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Climate change will exacerbate the degree of abiotic stress experienced by semi-arid ecosystems. While abiotic stress profoundly affects biotic interactions, their potential role as modulators of ecosystem responses to climate change is largely unknown. Using plants and biological soil crusts, we tested the relative importance of facilitative–competitive interactions and other community attributes (cover, species richness and species evenness) as drivers of ecosystem functioning along stress gradients in semi-arid Mediterranean ecosystems. Biotic interactions shifted from facilitation to competition along stress gradients driven by water availability and temperature. These changes were, however, dependent on the spatial scale and the community considered. We found little evidence to suggest that biotic interactions are a major direct influence upon indicators of ecosystem functioning (soil respiration, organic carbon, water-holding capacity, compaction and the activity of enzymes related to the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles) along stress gradients. However, attributes such as cover and species richness showed a direct effect on ecosystem functioning. Our results do not agree with predictions emphasizing that the importance of plant–plant interactions will be increased under climate change in dry environments, and indicate that reductions in the cover of plant and biological soil crust communities will negatively impact ecosystems under future climatic conditions.  相似文献   

A new model for the continuum concept   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A reformulation of the continuum concept is presented after considering the implications of the community/continuum controversy and current niche theory. Community is a spatial concept dependent on landscape pattern while the continuum is an environmental concept referring to an abstract space. When applying niche theory to plants, the mechanisms of competition are ill-defined and the assumption of bell-shaped response curves for species unrealistic.Eight testable propositions on the pattern of response of vegetation to environmental gradients are presented 1. Environmental gradients are of two types. a) resource gradients or b) direct physiological gradients. 2. The fundamental niche response of species to resource gradients is a series of similar nested response curves. 3. The fundamental niche response of species to direct gradients is a series of separate, independent, overlapping response curves. 4. Species fundamental response curves are such that they have a relative performance advantage in some part of the environmental space. 5. The shape of the realized niche is variable even bimodal but predictable from the fundamental response given the other species present. Propositions 6–8 describe the response shapes of emergent community properties to environmental gradient; species richness is bimodal, dominance trimodal and standing crop unimodal. Detailed comparisons of these propositions are made with the alternative theories of Ellenberg, Gauch and Whittaker, Grime, and Tilman. These theories are incomplete lacking several generally accepted properties of plants and vegetation.  相似文献   

Facilitative or positive interactions among species are driven mainly by the environmental amelioration or protection from grazing provided by nurse plants. Some studies have suggested that protection from grazing is inconsequential in water-limited environments because of low herbivore densities and their grazing effects. Others, however, argue that herbivores have a major effect on semi-arid plant communities, and that protection from grazing is a significant factor driving positive plant–plant interactions in such environments. We identified a gradient in grazing pressure in a semi-arid shrubland in south-eastern Australia along which we compared soil condition, incident radiation and plant composition beneath two nurse shrub species with open (shrub-free) interspaces. Our aim was to assess the degree of microclimatic amelioration provided by both shrubs, and changes in the interactions (intensity, importance and frequency) between both nurse shrubs and their understorey species, and their effects on species richness at the community level. Both the relative interaction intensity (RII) and interaction importance (Iimp) indices of plant–plant interactions were generally positive and independent of grazing pressure. Soil beneath both nurse plants had significantly greater indices of nutrient cycling and infiltration, and contained more C and N than soil in the open. Almost twice as many species occurred under the canopies of both shrubs (44 species) than in the open (23 species), and the composition of species differed significantly among microsites. Fifty-four percent of all perennial plant species occurred exclusively under shrubs. Our results suggest that environmental amelioration is a stronger driver of the facilitatory effect of shrubs on their understorey species than protection from grazing. Our conclusions are based on the fact that the substantial effect of plant–plant interactions on plant species richness was largely independent of grazing pressure. Irrespective of the underlying mechanism for this effect, our study illustrates the ecological role of shrubs as refugia for understorey plants in semi-arid environments and cautions against management practices aimed at reducing shrub populations.  相似文献   

