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The Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) has been introduced as a training tool to improve the efficiency of eccentric hamstring muscle contraction. The aim of this study was to perform a biomechanical analysis of the NHE. Eighteen participants (20.4 ± 1.9 years) performed two sets of five repetitions each of the NHE and maximal eccentric voluntary contraction (MEVC) of the knee flexors on an isokinetic dynamometer whilst knee angular displacement and electrical activity (EMG) of biceps femoris were measured. EMG was on average higher during the NHE (134.3% of the MEVC). During the forward fall of the NHE, the angle at which a sharp increase in downward velocity occurred varied between 47.9 and 80.5 deg, while the peak knee angular velocity (pVelocity) varied between 47.7 and 132.8 deg s?1. A significant negative correlation was found between pVelocity and peak EMG (r = ?0.62, p < 0.01) and EMG at 45 deg (r = ?0.75, p < 0.01) expressed as a percentage of peak MEVC EMG. Some of the variables analyzed exhibited good to excellent levels of intra- and inter-session reliability. This type of analysis could be used to indirectly monitor the level of eccentric strength of the hamstring muscles while performing the NHE and potentially any training- or injury-related changes.  相似文献   

PurposeTo compare a new normalization technique (wax pad, WAX) with the currently utilized cotton roll (COT) method in surface electromyography (sEMG) of the masticatory muscles.MethodssEMG of the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles of 23 subjects was recorded while performing two repetitions of 5 s maximum voluntary clenches (MVC) on COT and WAX. For each task, the mean value of sEMG amplitude and its coefficient of variation were calculated, and the differences between the two repetitions computed. The standard error of measurement (SEM) was calculated. For each subject and muscle, the COT-to-WAX maximum activity increment was computed. Participant preference between tasks was also recorded.ResultsWAX MVC tasks had larger maximum EMG amplitude than COT MVC tasks (P < 0.001), with COT-to-WAX maximum amplitude increments of 61% (temporalis) and 94% (masseter) (P = 0.006). WAX MVC had better test-retest repeatability than COT. For both MVC modalities, the mean amplitude (P > 0.391) and its coefficient of variation were unchanged (P > 0.180). The WAX task was the more comfortable for 18/23 subjects (P = 0.007).ConclusionWAX normalization ensures the same stability level of maximum EMG amplitude as COT normalization, but it is more repeatable, elicits larger maximum muscular contraction, and is felt to be more comfortable by subjects.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the effect of hypoxia and hyperoxia on ventilation, lactate concentration and electromyographic activity during an incremental exercise test in order to determine if coincident chances in ventilation and electromyographic activity occur during an incremental exercise test, despite an enhancement or reduction of peripheral chemoreceptor activity. In addition, these experiments were completed to determine if electromyographic activity and ventilation are enhanced or reduced in response to the inspiration of oxygen-depleted and oxygen-enriched air, respectively. Seven subjects performed three incremental exercise tests, until volitional exhaustion was achieved, while inspiring air with a fractional concentration of oxygen of either 66%, 21% or 17%. In addition, another single subject completed two tests while inspiring air with a fractional concentration of either 17% or 21%. During the tests, ventilation, mixed expired oxygen and carbon dioxide, arterialized venous blood and the electromyographic activity from the vastus lateralis were sampled. From these values ventilation, electromyographic and lactate thresholds were detected during normoxia, hypoxia and hyperoxia. The results showed that although ventilation and lactate concentration were significantly less during hyperoxia as compared to normoxia or hypoxia, the carbon dioxide production values were not significantly different between the normoxic, hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions. For a particular condition, the time, carbon dioxide production and oxygen consumption values that corresponded to the ventilation and electromyographic thresholds were not significantly different, but the values corresponding to the lactate threshold were significantly less than those for the electromyographic and ventilation thresholds. Comparisons between the three conditions showed that the time, carbon dioxide production and oxyen consumption values corresponding to each of these thresholds were not significantly different. These findings have led us to conclude that the changes in lactate concentration observed during exercise may not be directly related to the fractional concentration of inspired oxygen, and that the peripheral chemoreceptors may not be the sole mediators of the first ventilatory threshold. It is suggested that this threshold may be mediated by an increase in neural activity originating from higher motor centers or the exercising limbs, induced in response to the need to progressively recruit fast twitch muscle fibers as exercise power output is increased and as individual muscle fibers begin to fatigue.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive brain imaging technique widely used in the evaluation of the brain function that provides images with high temporal and spatial resolution. Investigation of the supplementary motor area (SMA) function is critical in the pre-surgical evaluation of neurological patients, since marked individual differences and complex overlapping with adjacent cortical areas exist, and it is important to spare the SMA from lesions when adjacent cortical tissue is surgically removed. We used fMRI to assess the activity of SMA in six right-handed and six left-handed healthy volunteers when a task requiring silent repetition of a series of words was given. Brain activation areas in each of the subjects were localized according to the standard Talairach coordinate space, and the individual voxels for each map were compared after 3D sagittal images were created and SMA was delimited. Quantitative analysis of hemispheric and bilateral SMA activation was described as mean ± standard deviation of hot points/total points. The results show that the language task induced bilateral SMA activation. Left SMA activation was significantly higher than right SMA activation in both right-handed and left-handed subjects.  相似文献   

