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TAAF ensures since 2007 the management of 5 small tropical islands lying in the southwestern Indian Ocean: the Iles Eparses. These islands share an exceptional natural heritage including many marine and terrestrial endemic species. At a regional scale the Iles Eparses are some of the most pristine ecosystems, largely preserved from anthropogenic impacts due to their geographical isolation and a historically very limited human occupation. In this context, TAAF wished that Iles Eparses become unique natural laboratories for earth scientists and environmental process observation – like climate change impacts - but also sustainable biodiversity sanctuaries for which the scientific community should provide baseline ecological data to inform on appropriate conservation tools. An inter-agency research consortium emerged in 2009 to meet this commitment for the Iles Eparses. This program was intended to set a science framework in accordance with France' objectives for Research and Conservation. It enabled between 2009 and 2014 the implementation of 18 cross-disciplinary research projects ranging from geology to ecology and represented by the variety of the proposed articles in this special issue. Altogether research projects have dramatically increased knowledge on the Iles Eparses' ecosystems and have provided the first overview of their diversity, their functions and their dynamics and its determinants. In particular applied research efforts have supplied a significant amount of ecological evidence that is now available to develop optimal conservation strategy to ensure the Iles Eparses' long-term biodiversity value. These findings point out that the continuation of research activity in the Iles Eparses should be considered a priority.  相似文献   

Isolated carbonate platforms occur throughout the geologic record, from Archean to present. Although the respective roles of tectonics, sediment supply and sea-level changes in the stratigraphical architecture of these systems are relatively well constrained, the details of the nature and controls on the variability of sedimentological patterns between and within individual geomorphologic units on platforms have been barely investigated. This study aims at describing and comparing geomorphological and sedimentological features of surficial sediments and fossil reefs from three isolated carbonate platforms located in the SW Indian Ocean (Glorieuses, Juan de Nova and Europa). These carbonate platforms are relatively small and lack continuous reef margins, which have developed only on windward sides. Field observations, petrographic characterization and grain-size analyses are used to illustrate the spatial patterns of sediment accumulation on these platforms. The internal parts of both Glorieuses and Juan de Nova platforms are blanketed by sand dunes with medium to coarse sands with numerous reef pinnacles. Skeletal components including coral, green algae, and benthic foraminifera fragments prevail in these sediments. Europa platform exhibits a similar skeletal assemblage dominated by coral fragments, with the absence of wave-driven sedimentary bodies. Fossil reefs from the Last interglacial (125,000 years BP) occur on the three platforms. At Glorieuses, a succession of drowned terraces detected on seismic lines is interpreted as reflecting the last deglacial sea-level rise initiated 20,000 years ago. These findings highlight the high potential of these platforms to study past sea-level changes and the related reef response, which remain poorly documented in the SW Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

A specimen of the Chameleon sand tilefish Hoplolatilus chlupatyi was collected off Mozambique during a 2014 FAO Marine Ecosystem Survey by the R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen. Three additional larval specimens of H. chlupatyi were collected in the Mozambique Channel in 2008. These four specimens represent the first records of H. chlupatyi from the Western Indian Ocean, previously known to occur exclusively in the Western Pacific Ocean. Furthermore, the occurrence of the Indian tilefish Hoplolatilus fronticinctus, originally described from Mauritius, is reported for South Africa and Mozambique based on newly collected specimens. Identification of these species is based on genetic and morphological characteristics. Genetic, meristic and morphometric data of H. chlupatyi and H. fronticinctus are provided along with illustrations.  相似文献   

The multidisciplinary programme BioReCIE (Biodiversity, Resources and Conservation of coral reefs at Eparses Is.) inventoried multiple marine animal groups in order to provide information on the coral reef health of the Iles Eparses. All five classes of echinoderms were observed by visual census, photographed and later identified. About 100 species are reported, including a few unidentified ones which require further studies. The Holothuroidea and Ophiuroidea are the most diverse. One new species, the asterinid Aquilonastra chantalae O'Loughlin and McKenzie (2013), was discovered in addition to several new records of echinoderms. The illegal fishery targeting holothurians, which are presently highly valuable resources in this zone, is discussed.  相似文献   

