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Footwear devices that shift foot center of pressure (COP), thereby impacting lower-limb biomechanics to produce clinical benefit, have been studied regarding degenerative diseases of knee and hip joints, exhibiting evidence of clinical success. Ability to purposefully affect trunk biomechanics has not been investigated for this type of footwear. Fifteen healthy young male subjects underwent gait and electromyography analysis using a biomechanical device that shifts COP via moveable convex elements attached to the shoe sole. Analyses were performed in three COP configurations for pairwise comparison: (1) neutral (control) (2) laterally deviated, and (3) medially deviated. Sagittal and frontal-plane pelvis and spine kinematics, external oblique activity, and frontal and transverse-plane lumbar moments were affected by medio-lateral COP shift. Transverse-plane trunk kinematics, activity of the lumbar longissimus, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominus, and quadratus lumborum, and sagittal-plane lumbar moment, were not significantly impacted. Two linear mixed effects models assessed predictive impact of (I) COP location, and (II) trunk kinematics and neuromuscular activity, on the significant lumbar moment parameters. The COP was a significant predictor of all modeled frontal and transverse-plane lumbar moment parameters, while pelvic and spine rotation, and lumbar longissimus activity were significant predictors of one frontal-plane lumbar moment parameter. Model results suggest that, although trunk biomechanics and muscle activity were altered by COP shift, COP offset influences lumbar kinetics directly, or via lower-limb changes not assessed in this study, but not by means of alteration of trunk kinematics or muscle activity. Further study may reveal implications in treatment of low back pain.  相似文献   

Prominent conservative treatment options for medial-compartment knee osteoarthritis include footwear that reduces knee adduction moment (KAM) correlated with detrimental loads in the medial compartment of the knee, thus providing clinical benefit. The proposed mechanism by which they reduce KAM is a lateral shift in foot center of pressure (COP) and a consequent shortening of the knee lever arm (KLA), thereby reducing KAM, which can be simply calculated as KLA multiplied by the frontal plane ground reaction force (FP-GRF). The present study investigated this mechanism for a unique biomechanical device capable of shifting COP by means of moveable convex elements attached to the shoe. Fourteen healthy young male subjects underwent gait analysis in two COP configurations of the device for comparison: (1) laterally and (2) medially deviated. Average midstance KLA and KAM were decreased by 8.2% and 8.7%, respectively, in the lateral COP compared to medial. Ground reaction force parameters, frontal plane knee angle (FP-KA), and spine lateral flexion angle (SLF) did not differ between COP configurations. No study parameters differed for terminal stance. Linear mixed effects models showed that COP and FP-GRF components, but not FP-KA and SLF, were significant predictors of KLA. In addition, KLA and FP-GRF were significant predictors of KAM; although, FP-GRF did not change significantly with medio-lateral COP shift, while KLA did. This suggests that the mechanism by which the study device reduces KAM is primarily through shortening of KLA brought on by a lateral shift in COP.  相似文献   



Foot center of pressure (COP) manipulation has been associated with improved gait patterns. The purpose of this study was to determine lower limb muscle activation changes in knee osteoarthritis patients, both immediately after COP manipulation and when COP manipulation was combined with continuous gait therapy (AposTherapy).


Fourteen females with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis underwent EMG analyzes of key muscles of the leg. In the initial stage, trials were carried out at four COP positions. Following this, gait therapy was initiated for 3 months. The barefoot EMG was compared before and after therapy.


The average EMG varied significantly with COP in at least one phase of stance in all examined muscles of the less symptomatic leg and in three muscles of the more symptomatic leg. After training, a significant increase in average EMG was observed in most muscles. Most muscles of the less symptomatic leg showed significantly increased peak EMG. Activity duration was shorter for all muscles of the less symptomatic leg (significant in the lateral gastrocnemius) and three muscles of the more symptomatic leg (significant in the biceps femoris). These results were associated with reduced pain, increased function and improved spatiotemporal parameters.


