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We have isolated a new extremely thermophilic fast-growing Geobacillus strain that can efficiently utilize xylose, glucose, mannose and galactose for cell growth. When grown aerobically at 72 °C, Geobacillus LC300 has a growth rate of 2.15 h−1 on glucose and 1.52 h−1 on xylose (doubling time less than 30 min). The corresponding specific glucose and xylose utilization rates are 5.55 g/g/h and 5.24 g/g/h, respectively. As such, Geobacillus LC300 grows 3-times faster than E. coli on glucose and xylose, and has a specific xylose utilization rate that is 3-times higher than the best metabolically engineered organism to date. To gain more insight into the metabolism of Geobacillus LC300 its genome was sequenced using PacBio׳s RS II single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing platform and annotated using the RAST server. Based on the genome annotation and the measured biomass composition a core metabolic network model was constructed. To further demonstrate the biotechnological potential of this organism, Geobacillus LC300 was grown to high cell-densities in a fed-batch culture, where cells maintained a high xylose utilization rate under low dissolved oxygen concentrations. All of these characteristics make Geobacillus LC300 an attractive host for future metabolic engineering and biotechnology applications.  相似文献   

Thermophilic organisms are being increasingly investigated and applied in metabolic engineering and biotechnology. The distinct metabolic and physiological characteristics of thermophiles, including broad substrate range and high uptake rates, coupled with recent advances in genetic tool development, present unique opportunities for strain engineering. However, poor understanding of the cellular physiology and metabolism of thermophiles has limited the application of systems biology and metabolic engineering tools to these organisms. To address this concern, we applied high resolution 13C metabolic flux analysis to quantify fluxes for three divergent extremely thermophilic bacteria from separate phyla: Geobacillus sp. LC300, Thermus thermophilus HB8, and Rhodothermus marinus DSM 4252. We performed 18 parallel labeling experiments, using all singly labeled glucose tracers for each strain, reconstructed and validated metabolic network models, measured biomass composition, and quantified precise metabolic fluxes for each organism. In the process, we resolved many uncertainties regarding gaps in pathway reconstructions and elucidated how these organisms maintain redox balance and generate energy. Overall, we found that the metabolisms of the three thermophiles were highly distinct, suggesting that adaptation to growth at high temperatures did not favor any particular set of metabolic pathways. All three strains relied heavily on glycolysis and TCA cycle to generate key cellular precursors and cofactors. None of the investigated organisms utilized the Entner-Doudoroff pathway and only one strain had an active oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. Taken together, the results from this study provide a solid foundation for future model building and engineering efforts with these and related thermophiles.  相似文献   

We evolved Thermus thermophilus to efficiently co-utilize glucose and xylose, the two most abundant sugars in lignocellulosic biomass, at high temperatures without carbon catabolite repression. To generate the strain, T. thermophilus HB8 was first evolved on glucose to improve its growth characteristics, followed by evolution on xylose. The resulting strain, T. thermophilus LC113, was characterized in growth studies, by whole genome sequencing, and 13C-metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) with [1,6-13C]glucose, [5-13C]xylose, and [1,6-13C]glucose+[5-13C]xylose as isotopic tracers. Compared to the starting strain, the evolved strain had an increased growth rate (~2-fold), increased biomass yield, increased tolerance to high temperatures up to 90 °C, and gained the ability to grow on xylose in minimal medium. At the optimal growth temperature of 81 °C, the maximum growth rate on glucose and xylose was 0.44 and 0.46 h−1, respectively. In medium containing glucose and xylose the strain efficiently co-utilized the two sugars. 13C-MFA results provided insights into the metabolism of T. thermophilus LC113 that allows efficient co-utilization of glucose and xylose. Specifically, 13C-MFA revealed that metabolic fluxes in the upper part of metabolism adjust flexibly to sugar availability, while fluxes in the lower part of metabolism remain relatively constant. Whole genome sequence analysis revealed two large structural changes that can help explain the physiology of the evolved strain: a duplication of a chromosome region that contains many sugar transporters, and a 5x multiplication of a region on the pVV8 plasmid that contains xylose isomerase and xylulokinase genes, the first two enzymes of xylose catabolism. Taken together, 13C-MFA and genome sequence analysis provided complementary insights into the physiology of the evolved strain.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel approach for measuring highly accurate and precise metabolic fluxes in living cells, termed COMPLETE-MFA, short for complementary parallel labeling experiments technique for metabolic flux analysis. The COMPLETE-MFA method is based on combined analysis of multiple isotopic labeling experiments, where the synergy of using complementary tracers greatly improves the precision of estimated fluxes. In this work, we demonstrate the COMPLETE-MFA approach using all singly labeled glucose tracers, [1-13C], [2-13C], [3-13C], [4-13C], [5-13C], and [6-13C]glucose to determine precise metabolic fluxes for wild-type Escherichia coli. Cells were grown in six parallel cultures on defined medium with glucose as the only carbon source. Mass isotopomers of biomass amino acids were measured by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The data from all six experiments were then fitted simultaneously to a single flux model to determine accurate intracellular fluxes. We obtained a statistically acceptable fit with more than 300 redundant measurements. The estimated flux map is the most precise flux result obtained thus far for E. coli cells. To our knowledge, this is the first time that six isotopic labeling experiments have been successfully integrated for high-resolution 13C-flux analysis.  相似文献   

