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Coastal realignment is now widely instituted in the UK as part of local flood risk management plans to compensate for the loss of European protected habitat and to mitigate the effects of sea‐level rise and coastal squeeze. Coastal aquatic habitats have long been known to provide suitable habitats for brackish‐water mosquitoes and historically, coastal marshes were considered to support anopheline mosquito populations that were responsible for local malaria transmission. This study surveyed the eight largest managed realignment (MRA) sites in England (Essex and the Humber) for mosquito habitats. The apparent absence of anopheline mosquitoes exploiting aquatic habitats at all of these sites suggests that the risk of malaria associated with MRA sites is currently negligible. However, three of the eight sites supported populations of two nuisance and potential arboviral vector species, Aedes detritus and Aedes caspius. The aquatic habitats that supported mosquitoes resulted from a) specific design aspects of the new sea wall (ballast to mitigate wave action and constructed saline borrow ditches) that could be designed out or managed or b) isolated pools created through silt accretion or expansion of flooded zones to neighbouring pasture. The public health risks and recommendations for management are discussed in this report. This report highlights the need for pro‐active public health impact assessments prior to MRA development in consultation with the Health Protection Agency, as well as the need for a case‐by‐case approach to design and management to mitigate mosquito or mosquito‐borne disease issues now and in the future.  相似文献   

Distributions of mosquito larvae likely are a consequence of multiple factors, although two commonly studied factors (quality of the larval environment and the terrestrial matrix in which these habitats reside) have rarely and simultaneously been varied in the field to understand distributions of larvae. We monitored aquatic containers of two leaf detritus levels within a forest, prairie, and industrial habitat across five months to understand the temporal and spatial colonization of aquatic invertebrates in Northcentral Illinois, USA. Data were collected monthly on mosquito populations and the composition of other invertebrates colonizing containers. Overall, six species of mosquitoes colonized containers, with Culex restuans and Aedes triseriatus having the highest relative abundances. There were strong seasonal abundance patterns for these two mosquito species, with the dominant species changing over time in the forest habitat. The responses of other mosquito taxa were more variable, with abundances reflective of either the terrestrial matrix or larval habitat quality. High detritus containers supported the highest abundances of most species encountered, regardless of habitat. Non-mosquito taxa were less common numerically, but analyses suggested that some taxa, such as syrphid larvae, often co-occurred with mosquitoes. Nested subset analysis indicated communities were strongly nested, and that both habitat type and detritus level were important in explaining nested patterns of aquatic invertebrates. Our data show that both the larval habitat and the surrounding terrestrial matrix shape patterns of container mosquitoes, and that other container invertebrates vary in similar ways as mosquitoes. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

The impact of emergent macrophyte species and crepuscular sprinkler disturbance on mosquito abundance over a 2‐year period was measured in wetland mesocosms. Mosquito oviposition and abundance of immature mosquitoes and aquatic invertebrates were monitored in monotypic plots of small‐stature (height of mature stands <1.5 m) alkali bulrush (Schoenoplectus maritimus) and large‐stature (height of mature stands > 2 m) California bulrush (Schoenoplectus californicus) without or with daily sprinkler showers to deter mosquito egg laying. Relative to wetlands without operational sprinklers, oviposition by culicine mosquitoes was reduced by > 99% and immature mosquito abundance was reduced by > 90% by crepuscular sprinkler applications. Mosquito abundance or distribution in wetlands did not differ between the two bulrush species subjected to the sprinkler treatment. Alkali bulrush wetlands without daily sprinkler treatments contained more egg rafts but significantly fewer mosquito larvae than did California bulrush wetlands. Predaceous damselfly naiads were 3–5 times more abundant in alkali bulrush than in California bulrush. Stem density, rate of spread, and autumnal mortality of alkali bulrush were higher than for California bulrush. Replacement of large emergent macrophytes by smaller species may enhance the efficacy of integrated mosquito management programs to reduce mosquito‐transmitted disease cycles associated with multipurpose constructed wetlands used worldwide for water reclamation and habitat restoration.  相似文献   