COP manipulation influences the muscle activation patterns of the leg in patients with knee osteoarthritis. When combined with a therapy program, muscle activity increases and activity duration decreases.  相似文献   

Previous electromyographic (EMG) studies of gluteus medius (GMed) have not accurately quantified the function of the three proposed structurally and functionally unique segments (anterior, middle and posterior). Therefore this study used anatomically verified locations for intramuscular electrode recordings in three segments of GMed to determine whether the segments are functionally independent. Bipolar fine wire electrodes were inserted into each segment of GMed in 15 healthy individuals. Participants completed a series of four walking trials, followed by maximum voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs) in five different positions. Temporal and amplitude variables for each segment were compared across the gait cycle using ANOVA. The relative contributions of each segment to the MVIC trials were compared with non-parametric tests. All segments showed a biphasic response during the stance phase of gait. There were no differences in amplitude variables (% MVIC) between segments, but the anterior segment had a later peak during both the first and second bursts. For the MVIC trials, there were significant differences in amplitude between segments in four of the five test positions. These data indicate that GMed is composed of three functionally independent segments. This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of the role of GMed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of gait speed on the control of mediolateral dynamic stability during gait initiation. Thirteen healthy young adults initiated gait at three self-selected speeds: Slow, Normal and Fast. The results indicated that the duration of anticipatory postural adjustments (APA) decreased from Slow to Fast, i.e. the time allocated to propel the centre of mass (COM) towards the stance-leg side was shortened. Likely as an attempt at compensation, the peak of the anticipatory centre of pressure (COP) shift increased. However, COP compensation was not fully efficient since the results indicated that the mediolateral COM shift towards the stance-leg side at swing foot-off decreased with gait speed. Consequently, the COM shift towards the swing-leg side at swing heel-contact increased from Slow to Fast, indicating that the mediolateral COM fall during step execution increased as gait speed rose. However, this increased COM fall was compensated by greater step width so that the margin of stability (the distance between the base-of-support boundary and the mediolateral component of the “extrapolated centre of mass”) at heel-contact remained unchanged across the speed conditions. Furthermore, a positive correlation between the mediolateral extrapolated COM position at heel-contact and step width was found, indicating that the greater the mediolateral COM fall, the greater the step width. Globally, these results suggest that mediolateral APA and step width are modulated with gait speed so as to maintain equivalent mediolateral dynamical stability at the time of swing heel-contact.  相似文献   

Identification of kinetic variables in different masks of foot is important for the evaluation and treatment of chronic low back pain. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of chronic idiopathic low back pain on kinetic variables of gait in different foot masks. 11 idiopathic chronic low back pain patients and 13 healthy matched controls participated in this study. Using Emed foot-scanner system, the ground reaction force and impulse were measured during barefoot normal walking. Then, the average footprints were divided into 10 masks using the Automask program and the data were extracted using Multimask Evaluation programs. The low back pain disability was measured by Quebec questionnaire. Our results revealed that the ground reaction force and impulse in medial and lateral midfoot and hallux masks of patients were significantly lower than controls. Furthermore, these patients demonstrated greater ground reaction force and impulse in 3–5th metatarsals mask than control group. There was a significant interaction between the low back pain and the foot masks factors. In conclusion, the ground reaction forces and impulses in different areas of foot are affected by low back pain. Therefore, the kinetic gait analysis should be considered as an appropriate tool in evaluation and prescribing proper treatment program in low back pain patients.  相似文献   

Although the compliant bipedal model could reproduce qualitative ground reaction force (GRF) of human walking, the model with a fixed pivot showed overestimations in stance leg rotation and the ratio of horizontal to vertical GRF. The human walking data showed a continuous forward progression of the center of pressure (CoP) during the stance phase and the suspension of the CoP near the forefoot before the onset of step transition. To better describe human gait dynamics with a minimal expense of model complexity, we proposed a compliant bipedal model with the accelerated pivot which associated the CoP excursion with the oscillatory behavior of the center of mass (CoM) with the existing simulation parameter and leg stiffness. Owing to the pivot acceleration defined to emulate human CoP profile, the arrival of the CoP at the limit of the stance foot over the single stance duration initiated the step-to-step transition. The proposed model showed an improved match of walking data. As the forward motion of CoM during single stance was partly accounted by forward pivot translation, the previously overestimated rotation of the stance leg was reduced and the corresponding horizontal GRF became closer to human data. The walking solutions of the model ranged over higher speed ranges (~1.7 m/s) than those of the fixed pivoted compliant bipedal model (~1.5 m/s) and exhibited other gait parameters, such as touchdown angle, step length and step frequency, comparable to the experimental observations. The good matches between the model and experimental GRF data imply that the continuous pivot acceleration associated with CoM oscillatory behavior could serve as a useful framework of bipedal model.  相似文献   

