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Somites are transient, mesodermally derived structures that give rise to a number of different cell types within the vertebrate embryo. To achieve this, somitic cells are partitioned into lineage-restricted domains, whose fates are determined by signals secreted from adjacent tissues. While the molecular nature of many of the inductive signals that trigger formation of different cell fates within the nascent somite has been identified, less is known about the processes that coordinate the formation of the subsomitic compartments from which these cells arise. Utilizing a combination of vital dye-staining and lineage-tracking techniques, we describe a previously uncharacterized, lineage-restricted compartment of the zebrafish somite that generates muscle progenitor cells for the growth of appendicular, hypaxial, and axial muscles during development. We also show that formation of this compartment occurs via whole-somite rotation, a process that requires the action of the Sdf family of secreted cytokines.  相似文献   

Apoptosis (programmed cell death) is important in normal biological processes and in pathogenesis in vertebrates. This review focuses on some of the prominent features of apoptosis during fish development. Caspases and other apoptosis-regulating genes have been cloned from zebrafish (Danio rerio) and other fish species. Elucidation of in vivo functions of apoptosis is focused on development, morphogenesis and sex differentiation. In an attempt to elucidate cause and effect relationships between caspase and development, transgenic zebrafish overexpressing procaspase-3 were generated. Stress-induced apoptosis in zebrafish embryos can be monitored by whole mount TUNEL staining and caspase assay. Thus, zebrafish is a useful experimental model animal for investigation of apoptosis in vivo.  相似文献   

During embryonic development, the vertebrate vasculature is undergoing vast growth and remodeling. Blood vessels can be formed by a wide spectrum of different morphogenetic mechanisms, such as budding, cord hollowing, cell hollowing, cell wrapping and intussusception. Here, we describe the vascular morphogenesis that occurs in the early zebrafish embryo. We discuss the diversity of morphogenetic mechanisms that contribute to vessel assembly, angiogenic sprouting and tube formation in different blood vessels and how some of these complex cell behaviors are regulated by molecular pathways.  相似文献   

To characterize the formation of the dopaminergic system in the developing zebrafish CNS, we cloned cDNAs encoding tyrosine hydroxylase (th), an enzyme in dopamine synthesis, and the dopamine transporter (dat), a membrane transport protein which terminates dopamine action by re-uptake. Dopaminergic neurons are first detected between 18 and 19 h post-fertilization in a cluster of cells in the ventral diencephalon. Subsequently, th and dat detection identifies dopaminergic neurons in the olfactory bulb, the pretectum, the retina and the locus coeruleus. Neurons expressing th but not dat are adrenergic or noradrenergic, and are found in the locus coeruleus, the medulla, the likely analog of the carotid body, and precursors of the enteric and sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

Patterning of angiogenesis in the zebrafish embryo   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Little is known about how vascular patterns are generated in the embryo. The vasculature of the zebrafish trunk has an extremely regular pattern. One intersegmental vessel (ISV) sprouts from the aorta, runs between each pair of somites, and connects to the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel (DLAV). We now define the cellular origins, migratory paths and cell fates that generate these metameric vessels of the trunk. Additionally, by a genetic screen we define one gene, out of bounds (obd), that constrains this angiogenic growth to a specific path. We have performed lineage analysis, using laser activation of a caged dye and mosaic construction to determine the origin of cells that constitute the ISV. Individual angioblasts destined for the ISVs arise from the lateral posterior mesoderm (LPM), and migrate to the dorsal aorta, from where they migrate between somites to their final position in the ISVs and dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel (DLAV). Cells of each ISV leave the aorta only between the ventral regions of two adjacent somites, and migrate dorsally to assume one of three ISV cell fates. Most dorsal is a T-shaped cell, based in the DLAV and branching ventrally; the second constitutes a connecting cell; and the third an inverted T-shaped cell, based in the aorta and branching dorsally. The ISV remains between somites during its ventral course, but changes to run mid-somite dorsally. This suggests that the pattern of ISV growth ventrally and dorsally is guided by different cues. We have also performed an ENU mutagenesis screen of 750 mutagenized genomes and identified one mutation, obd that disrupts this pattern. In obd mutant embryos, ISVs sprout precociously at abnormal sites and migrate anomalously in the vicinity of ventral somite. The dorsal extent of the ISV is less perturbed. Precocious sprouting can be inhibited in a VEGF morphant, but the anomalous site of origin of obd ISVs remains. In mosaic embryos, obd somite causes adjacent wild-type endothelial cells to assume the anomalous ISV pattern of obd embryos. Thus, the launching position of the new sprout and its initial trajectory are directed by inhibitory signals from ventral somites. Zebrafish ISVs are a tractable system for defining the origins and fates of vessels, and for dissecting elements that govern patterns of vessel growth.  相似文献   

