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中国森林的地下碳分配   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈光水  杨玉盛  谢锦升  杜紫贤  张静 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5148-5157
通过收集国内33个森林样地的土壤呼吸和年凋落物量数据,分析中国森林地下碳分配(TBCA)模式。结果表明,中国森林土壤呼吸年通量与年凋落物量呈显著的线性相关(R^2=0.3319,P=0.000),其中成熟林土壤呼吸与年凋落物量间呈显著的线性相关(R^2=0.3245,P=0.004),但未成熟林土壤呼吸与年凋落物量间的线性相关不显著(R^2=0.3485,P=0.092)。中国森林的地下碳分配变化范围1.460~25.100tChm^-2a^-1,平均值为9.217tChm^-2a^-1;中国森林的TBCA与年均气温相关关系不显著(P=0.196),但与年均降水量则呈显著正相关(R=0.480,P=0.021)。中国森林TBCA和凋落物对土壤呼吸的平均贡献分别为74.2%和25.8%;中国森林TBCA对土壤呼吸的贡献随土壤呼吸增大而增大,而凋落物对土壤呼吸的贡献则随土壤呼吸的增大而降低。  相似文献   

Carbon allocation in forest ecosystems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Carbon allocation plays a critical role in forest ecosystem carbon cycling. We reviewed existing literature and compiled annual carbon budgets for forest ecosystems to test a series of hypotheses addressing the patterns, plasticity, and limits of three components of allocation: biomass, the amount of material present; flux, the flow of carbon to a component per unit time; and partitioning, the fraction of gross primary productivity (GPP) used by a component. Can annual carbon flux and partitioning be inferred from biomass? Our survey revealed that biomass was poorly related to carbon flux and to partitioning of photosynthetically derived carbon, and should not be used to infer either. Are component fluxes correlated? Carbon fluxes to foliage, wood, and belowground production and respiration all increased linearly with increasing GPP (a rising tide lifts all boats). Autotrophic respiration was strongly linked to production for foliage, wood and roots, and aboveground net primary productivity and total belowground carbon flux (TBCF) were positively correlated across a broad productivity gradient. How does carbon partitioning respond to variability in resources and environment? Within sites, partitioning to aboveground wood production and TBCF responded to changes in stand age and resource availability, but not to competition (tree density). Increasing resource supply and stand age, with one exception, resulted in increased partitioning to aboveground wood production and decreased partitioning to TBCF. Partitioning to foliage production was much less sensitive to changes in resources and environment. Overall, changes in partitioning within a site in response to resource supply and age were small (<15% of GPP), but much greater than those inferred from global relationships. Across all sites, foliage production plus respiration, and total autotrophic respiration appear to use relatively constant fractions of GPP – partitioning to both was conservative across a broad range of GPP – but values did vary across sites. Partitioning to aboveground wood production and to TBCF were the most variable – conditions that favored high GPP increased partitioning to aboveground wood production and decreased partitioning to TBCF. Do priorities exist for the products of photosynthesis? The available data do not support the concept of priorities for the products of photosynthesis, because increasing GPP increased all fluxes. All facets of carbon allocation are important to understanding carbon cycling in forest ecosystems. Terrestrial ecosystem models require information on partitioning, yet we found few studies that measured all components of the carbon budget to allow estimation of partitioning coefficients. Future studies that measure complete annual carbon budgets contribute the most to understanding carbon allocation.  相似文献   