Metabolic flux analysis using carbon labeling experiments (CLEs) is an important tool in metabolic engineering where the intracellular fluxes have to be computed from the measured extracellular fluxes and the partially measured distribution of 13C labeling within the intracellular metabolite pools. The relation between unknown fluxes and measurements is described by an isotopomer labeling system (ILS) (see Part I [Math. Biosci. 169 (2001) 173]). Part II deals with the structural flux identifiability of measured ILSs in the steady state. The central question is whether the measured data contains sufficient information to determine the unknown intracellular fluxes. This question has to be decided a priori, i.e. before the CLE is carried out. In structural identifiability analysis the measurements are assumed to be noise-free. A general theory of structural flux identifiability for measured ILSs is presented and several algorithms are developed to solve the identifiability problem. In the particular case of maximal measurement information, a symbolical algorithm is presented that decides the identifiability question by means of linear methods. Several upper bounds of the number of identifiable fluxes are derived, and the influence of the chosen inputs is evaluated. By introducing integer arithmetic this algorithm can even be applied to large networks. For the general case of arbitrary measurement information, identifiability is decided by a local criterion. A new algorithm based on integer arithmetic enables an a priori local identifiability analysis to be performed for networks of arbitrary size. All algorithms have been implemented and flux identifiability is investigated for the network of the central metabolic pathways of a microorganism. Moreover, several small examples are worked out to illustrate the influence of input metabolite labeling and the paradox of information loss due to network simplification.  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering for increased isoprenoid production often benefits from the simultaneous expression of the two naturally available isoprenoid metabolic routes, namely the 2-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway and the mevalonate (MVA) pathway. Quantification of the contribution of these pathways to the overall isoprenoid production can help to obtain a better understanding of the metabolism within a microbial cell factory. Such type of investigation can benefit from 13C metabolic flux ratio studies. Here, we designed a method based on parallel labeling experiments (PLEs), using [1-13C]- and [4-13C]glucose as tracers to quantify the metabolic flux ratios in the glycolytic and isoprenoid pathways. By just analyzing a reporter isoprenoid molecule and employing only four equations, we could describe the metabolism involved from substrate catabolism to product formation. These equations infer 13C atom incorporation into the universal isoprenoid building blocks, isopentenyl-pyrophosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl-pyrophosphate (DMAPP). Therefore, this renders the method applicable to the study of any of isoprenoid of interest. As proof of principle, we applied it to study amorpha-4,11-diene biosynthesis in the bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. We confirmed that in this species the Entner-Doudoroff pathway is the major pathway for glucose catabolism, while the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway contributes to a lesser extent. Additionally, we demonstrated that co-expression of the MEP and MVA pathways caused a mutual enhancement of their metabolic flux capacity. Surprisingly, we also observed that the isoprenoid flux ratio remains constant under exponential growth conditions, independently from the expression level of the MVA pathway. Apart from proposing and applying a tool for studying isoprenoid biosynthesis within a microbial cell factory, our work reveals important insights from the co-expression of MEP and MVA pathways, including the existence of a yet unclear interaction between them.  相似文献   