The spread of mosquitoes beyond the initial ranges and the ecological prerequisites for colonization of new territories are considered for several mosquito species which are active bloodsuckers and vectors of many disease agents. The invasion of homodynamic Aedes aegypti from Africa into the tropical zone of several continents has probably occurred during the last 400 years by means of transportation of the eggs and larvae mainly by sea ships. In the new areas mosquitoes occupied breeding places similar to those in their native ranges. On the contrary, the urban mosquito Culex pipiens f. molestus, introduced from the subtropical areas of Africa into Europe and other continents in the XX century, found a new type of habitat: underground constructions with polluted water where the mosquito develops the year round. This was preconditioned by such specific biological features as autogeny, stenogamy, and homodynamy (seasonal development without diapause). Aedes albopictus originated from Southeast Asia and invaded four continents (Europe, North and South America, and Africa) in 1980–2000 owing to its high capacity of adaptation to various climatic conditions (high viability of eggs, variation in the ability for diapause and mechanisms of diapause control between the strains, etc.). The eggs and larvae of this mosquito were transported by sea in used car tires. The models predicting the distribution of invasive species and the ways of their spread (by sea, air, motor transport) are discussed.  相似文献   

The ten year research (1995–2004) of adult mosquitoes in the area of Osijek by dry ice baited CDC traps has provided significant information on mosquito species, species prevalence, their dynamics and seasonal activity. A total of 207,136 adult mosquitoes comprising twenty species belonging to the following genera: Anopheles, Ochlerotatus, Aedes, Culex, Coquillettidia, Culiseta and Uranotaenia were collected. The seven most common species collected during this study were: Aedes vexans (75.6%), Ochlerotatus sticticus (13.3%), Culex pipiens complex (5.9%), Anopheles maculipennis complex (1.9%), Oc. cantans (0.9%), Oc. caspius (0.6%) and Oc. excrucians (0.6%). The temporal changes in the relative abundance of the twenty mosquito species in the Osijek area were reflected in three peaks: in May, July and September. Seasonal population dynamics differed between years and between mosquito species in relation to wetland, urban and forest habitats and was influenced by water level of the Drava and the Danube rivers.  相似文献   

The vertical dimension constitutes an important niche axis along which mosquitoes may adjust their distribution. Here, we evaluated whether the vertical distribution of container‐inhabiting Aedes mosquitoes differs along a gradient of anthropogenic land‐use intensity within an urban landscape. Using a pulley system, we hung oviposition cups at three heights (ground level, 4.5, and 9 m) and in three habitats: forest, park, and a built environment. We hypothesized that mosquito abundance and diversity would be highest in the least disturbed forest habitat, decrease in the park, and be lowest at the UNC‐Greensboro campus. We also expected Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and Ae. triseriatus (Say) to mainly oviposit at ground level and Ae. hendersoni (Cockerell) at canopy height. Aedes albopictus was the most common species (68.8%) collected in all three habitat types and was the only species found in the built environment. In that habitat, Ae. albopictus exhibited a bimodal distribution with the lowest activity at the intermediate height (4.5 m). Aedes triseriatus (28.9%) did not differ in egg abundance between the forest and park habitats but did exhibit diverse vertical habitat use while avoiding the canopy in the park habitat. Aedes hendersoni (2.3%) was the most sylvatic species and oviposited only at ground level. Our results indicate that the vertical distribution of mosquitoes is affected by the type of habitat in which they occur, and that this variation could be driven via local‐scale modification of microclimatic factors.  相似文献   

