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The 2019–2020 Australian bushfires were unprecedented both in extent and severity, impacting wildlife through direct mortality as well as habitat damage. More than 10% of koala habitat is estimated to have been affected by fires. Estimating the number of koalas lost is crucial to assess koala conservation status and to determine the appropriate management actions required. However, this is not a trivial task, as accurate data on koala distribution and population density before the fires is patchy. Acknowledging this weakness, we sought to estimate fire impact on koalas at specific sites, by comparing habitat areas affected by the fire with habitat areas that were unaffected by the fire, pairing closely related study sites (based on geography and vegetation). To compare koala density, we deployed two koala detection methods; drone-acquired thermal imagery and detection dogs coupled with genetic fingerprinting, in four fire-affected sites paired with four control sites in New South Wales and Queensland. Through drone surveys, we detected 140 koalas in 5,240 ha in New South Wales. The detection dogs found 144 scat samples corresponding to 79 unique koalas in 77 ha of transects in Queensland. Our preliminary results show many koalas were still present in fire-affected areas after the 2019–2020 bushfire season. Koala density was 24 to 71% lower in fire-affected sites compared with control sites in three of the habitat pairs, whereas unexpectedly, in the fourth pair, we observed a 317% higher koala density in the fire-affected site. This underlined that koalas can be present in fire-affected areas and that monitoring their health could be critical for months after the fires.  相似文献   

The koala is the quintessential specialist herbivore, feeding almost exclusively on Eucalyptus foliage. Consequently, the limitations imposed on the koala's diet by plant defences indicate the extent to which evolutionary adaptations allow mammalian herbivores to circumvent such defences. We tested whether a recently discovered group of plant secondary metabolites, the formylated phloroglucinol compounds (FPCs), deters koalas from feeding on some eucalypt foliage. We found that captive koalas ate less foliage in a single night from trees with high FPC concentrations. Individual trees also differ in the types of FPC they possess, but for a given eucalypt species, most FPCs were similarly effective deterrents. Two closely related and sympatric eucalypt species could be clearly separated by the amounts that koalas ate from each; however, this difference could not be explained by total FPC concentrations alone. We suggest, that in this case, the presence of a distinct type of FPC deters koala herbivory on the less palatable species, and may have facilitated the evolutionary divergence of these species. We conclude that plant defences probably play an important role in determining the distribution and abundance of koalas.  相似文献   

Significant changes in the distribution and persistence of species have been driven by Pleistocene cyclical climate changes and, more recently, by human modification of the environment. In eastern Australia, Pleistocene cyclical patterns in temperature and aridity led to the expansion and retraction of rainforest and likely affected the distribution of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus, family Phascolarctidae), a species preferring dry or open woodland. More recently, anthropogenic landscape modification has led to a large‐scale change in distribution of the koala following the destruction of approx. 75 000 ha of subtropical rainforest in north‐east New South Wales termed the ‘Big Scrub’. Sharing of the control region haplotypes to the north and south of this region indicate historical connectivity of coastal koala populations. However, the majority (110/115) of sampled koalas from this region shared a single mitochondrial control region haplotype, suggesting that koalas did not persist in multiple refugial pockets within a heterogenous rainforest but expanded into the region following deforestation. Bayesian cluster analysis of microsatellite data consistently identified two clusters of koalas. One cluster, in the north of the area, had high microsatellite diversity (10 alleles per locus, He = 0.79) and clustered with koalas further to the north, thus suggesting a southerly expansion into the cleared area. To the south was a cluster with significantly lower diversity (six alleles per locus, He = 0.59, P < 0.001). It is possible there has been restricted or filtered movement of koalas between these clusters, which coincides with a cleared river valley and associated roads or immigration from populations both to the north and to the south. This study gives an insight into the timescale of changes in species distribution following rapid alterations to suitable habitat.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can act to cause reproductive isolation between conspecifics and undermine species’ persistence, though most studies have reported the genetic condition of populations that have already declined to a very small size. We examined genetic diversity within the vulnerable, declining koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) population in Southeast Queensland, Australia to determine the genetic impact of ongoing threatening processes. Five hundred and twelve koalas from ten Southeast Queensland Local Government Areas on the mainland and one island were genotyped at six polymorphic microsatellite loci. Based on Bayesian cluster analysis incorporating spatial data, the regional koala population was subdivided into six clusters, with location of major roads and rivers appearing to be consistent with being barriers to gene flow. The distribution of mtDNA control region haplotypes identified distinct coastal and inland clades suggesting that historically there was gene flow between koalas along the coast (though little interchange between coastal and inland animals). In contrast, koalas from the Koala Coast (Brisbane City, Logan City and Redland Shire) were shown by microsatellite analysis to be genetically distinct from adjacent areas. It is likely, therefore, that more recent reductions in population size and restricted gene flow through urbanisation have contributed to the genetic differentiation of koalas in the Koala Coast region.  相似文献   

