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Two methods of infection, i.e., feeding known numbers of spores and rearing larvae in contaminated peat, were used to bioassay the susceptibility of Rhopaea verreauxi to Bacillus popilliae var. rhopaea at 23°C. The susceptibility of the three larval instars was similar as measured by the ID50 and IC50 values. However, within an instar, newly molted larvae were less susceptible than mature larvae when infected by the contaminated peat method. It is suggested that this was due to reduced food intake. The range of ID50 values for all bioassays with R. verreauxi larvae were 1.1 × 107 to 4.0 × 107 spores per larva, and IC50 values were 3.4 × 106 to 5.0 × 107 spores per g of contaminated peat. The slope of the probit line was always low (0.6 to 1.8) except for young first-instar larvae infected by contaminated peat when the slope was 4.0. Disease per se did not affect food intake, though intake was reduced at high doses of contaminated peat. Young larvae often died without developing symptoms but, with increasing age, infected larvae were more likely to develop symptoms. Bioassays with Othnonius batesi and Rhopaea morbillosa indicated a much lower susceptibility per os than for R. verreauxi. It is concluded that the potential for using B. popilliae var. rhopaea to control R. verreauxi is high, but the bacillus is unlikely to be of value in control of O. batesi or R. morbillosa.  相似文献   

Four entomopathogenic bacteria contained extrachromosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules of various sizes. Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki contained twelve elements banding on agarose gels that ranged from 0.74 to > 50 × 106 daltons, three of which were giant extrachromosomal DNA elements. B. thuringiensis var. sotto contained one giant extrachromosomal DNA element with a molecular size of about 23.5 × 106 daltons and two lesser elements of 0.80 and 0.62 × 106 daltons. B. thuringiensis var. finitimus harbored two giant DNA elements corresponding to >50 × 106 daltons and two lesser bands with relative small size (0.98 and 0.97 × 106 daltons). B. popilliae contained no giant extrachromosomal DNA elements but did contain two smaller elements corresponding to 4.45 and 0.58 × 106 daltons. The possible use of extrachromosomal DNA elements that prove to be autonomous replicons for recombinant DNA studies is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A technique is described for the separation and washing of soil micro-habitats (the separation being on a size basis). Tests of the efficiency of the washing technique show that, for the soil under experiment, 25 to 30 washings are required to remove most of the fungal spores; the number of washings required will vary from soil to soil. Data is given on the use of this method for fungal isolations from a cultivated soil.  相似文献   

Toxin crystals from Bacillus thuringiensis var. entomocidus were lysed by proteases present in gut juice from larval Philosamia ricini (Lepidoptera) with the release of a prototoxin and an activated toxin. Some of the toxic activity of the lysate was complexed with a pheophytinlike pigment and this complex was retarded on filtration through Sephadex gels. A method is described for the removal of the pheophytin from larval protease preparations. The prototoxin has a molecular weight greater than 200,000, determined by its exclusion from Sephadex G-200 and on activation produces a toxin of molecular weight about 50,000. Isoelectric focusing of crystal lysates gave pI values of 4.5 and 6.4 for the prototoxin and toxin, respectively. The antigenic composition of the prototoxin and of the toxin are compared and the significance of antigen h as an indicator of activation is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Members of the genera Streptomyces, Micromonospora, Nocardia and Streptosporangium were effectively inhibited by oxytetracycline at concentrations tolerated by a majority of the Streptoverticillium strains tested. The incorporation of this antibiotic into a primary isolation medium significantly increased the numbers of Streptoverticillium spp. isolated from soils.  相似文献   

Twelve Laboratory Response Network (LRN) affiliated laboratories participated in a validation study of a macrofoam swab protocol for the recovery, detection, and quantification of viable B. anthracis (BA) Sterne spores from steel surfaces. CDC personnel inoculated steel coupons (26 cm2) with 1-4 log10 BA spores and recovered them by sampling with pre-moistened macrofoam swabs. Phase 1 (P1) of the study evaluated swabs containing BA only, while dust and background organisms were added to swabs in Phase 2 (P2) to mimic environmental conditions. Laboratories processed swabs and enumerated spores by culturing eluted swab suspensions and counting colonies with morphology consistent with BA. Processed swabs were placed in enrichment broth, incubated 24 h, and cultured by streaking for isolation. Real-time PCR was performed on selected colonies from P2 samples to confirm the identity of BA. Mean percent recovery (%R) of spores from the surface ranged from 15.8 to 31.0% (P1) and from 27.9 to 55.0% (P2). The highest mean percent recovery was 31.0% (sd 10.9%) for P1 (4 log10 inoculum) and 55.0% (sd 27.6%) for P2 (1 log10 inoculum). The overall %R was higher for P2 (44.6%) than P1 (24.1%), but the overall reproducibility (between-lab variability) was lower in P2 than in P1 (25.0 vs 16.5%CV, respectively). The overall precision (within-lab variability) was close to identical for P1 and P2 (44.0 and 44.1, respectively), but varied greatly between inoculum levels. The protocol demonstrated linearity in %R over the three inoculum levels and is able to detect between 26 and 5 × 106 spores/26 cm2. Sensitivity as determined by culture was > 98.3% for both phases and all inocula, suggesting that the culture method maintains sensitivity in the presence of contaminants. The enrichment broth method alone was less sensitive for sampled swabs (66.4%) during P2, suggesting that the presence of background organisms inhibited growth or isolation of BA from the broth. The addition of real-time PCR testing to the assay increased specificity from > 85.4% to > 95.0% in P2. Although the precision was low at the 1 log10 inoculum level in both phases (59.0 and 50.2%), this swab processing protocol, was sensitive, specific, precise, and reproducible at 2-4 log10/26 cm2 spore concentrations.  相似文献   