Synopsis It is commonly accepted that more active fishes have a greater proportion of red muscle in their trunk musculature than do less active fishes. Further, the proportion of red muscle has been used to classify fish species into functional groups reflecting different activity patterns. Nevertheless, existing measures of both red muscle and mobility have several limitations, and the relationship between these parameters has never been evaluated quantitatively. Using data from the literature, we demonstrate a positive, statistical association between the proportion of red muscle in the caudal peduncle of marine fishes and a qualitative measure of mobility (categorization as sedentary vs. mobile based on natural-history accounts). Analyses of the frequency distribution of the proportion of red muscle also provide evidence for two subdistributions. However, this bimodality does not correspond with sedentary vs. mobile or sit-and-wait vs. active search dichotomies.  相似文献   

Electromyography computed tomography (EMG-CT) method is proposed for visualizing the individual muscle activities in the human forearm. An EMG conduction model was formulated for reverse-estimation of muscle activities using EMG signals obtained with multi surface electrodes. The optimization process was calculated using sequential quadratic programming by comparing the estimated EMG values from the model with the measured values. The individual muscle activities in the deep region were estimated and used to produce an EMG tomographic image. For validation of the method, isometric contractions of finger muscles were examined for three subjects, applying a flexion load (4.9, 7.4 and 9.8 N) to the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger. EMG signals in the forearm were recorded during the tasks using multiple surface electrodes, which were bound around the subject’s forearm. The EMG-CT method illustrates the distribution of muscle activities within the forearm. The change in amplitude and area of activated muscles can be observed. The normalized muscle activities of all three subjects appear to increase monotonically with increases in the load. Kinesiologically, this method was able to estimate individual muscle activation values and could provide a novel tool for studying hand function and development of an examination for evaluating rehabilitation.  相似文献   

目的:调查老年睡眠障碍患者胃管反流病(GERD)、功能性肠病(FBD)及功能性消化不良(FD)的患病现况。方法:选择参加我院2012年春季体检人员中有睡眠障碍的患者为调查对象,进行"消化道症状问卷"调查,并按年龄分层进行比较。结果:共入选377例睡眠障碍患者,老年组确诊为GERD、FBD及FD患者129例(53.53%),发生率明显高于成年患者(45例,33.06%)(P0.01)。老年睡眠障碍患者中GERD和功能性便秘的发生率明显高于成年组,而FD及肠易激综合征患病的发生率均明显低于后者(P均0.01~0.05);老年睡眠障碍患者重叠型及GERD+FBD各亚型重叠发生率明显高于成年组,而单一型发生率明显低于后者(P均0.01~0.05)。结论:老年睡眠障碍患者GERD、FBD及FD的发生率均较成年人高,且以GERD及功能性便秘为主。  相似文献   

Surface EMG (SEMG) has been used frequently to study motion techniques or skills, body positions, material or equipment used, training-methodology and learning processes in sports and ergonomics. Little if any information is available on the effect of the geographical environment on the neuromuscular control of an athlete or workman during his/her performance or effort.

Motions were chosen in Alpine skiing and cycling.

Thirty-one certified ski instructors and twelve professional road cyclists participated in the study of geographical variance and its impact on muscle activity.

SEMG was measured from the agonists and antagonists of the upper- and lower limb. Skiers were measured on downhill slopes ranging from 19 to 51% while the cyclists performed with different saddle positions on 2, 7 and 12% slope inclinations, respectively.

Verification of the variation of muscular intensity (IEMG) over the slope inclination during a simulated giant slalom indicated that the muscular activity increased with increasing slope angle and decreased with decreasing slope angle, while heart rate measured with short-range radio telemetry increased at a constant rate between start and finish independent of the geographical variations.

