we identified topoisomerase IIα (TopoIIα) as a novel regulator of the maintenance DNA methylation. UHRF1, a protein important for global DNA methylation, interacts with TopoIIα and regulates its localization to hemimethylated DNA. TopoIIα decatenates the hemimethylated DNA following replication, which might facilitate the methylation of the nascent strand by DNMT1. Inhibiting this activity impairs DNA methylation at multiple genomic loci. We have uncovered a novel mechanism during the maintenance of DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Many agents (e.g. camptothecins, indolocarbazoles, indenoisoquinolines, and dibenzonaphthyridines) stimulate topoisomerase I (TOP1)-mediated DNA cleavage (a behavior termed topoisomerase I poisoning) by interacting with both the DNA and the enzyme at the site of cleavage (typically by intercalation between the -1 and +1 base-pairs). The bibenzimidazoles, which include Hoechst 33258 and 33342, are a family of DNA minor groove-directed agents that also stimulate topoisomerase I-mediated DNA cleavage. However, the molecular mechanism by which these ligands poison TOP1 is poorly understood. Toward this goal, we have used a combination of mutational, footprinting, and DNA binding affinity analyses to define the DNA binding site for Hoechst 33258 and a related derivative that results in optimal induction of TOP1-mediated DNA cleavage. We show that this DNA binding site is located downstream from the site of DNA cleavage, encompassing the base-pairs from position +4 to +8. The distal nature of this binding site relative to the site of DNA cleavage suggests that minor groove-directed agents like the bibenzimidazoles poison TOP1 via a mechanism distinct from compounds like the camptothecins, which interact at the site of cleavage.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (Pgp), an anticancer drug-translocating ATPase, is responsible for multidrug resistance in cancer. We have previously shown (Nuti, S. L., Mehdi, A., and Rao, U. S. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 3424-3432) that tryptic cleavage of Pgp results in the activation of basal and drug-stimulated ATPase functions of Pgp. To understand this phenomenon, we determined the sites cleaved by trypsin and further examined whether the modulation of Pgp function is trypsin-specific or the result of proteolysis in general. The effects of chymotrypsin and proteinase K on Pgp ATPase function were studied. The results show that proteolysis of Pgp irrespective of the protease employed resulted in the activation of basal ATPase activity. However, drug-stimulated ATPase activities were differentially modulated. Immunoblot analysis of proteolytic digests indicated that, irrespective of the protease employed, Pgp was predominantly cleaved in the middle of the molecule. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of Pgp tryptic and chymotryptic peptides indicated Arg(680) and Leu(682) as the sites of cleavage, respectively. These two cleavage sites are part of the predicted linker region that joins the two halves of Pgp. Together, these results suggest that the linker region in Pgp is primarily accessible to protease action and that cleavage of this region modulates Pgp ATPase function.  相似文献   

The zinc-binding domain (ZBD) of prokaryotic DNA primases has been postulated to be crucial for recognition of specific sequences in the single-stranded DNA template. To determine the molecular basis for this role in recognition, we carried out homolog-scanning mutagenesis of the zinc-binding domain of DNA primase of bacteriophage T7 using a bacterial homolog from Geobacillus stearothermophilus. The ability of T7 DNA primase to catalyze template-directed oligoribonucleotide synthesis is eliminated by substitution of any five-amino acid residue-long segment within the ZBD. The most significant defect occurs upon substitution of a region (Pro-16 to Cys-20) spanning two cysteines that coordinate the zinc ion. The role of this region in primase function was further investigated by generating a protein library composed of multiple amino acid substitutions for Pro-16, Asp-18, and Asn-19 followed by genetic screening for functional proteins. Examination of proteins selected from the screening reveals no change in sequence-specific recognition. However, the more positively charged residues in the region facilitate DNA binding, leading to more efficient oligoribonucleotide synthesis on short templates. The results suggest that the zinc-binding mode alone is not responsible for sequence recognition, but rather its interaction with the RNA polymerase domain is critical for DNA binding and for sequence recognition. Consequently, any alteration in the ZBD that disturbs its conformation leads to loss of DNA-dependent oligoribonucleotide synthesis.  相似文献   

The monoacylation of (η6-1,2-benzenedimethanol)tricarbonylchromium (2) by vinyl acetate, palmitate and benzoate, alcoholysis of the corresponding diesters of 2 in n-butanol, and acylation of (η6-benzyl alcohol) tricarbonylchromium by (±)-vinyl 2-phenoxypropanoate and 2-phenylpropanoate were accomplished with lipase P (from P. fluorescens) and lipase CC (from C. cylindracea) to give optically active organometallic esters. Their configurations indicated that the stereoselectivity of each of these two lipases was in marked contrast. An active site model for them is proposed.  相似文献   

