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Origin and evolution of SINEs in eukaryotic genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kramerov DA  Vassetzky NS 《Heredity》2011,107(6):487-495

Transposable elements (TEs) are nucleotide sequences found in most studied genomes. These elements are highly diversified and have a large variation in nucleotide structure and mechanisms of transposition. hobo is a member of class II, belonging to hAT superfamily, described inDrosophila melanogaster, and it presents in its Open Reading Frame, a repetitive region encoding the amino acids threonine-proline-glutamic acid (TPE), which shows variability in the number of repeats in some regions of the world. Due to this variability some evolutionary scenarios of the hobo element are discussed, such as the scenario of the invasion of hobo element in populations ofD. melanogaster. In the present study, we investigated 22 DNA sequences of D. melanogaster and seven sequences ofD. simulans, both from South America, to check the number of repetitions of TPE, in order to clarify the evolutionary scenario of thehobo element in these populations. Our results showed a monomorphism in populations of both species in South America, with only three TPE repeats. Hence, we discuss and propose an evolutionary scenario of the invasion of the hobo element in populations of D. melanogaster and D. simulans.  相似文献   

Several new families of DNA transposons were identified by computer-assisted searches in a wide range of animal species that includes nematodes, flat worms, mosquitoes, sea squirt, zebrafish, and humans. Many of these elements have coding capacity for transposases, which are related to each other and to those encoded by the IS1016 group of bacterial insertion sequences. Although these transposases display a motif similar to the DDE motif found in many transposases and integrases, they cannot be directly allied to any of the previously described eukaryotic transposases. Other common features of the new eukaryotic and bacterial transposons include similarities in their terminal inverted repeats and 8-bp or 9-bp target-site duplications. Together, these data indicate that these elements belong to a new superfamily of DNA transposons, called Merlin/IS1016, which is common in many eubacterial and animal genomes. We also present evidence that these transposons have been recently active in several animal species. This evidence is particularly strong in the parasitic blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni, in which Merlin is also the first described DNA transposon family.  相似文献   

The twofold cost of sex implies that sexual and asexual reproduction do not coexist easily. Asexual forms tend to outcompete sexuals but may eventually suffer higher extinction rates, creating tension between short- and long-term advantages of different reproductive modes. The 'short-sightedness' of asexual reproduction takes a particularly intriguing form in gynogenetic species complexes, in which an asexual species requires sperm from a related sexual host species to trigger embryogenesis. Asexuals are then predicted to outcompete their host, after which neither species can persist. We examine whether spatial structure can explain continued coexistence of the species complex, and assess the evidence based on data on the Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa). A modification of the Levins metapopulation model creates two regions of good prospects for coexistence, connected by a region of poorer patch occupancy levels. In the first case, mate discrimination and/or niche differentiation keep local extinction rates low, and most patches contain both species; the other possibility resembles host-parasite dynamics where parasites frequently drive the host locally extinct. Several dynamical features are counterintuitive and relate to the parasitic nature of interactions in the species complex: for example, high local extinction rates of the asexual species can be beneficial for its own persistence. This creates a link from the evolution of sexual reproduction to that of prudent predation.  相似文献   

Evolution of bacterial genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review examines evolution of bacterial genomes with an emphasis on RNA based life, the transition to functional DNA and small evolving genomes (possibly plasmids) that led to larger, functional bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) sequester and mobilize antibiotic resistance genes across bacterial genomes. Efficient and reliable identification of such elements is necessary to follow resistance spreading. However, automated tools for MGE identification are missing. Tyrosine recombinase (YR) proteins drive MGE mobilization and could provide markers for MGE detection, but they constitute a diverse family also involved in housekeeping functions. Here, we conducted a comprehensive survey of YRs from bacterial, archaeal, and phage genomes and developed a sequence‐based classification system that dissects the characteristics of MGE‐borne YRs. We revealed that MGE‐related YRs evolved from non‐mobile YRs by acquisition of a regulatory arm‐binding domain that is essential for their mobility function. Based on these results, we further identified numerous unknown MGEs. This work provides a resource for comparative analysis and functional annotation of YRs and aids the development of computational tools for MGE annotation. Additionally, we reveal how YRs adapted to drive gene transfer across species and provide a tool to better characterize antibiotic resistance dissemination.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the right (R) copy of the insertion sequence IS15 which flanks, in direct orientation, the composite transposon Tn1525. IS15-R, which is capable of independent transposition, is 1648 bp long and has short (14 bp) perfect inverted repeats at its termini. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence indicates that IS15-R results from the transposition, in direct orientation, of a smaller (820 bp long) IS, designated IS15-Δ, into itself. This integration event is accompanied by the duplication of 8 bp in the target DNA. IS15-Δ possesses two large overlapping open reading frames (ORF) located on opposite strands. Because of this particular structure, IS15 possesses four large ORFs which, due to the integration event, exhibit some differences with those of the parental 1S15-Δ.  相似文献   