In a direct descent on different slopes % levels the integrated EMG is well related to the inclination (r=0.82) confirming the findings of the giant slalom.

In cycling we found that, regardless of the pelvis position, the muscular intensity of lower limb muscles increased with increasing slope inclination, while the muscular intensity of the arms decreased with the same increasing slope inclination. In addition the decreased intensity of the arm muscles remained significantly higher with the pelvis (saddle) fully forward.

The geography of the terrain did influence the neuromuscular work and therewith probably the performance also. The influence however, varies with specific circumstances and is coupled with items of variability of the equipment used and the body regions involved.  相似文献   

Natural variability of myoelectric activity during walking was recently analyzed considering hundreds of strides. This allowed assessing a parameter seldom considered in classic surface EMG (sEMG) studies: the occurrence frequency, defined as the frequency each muscle activation occurs with, quantified by the number of strides when a muscle is recruited with that specific activation modality. Aim of present study was to propose the occurrence frequency as a new parameter for assessing sEMG-signal variability during walking. Aim was addressed by processing sEMG signals acquired from Gastrocnemius Lateralis, Tibialis Anterior, Rectus Femoris and Biceps femoris in 40 healthy subjects in order to: (1) show that occurrence frequency is not correlated with ON/OFF instants (Rmean = 0.11 ± 0.07; P > 0.05) and total time of activation (Rmean = 0.15 ± 0.08; P > 0.05); (2) confirm the above results by two handy examples of application (analysis of gender and age) which highlighted that significant (P < 0.05) gender-related and age-related differences within population were detected in occurrence frequency, but not in temporal sEMG parameters. In conclusion, present study demonstrated that occurrence frequency is able to provide further information, besides those supplied by classical temporal sEMG parameters and thus it is suitable to complement them in the evaluation of variability of myoelectric activity during walking.  相似文献   

The electromyographic (EMG) activity pattern across the upper trapezius of 22 healthy subjects was investigated during maximal isometric contractions. Eight bipolar surface electrodes with 10 mm distance between adjacent electrode pairs were placed on a line from the clavicle to the scapula. At the region near the clavicle the highest EMG amplitudes were recorded during 90 ° arm abduction. At the more posterior parts the highest amplitudes were found both during arm abduction and shoulder elevation. A double differential recording technique which reduced the EMG cross-talk contribution supported the finding that the upper trapezius was differently activated when the arm posture was changed. The normalized EMG amplitude-force relationship during the shoulder elevation showed a curvilinear relationship on the anterior part of the upper trapezius with a slower increase in EMG amplitude than force at low force. The slope of the curve, at low force, increased gradually in the posterior direction on the upper trapezius. The EMG activity patterns across the upper trapezius indicate a flexibility in motor activation which maybe reflects a functional optimization of the contractions performed by this muscle.  相似文献   

功能基因中的微卫星序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微卫星序列广泛存在真核生物和一些原核生物的基因组中,它在基因组中的分布并不是随机的。不同重复拷贝类别在基因组中存在种属间和碱基组成的特异性,各种优势的重复序列类型不同。此外,基因中在编码区和非编码区的分布也表现出种属和碱基组成差异。这种差异显示了微卫星序列起源进化的复杂性,也反映了基因中微卫星序列的生物学功能。功能基因为遗传学工作者提供了一个联系表型和基因型的手段,研究功能基因中的微卫星序列不仅在绘制精细遗传图谱、筛选重要农艺性状基因、物种进化等问题上都有着重要的作用,而且在疾病治疗有潜在的应用价值。本文主要阐述了微卫星序列的形成机制、基因中微卫星序列的分布以及功能基因中微卫星序列的生物学作用,并指出了目前实践中的一些问题。  相似文献   

Objectives:Obesity is a significant global health concern that involves motor impairment, including deficits in gait and balance. A simple tool would be useful to capture gait and balance impairment in obesity. We assessed whether the Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) captures impairment in individuals with obese BMI (≥30 kg/m2) and whether impairment was related to spatiotemporal gait parameters.Methods:Fourteen individuals with obese BMI and twenty individuals of normal weight underwent the FGA. Spatiotemporal gait parameters were collected while participants walked on a pressure sensitive walkway under five conditions: pre-baseline (flat ground walking), crossing small, medium, and high obstacles, and final-baseline (flat ground walking).Results:Individuals with obesity had lower scores on the FGA (p≤0.001) and showed less efficient spatiotemporal gait parameters than healthy controls, particularly when crossing over obstacles (all ps≤0.05). For participants with obesity, lower FGA scores were associated with decreased gait velocity, but only during obstacle crossing (p≤0.05).Conclusions:The FGA may be a useful tool to capture gait impairment in populations with obesity. Obstacles may help reveal meaningful gait impairments. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the FGA in individuals with obesity, and represents a proof-of-concept that motivates further validation studies.  相似文献   

