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C-type lectin-like proteins are major components of the calcified eggshell of multiple avian species. In this study, two representative avian C-type lectin-like proteins, ovocleidin-17 and ansocalcin, were purified from decalcified chicken and goose eggshell protein extracts and investigated for carbohydrate binding activity as well as antimicrobial activity. Purified ovocleidin-17 and ansocalcin were found to bind bacterial polysaccharides, and were bactericidal against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomona aeruginosa. Bactericidal activity was found to be enhanced in the presence of calcium but was not dependent on its presence. The results suggest that avian C-type lectin-like proteins may play an important antimicrobial role in defence of the avian embryo.  相似文献   

PSP/Lithostathine/PTP/regI, PAP/p23/HIP, reg1L, regIV and "similar to PAP" are the members of a multifunctional family of secreted proteins containing a C-type lectin-like domain linked to a short N-terminal peptide. The expression of this group of proteins is controlled by complex mechanisms, some members being constitutively expressed in certain tissues while, in others, they require activation by several factors. These members have several apparently unrelated biological effects, depending on the member studied and the target cell. These proteins may act as mitogenic, antiapoptotic or anti-inflammatory factors, can regulate cellular adhesion, promote bacterial aggregation, inhibit CaCO3 crystal growth or increase resistance to antitumoral agents. The presence of specific receptors for these proteins is suggested because biological effects were observed after the addition of purified protein to culture media or after systemic administration to animals, whereas other biological effects could be explained by their biochemical capacity to form homo or heteromers or to form insoluble fibrils at physiological pH.  相似文献   

The lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein scavenger receptor (LOX-1) is a pro-inflammatory marker and Type II membrane protein expressed on vascular cells and tissues. The LOX-1 extracellular domain mediates recognition of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) particles that are implicated in the development of atherosclerotic plaques. To study the molecular basis for LOX-1-mediated ligand recognition, we have expressed, purified and refolded a recombinant LOX-1 protein and assayed for its biological activity using a novel fluorescence-based assay to monitor binding to lipid particles. Overexpression of a hexahistidine-tagged cysteine-rich LOX-1 extracellular domain in bacteria leads to the formation of aggregates that accumulated in bacterial inclusion bodies. The hexahistidine-tagged LOX-1 molecule was purified by affinity chromatography from solubilized inclusion bodies. A sequential dialysis procedure was used to refold the purified but inactive and denatured LOX-1 protein into a functionally active form that mediated recognition of oxLDL particles. This approach allowed slow LOX-1 refolding and assembly of correct intrachain disulfide bonds. Circular dichroism analysis of the refolded LOX-1 molecule demonstrated a folded state with substantial alpha-helical content. Using immobilized recombinant, refolded LOX-1 we demonstrated a 70-fold preferential recognition for oxLDL over native LDL particles. Thus, a protein domain containing intrachain disulfide bonds can be reconstituted into a functionally active state using a relatively simple dialysis-based technique.  相似文献   

Avian calcified eggshell layers contain in their organic matrix one or two C-type lectin-like proteins. Previously characterized eggshell proteins of this family are chicken ovocleidin-17 (OC-17), goose ansocalcin and ostrich struthiocalcins 1 and 2 (SCA-1, SCA-2). In this report we present the amino acid sequences of two emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) (dromaiocalcin-1 and -2; DCA-1, DCA-2) and of two rhea (Rhea americana) (rheacalcin-1 and -2; RCA-1, RCA-2) C-type lectin-like eggshell proteins, thus doubling the data set for comparison of these major specific eggshell proteins. The ratite proteins can be divided into two groups. Group 1, comprising SCA-1, DCA-1 and RCA-1, shows by 70--77% identity of sequences, the lack of phosphorylation, and a variable number (7--9) of cysteines. Group 2, consisting of SCA-2, DCA-2 and RCA-2, shows 78--85% identical sequences, 2--3 phosphorylated serines located at almost identical sites, and contains only the common set of six conserved cysteins characteristic for this family of proteins. While goose ansocalcin fits perfectly into group 1 with a sequence identity of 63--70% to the other members, no phosphorylation, and seven cysteines, chicken OC-17 was assigned to group 2 in spite of only 42--47% sequence identity (and 37--39% to group 1) because of its two phosphorylated serines and its regular set of six cysteines. At present it remains unknown why ratites, but not goose or chicken, require two different types of C-type lectin-like proteins to construct their eggshells.  相似文献   