Ontogeny and behaviour of early macrophages in the zebrafish embryo.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
In the zebrafish embryo, the only known site of hemopoieisis is an intra-embryonic blood island at the junction between trunk and tail that gives rise to erythroid cells. Using video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy, as well as in-situ hybridization for the expression of two new hemopoietic marker genes, draculin and leucocyte-specific plastin, we show that macrophages appear in the embryo at least as early as erythroid cells, but originate from ventro-lateral mesoderm situated at the other end of the embryo, just anterior to the cardiac field. These macrophage precursors migrate to the yolksac, and differentiate. From the yolksac, many invade the mesenchyme of the head, while others join the blood circulation. Apart from phagocytosing apoptotic corpses, these macrophages were observed to engulf and destroy large amounts of bacteria injected intravenously; the macrophages also sensed the presence of bacteria injected into body cavities that are isolated from the blood, migrated into these cavities and eradicated the microorganisms. Moreover, we observed that although only a fraction of the macrophage population goes to the site of infection, the entire population acquires an activated behaviour, similar to that of activated macrophages in mammals. Our results support the notion that in vertebrate embryos, macrophages endowed with proliferative capacity arise early from the hemopoietic lineage through a non-classical, rapid differentiation pathway, which bypasses the monocytic series that is well-documented in adult hemopoietic organs.  相似文献   

Environmental influences are known to produce segmental defects in a variety of organisms. In this paper we report upon segmental aberrations produced by brief heat shocks delivered to developing zebrafish embryos. The initial defects in the segmental pattern of somitic boundaries and motoneuron axon outgrowth were usually observed five somites caudal to the somite which was forming at the time of heat shock application. Segmental defects in zebrafish embryos exposed to a single heat shock treatment can occur in a periodic pattern similar to the multiple disturbances observed to occur in chick embryos. These data are discussed with regard to models involving cell cycle synchrony or 'clock and wavefront' schemes in the process of somitogenesis.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in the early bovine embryo   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Organization of hindbrain segments in the zebrafish embryo   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
B Trevarrow  D L Marks  C B Kimmel 《Neuron》1990,4(5):669-679
To learn how neural segments are structured in a simple vertebrate, we have characterized the embryonic zebrafish hindbrain with a library of monoclonal antibodies. Two regions repeat in an alternating pattern along a series of seven segments. One, the neuromere centers, contains the first basal plate neurons to develop and the first neuropil. The other region, surrounding the segment boundaries, contains the first neurons to develop in the alar plate. The projection patterns of these neurons differ: those in the segment centers have descending axons, while those in the border regions form ventral commissures. A row of glial fiber bundles forms a curtain-like structure between each center and border region. Specific features of the individual hindbrain segments in the series arise within this general framework. We suggest that a cryptic simplicity underlies the eventual complex structure that develops from this region of the CNS.  相似文献   