Plant–plant interactions are driven by environmental conditions, evolutionary relationships (ER) and the functional traits of the plants involved. However, studies addressing the relative importance of these drivers are rare, but crucial to improve our predictions of the effects of plant–plant interactions on plant communities and of how they respond to differing environmental conditions. To analyze the relative importance of – and interrelationships among – these factors as drivers of plant–plant interactions, we analyzed perennial plant co-occurrence at 106 dryland plant communities established across rainfall gradients in nine countries. We used structural equation modelling to disentangle the relationships between environmental conditions (aridity and soil fertility), functional traits extracted from the literature, and ER, and to assess their relative importance as drivers of the 929 pairwise plant–plant co-occurrence levels measured. Functional traits, specifically facilitated plants’ height and nurse growth form, were of primary importance, and modulated the effect of the environment and ER on plant–plant interactions. Environmental conditions and ER were important mainly for those interactions involving woody and graminoid nurses, respectively. The relative importance of different plant–plant interaction drivers (ER, functional traits, and the environment) varied depending on the region considered, illustrating the difficulty of predicting the outcome of plant–plant interactions at broader spatial scales. In our global-scale study on drylands, plant–plant interactions were more strongly related to functional traits of the species involved than to the environmental variables considered. Thus, moving to a trait-based facilitation/competition approach help to predict that: (1) positive plant–plant interactions are more likely to occur for taller facilitated species in drylands, and (2) plant–plant interactions within woody-dominated ecosystems might be more sensitive to changing environmental conditions than those within grasslands. By providing insights on which species are likely to better perform beneath a given neighbour, our results will also help to succeed in restoration practices involving the use of nurse plants.  相似文献   

Species distribution depends on the physiological and ecological niche where a species can exist and regenerate in resource competition with other species (niche limitation). The realized niche is influenced by local biotic processes that influence species behaviour and the shape of the response curves relative to environmental gradients. Processes on larger scales also influence the species niche through source-sink mechanisms (dispersal limitation) and the species richness of an area (pool limitation). Despite the growing evidence of skewed or irregular species response curves along gradients, many ecologists still assume symmetric, unimodal response curves along gradients in ecological interpretation. Ellenberg’s indicator system is probably the most common example. However, the assumption is not ecologically or statistically valid, due to the many different processes affecting the distribution of plant species. Here I present the results of Huisman-Olff-Fresco (HOF) regressions for 209 Danish forest species. HOF modelling is chosen to avoid the classical drawbacks of assuming symmetric, unimodal response patterns. I calculate the optima for all species with unimodal responses to soil pH and compare these with the Ellenberg indicator values for reaction (R), which are often used as a substitute for soil pH measurements. I demonstrate that the assumption of symmetric, unimodal species behaviour is violated in 54% of the cases and that pH optima and R indicator values for species are not always compatible. Ellenberg reaction scale has been used byEwald (Folia Geobot. 38: 357–366, 2003) as an indicator of which species are calcicole, i.e., whether they can grow and reproduce on calcareous soils. Such affinities of species, however, are related to both local niche properties and processes on large scales and cannot be generalized from a single empirical variable such as pH, nor from Ellenberg semi-ordinal indicator scale. I conclude that while the determination of whether species are calcicole or calcifuge requires more research, it is evident that Denmark contains a fairly balanced number of calciphytic and acidophytic species. This is probably due to the nearly equal areas with acidic and alkaline soils in Denmark, which also contribute to the high species richness of more than 500 vascular plant species in Danish forests.  相似文献   

Determining which drivers lead to a specific species assemblage is a central issue in community ecology. Although many processes are involved, plant–plant interactions are among the most important. The phylogenetic limiting similarity hypothesis states that closely related species tend to compete stronger than distantly related species, although evidence is inconclusive. We used ecological and phylogenetic data on alpine plant communities along an environmental severity gradient to assess the importance of phylogenetic relatedness in affecting the interaction between cushion plants and the whole community, and how these interactions may affect community assemblage and diversity. We first measured species richness and individual biomass of species growing within and outside the nurse cushion species, Arenaria tetraquetra. We then assembled the phylogenetic tree of species present in both communities and calculated the phylogenetic distance between the cushion species and its beneficiary species, as well as the phylogenetic community structure. We also estimated changes in species richness at the local level due to the presence of cushions. The effects of cushions on closely related species changed from negative to positive as environmental conditions became more severe, while the interaction with distantly related species did not change along the environmental gradient. Overall, we found an environmental context‐dependence in patterns of phylogenetic similarity, as the interaction outcome between nurses and their close and distantly‐related species showed an opposite pattern with environmental severity.  相似文献   