Aims Understanding carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics and their dependence on the stand density of an even-aged, mature forest provides knowledge that is important for forest management. This study investigated the differences in ecosystem total C and N storage and flux between a low-density stand (LD) and a high-density stand (HD) and examined the effects of stand density on aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), total belowground C allocation (TBCA) and net ecosystem production (NEP) in a naturally regenerated, 65- to 75-year-old Pinus densiflora S. et Z. forest.Methods LD (450 trees ha-1) and HD (842 trees ha-1) were established in an even-aged, mature P. densiflora forest in September 2006. The forest had been naturally regenerated following harvesting, and the stand density was naturally maintained without any artificial management such as thinning. The diameter at breast height (DBH ≥ 5.0cm) of all live stems within the stands was measured yearly from 2007 to 2011. To compare C and N storage and fluxes in LD and HD, C and N pools in aboveground and belowground biomass, the forest floor, coarse woody debris (CWD) and soil; soil CO2 efflux (R S); autotrophic respiration (R A); litter production; and soil N availability were measured. Further, ANPP, TBCA and NEP were estimated from plot-based measurement data.Important findings Ecosystem C (Mg C ha-1) and N (Mg N ha-1) storage was, respectively, 173.0±7.3 (mean ± SE) and 4.69±0.30 for LD and 162±11.8 and 4.08±0.18 for HD. There were no significant differences in C and N storage in the ecosystem components, except for soils, between the two stands. In contrast, there were significant differences in aboveground ANPP and TBCA between the two stands (P < 0.05). Litterfall, biomass increment and R S were major C flux components with values of, respectively, 3.89, 3.74 and 9.07 Mg C ha-1 year-1 in LD and 3.15, 2.94 and 7.06 Mg C ha-1 year-1 in HD. Biometric-based NEP (Mg C ha-1 year-1) was 4.18 in LD and 5.50 in HD. Although the even-aged, mature P. densiflora forest had similar C and N allocation patterns, it showed different C and N dynamics depending on stand density. The results of the current study will be useful for elucidating the effects of stand density on C and N storage and fluxes, which are important issues in managing natural mature forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Net ecosystem production (NEP), defined as the difference between gross primary production and total ecosystem respiration, represents the total amount of organic carbon in an ecosystem available for storage, export as organic carbon, or nonbiological oxidation to carbon dioxide through fire or ultraviolet oxidation. In some of the recent literature, especially that on terrestrial ecosystems, NEP has been redefined as the rate of organic carbon accumulation in the system. Here we argue that retaining the original definition maintains the conceptual coherence between NEP and net primary production and that it is congruous with the widely accepted definitions of ecosystem autotrophy and heterotrophy. Careful evaluation of NEP highlights the various potential fates of nonrespired carbon in an ecosystem.  相似文献   

Tropical forest ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon balance. Depending on age and land use, they can act as carbon sources, sinks, or be in approximate balance, but it is uncertain if global environmental changes are forcing these ecosystems outside their natural range of variation. We asked the question of whether or not the net carbon flux of a tropical primary forest, which should be in balance over the long term, is within the expected range of natural variation. A simple Bayesian hypothesis testing method was used to address this question for primary forests in the Porce region of Colombia. Net ecosystem production (NEP) was measured in this forest in a set of 33 permanent plots from 2000 to 2002 in 2, 1‐year intervals. Our estimate of NEP ranged between −4.03 and 2.22 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 for the two intervals. This range was compared with a priori defined range of natural variation estimated from the ecosystem model STANDCARB, which estimated spatial and temporal variation due to gap dynamics. The prior range of variation was estimated between −1.5 and 1.5 Mg C ha−1 yr−1. The observed data on NEP did not provide sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis that these forests are in C balance. We concluded that the ecosystem is likely behaving within its range of natural variation, but measurement uncertainties were a major limitation to finding evidence to reject the null hypothesis. A literature review of C flux studies in the tropics revealed that about half of the observations could be explained by gap dynamics alone, while significant C sinks have only been observed during La Niña years, with contrasting results in other tropical forests. In conclusion, observational data of carbon fluxes do not appear to provide direct evidence for a significant carbon sink in some sites in the tropics.  相似文献   