Invasions of alien rodents have shown to have devastating effects on insular ecosystems. Here we review the ecological impacts of these species on the biodiversity of the Balearic and the Canary Islands. A total of seven species of introduced rodents (two rats, three mice, one dormouse, and one squirrel) have been recorded (six in the Balearics and four in the Canaries). Some of them can occasionally be important predators of nesting seabirds, contributing to the decline of endangered populations in both archipelagos. Rats are also known to prey upon terrestrial birds, such as the two endemic Canarian pigeons. Furthermore, rats actively consume both vegetative and reproductive tissues of a high number of plants, with potential relevant indirect effects on vegetation by increasing erosion and favoring the establishment of alien plants. In the Balearics, rats and mice are important seed predators of endemic species and of some plants with a restricted distribution. In the Canaries, rats intensively prey upon about half of the fleshy-fruited tree species of the laurel forest, including some endemics. In both archipelagos, alien rodents disrupt native plant–seed dispersal mutualisms, potentially reducing the chances of plant recruitment at the same time that they modify the structure of plant communities. We further suggest that alien rodents played (and play) a key role in the past and present transformation of Balearic and Canarian native ecosystems.  相似文献   

Key demographic traits in insect herbivores (survival, growth, and egg production) are often responsive to variation in diet quality, especially to dietary nitrogen (N) levels. Soluble carbohydrates may also be limiting. Using defined diets under controlled laboratory conditions, we examined survival, growth, and egg production in response to a range of diet qualities in adult females of a grass-feeding grasshopper Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder). Diets varied factorially within naturally occurring ranges of total N (1–7%) and carbohydrate (4–27%) levels. N concentrations significantly impacted weight gain, egg production rate, the elapsed time until the first egg pod, and the time between the first and second egg pod. These responses were typically quadratic in nature with a maximum response near 4–5% total N. The rate of pod production rather than number of eggs per pod best explained changes in reproductive rate. Dietary carbohydrate levels seldom exerted a significant impact on demographic parameters except when interacting with N on survival, egg weight, and the period between egg pods. Clearly, factors that alter the availability of quality diet, especially total N levels, can contribute to demographic responses in A. deorum. Received: 5 August 1996 / Accepted: 26 April 1997  相似文献   

Faunal assemblages, principal component (PCA), canonical correspondence (CCA), and factor analysis are applied to planktonic foraminifera from 57 core-top samples from the eastern Indian Ocean. The foraminiferal lysocline occurs at 2400 m north of 15°S where carbonate dissolution is induced by the Java upwelling system, and occurs deeper south of 15°S where carbonate dissolution is characteristic of the oligotrophic regions in the Indian Ocean. Dissolution effects, the February standing stock at the time of collection of the plankton-tow material, and different production rates explain the different foraminiferal assemblages found between plankton-tow and core-top samples. Core-top samples are differentiated by PCA into four groups — Upwelling, Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), Transitional, and Southern — that are related to environmental variables (temperature, salinity and nutrients); all environmental variables follow a strong latitudinal component as indicated by the CCA analysis. Similarly, three assemblages are recognized by factor analysis: Factor 1 (dominated by Globigerinoides sacculifer, G. ruber, Globigerinita glutinata and Globorotalia cultrata), factor 2 (dominated by Globigerina bulloides and Globorotalia inflata) and factor 3 (dominated by Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) explain more than 92% of the variance, and are related to sea-surface temperature, thermocline depth and nutrient levels. The seasonal influence of the Java upwelling system supplies nutrients, phyto- and zooplankton to the oligotrophic eastern Indian Ocean (factor 1). South of 24°S, a deep chlorophyll maximum, a deep euphotic zone, a deep thermocline, SSTs below 22°C, and brief upwelling pulses seem to explain factors 2 and 3. The ratio of G. sacculifer and N. dutertrei, two mutually excluding species, appears to indicate the southern boundary of the WPWP. This ratio is applied to core Fr10/95-11 to demonstrate past shifts of the southern boundary of the WPWP.  相似文献   