Ebner S  Sharon N  Ben-Tal N 《Proteins》2003,53(1):44-55
Members of the C-type lectin/C-type lectin-like domain (CTL/CTLD) superfamily share a common fold and are involved in a variety of functions, such as generalized defense mechanisms against foreign agents, discrimination between healthy and pathogen-infected cells, and endocytosis and blood coagulation. In this work we used ConSurf, a computer program recently developed in our lab, to perform an evolutionary analysis of this superfamily in order to further identify characteristics of all or part of its members. Given a set of homologous proteins in the form of multiple sequence alignment (MSA) and an inferred phylogenetic tree, ConSurf calculates the conservation score in every alignment position, taking into account the relationships between the sequences and the physicochemical similarity between the amino acids. The scores are then color-coded onto the three-dimensional structure of one of the homologous proteins. We provide here and at http://ashtoret.tau.ac.il/ approximately sharon a detailed analysis of the conservation pattern obtained for the entire superfamily and for two subgroups of proteins: (a) 21 CTLs and (b) 11 heterodimeric CTLD toxins. We show that, in general, proteins of the superfamily have one face that is constructed mostly of conserved residues and another that is not, and we suggest that the former face is involved in binding to other proteins or domains. In the CTLs examined we detected a region of highly conserved residues, corresponding to the known calcium- and carbohydrate-binding site of the family, which is not conserved throughout the entire superfamily, and in the CTLD toxins we found a patch of highly conserved residues, corresponding to the known dimerization region of these proteins. Our analysis also detected patches of conserved residues with yet unknown function(s).  相似文献   

Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis is one of the most important aquaculture crustacean species in China. A cDNA library was constructed from mixed tissues of E. sinensis challenged with LPS. Eight genes involved in immune response were identified from 319 single colonies. Among them, two different C-type lectin-like domain (CTLD)-containing proteins were firstly identified in Chinese mitten crab. The full-length cDNA sequences of two C-type lectin-like domain (CTLD)-containing proteins named EsCTLDcp-1 and EsCTLDcp-2 were cloned by 5' RACE. The deduced amino acid sequences of EsCTLDcp-1 and EsCTLDcp-2 possessed several conserved features of C-type lectin subfamily. The tissue distribution of EsCTLDcp-1 and EsCTLDcp-2 was examined by Real-time PCR. In the normal Chinese mitten crab, the expression of EsCTLDcp-2 was detected in all tested tissues such as haemolymph, muscle, intestine, gill, heart, gonad and hepatopancreas, whereas in muscle, intestine, gill, heart and hepatopancreas for EsCTLDcp-1. The highest expressions of EsCTLDcp-1 and EsCTLDcp-2 were both observed in hepatopancreas. LPS significantly induced the expression of EsCTLDcp-1 and EsCTLDcp-2 in the hepatopancreas at the different time points. The induced fold change of EsCTLDcp-1 and EsCTLDcp-2 increased significantly from 2 h for EsCTLDcp-1 and 4 h for EsCTLDcp-2, and reached a maximum at 12 h, then dropped at 24 h. A differential pattern was found in Chinese mitten crab challenged with Chinese mitten crab pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila. The expression of EsCTLDcp-1 increased significantly at 2 h post-challenge crabs with A. hydrophila, then decreased at 4 h and 8 h, after that increased at 12 h and 24 h. The expression of EsCTLDcp-2 was decreased at the all time points. All these data suggest a differential role of EsCTLDcp-1 and EsCTLDcp-2 in the crab innate immune response to bacterial infection.  相似文献   

CD69, one of the earliest specific antigens acquired during lymphoid activation, acts as a signal-transducing receptor involved in cellular activation events, including proliferation and induction of specific genes. CD69 belongs to a family of receptors that modulate the immune response and whose genes are clustered in the natural killer (NK) gene complex. The extracellular portion of these receptors represent a subfamily of C-type lectin-like domains (CTLDs), which are divergent from true C-type lectins and are referred to as NK-cell domains (NKDs). We have determined the three-dimensional structure of human CD69 NKD in two different crystal forms. CD69 NKD adopts the canonical CTLD fold but lacks the features involved in Ca(2+) and carbohydrate binding by C-type lectins. CD69 NKD dimerizes noncovalently, both in solution and in crystalline state. The dimer interface consists of a hydrophobic, loosely packed core, surrounded by polar interactions, including an interdomain beta sheet. The intersubunit core shows certain structural plasticity that may facilitate conformational rearrangements for binding to ligands. The surface equivalent to the binding site of other members of the CTLD superfamily reveals a hydrophobic patch surrounded by conserved charged residues that probably constitutes the CD69 ligand-binding site.  相似文献   

Tetranectin is a homotrimeric protein containing a C-type lectin-like domain. This domain (TN3) can bind calcium, but in the absence of calcium, the domain binds a number of kringle-type protein ligands. Two of the calcium-coordinating residues are also critical for binding plasminogen kringle 4 (K4). The structure of the calcium free-form of TN3 (apoTN3) has been determined by NMR. Compared to the structure of the calcium-bound form of TN3 (holoTN3), the core region of secondary structural elements is conserved, while large displacements occur in the loops involved in calcium or K4 binding. A conserved proline, which was found to be in the cis conformation in holoTN3, is in apoTN3 predominantly in the trans conformation. Backbone dynamics indicate that, in apoTN3 especially, two of the three calcium-binding loops and two of the three K4-binding residues exhibit increased flexibility, whereas no such flexibility is observed in holoTN3. In the 20 best nuclear magnetic resonance structures of apoTN3, the residues critical for K4 binding span a large conformational space. Together with the relaxation data, this indicates that the K4-ligand-binding site in apoTN3 is not preformed.  相似文献   