Trees allocate a large portion of gross primary production belowground for the production and maintenance of roots and mycorrhizae. The difficulty of directly measuring total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA) has limited our understanding of belowground carbon (C) cycling and the factors that control this important flux. We measured TBCA over 4 years using a conservation of mass, C balance approach in replicate stands of fast growing Eucalyptus saligna Smith with different nutrition management and tree density treatments. We measured TBCA as surface carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux (“soil” respiration) minus C inputs from aboveground litter plus the change in C stored in roots, litter, and soil. We evaluated this C balance approach to measuring TBCA by examining (a) the variance in TBCA across replicate plots; (b) cumulative error associated with summing components to arrive at our estimates of TBCA; (c) potential sources of error in the techniques and assumptions; (d) the magnitude of changes in C stored in soil, litter, and roots compared to TBCA; and (e) the sensitivity of our measures of TBCA to differences in nutrient availability, tree density, and forest age. The C balance method gave precise estimates of TBCA and reflected differences in belowground allocation expected with manipulations of fertility and tree density. Across treatments, TBCA averaged 1.88 kg C m−2 y−1 and was 18% higher in plots planted with 104 trees/ha compared to plots planted with 1111 trees/ha. TBCA was 12% lower (but not significantly so) in fertilized plots. For all treatments, TBCA declined linearly with stand age. The coefficient of variation (CV) for TBCA for replicate plots averaged 17%. Averaged across treatments and years, annual changes in C stored in soil, the litter layer, and coarse roots (−0.01, 0.06, and 0.21 kg C m−2 y−1, respectively) were small compared with surface CO2 efflux (2.03 kg C m−2 y−1), aboveground litterfall (0.42 kg C m−2 y−1), and our estimated TBCA (1.88 kg C m−2 y−1). Based on studies from similar sites, estimates of losses of C through leaching, erosion, or storage of C in deep soil were less than 1% of annual TBCA. Received 6 March 2001; accepted 7 January 2002.  相似文献   

Responses of grassland carbon (C) cycling to climate change and land use remain a major uncertainty in model prediction of future climate. To explore the impacts of global change on ecosystem C fluxes and the consequent changes in C storage, we have conducted a field experiment with warming (+3 °C), altered precipitation (doubled and halved), and annual clipping at the end of growing seasons in a mixed‐grass prairie in Oklahoma, USA, from 2009 to 2013. Results showed that although ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross primary production (GPP) negatively responded to warming, net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) did not significantly change under warming. Doubled precipitation stimulated and halved precipitation suppressed ER and GPP equivalently, with the net outcome being unchanged in NEE. These results indicate that warming and altered precipitation do not necessarily have profound impacts on ecosystem C storage. In addition, we found that clipping enhanced NEE due to a stronger positive response of GPP compared to ER, indicating that clipping could potentially be an effective land practice that could increase C storage. No significant interactions between warming, altered precipitation, and clipping were observed. Meanwhile, we found that belowground net primary production (BNPP) in general was sensitive to climate change and land use though no significant changes were found in NPP across treatments. Moreover, negative correlations of the ER/GPP ratio with soil temperature and moisture did not differ across treatments, highlighting the roles of abiotic factors in mediating ecosystem C fluxes in this grassland. Importantly, our results suggest that belowground C cycling (e.g., BNPP) could respond to climate change with no alterations in ecosystem C storage in the same period.  相似文献   

Carbon‐use efficiency (CUE), the ratio of net primary production (NPP) to gross primary production (GPP), describes the capacity of forests to transfer carbon (C) from the atmosphere to terrestrial biomass. It is widely assumed in many landscape‐scale carbon‐cycling models that CUE for forests is a constant value of ∼0.5. To achieve a constant CUE, tree respiration must be a constant fraction of canopy photosynthesis. We conducted a literature survey to test the hypothesis that CUE is constant and universal among forest ecosystems. Of the 60 data points obtained from 26 papers published since 1975, more than half reported values of GPP that were not estimated independently from NPP; values of CUE calculated from independent estimates of GPP were greater than those calculated from estimates of GPP derived from NPP. The slope of the relationship between NPP and GPP for all forests was 0.53, but values of CUE varied from 0.23 to 0.83 for different forest types. CUE decreased with increasing age, and a substantial portion of the variation among forest types was caused by differences in stand age. When corrected for age the mean value of CUE was greatest for temperate deciduous forests and lowest for boreal forests. CUE also increased as the ratio of leaf mass‐to‐total mass increased. Contrary to the assumption of constancy, substantial variation in CUE has been reported in the literature. It may be inappropriate to assume that respiration is a constant fraction of GPP as adhering to this assumption may contribute to incorrect estimates of C cycles. A 20% error in current estimates of CUE used in landscape models (i.e. ranging from 0.4 to 0.6) could misrepresent an amount of C equal to total anthropogenic emissions of CO2 when scaled to the terrestrial biosphere.  相似文献   