黄河山东段河岸带春季大型底栖动物群落结构与多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河岸带是河流生态系统与陆地生态系统相互作用的生态交错带,具有明显的边缘效应和丰富的生物多样性。近年来,由于受人类活动(如水利工程、堤坝和农业生产等)的干扰,黄河下游河岸带生态系统受到严重破坏。为了解黄河下游河岸带大型底栖动物的群落结构现状和影响因素,于2015年5月对黄河山东段河岸带8个断面的底栖动物群落进行了系统调查,采用相对重要性指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数等方法分析该区域大型底栖动物的群落特征。调查期间共采集到37种底栖动物,其中,环节动物3种,软体动物7种,水生昆虫27种。底栖动物物种组成主要以水生昆虫为主,尤其是摇蚊幼虫。该段河岸带大型底栖动物的平均密度为(2 129±436)ind/m2,平均生物量为(2.20±0.75)g/m2。就空间分布而言,各断面底栖动物的种类数、优势种、现存量和多样性均呈现出明显的空间分布差异,且呈现出不规则波动,这表明河岸带受到严重的人为活动干扰。综合分析表明,各断面的河岸带形态(如宽度和生境类型)和水生昆虫的繁殖行为是影响黄河山东段河岸带底栖动物空间分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

This study quantified the relationship between EMG signals recorded by surface and indwelling electrodes for the infraspinatus and supraspinatus during submaximal axial humeral rotation. Muscular activity was measured on 20 participants during 82 submaximal isometric internal or external axial humeral rotations in a range of postures and intensities. Equations to predict indwelling magnitudes from surface data were generated and the effects of humeral angle and intensity on this relationship were also evaluated.Supraspinatus surface data explained 72–76% of the variance in the indwelling data. Surface data overestimated indwelling data by up to 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Infraspinatus surface data explained 62–64% of the variance in the indwelling data, but overestimated by 72% and 400% MVC in external and internal axial humeral rotation trials, respectively. Humeral abduction angle and exertion intensity both altered the relationship between electrode types modestly (p < 0.01) for most muscles and exertions. Better variance explanation was achieved for these submaximal exertions than previously reported values for maximal exertions.These results help inform electrode type selection for the recording of supraspinatus and infraspinatus EMG. Caution is recommended when interpreting surface recordings as indicators of indwelling recordings for exertions where the muscle studied is not a primary mover.  相似文献   

Functional and structural patterns in the pharyngeal jaw apparatus of euteleostean fishes are described and analysed as a case study of the transformation of a complex biological design. The sequential acquisition of structural novelties in the pharyngeal apparatus is considered in relation to both current hypotheses of euteleostean phylogeny and patterns of pharyngeal jaw function. Several euteleostean clades are corroborated as being monophyletic, and morphologically conservative features of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus are recognized. Functional analysis, using cinematography and electromyography, reveals four distinct patterns of muscle activity during feeding in primitive euteleosts (Esox) and in derived euteleostean fishes(Perca, Micropterus, Ambloplites, Pomoxis). The initial strike, buccal manipulation, pharyngeal manipulation, and the pharyngeal transport of prey into the oesophagus all involve unique muscle activity patterns that must be distinguished in analyses of pharyngeal jaw function. During pharyngeal transport, the upper and lower pharyngeal jaws are simultaneously protracted and retracted by the action of dorsal and ventral musculoskeletal gill arch couplings. The levator externus four and retractor dorsalis muscles, anatomical antagonists, overlap for 70–90°of their activity period. Levatores externi one and two are the main protractors of the upper pharyngeal jaws in the acanthopterygian fishes studied. The major features of pharyngeal jaw movement in primitive euteleosts are retained in many derived clades in spite of a dramatic structural reorganization of the pharyngeal region. Homologous muscles have radically changed their relative activity periods while pharyngeal jaw kinematics have been modified relatively little. Patterns of transformation of activity may thus bear little direct relationship to the sequence of structural modification in the evolution of complex designs. Overall function of a structural system may be maintained, however, through co-ordinated modifications of the timing of muscle activity and anatomical reorientation of the musculoskeletal system. Deeper understanding of the principles underlying the origin and transformation of functional design in vertebrates awaits further information on the acquisition of both structural and functional novelties at successive hierarchical levels within monophyietic clades. This is suggested as a key goal of future research in functional and evolutionary morphology.  相似文献   