There is an interest to understand the fate and behaviour of the food-borne pathogen Bacillus cereus in the gut, a challenging environment with a high bacterial background. We evaluated the current detection methods to select an appropriate strategy for B. cereus monitoring during gastrointestinal experiments. Application of quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) in a gastrointestinal matrix required careful selection of the qPCR reaction and elaborate optimization of the DNA extraction protocol. Primer competition and depletion problems associated with qPCR reactions targeting general 16S rRNA gene can be avoided by the selection of a target sequence that is unique for and widespread among the target bacteria, such as the toxin gene nheB in the case of pathogenic B. cereus. Enumeration of B. cereus during the ileum phase was impossible by plating due to overgrowth by intestinal bacteria, while a carefully optimized qPCR enabled specific detection and quantification of B. cereus. On the other hand, plating allowed the distinction of viable, injured and dead bacteria and the germination of spores, which was not possible with qPCR. In conclusion, both plating and qPCR were necessary to yield the maximal information regarding the viability and physiology of the B. cereus population in various gastrointestinal compartments.  相似文献   

A procedure for precisely extracting pollen and spores from cellulose acetate peels made from Carboniferous permineralizations is described. This technique produces either whole or sectioned clean grains and allows for the correlation of morphological and ultrastructural features by scanning electron microscopy. The critical examination of pollen and spores from peels prepared for earlier studies is now possible using this technique.  相似文献   

The steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene incorporated into isolated Bacillus megaterium spore membranes was measured. Compounds capable of triggering spore germination in vivo caused an increase in the anisotropy of diphenylhexatriene. These increases in anisotropy of diphenylhexatriene in spore membranes are likely to represent at least a portion of the trigger mechanism for spore germination based on the following observations. First, there was an exceptional positive correlation between compounds that both triggered germination in vivo and caused changes in anisotropy in vitro. Second. the capacity of membranes to respond to germinants by increases in anisotropy was unique to membranes from spores but disappeared after germination. Third, alteration of spores chemically or genetically to block the in vivo triggering of germination by l-proline also blocked the in vitro anisotropy change with l-proline but not d-glucose. Finally, there was no correlation between the transport activities of specific compounds and the ability of these compounds to either trigger germination or alter the anisotropy of diphenylhexatriene in the membranes. Although we do not known the nature of the molecular interactions giving rise to the anisotropy changes, we hypothesize that they are due to changes in protein conformation that alter protein-protein and/or protein-lipid interactions. Such modifications of membrane structures could account for the rapid release of small molecular weight compounds such as K+ and Ca2+ early in germination.  相似文献   

A comparison of Most-Probable-Number Rapid Viability (MPN RV) PCR and traditional culture methods for the quantification of Bacillus anthracis Sterne spores in macrofoam swabs from a multi-center validation study was performed. The purpose of the study was to compare environmental swab processing methods for recovery, detection, and quantification of viable B. anthracis spores from surfaces. Results show that spore numbers provided by the MPN RV-PCR method were typically within 1-log of the values from a plate count method for all three levels of spores tested (3.1 × 104, 400, and 40 spores sampled from surfaces with swabs) even in the presence of debris. The MPN method tended to overestimate the expected result, especially at lower spore levels. Blind negative samples were correctly identified using both methods showing a lack of cross contamination. In addition to detecting low levels of spores in environmental conditions, the MPN RV-PCR method is specific, and compatible with automated high-throughput sample processing and analysis protocols, enhancing its utility for characterization and clearance following a biothreat agent release.  相似文献   