Abstract Thermoanaerobacter thermohydrosulfuricus Rt8.B1 catabolized xylose by the pentose phosphate pathway, and xylose isomerase and xylulokinase were inducible. The uptake of xylose was by two low-affinity, inducible systems. Both systems were resistant to the protonophore, tetrachlorosalicylanilide, the F1F0-ATPase inhibitor, N , N -dicyclohexylcarboiimide, and the sodium/proton antiporter, monensin. The high capacity system (100 nmol min−1 (mg protein)−1) was only expressed when the bacterium was grown with a high concentration of xylose (50 mM). It took more than 60 mM xylose to saturate the high capacity system. When T. thermohydrosulfuricus was grown with a low concentration of xylose (5 mM), xylose uptake was saturated by as little as 10 mM xylose (18 nmol min−1 (mg protein)−1). Cells grown with 50 mM xylose could not transport glucose, and high capacity xylose transport was not inhibited by glucose or non-metabolizable glucose analogues. Cells grown with 5 mM xylose transported glucose at a rapid rate (30 nmol min−1 (mg protein)−1), and low capacity xylose uptake was competitively inhibited by either glucose or 2-deoxy-glucose. Because the glucose uptake of cells grown on 5 mM xylose was competitively inhibited by xylose, it appeared that the low capacity xylose uptake system was a glucose/xylose carrier.  相似文献   

嗜热细菌木糖异构酶基因xylA在酿酒酵母中的高效表达   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
采用PCR技术克隆得到嗜热细菌Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum木糖异构酶(xylose isomerase XI)基因xylA,将该基因连接于酵母表达载体pMA91的磷酸甘油激酶(PGK)启动子下,得到重组质粒pBX1。通过LiAc完整细胞转化法将重组质粒转移至酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)H158受体菌中,得到重组酵母转化子H612,酶活测定结果表明,成功地在酿酒酵母中得到木糖异构酶的活性表达。SDSPAGE电泳结果显示出明显的特异性表达产物带,单体分子量为43kD。由酿酒酵母重组子H612产生的木糖异构酶最高酶活条件与其在自然状态下的一致,均为85℃,pH70,在这一条件下酶的比活力为10U/mg蛋白,而在接近酵母最适生长温度的30℃和40℃时,其相对酶活分别下降37%和11%。研究结果显示在酿酒酵母中得到木糖异构酶的活性表达,为进一步在酿酒酵母菌中建立新的木糖代谢途径打下了基础。  相似文献   

Thermus thermophilus is an extremely thermophilic bacterium with significant biotechnological potential. In this work, we have characterized aerobic growth characteristics of T. thermophilus HB8 at temperatures between 50 and 85 °C, constructed a metabolic network model of its central carbon metabolism and validated the model using 13C-metabolic flux analysis (13C–MFA). First, cells were grown in batch cultures in custom constructed mini-bioreactors at different temperatures to determine optimal growth conditions. The optimal temperature for T. thermophilus grown on defined medium with glucose was 81 °C. The maximum growth rate was 0.25 h−1. Between 50 and 81 °C the growth rate increased by 7-fold and the temperature dependence was described well by an Arrhenius model with an activation energy of 47 kJ/mol. Next, we performed a 13C-labeling experiment with [1,2-13C] glucose as the tracer and calculated intracellular metabolic fluxes using 13C–MFA. The results provided support for the constructed network model and highlighted several interesting characteristics of T. thermophilus metabolism. We found that T. thermophilus largely uses glycolysis and TCA cycle to produce biosynthetic precursors, ATP and reducing equivalents needed for cells growth. Consistent with its proposed metabolic network model, we did not detect any oxidative pentose phosphate pathway flux or Entner-Doudoroff pathway activity. The biomass precursors erythrose-4-phosphate and ribose-5-phosphate were produced via the non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, and largely via transketolase, with little contribution from transaldolase. The high biomass yield on glucose that was measured experimentally was also confirmed independently by 13C–MFA. The results presented here provide a solid foundation for future studies of T. thermophilus and its metabolic engineering applications.  相似文献   