Tannin-protein complex (T-PC)-degrading enterobacteria (T-PCDE) were isolated from the feces and from a layer of bacteria attached to the cecal wall of koalas. The T-PCDE were facultatively anaerobic, gram-negative, pleomorphic, nonmotile bacilli. The bacteria were also oxidase and catalase negative and resistant to vancomycin, reduced nitrates to nitrites, and grew on MacConkey agar. Growth on tannin-treated agar media showed a distinctive clear zone around the colony. From these observations, a selective agar plate medium (vancomycin- and tannin-treated Wilkins-Chalgren anaerobe agar) was developed to enumerate T-PCDE isolated from the feces of koalas. This medium was highly selective in the enumeration of the fecal T-PCDE and inhibited the growth of concomitant T-PC-degrading Streptococcus bovis. The T-PCDE were isolated from 10 of the 12 captive koalas studied; in 8 of these 10 koalas, the facultatively anaerobic bacterial flora was dominated (more than 60%) by T-PCDE. Viable numbers of T-PCDE were, in most of the animals, much larger (more than 100 times) than the numbers of T-PC-degrading S. bovis, suggesting that T-PCDE played a more active role in digesting T-PC in the alimentary tracts of koalas.  相似文献   

Koalas are an iconic species of charismatic megafauna, of substantial social and conservation significance. They are widely distributed, often at low densities, and individuals can be difficult to detect, making population surveys challenging and costly. Consequently, koala population estimates have been limited and the results inconsistent. The aims of this study were to estimate the distribution, relative abundance and population size of the koalas on Magnetic Island, far north Queensland. Population densities were estimated in 18 different vegetation types present on the island using a Fecal Standing Crop Method. Koala density ranged from 0.404 ha−1, recorded in forest red gum and bloodwood woodland, to absence from eight of the vegetation types surveyed. The second highest density of 0.297 koalas ha−1 was recorded in mixed eucalypt woodland, which covers 45% of the island. The total abundance of koalas on Magnetic Island, not including those present in urban areas, was estimated at 825±175 (SEM). The large variation in koala density across vegetation types reinforces the need for sampling stratification when calculating abundance over large areas, as uniformity of habitat quality cannot be assumed. In this context, koala populations also occur in low densities in areas generally regarded as poor quality koala habitat. These results highlight the importance of protecting vegetation communities not traditionally considered to have high conservation value to koalas, as these habitats may be essential for maintaining viable, widespread, low-density populations. The results from this study provide a baseline to assess future trends in koala distribution, density and abundance on Magnetic Island.  相似文献   

The conservation of any species requires understanding and predicting the distribution of its habitat and resource use, including the effects of scale‐dependent variation in habitat and resource quality. Consequently, testing for resource selection at the appropriate scales is critical. We investigated how the resource selection process varies across scales, using koalas in a semi‐arid landscape of eastern Australia as a case study. We asked: at what scales does tree selection by koalas vary across regions? We tested the importance of the variation of our ecological predictors at the following scales: (i) the site‐scale (a stand of trees representing an individual koala's perception of local habitat); (ii) the landscape‐scale (10 × 10 km area representing a space within which a population of koalas exists); and (iii) a combination of these scales. We used a mixed‐modelling approach to quantify variation in selection of individual trees by koalas among sites and landscapes within a 1600 km2 study area. We found that tree species, and tree height, were the most important factors influencing tree selection, and that their effect did not vary across scales. In contrast, preferences for trees of different condition, which is the state of tree canopy health, did vary across landscapes, indicating spatial variation in the selection of trees with respect to tree condition at the landscape‐scale, but not at the site‐scale. We conclude that resource selection processes can depend on the quality of those resources at different scales and their heterogeneous nature across landscapes, highlighting the consequence of scale‐dependent ecological processes. Designing studies that capture the heterogeneity in habitat and resources used by species that have an extensive distribution is an important prerequisite for effective conservation planning and management.  相似文献   