A new cyanogenic glycoside isolated from pods of Acacia sieberiana var. woodii has been shown by chemical and spectroscopic methods to be (2S)-2-[(6-O-α-l-arabinopyranosyl-β-d-glucopyranosyl)oxy]-3-methylbut-3-enenitrileo. Acid-catalysed hydrolysis of the glycoside afforded arabinose and proacacipetalin, and base-catalysed double-bond migration gave 2- [(6-O-α-l-arabinopyranosyl-β- d-glucopyranosyl)oxy ]-3-methylbut-2-enenitrile.  相似文献   

A noncrystalliferous, aerobic, spore-forming bacterium (accession number DD-1019) isolated from the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne, was identified as a strain of Bacillus cereus based on morphological, biochemical, and cultural similarities. Pathogenicity was established by exposing hatching larvae of the cigarette beetle to doses of inocula ranging from 1.17 to 600 × 106 spores per gram of rearing medium. The LD50 and the LD90 were calculated to be 4.29 × 106 and 371 × 106 spores per gram of medium, respectively. The cigarette beetle was effectively controlled by both the DD-1019 strain of B. cereus and the CM1-1 strain (originally isolated from and pathogenic to codling moth, Laspeyresia pomonella) but proved quite refractory to Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis.  相似文献   

A most-probable-number microtitration technique for isolating fecal coliforms from soil was developed. A correlation coefficient of 0.86, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.76 less than zeta less than 0.92, was obtained when this technique was compared with the standard elevated-temperature fecal coliform most-probable-number procedure.  相似文献   

The effect of leaves of Quercus agrifolia, Cercis occidentalis, Eucalyptus globulus, and Juglans regia on the initial deposit and subsequent rate of decay of viable spores of Bacillus thuringiensis was investigated. Significant differences in the size of the initial viable spore deposit were found between the various species, with E. globulus markedly lower than the others. The viable spore decay patterns of the various species were analyzed using a segmented linear model and significant differences in initial rates of decay were also measured. Thus it appears that the characteristics of the leaves of the treated plants may have an effect on the coverage and field persistence of viable B. thuringiensis spores. Some possible mechanisms for these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

The absolute configurations of 2-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-7-methoxy-1,4(2H)-benzoxazin-3-one and three congeners isolated from Coix lachryma-jobi var. ma-yuen were determined by X-ray analysis and chemical correlation as the 2R type. 13C NMR spectra of all congeners and coixol were fully assigned.  相似文献   

Bacillus lehensis G1 is a Gram-positive, moderately alkalitolerant bacterium isolated from soil samples. B. lehensis produces cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase), an enzyme that has enabled the extensive use of cyclodextrin in foodstuffs, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. The genome sequence of B. lehensis G1 consists of a single circular 3.99 Mb chromosome containing 4017 protein-coding sequences (CDSs), of which 2818 (70.15%) have assigned biological roles, 936 (23.30%) have conserved domains with unknown functions, and 263 (6.55%) have no match with any protein database. Bacillus clausii KSM-K16 was established as the closest relative to B. lehensis G1 based on gene content similarity and 16S rRNA phylogenetic analysis. A total of 2820 proteins from B. lehensis G1 were found to have orthologues in B. clausii, including sodium–proton antiporters, transport proteins, and proteins involved in ATP synthesis. A comparative analysis of these proteins and those in B. clausii and other alkaliphilic Bacillus species was carried out to investigate their contributions towards the alkalitolerance of the microorganism. The similarities and differences in alkalitolerance-related genes among alkalitolerant/alkaliphilic Bacillus species highlight the complex mechanism of pH homeostasis. The B. lehensis G1 genome was also mined for proteins and enzymes with potential viability for industrial and commercial purposes.  相似文献   

Nineteen flavonoids were isolated from Artemisia ludoviciana var. ludoviciana, including a new 2′- hydroxy- 6-methoxyflavone, 5,7,2′,4′-tetrahydroxy-6,5′-dimethoxyflavone. The known compounds include quercetagetin 3,6,3′,4′-tetramethyl ether, eupatilin, 5,7-dihydroxy-3,6,8,4′-tetramethoxyflavone, luteolin 3′,4′-dimethyl ether, jaceosidin, 5,7,4′-trihydroxy-3,6-dimethoxyflavone, tricin, hispidulin, chrysoeriol, kaempferol 3-methyl ether, apigenin, axillarin, eupafolin, selagin and luteolin together with three flavones which were previously isolated for the first time from Artemisia frigida: 5,7,4′-trihydroxy-6, 3′,5′-trimethoxyflavone, 5,7,3′-trihydroxy-6,4′,5′-trimethoxyflavone and 5,7,3′,4′-tetrahydroxy-6,5′- dimethoxyflavone.  相似文献   

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