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Many organisms, including entomopathogenous fungi, predators or parasites, use aphids as ressources. Parasites of aphids are mostly endoparasitoid insects, i.e. insects which lay eggs inside the body of an other insect which will die as a result of their development. In this article, we review the consequences of the numerous pecularities of aphid biology and ecology for their endoparasitoids, notably the Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). We first examine the various mechanisms used by aphids for defence against these enemies. We then explore the strategies used by aphidiine parasitoids to exploit their aphid hosts. Finally, we consider the responses of both aphids and parasitoids to ecological constraints induced by seasonal cycles and to environmental variations linked to host plants and climate. The fundamental and applied interest of studying these organisms is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present review, available literary data on physiological and biochemical interactions between parasitoids and their hosts are analyzed. In order to achieve successful development inside or on their hosts, parasitoids widely use various strategies aimed at suppressing host immunity. Suppression agents used by parasitoids include venom and ovarian fluid components as well as symbiotic microorganisms. The influence of parasitoids on the host organism is complicated, covering many physiological functions and inducing changes of the host metabolism and behavior. The influence of ecto- and endoparasitoids on the host organism is analyzed separately.  相似文献   

Doi H  Yurlova NI 《Parasitology》2011,138(8):1022-1028
It is suspected that host-parasite interactions are influenced by climatic oscillations such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). However, the effects of climatic oscillations on host-parasite interactions have never been investigated. A long-term (1982-1999) dataset of the host snail Lymnaea stagnalis and trematode metacercariae infection has been collected for Lake Chany in Western Siberia. Using this dataset, we estimated the impact of the NAO on the population dynamics of hosts and parasites as well as their interactions. The results of general linear models showed that the abundance of dominant parasite species and the total parasite abundance significantly increased with NAO, with the exception of Moliniella anceps. Other climatic and biological factors were relatively weak to explain the abundance. There was no significant relationship between NAO and the population density of host snails. The prevalence of infection was related to the total abundance of parasites, but not to the NAO. Thus, the responses to the NAO differed between the host and parasites, indicating mismatching in host-parasite interactions. Therefore, climatic oscillations, such as the NAO, influence common parasitism.  相似文献   

The immune interactions occurring between parasitoids and their host insects, especially in Drosophila–wasp models, have long been the research focus of insect immunology and parasitology. Parasitoid infestation in Drosophila is counteracted by its multiple natural immune defense systems, which include cellular and humoral immunity. Occurring in the hemocoel, cellular immune responses involve the proliferation, differentiation, migration and spreading of host hemocytes and parasitoid encapsulation by them. Contrastingly, humoral immune responses rely more heavily on melanization and on the Toll, Imd and Jak/Stat immune pathways associated with antimicrobial peptides along with stress factors. On the wasps’ side, successful development is achieved by introducing various virulence factors to counteract immune responses of Drosophila. Some or all of these factors manipulate the host's immunity for successful parasitism. Here we review current knowledge of the cellular and humoral immune interactions between Drosophila and its parasitoids, focusing on the defense mechanisms used by Drosophila and the strategies evolved by parasitic wasps to outwit it.  相似文献   

The establishment of invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål) outside of its native range may impact native species assemblages, including other pentatomids and their scelionid parasitoids. This has generated interest in defining species diversity and host‐parasitoid associations in this system to better understand the impact of invasive alien species on trophic interactions in invaded regions. Information on scelionid–pentatomid associations in natural habitats is lacking, and species‐level identification of these associations can be tenuous using rearing and dissection techniques. Naturally occurring pentatomid eggs were collected in areas where H. halys has established in Canada and were analysed using a modified DNA barcoding approach to define species‐level trophic interactions. Identification was possible for >90% of egg masses. Eleven pentatomid and five scelionid species were identified, and trophic links were established. Approximately 70% of egg masses were parasitized; parasitism and parasitoid species composition were described for each species. Telenomus podisi Ashmead was the dominant parasitoid and was detected in all host species. Trissolcus euschisti Ashmead was detected in several host species, but was significantly more prevalent in Chinavia hilaris (Say) and Brochymena quadripustulata (Fabricius). Trissolcus brochymenae Ashmead and Tr. thyantae Ashmead were recorded sporadically. Parasitism of H. halys was 55%, and this species was significantly less likely to be parasitized than native pentatomids. The scelionid species composition of H. halys consisted of Te. podisi, Tr. euschisti and Tr. thyantae. Although these species cannot develop in fresh H. halys eggs, we demonstrate that parasitoids attempt to exploit this host under field conditions.  相似文献   