S Xie  E Lam 《Plant physiology》1994,106(4):1701-1702

Interaction of topotecan (TPT) with synthetic double-stranded polydeoxyribonucleotides has been studied in solutions of low ionic strength at pH 6.8 by linear flow dichroism (LD), circular dichroism (CD), UV-Vis absorption, and Raman spectroscopy. The complexes of TPT with poly(dG-dC)·poly(dG-dC), poly(dG)·poly(dC), poly(dA-dC)·poly(dG-dT), and poly(dA)·poly(dT), as well as complexes of TPT with calf thymus DNA and coliphage T4 DNA studied by us previously, have been shown to have negative LD in the long-wavelength absorption band of TPT, whereas the complex of TPT with poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT) has positive LD in this absorption band of TPT. Thus, there are two different types of TPT complex with the polymers. TPT has been established to bind preferably to GC base pairs because its affinity to the polymers of different composition decreases in the following order: poly(dG-dC)·poly(dG-dC) > poly(dG)·poly(dC) > poly(dA-dC)·poly(dG-dT) > poly(dA)·poly(dT). The presence of DNA has been shown to shift the monomer–dimer equilibrium in TPT solutions toward dimer formation. Several duplexes of the synthetic polynucleotides bound together by bridges of TPT dimers may participate in the formation of the studied type of TPT–polynucleotide complex. Molecular models of TPT complex with linear and circular supercoiled DNAs and with deoxyguanosine have been considered. TPT (and presumably the whole camptothecin family) proved to represent a new class of DNA-specific ligands whose biological action is associated with formation of dimeric bridges between two DNA duplexes.  相似文献   

Histone H2AX is phosphorylated on Ser-139 by ATM kinase in response to damage that induces dsDNA breaks. Immunocytochemical detection of phosphorylated H2AX (gH2AX), thus, reveals the presence of dsDNA breaks in chromatin. Multiparameter cytometry was presently used to correlate the appearance of gH2AX with:

a. cell cycle phase;

b. caspase-3 activation; and

c. apoptosis-associated DNA fragmentation in individual human leukemic HL-60 cells treated with the DNA topoisomerase I (topo1) inhibitors topotecan (TPT) and camptothecin (CPT) or with the topo2 inhibitor mitoxantrone (MTX).

In response to TPT or CPT maximal increase of gH2AX immunofluorescence was seen in S-phase cells by 90 min. In contrast, following MTX treatment the maximal rise of gH2AX was detected at 2 h in G1 cells and the cell cycle phase specificity was much less apparent. A linear relationship between the drug concentration and increase of gH2AX immunofluorescence was seen only up to 200 nM TPT; a decline in gH2AX was apparent at a concentration range between 0.4 and 1.6 mM TPT. Thus, the intensity of gH2AX immunofluorescence, as a marker of cell survival following TPT treatment, can be used only within a limited range of drug concentration. Following treatment with TPT, CPT or MTX the peak of H2AX phosphorylation preceded caspase-3 activation and the appearance of apoptosis-associated DNA fragmentation, both selective to S-phase cells. Progression of apoptosis was paralleled by a decrease in gH2AX immunofluorescence. The data also indicate that regardless whether treated with inhibitors of topo1 or topo2, at comparable levels of dsDNA breaks, the cells replicating DNA have a higher proclivity to undergo apoptosis compared to G1 or G2/M cells.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - It has been found that the presence of a free OH group at the 3'-terminal residue of the substituted ethylene glycol fragment in a phosphoryl guanidine...  相似文献   

Highly purified topoisomerase from Ustilago breaks single-stranded DNA, forming a complex with protein covalently bound to the DNA. Methods used to detect the complexes include a nitrocellulose filter assay, electrophoresis of the DNA-protein complex in agarose gels containing alkali, and isolation of the complex after removal of all but a small oligonucleotide fragment bound to the protein. The linkage of the Ustilago topoisomerase is to the 3' end of the broken strand of DNA. The DNA-protein complex formed is through a phosphodiester bond to tyrosine.  相似文献   

Epigenetic DNA methylation is involved in many biological processes. An epigenetic status can be altered by gain or loss of a DNA methyltransferase gene or its activity. Repair of DNA damage can also remove DNA methylation. In response to such alterations, DNA endonucleases that sense DNA methylation can act and may cause cell death. Here, we explored the possibility that McrBC, a methylation-dependent DNase of Escherichia coli, cleaves DNA at a replication fork. First, we found that in vivo restriction by McrBC of bacteriophage carrying a foreign DNA methyltransferase gene is increased in the absence of homologous recombination. This suggests that some cleavage events are repaired by recombination and must take place during or after replication. Next, we demonstrated that the enzyme can cleave a model DNA replication fork in vitro. Cleavage of a fork required methylation on both arms and removed one, the other or both of the arms. Most cleavage events removed the methylated sites from the fork. This result suggests that acquisition of even rarely occurring modification patterns will be recognized and rejected efficiently by modification-dependent restriction systems that recognize two sites. This process might serve to maintain an epigenetic status along the genome through programmed cell death.  相似文献   

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