Aim Cryptoblepharus is a genus of small arboreal or rock‐dwelling scincid lizards, widespread through the Indo‐Pacific and Australian regions, with a disjunct outlier in the Malagasy region. The taxonomy within this genus is controversial, with different authors ranking the different forms (now some 36) at various levels, from different species to subspecies of a single species, Cryptoblepharus boutonii. We investigated the biogeography and genetic differentiation of the Cryptoblepharus from the Western Indian Ocean region, in order to understand their origin and history. Location Western Indian Ocean region. Methods We analysed sequences of mitochondrial DNA (partial 12s and 16s rRNA genes, 766 bp) from 48 specimens collected in Madagascar, Mauritius, the four Comoros islands and East Africa, and also in New Caledonia, representing the Australo‐Pacific unit of the distribution. Results Pairwise sequence divergences of c. 3.1% were found between the New Caledonian forms and the ones from the Western Indian Ocean. Two clades were identified in Madagascar, probably corresponding to the recognized forms cognatus and voeltzkowi, and two clades were identified in the Comoro islands, where each island population formed a distinct haplotype clade. The East African samples form a monophyletic unit, with some variation existing between Pemba, Zanzibar and continental Tanzania populations. Individuals from Mauritius form a divergent group, more related to populations from Moheli and Grand Comore (Comoros islands) than to the others. Main conclusions The level of divergence between the populations from the Western Indian Ocean and Australian regions and the geographic coherence of the variation within the Western Indian Ocean group are concordant with the hypothesis of a colonization of this region by a natural transoceanic dispersal (from Australia or Indonesia). The group then may have diversified in Madagascar, from where it separately colonized the East African coast, the Comoros islands (twice), and Mauritius. The genetic divergence found is congruent with the known morphological variation, but its degree is much lower than typically seen between distinct species of reptiles.  相似文献   

Thraustochytrid protists are often abundant in coastal waters. However, their population dynamics and substrate preferences in the oceanic water column are poorly understood. We studied the abundance and distribution of thraustochytrids, bacteria and TEPs in the equatorial Indian Ocean waters during September 2003, October 2004 and September 2006. Thraustochytrids and bacteria were abundant, suggesting high biological productivity of the region. Thraustochytrids were positively related to bacteria during October 2004 but not at other times, suggesting overlapping or varying substrate preferences at different times. Thraustochytrid and bacteria were positively related to TEPs only in a few stations during October 2004, but were mostly positively related to TEPs generated from in situ water in a roller table experiment. TEPs from natural samples during October 2004 had a much greater affinity to the lectin Concanavalin A than to Limulin compared with those in September 2006 and from the roller tank experiments. The chemical composition of TEPs might explain their relationship with thraustochytrids. Thraustochytrids averaged a higher biomass than bacteria in two of the three cruises, but were less frequent and more patchily distributed compared with bacteria.  相似文献   

Synopsis Ninety six fish belonging to 19 species were taken by deep water line fishing off Aldabra. Analysis of the results shows how various factors such as hooking time changed with depth. The change of bottom temperature with depth was examined. The zone between 100 m and 150 m was found to have considerable temperature variations. The distribution of some serranids and lutjanids appeared to be stratified though there was usually overlap in the range of adjacent species. The results are compared with previous line-fishing off the South coast of Aldabra from deeper water and other areas of the western Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

The loss of bird species following human colonization of New Zealand has raised concerns about the consequences for crucial ecosystem functions such as pollination. The understorey shrub Alseuosmia macrophylla (Alseuosmiaceae) exhibits characteristics typical of a bird pollination syndrome, but populations still persist in northern North Island forest remnants despite the local extinction of most endemic bird pollinators, leading to the suggestion that moths – rather than birds – may be the primary pollinators. The aim of this study was to quantify the importance of endemic birds as pollinators of A. macrophylla over several years by comparing plants on Little Barrier Island (LBI), where all extant endemic bird pollinators still occur, to plants at sites on the adjacent North Island in the Waitakere Ranges (WTK), where only one of these species remains common. Flowers on LBI were visited by endemic bellbirds (Anthornis melanura) and stitchbirds (Notiomystis cincta), while at WTK sites the most common visitors were the recently arrived silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) and the introduced honeybee (Apis mellifera), both of which acted principally as nectar robbers. Caged flowers on LBI had significantly lower fruit set than open flowers, and plants at WTK were significantly more pollen‐limited than plants on LBI. This provides evidence that the loss of endemic pollinating birds is the most likely reason for the high pollen limitation found in some North Island A. macrophylla populations, and the very low seed set of these populations could have serious implications for the long‐term persistence of this species.  相似文献   