Darwin's northern suburbs border an extensive coastal reed and upper mangrove wetland recognized as an important larval habitat for Aedes vigilax (Skuse), the northern salt marsh mosquito, an established vector for Ross River and Barmah Forest viruses and an appreciable pest species. We sought to identify the most important vegetation categories associated with Ae. vigilax breeding to maximize the efficiency of mosquito control efforts. Using a generalized linear model with negative binominal distribution and log link, this study compares larval densities, determined by focused dipping, between 13 discernable vegetation categories. The incidence rate ratios (RR) generated can be used to compare the magnitude of larval densities for each vegetation category, compared with the reference category. Aedes vigilax larval densities were almost ten times greater in artificial drainage areas (RR=9.82), followed by tide‐affected reticulate (Sporobolus/Xerochloa) areas (RR=8.15), then Schoenoplectus/mangroves (RR=2.29), compared with the reference vegetation category “lower mangroves.” Furthermore, larval densities were highest in May, due to tidal inundation, for drainage areas and tide‐affected reticulates (RR=12.2, 11.7, respectively) compared with March, the reference month. Thus, to maximize the efficiency of aerial salt marsh mosquito control operations in this wetland, larval control is best accomplished by concentrating on drains, Schoenoplectus/mangroves, and tide‐affected reticulate areas, commencing early after the wet season. These results should apply to other areas of salt marsh mosquito breeding across northern Australia.  相似文献   

Investigations on natural antagonists of mosquito larvae found that micro‐crustaceans (e.g., Cladocera) control mosquito populations under experimental conditions. However, their relevance for mosquito control under field situations remains widely unclear because important information about habitat preferences and time of occurrence of crustaceans and mosquito larvae are still missing. In order to fill this knowledge gap, a field study was undertaken in different wetland areas of Saxony, Germany, in different habitats (i.e., grassland, forest, and reed‐covered wetlands). We found negative interactions between larvae of Ae. vexans and predatory Cyclopoida (Crustacean: Copepoda), which both were dominant during the first two weeks of hydroperiod, at ponds located at grassland habitats. Larvae of Cx. pipiens were spatially associated with competing Cladocera, but they colonized ponds more rapidly. Populations of Cladocera established from the third week of hydroperiod and prevented Cx. pipiens colonization thereafter. Ostracoda were highly abundant during the whole hydroperiod, but their presence was restricted to habitats of reed‐covered wetland at one geographical area. Mosquito larvae hardly occurred at those ponds. In general, we found that ponds at the reed‐covered wetlands provided better conditions for the initial development of crustaceans and hence, mosquito larval colonization was strongly inhibited. Grassland habitat, in contrast, favored early development of mosquito larvae. This study showed that micro‐crustaceans are relevant for mosquito management but their impact on mosquito larvae varies between species and depends on environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Urban wetlands are being created in the UK as part of sustainable urban drainage strategies, to create wetland habitats lost during development, to provide a habitat for protected species, and to increase the public's access to ‘blue‐space’ for the improvement of health and well‐being. Sewage treatment reedbeds are also being incorporated into newly constructed wetlands to offer an alternative approach to dealing with sewage. This field study aims to provide the first UK evidence of how such newly constructed aquatic habitats are colonized by mosquitoes. A number of new aquatic habitats were surveyed for immature mosquitoes every fortnight over the first two years following wetland construction. The majority of mosquitoes collected were Culex sp. and were significantly associated with the sewage treatment reedbed system, particularly following storm events and sewage inflow. Other more natural aquatic habitats that were subject to cycles of drying and re‐wetting contributed the majority of the remaining mosquitoes colonizing. Colonization of permanent habitats was slow, particularly where fluctuations in water levels inhibited emergent vegetation growth. It is recommended that during the planning process for newly constructed wetlands consideration is given on a case‐by‐case basis to the impact of mosquitoes, either as a cause of nuisance or as potential vectors. Although ornithophagic Culex dominated in this wetland, their potential role as enzootic West Nile virus vectors should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