Host-parasite interactions in rodent nematode infections   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In rodents, Trichinella spiralis and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infect the small intestine and Trichuris muris resides in the colon. The intestinal host response in these animals is characterized by changes in mucosal architecture and inflammation and is associated with worm expulsion. The requirement of T cell-mediated host response in worm expulsion has been demonstrated over many years. Subsequent studies have shown that Th2-type, but not Th1-type, responses mediate resistance to the nematodes. Investigations using neutralizing antibodies and genetically manipulated mice have characterized the contribution of individual Th2-type cytokines in not only worm expulsion, but also specific cellular changes that occur in the mucosa, such as alterations in epithelial phenotype and smooth muscle. There is also increasing appreciation of the contribution of non-bone marrow-derived cells in innate and adaptive host responses in these models.  相似文献   

Ulcerative keratitis is among the leading ocular bacterial infections, and Streptococcus aureus accounts for approximately 25% of cases in some surveys. Although S. aureus expresses numerous virulence factors, many of which are under the control of staphylococcal global regulatory genes, their pathophysiologic roles in keratitis are largely unknown. Similarly, the nature of the host response during S. aureus keratitis is unclear. Following a review of previously published research on the pathophysiology of S. aureus ocular infection, we present the results of a study designed to assess the host-parasite relationship between S. aureus and human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs) in vitro. In this model system, a wild-type S. aureus strain and its isogenic mutants harboring mutations in agr and sar global regulatory genes or fibronectin-binding proteins A and B (fnbAB) were tested for their ability to bind and invade confluent HCEC monolayers. The contribution of host cell factors was assessed by preincubating HCECs with various inhibitory agents. These studies demonstrated that S. aureus not only adhered to the surface of HCECs but was also internalized, as has been previously observed in other nonocular cell lines. Adherence and invasion of HCECs was saturable at 1 h of incubation in the presence of approximately 10(7) CFU per HCEC monolayer (multiplicity of infection approximately 10). A mutant defective in both agr and sar global regulators was not significantly different in invasive capacity compared to its isogenic wild-type parent strain. In contrast, mutations in fibronectin-binding proteins A and B (fnbAB) reduced the invasiveness of S. aureus by 99% compared to the wild-type strain. Pretreatment of HCECs with colchicine had little effect on S. aureus invasion. In sharp contrast, cytochalasin D and genistein were each capable of inhibiting invasion by >99%. In summary, the results of this study point to fibronectin-binding protein as a key S. aureus surface adhesin facilitating invasion of HCECs in vitro. Furthermore, these results suggest an active mechanism for S. aureus internalization by HCECs, likely involving actin polymerization and tyrosine kinase activity. Additional studies are warranted to determine the applicability of these findings in vivo, and to facilitate the rational design of therapeutic agents aimed at blocking the establishment and progression of S. aureus keratitis.  相似文献   