Purpose: The present study aimed to compare the neuromuscular response under various mechanical stimulations of the lumbar spine in participants with and without chronic low back pain (cLBP). Methods: Four mechanical stimulations, characterized by forces ranging from 75 to 225 N, were delivered using a servo-controlled linear actuator motor to the L3 spinous process of 25 healthy participants and 26 participants with cLBP. Lumbar neuromuscular responses were recorded using 64-electrodes large surface electromyography arrays. Between-group differences in the dose–response relationship (neuromuscular response amplitude according to each force level) were assessed using mixed model ANOVAs. Results: No differences between groups were shown (all p values > .05). A significant linear relationship was observed between forces and neuromuscular response amplitudes (p < .001) indicating an increase in response amplitudes with increasing stimulation force. Responses were observed throughout the lumbar region with highest response amplitudes in the vicinity of the contacted vertebra. Conclusion: The neuromuscular response amplitude triggered by localized lumbar mechanical stimulations does not differ between participants with and without cLBP. Moreover, even though stimulations were delivered at specific spinal segment, a neuromuscular response, although rapidly decreasing, was observed in areas distant from the contact site.  相似文献   

Baropodometry and multi-segmental foot kinematics are frequently employed to obtain insight into the mechanics of the foot-ground interaction in both basic research and clinical settings. However, nothing hitherto has been reported on the full integration of kinematics with baropodometric parameters, and only a few studies have addressed the association between intersegmental kinematics and plantar loading within specific foot regions. The aim of this study was to understanding the relationships between foot joint mobility and plantar loading by focusing on the correlation between these two measures.  相似文献   

Patients with knee OA show altered gait patterns, affecting their quality of living. The current study aimed to quantify the effects of bilateral knee OA on the intra-limb and inter-limb sharing of the support of the body during gait. Fifteen patients with mild, 15 with severe bilateral knee OA, and 15 healthy controls walked along a walkway while the kinematic and kinetic data were measured. Compared with the controls, the patients significantly reduced their knee extensor moments and the corresponding contributions to the total support moment in the sagittal plane (p<0.05). For compensation, the mild OA group significantly increased the hip extensor moments (p<0.05) to maintain close-to-normal support and a more symmetrical inter-limb load-sharing during double-limb support. The severe OA group involved compensatory actions of both the ankle and hip, but did not succeed in maintaining a normal sagittal total support moment during late stance, nor a symmetrical inter-limb load-sharing during double-limb support. In the frontal plane, the knee abductor moments and the corresponding contributions to the total support moment were not affected by the changes in the other joints, regardless of the severity of the disease. The observed compensatory changes suggest that strengthening of weak hip muscles is essential for body support during gait in patients with knee OA, but that training of weak ankle muscles may also be needed for patients with severe knee OA.  相似文献   

This study analyzed gait initiation (GI) on inclined surfaces with 68 young adult subjects of both sexes. Ground reaction forces and moments were collected using two AMTI force platforms, of which one was in a horizontal position and the other was inclined by 8% in relation to the horizontal plane. Departing from a standing position, each participant executed three trials in the following conditions: horizontal position (HOR), inclined position at ankle dorsi-flexion (UP), and inclined position at ankle plantar-flexion (DOWN). Statistical parametric mapping analysis was performed over the entire center of pressure (COP) and center of mass (COM) time series. COP excursion did not show significant differences in the medial-lateral (ML) direction in both inclined conditions, but it was greater in the anterior-posterior (AP) direction for both inclined conditions. COP velocities are smaller in discrete portions of GI for the UP and DOWN conditions. COM displacement was greater in the ML direction during anticipatory postural adjustments (APA) in the UP condition, and COM moves faster in the ML direction during APA in the UP condition but slower at the end of GI for both the UP and the DOWN conditions. The COP-COM vector showed a greater angle in the DOWN condition. We observed changes for COP and COM in GI in both the UP and the DOWN conditions, with the latter showing changes for a great extent of the task. Both the UP and the DOWN conditions showed increased COM displacement and velocity. The predominant characteristic during GI on inclined surfaces, including APA, appears to be the displacement of the COM.  相似文献   