The study of species coexistence and community assembly has been a hot topic in ecology for decades. Disentangling the hierarchical role of abiotic and biotic filters is crucial to understand community assembly processes. The most critical environmental factor in semi-arid environments is known to be water availability, and perennials are usually described as nurses that create milder local conditions and expand the niche range of several species. We aimed to broaden this view by jointly evaluating how biological soil crusts (BSCs), water availability, perennial species (presence/absence of Stipa tenacissima) and plant-plant interactions shape a semi-arid annual plant community. The presence and cover of annual species was monitored during three years of contrasting climate. Water stress acted as the primary filter determining the species pool available for plant community assembly. Stipa and BSCs acted as secondary filters by modulating the effects of water availability. At extremely harsh environmental conditions, Stipa exerted a negative effect on the annual plant community, while at more benign conditions it increased annual community richness. Biological soil crusts exerted a contradictory effect depending on climate and on the presence of Stipa, favoring annuals in the most adverse conditions but showing repulsion at higher water availability conditions. Finally, interactions among co-occurring annuals shaped species richness and diversity of the final annual plant assembly. This study sheds light on the processes determining the assembly of annual communities and highlights the importance of Biological Soil Crusts and of interactions among annual plants on the final outcome of the species assembly.  相似文献   

Contrasting phenotypes of alpine cushion species have been recurrently described in several mountain ranges along small‐scale topography gradients, with tight competitive phenotypes in stressful convex topography and loose facilitative phenotypes in sheltered concave topography. The consistency of phenotypic effects along large‐scale climate stress gradients have been proposed as a test of the likely genetic bases of the differences observed at small‐scale. Inversely, plastic phenotypic effects are more likely to vanish at some points along climate stress gradients. We tested this hypothesis for two phenotypes of the alpine cushion species Thylacospermum caespitosum at four points along regional gradients of cold and drought stress in northwest China. We measured the traits of the two cushion phenotypes and quantified their associated plant communities and environmental variables along the regional temperature and aridity gradients. Cushion height, convexity and stem density overall showed significant effect of phenotypes. Difference in tightness of cushions between phenotypes was consistent across climate conditions, whereas differences in cushion convexity and height between phenotypes increased with increasing cold stress. Phenotypic effects on species richness and abundance were consistent along both climate gradients but not effects on species composition, while there were no phenotypic effects on environmental variables. Additionally, RII (relative interaction index) curves were linear along the drought gradient but unimodal along the temperature gradient, likely due to the occurrence of contrasting species pools at the different sites. We conclude that the consistency of phenotypic effects of T. caespitosum was high for species richness and abundance and mainly explained by differences in interference mediated by likely heritable differences in cushion tightness. Additionally, our study shows that the shapes of the relationship between plant responses to neighbours and environmental stresses are not necessarily driven by niche‐based deterministic factors.  相似文献   

Previous syntheses on the effects of environmental conditions on the outcome of plant–plant interactions summarize results from pairwise studies. However, the upscaling to the community-level of such studies is problematic because of the existence of multiple species assemblages and species-specific responses to both the environmental conditions and the presence of neighbors. We conducted the first global synthesis of community-level studies from harsh environments, which included data from 71 alpine and 137 dryland communities to: (i) test how important are facilitative interactions as a driver of community structure, (ii) evaluate whether we can predict the frequency of positive plant–plant interactions across differing environmental conditions and habitats, and (iii) assess whether thresholds in the response of plant–plant interactions to environmental gradients exists between “moderate” and “extreme” environments. We also used those community-level studies performed across gradients of at least three points to evaluate how the average environmental conditions, the length of the gradient studied, and the number of points sampled across such gradient affect the form and strength of the facilitation-environmental conditions relationship. Over 25% of the species present were more spatially associated to nurse plants than expected by chance in both alpine and dryland areas, illustrating the high importance of positive plant–plant interactions for the maintenance of plant diversity in these environments. Facilitative interactions were more frequent, and more related to environmental conditions, in alpine than in dryland areas, perhaps because drylands are generally characterized by a larger variety of environmental stress factors and plant functional traits. The frequency of facilitative interactions in alpine communities peaked at 1000 mm of annual rainfall, and globally decreased with elevation. The frequency of positive interactions in dryland communities decreased globally with water scarcity or temperature annual range. Positive facilitation-drought stress relationships are more likely in shorter regional gradients, but these relationships are obscured in regions with a greater species turnover or with complex environmental gradients. By showing the different climatic drivers and behaviors of plant–plant interactions in dryland and alpine areas, our results will improve predictions regarding the effect of facilitation on the assembly of plant communities and their response to changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Aims: The stress‐gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts how plant interactions change along environmental stress gradients. We tested the SGH in an aridity gradient, where support for the hypothesis and the specific shape of its response curve is controversial. Location: Almería, Cáceres and Coimbra, three sites in the Iberian Peninsula that encompass the most arid and wet habitats in the distribution range of a nurse shrub species –Retama sphaerocarpa L. (Boiss) – in Europe. Methods: We analysed the effect of Retama on its understorey plant community and measured the biomass and species richness beneath Retama and in gaps. We estimated the frequency (changes in species richness), importance and intensity of the Retama effects, and derived the severity–interaction relationship pattern, analysing how these interaction indices changed along this aridity gradient. Results and conclusions: The intensity and frequency of facilitation by Retama increased monotonically with increasing environmental severity, and the importance tended to have a similar pattern, overall supporting the SGH. Our data did not support predictions from recent revisions of the SGH, which may not apply to whole plant communities like those studied here or when interactions are highly asymmetrical. Facilitation by Retama influenced community composition and species richness to the point that a significant fraction of species found at the most arid end of the gradient were only able to survive beneath the nurse shrub, whereas some of these species were able to thrive in gaps at more mesic sites, highlighting the ecological relevance of facilitation by nurse species in mediterranean environments, especially in the driest sites.  相似文献   