Sures B 《Parassitologia》2007,49(3):173-176
In recent years there has been an increasing number of papers showing how parasitism and pollution can interact with each other in aquatic organisms. Apart from parasitological aspects these interactions are also important in terms of ecotoxicological research. The current presentation aims at identifying three promising directions for future research in the interdisciplinary field of parasitology and ecotoxicology. 1. Parasites as sinks for pollutants within their hosts: Some parasites are able to reduce pollutant levels in the tissues of their host. The reduction of pollutants is an interesting implication since parasites are beneficial to their hosts from this perspective. In other cases free-living accumulation indicators may erroneously indicate low levels of pollution if they are infected with parasites. 2. Parasites as a diagnostic tool to test bioavailability of substances. In order to take up and accumulate pollutants the substances have to be metabolized by the host first. Accordingly, the detection of substances within endoparasites is a sign for the biological availability of pollutants. 3. Changes of biomarker responses of the host against pollutants. Parasites can alter physiological reactions of their hosts against pollutants in different ways. Therefore, in ecotoxicological studies, examining the question whether exposure to certain chemicals affects the physiological homeostasis of a test organism, it is important to use organisms that are known to be uninfected.  相似文献   

Intraguild interactions between two egg parasitoids, Trissolcus basalis (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) and Ooencyrtus telenomicida (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), exploring egg masses of the Southern Green Stink Bug (SGSB) Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), were investigated in laboratory conditions by single, simultaneous and sequential host attack experiments. Mortality of N. viridula eggs was higher in simultaneous and sequential releases compared to single species releases. In simultaneous host exploitations, T. basalis females displayed an aggressive behavior against O. telenomicida females. The outcome of multiparasitism showed that interspecific larval competition was dominated by O. telenomicida regardless of the sequence in which oviposition occurred and which parasitoid was or was not simultaneously released in the patch. Finally, O. telenomicida can successfully develop in hosts already parasitized by T. basalis up to seven days earlier, acting as a facultative hyperparasitoid, so that intraguild predation (IGP) also occurred. The ecological factors that allow species coexistence and the role played by competition in biological control programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Interactions between hosts and parasites provide an ongoing source of selection that promotes the evolution of a variety of features in the interacting species. Here, we use a genetically explicit mathematical model to explore how patterns of gene expression evolve at genetic loci responsible for host resistance and parasite infection. Our results reveal the striking yet intuitive conclusion that gene expression should evolve along very different trajectories in the two interacting species. Specifically, host resistance loci should frequently evolve to co-express alleles, whereas parasite infection loci should evolve to express only a single allele. This result arises because hosts that co-express resistance alleles are able to recognize and clear a greater diversity of parasite genotypes. By the same token, parasites that co-express antigen or elicitor alleles are more likely to be recognized and cleared by the host, and this favours the expression of only a single allele. Our model provides testable predictions that can help interpret accumulating data on expression levels for genes relevant to host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   

Climate and land use change can alter the incidence and strength of biotic interactions, with important effects on the distribution, abundance and function of species. To assess the importance of these effects and their dynamics, studies quantifying how biotic interactions change in space and time are needed. We studied interactions between nettle-feeding butterflies and their shared natural enemies (parasitoids) locally and across 500 km latitudinal gradient in Sweden. We also examined the potential impact of the range-expansion of the butterfly Araschnia levana on resident butterflies via shared parasitoids, by studying how parasitism in resident butterflies covaries with the presence or absence of the newly-established species. We collected 6777 larvae of four nettle-feeding butterfly species (Aglais urticae, Aglais io, Ar. levana and Vanessa atalanta), over two years, at 19 sites distributed along the gradient. We documented the parasitoid complex for each butterfly species and measured their overlap, and analysed how parasitism rates were affected by butterfly species assemblage, variations in abundance, time, and the arrival of Ar. levana. Parasitoids caused high mortality, with substantial overlap in the complex of parasitoids associated with the four host butterflies. Levels of parasitism differed significantly among butterflies and were influenced by the local butterfly species assemblage. Our results also suggest that parasitism in resident butterflies is elevated at sites where Ar. levana has been established for a longer period. In our study system, variations in butterfly species assemblages were associated in a predictable way with substantial variations in rates of parasitism. This relationship is likely to affect the dynamics of the butterfly host species, and potentially cascade to the larger number of species with which they interact. These results highlight the importance of indirect interactions and their potential to reorganise ecological communities, especially in the context of shifts in species distributions in a warmer world.  相似文献   