People suffering from locomotor impairment find turning manoeuvres more challenging than straight-ahead walking. Turning manoeuvres are estimated to comprise a substantial proportion of steps taken daily, yet research has predominantly focused on straight-line walking, meaning that the basic kinetic, kinematic and foot pressure adaptations required for turning are not as well understood. We investigated how healthy subjects adapt their locomotion patterns to accommodate walking along a gently curved trajectory (radius 2.75 m). Twenty healthy adult participants performed walking tasks at self-selected speeds along straight and curved pathways. For the first time for this mode of turning, plantar pressures were recorded using insole foot pressure sensors while participants’ movements were simultaneously tracked using marker-based 3D motion capture. During the steady-state strides at the apex of the turn, the mean operating point of the inside ankle shifted by 1 degree towards dorsiflexion and that for the outside ankle shifted towards plantarflexion. The largest change in relative joint angle range was an increase in hip rotation in the inside leg (>60%). In addition, the inside foot was subject to a prolonged stance phase and a 10% increase in vertical force in the posteromedial section of the foot compared to straight-line walking. Most of the mechanical change required was therefore generated by the inside leg with hip rotation being a major driver of the gentle turn. This study provides new insight into healthy gait during gentle turns and may help us to understand the mechanics behind some forms of impairment.  相似文献   

Wearable systems are becoming increasingly popular for gait assessment outside of laboratory settings. A single shoe-embedded sensor module can measure the foot progression angle (FPA) during walking. The FPA has important clinical utility, particularly in populations with knee osteoarthritis, as it is a target for biomechanical treatments. However, the validity and the day-to-day reliability of FPA measurement using wearable systems during over-ground walking has yet to be established. Two gait analysis sessions on 20 healthy adults were conducted. During both sessions, participants performed natural over-ground walking in a motion capture laboratory and on a 100 m linear section of outdoor athletics track. FPA was measured in the laboratory via marker trajectory data, while the sensor module measured FPA during the outdoor track walking. Validity was examined by comparing the laboratory- and sensor-measured average FPA. Day-to-day reliability was examined by comparing the sensor-measured FPA between the first and second gait analysis sessions. Average absolute error between motion capture and sensor measured FPA were 1.7° and 2.1° at session 1 and 2, respectively. A Bland and Altman plot indicated no systematic bias, with 95% limit of agreement widths of 4.2° – 5.1°. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC2k) analysis resulted in good to excellent validity (ICC = 0.89 – 0.91) and reliability (ICC = 0.95). Overall, the shoe-embedded sensor module is a valid and reliable method of measuring FPA during over-ground walking without the need for laboratory equipment.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of the application of postural taping on the kinematics of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex, electromyographic (EMG) activity of back extensor muscles, and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in the low back during patient transfer. In total, 19 male physical therapists with chronic low back pain performed patient transfers with and without the application of postural taping on the low back. The kinematics of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex and EMG activity of the erector spinae were recorded using a synchronized 3-D motion capture system and surface EMG. RPE was measured using Borg’s CR-10 scale. Differences in kinematic data, EMG activity, and RPE between the two conditions were analyzed using a paired t-test. Peak angle and range of motion (ROM) of lumbar flexion, EMG activity of the erector spinae, and RPE decreased significantly, while peak angle and ROM of pelvic anterior tilt and hip flexion increased significantly during patient transfer under the postural taping condition versus no taping (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that postural taping can change back extensor muscle activity and RPE as well as the kinematics of the lumbo–pelvic–hip complex in physical therapists with chronic low back pain during patient transfer.  相似文献   

Centre of Pressure (CoP) location error is common when using kinematic and kinetic data to predict intersegmental forces and net joint moments during gait. Changes in peak moments due to CoP error have been reported in the literature. However, debate exists as to what levels of error are acceptable. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of CoP error on the kinetic profiles of children with typical development (TD) and children with cerebral palsy (CP) during gait. Three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic data were recorded and simulated CoP errors were applied at 3 mm, 6 mm, 9 mm, 12 mm increments in both positive and negative anteroposterior and mediolateral directions. Absolute differences in maximum kinetic parameters between increments were assessed in conjunction with changes in the Gait Deviation Index-Kinetic (GDI-Kinetic). Changes in GDI-Kinetic above 3.6 points were considered clinically significant. Maximum peak changes of up to 24.8% (CP) and 34.7% (TD) (sagittal plane) and up to 36.8% (CP) and 61.5% (TD) (coronal plane) were demonstrated at the knee. While absolute percentage differences were high at some error increments, GDI-Kinetic results suggested that such large percentage differences may still be clinically acceptable. Children with TD demonstrated clinically significant changes in GDI-Kinetic for CoP displacements of 9 mm and 12 mm, corresponding to 23% and 35% absolute differences in maximum moments. In contrast, the clinically significant threshold was not reached for children with CP that may be related to a slower walking speed. The findings of this study highlight the need for laboratories to consider the thresholds currently used for CoP error, which will help guide quality assurance procedures.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of additional isometric hip adduction during the plank exercise on the abdominal muscles. Twenty healthy young men participated in this study. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to monitor the activity of the bilateral rectus abdominis (RA), the internal oblique (IO), and the external oblique (EO) muscles. The participants performed three types of plank exercise; the standard plank exercise, the plank exercise with bilateral isometric hip adduction, and the plank exercise with unilateral isometric hip adduction. All abdominal muscle activity was significantly increased during the plank exercise combined with the bilateral and unilateral isometric hip adduction compared with the standard plank exercise (p < 0.05). Bilateral IO, EO, and left RA muscle activity was significantly increased during the unilateral isometric hip adduction compared with the bilateral isometric hip adduction (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that additional isometric hip adduction during the plank exercise could be a useful method to enhance abdominal muscle activity. In particular, the unilateral isometric hip adduction is a more beneficial exercise than the bilateral isometric hip adduction.  相似文献   