The repeatability of initial values and rate of change of EMG signal mean spectral frequency (MNF), average rectified values (ARV), muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) was investigated in the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles of both legs of nine healthy male subjects during voluntary, isometric contractions sustained for 50 s at 50% MVC. The values of MVC were recorded for both legs three times on each day and for three subsequent days, while the EMG signals have been recorded twice a day for three subsequent days. The degree of repeatability was investigated using the Fisher test based upon the ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA), the Standard Error of the Mean (SEM) and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC).

Data collected showed a high level of repeatability of MVC measurement (normalized SEM from 1.1% to 6.4% of the mean). MNF and ARV initial values also showed a high level of repeatability (ICC>70% for all muscles and legs except right VMO). At 50% MVC level no relevant pattern of fatigue was observed for the VMO and VL muscles, suggesting that other portions of the quadriceps might have contributed to the generated effort. These observations seem to suggest that in the investigation of muscles belonging to a multi-muscular group at submaximal level, the more selective electrically elicited contractions should be preferred to voluntary contractions.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of a 14-day horizontal bed rest (BR) without countermeasures on postural sway, maximal voluntary torque and precision of voluntary torque matching. Sixteen subjects were tested before, immediately after and two weeks after BR. The increase in frequency and amplitude after BR was comparable for both sway subcomponents (rambling and trembling) in medial-lateral direction. But in anterior–posterior direction, rambling increased more in frequency (?7% vs. +31%, p < 0.05) while trembling increased more in amplitude (+35% vs. +84%, p < 0.05). The drop in maximal voluntary torque after BR was present for plantar flexion (p < 0.05) but not for dorsal flexion. After the BR, the subjects were less precise in the dorsal flexion torque matching task (p < 0.05). All the observed parameters, except the dorsal flexion torque matching error, returned back to the pre-BR values after the two weeks of re-conditioning. Results of this study indicate that body sway subcomponents responded differently to BR. Based on these findings, it was not possible to draw clear assumptions on the effects of neural and structural changes on body sway.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the intratester reliability of surface electromyography (EMG) assessment of the gluteus medius muscle in healthy people and people with chronic nonspecific low back pain (CNLBP) during barefoot walking. Gluteus medius muscle activity was measured twice in 40 people without and 30 people with CNLBP approximately 7 days apart. Walking gluteus medius muscle activity was normalised to maximal voluntary isometric contractions during side-lying hip abduction with manual resistance. Good intratester reliability (ICC > 0.75) was found for mean, peak, and peak to peak amplitude for healthy people. Only mean amplitude demonstrated good intratester reliability in those with CNLBP. Peak amplitude and peak to peak amplitude of the gluteus medius muscle of those with CNLBP, and the time of peak amplitude in both groups, demonstrated moderate reliability (ICC ranged from 0.50 to 0.58). Moderate to large standard error of measurement and minimal detectable change values were reported for outcome measurements. These results suggest that potentially large levels of random error can occur between sessions. Future research can build on this study for those with pathology and attempt to establish change values for EMG that are clinically meaningful.  相似文献   

Zhuang  Jun  Lin  Wenwu  Coates  Christopher J.  Shang  Pengxiang  Wei  Taiyun  Wu  Zujian  Xie  Lianhui 《中国病毒学》2019,34(3):295-305
Banana bunchy top virus(BBTV) poses a serious danger to banana crops worldwide. BBTV-encoded protein B4 is a determinant of pathogenicity. However, the relevant molecular mechanisms underlying its effects remain unknown. In this study, we found that a functional peptide could be liberated from protein B4, likely via proteolytic processing. Site-directed mutagenesis indicated that the functional processing of protein B4 is required for its pathogenic effects, including dwarfism and sterility, in plants. The released protein fragment targets host proteins, such as the large subunit of RuBisCO(RbcL)and elongation factor 2(EF2), involved in protein synthesis. Therefore, the peptide released from B4(also a precursor) may act as a non-canonical modifier to influence host–pathogen interactions involving BBTV and plants.  相似文献   

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