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Targeting of proteins to the Golgi apparatus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 The proteins that reside in the Golgi carry out functions associated with post-translational modifications, including glycosylation and proteolytic processing, membrane transport, recycling of endoplasmic reticulum proteins and maintenance of the structural organisation of the organelle itself. The latter includes Golgi stacking, interconnections between stacks and the microtubule-dependent positioning of the organelle within the cell. There are a number of distinct groups of Golgi membrane proteins, including glycosyltransferases, recycling trans-Golgi network (TGN) proteins, peripheral membrane proteins and receptors. Considerable effort has been directed at understanding the basis of the localisation of Golgi glycosyltransferases and recycling TGN proteins; in both cases there is increasing evidence that multiple signals may be involved in their specific localisation. A number of models for the Golgi retention of glycosyltransferases have been proposed including oligomerisation, lipid-mediated sorting and intra-Golgi retrograde transport. More information is required to determine the contribution of each of these potential mechanisms in the targeting of different glycosyltransferases. Future work is also likely to focus on the relationship between the localisation of resident Golgi proteins and the maintenance of Golgi structure. Accepted: 15 October 1997  相似文献   

Targeting of proteins to the Golgi apparatus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Golgi apparatus maintains a highly organized structure in spite of the intense membrane traffic which flows into and out of this organelle. Resident Golgi proteins must have localization signals to ensure that they are targeted to the correct Golgi compartment and not swept further along the secretory pathway. There are a number of distinct groups of Golgi membrane proteins, including glycosyltransferases, recyclingtrans-Golgi network proteins, peripheral membrane proteins, receptors and viral glycoproteins. Recent studies indicate that there are a number of different Golgi localization signals and mechanisms for retaining proteins to the Golgi apparatus. This review focuses on the current knowledge in this field.  相似文献   

The higher plant Golgi apparatus, comprising many individual stacks of membrane bounded cisternae, is one of the most enigmatic of the cytoplasmic organelles. Not only can the stacks receive material from the endoplasmic reticulum, process it and target it to the correct cellular destination, but they can also synthesise and export complex carbohydrates and lipids and most likely act as one end point of the endocytic pathway. In many cells such processing and sorting can take place while the stacks are moving within the cytoplasm and, remarkably, the organelle manages to retain its structural integrity. This review considers some of the latest data and views on transport both to and from the Golgi and the mechanisms by which such activity is regulated.  相似文献   

Significant advances have been made in recent years that have increased our understanding of the trafficking to and from membranes that are functionally linked to the Golgi apparatus in plants. New routes from the Golgi to organelles outside the secretory pathway are now being identified, revealing the importance of the Golgi apparatus as a major sorting station in the plant cell. This review discusses our current perception of Golgi structure and organization as well as the molecular mechanisms that direct traffic in and out of the Golgi.  相似文献   

An enzyme that transfers sialic acid from GMP-sialic acid to lactosylceramide was concentrated 40-50 times in Golgi apparatus from rat liver relative to total homogenates. This enzyme required detergents as dispersing agents. Of the numerous detergents tested, the combination Tween 80-Triton CF-54 (1 : 2, w/w) was the most effective in stimulating the reaction. Two apparent pH optima, at 6.35 and 5.5, were observed. The enzyme showed no requirement for a divalent cation. The Km values calculated for CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid and lactosylceramide were 2.7 - 10(-3) and 1.3 - 10(-4) M, respectively. The enzyme could not be dissociated from Golgi apparatus fractions by treatment with ultrasound, indicating that it is tightly associated with the membrane. The newly synthesized GM3, the product of the reaction, was incorporated into or became tightly associated with the membranes of the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