R Osawa 《Applied microbiology》1992,58(5):1754-1759
Tannin-protein complex (T-PC)-degrading enterobacteria (T-PCDE) were isolated from the feces and from a layer of bacteria attached to the cecal wall of koalas. The T-PCDE were facultatively anaerobic, gram-negative, pleomorphic, nonmotile bacilli. The bacteria were also oxidase and catalase negative and resistant to vancomycin, reduced nitrates to nitrites, and grew on MacConkey agar. Growth on tannin-treated agar media showed a distinctive clear zone around the colony. From these observations, a selective agar plate medium (vancomycin- and tannin-treated Wilkins-Chalgren anaerobe agar) was developed to enumerate T-PCDE isolated from the feces of koalas. This medium was highly selective in the enumeration of the fecal T-PCDE and inhibited the growth of concomitant T-PC-degrading Streptococcus bovis. The T-PCDE were isolated from 10 of the 12 captive koalas studied; in 8 of these 10 koalas, the facultatively anaerobic bacterial flora was dominated (more than 60%) by T-PCDE. Viable numbers of T-PCDE were, in most of the animals, much larger (more than 100 times) than the numbers of T-PC-degrading S. bovis, suggesting that T-PCDE played a more active role in digesting T-PC in the alimentary tracts of koalas.  相似文献   

Conserving habitats crucial for threatened koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations requires rating habitat quality from a fine spatial scale to patches, landscapes and then regions. The koala has a specialized diet focused on the leaves of a suite of Eucalyptus species. We asked: what are the key regional influences on habitat selection by koalas in the far north coast of New South Wales? We addressed this question by investigating the multi-scale factors, and within-scale and cross-scale interactions, that influence koala habitat selection and distribution across four local government areas on the far north coast of New South Wales. We assembled and analysed a large data set of tree selection, identified by the presence of scats, in a wide range of randomly selected 5 × 5 km grids across the region. This resulted in more than 9000 trees surveyed for evidence of koala use from 302 field sites, together with associated biophysical site features. The dominant factor influencing habitat use and koala occurrence was the distribution of five Eucalyptus species. Koalas were more likely to use medium-sized trees of these species where they occurred on soils with high levels of Colwell phosphorous. We also identified new interactions among the distribution of preferred tree species and soil phosphorous, and their distribution with the amount of suitable habitat in the surrounding landscape. Our study confirmed that non-preferred species of eucalypts and non-eucalypts are extensively used by koalas and form important components of koala habitat. This finding lends support to restoring a mosaic of koala-preferred tree species and other species recognized for their value as shelter. Our study has provided the ecological foundation for developing a novel regional-scale approach to the conservation of koalas, with adaptability to other wildlife species.  相似文献   

To assess the efficacy of laser therapy in the management of unresponding wounds and ulcers the method based on the estimation of chemiluminescence of tissue fluid in the presence of H2O2 was developed. It is suggested that laser radiation-induced decrease in chemiluminescence can be attributed to the activation of catalase in tissue fluid, which has an obvious positive therapeutic effect on reparative regeneration of wounds and ulcers.  相似文献   

Between 1984 and 1990, 75 koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) from the central northern coast of New South Wales (Australia) were presented for necropsy due to motor vehicle accidents. The koalas consisted of 44 males and 31 females. Fifty one of these were between 2 and 7 yr (39 males and 12 females). The greater proportion of koalas, especially males, were struck by vehicles between June and December. The main injuries detected were head injuries (44), hemoperitoneum (16), limb injuries (16), hemothorax (15) and spinal injuries (7). Nine koalas were not dead at the time of the accident but died later following complications from the trauma. Twelve koalas had evidence of underlying disease at the time of accident. Ten of these had either conjunctivitis, cystitis, prostatitis, periovarian cysts, endometritis or a combination of the diseases. All 10 koalas still had good body condition. It is suggested that healthy young to middle-aged males are particularly prone to vehicular accidents during the mating period. This has implications for the management of local koala populations.  相似文献   