The generation and maintenance of genetic variation seems to be a general ecological strategy of bacterial populations. Thereby they gain robustness to irregular environmental change, which is primarily the result of the dynamic evolution of biotic interactions. A benefit of maintaining population heterogeneity is that only a fraction of the population has to bear the cost of not (yet) beneficial deviation. On evolutionary time frames, an added value of the underlying mechanisms is evolvability, i.e. the heritable ability of an evolutionary lineage to generate and maintain genetic variants that are potentially adaptive in the course of evolution. Horizontal gene transfer is an important mechanism that can lead to differences between individuals within bacterial populations. Broad host-range plasmids foster this heterogeneity because they are typically present in only a fraction of the population and provide individual cells with genetic modules newly acquired from other populations or species. We postulate that the benefit of robustness on population level could balance the cost of transfer and replication functions that plasmids impose on their hosts. Consequently, mechanisms that make a subpopulation conducive to specific conjugative plasmids may have evolved, which could explain the persistence of even cryptic plasmids that do not encode any traits.  相似文献   

Mutability as mechanism for rapid adaptation to environmental challenge is an alluringly simple concept whose apotheosis is realized in simple sequence repeats (SSR). Bacterial genomes of several species contain SSRs with a proven role in adaptation to environmental fluctuations. SSRs are hypermutable and generate reversible mutations in localized regions of bacterial genomes, leading to phase variable ON/OFF switches in gene expression. The application of genetic, bioinformatic, and mathematical/computational modeling approaches are revolutionizing our current understanding of how genomic molecular forces and environmental factors influence SSR-mediated adaptation and led to evolution of this mechanism of localized hypermutation in bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

Mobile elements and genome evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

No mariner-like elements (MLEs) have been described until now in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster despite many experiments using molecular methods. However, analyses of sequence data from the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project show that there are DNA sequences corresponding to pieces of MLE in the genome of D. melanogaster. The sequences of these elements have diverged considerably (about 40%) from any other sequences observed elsewhere. Moreover, the putative amino acid sequences encoded by the best conserved regions reveal that these sequences are clearly homologous to MLEs transposase.  相似文献   

Most previous work on the evolution of mobile DNA was limited by incomplete sequence information. Whole genome sequences allow us to overcome this limitation. I study the nucleotide diversity of prominent members of five insertion sequence families whose transposition activity is encoded by a single transposase gene. Eighteen among 376 completely sequenced bacterial genomes and plasmids carry between 3 and 20 copies of a given insertion sequence. I show that these copies generally show very low DNA divergence. Specifically, more than 68% of the transposase genes are identical within a genome. The average number of amino acid replacement substitutions at amino acid replacement sites is Ka = 0.013, that at silent sites is Ks = 0.1. This low intragenomic diversity stands in stark contrast to a much higher divergence of the same insertion sequences among distantly related genomes. Gene conversion among protein-coding genes is unlikely to account for this lack of diversity. The relation between transposition frequencies and silent substitution rates suggests that most insertion sequences in a typical genome are evolutionarily young and have been recently acquired. They may undergo periodic extinction in bacterial lineages. By implication, they are detrimental to their host in the long run. This is also suggested by the highly skewed and patchy distribution of insertion sequences among genomes. In sum, one can think of insertion sequences as slow-acting infectious diseases of cell lineages.  相似文献   

转座元件是指在基因组中能够移动、复制并重新整合到基因组新位点的DNA片段.转座元件一度被视为基因组内的“垃圾”或“自私DNA”,长期以来,转座元件的研究主要集中于阐释转座元件在宿主中的复制或表观沉默机制,而转座元件的调控功能并未得到全面探讨.已有研究表明,转座元件的比例与物种基因组大小存在正相关性,从而为C值悖论的解释提供了依据.近年来,越来越多的证据表明转座元件可以作为宿主基因组的“控制元件”发挥重要的调控作用.在作物中研究发现,转座元件既可以通过顺式或反式作用方式调控基因表达,也可以诱导表观等位基因的产生,从而促使固着生长的植物更好地适应外界环境的变化.本文拟就高等植物转座元件的作用及其对未来作物育种的意义进行总结.  相似文献   