A common feature of the animal sialyltransferases (STs) is the presence of four conserved motifs, namely large (L), small (S), very small (VS) and motif III. Although sialic acid (SA) has not been detected in plants, three orthologues containing sequences similar to the ST motifs have been identified in the Arabidopsis thaliana L. database. In this study, we report that the At3g48820 gene (Gene ID: 824043) codes for a Golgi resident protein lacking the ability to transfer SA to asialofetuin or Galβ1,3GalNAc and Galβ1,4GlcNAc oligosaccharide acceptors. Restoration of deteriorated motifs S, VS and motif III by constructing chimeric proteins consisting of the 28–308 amino acid region of the A. thaliana At3g48820 ST-like protein and the 264–393 amino acid region of the Oryza sativa L. AK107493 ST-like protein, or of the 28–240 amino acid region of the At3g48820 protein and the 204–350 amino acid region of the Homo sapiens L. α2,3-ST ( NP_008858 ) was not able to recover sialyltransferase activity. Altering the appropriate amino acid regions of the A. thaliana At3g48820 ST-like protein to those typical for the mammalian motif III (HHYWE) and VS motif (HDADFE) also did not have any effect. Our data, together with previous results, indicate that A. thaliana in particular, and plants in general, do not have transferases for SA. Substrates for the plant ST-like proteins might be compounds involved in secondary metabolism.  相似文献   

Microtubules, actin filaments, and Golgi apparatus are connected both directly and indirectly, but it is manifested differently depending on the cell organization and specialization, and these connections are considered in many original studies and reviews. In this review we would like to discuss what underlies differences in the structural organization of the Golgi apparatus in animal and plant cells: specific features of the microtubule cytoskeleton organization, the use of different cytoskeleton components for Golgi apparatus movement and maintenance of its integrity, or specific features of synthetic and secretory processes. We suppose that a dispersed state of the Golgi apparatus in higher plant cells cannot be explained only by specific features of the microtubule system organization and by the absence of centrosome as an active center of their organization because the Golgi apparatus is organized similarly in the cells of other organisms that possess the centrosome and centrosomal microtubules. One of the key factors determining the Golgi apparatus state in plant cells is the functional uniformity or functional specialization of stacks. The functional specialization does not suggest the joining of the stacks to form a ribbon; therefore, the disperse state of the Golgi apparatus needs to be supported, but it also can exist “by default”. We believe that the dispersed state of the Golgi apparatus in plants is supported, on one hand, by dynamic connections of the Golgi apparatus stacks with the actin filament system and, on the other hand, with the endoplasmic reticulum exit sites distributed throughout the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Distribution of xylosylation and fucosylation in the plant Golgi apparatus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Antibodies have been immunopurified which are specific for carbohydrate epitopes containing the β1→2 xylose or α1→3 fucose residues found on complex N-linked glycans in plants. The antibody specificity was determined by taking advantage of an Arabidopsis thaliana N-glycosylation mutant which lacks N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase I and is unable to synthesize complex glycans. These antibodies were used to immunolocalize xylose- and fucose-containing glycoproteins in suspension-cultured sycamore cells (Acer pseudoplatanus). By mapping the enzymatic reaction products within the Golgi apparatus, the fucosyl- and xylosyltransferase subcellular localization was made possible using immunocytochemistry on thin sections of high-pressure frozen and freeze-substituted sycamore cells. This procedure allows a much better preservation of organelles, and particularly of the Golgi stack morphology, than that obtained with conventionally fixed samples. Glycoproteins containing β→2 xylose and α1→3 fucose residues were immunodetected in the cell wall, the vacuole, and the Golgi cisternae. The extent of immunolabeling over the different cisternae of 50 Golgi stacks was quantified after treatment with anti-xylose or anti-fucose antibodies. Labeling for xylose-containing glycoproteins was predominent in the medial cisternae, while fucose-containing glycoproteins were mainly detected in the trans compartment. Therefore, in plants, complex N-linked glycan xylosylation probably occurs mostly at the medial Golgi level and α1→3 fucose is mainly incorporated in the trans cisternae. Finally, fucose- and xylose-containing glycoproteins were also immunolocalized, albeit to a lesser extent, in earlier Golgi compartments. This indicates that the glycosylation events are a continuous process with some maxima in given compartments, rather than a succession of discrete and compartment-dependent steps.  相似文献   