In coastal intertidal flats, assemblages of deposit-feeders often vary seasonally and according to the availability of food in sediments. In the mudflat where this study has been done, the deposit-feeder assemblage changed after a sharp increase of fresh detritus, which occurred in summer 1997. The number of the animals increased and abundances of some worms (Streblospio shrubsolii, Desdemona ornata and Capitella cf. capitata) were correlated with the nutritive value of the sediment. In addition, there was evidence that increasing food in summer would increase recruitment of juveniles and adults of S. shrubsolii.In this paper, the concentration of food was manipulated in situ in sediments of an intertidal mudflat in different seasons. Food of high nutritive value was added to small plots of sediments to test hypotheses about effects on the distribution of deposit-feeders. It was predicted that addition of food would change composition and abundance of the assemblage and densities of the deposit-feeders that were correlated to the availability of food. Furthermore, it was tested whether juveniles and adults of S. shrubsolii were affected by the availability of food consistently through seasons.Densities of deposit-feeders increased in plots where the sediment was organically enriched. The composition of the assemblage, however, was not affected. S. shrubsolii, D. ornata and C. cf. capitata responded to the addition of food. However, the nutritive value of the sediment affected the dynamics of these animals variably through seasons. Abundances increased in the experimental treatment E in winter and spring for D. ornata and in winter and autumn for C. cf. capitata. Furthermore, in summer and autumn juveniles and adults of S. shrubsolii were more abundant in plots where food was added.  相似文献   

Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook .f. & Thomson forma genuina (Annonaceae) is a tropical tree, grown for the production of ylang‐ylang essential oil, which is extracted from its fresh and mature flowers. Despite its economic and social importance, very little information is available on its variability and the possible factors causing it. Therefore, the relationship between the genetic structure, revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and the essential oil chemical composition, determined by GC/MS analysis, of ylang‐ylang grown in semi‐managed systems in three Indian Ocean islands (Grande Comore, Mayotte, and Madagascar) was investigated. Our results revealed a low genetic variation within plantations and contrasted situations between islands. Variations of the chemical composition could be observed within plantations and between islands. The genetic differentiation pattern did not match the observed pattern of chemical variability. Hence, the chemical variation could not be attributed to a genetic control. As Grande Comore, Madagascar, and Mayotte present different environmental and agronomic conditions, it can be concluded that the influence of these conditions on the ylang‐ylang essential oil composition is consistent with the patterns observed. Finally, several strategies were proposed to valorize the chemical composition variations.  相似文献   

Each species is uniquely influenced by anthropogenic climate change. Change in temperature and precipitation due to climate change may lead to species adaptation or extinction, or in some cases, a range shift. To know the influence of climate change on a restricted and endemic bird species of the Western Ghats (WG), White-bellied Sholakili (WBS) Sholicola albiventris (Blanford, 1868), we conducted a study by using species distribution modelling. We considered 73 spatial bias-corrected occurrence points of WBS along with environmental variables like the mean temperature of coldest quarter (Bio 11), precipitation of driest month (Bio 14) and mean precipitation of warmest quarter (Bio 18). We used the MaxEnt application with ENM evaluate tool in R statistical package for developing a climate model for WBS. Bio 11 was observed to be the most crucial climate variable shaping the habitat of WBS. The current study predicts that only 2823km2 in WG is suitable for WBS. One-third of this area falls under the protected area network, of which 52% is becoming unsuitable to this narrow endemic due to climate warming. The model also predicts 26% to 45% habitat loss under different climate change scenarios by the 2050s.  相似文献   

Crustacea Decapoda and Stomatopoda are inventoried for the first time in Juan de Nova Island, Iles Eparses, Mozambique channel. In total, 112 species are reported: 69 crabs, 28 anomurans, 11 shrimps, 3 mantis shrimps and 1 lobster. A comparison is made with nearby islands in the Mozambique channel: Glorieuses Islands (157 species), Europa Island (178 species), and Mayotte Island (505 species). The lower species richness at Juan de Nova is explained by the small size of the island and by the difficulties to collect the crustaceans on the reef flat hardly accessible at low tide. The crustaceans are listed by main habitats from land to outer reef (2–20 m). The presence of the coconut crab (Birgus latro), an endangered species vulnerable to human predation, is confirmed.  相似文献   

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