Glucose and xylose are the two most abundant sugars derived from the breakdown of lignocellulosic biomass. While aerobic glucose metabolism is relatively well understood in E. coli, until now there have been only a handful of studies focused on anaerobic glucose metabolism and no 13C-flux studies on xylose metabolism. In the absence of experimentally validated flux maps, constraint-based approaches such as MOMA and RELATCH cannot be used to guide new metabolic engineering designs. In this work, we have addressed this critical gap in current understanding by performing comprehensive characterizations of glucose and xylose metabolism under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, using recent state-of-the-art techniques in 13C metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA). Specifically, we quantified precise metabolic fluxes for each condition by performing parallel labeling experiments and analyzing the data through integrated 13C-MFA using the optimal tracers [1,2-13C]glucose, [1,6-13C]glucose, [1,2-13C]xylose and [5-13C]xylose. We also quantified changes in biomass composition and confirmed turnover of macromolecules by applying [U-13C]glucose and [U-13C]xylose tracers. We demonstrated that under anaerobic growth conditions there is significant turnover of lipids and that a significant portion of CO2 originates from biomass turnover. Using knockout strains, we also demonstrated that β-oxidation is critical for anaerobic growth on xylose. Quantitative analysis of co-factor balances (NADH/FADH2, NADPH, and ATP) for different growth conditions provided new insights regarding the interplay of energy and redox metabolism and the impact on E. coli cell physiology.  相似文献   

The potential advantages of biological production of chemicals or fuels from biomass at high temperatures include reduced enzyme loading for cellulose degradation, decreased chance of contamination, and lower product separation cost. In general, high temperature production of compounds that are not native to the thermophilic hosts is limited by enzyme stability and the lack of suitable expression systems. Further complications can arise when the pathway includes a volatile intermediate. Here we report the engineering of Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius to produce isobutanol at 50 °C. We prospected various enzymes in the isobutanol synthesis pathway and characterized their thermostabilities. We also constructed an expression system based on the lactate dehydrogenase promoter from Geobacillus thermodenitrificans. With the best enzyme combination and the expression system, 3.3 g/l of isobutanol was produced from glucose and 0.6 g/l of isobutanol from cellobiose in G. thermoglucosidasius within 48 h at 50 °C. This is the first demonstration of isobutanol production in recombinant bacteria at an elevated temperature.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxy-γ-butyrolactone (3HBL) is an attractive building block owing to its broad applications in pharmaceutical industry. Currently, 3HBL is commercially produced by chemical routes using petro-derived carbohydrates, which involves hazardous materials and harsh processing conditions. Only one biosynthetic pathway has been reported for synthesis of 3HBL and its hydrolyzed form 3,4-dihydroxybutyric acid (3,4-DHBA) using glucose and glycolic acid as the substrates and coenzyme A as the activator, which involves multiple steps (>10 steps) and suffers from low productivity and yield. Here we established a novel five-step biosynthetic pathway for 3,4-DHBA generation from D-xylose based on the non-phosphorylative D-xylose metabolism, which led to efficient production of 3,4-DHBA in Escherichia coli. Pathway optimization by incorporation of efficient enzymes for each step and host strain engineering by knocking out competing pathways enabled 1.27 g/L 3,4-DHBA produced in shake flasks, which is the highest titer reported so far. The novel pathway established in engineered E. coli strain demonstrates a new route for 3,4-DHBA biosynthesis from xylose, and this engineered pathway has great potential for industrial biomanufacturing of 3,4-DHBA and 3HBL.  相似文献   