Questions: Do growth forms and vascular plant richness follow similar patterns along an altitudinal gradient? What are the driving mechanisms that structure richness patterns at the landscape scale? Location: Southwest Ethiopian highlands. Methods: Floristic and environmental data were collected from 74 plots, each covering 400 m2. The plots were distributed along altitudinal gradients. Boosted regression trees were used to derive the patterns of richness distribution along altitudinal gradients. Results: Total vascular plant richness did not show any strong response to altitude. Contrasting patterns of richness were observed for several growth forms. Woody, graminoid and climber species richness showed a unimodal structure. However, each of these morphological groups had a peak of richness at different altitudes: graminoid species attained maximum importance at a lower elevations, followed by climbers and finally woody species at higher elevations. Fern species richness increased monotonically towards higher altitudes, but herbaceous richness had a dented structure at mid‐altitudes. Soil sand fraction, silt, slope and organic matter were found to contribute a considerable amount of the predicted variance of richness for total vascular plants and growth forms. Main Conclusions: Hump‐shaped species richness patterns were observed for several growth forms. A mid‐altitudinal richness peak was the result of a combination of climate‐related water–energy dynamics, species–area relationships and local environmental factors, which have direct effects on plant physiological performance. However, altitude represents the composite gradient of several environmental variables that were interrelated. Thus, considering multiple gradients would provide a better picture of richness and the potential mechanisms responsible for the distribution of biodiversity in high‐mountain regions of the tropics.  相似文献   

Interactions among species determine local‐scale diversity, but local interactions are thought to have minor effects at larger scales. However, quantitative comparisons of the importance of biotic interactions relative to other drivers are rarely made at larger scales. Using a data set spanning 78 sites and five continents, we assessed the relative importance of biotic interactions and climate in determining plant diversity in alpine ecosystems dominated by nurse‐plant cushion species. Climate variables related with water balance showed the highest correlation with richness at the global scale. Strikingly, although the effect of cushion species on diversity was lower than that of climate, its contribution was still substantial. In particular, cushion species enhanced species richness more in systems with inherently impoverished local diversity. Nurse species appear to act as a ‘safety net’ sustaining diversity under harsh conditions, demonstrating that climate and species interactions should be integrated when predicting future biodiversity effects of climate change.  相似文献   

Mountains provide a unique opportunity to study drivers of species richness across relatively short elevation gradients. However, few studies have reported elevational patterns for arid mountains. We studied elevation‐richness pattern along an elevational gradient at the arid mountain Gebel Elba, south‐east of Egypt, expecting a unimodal richness pattern. We sampled 133 vegetation plots (10 × 10 m) in four wadis along an elevational gradient from 130 to 680 m which represents the transition from desert to mountain wadi systems. We used generalised additive models to describe the relationship between elevation and plant species richness. We found a strong increase in species richness and Shannon diversity at low elevations followed by a plateau at mid‐ to high elevations. When we analysed each tributary as a single gradient, no pattern was found. The analysed elevational gradient seems to be a major stress gradient in terms of temperature and water availability, exhibiting a trend of increasing species richness that changes to a plateau pattern; a pattern rarely observed for wadi systems in arid mountains. We discuss the observed pattern with the climatic stress hypothesis and the environmental heterogeneity hypothesis as possible explanations for the pattern.  相似文献   