Major nuisance species are found among the floodwater mosquitoes and snow‐pool mosquitoes, with the former being the main reason for mosquito control in most areas. Nuisance species vary with the area, and previous reports from northern areas conclude that the nuisance is most often caused by snow‐pool mosquitoes. We investigated the mosquito fauna and abundances of host‐seeking females using CDC traps baited with carbon dioxide, in Övertorneå city near the Arctic Circle in northern Sweden, after earlier complaints about massive mosquito nuisance. The abundance of host‐seeking female mosquitoes was high in 2014, with a maximum of ~15,400 individuals per CDC trap night, of which 89% was the floodwater mosquito Aedes rossicus. Surprisingly, the main nuisance species was a floodwater mosquito, occurring at the northernmost location it has ever been recorded in Sweden. Our report is probably the first documentation of such large numbers of Aedes rossicus in any locality and probably the first documentation of a severe floodwater mosquito nuisance near the Arctic Circle. Given the historical data on river discharge in the area, the nuisance is recurrent. We conclude that in northern localities, as well as in more southern localities, production of floodwater mosquitoes is a natural component of the floodplain fauna of rivers with a fluctuating water flow regime. Also, the floodwater mosquitoes Aedes sticticus and Aedes vexans were found north of their formerly known distribution in Sweden.  相似文献   

Adjacent to the northern suburbs of Darwin is a coastal wetland that contains important larval habitats for Aedes vigilax (Skuse), the northern salt marsh mosquito. This species is a vector for Ross River virus and Barmah Forest virus, as well as an appreciable human pest. In order to improve aerial larval control efforts, we sought to identify the most important vegetation categories and climatic/seasonal aspects associated with control operations in these wetlands. By using a generalized linear model to compare aerial control for each vegetation category, we found that Schoenoplectus/mangrove areas require the greatest amount of control for tide‐only events (30.1%), and also extensive control for tide and rain events coinciding (18.2%). Our results further indicate that tide‐affected reticulate vegetation indicated by the marsh grasses Sporobolus virginicus and Xerochloa imberbis require extensive control for Ae. vigilax larvae after rain‐only events (44.7%), and tide and rain events coinciding (38.0%). The analyses of vector control efforts by month indicated that September to January, with a peak in November and December, required the most control. A companion paper identifies the vegetation categories most associated with Aedes vigilax larvae population densities in the coastal wetland. To maximize the efficiency of aerial salt marsh mosquito control operations in northern Australia, aerial control efforts should concentrate on the vegetation categories with high larval densities between September and January.  相似文献   

Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) was first reported in Central Africa in 2000, together with the indigenous mosquito species Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Because Ae. albopictus can also transmit arboviruses, its introduction is a public health concern. We undertook a comparative study in three Cameroonian towns (Sahelian domain: Garoua; equatorial domain: Douala and Yaoundé) in order to document infestation by the two species and their ecological preferences. High and variable levels of pre‐imaginal Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus infestation were detected. Only Ae. aegypti was encountered in Garoua, whereas both species were found in Douala and Yaoundé, albeit with significant differences in their relative prevalence. Peridomestic water containers were the most strongly colonized and productive larval habitats for both species. No major differences in types of larval habitat were found, but Ae. albopictus preferentially bred in containers containing plant debris or surrounded by vegetation, whereas Ae. aegypti tended to breed in containers located in environments with a high density of buildings. These findings may have important implications for vector control strategies.  相似文献   

Vector‐borne diseases are a major health burden, yet factors affecting their spread are only partially understood. For example, microbial symbionts can impact mosquito reproduction, survival, and vectorial capacity, and hence affect disease transmission. Nonetheless, current knowledge of mosquito‐associated microbial communities is limited. To characterize the bacterial and eukaryotic microbial communities of multiple vector species collected from different habitat types in disease endemic areas, we employed next‐generation 454 pyrosequencing of 16S and 18S rRNA amplicon libraries, also known as metabarcoding. We investigated pooled whole adult mosquitoes of three medically important vectors, Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, and Culex quinquefasciatus, collected from different habitats across central Thailand where we previously characterized mosquito diversity. Our results indicate that diversity within the mosquito microbiota is low, with the majority of microbes assigned to one or a few taxa. Two of the most common eukaryotic and bacterial genera recovered (Ascogregarina and Wolbachia, respectively) are known mosquito endosymbionts with potentially parasitic and long evolutionary relationships with their hosts. Patterns of microbial composition and diversity appeared to differ by both vector species and habitat for a given species, although high variability between samples suggests a strong stochastic element to microbiota assembly. In general, our findings suggest that multiple factors, such as habitat condition and mosquito species identity, may influence overall microbial community composition, and thus provide a basis for further investigations into the interactions between vectors, their microbial communities, and human‐impacted landscapes that may ultimately affect vector‐borne disease risk.  相似文献   