UDP-galactose: N-acetylglucosamine galactosyltransferase (GT) and CMP- sialic:desialylated transferrin sialyltransferse (ST) activities of rat liver Golgi apparatus are membrane-bound enzymes that can be released by treatment with Triton X-100. When protein substrates are used to assay these enzymes in freshly prepared Golgi vesicles, both activities are enhanced about eightfold by the addition of Triton X-100. When small molecular weight substrates are used, however, both activities are only enhanced about twofold by the addition of detergent. The enzymes remain inaccessible to large protein substrates even after freezing and storage of the Golgi preparation for 2 mo in liquid nitrogen. Accessibility to small molecular and weight substrates increases significantly after such storage. GT and ST activities in Golgi vesicles are not destroyed by treatment with trypsin, but are destroyed by this treatment if the vesicles are first disrupted with Triton X-100. Treatment of Golgi vesicles with low levels of filipin, a polyene antibiotic known to complex with cholesterol in biological membranes, also results in enhanced trypsin susceptibility of both glycosyltransferases. Maximum destruction of the glycosyltransferase activities by trypsin is obtained at filipin to total cholesterol weight ratios of approximately 1.6 or molar ratios of approximately 1. This level of filipin does not solubilize the enzymes but causes both puckering of Golgi membranes visible by electron microscopy and disruption of the Golgi vesicles as measured by release of serum albumin. When isolated Golgi apparatus is fixed with glutaraldehyde to maintain the three-dimensional orientation of cisternae and secretory vesicles, and then treated with filipin, cisternal membranes on both cis and trans faces of the apparatus as well as secretory granule membranes appear to be affected about equally. These results indicate that liver Golgi vesicles as isolated are largely oriented with GT and ST on the luminal side of the membranes, which corresponds to the cisternal compartment of the Golgi apparatus in the hepatocyte. Cholesterol is an integral part of the membrane of the Golgi apparatus and its distribution throughout the apparatus is similar to that of both transferases.  相似文献   

The role of vesicles in cargo transport through the Golgi apparatus has been controversial. Large forms of cargo such as protein aggregates are thought to progress through the Golgi stack by a process of cisternal maturation, balanced by a return flow of Golgi resident proteins in COPI-coated vesicles. However, whether this is the primary role of vesicles, or whether they also serve to transport small cargo molecules in a forward direction has been debated. Two papers (Martínez-Menárguez et al., 2001; Mironov et al., 2001, this issue) use sophisticated light and electron microscopy to provide evidence that the vesicular stomatitis virus membrane glycoprotein (VSV G)* is largely excluded from vesicles in vivo, and does not move between cisternae, whereas resident Golgi enzymes freely enter vesicles as predicted by the cisternal maturation model. Both papers conclude that vesicles are likely to play only a minor role in the anterograde transport of cargo through the Golgi apparatus in mammalian tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

 The endocytic routes of labelled lectins as well as cationic ferritin were studied in cells with a regulated secretion, i.e. pancreatic beta cells, and in constitutively secreting cells, i.e. fibroblasts and HepG2 hepatoma cells, paying particular attention to routes into the Golgi apparatus. Considerable amounts of internalised molecules were taken up into the trans Golgi network (TGN) and into Golgi subcompartments in all three cell types as well as in secretory granules of the pancreatic beta cells. The internalised materials did not pass rapidly the TGN and Golgi stacks, but were still present hours after internalisation, being then particularly concentrated in TGN-elements and in the transmost Golgi cisterna. Endocytosed materials reached forming secretory granules present in the TGN. Further, direct fusion between endocytotic vesicles and mature secretory granules was observed. Golgi subcompartments as well as endocytic TGN containing endocytosed materials were in close apposition to specialised regions of the endoplasmic reticulum. The Golgi apparatus including its parts containing endocytosed materials were transformed into a tubular reticulum upon treatment with the fungal metabolite Brefeldin A. Rarely, internalised material was observed in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, thus providing evidence for an endocytic plasma membrane to endoplasmic reticulum route. Accepted: 9 March 1998  相似文献   

