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Within a large carnivore guild, subordinate competitors (African wild dog, Lycaon pictus, and cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus) might reduce the limiting effects of dominant competitors (lion, Panthera leo, and spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta) by avoiding them in space, in time, or through patterns of prey selection. Understanding how these competitors cope with one other can inform strategies for their conservation. We tested how mechanisms of niche partitioning promote coexistence by quantifying patterns of prey selection and the use of space and time by all members of the large carnivore guild within Liuwa Plain National Park in western Zambia. Lions and hyenas specialized on wildebeest, whereas wild dogs and cheetahs selected broader diets including smaller and less abundant prey. Spatially, cheetahs showed no detectable avoidance of areas heavily used by dominant competitors, but wild dogs avoided areas heavily used by lions. Temporally, the proportion of kills by lions and hyenas did not detectably differ across four time periods (day, crepuscular, early night, and late night), but wild dogs and especially cheetahs concentrated on time windows that avoided nighttime hunting by lions and hyenas. Our results provide new insight into the conditions under which partitioning may not allow for coexistence for one subordinate species, the African wild dog, while it does for cheetah. Because of differences in responses to dominant competitors, African wild dogs may be more prone to competitive exclusion (local extirpation), particularly in open, uniform ecosystems with simple (often wildebeest dominated) prey communities, where spatial avoidance is difficult.  相似文献   

Large carnivore community structure is affected by direct and indirect interactions between intra-guild members. Co-existence between different species within a carnivore guild may occur through diet, habitat or temporal partitioning. Since carnivore species are highly dependent on availability and accessibility of prey, diet partitioning is potentially one of the most important mechanisms in allowing carnivores to co-exist. Intra-guild interactions may vary over time as carnivore prey preference and diet overlap can change due to seasonal changes in resource availability. We conducted scat analysis to compare the seasonal changes in prey preference, diet partitioning and niche breadth of four large carnivore species, namely leopard Panthera pardus, spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta, brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea and wild dog Lycaon pictus in central Tuli, Botswana. Large carnivores in central Tuli display a high dietary overlap, with spotted hyena and brown hyena displaying almost complete dietary overlap and the other carnivore species displaying slightly lower but still significant dietary overlap. Dietary niche breadth for both hyena species was high possibly due to their flexible foraging strategies, including scavenging, while leopard and wild dog showed a relatively low niche breadth, suggesting a more specialised diet. High dietary overlap in central Tuli is possibly explained by the high abundance of prey species in the area thereby reducing competition pressure between carnivore species. Our research highlights the need to assess the influence of diet partitioning in structuring large carnivore communities across multiple study sites, by demonstrating that in prey rich environments, the need for diet partitioning by carnivores to avoid competition may be limited.  相似文献   

A central prediction of niche theory is that biotic communities are structured by niche differentiation arising from competition. To date, there have been numerous studies of niche differentiation in local ant communities, but little attention has been given to the macroecology of niche differentiation, including the extent to which particular biomes show distinctive patterns of niche structure across their global ranges. We investigated patterns of niche differentiation and competition in ant communities in tropical rainforests, using different baits reflecting the natural food spectrum. We examined the extent of temporal and dietary niche differentiation and spatial segregation of ant communities at five rainforest sites in the neotropics, paleotropics, and tropical Australia. Despite high niche overlap, we found significant dietary and temporal niche differentiation in every site. However, there was no spatial segregation among foraging ants at the community level, despite strong competition for preferred food resources. Although sucrose, melezitose, and dead insects attracted most ants, some species preferentially foraged on seeds, living insects, or bird feces. Moreover, most sites harbored more diurnal than nocturnal species. Overall niche differentiation was strongest in the least diverse site, possibly due to its lower number of rare species. Both temporal and dietary differentiation thus had strong effects on the ant assemblages, but their relative importance varied markedly among sites. Our analyses show that patterns of niche differentiation in ant communities are highly idiosyncratic even within a biome, such that a mechanistic understanding of the drivers of niche structure in ant communities remains elusive.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms may contribute to the high species richness often reported in ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal communities, including spatial and temporal partitioning. Here, we focus on temporal partitioning. Using molecular methods, we determined the frequencies of occurrence of ECM fungal species detected as hyphae and ECM roots in the forest floor of a Pinus resinosa plantation during a 13-month period. We then used a novel statistical procedure to place the most frequently occurring ECM fungal species into groups distinguished by their patterns of relative frequency over time. Three groups with contrasting temporal patterns were distinguishable for fungal species detected as hyphae. Two groups were distinguishable for species detected as ECM roots. Our results support the hypothesis that temporal partitioning occurs among the species of ECM fungi in this community, but we did not address its causes, which may have involved interactions among species' physiological tolerances, temporal environmental variability, temporal patterns of root production, and variation in fungal genet lifespan. These interactions should be the subjects of future research.  相似文献   