Full accounting of ecosystem carbon (C) pools and fluxes in coastal plain ecosystems remains less studied compared with upland systems, even though the C stocks in these systems may be up to an order of magnitude higher, making them a potentially important component in regional C cycle. Here, we report C pools and CO2 exchange rates during three hydrologically contrasting years (i.e. 2005–2007) in a coastal plain loblolly pine plantation in North Carolina, USA. The daily temperatures were similar among the study years and to the long‐term (1971–2000) average, whereas the amount and timing of precipitation differed significantly. Precipitation was the largest in 2005 (147 mm above normal), intermediate in 2006 (48 mm below) and lowest in 2007 (486 mm below normal). The forest was a strong C sink during all years, sequestering 361 ± 67 (2005), 835 ± 55 (2006) and 724 ± 55 (2007) g C m?2 yr?1 according to eddy covariance measurements of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE). The interannual differences in NEE were traced to drought‐induced declines in canopy and whole tree hydraulic conductances, which declined with growing precipitation deficit and decreasing soil volumetric water content (VWC). In contrast, the interannual differences were small in gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (ER), both seemingly insensitive to drought. However, the drought sensitivity of GEP was masked by higher leaf area index and higher photosynthetically active radiation during the dry year. Normalizing GEP by these factors enhanced interannual differences, but there were no signs of suppressed GEP at low VWC during any given year. Although ER was very consistent across the 3 years, and not suppressed by low VWC, the total respiratory cost as a fraction of net primary production increased with annual precipitation and the contribution of heterotrophic respiration (Rh) was significantly higher during the wettest year, exceeding new litter inputs by 58%. Although the difference was smaller during the other 2 years (Rh : litterfall ratio was 1.05 in 2006 and 1.10 in 2007), the soils lost about 109 g C m?2 yr?1, outlining their potential vulnerability to decomposition, and pointing to potential management considerations to protect existing soil C stocks.  相似文献   

This study reports the annual carbon balance of a drained riparian fen under two‐cut or three‐cut managements of festulolium and tall fescue. CO2 fluxes measured with closed chambers were partitioned into gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) for modelling according to environmental factors (light and temperature) and canopy reflectance (ratio vegetation index, RVI). Methodological assessments were made of (i) GPP models with or without temperature functions (Ft) to adjust GPP constraints imposed by low temperature (<10 °C) and (ii) ER models with RVI or GPP parameters as biomass proxies. The sensitivity of the models was also tested on partial datasets including only alternate measurement campaigns and on datasets only from the crop growing period. Use of Ft in GPP models effectively corrected GPP overestimation in cold periods, and this approach was used throughout. Annual fluxes obtained with ER models including RVI or GPP parameters were similar, and also annual GPP and ER fluxes obtained with full and partial datasets were similar. Annual CO2 fluxes and biomass yield were not significantly different in the crop/management combinations although the individual collars (n = 12) showed some variations in GPP (?1818 to ?2409 g CO2‐C m?2), ER (1071 to 1738 g CO2‐C m?2), net ecosystem exchange (NEE, ?669 to ?949 g CO2‐C m?2) and biomass yield (556 to 1044 g CO2‐C m?2). Net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB), as the sum of NEE and biomass carbon export, was only slightly negative to positive in all crop/management combinations. NECBs, interpreted as emission factors, tended to favour the least biomass producing systems as the best management options in relation to climate saving carbon balances. Yet, considering the down‐stream advantages of biomass for fossil fuel replacement, yield‐scaled carbon fluxes are suggested to be given additional considerations for comparison of management options in terms of atmospheric impact.  相似文献   

Climate warming has been suggested to impact high latitude grasslands severely, potentially causing considerable carbon (C) losses from soil. Warming can also stimulate nitrogen (N) turnover, but it is largely unclear whether and how altered N availability impacts belowground C dynamics. Even less is known about the individual and interactive effects of warming and N availability on the fate of recently photosynthesized C in soil. On a 10-year geothermal warming gradient in Iceland, we studied the effects of soil warming and N addition on CO2 fluxes and the fate of recently photosynthesized C through CO2 flux measurements and a 13CO2 pulse-labeling experiment. Under warming, ecosystem respiration exceeded maximum gross primary productivity, causing increased net CO2 emissions. N addition treatments revealed that, surprisingly, the plants in the warmed soil were N limited, which constrained primary productivity and decreased recently assimilated C in shoots and roots. In soil, microbes were increasingly C limited under warming and increased microbial uptake of recent C. Soil respiration was increased by warming and was fueled by increased belowground inputs and turnover of recently photosynthesized C. Our findings suggest that a decade of warming seemed to have induced a N limitation in plants and a C limitation by soil microbes. This caused a decrease in net ecosystem CO2 uptake and accelerated the respiratory release of photosynthesized C, which decreased the C sequestration potential of the grassland. Our study highlights the importance of belowground C allocation and C-N interactions in the C dynamics of subarctic ecosystems in a warmer world.  相似文献   