Generational coexistence in structured environments raises the possibility of a competition between ancestors and descendents. This type of kin competition, and in particular, the possibility that descendents might actively repress the ancestor's dominance, has been rarely considered in microbial evolutionary ecology. The recent discovery of the phenomenon of stationary-phase contact-dependent inhibition of bacterial ancestor cells by late descendents provides a new theoretical perspective to analyze intrapopulational evolutionary changes. The ancestor's inhibition effect might accelerate such changes, particularly when the descendents have acquired small adaptive advantages that are insufficient to rapidly displace the well-settled ancestors in a complex niche. Besides this effect of triggering selection of small genetic differences, the opportunities for intergenerational coexistence in bacteria, where ancestor's inhibition might occur, are reviewed in this work. A theoretical analysis is provided about the explanatory possibilities of the ancestor's inhibition effect in the controversies about intraspecific (in a large sense, including intrapopulational) genetic diversification, and the discontinuities observed in such processes, giving rise to the emergence of individualities and therefore differential units of selection.  相似文献   

The ratio of non-synonymous (dN) to synonymous (dS) changes between taxa is frequently computed to assay the strength and direction of selection. Here we note that for comparisons between closely related strains and/or species a second parameter needs to be considered, namely the time since divergence of the two sequences under scrutiny. We demonstrate that a simple time lag model provides a general, parsimonious explanation of the extensive variation in the dN/dS ratio seen when comparing closely related bacterial genomes. We explore this model through simulation and comparative genomics, and suggest a role for hitch-hiking in the accumulation of non-synonymous mutations. We also note taxon-specific differences in the change of dN/dS over time, which may indicate variation in selection, or in population genetics parameters such as population size or the rate of recombination. The effect of comparing intra-species polymorphism and inter-species substitution, and the problems associated with these concepts for asexual prokaryotes, are also discussed. We conclude that, because of the critical effect of time since divergence, inter-taxa comparisons are only possible by comparing trajectories of dN/dS over time and it is not valid to compare taxa on the basis of single time points.  相似文献   

While transposons have traditionally been viewed as genomic parasites or "junk DNA," the discovery of transposon-derived host genes has fueled an ongoing debate over the evolutionary role of transposons. In particular, while mobility-related open reading frames have been known to acquire host functions, the contribution of these types of events to the evolution of genes is not well understood. Here we report that genome-wide searches for Mutator transposase-derived host genes in Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia-0) and Oryza sativa ssp. japonica (cv. Nipponbare) (domesticated rice) identified 121 sequences, including the taxonomically conserved MUSTANG1. Syntenic MUSTANG1 orthologs in such varied plant species as rice, poplar, Arabidopsis, and Medicago truncatula appear to be under purifying selection. However, despite the evidence of this pathway of gene evolution, MUSTANG1 belongs to one of only two Mutator-like gene families with members in both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, suggesting that Mutator-like elements seldom evolve into taxonomically widespread host genes.  相似文献   



Species of Bryopsidales form ecologically important components of seaweed communities worldwide. These siphonous macroalgae are composed of a single giant tubular cell containing millions of nuclei and chloroplasts, and harbor diverse bacterial communities. Little is known about the diversity of chloroplast genomes (cpDNAs) in this group, and about the possible consequences of intracellular bacteria on genome composition of the host. We present the complete cpDNAs of Bryopsis plumosa and Tydemania expeditiones, as well as a re-annotated cpDNA of B. hypnoides, which was shown to contain a higher number of genes than originally published. Chloroplast genomic data were also used to evaluate phylogenetic hypotheses in the Chlorophyta, such as monophyly of the Ulvophyceae (the class in which the order Bryopsidales is currently classified).


Both DNAs are circular and lack a large inverted repeat. The cpDNA of B. plumosa is 106,859 bp long and contains 115 unique genes. A 13 kb region was identified with several freestanding open reading frames (ORFs) of putative bacterial origin, including a large ORF (>8 kb) closely related to bacterial rhs-family genes. The cpDNA of T. expeditiones is 105,200 bp long and contains 125 unique genes. As in B. plumosa, several regions were identified with ORFs of possible bacterial origin, including genes involved in mobile functions (transposases, integrases, phage/plasmid DNA primases), and ORFs showing close similarity with bacterial DNA methyltransferases. The cpDNA of B. hypnoides differs from that of B. plumosa mainly in the presence of long intergenic spacers, and a large tRNA region. Chloroplast phylogenomic analyses were largely inconclusive with respect to monophyly of the Ulvophyceae, and the relationship of the Bryopsidales within the Chlorophyta.


The cpDNAs of B. plumosa and T. expeditiones are amongst the smallest and most gene dense chloroplast genomes in the core Chlorophyta. The presence of bacterial genes, including genes typically found in mobile elements, suggest that these have been acquired through horizontal gene transfer, which may have been facilitated by the occurrence of obligate intracellular bacteria in these siphonous algae.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1418-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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