Two virus system, The Friend leukaemia virus (FLV) and the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), were introduced into tissue both in vitro and in vivo. Both brought about substantial modification of the activity of the Golgi apparatus detectable as such by specific radioautographic studies. This modification was accompanied by changes in the development and social behaviour of the cells with some differences being detectable between the in vivo and in vitro studies.  相似文献   

Radiolabelled glucuronoxylan was formed by incubation of a Golgimembrane fraction from pea seedlings with UDP-(14C)GlcA andUDP-Xyl. Chelator-soluble glucuronoxylan was analysed by gelfiltration on Sepharose CL-6B and CL-2B, and was resolved intoa very high molecular weight peak (at least 7000 kDa) and apartially-excluded peak (50-75 kDa). Treatment of the latterpeak with proteinase K caused a change in elution behaviourcorresponding to the removal of a protein of 36-45 kDa. Theassociation between poly-saccharide and protein was not disruptedby high temperature or by high salt concentration, and was probablycovalent. When radioactive glucuronoxylan was formed using endoplasmicreticulum rather than Golgi membranes, protease treatment causeda decrease in molecular weight of approximately 20 kDa. Thechelator-insoluble glucuronoxylan produced by pea membraneswas also partly susceptible to protease treatment, since almosthalf of it was solubilized by incubation with proteinase K. Key words: Glucuronoxylan, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, Pisum  相似文献   

Linstedt AD 《Cell》2004,118(3):271-272
Ríos et al. (2004) report in this issue that the Golgi protein GMAP-210 is sufficient to confer pericentrosomal positioning and recruits gamma-tubulin and associated microtubule-nucleating ring complex proteins to Golgi membranes. The results raise the possibility that short microtubules emanate from the Golgi to mediate its organization and positioning.  相似文献   

The subcompartmentalized structure of the Golgi apparatus contributes to efficient glycosylation in the secretory pathway. Subcompartmentalization driven by maturation relies primarily on constant and accurate vesicle-mediated local recycling of Golgi residents. The precision of this vesicle transport is dependent on the interplay between the key factors that mediate vesicle budding and fusion--the coat proteins and the SNARE fusion machinery. These alone, however, may not be sufficient to ensure establishment of compartments de novo, and additional regulatory mechanisms operate to modify their activity.  相似文献   

Golgi apparatus of the basidiomycete Coprinus lagopus.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

 Camillo Golgi (1843–1926) was born at Corteno, near Brescia, in northern Italy. After graduating in Medicine at the ancient University of Pavia, the former seat of great scientists and naturalists, Golgi continued a long-standing Italian tradition by studying the histology of the nervous system. While working as a modest physician at Abbiategrasso, a small town near Pavia, he developed a silver–osmium technique, the ”reazione nera” (black reaction), for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1906. In the late 1890’s, 25 years after the publication of his black reaction and while Professor of General Pathology in Pavia, Golgi noticed a fine internal network in only partially silver-osmium-blackened Purkinje cells. Following confirmation by his assistant Emilio Veratti, Golgi published the discovery, called the ”apparato reticolare interno”, in the Bollettino della Società medico-chirurgica di Pavia in 1898, which is now considered the birthday of the ”Golgi apparatus”. The discovery of the Golgi apparatus can be added to the long list of accidental discoveries. The man after whom it is named was not a cytologist engaged in studying the inner structure of the cell, but a pathologist searching to prove a neuroanatomical theory. Accepted: 24 October 1997  相似文献   

Organization of the Golgi apparatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Investigators are revisiting basic concepts of the structure-function relationships of the Golgi apparatus. A key issue is the properties of the transport carriers that operate within the secretory pathway. Golgi morphology and dynamics differ between species but data from various model systems are pointing toward an integrated view of Golgi organization.  相似文献   

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