Between January and December 2008, we assessed the diet and habitat selection of sitatunga, a highly endangered tropical wetland antelope threatened by habitat loss in Rushebeya‐Kanyabaha wetland. Microhistological faecal analysis and vegetative sampling methods were used to assess plant forms, species and seasonal changes in the sitatunga diet. Habitat use was indirectly determined by assessing feeding patterns, distribution of dung and trails within the wetland. Sitatunga fed mainly on herbs, sedges, grasses and shrubs. A total of 34 plant species were recorded as eaten by sitatunga. The most eaten plant species was Cyperus papyrus L. (22%). Malenthera scandens Schum. & Thonn., Polygonum senegalense Meisu (12%) and Polygonum pulchrum Blume (5%) were the most eaten herbs. Zea mays L. was the most eaten agricultural crop (58% of domestic crops), mainly during the wet season. Sitatunga feeding was mainly concentrated on the wetland edge habitat (46%) where most of its food (53%) was located. The other preferred habitat was the tall closed papyrus. We conclude that the long‐term survival of sitatunga requires a management plan focussing on the conservation of the most preferred plant species and habitats.  相似文献   

Understanding how interacting abiotic and biotic factors influence colonization rates into different habitat types is critical for both conserving and controlling species. For example, the rapid global spread of Asian tiger mosquitoes, Aedes albopictus, has reduced native species abundances and produced disease outbreaks. Fortunately, bacterial endospores of two Bacillus species (biospesticide) are highly lethal to Ae. albopictus larvae and have been commercially developed to reduce populations. Oviposition habitat selection is the first defense Ae. albopictus females possess against any control substance added to breeding sites, and considerable variation exists in their response to biopesticides. In a field experiment, I crossed the presence/absence of biopesticides, with two canopy (open, closed) and water (high, low) levels at 64 breeding sites, to examine if these interacted to influence oviposition site choice. Avoidance of biopesticide was most pronounced in closed canopy sites and those with low water levels, as all main effects and two‐way interactions influenced oviposition. Oviposition habitat selection represents a possible mechanism of resistance to biopesticides and other methods used to kill mosquito larvae. Future experiments examining how larval density and mortality modify these results should allow for more effective control of this highly invasive species.  相似文献   

Understanding how midgut microbial communities of field‐collected mosquitoes interact with pathogens is critical for controlling vector infection and disease. We used 16S rRNA and internal transcribed spacer sequencing to characterize the midgut bacterial and fungal communities of adult females of Aedes triseriatus and Aedes japonicus collected as pupae in tree holes, plastic bins and waste tires and their response to La Crosse virus (LACV) infection. For both mosquito species and across all habitat and virus treatments, a total of 62 bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from six phyla and 21 fungal OTUs from two phyla were identified. The majority of bacterial (92%) and fungal (71%) OTUs were shared between the mosquito species; however, several OTUs were unique to each species. Bacterial and fungal communities of individuals that took either infectious or noninfectious bloodmeals were less diverse and more homogeneous compared to those of newly emerged adults. Interestingly, LACV‐infected A. triseriatus and A. japonicus had higher bacterial richness and lower fungal richness compared to individuals that took a noninfectious bloodmeal, suggesting that viral infection was associated with an increase in bacterial OTUs and a decrease in fungal OTUs. For both mosquito species, several OTUs were identified that had both high fidelity and specificity to mosquito midguts that were infected with LACV. Overall, these findings demonstrate that bacterial and fungal communities that reside in mosquito midguts respond to host diet and viral infection and could play a role in modulating vector susceptibility to LACV.  相似文献   