氮添加对内蒙古温带典型草原生态系统碳交换的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统碳交换(NEE)是评估碳循环及平衡的重要指标,由生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)和生态系统呼吸(ER)共同决定。以往研究表明,N添加能显著促进草地生态系统植物的生长进而提高生态系统的生产力,但N添加如何影响生态系统碳交换的结论仍不明确。同时,对于不同剂量的N添加对生态系统碳交换影响有何差异也不清楚。于2012和2013年在内蒙古草原开展N添加控制实验,设置中等剂量(10 g N m~(-2)a~(-1),N10)和高等剂量(40 g N m~(-2)a~(-1),N40)两个N添加处理,并采用生态系统原位观测箱系统监测不同N处理条件下的NEE动态。结果表明:2年中等剂量N添加处理(N10)下GPP较对照分别增加了15.6%和20%,而ER的变化不显著,该处理下NEE较对照显著降低了230%和337%(即固碳能力增强)。与中等剂量N添加处理结果不同,高等剂量N添加处理下GPP和ER均有不显著的降低趋势,同时,尽管该处理下NEE有升高的趋势(即固碳能力降低),但并不显著。土壤水分改善、土壤温度下降以及叶片N浓度增加可能是中等剂量氮添加促进该生态系统固碳能力的重要机制,而土壤酸化和物种组成改变可能是导致高等剂量N添加下生态系统固碳能力低于中等剂量的重要原因。研究结果表明,不同剂量N添加对生态系统生产力与呼吸的作用机制存在差异,导致生态系统固碳能力有着明显区别。  相似文献   

We used estimates of autotrophic respiration (RA), net primary productivity (NPP) and soil CO2 evolution (Sff), to develop component carbon budgets for 12‐year‐old loblolly pine plantations during the fifth year of a fertilization and irrigation experiment. Annual carbon use in RA was 7.5, 9.0, 15.0, and 15.1 Mg C ha?1 in control (C), irrigated (I), fertilized (F) and irrigated and fertilized (IF) treatments, respectively. Foliage, fine root and perennial woody tissue (stem, branch, coarse and taproot) respiration accounted for, respectively, 37%, 24%, and 39% of RA in C and I treatments and 38%, 12% and 50% of RA in F and IF treatments. Annual gross primary production (GPP=NPP+RA) ranged from 13.1 to 26.6 Mg C ha?1. The I, F, and IF treatments resulted in a 21, 94, and 103% increase in GPP, respectively, compared to the C treatment. Despite large treatment differences in NPP, RA, and carbon allocation, carbon use efficiency (CUE=NPP/GPP) averaged 0.42 and was unaffected by manipulating site resources. Ecosystem respiration (RE), the sum of Sff, and above ground RA, ranged from 12.8 to 20.2 Mg C ha?1 yr?1. Sff contributed the largest proportion of RE, but the relative importance of Sff decreased from 0.63 in C treatments to 0.47 in IF treatments because of increased aboveground RA. Aboveground woody tissue RA was 15% of RE in C and I treatments compared to 25% of RE in F and IF treatments. Net ecosystem productivity (NEP=GPP‐RE) was roughly 0 in the C and I treatments and 6.4 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 in F and IF treatments, indicating that non‐fertilized treatments were neither a source nor a sink for atmospheric carbon while fertilized treatments were carbon sinks. In these young stands, NEP is tightly linked to NPP; increased ecosystem carbon storage results mainly from an increase in foliage and perennial woody biomass.  相似文献   