Species assemblages and their interactions vary through space, generating diversity patterns at different spatial scales. Here, we study the local‐scale spatial variation of a cavity‐nesting bee and wasp community (hosts), their nest associates (parasitoids), and the resulting antagonistic network over a continuous and homogeneous habitat. To obtain bee/wasp nests, we placed trap‐nests at 25 sites over a 32 km2 area. We obtained 1,541 nests (4,954 cells) belonging to 40 host species and containing 27 parasitoid species. The most abundant host species tended to have higher parasitism rate. Community composition dissimilarity was relatively high for both hosts and parasitoids, and the main component of this variability was species turnover, with a very minor contribution of ordered species loss (nestedness). That is, local species richness tended to be similar across the study area and community composition tended to differ between sites. Interestingly, the spatial matching between host and parasitoid composition was low. Host β‐diversity was weakly (positively) but significantly related to geographic distance. On the other hand, parasitoid and host‐parasitoid interaction β‐diversities were not significantly related to geographic distance. Interaction β‐diversity was even higher than host and parasitoid β‐diversity, and mostly due to species turnover. Interaction rewiring between plots and between local webs and the regional metaweb was very low. In sum, species composition was rather idiosyncratic to each site causing a relevant mismatch between hosts and parasitoid composition. However, pairs of host and parasitoid species tended to interact similarly wherever they co‐occurred. Our results additionally show that interaction β‐diversity is better explained by parasitoid than by host β‐diversity. We discuss the importance of identifying the sources of variation to understand the drivers of the observed heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Host plant nutritional quality can directly and indirectly affect the third trophic levels. The aphid–parasitoid relationship provides an ideal system to investigate tritrophic interactions (as the parasitoids are completely dependent for their development upon their hosts) and assess the bottom up forces operating at different concentrations of nitrogen applications. The effects of varying nitrogen fertilizer on the performance of Aphidius colemani (V.) reared on Sitobion avenae (F.) and Aphidius rhopalosiphi (D.) reared on Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) were measured. Parasitism and percent emergence of parasitoids were positively affected by nitrogen fertilizer treatments while developmental duration (egg, larval, and pupal stages) was not affected by increasing nitrogen inputs. In males and females of both parasitoid species, adult longevity increased with the increasing nitrogen fertilizer. Hind tibia length and mummy weight of both parasitoid species increased with nitrogen fertilizer concentrations, as a result of larger aphids. This study showed that nitrogen application to the soil can have important consequences for aboveground multitrophic interactions.  相似文献   

1. Competition between parasitoid species may be a key factor in the community dynamics of plant–herbivore-parasitoid systems and is an important consideration in the selection and management of effective biological control agents. 2. Interspecific competition can occur between adult parasitoids searching for hosts (extrinsic competition) and between multiple parasitoid larvae developing within a single host individual (intrinsic competition). A model system comprising the lepidopteran pest Heliothis virescens and two key hymenopteran endoparasitoids, Microplitis croceipes and Cardiochiles nigriceps, was employed to explore parasitoid host-location strategies and the consequences of intrinsic and extrinsic competitive interactions between parasitoid species. 3. The less specialised of the two parasitoids, M. croceipes, was found to have a shorter hatching time and to dominate intrinsic competition, except when its oviposition followed that of the more specialised parasitoid, C. nigriceps, by 16 h or more. This interval corresponded to the differential in hatching time between the two species. 4. Cardiochiles nigriceps, however, displayed superior host-searching efficiency that may compensate for its disadvantage in intrinsic competition. This parasitoid was more effective at detecting host infestation sites via airborne odours and at locating and attacking early instar host larvae than was M. croceipes.  相似文献   