Infections, ulcerations, gangrene and, in severe cases, extremity amputation, are common complications among diabetic subjects. Various biomaterials have been utilized for the treatment of these lesions. Chitosan is an amino sugar with a low risk of toxicity and immune response. In this study, we evaluated chitosan topical gel and film treatments for subjects with diabetic ulcerations and wounds associated with diabetes mellitus. In a pre-experimental design, we described the result of chitosan gel and film treatment for wounds and skin ulcers among patients with long-standing diabetes mellitus. We studied 8 diabetic patients with wounds and skin ulcers (long duration and Wagner degree 1–2). Initially, most lesions had some degree of infection, tissue damage and ulceration. At the end of the treatment (topical chitosan) period, the infections were cured. All patients experienced a significant improvement in the initial injury and developed granulation tissue and a healthy skin cover. This report represents one of the few published clinical experience regarding the chitosan for the treatment of skin lesions among diabetic subjects. These results are relevant and promising for the treatment of this disease.  相似文献   

Microflora of the pouch epithelium of 17 female koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) were examined in relation to their current reproductive status and recent reproductive history. No microbial growth was observed in pouch swabs from 13 of 17 (76%) koalas, including four females without young, seven with pouch young and two with back young (i.e. permanently emerged from the pouch). Growth of bacteria or yeasts was observed in pouch swabs from four koalas, each of which had experienced mortality of its pouch young during the current breeding season. Seven species of microorganisms were isolated, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens and Enterococcus faecalis. Based on the absence of microflora in the majority of females examined, we propose that the pouch epithelium normally provides a hostile environment for microbial colonization.  相似文献   

Diseases associated with Chlamydia pecorum infection are a major cause of decline in koala populations in Australia. While koalas in care can generally be treated, a vaccine is considered the only option to effectively reduce the threat of infection and disease at the population level. In the current study, we vaccinated 30 free-ranging koalas with a prototype Chlamydia pecorum vaccine consisting of a recombinant chlamydial MOMP adjuvanted with an immune stimulating complex. An additional cohort of 30 animals did not receive any vaccine and acted as comparison controls. Animals accepted into this study were either uninfected (Chlamydia PCR negative) at time of initial vaccination, or infected (C. pecorum positive) at either urogenital (UGT) and/or ocular sites (Oc), but with no clinical signs of chlamydial disease. All koalas were vaccinated / sampled and then re-released into their natural habitat before re-capturing and re-sampling at 6 and 12 months. All vaccinated koalas produced a strong immune response to the vaccine, as indicated by high titres of specific plasma antibodies. The incidence of new infections in vaccinated koalas over the 12-month period post-vaccination was slightly less than koalas in the control group, however, this was not statistically significant. Importantly though, the vaccine was able to significantly reduce the infectious load in animals that were Chlamydia positive at the time of vaccination. This effect was evident at both the Oc and UGT sites and was stronger at 6 months than at 12 months post-vaccination. Finally, the vaccine was also able to reduce the number of animals that progressed to disease during the 12-month period. While the sample sizes were small (statistically speaking), results were nonetheless striking. This study highlights the potential for successful development of a Chlamydia vaccine for koalas in a wild setting.  相似文献   

Cadexomer iodine (Iodosorb) is a hydrophilic starch powder containing iodine, which is a suitable dressing for granulating wounds such as venous ulcers. A total of 61 outpatients with chronic venous ulcers participated in a randomised optional crossover trial using cadexomer iodine or a standard dressing for their ulcers. The trial lasted for 24 weeks or until the ulcer had healed. Two patients withdrew during the course of the trial. Both treatments were highly effective, but the epithelium of ulcers dressed with cadexomer iodine grew again significantly faster (p less than 0.001). At the midpoint of the trial (12th week) 13 of 30 patients receiving standard treatment were changed to cadexomer iodine, while only three of 29 receiving cadexomer iodine changed to the standard dressing (p less than 0.02). In most cases ulcers were dressed and rebandaged daily by the patients themselves after instruction and supervision. This may be better than having dressings and bandages applied by professionals less regularly.  相似文献   