Theory posits that the persistence of species in ecological communities is shaped by their interactions within and across trophic guilds. However, we lack empirical evaluations of how the structure, strength and sign of biotic interactions drive the potential to coexist in diverse multi-trophic communities. Here, we model community feasibility domains, a theoretically informed measure of multi-species coexistence probability, from grassland communities comprising more than 45 species on average from three trophic guilds (plants, pollinators and herbivores). Contrary to our hypothesis, increasing community complexity, measured either as the number of guilds or community richness, did not decrease community feasibility. Rather, we observed that high degrees of species self-regulation and niche partitioning allow for maintaining larger levels of community feasibility and higher species persistence in more diverse communities. Our results show that biotic interactions within and across guilds are not random in nature and both structures significantly contribute to maintaining multi-trophic diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract There is accumulating evidence that sexual interactions among species (reproductive interference) could have dramatic effects for species’ coexistence. It has been shown that the fitness of individuals can be substantially reduced as a consequence of reproductive interference. This might subsequently lead to displacement of a species (sexual exclusion). On the other hand, some evolutionary and ecological mechanisms might enable species to coexist, such as the divergence of mate recognition systems (reproductive character displacement), habitat partitioning, clumped dispersion patterns or different colonization capabilities. We have previously shown that the two ground‐hopper species Tetrix subulata and Tetrix ceperoi interact sexually in the laboratory as well as in the field. At sites where both species co‐occur niche overlap was high, suggesting that coexistence is maintained by different niche breadths rather than by habitat partitioning. To test the hypothesis that habitat partitioning does not contribute to species’ coexistence, we examined whether allotopic and syntopic populations of these two species differ in niche overlap (competitive release). Our results show that niche overlap is higher in syntopic than in allotopic populations, suggesting that the site‐specific habitat structure (heterogeneity) has a stronger influence on microhabitat utilization than the presence of heterospecifics. Hence, our data do not support the hypothesis that habitat partitioning plays a substantial role for the coexistence of these sexually interacting species.  相似文献   

Although both interspecific competition and coexistence mechanisms are central to ecological and evolutionary theory, past empirical studies have generally focused on simple (two-species) communities over short time periods. Experimental tests of these species interactions are challenging in complex study systems. Moreover, several studies of ‘imperfect generalists’, consistent with Liem's Paradox, raise questions about the ability of evolved species differences to partition niche space effectively when resources vary considerably across the annual cycle. Here we used a recently developed theoretical framework to combine past research on population-level processes with observational data on resource use to test for ongoing interspecific competition and understand the nature of resource overlap. We compared species diet overlaps and differences in several distinctive communities centred on a focal species, the American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla replicated both spatially and seasonally, in combination with documentation of population regulation to assess the ability of similar species to partition dietary niche space and limit interspecific competition. Our results document high dietary overlap in most of the communities studied, with only subtle differentiation consistent with known species differences in foraging behaviour and morphology. These findings are largely consistent with species foraging as imperfect generalists. However, in contrast to past studies, the high diet overlaps observed here during times of inferred resource scarcity were driven by low-value prey taxa (e.g. small ants) and did not involve truly ‘private’ resources. All of these factors increase the potential negative impacts of interspecific competition, and limit the ability of these birds to avoid competition if food availability deteriorates further than observed in our study, either seasonally or at longer intervals.  相似文献   