新疆天山南坡中段种子植物区系垂直分布格局分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对植物多样性垂直分布格局及其维持机制的研究可以有效揭示植物物种多样性分布特征及其环境影响因子。本文通过野外调查、查阅标本并结合相关文献资料,对天山南坡中段种子植物区系沿海拔梯度的分布格局进行了系统研究。结果显示,在大区域尺度上,科属种的物种丰富度随海拔升高均呈先增加后减少的趋势,且最高值出现在中低海拔1900~2000 m处;不同生活型植物沿海拔梯度的变化格局有所不同,其中,乔木、一年生草本、藤本及寄生植物表现出随海拔升高物种丰富度逐渐降低的趋势,灌木、多年生草本及二年生草本植物物种丰富度则呈先增加后减少的变化趋势;从植物区系地理成分来看,世界分布所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈先增加后减少的趋势;温带地理成分所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈缓慢上升趋势;古地中海地理成分所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈先增加后减少然后再增加的变化趋势;热带地理成分所占的比重沿海拔升高呈逐渐下降的趋势;东亚地理成分所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈先增加后减少然后再增加的变化趋势。对该分布格局与当地干旱的气候条件及海拔梯度上热量和水分条件的变化相适应。  相似文献   

The determinants of local species richness in plant communities have been the subject of much debate. Is species richness the result of stochastic events such as dispersal processes, or do local environmental filters sort species into communities according to their ecological niches? Recent studies suggest that these two processes simultaneously limit species richness, although their relative importance may vary in space and time. Understanding the limiting factors for species richness is especially important in light of the ongoing global warming, as new species establish in resident plant communities as a result of climate‐driven migration. We examined the relative importance of dispersal and environmental filtering during seedling recruitment and plant establishment in an alpine plant community subjected to seed addition and long‐term experimental warming. Seed addition increased species richness during the seedling recruitment stage, but this initial increase was cancelled out by a corresponding decrease in species richness during plant establishment, suggesting that environmental filters limit local species richness in the long term. While initial recruitment success of the sown species was related to both abiotic and biotic factors, long‐term establishment was controlled mainly by biotic factors, indicating an increase in the relative importance of biotic interactions once plants have germinated in a microhabitat with favourable abiotic conditions. The relative importance of biotic interactions also seemed to increase with experimental warming, suggesting that increased competition within the resident vegetation may decrease community invasibility as the climate warms.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that the direction and intensity of plant–plant interactions may depend on the favourability of the environment. Previous studies have mainly focused on steep gradients of environmental stress or disturbance, while the interplay of competition and environment has not been tested for subtle environmental differences. Here, we present results from a study on plant communities of temporary wetlands in East-German farmland. Due to yearly ploughing in autumn, the vegetation is composed of annual species. Flooding does not affect adult plants and the elevation on the gradient expresses differences in the length of the growing season rather than in disturbance intensity or severe environmental stress. We tested whether such subtle differences in environmental stress may affect the importance of interspecific competition by the dominant species. Two treatments were applied at two elevations: removal of the dominant species (Matricaria maritima ssp. inodora) and reciprocal transplants of the seed-bank of the two elevations. At both elevations, removal of Matricaria inodora led to an increase in total species richness and number of wetland species, but the effects were substantially stronger at high elevations. Removal and the elevation on the flooding gradient significantly influenced the plant community composition. In particular, the weed communities became more similar to the wetland communities after the removal. Transplanted weed species did not emerge at low elevations. While two of four target species had significantly higher densities after the removal at high elevations, none of them was influenced by removal at low elevations. This indicates that, consistent with previous studies from other habitat types, competition by the dominant species was more intense under conditions of low environmental stress. The overall results suggest that both flooding as well as interspecific competition are important in structuring the plant communities along the freshwater gradient studied.  相似文献   