C. elegans OSM-9 is a TRPV channel protein involved in sensory transduction and adaptation. Here, we show that distinct sensory functions arise from different combinations of OSM-9 and related OCR TRPV proteins. Both OSM-9 and OCR-2 are essential for several forms of sensory transduction, including olfaction, osmosensation, mechanosensation, and chemosensation. In neurons that express both OSM-9 and OCR-2, tagged OCR-2 and OSM-9 proteins reside in sensory cilia and promote each other's localization to cilia. In neurons that express only OSM-9, tagged OSM-9 protein resides in the cell body and acts in sensory adaptation rather than sensory transduction. Thus, alternative combinations of TRPV proteins may direct different functions in distinct subcellular locations. Animals expressing the mammalian TRPV1 (VR1) channel in ASH nociceptor neurons avoid the TRPV1 ligand capsaicin, allowing selective, drug-inducible activation of a specific behavior.  相似文献   

Diverse biological functions of the SPARC family of proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The SPARC family of proteins represents a diverse group of proteins that modulate cell interaction with the extracellular milieu. The eight members of the SPARC protein family are modular in nature. Each shares a follistatin-like domain and an extracellular calcium binding E-F hand motif. In addition, each family member is secreted into the extracellular space. Some of the shared activities of this family include, regulation of extracellular matrix assembly and deposition, counter-adhesion, effects on extracellular protease activity, and modulation of growth factor/cytokine signaling pathways. Recently, several SPARC family members have been implicated in human disease pathogenesis. This review discusses recent advances in the understanding of the functional roles of the SPARC family of proteins in development and disease.  相似文献   

Cellular identity during metazoan development is maintained by epigenetic modifications of chromatin structure brought about by the activity of specific proteins which mediate histone variant incorporation, histone modifications, and nucleosome remodeling. HP1 proteins directly influence gene expression by modifying chromatin structure. We previously showed that the Caenorhabditis elegans HP1 proteins HPL-1 and HPL-2 are required for several aspects of post-embryonic development. To gain insight into how HPL proteins influence gene expression in a developmental context, we carried out a candidate RNAi screen to identify suppressors of hpl-1 and hpl-2 phenotypes. We identified SET-2, the homologue of yeast and mammalian SET1, as an antagonist of HPL-1 and HPL-2 activity in growth and somatic gonad development. Yeast Set1 and its mammalian counterparts SET1/MLL are H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) histone methyltransferases associated with gene activation as part of large multisubunit complexes. We show that the nematode counterparts of SET1/MLL complex subunits also antagonize HPL function in post-embryonic development. Genetic analysis is consistent with SET1/MLL complex subunits having both shared and unique functions in development. Furthermore, as observed in other species, we find that SET1/MLL complex homologues differentially affect global H3K4 methylation. Our results suggest that HP1 and a SET1/MLL-related complex may play antagonistic roles in the epigenetic regulation of specific developmental programs.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) proteins play essential roles in animal and plant life cycles by controlling the expression of important developmental regulators. These structurally heterogeneous proteins form multimeric protein complexes that control higher order chromatin structure and, thereby, the expression state of their target genes. Once established, PcG proteins maintain silent gene expression states over many cell divisions providing a molecular basis for a cellular 'memory.' PcG proteins are best known for their role in the control of homeotic genes in Drosophila and mammals. In addition, they play important roles in the control of cell proliferation in vertebrate and invertebrate systems. Recent studies in plants have shown that PcG proteins regulate diverse developmental processes and, as in animals, they affect both homeotic gene expression and cell proliferation. Thus, the function of PcG proteins has been widely conserved between the plant and animal kingdoms.  相似文献   

In this study, we set out to investigate the role of Fanconi anemia complementation group D2 protein (FANCD2) in developmental stage-specific DNA damage responses in Caenorhabditis elegans. A mutant C. elegans strain containing a deletion in the gene encoding the FANCD2 homolog, FCD-2, exhibited egg-laying defects, precocious oogenesis, and partial defects in fertilization. The mutant strain also had a lower hatching rate than the wild-type after gamma-irradiation of embryos, but not after the irradiation of pachytene stage germ cells. This mutation sensitized pachytene stage germ cells to the genotoxic effects of photoactivated psoralen, as seen by a greatly reduced hatching rate and increased chromosomal aberrations. This mutation also enhanced physiological M-phase arrest and apoptosis. Taken together, our data reveal that the C. elegans FANCD2 homolog participates in the repair of spontaneous DNA damage and DNA crosslinks, not only in proliferating cells but also in pachytene stage cells, and it may have an additional role in double-stranded DNA break repair during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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