Effective conservation management requires an understanding of the spatiotemporal dynamics driving large carnivore density and resource partitioning. In African ecosystems, reduced prey populations and the loss of competing guild members, most notably lion (Panthera leo), are expected to increase the levels of competition between remaining carnivores. Consequently, intraguild relationships can be altered, potentially increasing the risk of further population decline. Kasungu National Park (KNP), Malawi, is an example of a conservation area that has experienced large‐scale reductions in both carnivore and prey populations, leaving a resident large carnivore guild consisting of only leopard (Panthera pardus) and spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Here, we quantify the spatiotemporal dynamics of these two species and their degree of association, using a combination of co‐detection modeling, time‐to‐event analyses, and temporal activity patterns from camera trap data. The detection of leopard and spotted hyena was significantly associated with the detection of preferred prey and competing carnivores, increasing the likelihood of species interaction. Temporal analyses revealed sex‐specific differences in temporal activity, with female leopard activity patterns significantly different to those of spotted hyena and male conspecifics. Heightened risk of interaction with interspecific competitors and male conspecifics may have resulted in female leopards adopting temporal avoidance strategies to facilitate coexistence. Female leopard behavioral adaptations increased overall activity levels and diurnal activity rates, with potential consequences for overall fitness and exposure to sources of mortality. As both species are currently found at low densities in KNP, increased risk of competitive interactions, which infer a reduction in fitness, could have significant implications for large carnivore demographics. The protection of remaining prey populations is necessary to mitigate interspecific competition and avoid further alterations to the large carnivore guild.  相似文献   

Temporal partitioning of daily activities between species may promote coexistence within animal communities by reducing behavioural interference, particularly when species highly overlap in the use of space and resources. Such a strategy may be used by Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) when in the presence of mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon × Ovis sp.), an introduced highly gregarious species with a broader ecological niche, overlapping with that of chamois. Using simultaneous monitoring of 29 Global Positioning System‐collared chamois and 12 mouflon, we assessed the temporal variation in activity patterns of chamois amongst two subpopulations: one without mouflon and one with mouflon, during January and August, which are the two most extreme periods of spatial overlap of mouflon with chamois distribution. Substantial differences in activity patterns between chamois and mouflon were observed (mean 13.8 ± 10.5% in January and 10.6 ± 11.6% in August). More subtle differences appeared between both subpopulations of chamois and persisted, regardless of the spatial overlap with mouflon (3.2 ± 1.8% in January and 2.6 ± 1.5% in August), thus highlighting that there is no behavioural interference from mouflon on chamois. Our findings suggest that the temporal partitioning of daily activities between chamois and mouflon, although probably a result of species‐specific adaptations to environmental conditions, may contribute to their coexistence. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 621–626.  相似文献   

Pheasants (order Galliformes) are typical ground‐dwelling birds, having a large body size and weak flight abilities. Sympatric pheasants are expected to share narrower niche space and face more extensive interspecific competition. However, little work has been undertaken simultaneously to investigate niche partitioning among sympatric pheasant species across multiple ecological dimensions. We compared microhabitat use, activity pattern and foraging strategy of sympatric Blood Pheasant Ithaginis cruentus, Buff‐throated Partridge Tetraophasis szechenyii and White Eared‐pheasant Crossoptilon crossoptilon on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau, China, to identify potential interspecific niche partitioning along different ecological dimensions in the breeding season. We found that the Buff‐throated Partridge differed significantly from the other two species in microhabitat use, and the three species showed different foraging strategies. It is likely that niche partitioning reduced potential interspecific competition, thus facilitating the species’ stable coexistence. Our study provides practical evidence of multidimensional niche theory within sympatric ground‐dwelling pheasant species, emphasizing that species interactions and coexistence within a guild are often not uni‐dimensional. Given global conservation concern for maintaining bird diversity, we recommend further restriction of yak grazing in these species’ habitat.  相似文献   

To assess niche overlap between the most similar European sympatric carnivores, the pine marten Martes martes and stone marten Martes foina, and outline their potential distributions and connectivity corridors in Central Italy, we applied a multivariate kernel density procedure which allowed to assess both species' ecological hypervolumes based on a set of 16 environmental predictors and used the resulting probability of occurrence map as a resistance surface in electrical circuit theory-based models. Distance to watercourses and percent cover of deciduous forest and shrubland were the most relevant factors shaping pine marten ecological niche, while stone marten distribution was mainly shaped by human population density and cover of both human settlements and deciduous forest. Overlap between the hypervolumes of the two martens was low-to-moderate, while, on average, landscape connectivity was higher for the stone marten. The inclusion in the models of human disturbance-related variables enabled to define a possible mechanism driving habitat partitioning in human-altered landscapes. Based on our results, increasing human density and urbanization of European lowland and hilly landscapes are expected to represent a greater threat to the pine marten than the stone marten.  相似文献   