In bilateral shoulder flexion with the arms moving from the sides of the body to the horizontal level while standing, no preceding activation of the triceps surae (TS) with respect to focal muscles has been found. Considering that preceding activation would offer a useful indicator of anticipatory postural control, it was attempted to induce preceding activation by limiting the anterior displacement range of the center of foot pressure in the anteroposterior direction (CoPap). Subjects were 13 healthy young adults. The 50% anterior range of CoPap displacement caused by shoulder flexion was calculated, and the floor inclined by the subject’s weight when CoPap extended beyond that range. Subjects were instructed not to incline the floor during shoulder flexion. Under the limitation condition, the ankle and knee joints plantarflexed and extended at 1.1°, respectively, with no hip movement; that is, the whole body inclined backward by pivoting at the ankle. This limitation resulted in preceding muscle activation of TS as well as erector spinae and biceps femoris, and no significant differences in onset time were seen between these muscles. These results demonstrated that by limiting CoPap anterior displacement, preceding activation of TS could be induced with backward inclination of the whole body.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of human walking have shown that within an individual step, variations in the center of mass (CoM) state can predict corresponding variations in the next foot placement. This has been interpreted by some to indicate the existence of active control in which the nervous system uses the CoM state at or near mid-stance to regulate subsequent foot placement. However, the passive dynamics of the moving body and/or moving limbs also contribute (perhaps strongly) to foot placement, and thus to its variation. The extent to which correlations of CoM state to foot placement reflect the effects of within-step active control, those of passive dynamics, or some combination of both, remains an important and still open question. Here, we used an open-loop-stable 2D walking model to show that this predictive ability cannot by itself be taken as evidence of within-step active control. In our simulations, we too find high correlations between the CoM state and subsequent foot placement, but these correlations are entirely due to passive dynamics as our system has no active control, either within a step or between steps. This demonstrates that any inferences made from such correlations about within-step active control require additional supporting evidence beyond the correlations themselves. Thus, these within-step predictive correlations leave unresolved the relative importance of within-step active control as compared to passive dynamics, meaning that such methods should be used to characterize control in human walking only with caution.  相似文献   

Ankle foot orthoses (AFOs) are designed to improve gait for individuals with neuromuscular conditions and have also been used to reduce energy costs of walking for unimpaired individuals. AFOs influence joint motion and metabolic cost, but how they impact muscle function remains unclear. This study investigated the impact of different stiffness AFOs on medial gastrocnemius muscle (MG) and Achilles tendon (AT) function during two walking speeds. We performed gait analyses for eight unimpaired individuals. Each individual walked at slow and very slow speeds with a 3D printed AFO with no resistance (free hinge condition) and four levels of ankle dorsiflexion stiffness: 0.25 Nm/°, 1 Nm/°, 2 Nm/°, and 3.7 Nm/°. Motion capture, ultrasound, and musculoskeletal modeling were used to quantify MG and AT lengths with each AFO condition. Increasing AFO stiffness increased peak AFO dorsiflexion moment with decreased peak knee extension and peak ankle dorsiflexion angles. Overall musculotendon length and peak AT length decreased, while peak MG length increased with increasing AFO stiffness. Peak MG activity, length, and velocity significantly decreased with slower walking speed. This study provides experimental evidence of the impact of AFO stiffness and walking speed on joint kinematics and musculotendon function. These methods can provide insight to improve AFO designs and optimize musculotendon function for rehabilitation, performance, or other goals.  相似文献   

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