The most promising and yet challenging application of microalgae and cyanobacteria is the production of renewable energy: biodiesel from microalgae triacylglycerols and bioethanol from cyanobacteria carbohydrates. A thorough understanding of microalgal and cyanobacterial metabolism is necessary to master and optimize biofuel production yields. To this end, systems biology and metabolic modeling have proven to be very efficient tools if supported by an accurate knowledge of the metabolic network. However, unlike heterotrophic microorganisms that utilize the same substrate for energy and as carbon source, microalgae and cyanobacteria require light for energy and inorganic carbon (CO2 or bicarbonate) as carbon source. This double specificity, together with the complex mechanisms of light capture, makes the representation of metabolic network nonstandard. Here, we review the existing metabolic networks of photoautotrophic microalgae and cyanobacteria. We highlight how these networks have been useful for gaining insight on photoautotrophic metabolism.  相似文献   

Application of a high-sensitivity microbore system designed to separate and quantify nonderivatized amino acids by anion exchange chromatography and amperometric detection for determination of amino acid-specific activities in biological samples requires high capacity to recover sufficient labeled material for adequate count statistics. Scale up from a low (25-1000 pmol) to a high (500-15,000 pmol) working range was achieved by use of a thick working electrode gasket to reduce sensitivity and eliminate peak splitting and tailing and by modification of the wash procedure to eliminate carryover. Analysis of recoveries of labeled amino acids revealed that specific amino acids are either selectively retained on the column or partially degraded during analysis and that assessment of purities of labeled compounds and metabolic labeling patterns requires careful analysis of recoveries of labeled compounds in the appropriate eluate fraction.  相似文献   

解脂耶氏酵母具有遗传背景清晰、分子操作体系较为成熟、抗逆性强、底物谱广、有机酸和蛋白质分泌能力强等优点,在微生物发酵生产化学品领域极具应用潜力。木质纤维素是丰富的可再生生物质资源,以木质纤维素原料替代化石原料生产化学品对于缓解全球能源危机、保障粮食安全等意义重大。解脂耶氏酵母可以天然代谢木质纤维素水解产生的葡萄糖,但对其他水解产物(如木糖)的利用效率极低。综述解脂耶氏酵母利用木质纤维素原料的代谢途径及改造策略,以木质纤维素原料生产化学品为例,重点讨论该过程中的主要瓶颈问题及解决办法,为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Summary Clostridium thermoaceticum was used to ferment carbohydrate released from pretreated oat splet xylan and hemicellulose isolated from hybrid poplar. Hydrolysis with dilute sulfuric acid (2.5% (v/v) for oat spelt xylan and 4.0% (v/v) for poplar hemicellulose) at 100°C for 60 min was found to release the highest concentration of fermentable substrate.C. thermoaceticum, when grown in non-pH controlled batch culture at 55°C under a headspace of 100% CO2, typically produced 14gl–1 acetic acid during a 48 h fermentation in medium containing 2% xylose. In fed-batch fermentations this organism was able to produce 42gl–1 acetic acid after 116h when the concentration of xylose was maintained at approximately 2% and the pH was controlled at 7.0.  相似文献   

Clostridium tyrobutyricum is a promising microorganism for butyric acid production. However, its ability to utilize xylose, the second most abundant sugar found in lignocellulosic biomass, is severely impaired by glucose-mediated carbon catabolite repression (CCR). In this study, CCR in C. tyrobutyricum was eliminated by overexpressing three heterologous xylose catabolism genes (xylT, xylA and xlyB) cloned from C. acetobutylicum. Compared to the parental strain, the engineered strain Ct-pTBA produced more butyric acid (37.8 g/L vs. 19.4 g/L) from glucose and xylose simultaneously, at a higher xylose utilization rate (1.28 g/L·h vs. 0.16 g/L·h) and efficiency (94.3% vs. 13.8%), resulting in a higher butyrate productivity (0.53 g/L·h vs. 0.26 g/L·h) and yield (0.32 g/g vs. 0.28 g/g). When the initial total sugar concentration was ~120 g/L, both glucose and xylose utilization rates increased with increasing their respective concentration or ratio in the co-substrates but the total sugar utilization rate remained almost unchanged in the fermentation at pH 6.0. Decreasing the pH to 5.0 significantly decreased sugar utilization rates and butyrate productivity, but the effect was more pronounced for xylose than glucose. The addition of benzyl viologen (BV) as an artificial electron carrier facilitated the re-assimilation of acetate and increased butyrate production to a final titer of 46.4 g/L, yield of 0.43 g/g sugar consumed, productivity of 0.87 g/L·h, and acid purity of 98.3% in free-cell batch fermentation, which were the highest ever reported for butyric acid fermentation. The engineered strain with BV addition thus can provide an economical process for butyric acid production from lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