Diverse species assemblages theoretically partition along multiple resource axes to maintain niche separation between all species. Temporal partitioning has received less attention than spatial or dietary partitioning but may facilitate niche separation when species overlap along other resource axes. We conducted a broad‐scale acoustic study of the diverse and heterogeneous Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the Appalachian Mountains. Between 2015 and 2016, we deployed acoustic bat detectors at 50 sites (for a total of 322 survey nights). We examined spatiotemporal patterns of bat activity (by phonic group: Low, Mid, and Myotis) to test the hypothesis that bats partition both space and time. Myotis and Low bats were the most spatially and temporally dissimilar, while Mid bats were more general in their resource use. Low bats were active in early successional openings or low‐elevation forests, near water, and early in the evening. Mid bats were similarly active in all land cover classes, regardless of distance from water, throughout the night. Myotis avoided early successional openings and were active in forested land cover classes, near water, and throughout the night. Myotis and Mid bats did not alter their spatial activity patterns from 2015 to 2016, while Low bats did. We observed disparate temporal activity peaks between phonic groups that varied between years and by land cover class. The temporal separation between phonic groups relaxed from 2015 to 2016, possibly related to changes in the relative abundance of bats or changes in insect abundance or diversity. Temporal separation was more pronounced in the land cover classes that saw greater overall bat activity. These findings support the hypothesis that niche separation in diverse assemblages may occur along multiple resource axes and adds to the growing body of evidence that bats partition their temporal activity.  相似文献   

Two rodent species of the genus Acomys coexist on rocky terrain in the southern deserts of Israel. The common spiny mouse (A. cahirinus) is nocturnally active whereas the golden spiny mouse (A. russatus) is diurnally active. An early removal study suggested that competition accounts for this pattern of temporal partitioning: the golden spiny mouse is forced into diurnal activity by its congener. Theoretically, temporal segregation should facilitate coexistence if the shared limiting resources differ at different times (primarily among predators whose prey populations have activity rhythms), or if they are renewed within the period of the temporal segregation. We studied food preferences of the two Acomys species in a controlled cafeteria experiment in order to assess resource overlap and the potential for competition for food between the two species. We found no significant difference in food preferences between species. The dietary items preferred by both were arthropods. We also carried out a seasonal study of the percentage and identity of arthropods taken in the field by individuals of the two species. Individuals of both species took on annual average a high percentage of arthropods in their diets. Seasonal diet shifts reflect seasonal abundance of arthropods at Ein Gedi during day and night. Diurnal activity may also reduce interspecific interference competition between A. russatus and A. cahirinus. However, the strong interspecific dietary overlap in food preference, the heavy reliance on arthropods in spiny mouse diets, and the seasonal and circadian differences in arthropod consumption suggest that prey partitioning may be a viable mechanism of coexistence in this system. Received: 6 July 1998 / Accepted: 10 May 1999  相似文献   

In many natural systems, individuals compete with conspecificsand heterospecifics for food and in some cases, individualshave been observed to partition their foraging times or fightover food. In this study, I investigated when it is optimalfor a consumer to partition time and be aggressive. I formulatedan individual-based model of foraging and used game theoryto find evolutionarily stable strategies (ESSs) that maximizethe probability that consumers survive each day and acquiretheir daily food requirements. Consumers choose when to forageand when to behave aggressively during confrontations overfood. Consumers are each associated with a state variable,representing the amount of food eaten, and a dominance ranking, which describes how likely they are to forage and fight forfood. The ESS is sensitive to food abundance, consumer state,and the dominance ranking. When food is abundant, temporalpartitioning is often an ESS where the dominant consumer foragesfirst; however, partitioning is unlikely to be an ESS when food abundance is low. Fights over food are typically avoidedbut may be part of an ESS when food abundance is low, bothconsumers are hungry, or the time available for foraging eachday is drawing to a close. Because the ESS is sensitive toconsumer state, the stochastic nature of finding food often results in considerable variation in observed foraging dynamicsfrom one day to the next, even when consumers adopt the samestate-dependent strategy each day. Results are compared withempirical observations, and I discuss implications for consumercoexistence.  相似文献   