Carbon exchange by the terrestrial biosphere is thought to have changed since pre-industrial times in response to increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and variations (anomalies) in inter-annual air temperatures. However, the magnitude of this response, particularly that of various ecosystem types (biomes), is uncertain. Terrestrial carbon models can be used to estimate the direction and size of the terrestrial responses expected, providing that these models have a reasonable theoretical base. We formulated a general model of ecosystem carbon fluxes by linking a process-based canopy photosynthesis model to the Rothamsted soil carbon model for biomes that are not significantly affected by water limitation. The difference between net primary production (NPP) and heterotrophic soil respiration (Rh) represents net ecosystem production (NEP). The model includes (i) multiple compartments for carbon storage in vegetation and soil organic matter, (ii) the effects of seasonal changes in environmental parameters on annual NEP, and (iii) the effects of inter-annual temperature variations on annual NEP. Past, present and projected changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and surface air temperature (at different latitudes) were analysed for their effects on annual NEP in tundra, boreal forest and humid tropical forest biomes. In all three biomes, annual NEP was predicted to increase with CO2 concentration but to decrease with warming. As CO2 concentrations and temperatures rise, the positive carbon gains through increased NPP are often outweighed by losses through increased Rh, particularly at high latitudes where global warming has been (and is expected to be) most severe. We calculated that, several times during the past 140 years, both the tundra and boreal forest biomes have switched between being carbon sources (annual NEP negative) and being carbon sinks (annual NEP positive). Most recently, significant warming at high latitudes during 1988 and 1990 caused the tundra and boreal forests to be net carbon sources. Humid tropical forests generally have been a carbon sink since 1960. These modelled responses of the various biomes are in agreement with other estimates from either field measurements or geochemical models. Under projected CO2 and temperature increases, the tundra and boreal forests will emit increasingly more carbon to the atmosphere while the humid tropical forest will continue to store carbon. Our analyses also indicate that the relative increase in the seasonal amplitude of the accumulated NEP within a year is about 0–14% year?1 for boreal forests and 0–23% year?1 in the tundra between 1960 and 1990.  相似文献   

The Amazon Basin experiences severe droughts that may become more common in the future. Little is known of the effects of such droughts on Amazon forest productivity and carbon allocation. We tested the prediction that severe drought decreases litterfall and wood production but potentially has multiple cancelling effects on belowground production within a 7-year partial throughfall exclusion experiment. We simulated an approximately 35-41% reduction in effective rainfall from 2000 through 2004 in a 1ha plot and compared forest response with a similar control plot. Wood production was the most sensitive component of above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP) to drought, declining by 13% the first year and up to 62% thereafter. Litterfall declined only in the third year of drought, with a maximum difference of 23% below the control plot. Soil CO2 efflux and its 14C signature showed no significant treatment response, suggesting similar amounts and sources of belowground production. ANPP was similar between plots in 2000 and declined to a low of 41% below the control plot during the subsequent treatment years, rebounding to only a 10% difference during the first post-treatment year. Live aboveground carbon declined by 32.5Mgha-1 through the effects of drought on ANPP and tree mortality. Results of this unreplicated, long-term, large-scale ecosystem manipulation experiment demonstrate that multi-year severe drought can substantially reduce Amazon forest carbon stocks.  相似文献   

Eddy covariance measurements of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of carbon dioxide and sensible and latent heat have operated since clear felling of a 50‐year old maritime pine stand in Les Landes, in Southwestern France. Turbulent fluxes from the closed‐path system are computed via different methodologies, including those recommended from EUROFLUX (Adv. Ecol. Res. 30 (2000) 113; Agric. Forest Meteorol. 107 (2001a, b) 43 and 71), and sensitivity analysis demonstrates the merit of post‐processing for accurate flux calculation. Footprint modeling, energy balance closure, and empirical modeling corroborate the eddy flux measurements, indicating best reliability in the daytime. The ecosystem, a net source of atmospheric CO2, is capable of fixing carbon during fair weather during any season due to the abundance of re‐growing species (mostly grass), formerly from the understorey. Annual carbon loss of 200–340 g m?2 depends on the period chosen, with inter‐annual variability evident during the 18‐month measurement period and apparently related to available light. Empirical models, with weekly photosynthetic parameters corresponding to seasonal vegetation and respiration depending on soil temperature, fit the data well and allow partitioning of annual NEE into GPP and TER components. Comparison with a similar nearby mature forest (Agric. Forest Meteorol. 108 (2001) 183) indicates that clear‐cutting reduces GPP by two thirds but TER by only one third, transforming a strong forest sink into a source of CO2. Likewise, the loss of 50% of evapotranspiration (by the trees) leads to increased temperatures and thus reduced net radiation (by one third), and a 50% increase in sensible heat loss by the clear cut.  相似文献   