Intraguild interactions in aphid parasitoids   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We reviewed the literature on aphid parasitoids to determine the occurrence, nature and outcome of intraguild interactions. Intraguild interactions were described for larval, pupal and adult aphid parasitoids and by the type of natural enemy (fungus, predator, or parasitoid). They appear to be prevalent in most aphid parasitoid systems and, except for parasitoid-parasitoid interactions, they are mostly asymmetric, with aphidophagous predators and pathogens killing parasitoids. The limited experimental evidence from field studies is insufficient to provide a comprehensive pattern of the consequences of intraguild interactions for aphid parasitoid populations in general and, more specifically, for the efficacy of biological control. However, because intraguild interactions are widespread in aphid-natural enemy communities and mostly detrimental to aphid parasitoids, we conclude that intraguild interactions have a primary effect in driving fluctuations in aphid parasitoid populations. Drawing on case studies, we further argue that intraguild interactions can substantially alter the effectiveness of aphid parasitoids as biological-control agents.  相似文献   

Emily Troemel is a Professor at the University of California San Diego, where her lab uses Caenorhabditis elegans to study host–pathogen interactions and the shaping of the immune response. In this interview, Emily shared her thoughts on peer review and its role in training future scientists, and the possibility of a new form of immunity in epithelia.  相似文献   

1. Parasitoids are a valuable group for conservation biological control. In their role as regulators of aphid pests, it is critical that their lifecycle is synchronised with their hosts in both space and time. This is because a synchronised parasitoid community is more likely to strengthen the overall conservation biological control effect, thus damping aphid numbers and preventing potential outbreaks. One component of this host–parasitoid system was examined, that of migration, and the hypothesis that peak summer parasitoid and host migrations are synchronised in time was tested. 2. Sitobion avenae Fabricius and six associated parasitoids were sampled from 1976 to 2013 using 12.2‐m suction‐traps from two sites in Southern England. The relationship between peak weekly S. avenae counts and their parasitoids was quantified. 3. Simple regression models showed that the response of the peak parasitoids to the host was positive: generally, more parasitoids migrated with increasing numbers of aphids. Further, when averaged over time, the parasitoid migration peak date corresponded with the aphid migration peak. The co‐occurrence of the peaks was between 51% and 64%. However, the summer peak in aphid migration is not steadily shifting forward with time unlike spring first flights of aphids. Cross‐correlation analysis showed that there were no between‐year lagged effects of aphids on parasitoids. 4. These results demonstrate that the peak in migration phenology between host and parasitoid is broadly synchronised within a season. Because the threshold temperature for flight (> 12 °C) was almost always exceeded in summer, the synchronising agent is likely to be crop senescence, not temperature. Studies are needed to assess the effects of climate change on the mismatch potential between parasitoids and their hosts.  相似文献   

三叶斑潜蝇和美洲斑潜蝇是广东地区发生和危害比较严重的两种蔬菜潜叶蝇,通过对两种斑潜蝇及其寄生蜂空间生态位的调查研究表明,发现两种斑潜蝇的生态位宽度受寄主影响各有不同,与其寄生蜂的生态位重叠值较小。底比斯釉姬小蜂Chysocharis pentheus(Walker)、冈崎灿姬小蜂Chysonotomyia okazakii(Kamijo)和丽灿姬小蜂Chysonotomyia formosa(Westwood)生态位宽度值相近且均高于其它寄生蜂,分布较其它三种寄生蜂广,三种寄生蜂对斑潜蝇的寄生跟随作用较强;甘蓝潜蝇茧蜂Opius dimidiatus(Ashmead)、黄潜蝇釉姬小蜂Chysocharis oscinidis Ashmead和异角亨姬小蜂Hemiptarenus varicornis(Girault)的时间生态位宽度值(B’i)均小于0.1,在大田中发生的跨度范围很窄,具有季节集中性。三叶斑潜蝇和美洲斑潜蝇的种间竞争,表现在对寄主资源的占有和掠夺上具有一定的竞争性,这也是田间三叶斑潜蝇种群数量一直高于美洲斑潜蝇的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

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