Although food resource partitioning among sympatric species has often been explored in riverine systems, the potential influence of prey diversity on resource partitioning is little known. Using empirical data, we modeled food resource partitioning (assessed as dietary overlap) of coexisting juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and alpine bullhead (Cottus poecilopus). Explanatory variables incorporated into the model were fish abundance, benthic prey diversity and abundance, and several dietary metrics to give a total of seventeen potential explanatory variables. First, a forward stepwise procedure based on the Akaike information criterion was used to select explanatory variables with significant effects on food resource partitioning. Then, linear mixed‐effect models were constructed using the selected explanatory variables and with sampling site as a random factor. Food resource partitioning between salmon and bullhead increased significantly with increasing prey diversity, and the variation in food resource partitioning was best described by the model that included prey diversity as the only explanatory variable. This study provides empirical support for the notion that prey diversity is a key driver of resource partitioning among competing species.  相似文献   

Prey diversity and temporal foraging patterns of six abundant,predatory ant species were investigated seasonally in an agroecosystem with two main vegetable crops.Pheidole sp.demonstrated the highest predation success and therefore appears to be the dominant species while Tapinoma melanocephalum showed the lowest success under the natural field conditions.Investigation of prey diversity and temporal activity patterns with the null model tests of niche overlap revealed a significant overlap indicating that t...  相似文献   

Animal activity is driven by the environmental conditions and physical structure of a habitat, and the need to interact with, or avoid, other animals. Knowledge of the proportion of the 24-hour cycle spent active (activity level), and the time/s of day in which activity is concentrated (activity pattern), informs our understanding of species' ecology and community dynamics. In multidimensional habitats such as tropical rainforests, arboreal (canopy-dwelling) taxa comprise up to three-quarters of vertebrate assemblages; yet, wildlife surveys are typically limited to ground level. Terrestrial-only sampling can result in activity metrics that do not take account of species' full use of horizontal and vertical habitat space. We paired ground- and canopy-level camera traps to characterize mammal activity across vertical strata in Borneo. Additionally, we sampled unlogged and recovering-logged rainforest to evaluate whether this activity was impacted by logging. Activity across vertical strata varied substantially among 37 species. Arboreal mammals were predominantly nocturnal or diurnal but never cathemeral, terrestrial mammals were mostly nocturnal or cathemeral, and semi-arboreal mammals appeared to fill the temporal niches under-utilized by other groups. Differences in activity between unlogged and recovering-logged forest were minimal, with 92% of species found in both forest types retaining the same activity pattern. Our study demonstrates that the inclusion of canopy-based sampling provides much greater insights into overall rainforest mammal activity than terrestrial sampling alone. Our results suggest that the varying opportunities and constraints of each stratum act in concert to influence the diel patterns of tropical mammals. Abstract in Malay is available with online material.  相似文献   

Sex differences in foraging behavior have been widely reported in the ornithological literature, but few examples are available from tropical avifaunas. Differences between males and females in foraging behavior have been hypothesized to be a byproduct of sexual size dimorphism or a result of niche partitioning to reduce intersexual competition for food or different reproductive roles. From 2010 to 2013, I used foraging data and mist‐net capture rates from multiple study sites to examine possible sex differences in the foraging behavior of two New Guinean Pachycephala whistlers. I found that male Regent (Pachycephala schlegelii) and Sclater's (Pachycephala soror) whistlers consistently foraged in higher strata than females. It is unlikely that these differences are due to sexual dimorphism because these species exhibit little sexual dimorphism. Sex differences in foraging behavior were consistent across years and study sites and did not appear linked to breeding behavior, supporting the food‐competition hypothesis, but not the reproductive‐roles hypothesis. Male territorial defense often occurs in relatively high strata in Pachycephala whistlers, possibly influencing male foraging strata. However, male territorial behavior cannot explain why females predominately forage in lower strata. Instead, intersexual competition for food resources is likely the primary driver of differences in the foraging behavior of male and female Regent and Sclater's whistlers.  相似文献   

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