The extremely thermophilic ethanol-producing strain A3 was isolated from a hot spring in Iceland. The cells were rod-shaped, motile, and had terminal spores; cells from the mid-to-late exponential growth phase stained gram-variable but had a gram-positive cell wall structure when viewed by transmission electron microscopy. Strain A3 used a number of carbohydrates as carbon sources, including xylan, but did not utilize microcrystalline cellulose. Fermentation end products were ethanol, acetate, lactate, CO2, and H2. The temperature optimum for growth was between 70 and 75° C, and growth occurred in the range of 50–75° C. The pH range for growth was 4.7–8.8, with an optimum at pH 7.0. Strain A3 was sensitive to tetracycline, chloramphenicol, penicillin G, neomycin, and vancomycin at 100 mg/l but was not sensitive to chloramphenicol and neomycin at 10 mg/l, which indicates that strain A3 belongs to the eubacteria. Addition of 50.66 kPa H2 or 2% NaCl did not affect growth. The isolate grew in the presence of exogenously added 4% (w/v) ethanol. The G+C ratio was 37 mol%. 16S rDNA studies revealed that strain A3 belongs to the genus Thermoanaerobacter. Genotypic and phenotypic differences between strain A3 and other related species indicate that strain A3 can be assigned to a new species, and the name Thermoanaerobacter mathranii is proposed. Received: 7 October 1996 / Accepted: 14 March 1997  相似文献   

Parageobacillus thermoglucosidasius represents a thermophilic, facultative anaerobic bacterial chassis, with several desirable traits for metabolic engineering and industrial production. To further optimize strain productivity, a systems level understanding of its metabolism is needed, which can be facilitated by a genome-scale metabolic model. Here, we present p-thermo, the most complete, curated and validated genome-scale model (to date) of Parageobacillus thermoglucosidasius NCIMB 11955. It spans a total of 890 metabolites, 1175 reactions and 917 metabolic genes, forming an extensive knowledge base for P. thermoglucosidasius NCIMB 11955 metabolism. The model accurately predicts aerobic utilization of 22 carbon sources, and the predictive quality of internal fluxes was validated with previously published 13C-fluxomics data. In an application case, p-thermo was used to facilitate more in-depth analysis of reported metabolic engineering efforts, giving additional insight into fermentative metabolism. Finally, p-thermo was used to resolve a previously uncharacterised bottleneck in anaerobic metabolism, by identifying the minimal required supplemented nutrients (thiamin, biotin and iron(III)) needed to sustain anaerobic growth. This highlights the usefulness of p-thermo for guiding the generation of experimental hypotheses and for facilitating data-driven metabolic engineering, expanding the use of P. thermoglucosidasius as a high yield production platform.  相似文献   

Relative protein abundances of Escherichia coli MG1655 growing exponentially on minimal medium with acetate or glucose as the sole carbon source were investigated in a quantitative shotgun proteome analysis with TMT6‐plex isobaric tags. Peptides were separated by high resolution high/low pH 2D‐LC, using an optimized fraction pooling scheme followed by mass spectrometric analysis. Quantitative data were acquired for 2099 proteins covering 49% of the predicted E. coli proteins, showing system‐wide effects of growth conditions. In total, 507 proteins showed a fold change of at least 1.5 and 205 proteins changed by more than twofold. Significant differences in abundance were observed for most of the proteins in the central carbon metabolism and in proteins relevant for amino acid and protein synthesis, processing of environmental information and scavenging of a variety of alternate carbon sources. Periplasmic‐binding proteins were also more abundant on acetate, especially proteins involved in scavenging extracellular resources such as sugars. All MS data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository (dataset identifier PXD003863).  相似文献   

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