The failure of certain wounds to heal (including diabetic foot ulcers) is a significant socioeconomic issue for countries worldwide. There is much debate about the best way to treat these wounds and one approach that is shrouded with controversy is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), a technique that can reduce the risk of amputation in diabetic patients.  相似文献   

A population of free-ranging koalas in southeastern Queensland was examined to determine the prevalence of Chlamydia psittaci infections. Although C. psittaci was isolated from 46 of 65 (71%) koalas studied, only six (9%) of these had clinical signs of disease. Most adult females (82%) had back or pouch young present even though 67% of them were infected. There were no significant correlations between age, sex or site of sampling (urogenital versus conjunctival tissues) and the isolation of C. psittaci. No other important bacterial or fungal pathogens were isolated. The complement fixation test had a sensitivity of 7% and a specificity of 94% in detecting chlamydial infections, suggesting that it is unsuitable for use as a screening test. Chlamydia psittaci infection within this population appeared to represent a generally well-balanced host-parasite relationship and few animals had clinical signs of disease. Only four of 27 (15%) healthy koalas infected with C. psittaci followed for 24 wk after sampling developed eye disease or "dirty tail." Two koalas with keratoconjunctivitis recovered without treatment during the study period. Additional factors, including the stresses imposed by loss of habitat, may act to produce overt disease in koalas with latent C. psittaci infections.  相似文献   

The last years of research have proposed that bacteria might be involved in and contribute to the lack of healing of chronic wounds. Especially it seems that Pseudomonas aeruginosa play a crucial role in the healing. At Copenhagen Wound Healing Centre it was for many years clinical suspected that once chronic venous leg ulcers were colonized (weeks or months preoperatively) by P. aeruginosa, the success rate of skin grafting deteriorated despite aggressive treatment. To investigate this, a retrospective study was performed on the clinical outcome of 82 consecutive patients with chronic venous leg ulcers on 91 extremities, from the 1st of March 2005 until the 31st of August 2006. This was achieved by analysing the microbiology, demographic data, smoking and drinking habits, diabetes, renal impairment, co-morbidities, approximated size and age of the wounds, immunosuppressive treatment and complicating factors on the clinical outcome of each patient. The results were evaluated using a Student T-test for continuous parameters, chi-square test for categorical parameters and a logistic regression analysis to predict healing after 12 weeks. The analysis revealed that only 33,3% of ulcers with P. aeruginosa, isolated at least once from 12 weeks prior, to or during surgery, were healed (98% or more) by week 12 follow-up, while 73,1% of ulcers without P. aeruginosa were so by the same time (p = 0,001). Smoking also significantly suppressed the outcome at the 12-week follow-up. Subsequently, a logistic regression analysis was carried out leaving P. aeruginosa as the only predictor left in the model (p = 0,001). This study supports our hypothesis that P. aeruginosa in chronic venous leg ulcers, despite treatment, has considerable impact on partial take or rejection of split-thickness skin grafts.  相似文献   

Understanding the ability of koalas to respond to changes in their environment is critical for conservation of the species and their habitat. We monitored the behavioural response of koalas to declining food resources in manna gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) woodland at Cape Otway, Victoria, Australia, from September 2011 to November 2013. Over this period, koala population density increased from 10.1 to 18.4 koalas.ha-1. As a result of the high browsing pressure of this population, manna gum canopy condition declined with 71.4% manna gum being completely or highly defoliated in September 2013. Despite declining food resources, radio collared koalas (N = 30) exhibited high fidelity to small ranges (0.4–1.2 ha). When trees became severely defoliated in September 2013, koalas moved relatively short distances from their former ranges (mean predicted change in range centroid = 144 m) and remained in areas of 0.9 to 1.0 ha. This was despite the high connectivity of most manna gum woodland, and close proximity of the study site (< 3 km) to the contiguous mixed forest of the Great Otway National Park. Limited movement had catastrophic consequences for koalas with 71% (15/21) of radio collared koalas dying from starvation or being euthanased due to their poor condition between September and November 2013.  相似文献   

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