1. The loss of intact forest via logging can influence vector‐borne disease dynamics in part by altering the abundance or diversity of mosquito species. Using an experimental field approach, we characterised how two types of logging (clearcut and repeat‐entry shelterwood) affected temperate forest mosquito abundance and diversity in southwestern Virginia. 2.From May to September in 2008–2010, infusion‐baited gravid traps were used to collect ovipositing female mosquitoes across experimental forest plots that varied in logging treatment. Of the 29 680 collected adult female mosquitoes, the three dominant taxa captured were Aedes triseriatus (55%), Aedes japonicus (21%), and Culex pipiens/restuans (20%). 3. Logging treatment had a significant effect on the overall number of female mosquitoes caught per trap night, with lower average abundance of females on both logged treatments relative to two types of unlogged, control plots. When the three most abundant mosquito species were examined separately, logging treatment significantly influenced the abundance of both Aedes species, but did not significantly affect C. pipiens/restuans abundance. 4. Logging treatment did not influence the richness or diversity of mosquito species captured in gravid traps. However, logging treatment significantly altered the multivariate community composition of captured mosquitoes, an effect probably mediated by differential species‐specific impacts of logging on abundance. 5. Overall, the results of the present study suggest that the risk of arboviruses transmitted by container‐breeding Aedes species may be lower following a logging event in Appalachian forests because of reduced A. japonicus and A. triseriatus abundance with logging.  相似文献   

K. S. Kim  Y. Tsuda 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(21):5374-5385
The ecology and geographical distribution of disease vectors are major determinants of spatial and temporal variations in the transmission dynamics of vector‐borne pathogens. However, there are limited studies on the ecology of vectors that contribute to the natural transmission of most vector‐borne pathogens. Avian Plasmodium parasites are multihost mosquito‐borne pathogens transmitted by multiple mosquito species, which might regulate the diversity and persistence of these parasites. From 2007 to 2010, we conducted entomological surveys at Sakata wetland in central Japan, to investigate temporal variation in mosquito occurrence and prevalence of avian Plasmodium lineages in the mosquito populations. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based method was used to detect Plasmodium parasites and identify the blood sources of mosquitoes. Culex inatomii and Cpipiens pallens represented 60.0% and 34.8% of 11 mosquito species collected, respectively. Our results showed that the two dominant mosquito species most likely serve as principal vectors of avian Plasmodium parasites during June, which coincides with the breeding season of bird species nesting in the wetland reed beds. Fourteen animal species were identified as blood sources of mosquitoes, with the oriental reed warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis) being the commonest blood source. Although there was significant temporal variation in the occurrence of mosquitoes and prevalence of Plasmodium lineages in the mosquitoes, the dominant Plasmodium lineages shared by the two dominant mosquito species were consistently found at the same time during transmission seasons. Because vector competence cannot be confirmed solely by PCR approaches, experimental demonstration is required to provide definitive evidence of transmission suggested in this study.  相似文献   

Many artificial wetland constructions are currently underway worldwide to compensate for the degradation of natural wetland systems. Researchers face the responsibility of proposing wetland management and species protection strategies to ensure that constructed wetlands positively impact waterbird diversity. Nestedness is a commonly occurring pattern for biotas in fragmented habitats with important implications for conservation; however, only a few studies have focused on seasonal waterbird communities in current artificial wetlands. In this study, we used the nestedness theory for analyzing the annual and seasonal community structures of waterbirds in artificial wetlands at Lake Dianchi (China) to suggest artificial wetland management and waterbird conservation strategies. We carried out three waterbird surveys per month for one year to observe the annual, spring, summer, autumn, and winter waterbird assemblages in 27 lakeside artificial wetland fragments. We used the NeD program to quantify nestedness patterns of waterbirds at the annual and seasonal levels. We also determined Spearman partial correlations to examine the associations of nestedness rank and habitat variables to explore the factors underlying nestedness patterns. We found that annual and all four seasonal waterbird compositions were nested, and selective extinction and habitat nestedness were the main factors governing nestedness. Further, selective colonization was the key driver of nestedness in autumn and winter waterbirds. We suggest that the area of wetland fragments should be as large as possible and that habitat heterogeneity should be maximized to fulfill the conservation needs of different seasonal waterbirds. Furthermore, we suggest that future studies should focus on the least area criterion and that vegetation management of artificial wetland construction should be based on the notion of sustainable development for humans and wildlife.  相似文献   

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