Reconciling Carbon-cycle Concepts, Terminology, and Methods   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Recent projections of climatic change have focused a great deal of scientific and public attention on patterns of carbon (C) cycling as well as its controls, particularly the factors that determine whether an ecosystem is a net source or sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Net ecosystem production (NEP), a central concept in C-cycling research, has been used by scientists to represent two different concepts. We propose that NEP be restricted to just one of its two original definitions—the imbalance between gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER). We further propose that a new term—net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB)—be applied to the net rate of C accumulation in (or loss from [negative sign]) ecosystems. Net ecosystem carbon balance differs from NEP when C fluxes other than C fixation and respiration occur, or when inorganic C enters or leaves in dissolved form. These fluxes include the leaching loss or lateral transfer of C from the ecosystem; the emission of volatile organic C, methane, and carbon monoxide; and the release of soot and CO2 from fire. Carbon fluxes in addition to NEP are particularly important determinants of NECB over long time scales. However, even over short time scales, they are important in ecosystems such as streams, estuaries, wetlands, and cities. Recent technological advances have led to a diversity of approaches to the measurement of C fluxes at different temporal and spatial scales. These approaches frequently capture different components of NEP or NECB and can therefore be compared across scales only by carefully specifying the fluxes included in the measurements. By explicitly identifying the fluxes that comprise NECB and other components of the C cycle, such as net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and net biome production (NBP), we can provide a less ambiguous framework for understanding and communicating recent changes in the global C cycle.  相似文献   

Biomass in forests sequesters substantial amounts of carbon; although the contribution of aboveground biomass has been extensively studied, the contribution of belowground biomass remains understudied. Investigating the forest biomass allocation is crucial for understanding the impacts of global change on carbon allocation and cycling.Moreover, the question of how climate factors affect biomass allocation in natural and planted forests remains unresolved. Here, we addressed this question by coll...  相似文献   

Net ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange (NEE) was measured in a northern temperate grassland near Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada for three growing seasons using the eddy covariance technique. The study objectives were to document how NEE and its major component processes—gross photosynthesis (GPP) and total ecosystem respiration (TER)—vary seasonally and interannually, and to examine how environmental and physiological factors influence the annual C budget. The greatest difference among the three study years was the amount of precipitation received. The annual precipitation for 1998 (481.7 mm) was significantly above the 1971–2000 mean (± SD, 377.9 ± 97.0 mm) for Lethbridge, whereas 1999 (341.3 mm) was close to average, and 2000 (275.5 mm) was significantly below average. The high precipitation and soil moisture in 1998 allowed a much higher GPP and an extended period of net carbon gain relative to 1999 and 2000. In 1998, the peak NEE was a gain of 5 g C m?2 d?1 (day 173). Peak NEE was lower and also occurred earlier in the year on days 161 (3.2 g C m?2 d?1) and 141 (2.4 g C m?2 d?1) in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Change in soil moisture was the most important ecological factor controlling C gain in this grassland ecosystem. Soil moisture content was positively correlated with leaf area index (LAI). Gross photosynthesis was strongly correlated with changes in both LAI and canopy nitrogen (N) content. Maximum GPP (Amax: value calculated from a rectangular hyperbola fitted to the relationship between GPP and incident photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)) was 27.5, 12.9 and 8.6 µmol m?2 s?1 during 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively. The apparent quantum yield also differed among years at the time of peak photosynthetic activity, with calculated values of 0.0254, 0.018 and 0.018 during 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively. The ecosystem accumulated a total of 111.9 g C m?2 from the time the eddy covariance measurements were initiated in June 1998 until the end of December 2000, with most of that C gained during 1998. There was a net uptake of almost 21 g C m?2 in 1999, whereas a net loss of 18 g C m?2 was observed in 2000. The net uptake of C during 1999 was the combined result of slightly higher GPP (287.2 vs. 272.3 g C m?2 year?1) and lower TER (266.6 vs. 290.4 g C m?2 year?1) than occurred in 2000.  相似文献   

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