The interspecific plant interactions along grazing and aridity stress gradients represent a major research issue in plant ecology. However, the combined effects of these two factors on plant–plant interactions have been poorly studied in the northeast of Iran. To fill this knowledge gap, 144 plots were established in 12 study sites with different grazing intensities (high vs. low) and climatic characteristics (arid vs. semiarid) in northeastern Iran. A dominant shrub, Artemisia kopetdaghensis, was selected as the model species. Further, we studied changes in plant life strategies along the combined grazing and aridity stress gradients. In this study, we used relative interaction indices calculated for species richness, Shannon diversity, and species cover to determine plant–plant interactions using linear mixed‐effect models (LMM). The indicator species analysis was used to identify the indicator species for the undercanopy of shrub and for the adjacent open areas. The combined effects of grazing and aridity affected the plant–plant interactions and plant life strategies (CSR) of indicator species. A. kopetdaghensis showed the highest facilitation effect under high stress conditions (high grazing, high aridity), which turned into competition under the low stress conditions (low grazing, low aridity). In the arid region, the canopy of the shrub protected ruderals, annual forbs, and grasses in both high and low grazing intensities. In the semiarid region and high grazing intensity (low aridity/high grazing), the shrubs protected mostly perennial forbs with C‐strategy. Our findings highlight the importance of context‐dependent shrub management to restore the vegetation damaged by the intensive grazing.  相似文献   

A central focus of ecology is identifying the factors that shape spatial patterns of species diversity and this is particularly relevant in an era of global change. Positive relationships between plant and consumer diversity are common, but could be driven by direct responses of each trophic level to underlying environmental gradients, or indirectly where changes in environmental conditions propagate through food webs. Here we use structural equation modeling to examine the relative importance of soil resource availability and disturbance (fire) in mediating relationships between plant and grasshopper richness in insular grasslands. We found a positive relationship between plant and consumer richness that became stronger after accounting for disturbance, despite unique responses of plants and consumers to the two environmental gradients. Plant richness responded to an underlying gradient in soil resource availability. Time since the last fire had a direct positive effect on grasshopper richness but had no effect on plant richness. This work supports that plant and consumer richness are functionally linked, rather than having similar responses to environmental gradients. By disentangling the direct and indirect processes underlying a positive relationship between plant and consumer diversity in a natural system that spans multiple environmental gradients, we demonstrate the importance of investigating biodiversity through explicit multivariate models.  相似文献   

Annual plants in semi-arid and arid areas are often closely associated with shrubs. The degree of association largely depends on the balance of negative and positive effects between these contrasting plant life-forms, ranging from interference to facilitation. Since positive interactions are predicted to become less important with increasing rainfall, the interaction balance is expected to shift along aridity gradients. However, this prediction has not been tested on a community level and for different life-history stages across large geographical gradients. Here, we show such changes for annual plant populations and communities in four contrasting sites along a steep climatic gradient, ranging from the arid desert to mesic Mediterranean regions in Israel. Above-ground productivity, richness, seedling density, and seed bank density of the annual plant community, as well as fecundity of annual plant populations, were generally higher under shrubs than in areas between shrubs at the arid end of the gradient, but significantly lower at the humid end. Net effects of shrubs on annuals expressed as relative interaction intensity indicated a steady and consistent shift from net positive or neutral effects in the desert to net negative effects in the mesic part of the gradient. These findings emphasize the usefulness of studies along large-scale gradients encompassing a wide range of environmental conditions for understanding community level interactions among coexisting species.  相似文献   

Species richness is the most commonly used metric to quantify biodiversity. However, examining dark diversity, the group of missing species which can potentially inhabit a site, can provide a more thorough understanding of the processes influencing observed biodiversity and help evaluate the restoration potential of local habitats. So far, dark diversity has mainly been studied for specific habitats or large‐scale landscapes, while less attention has been given to variation across broad environmental gradients or as a result of local conditions and biotic interactions. In this study, we investigate the importance of local environmental conditions in determining dark diversity and observed richness in plant communities across broad environmental gradients. Using the ecospace concept, we investigate how these biodiversity measures relate to abiotic gradients (defined as position), availability of biotic resources (defined as expansion), spatiotemporal extent of habitats (defined as continuity), and species interactions through competition. Position variables were important for both observed diversity and dark diversity, some with quadratic relationships, for example, plant richness showing a unimodal response to soil fertility corresponding to the intermediate productivity hypothesis. Interspecific competition represented by community mean Grime C had a negative effect on plant species richness. Besides position‐related variables, organic carbon was the most important variable for dark diversity, indicating that in late‐succession habitats such as forests and shrubs, dark diversity is generally low. The importance of highly competitive species indicates that intermediate disturbance, such as grazing, may facilitate higher species richness and lower dark diversity.  相似文献   

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