We analysed the spatial and temporal distribution of apoptosis in human cerebellum development, during embryonic and fetal periods. Cerebella excised from two human embryos (8 weeks old) and eight fetuses (12-22 weeks old), were paraffin embedded and serially sectioned. Apoptotic cells were identified by propidium iodide staining, and TUNEL. In addition, immunohistochemistry for suicide receptor Fas(APO-1/CD95) was performed. We determined the distribution and percentage of apoptotic cells as well as Fas(APO-1/CD95)-positive cells in different regions and stages of development. Apoptotic cells were seen in both proliferative zones and postmitotic regions along the migratory pathways as well as in the developing cerebellar cortex in all examined stages. The Fas(APO-1/CD95) immunoreactivity was present in all examined stages in a small population of apoptotic cells: either neuroblasts or differentiated cells in postmitotic zones. These findings suggest that apoptosis drives the selection of the cells which are committed to differentiate during the early stages of cerebellar development. The differences between apoptotic cells distribution and Fas receptor expression suggest that cell selection is driven by different apoptotic pathways.  相似文献   

Erythropoiesis in the developing chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The types of erythroid cells of chick embryos developing in ovo have been correlated with the hemoglobins of the embryos. Prior to 5 days, when primitive cells constitute the only erythroid cells, two hemoglobins can be resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The two adult hemoglobins and a minor hemoglobin found only in embryos and young chicks first appear simultaneously with initiation of definitive erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

We have examined the clonal progeny descended from individual blastomeres injected with lineage-tracer dye in the zebrafish embryo. Blastomeres arising by the same cleavages in different embryos generated clones in which the types and positions of cells were highly variable. Several features of early development were correlated with this diversity in cell fate. There was no fixed relationship between the plane of the first cleavage and the eventual plane of bilateral symmetry of the embryo. By blastula stages the cleavages of identified blastomeres were variable in pattern. Moreover, cell fate was not easily related to the longitudinal and dorsoventral position of the clone in the gastrula. These results establish that single blastomeres can potentially generate a highly diverse array of cell types and that the cell lineage is indeterminate.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in the developing visual system   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Programmed cellular death is a widespread phenomenon during development of the nervous system. Two classes of molecules are particularly important in the context of apoptosis control in the nervous system: intracellular effectors homologous to the Caenorhabditis elegans Ced-3, -4, and -9 proteins, which in mammals correspond to the proteases of the caspase family, Apaf-1, and the members of the Bcl-2 protein family, and neurotrophic factors. Retinal ganglion cells lend a convenient model system with which to investigate apoptosis in central neurons during development as well as after injury. In this review, we discuss the role of these molecules in the control of programmed cellular death in the retinotectal system. Transgenic animal models and expression studies have shown that caspases, Bcl-2, Bax, and possibly Bcl-X are necessary players for the control of programmed cellular death in retinal ganglion cells. Bax and caspase 3 expression in retinal ganglion cells is upregulated after injury, and inhibition of Bax or caspase 3 increases the survival of injured retinal ganglion cells. Neurotrophins can support the survival of injured retinal ganglion cells, but this effect is transient. The physiological role of neurotrophins in the development of the retinocollicular system seems more related to the topographic refinement of retinocollicular projections, a process that is mediated, at least partially, by selective elimination of retinal ganglion cells making inappropriate topographic projections.  相似文献   

We studied apoptosis-associated cell death in various organs of developing and adult Drosophila using selective staining with acridine orange. Apoptotic cells have been found in the fat body and salivary glands during metamorphosis 2-3 h after the activation of ecdysone-dependent late puffs. The activation of genes and apoptosis in the fat body take place earlier than in salivary glands. In the adult insects, apoptosis has been observed in the distal region of testicles, as well as in ovarian follicles at stages 7-8 of development. Mutation-associated disturbances of mitosis and meiosis result in apoptosis at early stages of ovarian development, as well as in proliferating neuroblasts of the cerebral ganglion of Drosophila larvae. Similar effects have also been observed after irradiation. We discuss the results in connection with the identification of genes involved in apoptosis.  相似文献   

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